The BIGG Successs Show
Solve All Of Your Problems With This Ancient Chinese Secret
You'll be amazed at how simple it is! Read the show summary at
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today, we'll discuss an ancient Chinese secret that solves all of your problems. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. We're going to talk about a timeless principle today. It's a way of looking at your problems, and most people are amazed at how simple it is to actually solve all of your problems once they hear this. But before we do that, let's talk about some things that don't work, some things that don't get your problems solved. One thing, ignore it. Some people just hope to close their eyes and that the problem will go away. And it's really because they're overwhelmed and they just don't know where to start. There's so many problems. The problem with this tactic is that it just gets bigger. Yeah, the problems just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The second way is the knee-jerk reaction. Some people jump to the solution, maybe they just want to get it off their plate, but the problem is it may or may not be the right solution. And if it's the wrong solution, now you're going to be dealing with a bigger, more complex problem the next go around. Another thing people will do is approach the problem willy-nilly. They don't have a process for solving problems or an orderly way to do so. And they don't solve the most pressing problems because they don't know how to solve them. So what is this ancient Chinese secret to problem solving, George? Well, we have to give credit where credit is due, Mary Lynn. And the idea for this comes from James Claville, who wrote the great book, Noble House. And actually, they turned it into a mini-series, which many people may remember. Pierce Brosnan was the lead character. I love Pierce Brosnan. That's a great movie. And he plays the CEO of Struins. Well, Struins is the most prestigious trading firm in Hong Kong. That's the Noble House. That's what they're known as. And he has a number of problems that he inherited from his predecessor. An amazingly severe cash shortage. He's overextended. He has more bank loans than he has cash flow. His stock price is falling. There's an American businessman who's doing a raid on his company. This powerful rival in Hong Kong is also behind that. He has a promise that was made by the founder of Struins to the Chinese natives that he has to fulfill. Everybody seems to want something from him. Few people are willing to give him any help. And even the ones that might be sometimes can't, for instance, his bank. He can't get a loan because there's the run on the bank. So everything seems to be coming in around him. Wow. That's an awful lot of pressure from one guy. He is. I think I would be curled up like a baby in a corner somewhere, just crying. But he managed to overcome all of these incredible odds and Struins remained the Noble House. So what was his secret? How did he do it? Well, he used the Chinese method to solve all of these problems. And it's really a two-step process. The first step is this. Put all of your problems into their individual compartments. So picture a bank, and you're in the safe deposit box room. And just all along the walls, you see nothing but box after box after box. All full of some good stuff, right? Yes. Well, what you want to do is take each problem, and just like that room full of safe deposit boxes, put it into its own compartment. You may group problems of a similar nature together, but each problem gets its own specific box. And that will be very important for the second step. But what we're doing here is putting your problems away so you can declutter your mind. Yeah, and that's a tough thing to do, Mary Lynn. My mind's cluttered all the time. Nothing but gibberish coming out. Well, the thing is, when you have so many problems, a lot of us face this every single day. There's just so many things up there. And when you try to solve them all at once, you end up solving none of them. And this first step is very important to help you solve your problems. She's not to mention all of the new daily problems that arise. So now that we have our problems in their individual boxes, coming up, we're going to talk about the second step in this ancient Chinese secret. Today we're sharing an ancient Chinese secret to solve all of your problems. And we've already talked about the first step, which is to put your problems in individual compartments. Now step two, pull one problem out at a time. Win and only win. You're ready and able to deal with it. Well, it sounds so simple when you put it this way, but how do you determine what problem to pull out first? It's really a matter of timing, Mary Lynn. What are you ready and able to deal with? It's all about the resources you have available. What time can you spend on it? You have money that you can put to it, and also any other resources that may be available to solve this specific problem. Alright, so when you do open up one compartment, do you keep it open until it's completely solved? Ah, not necessarily. What you're doing is you're still pulling out one problem at a time. You're going to work on it as far as you can, but then it may be solved, or you put it back so that you can pull out another one. Just keep repeating until all your problems are solved. You know, a lot of people never really look at it this way, and there's a real calming effect when you do. Absolutely right, because you don't have all of your problems staring at you all at once. And next week, we're going to carry on this discussion. We've got a problem-solving process we call "solve it," so stay tuned for that. And now that we've shared the secret to problem-solving with you, just click the "Share this" button at the bottom of our blog today at, and pass it on to your friends. Shh, it's a secret. Shh, I can't keep secrets. Let's get our big quote for the day. Our big quote today comes from, "We thought we should be appropriate." So Confucius says, "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Even when complications arise, keep it simple, and "solve it." Next time, we're going to give advice, and here's the warning, Maryland. This advice is not for the faint of heart. Okay. But there's a common perception that keeps many people from succeeding big, and that's what we're going to talk about. Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [Music]