mr redder

Karen Refuses to get a Job, BIG Mistake! | Reddit Stories

Karen Refuses to get a Job, BIG Mistake! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
#karenstories #redditpodcast #redditpodcaststories

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Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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Find yours in online or in a store near you at Warning, this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Hey there! Mr. Redder here! Welcome back to another episode of R/Intitled People Stories. Our first story we'll be reading today. My girlfriend refuses to get a job and expects me to pay her bills like her parents have always done. After that, am I the jerk for yelling at my mom when she acted like nothing happened after my dad cheated? And after that, you don't want me to interrupt you for any reason? Okay then, if you say so. Now for every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen has to get a job. I already have one. You know I said essential oils to my friends on Facebook? So please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day. My girlfriend refuses to get a job and expects me to pay her bills like her parents have always done. My girlfriend, 23 female and I, 26 female, have been dating for over two and a half years. We met when we were both in college. I graduated soon after we met and she dropped out after one year of relationship. She worked four months in retail and then quit. She now hasn't been doing anything for over seven months. She looked for jobs for a week and stopped and now she does Uber whenever she really needs money because her dad didn't send her any. I pay 75% of the rent and we split 50/50 for the other bills. The only reason I agreed to pay more rent than she does is because she was okay with living in an unsafe part of town for low rent while I would rather pay a little more and be safe. So I agreed to pay the difference in rent. All the bills are under my name. We agreed that she would use Cash App to send me her part of the bills every month. Her mom used to take care of all of her bills and she told me herself she didn't trust herself to manage the bills. That's why I took responsibility of all of them. For the past four months I've been asking updates about her job search and stuff because I'm not interested in being with someone who chooses to be home watching TV all day instead of doing something with themselves. If she had a disability or something else it would be different but it's just her parents pay for everything. Two weeks ago we received our bills. I text her screenshots of all of them and send requests for each one of them on Cash App. After a few days she hasn't sent the money yet so I asked her if she could send it because I need to pay the bills. She apologized and asked if I could give her a week to pay me. I agreed. During the week she told me she'll have the money Monday today. Today she told me she was going to go paint. She doesn't get paid for it. It's just a hobby for now. I asked her if she had the bills money. She told me that Uber takes a few days to process the money and will send it to me as soon as she has it. I told her that's exactly why I had been asking her when she would start looking for a job because I don't want to be in this situation. She then told me that she had cash she could give me for the bill. I got a little frustrated that she had cash that whole time and didn't offer it. I told her I needed the money in my account, not in cash. I asked her if she could just deposit it in her bank and send it to me. She said I could do that myself. I'm very frustrated and just asked her to send me the money online when she has it. If she had been working and lost her job for any reason and couldn't afford the bill because of it, I wouldn't mind covering the bills. But since she makes the decision of not working and not doing anything, I'm not willing to help her financially. Am I the jerk for not helping her financially? Well who do you think is the jerk? OP or her girlfriend? Please let us know. You could always, you know, break up. No way would I stay with Reddit boy over here if he was a deadbeat. It's redder now. Remember they made us change it. Oh yeah, my bad. Am I the jerk for yelling at my mom when she acted like nothing happened after my dad cheated? My parents have a great relationship. Well, that's what I thought before this happened. I'm 14 female and my parents usually have friends over and always tell me I'm free to have friends over. So it wasn't a surprise when I unlocked the front door and could hear my dad and another woman in the kitchen. Since my dad usually calls my name when he hears me opening the door, I thought he probably didn't think I was home yet. I walked to the kitchen and greet my dad, but then I saw it. He kissed the woman on the cheek, a woman that isn't my mom. Both of them were turned facing away from the door so they didn't see me. My dad proceeded to flirt with the woman until I threw my bag on the ground to get their attention. They pulled apart and dad called out if that was me. I walked into the kitchen and greeted him and the woman, then I locked myself in my room for the rest of the afternoon. I only came out when my mom came home. I helped my mom put away her things and put her weekly flowers in a vase before turning to her and telling her what I saw. She stayed quiet for a moment, then told me that she'll take care of it and that I shouldn't worry about it anymore. A few days go by and nothing happens. There was no fight, no arguments, no sour faces at each other, no divorce, nothing that would