The BIGG Successs Show

The One Ingredient That Guarantees Your Success

Broadcast on:
22 Jan 2008
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Learn the one trait you must develop in order to succeed. Listen to the show & read the summary here.
Welcome to the Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about the one ingredient that guarantees your success. The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. You know, Mary Lynn, when we look at the traits of successful people, they're all over the map. You've got the outgoing people, and you've got the introverts. You've got the creative types, you've got the logical people, you know, but they do share some commonalities. And today, we're going to talk about one of them, and it's the one thing that absolutely guarantees you'll succeed. And look at one of the most successful people in history, Thomas Edison, the inventor extraordinaire, granted over a thousand patents in his lifetime. We're going to talk about one of them. Did you know that it took Thomas Edison about 10,000 tries to finally invent one light bulb? I guess the light bulb wasn't going off in his head before then. Yeah, right. 10,000 tries. Right. Well, and so if at first you don't succeed, try 10,000 times again. Is that what you're saying? Exactly. At least in his case. Well, the one ingredient, the must-have in order to succeed then is this, persistence. And so today, we want to talk about three persistence principles, things you can do to keep on keeping on, because just like Thomas Edison, history is ripe with examples of people who succeed big after failure. And the first persistence principle, boy, just like yesterday, lots of peas, but the first persistence principle is to believe in yourself and your idea, almost to the point of being stubborn about it. Now, that sounds like something you're good at, Marilyn. Why, thank you very much. I am. Well, that's nice of me. Well, but the point is you've got to have faith. And, you know, faith, we're not talking. We're talking George Michael. Wasn't there a butt thing with George Michael? Well, yes, there was. Okay. Well, we're talking about faith. I got to have faith, not a blind faith, you know, a calculated faith, as we might say. And, you know, we think of calculated risk. Well, we're talking about calculated faith. It's similar because you have insight into what you're doing that others may not have. You know, you've done your research and maybe you have a unique perspective based on your education and experiences, but you do have confidence in your plan. This is something we can learn from entrepreneurs. They do trust their instincts. They keep going no matter what obstacles present themselves. You believe so much that you're passionate about it. And that creates this drive to keep going no matter what. The second persistence principle is this. Keep your spirit up. Now, you know, there's any number of ways to do this. Find what works for you. You got to keep the batteries charged whether it's reading success stories, getting that charge from positive people. And here's a concept, Marilyn. Get a good night's sleep or take a nap. Yeah, yeah, that works too. Get some exercise. Anything you do to get away from it for a little while. And the third persistence principle is welcome failure. People are so scared to fail, you know, but you need to learn to welcome it. Imagine if Edison had quit after two tries, 5,000 tries. Or 9,999, right? Yeah, there are two. But, you know, activity may lead to failure, but failure leads to success. And, you know, we can take a clue from great salespeople. Give me an example. Salespeople know, let's just say in certain industries, the numbers are different. But if you make 100 sales calls, you might get 20 appointments. And out of those 20 appointments, you'll get 10 sales. So if you think about it, they're calling 100 people to get 10 sales. They're failing 90% of the time, but they know that that's what leads to success. Yeah, the sooner I get through those 90 failures, I get to my 10 successes. Right. All right. And coming up, we've got a story that illustrates the importance of persistence. This is a true story. We got it from the book, the great book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and talks about back in the days of the Gold Rush. We all remember those days. Well, I guess we don't personally. But, you know, we know of those days. And this young man went west to find his fortune. And he staked a claim, went to work a couple weeks later. Guess what? He discovered gold. Gold. So he went out, he raised the money and not gold, Mary Lynn Gold. So he went out, he raised the money, bought the necessary machinery and equipment, and he started drilling. So excited. And guess what happened? The vein disappeared. So they weren't discouraged yet. They kept drilling, but they never reached that destination. Nothing happened. And so finally, he quit. Now, some time later, it was discovered that he had stopped three feet short of one of the richest minds in US history. Oh boy, that's like playing the lottery. And the one week you don't play those numbers. But the moral to this story is don't stop three feet from success. Be persistent. And we certainly haven't covered all the ways that you can keep going. So that's what we ask you. What do you do? Let us know. We'd love to hear it. Yeah, leave us a comment on today's blog at big That's also where you'll find a written summary of today's show. It includes a link to that fantastic book, Think and Grow Rich. And let's get our big quote for the day, George. Our big quote today comes from the great Brian Tracy. And here's what he said very simply. Remember, you only have to succeed the last time. Here are two more things you can add to your list of things that are certain. Number one, you will face obstacles on the way to success. And number two, you will succeed big if you persist. And next time, Marilyn, you know, we spent today talking about persistence. Yes. Keep on keeping on. Don't give up. Exactly. Next time we're going to talk about when to quit. You've got to be kidding me, George. Well, there are times when you should move on, and we're going to talk about how to recognize that. All right. Well, I'm really mad right now. Well, good. Because I'm all geared up not to quit. Until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]