What to do when you’re doing most of the work, but getting little of the credit. Listen to the show and read more here.
The BIGG Successs Show
Getting The Credit You Deserve
Welcome to our 44th big success show today. We'll talk about getting the credit you deserve the big success show with George and Mary Lynn We're not talking about credit cards, are we Mary Lynn? No, because they're all maxed out Well, this is a somewhat common problem that we're going to talk about today And that is what to do when you're doing most of the work But not getting much of the credit and our discussion today is in response to an email We received from one of our listeners Vicki and here's her big challenge She recently helped complete a major project at work It was a hit with management, but her supervisor is taking all the credit And so she wants to know what she can do to get some recognition. She needs a big solution Well, and the first thing we'd say to Vicki is this Remember the old saying it's amazing how much gets accomplished when nobody cares who gets the credit and So you were part of a successful project put things in perspective. You know that that's the case Right. Well, and I think you're right George, but as a hard work of myself But when you are a part of a successful campaign, you do want management to be aware of your contribution Well, and that's true But I'd also say I've seen a lot of employees over the years who give themselves too much credit And so I'd always ask myself that question. Am I giving myself too much credit? All right Well, I I'm gonna vouch for Vicki here. I don't think that's the case It's obvious. She worked her tail off her email is not full of self praise George getting credit is going to help her it's a highly competitive world out there and We were talking about security yesterday with our show obviously some credit will help with her position in the company Well, and that's true Mary Lynn in general. I'd still say make sure you're not inflating your role But I think the specifics here definitely do say Vicki's not doing that. So here's some things you can do Vicki They're not necessarily gonna help you with the project you just completed But some things to keep in mind for the future the first one is this if you don't promote yourself Nobody else will of course. We're not saying walk around the office going. Oh, look at me This is what I did because not only are you going to drive your co-workers nuts But you will also be undermining your boss. That's right. And the next point is Once again thinking about the future Document document document if you've got it in writing So in other words each step of the way as you're making suggestions as you're performing tasks as you're accomplishing things Make sure you get it in writing that it's been done and that other people see it Yeah And you might even try writing out your role in this project and then asking your boss to review that well I think that's a great idea Mary Lynn and just you know go to your boss and say look well This is fresh in our minds I wanted to write up a summary of of my role in this project so that I can have it in my file for my next review Just get your boss to sign off on it It's gonna help you possibly get a better raise maybe even in promotion and while you're writing down these details Don't just write down what you did for the project also write down what you learned because the company provides you with the Opportunities to grow so pat the company on the back and also don't forget to put this project on your resume Coming up one more tip for Vicky Today we're talking about a big solution for Vicky who's not getting the credit she deserves We've already discussed making sure you're documenting your role in the project and now you're ready to address the situation Keep this in mind you want to have a conversation not a confrontation So we were saying George's that I shouldn't just march on into the boss's office and say hey I put in a ton of work on this project and you're not giving me any credit Followed by exploits, right? Yeah, there you go. Well throwing a few things. Keep this two point outline in mind You're gonna talk about what happened. This is what happened and here's how it made me feel. Okay, so for example We just completed a project and it seems like I'm not getting the credit I deserve when that happens I feel unappreciated See that doesn't make you defensive no, but you're getting the point out You can get a written summary of today's show on our blog at big success.com and thank you Vicky for sending us your big Challenge if you have a big challenge email us at big info. That's big with 2 G's info at big success Dot-com and Maryland. Here's one thing. I know for certain. What's that? We don't know at all we don't some might say We don't know much at all, but you know, that's a different story But if you have a big solution for Vicki go ahead and leave us a comment on today's post And let's get our big quote for the day or quote today Maryland. It's it's not really a quote It's almost more like a riddle. So I'll ask you the question. Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? Christmas is over George. Go over it No, I don't know why is Christmas just like a day at the office. Well, you do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit Isn't that the truth? Well, you may be an elf now, but if you remember to elf promote you'll be elf satisfied No, I'm not sure about that elf satisfying stuff next time tune in to find out if your knowledge is a blessing or a curse And until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm You you [BLANK_AUDIO]