mr redder

Karen Teacher Demands a Discount from Me! | Reddit Stories

Karen Teacher Demands a Discount from Me! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
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2h 36m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes, excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I? Never win and tell well there you have it you could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land play for free right now Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary vgw group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply my former Entitled theater teacher tries to get me to give her a discount because I taught you so much So you at least owe me this much Hello again. I saw my entitled granny story be told on mr. Redditch channel and was super happy so thanks for the smile. Oh, thanks had her hair I'm glad to hear that I have another story But this time of a former teacher thinking that she could get a discount from me at a beauty supply store a Little backstory this teacher I'll be calling miss banks was my theater and piano teacher from sophomore to senior year of high school now Miss banks wasn't a nice lady. She was the director of the school's show choir Think glee but on stage and if you weren't a part of her group, then you were nothing to her I wasn't in that group because of this I was placed an ensemble and Acted as a stage hand for a lot of our theater productions Even though I heard her speak with the other music teachers about how good of a singer. I was I didn't really care though I just liked being in place She would praise only her show choir students during practice and yell at any other students for not putting in enough effort into their craft The last day I was in her piano class She refused to let any of her students use the practice room and forced us all to sit in her classroom until the end of class I sat against a wall that had mirrors against it and played on my Game Boy until I noticed something going off My rear was very cold. I somehow had found a loose piece of glass on the mirror and ripped a giant hole in my pants Thankfully, I had a hoodie to wrap around me. I went to miss banks and explained what happened Hoping she would at the very least remove the loose glass piece from the mirror, but instead I got this You stupid girl. You broke my mirror with your fat butt. I Was a five foot three 100 pound lanky sack of potatoes Instead of letting me go to the office to call my dad to bring me a new pair of pants She made me sit in her room and do nothing After the class was over I ran to the bathroom and cried of embarrassment The year after I graduated I heard from a friend of mine two years behind me that Miss Banks was discovered to have been stealing money From the school fundraisers to help pay for her daughter's pageants She was quickly fired and wasn't able to find work for years Now on to the actual story our cast we've got Miss Banks our sticky-fingered and title teacher Miss Banks daughter. She seemed like a pretty nice person actually my manager The giggly upbeat girly and me Daria in real life. I Was about 22 at this time and I worked at a beauty supply store I was a cashier since I hated talking about makeup with the customers I was wiping down the counters when Miss Bank walked through the doors with her daughter The moment that I saw her I knew something was going to go down Miss Banks looked like she was already on the attack and her daughter didn't look too happy to be here My manager was like, what's up had her hair? You remember Miss Banks? We both went to the same high school together. Oh, yeah I did see her by the curling irons keep an eye on the security cameras I nod and manager begins to patrol around the store I look at the monitor we had up front and watched as Miss Banks and her daughter looked around Miss Banks stomping her feet. I would occasionally look at the cameras to make sure they weren't stealing anything While doing my duties and checking out other customers when Miss Banks finally got in line I couldn't hear what she was grumbling about over the sound of the 2000s pop music coming from the speakers But the people around her scooted as far from them as they could When Miss Banks got to the front of the line her face was bright red This store is way too expensive and there's no parking We shared a parking lot with a gym next door. I'm sorry to hear that ma'am Do you have a loyalty card? Yes, I She took a good hard look at me You were one of my students, weren't you? Yes ma'am a few years ago. Oh good. That means you can help me Help you with what exactly? Miss Banks pulls out multiple coupons from her large battered purse I want to get this curling iron with these coupons. I take a look at each coupon all expired. I can't use these coupons as they are all expired, but you can use your loyalty points to reduce the price Miss Banks rolled her eyes No, I want to use these coupons She stomped her foot slamming it down on her daughter's foot her daughter winced at the pain But her mother paid no mind. I did so much for you. Help out your poor old teacher. I sigh Miss Banks even if these weren't expired. I would only be able to use one coupon per company policy Her daughter was like mom. Let me pay for the curling iron. Okay. No, I don't need people seeing you paying for stuff like this I'm your mother and I should pay for it. She turns back to me now Are you going to help your teacher or no? I push the button under the counter to signal the manager and it makes a bright happy chime through the store I can do what I stated before and nothing more if you would give me your loyalty card. I can know I Taught you so much. So you owe me at least this much My manager comes up to the counter. Is everything okay here? This girl won't help me and is trying to rip me off. I demand she uses my coupon else Manager proceeds to look at the expired coupons and slides them off the counter into the trash can below She did her job correctly by not allowing these to go through Please either use your loyalty points or pay the full price of the curling iron Miss Banks is very angry at this point Seeing that she wasn't going to get her way She stomped down on the floor again, but this time I heard the faintest of cracks Her daughter is now crying her mother stomped down on her foot again and broke one of her toes Now look what you made me do my daughter is hurt because of you She points to me my manager's like I'm calling the police Miss Banks freaks out at the mention of police I guess she's had a run-in with them before and tries to run out of the store But her daughter holds on to her arm She pulls and pulls but her daughter keeps her in place still sobbing over the pain I quickly run to the back room and grab an ice pack We kept in the mini fridge and hand it to her daughter as the police arrive My manager explains to the police mom police actually about what was going on and how we may need an ambulance Miss Banks is screaming this whole time about how ungrateful I am and that I don't respect my elders I look her dead in the face and say How does it feel to be embarrassed like this to have to sit on your fat butt and be told no? Her eyes widen as she seemed to remember who I actually was She tries to say something but instead is dragged off by the police while her daughter iced her broken toe I haven't seen her since Next we've got Entitled father tries to take my drawing tablet because his son is better at art Hey, mr. Reddit just in case you read this this story happened a few months ago and watching you just made me remember it I did paraphrase some of this too long didn't read at the bottom So I do art for fun and I'm finally getting kind of sort of decent So a while back me and my family flew somewhere for some reason Which I can't exactly remember and we all got split up because we were flying on standby My mom's a flight attendant. So while I and my dad were waiting to see if we would get on the plane I was doodling away on my laptop drawing my sister's Dungeons and Dragons character My dad stood up to talk to those ladies in front of where you would board and get your ticket scanned Leaving me with our two bags and my laptop Admittedly I wasn't paying too much attention, but I noticed a boy a little older than me looked around 15 I was 14 at the time of this story Our cast we've got me the artist. We've got the alright kid It wasn't too bad, but a little entitled. We've got the entitled dad And we've got the old savior. Thanks random old man. All right kid was like whoa, that's pretty cool He began watching me draw while he was plugging up his phone It's not that great. Thanks. I draw too. That's pretty cool Admittedly, I wasn't paying attention. I have one headphone in he watched me for a minute and I kept going Can I try drawing on your tablet? I assumed he had his own for the record. This is a cheap tablet Don't you have one? No, so can I try drawing on yours? No, any artist knows that their drawing tablet is their baby And although I'm getting a nice new fancy one with a screen in a month for my birthday And even though I knew that back then I didn't trust this random guy Sorry, I hardly trust my sister with this. It's really hard to use This is someone of a lie and a lot of people struggle with it, but I picked it up almost immediately. Oh Come on just for a second. I won't break it He notices how a part of it is a little scratched up and the top left part of it is popped up Besides you haven't taken much care of it. I look where he's looking before shrugging I do I just don't have a case for it and I was a little careless before See if you're careless. I should I cut him off. How rude of me? No now. Can you go away? Alright kid huffs and begins to do something on his phone Not even a second later and title dad approaches alright kid. Is this jerk bothering you? Now I'm somewhat offended I'm used to being insulted as a joke by family and I can usually take insults from strangers But to hear this from a grown man talking about a kid who looks around 13 or 14. I look young, okay I asked to use her drawing tablet, but she didn't want to let me entitled dad turns and looks at what I was working on and Conveniently I had flipped off my art program out of habit when any adult approaches me and looks at my art My mom does it all the time and always wants to post it. I had a meme drawing on the other page that I honestly found hilarious Yeah, really you'd think someone who had a drawing tablet would be good at drawing Why do you even need it? I was drawing until you came over at this point in my head the oh No, here we go again me miss playing What is that even Peter Griffin with a nose job? It was a purposely bad drawing of Peter Griffin Yes, yes, it is Look if you're gonna be wasting your time on crap like that You don't even need that tablet He begins to reach out to grab my drawing tablet, which I quickly slide away I put the pin down onto this small little indent thing in my laptop I don't know what to call it temporarily while I turned in the little chair to deal with him If you don't leave me alone, I'm going to get the staff's attention The entitled dad ignores my warning and it reaches for it again I give him a gentle little shove back, but I don't know my own strength So it was stronger than I meant all right kid all this time is just watching in silence How dare you push me your little Jack? He keeps his voice down, but gets the attention of an older man waiting for the flight as well He looks a little scruffy with large eye bags Listen, he had a weird but cool accent. That was a mix of a New Yorker and an Irish man The heck you think you're doing? Swearing at a freaking kid. You think your son's gonna grow up any better than you This Jack needs to be taught a lesson She disrespected me and my son Besides she doesn't need her stupid tablet. Her rich parents can just get her a new one All Savior looks like he's done with letting him talk Why can't you? He's literally got Nike Air shoes. He looks to me. How much did your tablet cost? About a hundred twenty dollars on average if you can afford nice expensive shoes for your son You can afford to get him a tablet and title dad seems to be at a loss for words before he splutters out Well, my son is way better than she could ever be so why would she need it? She just end up working in fast food I'm also fairly done with this encounter at this point So I start to pack up putting my pin in its little holder in my tablet and closing my laptop I grabbed my two bags and dragged them over next to the old man My mistake was not taking my laptop old Savior continues while I do this. I Don't give a crap how talented your son is it isn't your gosh dang stuff. It's hers I haven't seen her work, but I'm sure she's great. I Smile a little at this and give him a small nod of appreciation before entitled dad gets a word out old Savior Looks for me back to my laptop and exclaims What the heck do you think you're doing? I look back and all right kid has evolved from an all right kid to an entitled kid Yeah, that's right. He's not good anymore He unplugged the tablet from its USB port and started to hurriedly walk away, but he stops in his tracks I'm angry Very angry. So I hurry up to him and snatch it out of his hands He was so much strong, but you don't get between an art kit and her tablet I begin to walk away back to my laptop as the entitled dad grabs my arm Give that to me right now. You little jerk. I kind of laugh grab his arm and try to pry it off my own He's stronger than me. So I begin to pry his fingers off my arm by sliding my own tiny hand under it Meanwhile old Savior gets up and grabs his arm yanking it off It suddenly becomes clear that this legend despite his scruffy looks and age is a boss Instead of shouting like a normal man. He angrily whispers threats to him I would relay them here, but he was talking so fast and had so many bad words. It would be a waste of time Thankfully this caused entitled dad and entitled kid to back off going back to wherever they came from How to have fun anytime anywhere step one go to chumba casino calm chumba casino calm Got it step two collect your welcome bonus come to top a welcome bonus step three play hundreds of casino style games for free That's a lot of games all for free step four unleash your excitement The casino has been delivering thrills for over a decade. So claim your free welcome bonus now and live the temple life visit chumba casino calm I grab my laptop and sit next to the old man thinking him and showing him my work He tells me not to worry about it and asks what I was drawing I tell him it's a Dungeons & Dragons character and he remarks how he used to play a long time ago when 3.5 e just came out We talk about Dungeons & Dragons for a while before he stands up to board with the folks who get to board before the normies Not even with the elderly he was in business class My dad comes back to me completely unaware of what just happened and tells me that we aren't gonna make it on that flight I shrug we pack up and we begin to head to the next possible flight we could get on I tell my dad about this on the walk and his face hardened like he was upset But we didn't do anything about it, but hey, I did get an expensive Starbucks out of it afterward Thank you all for reading if this actually gets read Please send me a link in the comments to be honest a small part of me wishes I could have had a longer conversation since I really liked the characters He told me about and he was really chill so old man. I salute you Next we've got entitled family tries to steal my cat Hey, you lovely people. I've had quite a few experiences with entitled parents and other people So here I am to tell you how one time an entitled family tried to steal my cat This did happen about 10 years ago, but I'll tell as much as I remember Here's our some of them not so lovely cast Me OP a unicorn goddess. We've got turbo my adorable cat We have the entitled kid entitled dad and entitled mom Now onto the story. I used to live in a pretty small town where everyone knew pretty much everyone So most of the time it was more than fine to let my two cats wander around outside Both cats were and still are very clingy and often follow me or my mom if they see we were outside too So we had always either keep them inside while we went somewhere or make a run for it until the cats would just give up That day was one of those days where I made a run for it as turbo had been following me to the grocery store After a few minutes I was on my way back and almost home when I saw family consisting of entitled kid and titled dad and entitled mom Standing by turbo and titled kid petting my cat and giggling at how pretty she was while her parents watched Now I don't want to brag but turbo is a very pretty cat and I've gotten tons of compliments on her Taking a better look I could see the family wasn't from around their car close and entitled mom's jewelry all looking very Expensive which wasn't something you really saw in my town not because people were poor But nobody was real flashy and no one wanted to be the first and stick out Judging from where their car was parked. I think they were there to look at a house for sale Anyway, I was smiling to myself and feeling proud again that someone liked my cat when suddenly the entitled kid looked at her parents and asked Mommy, can we keep him to which her mother said sure sweetie you've been so good lately you deserve a pet This of course gave me a minor heart attack as the entitled mom bent down to pick up turbo Luckily turbo and I had a little game that whenever I wanted her inside I would bend down to pick her up only to have her run a few feet stop and wait for me to try again a few times At that moment turbo seemed to think it was play time and with a little meow Ran about three feet away stopped and looked back at entitled mom Challenging her to try again, which she did This was honestly pretty funny to watch But when entitled mom called for entitled dad to open the car door and help her get turbo in it I decided to step in I called turbos name to get her attention and seeing me she ran as fast as our little legs could get to me meowing loudly the whole time as I gave her a few pets and told her we were going home This did not sit well with the entitled family as entitled kids started screen crying and the parents both looked at me like I was crazy What the heck are you doing? Taking my cat home. That isn't your cat you jerk Yeah, she is I've had her for