usually happen to cheaters and movies and stuff. It upset me how my mom would continue to joke with my dad after what he did and still cook for him. Yesterday, after dinner, when my dad went to bed, I went to her demanding to know what's wrong with her and how could she go on living a life with dad who cheated. She sighed and told me to drop it, but I didn't. I asked her why she wasn't getting a divorce and why she was putting up with my jerk dad. She glared at me and told me to watch my tone and to not disrespect my dad. Finally, I yelled at her, asking why she was defending him and she told me that she'd explain everything once I cooled down. I told my brother, who's 17, the whole story, so he could know the truth about my dad, but he seemed really irritated. He told me to shut up and not tell anyone else in the family about my dad. He said that if mom said she'd handle it, she would. I told him she didn't and that they were still acting as if nothing had happened. He glared at me and told me to calm down and talk to mom like an adult if I wanted to act like one instead of just yelling at her. He also called me a jerk for escalating the situation and making dinner awkward. I don't think I'm the jerk, but whatever. Am I the jerk? My after school activities got canceled that day and I didn't let my parents know beforehand, so they didn't expect me to be home so early. Edit. I asked my dad about it, but he just avoided answering and told me that him and mom would talk to me about it when I cooled down. What do I have to cool down about? I don't know. Edit. Going against what my brother said, I talked to my cousin about it since we're pretty close. She's 16. Basically, she told me two things. One, stopped getting influenced by TikTok and Reddit, and two, said they're in an open relationship. I asked how she knew for sure, and she told me to give my parents time to explain this and that it took her mom a month before she finally set her and my brother down after they caught her with a family friend. After asking, she told me this happened about five years ago. Never thought my aunt was like that. Well, what do you think? Is OP the jerk for yelling at her mom about this or not? Please let us know. I don't think she's a jerk. She's an upset and confused kid. I hope those parents just come clean and tell her the truth about what's going on. You don't want me to interrupt you for any reason? Ok then, if you say so. I worked as a PBX operator. If you're unfamiliar, a PBX operator is responsible for switching calls on local lines within the internal telephone system of a large company or corporation. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, and it is a system that enables users to have external telephone lines without having to maintain a separate line for each user. The system that we used was an older one that had a switchboard where you had to pull up a line and plug it into a ringing phone line. Flip a switch to answer the call, another to put them on hold. Take messages, deliver messages, transferring calls, etc. While at the same time doing the exact same thing with as many as 20 to 30 other calls coming in at the same time on other switchboard lines. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit High five casino. High five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five The hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games, free daily rewards, and come back to get free coins every four hours. Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary void, but prohibited. Play responsibly terms in addition supply. See website for details at High five casino. Our switchboards held up to around 100 phone lines. I worked side by side with Mary and Jake. We had relief operators that would take over so that we could have a break or eat lunch or dinner. During our 30 minute lunch breaks, whether permitting, we would go outside where there were picnic tables that we could sit at to eat, sleep, or just decompress. Mary liked to sit out at a picnic table alone and read a book during break and didn't want to be interrupted while she was reading for any reason and would screen, kick at, push, or curse whomever had the nerve to do it. One day, Jake and I walked outside, saw her reading and decided to just grab another table. That's when we saw it. A snake. It was under Mary's table and slithering toward her feet. Jake knew immediately that it was a harmless black king snake. I didn't, but all snakes terrify me. So I tried to get Mary's attention. She told me to shut up. Jake told me to let her find out on her own. Humilicious compliance in three, two, one. The snake slithered over Mary's sandaled feet. At first, she just moved her foot and kept on reading, but the snake had other plans. It came back again to her feet. Again, Mary moved her feet, but the snake held on. So she looked beneath the table to see what the problem was. She screamed and kicked off the bench so fast that she scraped both of her knees on the underside of the table and the back of one ankle on the bench. When she was about 10 yards away from the picnic table, she started screaming at Jake and me. "Mary, why didn't you tell me there was a snake under there, you morons?" "Me." "I tried," Jake. You made it clear that you didn't want to be interrupted. "Mary, you could have interrupted me to tell me there was a snake." "Me. I tried. You told me to shut up, remember?" "Well, obviously I didn't mean it," Jake. "How exactly were we supposed to know that?" "Mary, it's a snake." Jake went to Mary's table and retrieved the three to four foot long king snake and let it wrap around his arm and hand. This caused