The BIGG Successs Show
Define Success For Your Peace Of Mind
Today we will discuss two definitions for success, and one in particular will help you find peace of mind.
Welcome to our first big success show today. You'll learn how to define success for your peace of mind The big success show with George and Mary Lynn We thought this was the best place to start for first show. Let's let's set some common ground Let's lay. Let's lay a big foundation so to speak. That's big with two G's by the way, but I was worried how you were going to wrap that Setting up and I can imagine you are The first definition that's kind of commonly known is just accomplishing something you set out to do and that's a great definition It's very tangible the problem with it can be that it can be very short-term and it may not take us in the direction We really want we end up with speed without direction. Hey, well, wait a minute. I love that Definition of success. I love that instant gratification. I've got a project in front of me. I get her done I get it done great. I feel good. So have a cigarette. They'll seek long-term Gradification that's the point here Our favorite definition if John is John Wooden's definition John Wooden was the great coach great coach at UCLA my mind the most successful basketball coach ever and he's written a lot about success and I think people should be familiar with the work Where does this definition come from? What comes from where I saw it originally was in his book called they call me coach Yeah, wait a minute I've seen that book here and it has his autograph, doesn't it? You're absolutely right I I was fortunate enough the only only time I've ever saw an autograph as an adult is from John Wooden And I was fortunate enough actually to get his autograph and get to meet him and it was it's one of the thrills of my life Wow, and the definition of success from John Wooden is its success is peace of mind Which is a direct result to the self satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best that you're capable of becoming jeez Long-sense and no wonder he was a winning coach the Wizard of Westwood. They call it now. There's some wizardry, isn't it? That it so okay. Let's try and break this down a little bit and explain a little bit more in layman's terms Okay We're talking about peace of mind. So the destination is peace of mind. We all want peace of mind, right? Well, yeah, I mean, what's the opposite of peace of mind? peace of mind on peace of mind. Yes, the uncola, right? Giving you a piece of my mind. No, that's that's something totally different. Yes, not even spelled right Marylin. Come on But the thing is peace of mind is what we're all searching for the opposite of that would be stress worry strife You know, we're talking about burnout that kind of thing What we're really wanting to think about here is tranquility, serenity, comfort Being at ease with yourself. That's what we're searching for, right? It's not always easy It's not always easy. So how do you achieve it? Well, John wouldn't give us the answer the answer is it comes from the knowledge That you did your best to become the best that you're capable of becoming in other words It comes from knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did everything in your power to reach your full potential And this makes you very self-accountable. This isn't so much about getting an ad a boy from the boss or an ad a girl from the boss This is about giving it to yourself. Yes. That's why he says self satisfaction. I think actually a better way of putting it precisely So, you know, and so yeah, you're giving it to yourself giving it all for yourself and doing it by yourself Not really, but the point is that By giving everything you possibly can to become the best you can you end up with peace of mind And so that's what we're really searching for and you know, we're kind of playing off the whole for yourself thing But ultimately that helps you it helps your family it helps your co-workers It helps everybody because you're working towards this end goal Which is peace of mind and self-satisfaction and by doing that by knowing that Absolutely, you're a happier person and everybody around you is happier now in a moment We're gonna tell you one more book that we highly recommend plus find out how we're going to help you get to destination peace of mind Today, we talked about the definitions of success and our favorite is John Woodens Which is success is peace of mind which results from doing everything in your power to reach your full potential You can check out today's blog for a written summary of the show We'll have that definition of success from John Wood and written out also links to his book and his site We also have a link to Stephen Covey's book seven habits of highly effective people because this is very similar in that whole Begin with the end in mind. Absolutely And I think we'd be remiss without including Stephen Covey in our first show because if you haven't read his material his book Especially seven habits you definitely should and we want to send some big shouts out to our friends who've helped make this inaugural show possible And also to you for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen to us today in our next show We're gonna kind of continue on this theme. We're gonna talk about the four things you must do to ensure success We're gonna talk about what you need to do to end up a destination peace of mind That's good because you've brought this up and it would be good to figure out. How do we make that happen so that's very important And we definitely want to follow up on that. We'll close today with a quote that I don't remember who said this I love the quote though And it definitely fits in with what we're talking about of all sad words of tongue and pen the saddest are these it might have been Don't let that be said about you become the person you know you can be because we know you can do it And until next time here's to your big success The big success show at B I G G success calm [ sub by sk cn2 ]