years want to see the pics. I've got Apparently me being a smart elk was a bad move as entitled kid drops to the ground and started screaming even louder as she flopped around Kitty Look what you did. You made entitled kid cry Just give her that cat already some child like you doesn't deserve such a pretty cat anyway An entitled kid has been behaving wonderful and should be rewarded. I Look at entitled kid who's still throwing a tantrum. You call that good behavior Who do you think you are telling us how to raise our child? I'm not but maybe I should give us the cat already Nope, that's it. I'm getting that thing myself He started stomping towards me and turbo Obviously about to try to grab her, but I had enough so grabbing turbo I quickly put her in my bag and zipped it up So only her head was poking out and she couldn't jump out With that done I turned back to entitled dad who had almost reached me and was glaring at my bag Obviously intent on just ripping the whole thing off Luckily many years of being bullied had resulted in me developing a mess with me and Lou's attitude But I decided to use so I gave him my hardest glare and loudly stomped my foot towards him actually making him stop walking Listen jerk if you even think of coming near my cat again I'm ripping off your head making you eat it poop it out and eat it again Entitled mom let out a dramatic gasp She must have been shocked that someone actually threatened entitled dad or maybe just my imagination and language, but whatever Same goes for you and your fake boobs. Get out of here now As they just stood there frozen with entitled kid having stopped crying I carefully placed my bag with turbo in it down and this time I was the one stomping towards them Go That seemed to work as the entitled parents dragged their mannees stain into the car and drove off with screeching tires Never before was I so glad to have been a pretty big girl I grabbed my bag with turbo in it and started walking home again, but after a few minutes I swear I saw the same car again with the driver and passenger both looking the other way So I couldn't see their faces. I figured they might have somehow found me again And we're trying to follow me home to steal turbo some other time So I decided to walk past my house and just keep walking for at least an hour Before I started taking all kinds of paths that were short, but where cars couldn't come After a while I managed to not only lose them But to also have them think that turbo and I lived in a different neighborhood Still as soon as I got home I got my other cat inside and my mom and I didn't let them out for at least a week in fear Those people would somehow show up again The end Thank you all very much for reading how I had to heroically rescue my cat from an entitled family Also for those of you wondering here's a pic of her and Our final story of the day the muffins Okay, so this one is a bit strange, but just bear with me So my wife and I live in an apartment complex. It's pretty nice Nothing too expensive or fancy, but it does have a fireplace and a good amount of space Plus the maintenance crew are really nice and professional Like most apartments when you get a package that's either too large to leave in the tiny cubbies They give for mail or to leave on your doorstep. It's sent to the main office building It's a good system that prevents theft or lost packages Now my wife loves to bake so one day She was going full blast in the kitchen and ended up making about four dozen tiny banana nut muffins That's a ton even for two 20-somethings. So being the nice and slightly shy folk We are we decided to plate up about 25 of the muffins and bring them to the office We figured it would be a nice gesture of gratitude When we get to the office there were the two typical employees that knew my wife and I because we almost Immediately picked up our packages and one I didn't recognize This is our entitled parent This woman was legitimately a fusion of a typical Karen and Miss Frizzle in a pants suit My wife greeted everyone holding the muffins behind her back The two normal employees both smiled and said hello while entitled parent just rushed past us without a word I figured it was her lunch break or something So I didn't really pay her any mind After she left my wife revealed the muffins much to the office workers delight We told them it was for everyone including the maintenance staff My wife was wriggling bashfully as everyone talked up her muffins and how cute she was They all said thank you from then on and for the next few days everything was normal But then the fun just stopped at around 8 a.m. On Sunday. There was a loud banging at my door My wife was already up so she answered the door to her and my surprise. It was entitled parent Keep in mind. We've never even spoken to this woman. We only know her name from the other office workers Oh, good morning. Mrs. entitled parent. How are you this morning? Hello, I'm actually really busy today. I was just wondering when you'll be making muffins again Well, that was just a one-time thing, but if I end up making more I'll let you know Actually, could you make some today? I really liked them last time and so did my kids. So please be a dear Now my wife isn't exactly what you would call tough She often caves under pressure or feels guilty when she has to say no That's where I come in. I have no issue shutting people down who demand more than either of us can do I got up from the couch and marched over to the door Actually miss entitled parent. We're actually about to go out on our weekly date and don't exactly have the time Sorry about that Well, you could always postpone it my kids and I really liked the muffins You guys are a little young to be going out like this Think of this as a chance to do something actually nice for someone else rather than indulging in each other At this point I'm done. I said no my wife tried to say no, so that's the end of it Sorry, we don't have time. We'll try to later. Have a nice day I said that as quickly as possible to shut the door over the next few weeks We had a few maintenance issues that we submitted requests for nothing major Just changing the weather strip and a door that was sticking after zero responses from the office or maintenance staff I went to see what's up Turns out entitled parent wanted us to make muffins so bad that she denied or just ignored all the requests We sent in not only that but we saw a dramatic spike in our rent the following month about a $90 increase that she said Was a one-time mistake and we should just pay because the paperwork isn't worth the trouble Eventually we were done We gathered all the paperwork and denied requests we could and marched straight to the office The complex owner was there that day and we knew he wouldn't be back for another month as soon as entitled parents Saw me and my wife with a fat stack of paper. She froze like a deer in headlights We made our way to the owner and explained our situation He is stunned over the fact that his employee who was already on thin ice for something similar would be so petty The owner told us that next month's rent would be on him and maintenance should come by as soon as possible The entitled parent glared at us as we left the office I found out later that she was fired and sent to court for fraud Turns out she was pulling similar problems with five other tenants raising their rent only to keep the extra money off the books Man to think this all started because of some muffins if this ends up on a reddit Mr. Reddit is a chill dude. Oh, thanks bad bear. You guys sound pretty chill, too Entitled mom gets mad about a large fry. She did not order Hello, mr. Reddit and re-army. I love your videos and I watch them every day on the way home from work I am on mobile. So sorry for any bad grammar or misspelled words. Let's meet the cast We've got me OP. We've got entitled mom and titled dad and the manager So here's the story. I was minding my own business stocking cleaning and that fun stuff when there was a beep in my ear I was doing drive-through lane 2. I answer with my nicest customer service voice. Hi Welcome to the restaurant. How can I help you today? She gives me her order, which is like 45 dollars I read back to her the order word for word and told her the total and to go to the window to pay She pays then comes to my window and this is the conversation that followed Here you drinks and food ma'am, and would you like some dipping sauce with that? No, but you forgot to large fry I wanted five not four. Oh, I'm sorry about that I go ring up a large fry all right ma'am your large fry is going to be 271 what the heck why is it that much? That is just the price ma'am. Well, just give me a refund on all of it since you can't do your job I can't because it's just a large fry Fine, I just won't eat you don't know what people are going through my mother just died so I deserve the food Okay, I can do the refund can I have all the food and drinks back fine? She just hands me the food a ma'am. I need the drinks too if you want a full refund What the heck fine here you go you stupid jerk She hands me the drinks. Thank you. I get my manager so I can get the entitled mom her refund We give her the refund and I thought it was the end of it boy was I wrong the entitled dad walks in Oh, I want to speak to the manager now. I'm sorry, sir. What's the matter? Are you a manager? No, then forget you give me the manager the manager comes running to see what's the problem? What seems to be the problem? Your stupid employees seem to be the problem. They made my poor wife cry. I demand the whole order free I'm afraid. I can't do that you listen here. You either fire these jacks that don't deserve a job or give me the free food Then he said some hurtful things to the manager and I jumped in it is Ryan C crest here There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music no movies no entertainment But a better trend would be going to Chumbak casino calm It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket Chumbak casino has over a hundred online casino style games All absolutely free. It's the most fun. You can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at Chumbak casino calm Sponsor by Chumbak casino. No purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply We will not do either of those but you can either order some food or you can get out and not come back What's your choice? Forget you Okay, just leave. How are you going to make me? I'm not but the police will After that he left in hurry and I haven't seen him since he was banned along with the wife and they never got their food Thank you, mr. Reddit for all that you do and keep up the good work Next we've got entitled a pastor yep This is my first story. So if my formatting is wrong, please leave constructive criticism in the comments It's a long one so hang in there This happened nearly 20 years ago, but it was so impactful to me that I remember it all very well Back story my mom was the volunteer secretary for our church Practically since the congregation was formed back in the early 1960s She served under five different pastors over the years and all of them depended on her a great deal She knew everyone in the church and everyone knew her My dad had served as the church president several different terms was a church elder Belonged to every committee and group he was eligible for and knew everyone and everyone knew him Let's just say that anytime anyone had a question about where something was or how something was done within the church Our phone rang the church was our family One of my mom's main responsibilities of her job was producing the weekly church bulletin This required getting a few bits of information from the pastor mainly his sermon title and which hymns would be sung that week Back in the day she would do this by using a hand cranked mimeograph machine Google it kids it wasn't quite having to chisel it into a stone tablet, but close Being the perfectionist she was there were many times She would find a mistake in the stencil and rather than leave it She'd re-type the whole thing on her manual typewriter Even though there wasn't one church member who would have cared if service was spelled wrong Sadly my mom passed away following a short illness in 1996 her son and departure left a major hole in the church's day-to-day operations I was grieving badly not only because I'd lost my mother, but because she was my best friend About the second Sunday after my mom's funeral our current pastor stood in front of the congregation at the end of service and Asked if there were any volunteers willing to help try to keep the office going and in particular What someone liked to volunteer to produce the weekly bulletin? This was now the second week. There was no bulletin I'm guessing it was my grief that made me do it, but I slowly raised my hand already having a full-time job and two kids under four Would make this difficult, but I felt confident that I could do it Now this current pastor had been with the congregation for about 19 years at this point I was in the first confirmation class he taught during his first year. He officiated my wedding We knew each other very well at first he was very accommodating to my schedule and worked with me to make sure I had Any info I needed and plenty of time to get things done However, as time went by a couple months He started to become lax about providing sermon titles and him choices in a timely manner I began to often find myself at the church laid on Saturday evenings typing up the bulletin for Sunday morning Now all done on a computer. Thank you very much and each time I would find a way to remind him that it would help me a lot if he would have this info available a day or two earlier So I wasn't having to scramble to get this done so close to the deadline It'd do better for a week or two, but then it would go right back to the last-minute crap There are many other things he would do that annoyed me all of them entitled behaviors, but those are for another post Now my dad was a real character. He had a biting Sarcastic sense of humor and you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that would say a bad word against him He would also be very opinionated and loved a good debate. For example, he loved when a Jehovah's Witness person would come to the door He'd invite them in pull out his Bible and start arguing with them to show them proof about this or that I doubt he ever converted any of them But I'm positive there were one or two that left there slightly questioning what they thought they knew So my dad's relationship with the current pastor was very good He considered him a good friend as well as his spiritual leader Even though they had some heated debates through the ears The majority is stemming from the pastor's sense of entitlement whenever he requested a raise in salary or when he had Start talking about needing to hire an associate pastor because there was just too much for him to do Being in the positions he had dad would tell me that our pastor was already the highest paid in the region with the smallest Congregation again. There are many more entitled stories. I could tell about this pastor, but let me get to this story Let's finally meet the cast for this story. We've got entitled pastor. We've got me my dad and older brother It's now 1999 and my dad has cancer and is in a hospice facility I'm seeing a great new guy that dad really likes and he knows that new guy and I are already planning on getting married Even though we're not yet officially engaged I had even told entitled pastor that new guy and I were planning on getting married to which he replied that before he would marry us We would need to attend his pre-marriage classes New guy and I weren't really thrilled about this, but we went ahead and scheduled the first class for the third Thursday in September It's now the end of August and my dad's health was taking a bad turn I was there on a Saturday afternoon and dad and I began talking about new guy and I getting married and how even though I knew dad wouldn't be able to walk me down the aisle. I really wanted him to be there He just looked at me and said you'd better hurry then. I gave him a kiss Promised him I would and burst into tears the moment. I got home telling new guy I was afraid there was no way my dad would make it until the wedding New guy just wiped away my tears and said he would make sure my dad would see us get married Suddenly we're planning a wedding to be held at the hospice facility on Wednesday evening just four days away New guy went into mad planning mode We divided the tasks that needed to get done so that it would be more like a real wedding event and not just the pastor And us in my dad's hospice room. We invited a few family members I bought a dress just an off-white lace short dress not a full bridal gown And I called entitled pastor to let him know what was happening. Here's how the conversation went Hey entitled pastor, sorry I missed service this morning dad took a bad turn last evening and I didn't get home until very late So I overslept and woke up about an hour late Hopefully one of the church elders found the bulletins, okay Yes, no problem. Have you talked to dad today? How's he doing? Not yet new guy and I are getting ready to head over to the hospice now So by the way new guy and I have decided to get married ASAP so that dad can be a part of it We're planning it for Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. I'm sorry. I won't be able to do that Being the church secretary I had access to his calendar and even though he had a district minister's meeting on Wednesday night I knew he had skipped this meeting for just about any reason he could find in the past So when he said he wouldn't marry us, I assumed he was saying this because of this meeting So I started laughing because I was sure he was joking What's so funny? Okay, yeah, because you've never missed that district meeting before It has nothing to do with the district meeting. I'm beginning to realize that he wasn't joking Okay, then what's up? You guys haven't taken my classes yet. Are you serious? I know we haven't taken them yet But we've already scheduled them and still plan on taking them But my dad is not likely to live much longer and I want him to be a part of me marrying new guy So I was assuming you would be willing to go ahead with the ceremony given the extenuating circumstances I'm sorry, but no, I won't marry you until you take the classes Just to clarify there