The BIGG Successs Show

Destination Peace of Mind: These 4 Things Insure Success

Broadcast on:
13 Nov 2007
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Yesterday, we discussed our favorite definition of success. It came from the book They Call Me Coach by the great John Wooden. Today, we'll look at the four things you must do daily for your peace of mind.
Welcome to our second big success show. Today you'll learn four things that ensure success for your peace of mind. The big success show with George and Mary Lynn. Last show, we talked about our favorite definition of success. And that came from John Wooden's book They Call Me Coach. That's right, great book. And I'll paraphrase the definition, it's success as peace of mind, which directly results from doing everything you possibly can to reach your full potential. And today we wanna talk about really an extension of that. What are the four things that you can do to ensure success, to get peace of mind? - And we also have a special feature that we think you're gonna enjoy and that will come up a little later on in the show. So reaching destination peace of mind, George. Let's dive right in. What's number one on this list of four things we have to do every day? - Well, the first one is always value your values. Sounds kind of obvious, right? Talking about your core values. And the thing is when you look in the mirror in the morning, what do you see? - I tend to see crow's feet and sometimes I run. - We'll get over it, my lad. - No, but I know what you're saying. This is all about liking the person in the reflection. - Absolutely, you've gotta be happy with, when you say mirror mirror on the wall, you've gotta be happy with what comes back. And so, like I said, this almost seems like we don't need to have it in here, but it's just so important as an underlying assumption to everything that we felt like we should include it. - Okay, number two. - Number two is to get over today, tomorrow. Get over today tomorrow, what do we mean by that? Well, what we mean by that is picture a blackboard or a whiteboard. - Or text message screen. - There you go. But the point is picture a blackboard, whiteboard, whatever works for you and wipe it clean, a clean board, that's the way we wanna start every day. Why is that? Because yesterday, maybe, we didn't quite hit what we wanted to do. We didn't quite hit our mark. And guess what we need to do today? Forget about it. - Forget about it. - Forget about it, as they say. Yesterday, let's say we succeeded beyond our wildest imagination. Fantastic, right? - Yes. - Today, get over it. - Forget about it. - Forget about it. If we don't do that, what happens? Well, if we failed yesterday and we bring that into today, we're gonna fail today. If we succeeded yesterday and we bring that in today, we're gonna fail today. So not getting over yesterday is a recipe for failing today. We wanna make sure we avoid that. - All right, number three. - Number three is long sentence, but all you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is what you must do. So let's dissect this, two parts. All you can do is all you can do. Take comfort in that. Take comfort in knowing that if you do everything you possibly can, even if you fall short of the mark, you did everything you can do. It's okay. There's comfort in that. Second part, but all you can do is what you must do. Marilyn, who's the worst person in the world to lie to? - Well, when I was a kid, it was my mom, because man, would I have to pay when she'd catch me? She always did. - But, Marilyn, now you're an adult. So who's the worst person in the world to lie to? - That would be me. - That would be you, and the thing is, if we lie to ourselves, we're never gonna get anywhere. So we gotta be honest with ourselves, and only we know whether we did absolutely everything we possibly could do to succeed. If you've done that, great. You know you've done it, you can have peace of mind. - Hello, it's gut check time. All right, number four. - Number four is to take it to the limit. - One more time. - We had to give our homage to the Eagles, right? - Yes. - So what we're really saying here is to get beyond what you know. Here's what I really mean by that. There's what we know, and there's what we don't know. Now, I've heard people say there's what we don't know that we don't know, but we'll ignore that, right? What we know, and what we don't know, and the point to this is every day we want to push ourselves to that limit of what we know, and in some areas of our life, get into what we don't know. - So you gotta get out of the comfort zone. You gotta get out of your comfort zone, and what we're doing by this is becoming a little bit better every day. At this point, when we start getting into this area of what we don't know, that's where we experience growth, which is humans is absolutely vital, that we grow a little bit every day, and that's where we find meaning. - Yeah, otherwise you're gonna get stagnant. - Otherwise you get stagnant, and if you're stagnant, you will not have peace of mind. - Right, because you want more, you're feeling that emptiness inside. - That's right, absolutely, you're not fulfilled. You can't have peace of mind. - This is good stuff, George. - Coming up, we've got that special feature we promised you after we review what we've talked about. - Today we talked about four things that you must do to ensure success, to reach destination peace of mind. The first one was to always value your values. Secondly, get over today, tomorrow. Third, all you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is what you must do. And finally, take it to the limit. Get beyond what you know, to what you don't know. - Now you'll find a summary of today's discussion on our blog at Big Success, that's Big with 2G's, and we also have a link to John Wooden's book, They Call Me Coach. Now we promised you a special feature today, and one thing that we like to do here on The Big Show is include an inspirational quote before we wrap it up. - Think about quotes though, is it kind of flat, right? I mean, they may inspire you, but we thought we should have a little fun with them. - We decided to jazz it up a little bit, so take it away, Ted. Who can ask more of a man than giving all within his span? Giving all it seems to me is not so far from victory. (laughing) - That sounds like some kind of a lost line from a catty shack or something. - Yeah, I think that one didn't make the cut. - Where did that come from? - Well, it actually is from, I saw it actually in John Wooden's book, They Call Me Coach, which, if you love quotes, you're gonna love this book. But it's a quote by George Moriarty, who was a legendary baseball player, umpire. You name it, if it involved baseball, I think he did it. - And I bet he never said that quote quite like Ted did. - Probably not, although I hear he was quite a character. - All right. Hey, find out how you can be a part of an upcoming show on our big quotes page at And what's coming up on our next show? - Next show, Mary Lynn, we're gonna start a two-part series, and the focus will be on finding your dream. And I think we have a new approach. We'll do a little visualization exercise to help you envision your future. - Sounds great. And until then, here's to your big success. The Big Success Show at B-I-G-G [BLANK_AUDIO]