Mary to back up even further. "Get out of it," Jake. "Nope. I'm going to let this little guy live right here until you apologize to OP for being so rude to her." Mary doubled down and refused, saying that she had every right to protect her me time and wasn't about to apologize for it. Jake laughed and told her that in that case, he wouldn't interrupt her me time any longer and laid the snake on top of her book that was still on the table. The snake seemed to like the nice, warm pages and curled up for a nap in the sun. Mary never did retrieve her book. It sat on the picnic table a little over a week before it disappeared. We figured it was maintenance that took it when they mowed the lawn. Mary also never apologized, but she never went outside for break again either, choosing instead to sit on the floor by the door to read. Am I the jerk for being too heavy a sleeper? It bothers my husband now that we're about to have a baby. So I've always slept like a rock. I'm the oldest of nine siblings and my family didn't have a lot of money and we always were packed into small apartments. I can sleep through anything. Kids screaming or babies crying, fighting, car alarm, sirens, noisy neighbors, anything. Lights don't bother me either. I joined the Navy right out of high school too, and that made me even more ready to catch some solid Z's whenever possible. Made me sleep through jostling and rocking too since I had to get used to sleeping on rough Z's and in tight quarters. My husband is a very light sleeper. We are pregnant now. My husband has been getting frustrated with me for how heavily I sleep. He's worried that when we have our baby, I'll be heavily asleep and he'll have more responsibilities. A few things that worried him were. He had his brother over and they had a small fire in the kitchen when they were cooking. I was taking a nap and the smoke alarm didn't wake me up. Luckily they put it out quickly, but he was really worried that if I was alone with our baby, I'd not notice the smoke alarm. I suggested we get a louder one or see if we can set up the sort that calls the fire department automatically. Next, I was home alone and went to bed. He lost his keys on a night out with friends and was banging on the door, ringing the bell and calling my phone, the landline phone, etc. I stayed asleep. He went to sleep at his friend's spare room instead. He said that we needed to do something before the baby comes because if I'm asleep and there's an emergency, I'll be unreachable. I said maybe he should hide some spare keys in the yard to avoid this issue. He felt I was missing the point. Lastly, we were taking a weekend trip to visit his family. We were sleeping in the room next to a sister who has newborn twins. Apparently, when I was asleep, the twins both started crying and it was super loud through the thin walls. I didn't stir it all and he realized that when we have our baby, I probably won't be woken by crying in the night. I said that maybe we could get a baby monitor and crank the volume up extra high or he could just give me a shake. He said I was missing the point again. It's a problem that for eight or more hours a day, I'm totally dead to the world and unreachable and that I need to fix it before I'm a parent or else he's going to feel like he can't count on me to be there for our baby or to be responsive in emergency. I said that I was trying to find ways to work around my heavy sleeping like getting a louder fire alarm or hooking up a baby monitor to some loud speakers to amplify it. He said he can't live in a house where every sound is turned up to 11 and I needed to do something else. I don't know what to do. I don't think I can just start sleeping less well. I've always been a sound sleeper and unbothered by noise and light because I've never had a quiet dark place to sleep until I was like 25. Am I the jerk for being so heavy a sleeper? My MLM - Multilevel Marketing Experience About three years ago, I was suffering with depression. At the time, I knew I was pretty low but in hindsight I didn't realize just how bad I felt. There were a number of factors, not least being sent to work away from my family, married for two months, baby on the way, for a year and was accommodated in a shipping container. Not a joke, I was living in a shipping container. I was probably not a million miles off doing something dramatic. An MLMer very nearly tipped me over the edge. I get a message on social media, how it all started. From a guy I had worked with about four years prior for two weeks. We had gone on well and I thought he was a good bloke but such as the nature of my industry. We both moved on to other things and didn't speak to each other again. This message came when I was at a really low app. So when I got the "hey, how are you?" I thought I had nothing to lose by answering honestly and telling him that I was pretty low. In retrospect, this MLMer smelt blood like a shark hunting a wounded porpoise. I was working about four hours away from where he lived. Don't go anywhere, I'm coming to pick you up and we're going out to play some snooker for a pint, etc. Sure enough, he came and picked me up. We went for a pint, talked a bit and I felt so much better. I really felt validated and worthwhile and it made such a difference after about, at this point, two months of isolation. About three days later he rang me again, made an arrangement to hang out with some other lads he was made with. When I got there I realized that it was an MLM conference, sales pitch, coat recruitment. I have never felt so let down in my life and that endorphin high I had been riding out of my pit of despair came crushing down around my ears when I realized he didn't give a monkey about me or how I was. All he saw was a loser who was in a vulnerable place that he could exploit. I stood up and walked out within two minutes of it starting and realizing what it was. As I was waiting for the bus back to my shipping container, no car. I left that at home for my wife to use. I got a phone call from him. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. Visit The following is a high five moment from high five I want your food. Private put down your phone. This is the army. Sort high five casinos. The social casino done your phone goes wherever you go. I win three spins cash prizes three down the rewards over twelve hundred games. I want to get platoon present cell phone. High five high five casinos. When did high five casinos come home? High five casinos is a social casino. No participants necessary. We're prepared to play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. Telling me to come back and that I was wasting an opportunity and that connecting to millionaires would be my road out of a job and living circumstances which were making me miserable, etc. And all the time I was on the phone to him. I could hear his up line telling him, "Push the lifestyle harder. You have to get him back. You need to make the most of the situation. This guy is the perfect recruit for your down line, etc." Anyway, I have always wanted to share this with someone. Forget MLMers and their morally vacuous approach to mitigating their own losses. And for the record, I am now working near my home, go home to my family every night, and am perfectly happy. Would I be the jerk for suing my boyfriend for not paying my medical bills? I, 21 female, have been with my boyfriend, 24 male, for four years. We're both in college and don't have a lot of money altogether because of that. I have more money saved up, but that's only for college, so I don't really even consider that money that I have, if that makes sense. So I am deathly allergic to peanuts, and it has been this way my whole life. I was told even the smallest spec could end me. I have been very careful about this my entire life, and I've only had to use my EpiPen twice. My boyfriend knows this, yet he continues to eat peanut products, but I just make sure not to kiss him when he has had something peanut that day. He washes, etc. Personally, I never liked that he just didn't stop because I feel like he was putting me in danger, but I also couldn't force him to stop either and it has worked for the past four years. What happened? So he came over into my dorm and we were just hanging out and he kissed me, and a couple of minutes later I could feel my throat swelling and my lips getting bigger. I instantly knew that I was having an allergic reaction. I grabbed my EpiPen and shot it into my leg and told my boyfriend to take me to the ER. Even with the EpiPen, I was struggling and was nearly passing out. My boyfriend was really freaking out too. Once I got to the ER I was taken in and the last I remember was passing out on the wheelchair in. I woke up and my reaction was down and I was having the side effects of the adrenaline, but overall okay. I got my phone out and my phone was blown up with apologies on how he forgot he ate a Reese's cup and he was so sorry and to please forgive him. Once I finally got home and settled down, my parent picked me up. I told my boyfriend he should be responsible for my medical bill and a new EpiPen. The other one my school has and he was telling me he has no money and he can and that I have more money than him etc. I was pretty peeved off at him because he just nearly ended me and now he won't even take responsibility for my medical bills. Well, where it got out to his family and I received rude texts from his mom saying it's my allergy so I should have to pay the medical bill and I was the one irresponsible. I got mad and texted my boyfriend saying it was dumb to bring his mom into this, then proceeded to say if he doesn't I'm going to take him to small claims court because I don't have an extra $5,000 to spare for a medical bill. He got very upset and I'm pretty sure our relationship is over now. I've gotten a lot more texts from his mom now and from his sisters and I'm choosing to ignore them. My parents agree with me that I should go and do that but I'm just not sure. So, would I be the jerk? Edit. I would also like to say in the past and I have on texts, we've agreed if he had any peanuts he needs to tell me which he did not this time. Am I the jerk for making my daughter eat salad while my son gets chicken nuggets? I have two kids, a 7 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. Every other week I take them to activities in a certain mall and in between we go to a local fast food chain. Now I do usually have my kids have a healthy diet but for those rather rare occasions I let them choose whatever they want. I don't believe going to a fast food place but then restricting their order so they won't enjoy rather unhealthy food makes sense. So the kids menu comes with many different options and the menu even has pictures of all the food. They go every week so they know. My son shows chicken nuggets and fries as the main, a drink and a cookie for dessert. Just what I would have expected. My daughter picked the chicken Caesar salad. I did not expect that. After if she was sure, explained it did not come with fries. She loves fries. She insisted. Last time I had the salad and she tried one of my croutons and a piece of chicken and loved them. I did not care too much and a Caesar salad is great. It's not like just snacking a few salad leaves like a