were four classes each one about an hour and a half Considering the new guy and I still had to work our regular jobs There was simply no way we could take the classes before Wednesday evening even if we wanted to After a few more minutes of me trying to persuade entitled pastor to change his mind and finally giving up we hung up I burst into tears sobbing uncontrollably new guy rushes into the room panicked asking what's wrong Between sobs, I slowly managed to tell him about my conversation with entitled pastor and started crying harder again Because I assumed that this means we won't be able to get married in time for my dad to see it New guy will have none of this nonsense and suggests. I call my brother I call him up and ask about the wedding on Wednesday. I slowly explained what's happened try and unsuccessfully to not start crying again Do you think there is any way your pastor would be available to marry us? Okay, I will call him right away and find out my guess is he will be more than happy to help I'll call you right back older brother never could stand to hear his baby sister crying He calls back less than ten minutes later and tells me that his pastor said he would absolutely do it He had a meeting schedule same meeting that entitled pastor usually skips, but said it was no problem to miss it It's now Monday evening and I'm visiting my dad at hospice I tell him that new guy and I are getting married on Wednesday evening and then mentioned that entitled pastor is not doing this ceremony He asked why and I gave a quick answer about the classes and laughed it off He got a stern look on his face, but didn't say anything more about it Now this next part took place after I left that evening But older brother relayed this conversation to me in great detail. So here it goes Dad says Son, I have something very important to tell you and I'm being completely serious My brother is shaken because dad's tone is very unusual Okay, what's up? When I die, I don't want entitled pastor to have anything to do with my funeral Absolutely nothing you handle it. However, you need to as long as entitled pastor does not participate in any way Okay, whatever you say I understand Older brother went on to reassure dad that his pastor was stepping in and everything would be handled before he left for the evening Dad in a much weaker tone because his pain meds were kicking in told my brother again that entitled pastor could have nothing To do with his funeral service period Older brother again reassured him that he would see to it Older brother immediately called me when he got home and told me what dad had said We kind of chuckled that dad getting the last word and his final debate with entitled pastor But I felt a bit guilty that their friendship was basically over because of me I had a brief conversation with dad about it on Tuesday evening But not much of one because his condition was worsening and his pain meds were being administered at higher doses So he was more out of it than in So Wednesday night comes the weather was Unseasonably gorgeous and we are even able to hold the ceremony on the little patio right outside dad's room Rolling his bed out onto the patio His eyes were closed for the majority of the time So I wasn't sure he was really aware of what was going on But when the pastor asked us all to join in the Lord's prayer dad's lips were moving as he recited every word He perked up for a few minutes after the ceremony and he and I talked for a few seconds He thanked me for making sure he was included told me he loved me and he was glad new guy would be around to take care of me I told him I loved him too. It was a bittersweet moment and the last words we would speak to each other My dad passed away three days later I did not go to see him because new guy and I both got sick and when I called to try to talk to him The hospice nurse told me that he was sleeping and pretty heavily medicated now New guy had planned a short weekend trip for he and I along with my two children to go to a state park in a neighboring state and Stay in a cabin not really a honeymoon, but at least a little getaway to celebrate our getting married Unfortunately, we only stayed Friday night. I got the call from my brother on Saturday morning The dad had passed away. So we headed right back During our drive back older brother got a call from entitled pastor saying that he had heard dad was gone He proceeded to tell my brother that he thought the funeral service should be scheduled for Monday and asked him to call the funeral Home to make the arrangements accordingly Here's how that conversation went and we're the most disgusting display of entitlement happens Sorry entitled pastor, but we won't be having the church service at insert church name here And you won't be officiating at the gravesite funeral service either What what do you mean? Dad was very very clear that he wanted you to have absolutely nothing to do with any of it Why would he say that? When my sister told him of you refusing to marry her and new guy because they haven't yet taken your classes He decided he wanted nothing more to do with you. Oh That's not what I said your sister misunderstood me I had a very important meeting for Wednesday night since this was planned so last minute I just couldn't change my plans. I'm sure if he knew my brother totally cuts him off You mean the same meeting that my church's pastor was scheduled to attend But skipped to perform the ceremony the same meeting you've skipped more times than you've attended You mean the meeting that you in fact did not attend anyway older brother later told me He didn't really know that for sure but bluffed and was actually right. He never did go and titled pastor stammers for a few seconds Well, I think you should still have everything here at our church The rest of the congregation won't understand if you don't let me do it and it's not held here So you're asking me to go against my dad's dying wish one. He was very specific about Yes, he was probably just so medicated that he didn't really understand what he was saying. Oh, no He was extremely lucid and I asked him several times just to be sure he said no But the other members of the congregation won't get a chance to pay their last respects again You're seriously asking me to disregard his dying wishes. Believe me. We'll make sure everyone knows exactly what's going on They said very emphatically besides you knew the man Well, would you really want to have him haunting you from the grave for disobeying his wish? I know I don't and I won't have to worry about it because this discussion is over Older brothers pastor officiated the funeral service at the funeral home and the graveyard service This funeral home was packed to capacity with all the members of the congregation in attendance I resigned from being the church secretary the day after the funeral. There was no way I could work for entitled pastor at that point I transferred my church membership to another church in my town a couple months later I never set foot and what had been the only church I had ever known again. It is Ryan C crest here Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba casino They know how to keep things fresh and exciting all their games are free to play I spin slots bingo and solitaire You can claim free daily login bonuses to and they release new games every week So spice things up with Chumba casino calm now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Sponsored by Chumba casino. No purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply I heard that entitled pastor requested to be moved to another church in his home state a few months later Seemed he had lost the respect of most of the congregation I have had several calls from members of that congregation telling me that entitled pastor was gone and asking me to come back Not to be secretary just come back to us. I told them I would think about it But I haven't gone back since just too many bad feelings there for me And our final story of the day How dare you not give me cigarettes? Hey, mr. Reddit. I am a longtime viewer and reader on your channels I really like your content and have been lurking for a bit till I got a story of my own I'll censor out the bad words to make it clean for your younger audiences the cast We've got our entitled mom Karen. We've got me OP We've got the store manager the assistant store manager the cool guy behind the Karen and the cool lady behind the Karen And my co-worker who was off the clock along with a nice old lady a little back story I work at a retail store I'll call XYZ from here on and have been working here for a little over two months I get a lot of older customers wanting to back owe products all the time and I must ask for identification It's the law in my state This happened a few times before with entitled mom, but she had never blown up this bad I guess she didn't get in her fill of OJ or someone peed in it I don't know but back to the story It was a fairly normal day of me greeting my regular customers and other customers who would soon become regulars of XYZ It was near the end of my shift. I had about an hour left Then I felt it my customer service senses were tingling the doorbell goes off as she enters I groan internally because I know what she's here for. I put on my best customer service smile Hello, welcome to XYZ. I continued to ring up the nice old lady in the front of the line and she goes to the back Keep in mind, please I like to talk to my customers and hope that I can make their day better a few customers down the line I can hear her complaining to someone on the phone about the wait. Oh my freaking gosh This jerk is taking forever to ring up the customers and all I want is a pack of smokes Cool guy and cool lady hear this and let her in front of them I am almost done with nice old lady and she slams her hand down on the counter to get my attention Marlborough lights in a soft pack, please She is already grabbing for her money But I am not done with nice old lady yet about this time co-worker is behind me I guess his customer service senses were tingling too Nice old lady tells entitled mom Excuse me. I was talking to this wonderful little girl Could you please be a little more respectful? I'll be using my credit card, sweetie Ma'am, I will get you your smokes in a moment. Please have your ID ready I press a button on my keyboard so that nice old lady can use her credit card and proceed to ask her about her puppies and family She was getting dog food and had told me about her family on previous visits and titled mom doesn't say anything else until nice old Lady leaves the store. I Would like my smokes now. She has her hand on her hip and is glaring at me Like I said before I have had issues with her not having any kind of identification before So I figured it would be the same this time She looks old enough to buy them, but I must have ID to verify. I Haven't moved yet. May I see your ID, please ma'am? I kid you not she blows up. I Should not have to show my ID. I am 62 years old and have five children to show for it People have been disrespectful to me all day and I don't need your crap Give me my smokes. How dare you not give me my cigarettes? I don't like confrontation. So I'm very sheepish about this. I say in a very quiet voice and a bit of stuttering Huh, I am very sorry ma'am, but I cannot sell you smokes without proper identification Store manager and assistant store manager come to the register probably because of the commotion Finally someone who could help me. I would like some smokes and she won't give them to me I am 62 years of age and she can't do the math to get them for me. Oh Do you have your ID ma'am? What heck no Then she can't sell you them ma'am. It says on our door that we card It's the law entitled bomb gets even readder and starts yelling swears at me and my coworkers I have no idea what it was but something inside me snapped. I have had bad experiences and been treated horribly in the past I wasn't gonna take this anymore everything I've ever wanted to say to anyone came out and I remember exactly what I said surprisingly I Have had enough you will not yell at me or my coworkers I was nice to you in the past and I have always been polite to you I am not a doormat and neither are my friends or family I will not be bullied by you anymore and you will leave my store right now before I call the police and you will be arrested for Disturbing the piece The store was quiet and I had tears running down my face She didn't say anything and booked it out of my store My coworkers tried to get me to leave the register, but I refused they went back to what they were doing and customers went back to shopping Cool guy and cool lady approached the register and congratulated me on my bravery I felt horrible, but relieved that I protected my store and my coworkers I dealt with an issue that I had been putting off for weeks and I have a feeling I won't be seeing her ever again Entitled mother and daughter get blacklisted. I Worked for a bath and body company not bath and body works And I obviously won't be naming this company, but they are on the high-end range With it being an expensive brand you can guess that it's not uncommon that we come across entitled people in general For this story, it's a mother-daughter duo the usual I'm on mobile and the english is my first language, but i'm sure mistakes will be made We've got entitled mother entitled daughter me manager and our corporate worker This happened on friday the 10th of this month may so it was the last business day before mother's day This call took place at around 2 a.m We are a 24-hour call center so the only day we are closed is christmas day Anyway, let me actually get to what happened now Me it's a great day at our store. My name is arkalichi. How may I assist you today? It's about darn time someone there answered the phone. What have you been doing? Clearly not your job I instantly mute myself sigh and roll my eyes as I can already tell how this phone call is going to go Also after midnight we don't get many phone calls and only myself and another person we're working as per our usual Neither of our phones had rang since just after midnight. So I knew she was BSing I'm so sorry about your wait, ma'am. How may I assist you this evening? I want to know when my mother's order is going to be delivered I paid extra for overnight shipping and I haven't received the shipping email yet Of course, may I have your order number? She rattles off the number. I place her on hold as our system was running a bit slow And I honestly didn't want to listen to her complain about the wait Anyway, I see the order is sitting unprinted in our system and sigh again I checked the time the order was placed and it was around 4 30 pm that afternoon Which was past our cutoff time of 2 pm eastern for overnight and second day shipping I double check everything including the price of the order Which was $65 as our current promo granted free second day or $5 overnight As well as a free full-sized item that had been pre-selected I take a moment to brace myself before I come back on the line I see here that the order was placed around 4 30 this afternoon. Is that correct? Yes, but that doesn't matter. Don't ask me stupid questions I'm sorry, ma'am. I was just double checking the information as unfortunately our cutoff time for expedited shipping is two pm eastern this order has not been shipped and will not ship out until monday morning So as she cuts me off and started screaming about how I need to ship at that instant And it is to be delivered by 8 a.m. Saturday morning or she would have me fired I'm so sorry ma'am, but there is no way for us to be able to do that But I can have your shipping fee refunded and I can send out two more of the free full-sized items as an appeasement for this mishap I want a manager Now I'm not technically the manager, but as I work night shift We do not have a manager on during our night shifts This being said both of my managers will task the person with the most experience as the manager when they are not there With it only being me and my coworker I was the that person having worked here for just about five years now And my coworker had only started working back in November of 2018 I am the manager ma'am. However, if you would like to speak with another manager I can take your contact information and have one of them call you in the morning She scoffs and starts cussing me out and I mean this lady was seriously calling me every name in the book Our company while they love to cater to whatever customers want allows us to hang up on customers who are acting like this woman was ma'am if you continue to curse at me, I will disconnect this call You will be doing no such thing you little jerk How dare you think you can hang up on a paying customer who has been with your company since the beginning? I will have you thrown in jail for assaulting me I rolled my eyes again because she was trying to threaten me with something that would never work in hopes that I would listen I'm sorry ma'am, but I am disconnecting this call and forwarding the time stamps to other managers as our calls are recorded You have a wonderful rest of your evening and I hang up I knew this wasn't the end of it And I told my coworker what had happened and noted our system as per our policy About the issue and told my coworker she could go on her break So that I would be the one to get the call if she did call back Me mandatory phone greeting. How may I assist you? Some rude rep just hung up on my daughter and now she is crying What are you going to do about this? I'm so sorry about that ma'am. May I have the name or order number for your daughter so I can see who she last spoke with? I already knew it was me, but I played along and looked up the number just for giggles Yes ma'am. I see here that I was the one who spoke with your daughter However, she was cursing and screaming at me and per our policy We are allowed to hang up after informing the customer. We are going to do so which I did How dare you you little jerk Here we go again I think to myself and mute my end of the phone and just let her rant and rage at me for a good 20 minutes I'm not even joking. I wish I were. I don't even think she took one solid breath the whole time So what are you going to do to fix this? As I told your daughter before I can refund the shipping cost and send two extra free full-sized items as a one-time appeasement However, the order will not be arriving until Tuesday as it won't be shipped until