mr redder

Karen Abandoned my Cat, So I Kicked Her Out! | Reddit Stories

Karen Abandoned my Cat, So I Kicked Her Out! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
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Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Do you live with a rare form of generalized myasthenia gravis, like seronegative MG? Learn more about the ADAPT S-E-R-O-N dot com. Iti is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception, Chumba Casino. They actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Chumba Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino-style games like Slots and Blackjack. Play for fun, play for free, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now and collect your free welcome bonus at Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. Hey there, Mr. Reddit here. Welcome back to another episode of R/Intitled People's Stories. Our first story we'll be reading today. Entitled girlfriend abandoned my cat outside when I wasn't home, so I kicked her out. After that, am I the jerk for helping my brother run away from his wedding? And after that, if it's not un-riding, it didn't happen. Goes both ways. Now for every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen gets kicked out. Fine with me? I could use a break from you to be honest. So please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day. Entitled girlfriend abandoned my cat outside when I wasn't home, so I kicked her out. So I have a cat named Raven who's three years old. My girlfriend of two years moved in with me a few weeks ago and it was clear she didn't like my cat. I didn't think it was really a big deal until one day I got home and he was just gone. He's not an outdoor cat and he never goes outside. He was gone for hours and I was worried sick until my buddy came to my house and returned him, saying he found him two blocks from my house. I asked my girlfriend how my cat, who has never tried to go out before, ended up that far away from my house and she admitted to kicking him out. I was furious saying that she had no right to kick him out and told her that since she thought she had the power to kick my cat out, I wanted her out of my house by the end of the month. She cried that she had nowhere to go and that she would have to live on the streets. I said I didn't care and I told her to leave by the end of the month. My friends think I'm being too harsh but my cat could have been hurt because of her. I don't want her trying anything else. Am I the jerk? Am I the jerk for helping my brother run away from his wedding? I have two older brothers. This is about the middle one. Our parents divorced when I was very young, due to our mothers and saying jealousy. At first, my dad was able to handle it but when she started making comments about me wanting to be like his wife, he had enough. She quickly rebounded with a guy with two kids and had shared custody for a while. But when my dad got remarried, she went crazy. Calling his new wife every horrible name and claiming he was cheating on her while they were married. I was always closer to my brothers and dad than my mom because she was always very mean to me. Long story short, my stepmom passed in a car accident and my dad called her in the middle of the night letting her know he would pick us up earlier so we could attend the funeral and she decided to take us on a fun trip to celebrate something. It was the happiest we've ever seen her and when we realized what happened and started crying, she told us only worthless people cry for people like her. Needless to say, things went nuclear and my dad asked for full custody with visitation for her. He always left the line of communication open and paid for us to visit her when she moved away. But it was still very bad and as soon as we turned 18, we started to lower contact with her. Last time we saw her was on my high school graduation where she made a point of letting everyone who would hear her know we were ungrateful kids and her HB would call us bad names too but no contact since then. My brother Sam started dating his ex three years ago. She has heard all the stories and the reasons we are no contact but she believes we are just dramatic. They had many issues due to her opinions but she eventually seemed to drop the "you need to reconcile with your mother" crusade. During the wedding planning, there was no indication of things going wrong or fishy. Then we got to the church and lo and behold, mom, her husband and two kids were sitting at the front. I immediately panicked and called my brothers. Sam thought maybe somehow she found out and wanted to crash so he called his ex to let her know of the potential drama but she told him it was fine since she invited them. Sam hung up and asked me to go get him while oldest brother dealt with things at the church. We went home and barricaded ourselves there even when his ex, her family, friends, etc came to try and make sense with him. Mom's husband even called and said he always knew we were worthless. Now that the dust has settled, most of Sam's friends are on his side and so is most of our families, dads. Ex's parents already threatened to sue for the money they paid if he doesn't marry her but Sam says he'd rather pay them back for their contribution than marry someone that betrayed him. My nuclear family 100% support Sam but the backlash has been huge. Edit. You guys just reassured us all. Thank you. Some have commented about it but no, she has not apologized. She even went so far as