The BIGG Successs Show
Success Snake Oil - Know When You're Getting Scammed
We share some recent experiences so you know when to buy a coaching service and when to run! Listen to the show & read the summary here.
Welcome to our 28th big success show today. We'll talk about success snake oil. How to know when you're getting scammed The big success show with George and Mary Lynn Success snake oil I'm very low those years in broadcasting paid off with that line Yes, it is, you know we wanted to talk today about two phone calls we had last week and One was good one was bad and these were phone calls about coaching services and we specifically want to talk about some lessons You can learn how to know when it's okay to spend your time of money and how to know when to run and run fast So first if they don't live up to their promises even in the sales process run Yeah, and you know that the bad phone call we were promised a personal interview with an expert coach What we got was completely impersonal no research on us no research on the website I mean not they didn't know anything about us what they knew was we had a credit card and Evidently it has some credit line available. Yeah, and they were reading from a script. It was terrible Yeah in the good phone call. He was calling us by name. He wasn't calling us folks. Yes He obviously wasn't reading from a script he had checked out our site. He gave us some suggestions right off the bat I mean, it was what you would want right because coaching is a very personal process And he gave us a personal session all right next if there's lots of conversation, but almost no information Run like the wind they say great You know and Mary Lynn we ended up being on the phone with in the bad phone call for about an hour To this day Mary Lynn. I still don't know what they were really offering us Well, and it seemed like any time we would ask them a question about their product Which by the way they were selling for around $10,000. Yeah, they would tell us all that's proprietary information We can't tell you about the expert you would be working with or what their success rates are I mean, it was ridiculous Yeah, they want you to make a decision, but they don't give you anything with which to make it But in the good phone call we have a website so we can check out this person's credentials he was very specific about tips he gave us some actual advice that we could use and It was only a 30 minute phone call. We have a lot of information Absolutely and conversation right third tip. If you're told you have to buy now Run yeah, and that was the thing is we were told very early on that we needed to make a decision that day And we told them very this isn't this is in the bad conversation. Yes I'm sorry in the bad conversation We told them right away It's like if that's the case then we can tell you right now our answer is no Mm-hmm, but they kept going because they think they're gonna get to the answer to yes But the point is you know, it's this concept thing if you say if you don't say yes, then you're not a decision maker Even though you may have made the decision to say no Specifically all we kept saying was we need more information He couldn't he wouldn't give it to us or couldn't give it to us Mm-hmm, but yet somehow you're still supposed to make a decision. You know and another thing is you've been in business for 25 years I don't think you've ever made split decisions that you didn't have to make no I mean sometimes you do make fast decisions, but this is not a situation that requires it And it's funny, you know in the good phone call we weren't pressured to buy anything in fact We were encouraged to think about it a bottom line is there was no pressure there, right? No, I mean because he knows he's gonna be around. He's confident He knows he has something great to offer right and when it's right, we know we'll do business with it And finally if they play mind games build you up and then tear you down run I guess it's just funny how this works first like in the bad phone call first They build you up then they tear you down and ultimately it's just all about trying to wear you out You know and so they just keep going and going and going and this sort of endless cycle build you up Tear you down where you out build you up tear you down where you out when you feel like you're experiencing that you know You've got a scam going I was definitely exhausted after that phone call on the other hand though with the good phone call There was no emotional roller coaster. I mean there were compliments. There was encouragement There were suggestions of what we could do better destructive criticism. Yes, it was and when we got up the good phone call It was very calm. I felt encouraged. I felt inspired. Yeah, something like the bad phone call where you were just frustrated and angry and Warned out. I'm still getting worked up thinking about it. So let's review We've talked about four things. There's way more than that obviously, but here's four signs that you should run Right first if they don't live up to their promises even in the sales process If there's lots of conversation, but very little information Run if you're told you have to buy now If you feel like you're being built up, but then torn down and finally just trying to wear you out Run fast you can get a written summary of today's show on our blog at big success calm and let's get our quote for the day Our quote today is by someone. I'm not sure you've heard of this guy Mary Lynn. His name is Thomas Jefferson who Very famous man, obviously very wise and here's what Thomas Jefferson said do not bite at the bait of pleasure Till you know there is no hook beneath it. There you go So don't get hooked if it smells fishy it probably is and next show We've got a very special guest coming to the big success studio Santa Claus Santa's coming to town. Hey, he's not gonna be trying to sell us some kind of a product is he? Pressure sales from Santa. No, he gives it away. That's right. And until then here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm You you [BLANK_AUDIO]