Monday That's not good enough. I want our whole order refunded and demanded be here tomorrow morning I understand your frustration However, that is simply impossible to do as our last UPS pickup was at 5 p.m Earlier this evening and they won't be picking up from us again until Monday morning If you would like I can have your order canceled but still send the free full-sized promos as promised So you may purchase your paid items at your local store tomorrow when they open We aren't allowed to refund a full purchase and still send the items out without manager approval And while I'm acting manager, I didn't feel comfortable with refunding it without someone else's go ahead I want your manager She huffs and I give her the same rundown I gave her daughter But I gave both my managers hours for the next day so she knew exactly when to call She screams like a banshee and tells me how I'm going to be fired and won't ever be allowed to work in customer service ever again And she hangs up I sigh in relief of finally being off of the phone with them and note my system once more Before sending a lengthy email to both managers telling them the whole situation As well as the times of both calls as I know they will want to listen to them Even though I didn't want to I went ahead and sent out three of the full-sized promos in the email stating I would refund the shipping once the order had been posted as I couldn't do it until then They don't call back again during my shift and I just forget about the whole thing and go about my day at home I come back in for my shift the next night and only one of the managers is in which is the usual as our second manager works an earlier shift Show she's always off by the time I come in. Anyway, we will just call her manager for simplicity Manager calls me into the office and I immediately know what for And I ask her if it was about entitled daughter and entitled mom and she tells me yes She's smiling. So I know that I'm not in any kind of trouble She tells me that they had called in yes both of them on the same line So they had it on speaker so they could both talk and listen She tells me how they completely lied about the incident and said that they had called in just to get a refund on the shipping But I had started yelling and cursing at them Yes, you heard that right. I guess entitled daughter forgot I told her the calls were recorded and when confronted with that and manager one telling them that she had listened to both calls And that I hadn't done what they said I did Entitled mom yells and says she knows the owner and founder of the company and will have both of us fired At this point, she just plays the recording of her call with them and it goes like this manager Wow, you know our owner? That's amazing Her voice was sickly sweet and I couldn't help but laugh Yes, I do and I'm calling him right now from my daughter's phone Sure enough. She calls someone Definitely not the owner of the company and has this woman claim to be the owner and tells us that we are both fired and to pack up our Things immediately manager actually laughed at this like on the phone laughed at this woman I'm sorry ma'am But you are most definitely not the owner of this company Our owner founder is a male and he unfortunately died a few years ago now If you had done a quick google search, you would know this She pauses for a moment as both entitled mom and entitled daughter are sputtering Trying to find a way to backpedal out of the mess they made If you'll hold for just one moment, I will be forwarding you to our corporate office So they can deal with the situation however they choose So she does and before she transfers them over she tells the corporate worker the whole situation And she also laughs at this how to have fun anytime anywhere step one go to Got it step two collect your welcome bonus come to papa welcome bonus step three play hundreds of casino style games for free that's a lot of games all for free step four unleash your excitement Chumbakasino has been delivering thrills for over a decade So claim your free welcome bonus now and live the chumba life visit By lossy terms and conditions 18 plus tells manager to send them over But to stay on the line so she can assist just in case our corporate office doesn't have access to our systems So she couldn't see anything related to the order and question Entitled mom and entitled daughter once again try and lie not knowing that manager was still on the call But corporate worker quickly shuts them down and informs them that they will be canceling their order As well as the shipment of free items I had sent to them They will be blacklisting both of their online accounts So they won't be able to purchase from our online site anymore They once again tried to pull the I know the owner and i'll have you fired Card but corporate worker quickly shut them down and inform them again that he had been dead for a few years at this point But if they were able to contact him from beyond the grave that they should tell him corporate workers said hello And we all miss you as corporate worker actually knew the owner from his multiple meetings and various other events They held in the past They hung up pretty quickly after that and corporate worker and manager one had a good laugh about it While manager canceled the orders and gave corporate worker the information she needed on her end It felt really good to hear all of this because as i've stated before My company is very quick to just give someone whatever they want the second they become I rate I'm glad someone finally put their foot down to at least these two complete jerks Even if I wasn't the one to be able to do it I'm so sick and tired of these people who treat someone in customer service or anyone in general like complete trash Because they can't change a policy or do anything at all because it's impossible to do it I would have been more than happy to help them even after they yelled had I actually had something to help them with This definitely isn't the first time I've encountered people and I have a ton of other stories I could tell but I told this one as it was the most recent one that was this bad Next we've got neighbor lady risks injury not really to accuse me of setting venomous snakes loose in the neighborhood Well, mr. Reddit. I'm a longtime listener to your youtube channel a recent subscriber and now a poster to your subreddit I posted this story in r/stories about kevin But it's probably a perfect story for you to read on youtube and you have my full permission This is probably the most surreal wtf encounter i've ever had with another person And it still leaves me baffled how some people can be so unintelligent This also proves that carons can double as kevin's This caron wasn't necessarily entitled just completely clueless about the stupid assumptions and decisions she made This took place last summer So I was dropping my son off at my parents on my way to work as my normal sitter wasn't able to watch him that day I haven't lived at their house in more than 10 years Before I got married and moved out. I had a small zoo of exotic pets that I kept corn snakes a bearded dragon geckos scorpions tarantulas giant millipedes rats The neighborhood kids knew I had an interesting collection that they were welcome to see whenever I was home This collection is no longer there as I rehomed nearly all of them when the wife and kids became my top priority This background is important to my encounter with daft neighbor lady who I shall refer to as dnl I'm about to get into my car when neighbor lady approaches me She says accusingly. I found one of your rattlesnakes Excuse me one of your rattlesnakes. It must have escaped and I found it I never had any pet rattlesnakes. Weren't you the one with all the reptiles? Yes, but I never had any venomous ones and that was more than 10 years ago She says accusingly again Don't all reptile keepers have poisonous snakes No, it's not a requirement to keep venomous snakes if you keep reptiles She looks genuinely confused as I explained this to her like she thought it was a requirement to keep venomous snakes if you keep reptiles Well, it must be someone's pet then we don't have native rattlesnakes around here We live in Utah as a side note Uh, we do have native rattlesnakes I've never heard of one this far into city limits But I guess they could wonder this far into town if they were desperate for food Where did you see it? Can you show me? I'm already running late But this is a busy neighborhood where a lot of kids play in the local vacant lots And if there is a rattlesnake I'm willing to be late to work while I make sure animal control removes a potentially dangerous snake Neighbor lady hands me a plastic grocery sack with something squirming in it I've got the rat of snake right here I look at her with a flabric gasket expression on my face I cautiously take the bag holding it by the tips of the handles trying to avoid contact with his snake Of dubious identification If it is a rattlesnake, even if it can't see me Its heat sensing pits will still let it know exactly where I am I slowly open the bag and see its contents It's nothing more than a baby garter snake I'm shaking my head This is nothing more than a garter snake It can't be It isn't patterned like a garter snake Our local garter snakes have one stripe on each side and a checkered pattern on their backs This snake has round pupils while rattlesnakes have elliptical pupils like a cat This is definitely a garter snake It was a western terrestrial garter snake Neighbor lady is looking at me like I just said this sky is purple You're positive it's a garter snake 100% Well, what do I do with it? Do I need to contact animal control? Why would you need to contact animal control? Just let it go in the vacant lot down the street Well, this has to be someone's pet Snakes can't live in city limits Exaspiration now clear in my tone They can live in city limits This one is just a baby and was probably born in that lot over there earlier in the year And he probably wondered out looking for slugs or earthworms Put him back in the vacant lot and he'll be fine She wonders off to let the snake go I get in my car and go to work And with that, the weirdest encounter of my life is over Now I don't blame neighbor lady for not being able to correctly identify a snake Heck, even experts have incorrectly identified venomous snakes as being harmless And have been injured by them But this is not what neighbor lady did She spotted a harmless snake Was absolutely certain that it was dangerous and stuffed it into a plastic grocery bag I regret not looking her in the face and asking point blank You picked up what you assumed was a venomous snake with your bare hands And stuffed it into a plastic grocery bag If she reacts to all various hazards of life With the same absurd lack of caution As an encounter with what she was sure was a rattlesnake She's going to wind up earning a Darwin award And on a final note There was one bit of stupidity from her that I found offensive The assumption that everyone who has pet reptiles keeps venomous snakes I can't even begin to fathom what would make her come to that assumption And run with it like it's fact The other completely dumb point was the fact she honestly thought snakes couldn't live in city limits I would also have excused this if not for the fact that neighborhood children Had been catching lizards and garter snakes in the nearby vacant lot And keeping them as temporary pets for 15 years Including her own children How she failed to observe this and all that time Just leaves me flabbergasted And our final story of the day You're just a security officer You don't need that body cam Give it to my entitled son Hey, Mr. Reddit Feel free to use my story 100% Back story I'm a security officer for a small security company Out of Las Vegas, Nevada With generally one location that I work out of Characters We've got the entitled mom Entitled son And me I work the graveyard shift for this one location For the security company I'm employed by Hours are slightly different from day to day Last night's shift was my 1800 to 0200 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Now this apartment complex has families with kids in the complex But me working graveyard shift, I don't normally see any of them Until last night that is So I'm doing one of my many foot patrols on the first floor Walking towards me is entitled mom and entitled son Entitled son stops entitled mom and points at something I found out at this moment It was my new body cam Conversation went like this Mommy, I want that Okay, entitled son Hold on Hey you Give my son your body camera thing you have on He's bored I'm sorry ma'am But it's not a toy so I can't let entitled son play with it He can look but not touch I would learn rather quickly This was a big mistake Oh come on You're just a security guard You don't need that thing Give it to entitled son He's been such a good kid today He deserves to have your body camera As entitled mom begins reaching for my body cam on my chest What the heck do you think you're doing lady? I've already explained to you that this isn't a toy So again No, you can't have it to give to entitled son to play with It's my property Not even the company I work for How dare you talk to me that way I'll have you removed from here And fired from your job I bet you can't even get a real job Now give me that dawn thing right now As entitled mom again tries reaching for my body cam I've decided that I've restrained myself enough I then grab her hand that she's using to grab at my body cam with And begin using painful compliance By bending her hand backwards Now I'm explaining this to you for the last time Entitled mom Stop reaching for my body cam All the while entitled son is telling me to let entitled mom go I will as soon as entitled mom stops trying to get my body cam Finally, I let entitled mom go after a few minutes of painful compliance Her response You will regret doing that I'll have you fired for this Good luck finding work anywhere else Jerk reject cop Now unfortunately The battery in my body cam had died a little bit before this incident And without my external battery pack The camera wasn't rolling But she didn't know that Yeah, okay entitled mom Good luck with that As I point to the body cam Playing it off like it was still on She didn't call my bluff But then again I didn't need her to I'd find out the next day on my shift That the apartment door this happened in front of Turned out to have a video doorbell camera And it caught the whole thing Turns out This was the lady's third time doing something similar to this And is now facing eviction Safe to say I got the last laugh And big thank you to the resident of that apartment with the doorbell cam Karen's daughter bullies other kids And I have to get suspended for it A little background I'm not a teacher And I graduated just last year But I am working for a school for a year In our school We have a club where the students can make their own movie I just supervise them And they're doing a pretty good job In the club are 10 students All from fifth and sixth grade Normally I'm not allowed to supervise them without a teacher But the teacher who is responsible for me Is in the next room with his class And he can hear anything we are doing And sometimes comes to check if everything is okay Last week everyone was really into their work Except one Mean little girl who is always making trouble Like pushing the others Calling them names Screaming for no reason And even tried to fight with me Every time she had her special 10 minutes I could control her more or less But this time it was enough She took the school bag of sweet girl And threw it out of the window Because sweet girl didn't want to help with the music I was shocked I knew the principal wasn't there anymore And I looked for the teacher next door We discussed it And he concluded that we can't allow her to be part of the club anymore I took the girl and went with her into another room Because the rest of the club didn't want her in the room anymore She wouldn't give me the number of her parents So I told her that she should call them So we can clarify this situation with sweet girl and her parents I went to sweet girl for a second To look if everything else was okay And after a boy brought her school bag She was fine I got back to the little mean girl And that grin on her face said everything I don't know what she told her parents But I knew that I had a problem Half an hour later The mom came We'll call her Karen She was big And when I say big I mean big Can you imagine when a bull looks at you With fire in his eyes and smoke comes out of his nose Karen looked exactly like this bull This was also the moment when the little girl started to cry And ran to her mom I looked at the mom Looked at the other kids Close the door so the kids wouldn't hear everything Said a little prayer and went to the mom Where is the teacher? Hello ma'am My name is OP I was supervising the kids No You are lying You are only a student Get the teacher Now I get your confusion But I am no student I am working for the school And we'll discuss the problem with you You dumb little girl How should I talk with you about this crap? You are maybe in eighth grade I am obviously not I think you shouldn't be so rude to me And maybe you don't want to swear in front of your daughter? I hate it when someone swears in front of little kids I see how they want to be like the older ones And when they swear The kids will do it too I love swearing but not in front of them Karen looked shocked at her daughter Who she held by the hand She looked at her and then at me Her face turned bright red Don't tell me how to raise my child Well now I got a little scared Especially because Karen got really calm So you supervised them Yes And you don't want my daughter to be part of your club anymore? Well it isn't that But you should apologize Because it is obviously your fault You didn't do your job When someone would have died It would have been your fault I tried to stop little mean girl But she wouldn't listen to me And before I could grab the bag It was already outside I'm Victoria Cash Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline If you feel like you do the same thing every day Press 1 If you're ready to have some serious fun For the chance to redeem some serious prizes Press 2 We heard you loud and clear So go to right now And play over a hundred social casino style games for free Get lucky today At No