The BIGG Successs Show

Return To Sender

Broadcast on:
26 Dec 2007
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Things people or do are sometimes helpful. At other times, they are harmful and that's when you should say - "No thanks, return to sender." We share some examples...listen and read here.
Welcome to our 33rd big success show today's show is return to sender when to say no thanks the big success show with George and Mary Lynn Boy Mary Lynn when you said your little initial piece there. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you very much Hey, we got you singing. I know it's gonna be in my head all day long now with just that little loop. Yes Well, of course today's show title is Inspired by the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people who are out returning Christmas gifts today You know one of the most important choices that we make as individuals Is the people that we choose to associate with and you know all of us have personalities There's certain traits that go with those personalities all people are good We value all people, but the thing that we I need to understand is there are times when we say person's great But what they're saying I just can't buy in other words mentally you say no, thanks return to sender a prime example Of that is when someone discourages you from pursuing your dream. You have to ask yourself Are they qualified to be giving me this advice because if they're not you really do need to say no Thanks and return to sender. Well, and you know there there are a lot of what you know You can call them dreambusters and oftentimes it's friends and family And it's not that they're being malicious or anything like that It's just that maybe they're afraid that it won't work because they wouldn't do it They don't think you should do it or or where you are right now Really suits their needs and and so there's a little competitiveness there. Right now the thing is there are people you should listen to You know if you're if you're talking with someone who has done what you're trying to do Man, take in all that you possibly can so just hang with people who've achieved what you are trying to do That's the advice you want. That's the advice you want to keep yeah And the next one is when someone tries to make you unhappy because they're unhappy Just say no. Thanks. We call these people that negative Ned's and Nellies and They're the people you walk in and and you've got a little pep to your step and you say hey how are you Joe and Christmas and it was terrible I had to get together with my family Everything's a bad thing right that you know they often focus on problems They never seem to focus on solutions and the key thing is they're only happy It seems like if they're unhappy and definitely major downers But if your glasses have full kind of person oh, it's okay to associate with a glass half empty kind of people Yeah, it's the yin and yang of life. It's gonna associate with all kinds of people But you want to surround yourself around problem solvers not problem finders because problems they're easy to find right yeah It's the solutions that they're tough So you want to make sure you're associating with people who can help you find the solutions when someone tries to waste your time with Endless conversation that has absolutely no substance. Just say no. Thanks return to sender You know we call these people energy zappers and and I'm you know we've all dealt with them But it's that person that just you know no matter what the body language is you're giving off no matter what you say no matter How many times you try to end the conversation? Yeah, it just goes on and on and on and the thing is it's not like you're talking about something valuable, right? It's just you know kind of Well, it's one way because you're having to give your time and your attention, but you're not getting anything in return That's right is take take take these people will suck you dry then they're gonna move on right just let it move on now That's the thing so yeah, exactly if you quit talking to them They'll find somebody else to talk to for sure So you want to associate with people who will lift you up who will inspire you people like you yeah people who are going somewhere People who've done something with their lives and know how to talk about it quickly All right, so let's review Today we talked about some situations where mentally in your head you may just say No, thanks return to sender Specifically when someone discourages you from pursuing your dream if they're not qualified to say so Just say no thanks when someone tries to make you unhappy because they're unhappy Just say no thanks and when someone tries to waste your time with endless conversation with no substance Mentally just say no. Thanks. You can find a written summary of our show at big success calm Also on our blog today are a related link to an article that we've published through our big success weekly sign up at big success Dot-com. It's called happy people make happy employees a study that reveals what makes people happy at work And before we go George, let's get our big quote for the day Our big quote today is by the Spanish author and I'm sure I'm gonna butcher his name But I'll do my best Miguel de Cervantes. That sounded good George if we didn't get the name right we will get his quote right Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are Mm-hmm. That's a go it reminds me of a quote that my dad would tell me to yeah I don't know if it's a published quote or not, but dad always said you can't fly like an eagle if you hang with turkeys All right, we went from Elvis to Steve Miller to the show You know next show with a new year approaching We thought we should do a show on how to be a gold-getter not a gold-setter Some lessons we can learn from an old guy named Ben Franklin and until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success dot-com You you you you you you [BLANK_AUDIO]