to text my oldest brother, Joe, that she thought it would be a good wedding present from my brother to her since she values family. My dad bought them a house as a wedding present but only Sam is on the deed. She did have the keys for when they moved there but they just had the locks changed today and Joe and some cousins are taking everything Sam owns from her flat during this week. We aren't worried about being sued but we'll consult a lawyer just in case. We also heard mom and her family are still in town but since we are all staying at our childhood home for a few days, we don't care. My dad is sad that Sam is heartbroken but is trying to cheer him up along with my boyfriend and my sister-in-law. I had to delete/deactivate my SM because I kept getting nasty comments and messages but the more people learn the reason Sam ran away, the less it gets. I'm still sorry she felt humiliated but my brother comes first. Edit 2. We are 34, 32, and 28. Ex-sister-in-law is 30, not in the US. I asked Joe about the church aftermath and it was just as I expected it. He says he stood up in front of everybody and told them that Sam was not coming back and to please go home and all their gifts delivered to our side of the family will be given back ASAP. The ex was still outside the church when someone in her family informed her and she started screaming and crying and calling Sam non-stop. Mom tried to talk to Joe that didn't even look at her and when she couldn't get a reaction out of him she started crying loudly and lamenting how horrible we are to her and some people started consoling her. This is her emo but Joe and his wife didn't care. When they went out of the church the ex was expecting them and demanding to see Sam but Joe said no. Then she demanded to know what to do with the party and he said if she didn't want the venue he would arrange for the food to be donated to the staff there so it wouldn't go to waste. Everybody was screaming except Joe because he didn't want to give mom the satisfaction. They, Joe and sister-in-law, came home after stopping at the supermarket and some fast food joints and we've been inside like we were kids again plus two more members. We asked Sam if he wanted them to go but he said he wanted them there. We had all taken time off to spend family time after the wedding anyway so it's not a problem at the moment. When the ex came to the gate we knew she was not going to use the venue so my sister-in-law called them with Sam's info told them to take the food and also sent them some tips for their trouble. It seems we will get back all the alcohol that my dad paid for so we will have a very drunk end of the year. A couple of people messaged me asking why our dad ever married our mom and the answer is he really loved her and believed she was the nicest person ever. Turns out she wasn't but she knew nobody except I guess her nasty husband would marry her unless she pretended to be nice. He considered staying with her until we were adults but she kept getting worse. She used to get very nice and he thought she was changing and then she would change again. As per my ex-sister-in-law we have no doubt she believes mom is a nice person that has ungrateful kids because she's extremely charming and for some people it's funny to make fun of others as long as it's not directed at them but it still doesn't excuse ex. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin so go to that's and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary VGW group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. The only person Sam gave an explanation to was his boss who was at the church but he is very understanding and was pretty shocked of what mom put us through since we are fairly adjusted happy people. Our dad said that it was a shock for all of us and we can stay home as long as we need. Sam is moving home for the time being. I showed my family the post and they are moved by your niceness but Sam wants you all to know ex wasn't showing any concerning behaviors and he truly believed she understood his upbringing. He agreed to talk to her and her parents today but only if it's at our home and we are there to support him so it's going to be an interesting visit. If it's not in writing it didn't happen goes both ways. My new manager at work is one of those people that absolutely has to be in control. Even when you're exceeding every scorecard measure keeping your head down not putting a toe out of line she still asks you to come to a meeting room to discuss some minor issue or another. Recently she pulled me into a meeting to discuss me being late to work. Protocol is to call in say we'll be late then submit a schedule adjustment request when we arrive. She accused me of not calling in or submitting a request but I was able to prove that I did. Only instead of leaving it at that she insisted I now needed to call her and explain why I was late. That's not the process I told her and she said she was making a new one. So now I call her at 6am on her day off to let her know if I'm going to be late. She also had a meeting with me because my scorecard for a stat was 99 out of 100 with a target of 50. She had to point out the 1/100 I missed. She also did the same for a handling time issue where I'm hitting an average of 600 seconds with a target of 1500 seconds. She needed to tell me about a call I took too long on. Suffice to say complaints have been raised to her manager. Following an incident where she was asked to follow up on something for me and claimed if it's not in