purchase necessary VGW Group void prohibited by law 18+ terms of condition supplied I don't really know what to say But I would have loved it if we had security Well maybe your daughter shouldn't throw things out of the window My daughter can do whatever she wants Yeah I see I think we should get someone or discuss it tomorrow I don't think this gets to anything I wanted to turn around But Karen grabbed at me No You wanted me to be here So I am here Apologize to me and my daughter No Why should I? And give her the leading role The kids are working on this for eight months We won't change anything now Then I will talk with the principal And I will get you suspended Again I am not a student You're such a liar I don't understand why I have to work with idiots all the time Now listen I was a pretty good actress when I was young And I know that my daughter has talent So let her use her talent You have no idea You are just a lying little student I will get you suspended Now I know where her daughter got the screaming from Enter mom from sweet girl We'll call her Mary Mary says Karen, long time no see Mary? So your daughter threw my daughter's school bag out of the window again I didn't know that this had already happened some time ago But I was really interested in what would happen next Do you want to apologize to this young lady And we both discuss it like grown-ups? Or should I talk to your husband again? Oh sorry, I mean ex-husband Karen was quiet Did you ever see a quiet Karen? I got goosebumps Did you lose your tongue? You have no idea what happened This is none of your business Oh really? Well, we both have a little history, right? Do you really want to warm this up again? I asked the principal about this on the next day And he told me that Mary was a friend of Karen's now ex-husband And she was the lawyer who helped him with the divorce The two girls get into fights pretty often Because Karen tells her daughter that it was Mary's fault that they divorced And then she wasn't sure if sweet girl wasn't the daughter of her ex-husband too Karen picked her daughter up and walked away without a word Mary got the daughter and then went to get ice cream I did the same with the whole club next week The teacher who was responsible for me apologized like a hundred times He couldn't step in because he had a personal problem and had to end his class earlier No, Karen did try to get me suspended But the principal knows me and knows that I am not an awful person And that I am not a student Next up we've got I think my mom is insane Where do I even begin? What drove me to finally make this post Is that she tried to teach me how cashing in checks works And got upset when I did not know the things she was there to teach me She is a person who is completely detached from reality I do not rely on her for help because she will almost always manage to sprue it up royally I remember I once had trouble printing a word document Because the printer was malfunctioning so I asked her for help She proceeded to mess around and word and then got mad at me when I told her Word doesn't have anything to do with it Do you want my help or not? Anytime she makes a mistake she will never ever say You're right, I'm sorry She will get angry and then maybe a few hours later She'll calm down and admit error After she went off on me or other members of her family She often ruins family dinners Because whenever my grandma says something wrong Factual errors may be morally objectionable statements She harasses her non-stop And when somebody tells her to stop she says I'm the mother and you're the child Or don't stick your nose in other people's business Ignore what we're saying Which is obviously much easier said than done I actually went and cried twice as a little kid during those family dinners And the person who consulted me was my grandma Not her She often tells me of how much of a bad parent my grandma was And doesn't stop when I tell her I don't want her forcibly steering me against my grandma She often says she doesn't care about anybody Yet my grandma calls me regularly to ask how I'm doing My grandma is kind of an airhead But that does not excuse my mother's behavior I actually had depression ages 15 to 16 With one of my main reasons being how much I dreaded family gatherings and being around my mom And she knew that She did not tone down her behavior very much Despite knowing it drove me to very dark places On the subject of not admitting to mistakes I would like to point out how often she falls asleep in front of the TV or in her bed When I ask her to wake up so she can make me dinner I'll elaborate on why I need to do that later She keeps saying things like 5 more minutes Whenever she falls asleep in front of the TV I ask her what she's watching She does not know what show is even on Yet she keeps relentlessly saying she's watching it and to not bother her The TV is always on even if she's not asleep She would often go out to the balcony and close the door behind her The balcony is pretty much shielded from any sound coming from the rest of the apartment that way Whenever this happens I keep thinking of the poor person that needs to pay the electric bill Because guess what? It's not her Oh and while we're still on that subject Whenever I try to give her directions when she's driving Tell her to drive more carefully Or tell her to not yell at the other drivers She goes off on me saying I have no right to complain because I can't drive myself I don't have a father because I was born through a sperm donation My grandpa is my main father figure in my life My mom doesn't work Saying she's done enough So she gets welfare checks on account of being crippled The only way she could actually be crippled is mentally And leeches money off of him It took me a while to catch onto that So I always felt shame whenever my classmates asked what she does for a living And I replied I don't know My grandfather is the number one person I go to for help on handling my mother He agrees with everything I say And he might like her even less than I do He told me not too long ago to Get the heck out of there When I turn 18 He often brings up how nobody can possibly predict what her reaction to something might be Somebody could say something to her and she'd agree A week later the exact same conversation might start And she'd flip out on the other person Without even remembering what happened a week prior Keep in mind It's only me and her in the house And her parents are our only close family None of us three have enough courage to go up against her Because we all know we'd end up with hurt feelings and no progress made Whenever I tell her I confided in my friends or relatives in regards to her behavior She, of course, goes off on me I believe anybody should have the right to complain about anything and anyone Even if the complaint is not justified Anybody who tries to counter that is a piece of crap I want to be more independent So I keep asking her to teach me things I don't know Or tell me when she actually needs help around the house She does not do that And then proceeds to complain that she does everything She actually had a conversation with my therapist about that issue And my therapist pretty much agreed that she's contradicting herself An example of this was the situation I described that occurred today That's why I need to rely on her for dinner Either I go behind her back and try to teach myself Which isn't really the safest option Or make one of the meals I can make on my own That list is very, very short You know how parents force their kids to eat stuff like broccoli Because they know they need it to get their kids used to healthy foods My mother didn't do that because she was afraid I'd choke And didn't even check what foods she should give to little kids There were multiple times in my life I asked her for support So I'd have a healthier diet and would have to rely on the kindness of my PE teacher's heart to get passing grades She didn't do that I cannot rely on her for anything other than buying me whatever video games I want or something The only support or help she gives me is completely material And it's the main argument she used against me when I told her not too long ago That she's the worst person I know One of my passions is films and film criticism I showed her the movie La La Land Which I love and one that I feel personally connected to in a way She proceeded to mock the film the whole way through and laugh at it And when we finished her main complaints were that It's just noise And the actors were angry She did not elaborate even when I politely asked her to I remember how as a kid I told my grandpa boring things like The attack patterns of bosses and video games I liked When I asked him if I'm boring he said something along the lines of I'm listening because you enjoy these things or something like that I don't remember the exact wording but I think the difference between those two people is clear To wrap things up I would like to bring up three events that will forever cement how much of a terrible person she is One there was a time she asked me to go up to our grandparents house for some gas money I already knew by that time they were our main source of income So I said no I preferred if she went and did so herself She flipped out She constantly tried to squeeze an apology out of me So I'd go up instead of her I kept saying no Eventually she did it She went up herself Then she decided to punish me by not letting me eat dinner that night When I felt like hurting myself when she found out She argued that I didn't have the right to feel that way because there are people who suffer more than I do I told her depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but she didn't really care It wasn't the last time she made that argument either Next up we've got mom tried to get me arrested because her son broke into my house Hi, I'm not really used to posting so go easy on me And also, I don't blame you if you don't believe it Because I didn't either I had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming Also, I'm a huge fan of your videos Well, I watched them when I occasionally use my phone Everyone there We've got boy one boy two boy three Entitled boy entitled mom Cop one cop two Anyway, let's start with the story About a year ago I moved into my new house Just about got enough to pay for it with a bit of help from my parents And I was really happy with it It was for sale for a year or two So the fact I was the one who got it made me extremely joyful for the first few weeks before this event Side note, I'm not too interested in electronics Yeah, I have my phone and things like that But I rarely use them And also people say I'm weird for this But I love the dark I can sit in the dark for hours It's so peaceful Anyway, continuing Since my house is always so dark Many people still thought it was abandoned The house for sale sign was ripped down halfway through the first year But to the main part, it was extremely a hot summer night And I had a couple windows open so I could cool down And I heard movement from the room next door It sounded like about three or four people at the time All wandering around the house So I got my weapon and set on my bed Waiting for someone to come into my room And kidnap me or whatever But instead they went downstairs That's odd I said to myself after I heard them sit downstairs So I exited my room and listened to their conversation Entitled Brad Wow, this place is still really holding up well Boy three Yeah, did you bring the stuff? Yeah man, got it right here I was furious First, some kids broke into my house And then decided to drug sanctuary Not in my house I go downstairs and they all got up and walked back I'm five seven, pretty small and very skinny Unlike the rest of the men in my family And these kids were around five eight to six two So if I didn't have my firearm, they would have easily had the upper hand I walked to the door and opened it I want each of you to get out And if I see you on my property at any time, you'll be shot They all walked out, but I held one back Coincidentally, it was the entitled Brad So I kept you back to ask some questions Who's idea was it to come here? Me, sir I did I'm sorry, I won't do it ever again I cut him off Yeah, I know you won't And what's this stuff One of your buddies was on about It was nothing man, I swear He was in tears at this point I opened the door Go on, get out of here before I call the cops I should have called the cops straight away But I was stupid and thought I could take care of myself The next morning Bang, bang, bang The banging was non-stop And so loud, I almost crapped myself So I go downstairs, still half asleep When I open the door and two cops barge in And I see entitled Brad And entitled mom walk into my house behind them That's him That's the man who pulled a gun on my boy I'm still trying to process what's going on What? Don't play dumb you little crap What are you on about? Sir, is it true you pulled a gun on this young man? Pulling over entitled Brad Wait, yeah, I did He broke into my house last night with his friends Entitled Brad, is this true? No, what the heck man You pulled a gun on me And now you're trying to blame me for breaking into your house What's wrong with you? Yeah, entitled Brad came running home crying Saying he got held at gunpoint Quiet down Opie, is there any proof that entitled Brad broke in? Actually officer, I do have proof Pointing at security cameras I installed a week after I moved in Entitled Brad and entitled mom's faces went wide as snow when they saw this There's no need to check the cameras These guilty just take him to jail Quiet down or we'll have you arrested I bring them to my computer and sure as heck You can see boy one boy two and boy three Along with entitled Brad And then I got to my sitting room cameras To see them passing around their green Then me coming downstairs But what I didn't see was entitled Brad had a blade behind his back That's not my son My son is a hood child She's screaming and fails horribly to hit me All right, that's all I need to see Thank you Opie No problem Just make sure these two don't bother anyone Please, I don't want anyone to go through this as well So that was my first story Pretty unbelievable Even writing this it feels made up I just don't understand how a mother and her son could be that stupid It is Ryan here and I have a question for you What do you do when you win Like are you a fist-pumper? A woohoo A hand clap or a high-fiver If you want to hone in on those winning moves Check out Chumba Casino Choose from hundreds of social casino-style games For your chance to redeem serious cash prizes There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses So don't wait Start having the most fun ever At Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino No purchase necessary VGW Group Voidware prohibited by law 18+ terms and conditions apply And our final story of the day Are you going to give me a bag for that? So if you have seen one of my previous posts You are aware that for the time being I work at a large retail store with a big W outside And all the store associates wear baby blue shirts So this happened a few months ago I'm standing at the front registers Scanning people's items And wishing them a good day You know, typical retail drone stuff It was getting close to that midpoint of a long shift Where you're getting sleepy And are almost out of hoots to give That's when she walks in Not your typical Karen, but one in the same She was tall and dressed in PJs And open-toed sandals That she did not have the feet for at all From here on We've got me Magnificent elephant We've got Karen And coworker That I spill the tea with all the time Hi, welcome to retail store Hey, do you have any stamps? I called and was told that you sold them Remembering that I saw some earlier And reaching into the cubby we keep them in Yes ma'am, I still have a few books left How many were you needing? Four please Unfortunately, it looks like I have three books left Did you still want to get them? Karen looks at me confused and a bit annoyed by my statement When she sees the books of stamps in my hands I only need four stamps How many are in a book? I'm keeping a straight face, calm voice And not reacting to her change in tone My Karen's senses were tingling as I answered There are 10 in a book at a cost of $11 total However, we only sell them in books Not individually Karen, confusion is gone and getting visibly annoyed I called and the lady I spoke to told me You sold them separately or in books No ma'am, we have never sold them separately since I've been here Only as entire books Did you still want the book? If you are willing to wait, I know that the post office will be open tomorrow And sells them separately Keep in mind this is on a Sunday and well afternoon A small back and forth where I held my position And she maintained hers But eventually she just gave in As it was clear, I was not fearful Cared or was going to change my position I guess I will take the book Here, I have $5 in cash and we'll put the rest on my card I'm done with this conversation And knowing if I make any additional attempts at communication This lady was going to call my manager and make a fuss over nothing I scan the stamps and enter the $5 in cash Awaiting her completion of the credit card payment All the while, the Karen is complaining I don't remember exactly what was said But the highlights were This is such an inconvenience You need to tell whoever it was that you only have books And more things of this nature Mind you, it takes our machine maybe 20 seconds From my initial scan of the item to process the entire payment The entire time I am just nodding And keeping a small smile and not saying anything Once the payment was done, I went to hand the book of stamps Which mind you, is both smaller and weighs less than one-third of a piece of printer paper Presuming, she would put it in the gigantic, gaudy purse hanging from her shoulder Y'all, this lady had the nerve The gall, an absolute audacity to look me into the windows of my soul and say Are you going to give me a bag for that? I pause for a moment as I was in sheer shock And was not prepared to hear that as I look at the woman trying to confirm if she was serious She was I put the stamps in the bag And as I begin to hand it over to her, she snatches it and storms out Co-worker walks over to me to shoot the breeze I tell her about the exchange with the Karen Oh yeah, I was the one that talked to