mr redder

Karen is Rude to Her Waitress... Big Mistake! | Reddit Stories

Karen is Rude to Her Waitress... Big Mistake! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
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Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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Karen was rude to Chipotle staff, so they got hot sauce revenge. After that, eat only in the designated area, fine. And after that, entitled mom wants to know why I got to board before her. Now for every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen has to eat a ghost pepper. I'm not sure you'd want that. We share the same bathroom Reddit boy. So please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day. Karen was rude to Chipotle staff, so they got hot sauce revenge. This happened today, not to me personally, but to another customer that was the next in line at the food place I was at. To set the scene, this place is much like the famous Tex-Mex food joint in the US that serves burritos, burrito bowls, et cetera. You know the place. There are ready made options, which come with set configuration of food items, and there's also the option to build one yourself. All the options are written down on three big banners on top of where the employees make the food as standard. I order my food, and I'm waiting for the next employee down the assembly line to finish my burrito with the condiments. An older woman who's carrying herself with that, "I am better than you," attitude, and who definitely looks like someone who does not enjoy fast food often, and looks down on those who do. Orders of vegan burrito, one of the preset choices. The employee has to ask still the type of tortilla, white or whole grain, and the type of rice, white rice or black rice. The woman is very lazy with her response, looking down at her phone and taking her sweet time with it. The first employee makes the burrito base and passes it to the girl down the line, for whom I am waiting to finish my burrito, and who is also going to finish the woman's burrito. The woman asked if she could have any sauce with the burrito. The employee then explains that they do not put any sauce in the vegan burrito because the sauces are not vegan. She says that they do put in salsa verde, which is technically a sauce, but counts as a topping in this store, not a sauce. The woman does not reply, looks up quickly and asks for the red chipotle sauce, as there are pitchers in the banner corresponding with the sauces. At this store, there are two sauces with very similar names, explosive chipotle and creamy chipotle. One being significantly more spicy than the other. The creamy sauce is orange in the photo and the explosive is red. Neither sauce is vegan as the base is male. The employee is now trying to tell the woman two things, that the sauce she's asking for isn't vegan in case the woman is since she ordered a vegan burrito and that the red sauce is very spicy. Now, maybe this woman knew what she was doing and she just likes the vegan burrito and can handle her spice. However, from my point of view, that was not the case. The employee says again, "Ma'am, this sauce isn't vegan "and it's very spicy only to be cut off "by the woman who's saying with a very pushy tone, "'Can I please just get the sauce?'" I think the woman understood that the employee was not allowed to put extra sauce in the preset burrito options. You get only what's in the description. It was probably a long day for the employee and she just stood there for a brief moment with a clear face or frustration and asked, "Are you sure?" the woman promptly and annoyingly said, "Yes, I am sure." Cue malicious compliance. The employee added the salsa verde, which is already a bit spicy, and then grabbed the squeezy thing where the explosive chipotle sauce was and gave that Karen a generous amount of zigzagging on the entire burrito. She then looked up and said with a smile, "Is that gonna be warmer cold?" She then rang us both and the lady laughed, "I wish to God I could have seen her face eating that burrito." Eat only in the designated area? Fine. This happened yesterday at a large regional grocery chain near me. It's the type of place with tons of gourmet and specialty departments, including ready-to-eat food and a little cafe area. The cafe includes a small gated-off outdoor space on the side of the building, which gets pretty busy as people are still hesitant to eat inside right now. There's also a hot foods bar that changes each day of the week. Yesterday, being Saturday and game day, the theme was chicken wings. So I was picking up my groceries for the week, minding my own business when I'm hit with the most divine smell I've ever known. Mind you, it's a bit past noon and I haven't eaten all day. Next thing I know, I'm following the smell like a cartoon thief chasing a pie in a window. I find myself at the hot bar and possessed by a force far greater than myself, loaded up a container of wings. I check out, now fully entranced with the aroma of buffalo sauce and knowing full well that these wings aren't going to make it home. I step outside and walk down to the end of the building and sit down on the concrete ledge under the awning and I go to town on my chicken wings, like absolutely unhinged, raccoon out of a dumpster, chowing the heck down and not caring about anything else. Proudest moment? No, but I do it again, absolutely. It's bliss, until suddenly, my chickeny meditation is interrupted by that deliberate type of ehem. That sounds less like a polite throat clearing and more like an engine trying to turn over. I