writing it didn't happen I've been asking for everything in writing and repeat that mantra back to her when she claims to have told me something. Last week she asked me to see her after my call. I walked over and she wasn't there so went back to my desk. She asked me why I didn't stay around and I reminded her of the time she put in writing that I wasn't to spend more than one minute waiting for her if she asked to see me and was to go back to my desk to take calls not waste time. She asked me to come over again and when I did she wasn't there. This repeated twice more before my shift was over. Each time I documented logged out at 14 14 35 came to your desk you were not there spent 45 seconds waiting return to desk and took another call at 14 16 38 p.m. in chat. She messages me to ask what time I finish. I tell her it was two minutes prior and she says we can catch up now. I tell her that my shift is over and if she'll approve an overtime pay for an out of hours meeting she tells me not to be silly and it'll only take 10 minutes. I refuse and say if I don't get paid we can do it tomorrow when I'm being paid. She's typing then not then typing then not choosing her words. I know she's angry at being challenged and she decided to employ one of the tactics she used when she managed a team for a company where this was standard practice. Okay well if you'd like to go home now I can always make it a formal meeting. A formal meeting where I work is code for a meeting with HR documented on your record for misconduct and repeated issues. She thinks she's one not a problem make a formal meeting and sure I have 24 hours notice send a formal invite and I will bring a support person with me. I log out and leave but not before grabbing screenshots and saving a copy of the chat logs. Next day she's called my bluff and has a meeting scheduled I send it to my union rep and she comes in on the day HR sits down with us and opens with so we're here today to discuss some concerns your team leader asked you to attend an off-the-cuff catch up three times and for some reason you refused. I quickly clarify what actually happened my manager claims otherwise and I repeat her mantra if it's not in writing it didn't happen then I supply receipts her demands to put things in writing her chat her timestamps my call logs and her messages to me afterwards my union rep stares at the two of them with a small smile and asks so do you maintain the position that employees should attend meetings unpaid and that misconduct investigations are a good use of resources if they refuse HR said there may have been a miscommunication and that I could return to work. I have it put in writing that I am not accused of any misconduct and have been cleared of any false accusations with nothing documented on my staff file. Yesterday my team was advised that our team leader has decided to pursue opportunities outside of the company and we were getting a new manager. No I'm not going to wake a guest for your stupidity some back story first this guest let's call her Karen was checked into a room and she did not like the room said the carpet was sticky alright so my co-worker moves Karen to another room mind you I haven't come on shift yet this was around 7 p.m. I get on at 11 p.m. I'm now on shift my co-worker informs me the room let's call it 999 was checked for the sticky carpet but housekeeping and management didn't find anything wrong so they made sure the room was put back to VR aka vacant ready but just to be sure they put it also as OOO aka out of order what could be used if needed and I could reduce the room's rate at about 1230 a.m. when a couple comes in super nice and not from the area they're just being really understanding that I'm sold out and I offer them the room 999 I tell them it's going to be at a reduced rate but the carpet may have some stains from a previous guest the couple don't care they just don't want to drive anymore and I proceed to take the room back from the out of order and check them in after that the night is quiet and I'm enjoying the night with some anime on my iPad after completing all of the tasks and restock in the marketplace until 650 10 minutes before the end of my shift I get a call from the former guest of room 999 saying she can't find her keys and that she left them in the room I tell her that room has already been cleaned and sold to someone else so her keys would be in the housekeeping department if they were found housekeeping doesn't come in until 9 a.m. she tells me to go to the office to look for them I inform her I cannot because I'm the only one on the property currently she makes a big scene that this is a terribly run hotel if only one person is here my property is only 288 rooms not a big fancy five star resort we have security but they had already gone home at 6 a.m. she's giving me that entitled vibe as to leave the front desk to go find her keys and I tell her I cannot leave the front desk until my coworker arrives her husband has now come down and is on the phone with corporate saying I won't cooperate with them and not three minutes later corporate calls asking why I'm not helping the guest out and of course corporate only hearing the one side is giving me grief so I tell the lady from corporate what's going on and she then hangs up on me leading me to believe either corporate had better things to do or this wasn't corporate at all but a family member pretending to be so I would be scared you can't scare someone who's following protocol and who has awesome bosses my coworker