The BIGG Successs Show
Mingle Bells: Tips For Networking At Your Holiday Party
Today we'll share networking tips to help you mingle your way through your holiday parties. Hear the show and read the summary.
Welcome to our 15th Big Success Show. Today, we'll talk about Mingle Bells. Mingle all the way through your holiday parties. >> The Big Success Show with George and Mary Lynn. Last show, we talked about monkeys. >> We got to interview spanky. >> That's right. What we learned from spanky is that we have a tendency to rationalize and we talked about when you should and when you shouldn't. >> We've got a link to that show on our blog today at >> Today, we want to talk about Mingle Bells. >> It's hard to laugh when you say that. But it tips on mingling successfully this season and every season. >> Well, you know, Tiz, this season for mingling, I love this time of the year because there's holiday parties. >> Out the union. >> Get to go be a social butterfly and it's also a great opportunity to do some networking. >> So we thought we'd give you four things to think about as you're going to these holiday parties to meet new people. The first one is just simply break the ice. >> That could be a tough one. Even if you are a social butterfly, if you're going up to somebody you don't know, it can be a bit intimidating. >> I'd have to say this is the hardest. The hardest part is just getting started. Ideally, you get introduced. >> Better yet, somebody you know is talking to somebody you don't know. You get to slide in. >> That's right. If you see someone that you know, talking to someone you don't know, do that. Just slide on in. Always keep in mind what's a good opener. You're standing around the food table. Talk about the food. >> What a lovely dip this is. >> That's right. Talk about a drink. You can do that. Talk about the place. >> Right. >> So there's just some- >> Oh, it's beautiful in here. >> That's right. So you can always do that. And the fallback, of course, is to talk about the weather. >> The weather man never gets it right. >> That's right. That's always a perfect conversation, right? >> The next Mingle Bell, find something in common with the person you're talking to. How did they know the host? >> And how they know the host actually may give you a clue to other people, other things, other places that you have in common with this person. >> As a fallback, just in case because Georgia never know, read up on some current events before you go to the party, look for some lifestyle news, something simple that's light-hearted, so you could tell a story if nothing else. >> We have the human experience in common, right? If nothing else, we can talk about the celebrity du jour. The third Mingle Bell is to take a genuine interest in them. And you know, it's kind of funny, Marilyn, I know people who network because they're looking for the dollar signs. >> That I don't know what. >> And everything, when they're looking you in the face, you can see the dollar sign in their eyes that they're seeing in you. And I think that's just a big mistake. >> Or the people who they'll be talking to you, but the whole time their eyes are darting around. >> Right, who's the bigger fish in the room or whatever? >> I hate when people do that because like, oh, am I not interested in you or what? >> Well, and that's the point, when you're talking to someone, listen intently and learn, because it's amazing what you can learn by letting people simply talk about themselves. >> And the other thing is you can make a lasting relationship. If you actually listen and take interest, then maybe next week you're at the office, you come across an article and you think, oh, Jill was talking about that, you can send her an email. >> And Marilyn, you're leading in to Mingle Bell number four, make the lasting impact. Now, you know, today it seems like speed is everything. >> Speed dating, speed networking. >> Yeah, exactly, speed networking. In fact, I read an article recently that said that if you spend more than two minutes talking to someone that you just met, you're wasting your time. And to that, I say, bullcocka. >> Oh, wow. >> I've wanted to say cocka for so long now, ever since we heard it in seminar. >> Well, it is bullcocka because, I mean, if you set a timer when you're talking to someone, how are you going to have a rich discussion? >> Now, of course, it may be that you reach the point in the conversation where there's kind of a lull. Don't force it, that may be kind of your opportunity to make a graceful exit. >> Right. >> But you got to keep in mind, your goal is to connect with somebody, right? What we're saying here at Big Success, it's more important to think quality rather than quantity. >> There you go, I like that thought. All right, so let's review our networking tips. >> Today, we rang the four Mingle Bells of networking. First, break the ice, second, find something in common, third, take a genuine interest in them, and finally, make a lasting impact. >> You'll find a written summary of today's show on our blog at Big Success, that's, and feel free to chime in if you've got some Mingle Bells of your own. And before we go, let's get our big quote for the day. >> Our quote today is by that famous author, we don't know. So, we don't know who wrote this, but the quote is, "How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way." >> So, mingle your way through the holiday and you'll make spirits bright. And on our next show, we're going to get aggressively passive when we discuss how to build a passive income that sets you free. >> Well, I thought you were describing my holiday shopping style for a moment there. Until then, here's to your big success. >> The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [ Music ]