her I clearly told her we only sold books I shook my head and just calmly returned to work I've told this story to everyone and at least get a good chuckle out of it Mr. Reddit has my permission to read this or any other posts I make Entitled mom sues me after her son tried to steal my purse Hi guys Before I start, I'm from Germany and this story took place there Please keep in mind Because A) our laws might be slightly different And B) English isn't my first language And if I miss spell things or my grammar is wonky, that's why So in the early 2010s, I was trying on sneakers in a shoe store Downtown with my purse lying next to me on the floor I'm both blind and deaf on my right side Brain surgery gone wrong But I'm okay considering the circumstances And so I didn't even really see the teenager who sneaks up Grabbed my purse and starts looking it out of the store If he hadn't started running, I probably wouldn't even have noticed he had taken my bag Without really thinking, I start after him And since I was wearing new sneakers from the store A store clerk runs after me The kid makes it about 200 yards before I catch up with him Now, I didn't try to tackle him I just wanted to grab him and we lost our balance Poor guy tries to catch his Our fall with me on top of him He was maybe 150 pounds I was maybe 185 And there's a sickening crunch Textbook "Galleyazzi Fracture" I instantly feel horrible for the chap and try to see what's wrong I used to work as an EMT The clerk from the shoe store is standing there staring at us Trying to figure out what just happened Kids clutching his arm and trying to act tough He might even have tried to get back up and keep running But there were too many people around us now and he changed his mind I asked for an ambulance to be called But it's the police who showed up first Called by the store and asked what happened I explain The store clerk explains A few witnesses chip in The police ask if I want to press charges and I say something like I think he's been punished already Fast forward about a month In short succession, I get two letters Once informing me that the police are looking into a battering charge against me The second is a summons into court And I can't believe my eyes I have been sued by the purse snatcher for damages for pain and suffering They wanted something around 8,000 euro for the broken wrist Luckily, I have an awesome lawyer who is also my cousin And we appear in court at the appointed time While we wait for the case to be called The kid sits on a bench, his arm and embrace looking a bit sheepish Next to his lawyer, a young guy and henceforth lawyer 1 Stands with his mother, glaring daggers at us We get called inside and lawyer 1 starts to elaborate in great detail How I threw myself on top of the kid while he was on the ground And so cost his injury Which in turn took surgery to fix It's hard for me to keep quiet But I bite the inside of my cheek and hold my tongue Once lawyer 1 is done, my cousin gets up And the first thing she does is inform the judge that the injury was caused during a crime Explaining about the purse snatching The judge pauses, looks at lawyer 1 and asks if he was aware of this He says yes, but that it shouldn't matter because in their view I cause the injury deliberately And therefore circumstances should not matter As long as I wasn't defending my health, I had no right to injure him Judge has two questions Were there witnesses? And why were there no charges filed against the thief? My cousin produces statements from witnesses The first police report of the incident And the documentation about the suspended investigation About whether or not I should be charged for battering She also informs the judge that the police had followed my wish And not filing charges for the theft And explained that I felt the kid had suffered enough due to his injury This is where entitled mom makes her first big mistake She interrupts my cousin before she can finish and says something like Obviously she was afraid she'd get in trouble For what she did to my poor child And the police did not do their job properly lawyer 1 tries to shush her And apologizes to the judge saying that his client is Clearly an emotional distress over her child's injury Her poor child, he was 17 Meanwhile sits in his chair behind lawyer 1 and entitled mom And looks like he's trying to disappear into the floor The judge in an unusual move for a German court asks the kid directly if he thinks I injured him on purpose He sort of shrugs and right there entitled mom makes mistake number two That fat cow threw herself onto my poor child when he was lying in the street She should be locked up Now in Germany you can't just say rude things like Fat cow to someone Even if they're true at least the fat part Especially not in court My cousin turns around to me and silently mouths Wow There's even a murmur of reaction from the three or so people sitting in the back of the court Many court proceedings are open to the public in Germany The judge looks at entitled mom who is again being shushed by lawyer 1 Not quite as gently this time and who stage whispers It's true When all is quiet again judge waits a few more seconds Just glaring at entitled mom teacher style Then the judge looks at lawyer 1 and asks Do you want to proceed with this nonsense? Before lawyer 1 can say no It would have made the court cost cheaper, I think Entitled mom says Yes Judge nods Declares the case dismissed Orders all costs court and both lawyers to be paid by the claimant And then turns to me and asks if I want to file charges for libel My cousin nods enthusiastically So I say yes Judge announces she'd speed things up and asks lawyer 1 if he'll be representing entitled mom He nods Entitled mom seems to have lost the plot and keeps asking him what's going on Before lawyer 1 can even explain to her what's about to happen The judge makes it official and awards me a 150 euro and damages and again decides That all costs and lawyer costs should be carried by entitled mom My favorite thing about this My lawyer is my cousin and she wouldn't have charged me more than absolutely necessary But she's also working in a prestigious law firm with four partners Who break up a combined six PhDs and which is not cheap I don't remember the exact amount entitled mom ended up getting billed with But it was a good chunk Thanks for reading Next we've got entitled mom demands first boarding Takes my belongings and tries to tattle on my mom Hello, mr. Reddit Hope this doesn't come across as weird I love your videos and they're the first thing I listened to in the mornings Thank you dark amethyst. I really appreciate that I wanted to share my first entitled parent story here for everyone to read It was pretty crazy to see that these people actually exist Enjoy OMG It finally happened I was always a bit skeptical of this subreddit until it actually happened to me You can say I'm now a firm believer in the breed known as entitled parents And thankfully I was only dealing with the mom and her daughter Looking about 18 to 19 A toddler and an infant Just sat in pure shame at what went down This happened in the beginning of March 2019 The cast includes me My mom Entitled mom Flight attendant and entitled mom's eldest daughter Sorry if it's a bit long First time poster so I'm not quite sure of the rules of Reddit But here you go Some context back story Back in January of 2019 We got the news my younger brother was needing surgery after doing exceeded work at the gym And tore muscles in his left shoulder My mom had let me know she was going to help take care of him and her elderly parents My grandparents were also having surgery Grandma on her wrist And grandpa was having a total knee replacement None of this is super important But keep this in your mind going forward I had asked to go and bought my ticket not 10 minutes later I don't get to see that side of my family too often And I needed to get out of Texas for a while And they live in Georgia Now this is important I was in a boot at the time I had also broken my navicular bone in my ankle in October of 2018 And was seemingly on the mend but was in a constant state of discomfort And sadly none of the treatments I had been put through fixed the problem I tend to be a bit accident prone and had previously broken the foot twice With that factor combined with the fact I am flat footed A couple tendons were stretched The third break was the one that finally did it from my poor foot And now I too required surgery Now with our flight confirmed My mom would have to deal with four persons dealing with surgery I can put a picture of the before and after of my foot if anyone wants to see it I scheduled my surgery a couple days later Sometime the end of January for Valentine's Day Three weeks before we left That way I had time to get through my post-op appointment While also getting it done as soon as possible I bought myself a knee scooter walker and was all set Had the surgery where they also last minute cut into my calf and severed a muscle Painful In order to relieve tension during the healing With strict instructions to keep my foot up off the ground always And was non-weighting bearing for 10 weeks Needless to say I was in pain for quite a while Two weeks past post-op went great Got to see my incisions and stitches Got pictures of those two Was fitted with a cast and cleared to fly a couple of days later Now we're brought up to speed My dad drives my mom and I to the airport And we were all greeted very friendly like And given priority at checking in and luggage Got upgraded to priority pre-boarding through security And to the gate in less than 15 minutes Security had barely anybody shockingly I decided to keep my scooter with me to keep it easy And my mom and I waited for pre-boarding to be called There were a couple of others in the pre-boarding And one very special woman Who will be our entitled mom Waiting in pre-boarding with her party of three other people We're motioned forward and have our boarding passes scanned As we head down the tunnel, I heard Turned my head slightly And saw the entitled mom be raiding the ticket scanner person On how she let a child board before her And that I was clearly not priority Jerk, I'm on a mobility device I cannot walk and was frankly in pain As I had not taken my meds Was planning to do so once we took off And needed to be seated quickly She had nothing but herself and her family It is Ryan Seacrest here There was a recent social media trend Which consisted of flying on a plane with no music No movies, no entertainment But a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket Chumbakocino has over a hundred online casino-style games All absolutely free It's the most fun you can have online And on a plane So grab your free welcome bonus now at Sponsored by Chumbakocino No purchase necessary VGW Group Void were prohibited by law 18+ terms and conditions apply What she had that required her pre-boarding? I don't know But the employees saw Physically, I was considered more priority I should also note We chose an airline where you pick your own seats Depending what time you check in for your flight Determines what class you board in And in what order? We're first aboard And we decide the second row was best As I had to leave my scooter at the aircraft door And literally hop my way to my seat Putting me in more pain I made myself as comfortable as I could with my mom Such a sink Did what she could to make it easier I didn't notice at first Until recalling events But the entitled mom was not behind us When pre-boarding was called And was on the plane After maybe 15 or so regular borders Made their way on the plane I could visibly see She had trouble keeping balance And had to grab seat headrests to walk She and her party made their way to the row Directly behind us She on the aisle Eldest daughter in the middle Toddler in the window And infant in the eldest's lap I was in the window with my foot elevated In the middle seat And mom in the aisle My mom, bless her heart Was already super stressed But mentally prepared About the next few days On having to completely cater To four limited individuals So once she was seated She just laid back and tried to relax Until the entitled mom Fiercely grabbed my mom's headrest And jerked it back Keeping a firm hold of it And a bit of my mom's hair As she hoisted herself up And moved to the restroom Seemingly oblivious to what she had done Meanwhile, people are still boarding the plane She doesn't turn back But my mom gives her a nasty glare She didn't come back to her seat Until about 20 minutes later As she sits back down She notices my setup I had already had my turned off laptop Headphones and small container of DVDs Set on my lap with some beef jerky Though not striving to sleep I had my neck pillow And a good-sized blanket as well Wow! You've really made yourself at home Didn't you? Yes, she drew out the last part of the U She said this all passive-aggressive I just smile and nod my head She gestures to her party And tells them to Look at what she's got going on They did and praised me for coming prepared For the two and a half hour flight Entitled mom's scoffs and mutters As a matter of factly That she was planning on getting those seats If she had been let on first And I surely won't need to use all of it Whatever that meant I'd sure find out soon After everyone's boarded Seated and what have you The flight attendants do their thing with the rules All the while Entitled mom is on her phone Laughing obnoxiously and smacking the back of my mom's seat hard My mom is not a patient woman by any means And will not take crap from anyone The gods must have been in this woman's favor As before my mom could lay upon her wrath A flight attendant comes over And politely yet firmly tells her to turn off her phone She does so But not without mumbling things under her breath And I catch her saying something along the lines of Why I can have my laptop out But she can't have her phone out Her eldest daughter firmly told her to do as the flight attendant said All is right in the world For now About an hour into the flight My mom was asleep listening to music And I couldn't So I removed my blanket and neck pillow Place them in the middle seat And I fired up the laptop and plugged in a movie Amid the previews I had to pee I woke my mom Hopped to the restroom and did the do My mom had again dosed while I was doing my business And when I get back I noticed my laptop on the play menu But my blanket and neck pillow gone And really took me like 10 seconds To see my stuff on entitled mom Pretending to be asleep What? Seriously? Her party is fast asleep Snoring with their own blankets I was just standing dumbfounded As this woman had the nerve to reach over the seat And just take my stuff I had just actually stopped there An utter disbelief And only made a move when I realized The swelling in my foot was increasing As it was hanging down A big no-no I woke my mom And while she stood up to let me buy She noticed entitled mom Then noticed my stuff was gone Then back at entitled mom Looking so confused As I sit Breathing through the growing pain My mom tired and upset Snatches the blanket off of entitled mom Causing her to flail awake And after entitled mom sees what's happened She glares dagger at my mom The flailing woke the eldest daughter Who was seeing her mom and mine Just glaring at one another Now this probably wasn't the best thing my mom should have said But she was just done My mom, all scary quiet If you'd like to keep that neck I suggest you return my daughter's pillow The entitled mom looks at me and proclaims that She isn't using it She said I could, didn't you? She turned to me Trying to stare me down and intimidate me And I have a theory as to why I look way younger than I am 22 And by most answers I get She probably assumed I was 12 I wish I was joking I've been pulled over many times from such assumptions I look back at her and through pain breathing I replied Heck no She looked shocked that I would say that to her She grabbed my mom's headrest and lifted herself up to shout at me How dare you A child speak to an adult that way Clearly you haven't been raised right As I quickly retort that I am an adult And I will speak to her like one if I please In that instant, while the entitled mom was looking at me My mom reached over her back and yanked the pillow from her neck Thankfully, entitled mom hadn't fastened the buttons at the end of the pillow around her neck Or else she really would have gone down Entitled mom screamed, waking some of the passengers trying to sleep It was 1130 at night and pushed the flight attendant button My mom takes her seat but kept her head away from the rest in case entitled mom did something Entitled mom was hysterical Um hello help She stole my blanket and pillow Can I get someone here please? All this while the eldest is trying to get her mom to calm down But can't do much with a baby in her lap A flight attendant came over and is trying to make heads and tails of the entitled mom yelling And my mom who is now sporting a Somebody better do something or I'm a hurt this lady look Entitled mom claims that we stole her neck pillow and blanket while she was sleeping Just making a scene Though there were two factors that weren't in her favor Her daughter and the flight attendant Her daughter was equally loud telling her to stop To leave us alone that she was wrong to take what she knew wasn't hers And that she looked stupid what have you Daughter was just as frustrated now having to deal with her mother And now a crying baby and just gave up Now flight attendant had personally helped me to my seat Kept checking on me and had witnessed me unhooking my pillow from my backpack While simultaneously pulling out my blanket and made sure I was comfortable Flight attendant says ma'am please I know for a fact these are hers as I witnessed her remove these items from her backpack She paused and before entitled mom could interject she continued And furthermore she was the first one on the plane So unless you personally know one another She paused and looked expectantly at me and my mom To which we shook our heads no She turned back to entitled mom You want me to believe she stole your belongings in plain view of everyone at the gate And you neglected to say anything And now decided to make a scene 30,000 feet in the air I suggest you take your seat And to not cause any more disturbances to her Or anyone else on this flight or I will have authorities meet us at the gate My hero