comes in and she darts for him saying in her care and voice oh look another employee she then proceeds to tell him I'm not helping her look for her keys my coworker who just got on has that oh man I just clocked in look I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes so what are you waiting for the best way to discover your luck is to spin so go to that's and get lucky today at Luckyland no purchase necessary vgw group boy prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions applied and I feel for him he's a supervisor and I'm the mod so technically I still have the higher authority so I ask him to mine the front desk while I go to housekeeping to look in the lost and found short story long no keys I come back and inform the guest of this and now she wants me to call the room 999 to see if we can go up there to look for the keys I immediately tell her no then she tells me that she will call the room and I snap I am six foot she was five foot two and her husband perhaps five eight so I'm still commanding the high ground I tell her ma'am if you call that room at all you will be removed from the property I will not hesitate to evict you and call the police if you do not comply now you will wait until that guest checks out and we will inspect the room after they have left and we will see if your keys are there she and her husband have nothing left to stand on after that and leave with the we'll get you fired face and go to breakfast I later call the GM and inform him of the situation and he says yeah we're not bothering another guest because of someone else's stupidity cut to me coming back on later that night to do my night audit again I find out that the keys were not in the room 999 that my supervisor asked the couple in room 999 if their phone rang any time in the morning it did not now I'm hoping Karen comes down so I can ask if they found their keys but I never see them and they're due to check out today oh well I made sure to put in the notes no late check out and if the FDA does allow it charge the max late check out fee trainee showed up today and is mad that she actually has to work nightmare trainee showed up today and wasn't on the schedule until tomorrow told her she wasn't on the schedule today and she said she didn't care she already clocked in and she's not leaving until 11 p.m. okay then manager didn't care that she was here she was giving dirty looks to everyone especially me and not really talking to me for like the first hour she said she's not awake and needs caffeine and to not talk to her okay but you showed up on a day you weren't scheduled and you still need to do pre-shift inventory she told the girl in housekeeping that she went trick-or-treating at her dad's house yesterday with her siblings that she went to a party after with her cousins and didn't get home until after four I'm having her do all the check-ins because manager said she needs to do check-ins and learn the computer system no more observing like last week she even told her that today before she left and the girl gave her a dirty look and rolled her eyes at her when she walked out the door I'm literally not doing a single check-in and she keeps asking me what to do next while people are at the desk I've gone over this numerous times even made her a list and I told her to look at the list she doesn't say hi when guests come into the hotel she gives them the death stare and she doesn't talk to them while checking in or explain any of the amenities we offer when you are done checking them in I told her she needs to talk to them and she said she needs to get the computer system down first and I said you have to do both and she said yeah I'll think about it and rolled her eyes at me a guy got irritated with her on the phone because she was trying to make a reservation and she asked for his card number four different times because she kept messing up the number and she said to the guy because you keep giving me an attitude you can find somewhere else to stay and she hung up I told her that was unacceptable and you cannot treat guests like that and she told me to answer the phone then and she doesn't have the patience for this she also answers the phone only saying the name of the hotel we have an entire greeting message posted on the phone that she's supposed to say she's currently on break and leaving me with the chickens which is fine she's entitled to a break but only half an hour she's been gone for an hour she told me before she left that she wants to cry and this is too much and she wants to quit I didn't really say anything but in my head I said please do she said if she quits her mother would throw her out and she can't live with her dad and started getting into that I was barely listening I don't really care it's like I'm not interested in listening to your sarcastic jokes personal life being fringe none of that I'm here to train you and that's it her car is still out there so she's still here somewhere it's only 6 20 p.m. and I still have five more hours of this crap I'll update again when I get home I expect this parking situation to be solved immediately without additional emails or text messages okay done I am a building manager and I took over two residential apartment blocks part of my duties include assigning parking spots due to the incompetence and neglect of the previous management company I inherited a parking lot which was a complete organizational disaster multiple tenants believing they had been assigned the same spot tenants parking in spots but not