The BIGG Successs Show

What Do You Get When You Spell Desserts Backwards?

Broadcast on:
06 Feb 2008
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Tips to make your life more sweet! Listen to the show & read the summary here.
Welcome to The Big Success Show. Today we ask, "What do you get when you spell desserts backwards?" The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Desserts backwards. What do you get? Boy, Marilyn, let me write that down. Ah, it gets stressed. Hey, calm down. It's not so bad, but isn't it funny that the word reversal of desserts is stressed, and one is definitely sweeter than the other? They're almost opposites, aren't they? Yes. Well, that's what we wanted to talk about today, is tips to make your life sweeter. How to whip up the right dessert for you. First, start with one dessert. One thing that you're going to do that'll help you manage your stress. And you don't want to over-indulge because that's a recipe for failure. So choose one treat at a time and make it a part of your life. Hm, you know what? I think I'll have hohos. Well, I really just wanted to say hohos. That's 'cause you're a ding-dong. Hey, comments like that can snowball on you. Oh, hey, that was quite a good zinger. Well, that's enough feeling like a nut. Let's get back to the show. That's fun, come on. Yeah, but I'm really out of things to say, actually. So you're going to start with one dessert. That's the first point. Next, focus on the process, not the end product. On a recent episode of Monk, that's a television show that George and I love, Monk took up a hobby. The problem he ran into was his perfectionist tendencies took all the fun out of it. He approached it the same way he approached his work. Yeah, and that's a problem. Now, you know the thing is, we're all very outcome-oriented in our daily lives. And that's a good thing, but you've got to give yourself dessert, a dessert where you don't think about the result. You must enjoy the journey. Yes. Don't think so much. That's the bottom line. Good point. And the recipe for stress relief, start with something off the shelf. You don't have to make your treat from scratch. You can use a mix. That's the best thing I usually cook, is with a mix. For your helper, baby, I love it. The thing is, if you love reading, for example, and so maybe you're thinking you'd like to be in a book club, you don't have to start the book club, find one that already exists and just go join it. Fourth, don't let your sweet treat go sour, and this kind of goes along with what you were just saying, George. Here's an example. If you enjoy volunteering, and you have a cause that you like to help, go ahead and do the work, but don't join the committee, you know, because that can take the sweetness out. Well, you know, we often have a tendency to do that. The old saying, if you want something done, give it to a busy person, and I think most people from what we can tell from our audience are busy people, you know, and so don't compound the stress with more stress. Just keep it simple. Keep it easy. This shouldn't be a chore. This should be something that you're just doing for fun, like a dessert. And coming up, the icing on the cake. Today we're talking about how to relieve the stress in your life, and Mary Lynn, I was really shocked by this. According to, in highly stressful times, your real age can be as much as 32 years older than your calendar age. And I concluded, that means when I'm stressed, I'm a very old man. Get your cane. Hey, here's another interesting fact. The benefits of stress management seem to exceed those of both exercise and usual heart care. And that's according to Duke University Medical Center. So that's the icing on the cake. Finding ways to reduce stress is like discovering the fountain of youth. How sweet is that? Ooh, that's very sweet. So we want to know from you, what's your treat? Tell us how you relieve stress. Have a comment on our blog at, and that's also where you'll find a written summary of today's show. And before we go, let's get our big quote for the day, George. Our quote today is by B.C. Forbes, who said, "Work is the meat of life, pleasure, the dessert." You won't enjoy your meat if you never get to have any pudding. Hey, all of a sudden, I feel like I don't need no education. Don't fall in control, let's eat your dessert. So next time, we'll give some big advice to a homepreneur. And heard that phrase until not too long ago, I guess, really. The whole combination of a home based on her. And she just started her business. She's having some challenges with distractions. So until then, here's to your Big Success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [MUSIC PLAYING] (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]