Defeated entitled mom sits and huffs and puffs Muddering and mumbling while the flight attendant went and got my mom and I drinks No charge By then I had calmed down and my foot didn't hurt as bad This doesn't end here though Still upset my mom busted out her adult coloring books Google it and furiously started coloring to cool her nerves I very clearly hear eldest say Mom, I swear to god Clearly frustrated Not a couple seconds later The flight attendant button the row behind me flashes and my hero comes over You thought we were going to get through this without this lady trying to bring her kids into it Can you tell her to put that away? Did you see that? It says Insert adult coloring book phrases here She's going to traumatize my child with that book Put it away Besides coloring is for children Remember she's in the aisle seat behind my mom Her kids are in the middle and window seat There's no way they can see her book Flight attendant looks at my mom's book and the rather raunchy phrase My mom was coloring in and poor mom again has that look Flight attendant looked back at entitled mom and said Certainly ma'am after you explained to me how you knew exactly what was on the page When I told you to remain in your seat keep away from them and to not cause any more disturbances I had not realized it But entitled mom had stood up using her own headrest and looked over the seat to see what my mom was doing I'll explain how I found this out in a bit Entitled mom was quiet. She knew she was busted and sank in her seat Meanwhile the traumatized child was fast asleep drooling in the window seat The flight remains quiet afterwards. We land and we're the first off the plane and head to baggage claim My mom leaves me to go to the restroom And at that time eldest daughter comes up to me and profusely apologizes for her mom's behavior She was the one who told me about entitled mom looking over at my mom's book And that she's always had this sense of entitlement all her life growing up and how she's grateful. She's not like her She waits for my mom and apologizes to her too before heading back to get her bags and we never see them again My brother picks us up and my mom and I crashed from Atlanta to Athens Of course this story was shared during our visit Brother surgery went great and looking forward to going back to visit my grandparents again Thanks for reading Next we've got entitled aunt controlling lives since 1994 What's up re-army? I'm a recent subscriber to mr. Reddit. I love the voices you do in your videos It's absolutely hilarious. This isn't one incident in particular But a series of incidents that makes up the story of one entitled parents miserable life Sorry if that doesn't fit the subreddit style, but I hope you all find it entertaining regardless Our cast we've got entitled aunt older cousin and younger cousin It all started before I was born 1994 if you didn't guess from the title My cousin was born five months after I was you see when my mom got pregnant with me The first grandchild. I guess my aunt my mom's sister-in-law couldn't handle the attention My mom was getting and went and got herself pregnant with older cousin right away As soon as we were born Entitled aunt would gush over older cousin and tell my mom how much prettier older cousin was than me Specifically pointing out that I would be so cute if I had eyes like older cousin From the very beginning entitled aunt controlled her daughter's lives. She had my younger cousin a few years later She made sure older cousin was dressed up prettier than I was as a baby Going so far as to squeeze her feet into tiny dress shoes until she cried from the discomfort My mom didn't care about my aunt and refused to compete in this passive aggressive competition I'm thankful for that Entitled aunt went through four or so marriages during my childhood one being to her own cousin Yikes and completely cut my cousin's father out of their lives She went so far as to edit him out of video footage from when my cousins were babies I should note that she's still a fan of editing these days She didn't like that I missed our family reunion a few years ago and laughably badly Photoshopped a recent picture. Yes one picture of me into all of the family photos Making sure to point out that she did it because I didn't show up and they wished the whole family could have been together Fast forward a few years into my childhood. I may be four or five years old and were at my paternal grandparents house I'm on the covered porch and I see a button glowing on the wall that looked fun I thought and I like any curious little kid would pushed it Turns out it was the button for the garage door My grandparents were sitting at the edge of their garage But when my grandfather noticed the door closing at the pace of a snail I might add He put a hand up to catch the bottom edge and obviously it stopped. No harm done or so I thought Next thing I know entitled ant flings open the door to the porch and charges at me Shrieking about how I almost killed grandma until I started crying From a very early age I was intimidated by my aunt and I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't feel uncomfortable around her Throughout childhood a number of small similar incidents occur because this lady just never stops Dodding on her daughters be raiding or belittling my brother and I to make us feel inferior One time we spent the night at our cousin's house and while we were getting ready to leave in the morning My brother who still had trouble tying his laces at that age muttered Damn shoe Entitled ant shrieked she completely lost it. I should know that she was religious to an extremist degree and started screaming Excuse me. What did you just say? To which my brother repeated his statement meekly You never say words like that. That is a terrible sin. I bet you learned that from your mother She said mother like it was a bad taste in her mouth. Yes. She really said that my mom was a bad influence on us Notably because she wasn't religious entitled ant liked to point out Plus my parents were divorced and my mom had custody We spent weekends with my dad and entitled ant unfortunately mom wasn't there to defend us or herself On other occasions when we visited the family vacation house entitled ant would bring the kind of food that kids loved So naturally my brother and I got excited and would ask for some Nope, that was older cousin and younger cousin's food We weren't allowed to share with them and entitled ant would shriek at us if we so much as touched it I'm victoria cash and I want to invite you to a place called lucky land Where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes So what are you waiting for the best way to discover your luck is to spin so go to luckyland That's luckyland and get lucky today At lucky land no purchase necessary vtw group boy prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply I'll admit younger cousin did have a dangerous food allergy But everyone was careful and we didn't have a lot of food containing the allergens around anyway for that reason There was no good excuse as to why we couldn't all share trust me When we were maybe 12 or so entitled ant somehow got married for the umpteenth time to a nice man We'll call him nice husband who had two older daughters from a previous marriage I remember seeing them at the wedding and the party afterwards, but not much after that I saw them less and less until they eventually just seemed to vanish for good My mom told me that it was really strange and that entitled ant most definitely manipulated nice husband So that older cousin and younger cousin would be the focus of the new family and titled ant didn't want his daughters She only wanted him to complete her family I have a significant gap in this story since between my mid teens and now i've seldom if ever visited that side of my family Due to personal conflicts with my father However, my mom finds the drama entertaining and kept entitled ant as a friend on facebook And my brother and younger cousin were friends on snapchat So they kept me updated to put entitled ants entitlement into perspective The following is what I know about where my cousins are now Older cousin got married very young and moved away Entitled ant says older cousin's husband is trying to keep older cousin from her Has tracked down her biological father and his forced to speak with him on an account hidden from entitled ant Once older cousin was out of her control She manipulated younger cousin into attending a college close to home claiming that it was perfect And strangely all the other colleges they looked at were flawed in some way or another Last I heard younger cousin is suffering from what I call sheltered child syndrome When she went to college and was suddenly allowed all this freedom She lost control and started doing bad things And as my brother put it is with a different guy in every snapchat update Sorry if i'm getting the lingo wrong. I don't use snapchat Not to shame her or anything But you have to admit her behavior is risky for someone who was raised the way she was I unfriended entitled ant a while ago on facebook due to disagreements Recently I had a debate with another family member on their facebook timeline, which was deleted the next day My family member messaged me saying that entitled ant had contacted them Concerned about us fighting and advised that they delete the whole post to preserve the family reputation Ah classic entitled ant it was a fresh reminder that even now entitled ant is still trying to control our every move from afar What a miserable old jerk. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed And our final story of the day entitled mom an entitled kid tried to make me break down at work Hey, mr. Reddit. I've been watching your videos for a bit and I love them. Keep up the good work, man Thanks legends fire. Also, I'm sorry that this is so long and if you want you can read the too long didn't read at the bottom Cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid me my friend and the manager backstory So there's this one jerk at my school who used to bully me but doesn't do it anymore because I will explode now verbally and very physically I also deal with PTSD and long-term depression from a family incident back in 2016 Anyways, this all started when I got a part-time job at Walmart There were a few times the entitled mom and entitled kid came But most of the time entitled kid shot me a mean glance and I basically gave him a face that says forget you Then two weeks ago a few hours before school dismissed us for the week right before rest period The school calls it this because the classes are all fun and relaxing for the last week of school This jerk comes up to me and tries to hit me with his hardcover copy of diary of a wimpy kid I see him duck and he mislands and falls He looked like an idiot, but he got angry at me Now for the story a week ago this moron entitled kid comes to my job with his mother And I think it'll go like normal Man was I wrong the entitled mom comes up to me and starts up a conversation by speaking like she has to establish the law So I heard about what you did to my son What do you mean? I haven't seen him in a week. You pushed him to the ground you idiot What are you talking about one week ago moron? You probably have short-term memory loss if you can't remember Wait wednesday listen your kid entitled mom cuts me off and yells at me for talking back Yes, and here you little jerk. Don't push my son and don't talk back to me Teach yourself some manners before trying anything you stupid peanut Now I'm Hispanic and I was so close to exploding or breaking down Then I hear my friend coming towards me and I feel relieved She looked at me almost red and broken as if I was gonna explode and asks What's wrong? I'm just dealing with this lady who's screaming at me because of that event from last week. Why? Because she thinks entitled kid was pushed by me even though I'm trying to explain it My friend turns to the entitled mom and tries to speak to her. It goes like this Why are you yelling at him? Because he pushed my kid a week ago at school No, he didn't. I saw this kid try to hit him over the head with a hardcover book He dodged and your kid fell on his butt How dare you talk to me like that young lady? Listen lady. I'll talk to you. However, I want to I heard what you called op You shouldn't talk to someone about how to speak if you can't speak right either Yeah, but I'm your elder and I can do whatever I want Entitled kid comes over to start smirking like a moron and acting like he's gonna go somewhere with this I feel enraged and I'm super close to snapping as I hear her curse out my friend My friend is a smart aleck and comes back at her quickly then I yell at entitled kid me to entitled kid Hey moron Why the heck did you lie to your wail of a mother and tell her that I pushed you when you're the one who tried stuff? What did you say? Oh, come on you jerk. You heard me My manager comes over here knowing about everything because he's been listening the whole time He knows about my conditions and shortfuse and he has a bad habit of doing this thinking that if I take care of issues myself My fuse won't be as short and I won't break down or explode as often He talks to me and tries to cool me down My manager says calm down son try breathing Turning to the lady Listen lady. Don't come in here if you're just going to yell and insult my employee Now if you could just leave that would be great for all of us You should fire him before salting my child at the school I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't fire him for something I have no evidence of and for something that didn't insult this store So you're just going to let a rowdy stupid and violent team work here? You should be ashamed of yourself. I broke Now here's the thing. I can break in one of two ways Exploding or mental breakdown anxiety attack it all has to do with what makes me break My ptsd causes me to explode if I'm being yelled at or insulted My depression causes me to break down if I'm being bullied or feel sad enough or guilty And it's also an after effect if I explode kind of like a drawback, but I think it helps So I don't do something stupid. You can guess which happened I quickly yell at this lady some really insulting things. Here's how it went Oh shut the heck up. You rotten jerk. You know, you're donkey of a son is a jerk He's as spoiled as his mother tub of lard and whale fat Entitled mom looks at me shock An entitled kid tries to walk up to me so he can fight me and friend leaves to speak to a cashier to call the cops And my manager radios for the same reason The reason is because I'm very violent when I snap and I am threatened The worst I've done was getting myself expelled in another school for really hurting someone Which I had to notify my manager about so that he could do his best to stop it from happening again I was charged but I only had to pay a fine and go to a mental hospital for teens as it was self-defense And I had the mental issues much worse back then but back to the story This jerk comes up to me and throws a punch at me I grab his arm and go for his neck grab him and take him to the ground I look like a psycho when I break so I knew why he was going to cry I immediately come back to my senses and break down and let go of him as the cops enter the building They arrest the entitled mom with harassment and the son was charged with assault And I was sent to my manager's office so he could talk to me After 30 minutes of me crying and being all sorts of livid my manager comes in he talks to me I accept the fact that I'm probably going to be fired and was surprised about what actually happened I'm sorry about what happened OP. Are you okay? Aren't you going to fire me? Why would I? For lashing out at that jerk like I did No, he provoked you not going to lie. He deserved it Listen OP if you need a break from work to get over this you can take a week off I denied his offer because I enjoyed my part-time job and I need the money I heard that entitled kid was expelled because my friend told the principal about what happened at my job And when he tried to hit me with that book By the way, I'll update this and give answers to most questions I'll also upload any other stories of entitled moms and revenge if I get to go through any entitled kid breaks htc5 controller and half entitled mom refuses to pay English isn't my main language so correct me for any mistakes Thanks this happened about one and a half to two months ago But I recently found this subreddit and thought about posting this story now onto the story A week before easter we usually do a dinner in my house where we invite me and my sister's godparents And their families along with the kids my parents are the godparents of I am by far the oldest one 18 and then my sister at 14 after that it's 12 and under So I don't really have anything to do with them and that's why I hang out with the parents The way the conversation was going I started talking about vr and how realistic it is While I was talking my godmother son who is nine years old approaches the table. I'll refer to him as entitled brad What is vr? It's a headset that you put on your head and it looks like you are in a different place Wow, cool. Can I try it? I'm sorry, but no Why not? Because you are too young for this Entitled brad starts talking louder But I want to try it Entitled mom from the other side of the table gets up and approaches entitled brad What is wrong sweetie? I want to play vr, but he doesn't let me Entitled mom looks at me Why don't you allow him? I'm getting kind of agitated, but I try to hide it Because the equipment is extremely expensive HTC Vive with deluxe audio strap and the tp cast wireless receiver overall costs 600 plus 100 plus 350 So 1,050 year old and he is too young to handle it properly Oh, come on. He is very mature for his age I have a flashback from last year where entitled brad was purposely spilling grape juice on the carpet And then laughing when we noticed it was too late. I still don't want to risk it Why are you so protective of us some toy? Calling expensive gaming equipment toys is like a trigger phrase that really kicks up my anger VR is way too expensive to be a simple toy And now my mom notices she gets up and approaches my mom asks What's wrong? Your son won't allow my kid to play with his VR My mom wants to be a nice house guest and asks me Can you please let him for just five minutes? I realized the odds are