The BIGG Successs Show

Your Personal SWOT Analysis (Part II)

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08 Jan 2008
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Discover opportunities and threats that affect your future. Listen & read here.
Welcome to our 42nd big success show today. We'll finish up our two-part series on your personal SWAT analysis The big success show with George and Mary Lynn Personal SWAT analysis, you know when you say SWAT Mary Lynn, it just seems like there's so many possibilities for what that could mean But what does it really mean especially when we call it a personal SWAT analysis? I think I got one of those in high school from the principal actually, but in high school SWAT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and yesterday we talked about the SWOOF Today we've got to talk about the odds. The odds and of course we started all of this long time ago with a discussion of our definition of success Which is success is peace of mind and if you're going to have peace of mind You need to live your passion work towards the dream life you envision and make sure that you're doing that consistent with your core values Now that's where SWAT comes into the picture looking at your strengths your weaknesses your opportunities and your threats And of course so far everything we've talked about has been internal. That's right and today. We're going to focus on the external Yeah, and so when we think about opportunities, you know Having studied entrepreneurship for quite a few years now and being one Well the thing that you learn from entrepreneurs is they look for change and here's what they know where there's change There's growth and growth lead to opportunity. Yeah, for example in the US the baby boomers They've been creating change and opportunity for as long as they've been around pretty much But you know if you look at the industries now where you can service the baby boomers and where you can find opportunity There's health care travel home services. I mean the list goes on and on. Yeah, it's a lot different than when they were hippies That's groovy Well, and so that I mean a lot of jobs are being created in all of these industries I mean when you look at the hit list of the hot fields So many of them are revolving around what's going on with the aging demographic in the US and it's great being in the land of opportunity But there's one more piece to this SWAT analysis and that's the threats Yeah, and so you want to think about in addition to where the opportunities what are the threats? What could happen that might affect the way things are now that affects the status quo and there's one thing that's true about change change creates growth, but it also in some fields creates destruction and So look for things that are happening in the industry You might be interested in and see what could happen in that industry as an example We could come up with something a little more modern, but it's just I love this example Way back when if you were in the buggy manufacturing business and the automobile was coming you were in trouble And you needed to recognize it actually I've got a more current example for you because yeah I've been in the radio business for 18 years and I love radio, but combination of new technology and Consolidation in the radio industries made it very difficult to grow as a broadcaster Opportunities are still there for DJs, but not like it once was so in this case I feel that change has created some destruction now on the other hand there's growth in new media To develop and create your own brand and content online like big success Exactly and there's growth in advertising revenue for online content as well. So in this case change has created some opportunity Well, and that's the perfect example Marylin It also highlights another thing that you want to look at is changes going on in the industry like radio Consolidation and the whole thing with technology, but in a lot of industries right now they're being affected by outsourcing So what's impacting the industry that you might be interested in and how might that change the future you envision? All right, so coming up just like a good puzzle. We're gonna put all of these pieces together We're on the journey towards destination peace of mind and so with that we want to think about your passion Think about your values play to your strengths look for areas where your weaknesses won't be a factor Find those opportunities and then make sure there are no threats. You're looking for Several good fits for all of those things. That's the starting point And let me throw in one more thing George to make sure that your decisions aren't based just on money It's really easy to do that. I have a friend who left a job that she loved for another opportunity that paid quite a bit more She's not happy today because she doesn't have passion for the job that she's doing and it doesn't fit into her strengths either Well, and absolutely Marylin you definitely should not just think about money if you if you pursue your passions You'll rise to top of your field and money will take care of itself So know where you're at right now know where you want to be what's your dream and then find that path make a choice We've got a great tool to that can help you with this It's our big goalsetters workbook and it can help make sure that you're on the right path for you and It's available when you sign up for a big success weekly newsletter and the best part. It's free So check that out you can get a written summary of today's show on our blog at big success calm And let's get our big quote for the day our big quote today comes from Douglas Everett who said there are some people who live in a dream world and there are some who face reality and then there are those who turn One into the other the world needs more dreamers, but even more the world needs more doers that make their dreams come true Doers can I get that on the rocks? That kind of doers Well next time we're going to talk about freedom and security. So Mary Lynn, which would you choose? I want to vote Well, everybody does and that's a thing experts tell us you need to choose one or the other We're gonna talk about that and see if maybe we can find a way that you can have both all right And until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm You you (gentle music)