The BIGG Successs Show

Your Potential Power

Broadcast on:
21 Jan 2008
Audio Format:

We'll discuss how to tap into your hidden potential! Listen to the show & read the show summary here. 
Welcome to the big success show today. We'll talk about your potential power the big success show with George and Mary Lynn Today we want to talk about how to tap into your hidden potential that the powerful force that lies within you Gives you the ability to change your life to change the life of those around you and change the world for all of us And you know a lot of us are tapping into our potential But not necessarily our full potential and you know deep inside that you've just scratched the surface of what you can do Well, I'm so Mary Lynn. Here's the secret. Okay. Expose yourself What Arrested with this kind of advice The big flash. Yes, there you go. Well, we're not talking about that kind of exposure self No trench coats allowed what we mean by this is expose yourself to expose your potential And there's four P's we're going to talk about that help you find your hidden potential now First P is to expose yourself to your plan and that starts with where do you want to be your vision of your future? In visualizing we've done this exercise before in previous shows, you know visualize that person you want to be Yeah, and you need a clear vision using all of your senses and what's really important is to feel as if you're living it Right now, and then you look at where you are right now, and then just figure out how to connect the dots How do you get there to that destination? And the second P is this expose yourself to people now? I know that sounds really bad Mary Lynn But what what we mean by this is open up and meet new people the right people You know in addition to spending time with those friends who fit this category and that is people who've already done what you want to do Or people who are trying to do exactly the same thing that you're trying to do The common denominator here is people that you share common experiences with as you're trying to get to that next level you know George you and I saw a speaker recently and a seminar we attended and She actually pays money to get coached by mentors because they make her think bigger They have experiences that she hasn't had yet and they share those with her and that really is helping her get To the next level and beyond and the third P is expose yourself to programs now when we say programs What we mean is media books other resources? Of course, we'd like to think that the best one you can check into is the big success show Oh, of course. Hey, we're a good resource in Pat who's a regular listener in Peoria Says she listens to us every day on our way to work because it gets her mojo going So a big shout out to Pat one of our favorites to get our mojo going is the big idea with Donnie Doge Yeah, you know Mary Lynn. There's just one thing I don't like about Donnie's show. What's that he spells big wrong? Oh, that's right with just one G. What's up with that? So wherever you find them whether it's TV radio internet just programs that help you think big with two G's That's right and the fourth P is expose yourself to projects things that are new to you Something that forces you to stretch and get you out of that proverbial comfort zone Yeah, whether it's a project at work that you normally wouldn't pipe up to do Volunteer project taking up a hobby taking a class maybe in a new area or something where you learn new skills in your specialty Yeah And to maybe find what you want to do like with a hobby or a class or something is think back to childhood And is there something that just fascinated you that you don't do anymore? I'll explore it again because usually what you'll find is it's gonna help you out professionally and Help expose you to that potential that lies within you coming up our final thoughts on how to expose yourself to your Potential and it potentially is the most important of all We've been talking about the four P's today four P's to expose yourself to your potential and our final thought is this Take action, you know finding your potential is a process and so pick a P Any P and go for it. Well when you say it like that. It just sounds so fun And here's a way to go for it subscribe to big success You can subscribe to our show and iTunes. You can subscribe to our RSS feed our big success weekly newsletter It's all free and you'll see how to subscribe right there on our website at big success calm We'd also like to hear from you today. What have you done to discover your potential leave us a comment and before we go Let's get our big quote for the day our quote today comes from Wilmer Rudolph the great athlete who said Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit We are all the same in this notion the potential for greatness lives within each of us There is power in your unfulfilled dreams and desires Only you can find that latent potential within you and do the great things you were born to do next time We're going to talk about the one the single ingredient that guarantees your success For me, it's got to be their caffeine or chocolate I'm voting for cash. Yeah, until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm You you [BLANK_AUDIO]