rabbit. Their sauce, cheese, chicken, fried chicken and croutons as extras. Plus she had the ice cream for dessert. Well the food came. We sat down and after taking a few bites she started complaining about the food. She saw my son eating his chicken nuggets and dipped the fries in the sauce. She asked him for one. He let her try one of the fries and gave her a nugget as he usually can't finish it all anyways. Then she decided that instead of the salad she wanted fries now. I said no. She asked to eat the salad or well I would not make her eat it but I won't buy her fries instead. My argument is that she chooses it. She's old enough to know that choice and there's nothing wrong with the salad. It looks delicious. I even offered to give her some of my meal. A baguette sandwich but she wants nuggets and fries now. She started throwing a fit. I ignored it. Told her to sit and eat or at least stop screaming now or there would be consequences. Some old lady heard her and I guess she picked up the "it's not fair that he gets nuggets and fries and she has to eat that stupid salad." Well the lady went off on me. How I'm treating my kids unfairly. I told her to get out of my business and shut up. She does not know what she's talking about. Am I the jerk for making my daughter eat the salad she chose instead of buying her nuggets and fries like her brother? You want me to ask every customer if they remember and sign up those who aren't? No worries. I work in a relatively large bottle shop, liquor store for those in the US, and we have the worst and most pedantic middle management I've ever worked for. They sent an email to all stores in the state demanding to know why customers weren't being signed up to our loyalty program. You could tell these middle managers had never actually worked in a store as they expected us to ask every single customer if they were a member and if they weren't a member to sign them up to the loyalty program. Also, if a member doesn't have their card, we were expected to look them up manually. This can take a long time as sometimes customers give you an old address and the system only allows you to look up customers with a current surname and postcode. I ignored the email and continued to serve people as normal. I would always remind our regulars to get out their card so they wouldn't miss out of getting their loyalty points and would occasionally sign up people when the shop was quiet. Cue follow up emails and a talking to from the store manager. You have to sign up at least five people a day. Fast forward to Christmas Eve. Our store is understaffed and the area manager is coming around to each store in the area for an hour or so just to see how the stores were doing on such a busy night. I decided now was the perfect time to ask each and every customer. Are you a member of our loyalty program? If yes, but they don't have a card? No worries, just let me look you up. It won't take a second. If they weren't a member, would you like me to sign you up for the program? For context, signing people up manually takes about three to five minutes. It will take them the same time to sign up themselves on the app store at home, but I would never tell them this. So we have a queue which is snaking through the length of the store. People are getting impatient, but because they think I'm just being helpful, no one gets mad with me. The area manager who's been doing next to nothing, just walking around, checking we have the correct tickets up, suddenly comes up to me. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. Visit The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie. I just went big time playing high five to see along my phone. Real cash prizes. Free daily rewards over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes, you're not on the apple pie. Woohoo. I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. He's super flustered and says, why are the transactions taking so long? This line is getting ridiculous. I tell him calmly, while slightly playing dumb, that I'm just following management's directive to make sure we're asking every customer for their loyalty card and signing up those who are not members. He tells me that, there's no time for that. Just serve them quickly. So I said, but we've been told to sign up five people a day by you. At this point, he's read in the face and just blurts out, just serve and forget about the loyalty program. So I don't ask a single customer for their card or sign up any new members on that shift. And I haven't since. Plus, management has never mentioned it again. Am I the jerk for not locking my dogs outside? We have two dogs, both small and no higher than your knees. We love Christmas in my family. I prefer Halloween myself, but still love Christmas. And I got them both Christmas jumpers. We always get them a little bag of treats and toys too. I only mention this to show how loved they are. My nephew is nearly nine and afraid of dogs. We don't know why, but he's absolutely petrified of them, despite being fine with our late dog, a cavalier. He has even run into the middle of the road on a few occasions to get away from dogs in the street. My sister, his mother, always cuddles him and expects us to lock our dogs outside whenever he visits, which is all the time, for hours at a time. It wasn't an issue until now, because of the spring and summer months, and they really love being out in the sun. They like playing out there in the garden with the cats. It is, however, an issue now. Where I live, our autumn and winter months are very cold. I don't want to lock them out in that kind of weather. I've offered to pay for therapy to help him get