Yesterday, we started this series by visualizing a childhood experience. To get the most out of today's discussion, we highly recommend that you listen to this prior show before you proceed.
Today, we'll jump to the future, to help you visualize the life you want.
Welcome to our fourth big success show. Today we'll travel to the future to your future to help you visualize the life you want. The big success show with George and Mary Lynn. Last show we traveled back in time with a visualization of your childhood. And if you didn't have a chance to do that exercise with us there is a link on today's blog so you can do that and we recommend you do because it'll really help you with today's exercise. And yet last time was actually practiced for today. That's why I'm so excited about today because we've really been building up to this point. Last show we went back in time. This show we're traveling to the future. I'm starting to feel like Marty McFly. Yeah and I bet you wish you had the DeLorean. Yeah that wouldn't be bad. So let's get into the mindset here so we can travel to the future. And what we want to do Mary Lynn before we go to the future is we want to introduce we want to talk a little bit about our constraints. And so there's two big external constraints we all face and most people agree on what the first one is for sure. It's money. Money and we never have enough money right? Yeah I wish it grew on trees. That would be better wouldn't it? I thought we had a money tree. So far that hasn't produced any money. What's up with that? But the thing is most of us think about money as our single biggest resource. The thing about money is it's absolutely true. At this point in time we may not have enough money but the thing about money is you can get more. There's another constraint an external constraint that we can't get more of and that is our time. Can't get more time. It's amazing how fast the time flies too. I mean haven't you said to yourself where did this month go? Where did this week go? Where did this day go? Yeah and it seems like the older you get the faster it goes right? Yeah it does. But the bigger constraint is this. It's the ones we put on ourselves. And the single biggest constraint we put on ourselves is can't. What we can't do. And that reminds me of the exercise we did last show when we were tapping into that childlike nature and envisioning ourselves as a child. You know I was in the backyard playing catch with my sister and when I was a kid I would envision myself as a pro ball player as a cub out on Wrigley Field you know and I didn't I never said to myself oh I can't be a pro ball player. I just I just was in my mind and I was happy with that. Did you win the World Series? Yes I did. Wow I wish they should have drafted you. But I think what happens is as we grow up and we come adults and we have all these responsibilities now we start using logic and logic ends up being more cynical thinking. You're right and the thing to understand is just like last time we introduced this concept or we didn't introduce it but we discussed imagination and creative intelligence is more important than intelligence and tapping into that childlike nature getting past the can't because can't can't do anything right can't can't succeed we know that so getting past that is really important and so that's what we want to do is we want to remove these constraints as we look to our future. That all sounds finding good but it almost sounds like it's a dream land because I mean can't comes from responsibility I can't just say to my husband you know what I'm gonna quit my job today because I want to go after my dream so you know screw the mortgage and the bills and you know the kids tuition and blah blah blah you just can't do that so can't does come into play. I have a dilly because you said can't a lot. I did so here's the thing we're not saying that can't doesn't exist what we're saying is this most of us spend so much time focusing on can't we never consider the can we think so much about the limitations that we don't focus on the possibilities and the purpose of this visualization exercise the purpose of this tool is to help you envision outside the box the possibilities okay and then we're going to come back to this later so we have a question that question is this removing all these constraints focusing on the possibilities if neither time nor money were an issue how would you spend your time and your money maybe I'd go back to college and major in what I should have majored in because now looking back I can see what I should have done or how about sitting on a beach in the Caribbean especially when it's January and just feeling the warmth of the sun and the sand in between my toes and I just hang out there for a month reading books and see you're hitting on some of the possibilities right and so you want to picture all of these and then over time we're going to start narrowing them down but picture all the possibilities now here's the thing to think about if you were sitting on the beach could you do that every day for the rest of your life just sit on the beach and do nothing but read books I would probably become restless at some point I bet you would I bet you wouldn't so that's the thing is you got to think about it still realistically so in other words is that what I really really want or is that just a piece of what I want and so what we want to do is we want to get down on paper and more specifically visualized in our head with all of our senses all of these things that we want for our future it should we do this every day should we do this once a week we want to make sure this gets into our head clearly and so what we're challenging you to do is for the next month every day spend five minutes being a child again thinking like a child forgetting the cants and considering your future and just do it maybe when you're driving into work when you're at the grocery store sure before you go to bed anytime that you can actually sit down and really think about it and then don't forget to write about it we're going to come back to this next month and what we're going to do is match up your talents with the future that you envision so let's review what we went over today today we talked about the two external constraints time and money and then we talked about our self-imposed limitation the cants focusing on what we can't do rather than what we might be able to do and we said that if we're going to go to the future to find our passion we want to focus on our possibilities not our limitations so we we've challenged you to do this little visualization exercise for the next 30 days get it in writing picture it clearly and using all your senses and you can find a written summary of our show today on our blog at big success dot com and before we go i always like to wrap up the big success show with a big quote that's right our quote today is a paraphrase of robert kennedy paraphrasing ralph wattle emerson there is but we wanted to give credit where it's due so the quote is this some people look at things that are and ask why i see things that never have been and ask why not so we say to you why not why not live the life you want and next show we're going to discuss the single biggest barrier to your success we think you'll be surprised when you hear it and until then here's to your big success the big success show at b g g success dot com [BLANK_AUDIO]