The BIGG Successs Show


Broadcast on:
08 Feb 2008
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Tips to make your message stand out! Listen to the show & read the summary here.
Welcome to the big success show. Today, we'll talk about how to make your message stand out. The big success show with George and Mary Lynn. Man, have your attention, please. George, you'll get my attention if you put that thing down. You always take away all my toys, Mary Lynn. Ow! I don't mean to be a party pooper, George, but jeez. All right, so today we're going to talk about attention and how to grab it. Hey, that's what I was trying to do, Mary Lynn, and you still made me put away my toys. Well, you know, it is hard to get attention today. There's so much competition out there for ears and eyeballs, and so we want to talk about how to stand out. That's exactly what you have to do. Make your message stand out, and we recently saw a blog that is a shining example of how to get someone's attention. And David Armano, who's an influential blogger, did a post recently about this very subject. He received an email from Darren Barefoot and Julie Zabo. They wrote a book recently called Getting to First Base, a social media marketing playbook. Now, the fact that that guy's name is Barefoot has already got my attention. Well, what if her last name was pregnant? They'd be Barefoot and pregnant. I couldn't resist, Mary Lynn, if you're going to bring up Barefoot. Oh my gosh, maybe I should give you back your toy. So getting back to the matter at hand here, the email that they sent to David wasn't just your typical email, because not only did he notice it, he stopped everything to blog about it. And here we are talking about it today. So obviously, it worked. Mary Lynn, what was so special about it? Well, first of all, this email was a digital photograph of a handwritten note. The photo includes a pen on the upper right-hand corner, a decorative stamp on the lower right, a visually pleasing background. The easy to read cursive text was written with a silver paint marker. And George, I got to tell you, I wish I could write that legibly. Well, I was going to tell you, I think you could be on a game show the way that you were describing the product. Help me on QVC. Well, Mary Lynn, you know, to me, it looks like a poster that you would see on the wall. Right, or a postcard that you would send to someone. And we do have a link on our blog today so that you can actually see what we're describing. And so let's talk about what Barefoot and Pregnant did right. George, it's Dared and Julie, knock it off. I'm sorry, you started it. The first thing is, it wasn't an email or a handwritten note. They sent an email picture of a handwritten note. That's right, they took an original thing and then made it unique and it was a real nice touch. And, you know, it really got attention. Second, they spoke to David as a friend. The letter starts out, "Dear David." And the next line-- That's a good way to start a letter. Yeah, the next line then compliments him and his site. The tone is very friendly and personable. And the third thing they did was they were very polite in their request. I love the fact they didn't assume anything. They asked him to check out their book, but they didn't presume that he was going to like it. They didn't presume that he would comment on it. They assumed nothing. They really got more bang for the book. All they wanted him to do was check it out, right? Absolutely. So, the fourth thing that they did, and this is one more real special touch. They provided a customized URL that included David's name that he could link to to see the book. Yeah, there's something about her all, right, Mary Lynn? What are you on today, George? I don't know. Too much coffee. You know, but that special link made it very easy for him to check them out. Right, so they intrigued him, they flattered him, and they made it easy for him. Now, coming up, the one mistake in this masterpiece that could have blown it for them. Today we're talking about how to get attention. We have a great example of it. It's an email with a digital photo sent by two authors of a book to a very influential blogger. It included decorative text, cool graphics, a nice personal touch with their correspondence, but there's one mistake that could have blown it. Mary Lynn, you're correct, or should I say you're correct? See, they had a typo in it, and I think this is a very common mistake that people make, but they spelled you're, as in you are, they spelled it you're, why oh you are. And you know what, I didn't even notice it, George, until I was reading the comments below the blog, and some people were really ripping on him. I'll say, and you know, a lot of people noticed it. The interesting thing is, David said he was so impressed with everything else, he didn't really even notice it. I would have been the same way, but to some people, that could have been a deal breaker. Yeah, and so there's the lesson, when you create that standout piece, make sure you proof it, and get another set of eyes on it, because that's what usually makes the difference. Do you have an attention grabbing secret that you'd like to share with us? Leave it on our blog today, and give us a comment at That's also where you'll find a written summary of today's show, and a link to the blog with the photo that we've been talking about. And before we go, let's get our big quote for the day, George. Marilyn, we don't know who wrote this quote, but it's a great one. The principal mark of Genius is not perfection, but originality. So don't worry about coloring inside the lines, just color, and make a splash. And next time, we're going to talk about getting in tune with your job. We're going to use two country classics to help you do that. Yeehaw! We're not spurs for that show. Oh, I'm looking forward to it already. I didn't say that's all I was going to be wearing. Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]