paying etc and of course the parking map which is supposed to be regularly updated had not seen an update in almost 16 months a situation arose where two tenants were fighting over the same parking spot instead of coming to management to resolve they engaged in a nasty gram more which consisted of leaving mean notes on each other's cars eventually this dispute spilled over and I was contacted by one of them the conversation was simple but plain I expressed understanding about their frustration and I asked specific questions to help figure out who was originally assigned that parking spot I explained how previous management failed to maintain order in the parking map and that I would cheerfully resolve the issue instead of replying to my simple question when were you assigned that spot when did you sign your lease they sent me an all caps email which in part read I do not have to answer any questions and I expect this parking situation to be resolved immediately with no more emails or text messages well if they had just answered my questions I could have resolved the situation I suspected they were the original tenant assigned the spot and it was indeed theirs but since they would not answer questions and insisted on resolution immediately I did what I could I assigned the other tenant that spot and I replied in order to resolve the issue without communication you are now assigned spot number 64 if you continue to park in spot 35 you will be towed immediately as it is now assigned to a different tenant I gave them the spot right next to the dumpsters now they can enjoy the stench of rotting garbage and a cloud of wasps every trip to their car which is almost 100 meters further away from their door two days later they approached me in person and apologized for their behavior I said no worries I don't hold grudges they asked if I could reassign them their old spot no it doesn't make it faster for us to be on the phone I work on an IT help desk it is what you think it is one of the things we support is mobile phones however the company my company supports and the one I'm on the desk for has supplied us and the user with handy dandy guides on how to do pretty much everything that's needed on mobile phones it's really airtight and I love directing people on the guide because it has a video and steps on how to do things they can find it on the internet in the IT section however since the average caller never reads the guides we often get callers who think that we can magically do things over the phone to fix it these are people who get up get dressed tie their shoelaces and completely forget how to do anything but breathe when they get on the phone to us you think that's hyperbole but I've been asked which finger they need to use to tap on the phone one such user logged a ticket and demanded a call back from an expert he was given the user guide link hey there it is ryan seacrest with you you want to make this summer unforgettable join me at chumbak casino it's the summer's hottest online destination they are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you so don't wait dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away care to join me sponsored by chumbak casino no purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply and oh boy did not like that he called and got through to me and I explained that we have the exact same guide and that I would only be reading it out to him over the phone as he read it on his end naturally he didn't listen to a word I said and demanded I help him because he doesn't have time for the guide and he'd rather speak to a tech person to sort it out cue malicious compliance I spend an hour and 20 minutes on the phone slowly going through the guide word for word and making sure he'd follow every step I even got it on his laptop screen that I can access he asked several times if we were almost done to which I reiterated you can come back to this at your leisure using the guide on the internet mobile phones are not managed in the same way as computers we can't remote access it and fix things he had meetings lunch all sorts of things lined up that God shifted out of whack on his calendar and every message he received on his laptop that he answered I made sure to go back a couple steps just to confirm what we had done so far he wanted to speak to an expert so I just made the guide speak through me edit thank you for all the awards I'd like to address a couple things one I should support them regardless and do my job copy pasta my job isn't customer service and phone issues I referred to the guide because we do not receive training on the mobile phones I cannot support something I do not know how to operate and there isn't a mobile phone expert I was complying with help desk policy refer to the guide for mobile phones two will this come up in performance review for the user or myself for that matter users say dumb things and I do think everyone needs basic it literacy training or requirements people use it or any other help desk as confessionals and tell you what they don't know amongst other things because they don't realize the person on the other end is human too we are spoken at not to it's almost like a badge of honor to not know it literacy and for me I've already spoken to my manager who had nothing to say about it three I'm bad at my job well I perform at a level I'd say is adequate to the letter some people say that's bad but targets are met and that's the important takeaway I have no aspirations for progression because I'm leaving it