over the fear and anxiety, but she says it's just the way he is and we should accommodate that. Then the real problem crept up. She wants to come have Christmas with us. That would mean locking our dogs outside in the freezing, potentially snowing weather all day. I refused. I told her it was never going to happen, even though I love my nephew. This is my dog's home. She said that they can go in the shed with their jumpers on, with their gifts, and that they would be fine, and that my nephew deserves to enjoy his Christmas without the dogs. I said he can, just not here. My mother isn't getting involved. My other sister agrees with me, and my brother disagrees. I do understand that my nephew is scared of dogs, and that isn't his fault, but my dogs aren't at fault either. Am I the jerk? Edit. A lot of people are suggesting I put them in a room upstairs, but they like to burrow and hide under things, so often got locked in rooms by accident. Because of that, I made it so my doors don't latch now. Edit. Loads of people are saying that I want them here for Christmas. I did not invite them. There's no party I'm hosting, nothing. My sister invited herself because I'll be alone, knowing full well I like it that way. Customer hits on me, manager called the cops and kicked him out. For a background, I, 28 female, have a customer, 50 male, that I have served a couple of times before. He asked me out sometime in early 2020, and I told him no. The day after Christmas, this man came in alone and sat in my section. I was hoping that he wouldn't recognize me this time because I was wearing a mask and I had changed my hair. Unfortunately, he did remember me, but his meal was fairly uneventful. The issue started when I dropped off his check. As I reached to pick up his payment, he grabbed my hand during lockdown and said, "I love you." I was very caught off guard, so I just gave an awkward laugh and walked away to swipe his card and get him out of there. When I walked back with his receipt and card, he asked what I was doing for New Year's Eve and if I would like to go out with him. I replied no and that I would be home with my husband. He said, "Oh, I didn't realize you were married." While looking at my wedding ring, he then added, "Well, he's a lucky man." With a wink, gross. I told him to have a good night and walked away, deciding I was not going to go back to my section until he got up because he was creeping me out. I figured that would be the end of it and I could go on with my night. No such luck. He sat at the table for another 15 minutes waiting for me to return. I refused to go over there, so I asked other servers to run my food and I helped run their food to other parts of the restaurant. He finally got up, but then he went and stood by the host stand for another 20 minutes watching me. At this point, I was feeling super uncomfortable and getting very anxious about him still being there. I finally told my boss what was going on and that I was uncomfortable, so he kept his eye on the customer for me. When he finally left the building, my boss came to tell me that he watched him get in his car and I could relax. About 30 minutes later, my boss started hovering around my section and told me I didn't do anything wrong, but he was going to be spending some time in my section. He did this twice and over an hour after the customer had left, he pulled me to the side to talk to me. Turns out, the guy never left and he was still sitting in his car. He had walked into the restaurant twice, looking and wandering around and went to the bathroom. My manager was worried about me and called the cops on the guy. The cops came in to ask me what happened and asked if we, my manager and I, would like to have him trust passed. My manager told me it was my choice and I said yes, because after this, I couldn't imagine having to see him again. The cops pulled him out of his car and told him he would be arrested if he ever came back to our restaurant. This incident gave me pretty bad anxiety for a week or two after it happened. Why was he sitting in his car for so long? By the time the cops got to him, he had been in our restaurant for over two hours after he finished eating and paid for his meal. What would have happened if my manager wasn't watching him? I wouldn't have known that he didn't leave. Was he waiting for me to get off so he could follow me? Several weeks later, a manager is still walking me to my car every night that I leave. I'm grateful my manager had my back and took my concern seriously, but I hate that it went so far. I wish I could be more verbal and stand up for myself sooner instead of having a freeze and appease reaction. But I do feel like I learned from the situation and hopefully if there is ever another time I'm in a similar situation, I will be stronger. You shout out to our newest official channel member, Jeff. Thank you so much for supporting the channel. It really means the world to us. Support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a shout out in our next video. Or come watch this video next. You won't believe what Karen does in that one. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie? I just went big time playing high five casino on my phone. Real cash prizes. Free daily rewards. Over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes or no on the apple pie. Woohoo. I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're having to play responsible conditions apply to website for details. High five casino. We hear you rare is a storytelling project that raises awareness of those affected by rare autoimmune conditions. 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