against me so I give up I let entitled brad where VR and I play a small experience for showcasing VR where he just watches Midway through the experience. He removes the headset from his head and says next Sorry, but that's it But the five minutes aren't over. I want more I start scrolling through my library to see if there is anything else While scrolling he noticed fruit ninja VR. This is when things start going south I have this on the iPad. I want to play that Sorry, but it's too hard for you. No, it isn't. I am very good on the iPad It's different here then entitled brad screamed So loud that its sound waves were recorded by those whale mics in Antarctica She storms in my room thinking something has happened What? I want to play fruit ninja in VR entitled mom looks at me Come on. Please let him. I guarantee nothing bad will happen Oh Fine I proceed to give him the controllers and then try to put the straps on him But he refuses to wear them You either wear them or you don't play Fine I turned to the computer to open fruit ninja But while I was doing that and titled brad removes the straps since I wasn't looking I feel like a fool for not noticing He plays for like two minutes and then he attempts to slice a fruit But his hand hits the desk all the VR veterans out there know that this hurts like heck Even though it doesn't cause anything severe He screams in pain and his reflexes make him throw the controller I see it fly for three meters until it falls to the ground and breaks in two The ring with the sensors and the handle The noise was enough to make both my mother and entitled mom storm in the room They see entitled brad crying two halves of a controller on the ground and me trying to help the entitled brad stop crying After all three of us calm him down. He goes and plays with the other kids like nothing happened Then just entitled mom and my mom were in the room So how much will it cost to repair it? I'm extremely angry but trying to hide it It's broken in half. So it'll probably be extremely expensive. It could cost as much as a new one which is Around 150 euro and titled mom looks at me in disbelief Oh, no, I am really sorry. Hopefully you have enough to pay I was shocked. She was expecting me to pay My face began getting red and I was about to start cursing around My mom noticed it and jumped in It is ryan here and I have a question for you What do you do when you win like are you a fist pumper a woohoo A hand clap or a highfiver if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses So don't wait start having the most fun ever at chumba sponsored by chumba casino No purchase necessary vgw group voidware prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply Why should we pay it was your son that broke it? Yeah, but your son allowed him to play this game and it is your son's toy This was it. I blew up Now listen here. You my mom stops me taro. It is okay I'll handle this she grabs entitled mom's hand and leaves the room and goes to the kitchen This is how their conversation went according to my mom Are you hearing yourself entitled mom? Very clearly. Why should I pay for the controller? It belongs to your son But your son was the one that broke it your son needs to show some respect to the house guests He was about to attack me. I can't say she is entirely wrong My son had to put up with your son But wasn't able to take no foreign answer and look where that led him I am sorry, but he did warn you and now you should pay the consequences I don't have to pay for the consequences of your son's actions We are leaving Entitled mom proceeds to go to entitled brat and tells him to wear his shoes and they leave At the door my mom says i'll send you the bill and then she closes the door That's basically it for anyone wondering no, she never paid it The money went out of my pocket even though my mom tried to pay because she took her side at the beginning But I declined this is the first time i've posted other than memes or a question. So hopefully I did good Edit Wow, I didn't expect this many people to read this I've seen you guys telling me to take her to court I did mention that to my mom, but she didn't want to do it due to their history together Some said that once someone goes toxic he stays that way A person that both me and my mother used to trust and admire Did something that neither of us will ever forget That person though has realized their mistakes and tries to heal the scars that they made as much as possible So we now believe that people can change if they want to that's why I decided to not take her to court But get some distance from them for a while Also about the comments that told me next time I go to their house to break something I love stories about revenge, but I don't think I have the guts to take one. I feel like I would be stooping to their level Next we've got entitled lady gets a ticket and holds up traffic Hello everyone. I have a story that just happened an hour ago and frankly still has me shaking in a bit of anger First off, I am on mobile. So excuse for any formatting issues Anyways, I'm what's called a lot checker for a parking management company in Seattle My job means I have to drive around to our various properties and issue tickets on violations Needless to say I have a lot of stories But none like this one due to the ending which I really feel showed this woman's entitlement So there are three cast members in this little drama. We've got me We've got the entitled lady and co-worker my roommate and fellow co-worker That man's the booth for the parking lot of a certain stadium that this happened in front of So to set the stage we run a parking lot at a stadium with a street that leads into it That is also private property and managed by us Now on our properties it is paid parking 24/7 no free hours like city street parking There are signs everywhere saying you must pay We even added arrows pointing to the pay station recently because of issues with amazon delivery I was on the street checking cars walking back to the main lot to talk with co-worker And the area I was walking there was no sidewalk So I was walking along the side to be out of traffic when a long came our care in Zooming up behind me and honking because apparently I was in the way of her making a U-turn This and itself annoyed me, but I stepped to the side to allow her to pass When I got to co-worker, I turned to see she had pulled into a stall on our street Co-worker and I stood there waiting to see what she would do Now it's important to know there is a condo building across the street from where she parked I watched as a guy came out of the building and approached her car to talk with her After maybe a minute she gets out of the car and the pair starts walking towards the pay station I thought cool and at least I don't have to ticket her Oh, if only that were true. I see her look at the pay station and see her with an I don't have to pay attitude and walked across the street into the building with the guy Well darn here it goes. I have to do my job So I grabbed my equipment and ride her a ticket All this took about five minutes Once it was done, I walked back to my patrol car which was parked right in front of the condo Our carer and her male friend exit the building at that moment carrying some kind of tv table Part of me felt sorry for issuing the ticket as I am sympathetic to that sort of thing But contrary to belief we lot checkers aren't mind readers I know she saw the ticket immediately because she just gave me this hateful glare I just shrugged it off as a drawback of my profession and get in my car I pulled into the lot to flip around and exit the property This took the same amount of time it took them to cross the street So I came to the exit just as she reached her car Which of course was on the street stall right in front of the exit I see her start to carry the table to the back of the car When she looks at me and steps back and places the table on the road Looks at me before flipping me the bird and slowly opens her trunk This became an issue and that it was not only in traffic But now blocking the exit so that no cars can leave without hitting them In response I calmly stopped my car so no one else can get out of the exit and potentially cause an accident Ma'am, can you please move the table off the road? I will She doesn't move the table. I need you to do it now. No cars can get by without hitting it I will when I get to it Still standing behind her car not moving it Does it make you feel like a big man giving me a ticket and trying to boss people around? Ma'am, I'm just doing my job and now you're causing a traffic jam After the entitled lady takes her sweet time moving it I pulled out my phone and took pictures commenting to the guy who had been standing there the whole time That for his sake. I hope he isn't affiliated with her because I was reporting this whole issue to the property owner Finally the table gets moved and traffic can flow again But if only this was the end of the story I had moved on to the next property when I get a call from co-worker I wasn't there for this so this is just what he told me happened after I left Entitled lady approached co-worker demanding my name so she could report me to my manager Now that I think of it, she did have the typical Can I speak to your manager? haircut At least in Seattle that I know of the law states private information does not need to be provided on an employee of a property management company So co-worker looked at her and said Lady I am contractually obligated not to provide you with his name Well, why did I get a ticket? No one else paid Rules for our lot says the receipt must be left on dash face-up or else it becomes avoid This is stated twice on the pay station screen and the receipt co-worker knowing this and that I had just checked those cars responded Walk with me and we'll see They both walked down the street and co-worker pointed to the receipt in every car She tried to then say she paid keep in mind co-worker and I watched her not pay Co-worker asked where her receipt was at this point She must have realized she was caught because she turned and walked back to her car calling co-worker fad And that's it sadly no real justice here other than the knowledge she has a $45 ticket It's unfortunately something I deal with on a daily basis People seem to consider working stiffs like me as subhuman and blame us for them not reading the signs Moral of the story lot checkers are humans too We get paid to enforce the rules set out by the property owners Don't assume you know how parking works read the signs and don't blame us for the ticket You earned a lot of times being nice and understanding of the situation Can go a long way to get a lot checker to drop the jerk attitude and actually give you good advice to get out of the ticket And our final story of the day wall mart parking lot brawl So a while back I posted the story of the time a lady completely ignored her five-year-old daughter In favor of yelling at my mother and in that story I made a passing mention at the time my mom got into a fight with an entitled mom in a wall mart parking lot A whole lot of people in the comments demanded to see that story and i'm currently trapped in a boring award ceremony So i've got time This is an incident that occurred before I was born So I know of it only via my parents' retellings My mom is utterly mortified and hates talking about it But it seems to be one of my dad's favorite stories about her so it gets told Back when my parents were first engaged They were just out of college broke as heck and living in a crappy apartment right next to train tracks that kept them up at night Because they were broke they found themselves having to cut costs on most things Which meant shopping at places that they may not necessarily be a fan of My mom hates wall mart She's hated it ever since she saw a lady walking around with practically her entire butt out Back when she was a kid, but this incident just cemented my mom's hatred of the place It was august and my mom headed out to make a grocery run Dad stayed home doing lord knows what as mom piled into their rattling piece of crap car and headed off to wall mart It was hot that day and I mean hot Summers where I live can get to over 38 degrees celsius or about 100 degrees fahrenheit easily plus humidity with no breeze You end up feeling like a potato in a crock pot your insides melting as your outsides burn It's utterly miserable So my mom heads into the wall mart happy to be there if only because it's out of the heat And notices with a pane of sympathy that all of the employees are in full-length pants socks shoes and heavy looking t-shirts No shorts no sandals no thin tank tops for the cashiers This wasn't too bad as the interior of the wall mart was a frigid paradise But the same could not be said for the poor unfortunate cart wranglers Whose heavy clothes were drenched with sweat as they were forced across the asphalt expenses And round up the silver chariots left all on their lonesome The shopping goes fine. My mom picks up what she needs Pays and heads back out into the broiling muck of the outdoors She loads her groceries into her car and puts her cart back where it goes because it's not hard As she's about to get into the car She sees an absolute whale of a woman dump a whining baby into a rusty car and push her empty cart out into the middle of the lot Mom has worked retail jobs Lots and lots of retail jobs What this lady just did was a jerk move Especially considering the fact that one of those cart docks was literally right next to her vehicle She could have just leaned over her impressive mass about six inches to the left and pushed the cart in there Instead, she shoves it into the middle of the lot where it will not only potentially impede cars But will also have to be retrieved by some poor employee Who will likely be nearly run over trying to get it because this is a Walmart parking lot and people drive like jerks So my mom sighs walks over and pushes the cart into the dock rolling her eyes slightly as she does so She's heading back to her car when she hears a door slam and uh Hey you She turns around to see this mountain of a woman lumbering towards her They ask fault shaking as her five-chinged jiggle with every thundering footstep She comes to halt directly in front of my mother her may be five ten mass looming over my five-foot flat mother The resulting shadow providing a break from the blazing sun Yes, my mother says very confused The lady then launches into a tirade Mom says she doesn't remember the exact words, but the general idea was that this lady thought my mom was being snarky Insulting her somehow by putting her cart back for her My mom defended herself saying that she only moved the cart because where it had been was dangerous to which the woman roars Are you saying i'm setting a bad example for my child? Gesturing back towards her rust bucket of a car My mom then notices that all of the windows are rolled up and she freezes Like i said i wasn't born yet, but by this point my mom knew that she did indeed want to be a mother So as a prospective mother she's even more appalled at this woman's actions than an average person might be ma'am She says still trying to deescalate the situation I am not implying that you're setting a bad example for your child I will say however that it's incredibly hot today So even if it's only for a few moments, you really shouldn't leave your kid in a sealed Are you calling me a bad mother you little jerk This woman bellows her hands bawling into fists mom glares She's been in a bad mood most of the day, so she's about done with this lady You know what my mom says Yes, I am calling you a bad mother for leaving your infant in a car when it's hotter than heck out here You'd rather pick a fight over a darn shopping cart than stop your baby from being boiled alive That seems like pretty bad parenting to me The lady gasps then socks my mother across the face hard enough to snap her head to the side You little jerk she hisses Rearing back for another swing How dare you? She doesn't get to finish the sentence as my mom cuts her off by kicking her in the side of the knee Hard I can understand why this lady picked a fight with my mom She was clearly looking to throw down and as I mentioned my mother was tiny She's five nothing about 21 at the time though. She looked maybe 18 and fairly skinny This woman was built like a particularly flabby brick wall My mom should have been an almost ridiculously easy target, but she didn't count on one particular thing My mom used to be a farmhand. She did a lot of heavy manual labor She was much much stronger than she looked and being a very small woman who had moved to live near a large crime rate in city She had a basic understanding of how to take down someone bigger than her The whale yells bending over to grip her knee My mom takes advantage of the height change to jab her effectively knocking the wind out of the woman Before she can get back up, my mom runs to the lady's car and is relieved to find it still unlocked She rips the door open pulled the kid and his car seat Which was unsecured mind you out of the car set him down in the shade under the awning of the cart dog So he wouldn't be directly in the sun briefly checked to see if he was okay He was he'd only been in there about a minute or so And then promptly made a run for it as she didn't want to run the risk of the cop showing up She knew that she could claim self-defense as the woman hit her first and did so hard enough to make her nose bleed But she also knew that throat punches were generally frowned upon and that she had got that lady's kneecaps something good So she didn't exactly want to test that theory My dad said she came bursting into the apartment plastic shopping bags dangling off her arms Blood dripping down her face and her eyes wide and wild as she launched into a tirade about what had just happened It took him about 40 minutes to stop laughing and he's never let her forget it And shout outs to our re-generals of the day Petotato Didi gotcha Shy one and object time Become tomorrow's re-generals by leaving as many reas as you can in the comments below It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley so to entertain myself I go to chumma casino dot com at chumma casino I give lay hundreds of online casino style games for free like online slots bingo slingo and more plus I get a daily login bonus It's just too bad that up here. 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