to follow my other dream job which has nothing to do with it sometimes I can't stand small family owned businesses I work in a small new restaurant owned by a husband and wife we have about 35 seats 12 tables and sell pastries and coffee at the counter there's only one other employee besides me which is the line cook I'm actually the pastry cook but on service days I waitress with the wife owner we do all of front of house and the husband and the line cook to all of back of house except putting away dishes the line cook and I have been here one month as you can imagine it's a crap show the thing about restaurants this small is that they're often too small for their employees to be covered by the FLSA or other labor laws they don't make enough in sales or employ enough people which exempt them in my state they aren't required to give me breaks during my nine hour shift and they don't sometimes I'm given 20 minutes unpaid for family meal but only ever at the last 45 minutes of my shift most times I don't even have time to clock back in before I have to leave and catch my bus the other thing about family owned businesses is that the owners treat you like family but you can see how crappy they are to their own family and be sure that they're going to do the same thing to you every day the owners will have shouting matches in the middle of service where the entire dining room can hear them yelling forget you at each other it sours everyone's mood then the wife takes it out on the customers which messes with my tips or me yesterday the wife was complaining at me for not helping her enough while I was in the middle of running the counter and juggling six four tops rushing me while I was trying to put my order in the system and when I told her I needed a second please she wrapped her knuckles on the counter and told me now I stopped her right then in there and told her to not talk to me that way that I find it very disrespectful and it puts unneeded pressure on me and gets in the way of me doing my job and that it upsets me because I'm just expected to shut up and take that kind of attitude she says well you can speak to me that way too uh no I absolutely cannot or you're going to be yelling in my face just like you do to your husband I'm so sick of everyone congratulating them and acting like they're heroes for opening a new restaurant in town I try to support local and small and independent and family owned but people need to stop thinking that automatically makes a good place I wish the laws didn't allow them to be so exploitative if they need to run their employees into the ground like this just to keep the business running I don't think they deserve to be in business at all am I the jerk for refusing to give my boyfriend parental rights over my kids if we marry my boyfriend is technically my ex-husband we were married and we tried for years to have kids getting pregnant wasn't the problem having a baby was we had multiple late losses genetic testing revealed that the problem was solely on his side and to have kids we would need a sperm donor we argued bitterly over it for a long time and came to a compromise I needed a living child he couldn't deal with using a sperm donor so we decided to legally divorce I would go back to my maiden name have a baby on my own and after the child was at least sleeping through the night we could get back together in some capacity he said he was fine with being a stepfather but not a father to a non-biological kid with all the responsibility this happened and we even moved back in together when my kids were three it's been a few years since then they've since actually bonded my now boyfriend is talking about getting remarried and is even floating the idea of adopting my children he says that he's even changed his mind and would be okay with them calling him dad I'm okay with remarriage but I don't want him getting paternal rights my kids call him by his first name which he insisted on I had to do and pay for everything to do with having my kids alone we saw each other a few times during my high-risk pregnancy and I gave birth with just my siblings for support I did 100% of their care as infants to now I had to learn to parent multiples alone I have up until the last year been their sole financial support they are my kids he shouldn't get paternal rights because he doesn't deserve them he put me through heck to have them I don't want to basically say that everything that happened was a okay and let him go back on his insistence when I still have every bit of his decisions affecting me and my life some of our friends and his family say that I should be more forgiving and accept that it's hard for a man to accept and take so while while most of my family agrees with me huge shout out to our newest official channel members the flaming flamingo and big block five zero two two zero zero six thank you so much for supporting the channel it really means the world to let it boy and I support the channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a shout out in our next video or come watch this video next you won't believe what Karen does in that one hello it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day couldn't we just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps you know all the mundane stuff that is why I'm such a big fan of Chamba Casino Chamba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses so sign up now at chamba that's chamba sponsored by Chamba Casino no purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and