look up and see a well dressed woman, probably mid 40s, sternly tapping her foot and pointing behind me. Confused, I look over my shoulder and see the no loitering sign. I'm still not getting it. I've obviously got a cart full of groceries and I just stepped out with them. I explain to her that I'm just enjoying my hot lunch before I head home. She is having none of it. Either eat in the designated cafe area or get out. I point out that all of the cafe tables are full and I've just got a couple more wings. She then delivers the kicker. Figure it out, before I call someone to figure it out for you. Fine, I stand up, gathering my wings and leaving the rest of my groceries. I walk the 10 feet to the gated area, ducked between the metal railings. The gated is about 10 yards down the way. Look pointedly around the occupied tables and sit down on the concrete and continue eating my wings. Looking this lady in the eye. She tuts and pulls out a cell phone, ostensibly to call someone to figure it out for me. But either it was for show or they thought that she was nuts as I did because I finished my chicken wings in peace, albeit among a sea of confused patrons. Edit. I don't know whether Chick Karen worked for the supermarket or not. The more I think of it, maybe she didn't, since I don't remember seeing a badge or lanyard or anything. She was just dressed nicely. Two, was it technically loitering? Heck, I don't know. Those signs are usually put up around here to ward off panhandlers and other down on their luck individuals. Morally, it's awful. But legally, I think they can kick anyone off their property on any grounds. Three, yes, it was a Wegmans. Good job, clever Redditor. Yes, I'll be going back. Maybe if I see her again, I'll just eat progressively more outlandish things on the sidewalk. I think they have baby-back ribs on the hot bar sometimes. Entitled Mom wants to know why I got to board before her. A little bit of context before I get to the bones of the story. I, 21 female, have never flown by myself before. I was super nervous about it, so I tried to avoid every possible roadblock before I even got to the airport. Last Monday, my flight that I originally was scheduled for was canceled due to bad weather. Luckily, I was rescheduled, so my flight went from 11.30pm on Monday to 8.30am on Tuesday. I wasn't super stoked to be up that early, but I was still glad that I was going home for fall break. I got through TSA, okay, and made it across the airport to my gate. The people at the gate looked a little grumpy, but I just chalked it up to the flight being canceled the night before. I'd paid to choose my own seat and for priority boarding, so I could get on the plane and be done with it. I was also worried about possibly needing a seatbelt extender, so I wanted to spare myself any additional embarrassment and get it over with. I ended up not needing it. The gate agent announced that at 7.45, the boarding process would begin. Those who need assistance first, then military and then priority boarding. A woman with her mother in a wheelchair boarded, then a nice old man and a walker and his wife, and finally the entitled mom and her kids. Entitled mom had 14 age daughters with her, and one of them was in a wheelchair. All five of them walked up to the gate agent to board and the following conversation ensued. Entitled mom, we are ready to pre-board. My daughter is in a wheelchair. Agent, all right ma'am, can I see your boarding passes? Entitled mom and her kids all show their phones to the gate agent and he scans them. Agent, okay ma'am, it looks like the girl is the only one approved for pre-boarding, but I can let one of you board with her if she needs assistance. Girl, I can board on my own. I don't need help. Entitled mom, don't be silly. She needs us to help her. She can't get seated by herself. Right girls. Entitled mom and her other three daughters agree amongst themselves while the girl tries to sink into her chair. Entitled mom, who will help her if we aren't on the plane? She can't get on herself. You have to let all of us board with her. Girl, I can get on myself. I don't need help. Agent, well ma'am, if she says she can board herself, then she can board herself. I'm sure a flight attendant can help her if she needs it. She needs us to help her. She can't do it herself. Why can't you get that? Girl, I'm 17. I can get on the plane by myself mom. Agent, ma'am, she's insistent that she can see herself. So I'll have a flight attendant come assist her on the ramp and you can wait until your group is called. Even if she did want your assistance, I'm sure all four of you don't have to help her. The gate agent called a flight attendant who helped the girl board. He then called for priority boarding. So I stood up, grabbed my bags, and showed the gate agent my boarding pass. Entitled mom, why does she get to board? She isn't disabled, this is BS. I felt my face get hot and I started to get nervous. Agent, she paid for priority boarding. Therefore, she gets to board before everyone else. That makes no sense. I don't get to pre-board with my daughter, but she gets to board before everyone else? Agent, ma'am, we have a belligerent passenger policy and if I deem you a threat, you don't have to fly. That shut her up and I boarded as fast as I could. Walking on the plane, I saw the girl sitting in the front row quietly reading a book and listening to music. If that's how that lady acted then, I don't want to know how she acts the rest of the time. She probably was embarrassed and I felt bad for her. I got to my seat at the middle of the plane and towards the end of the boarding, I saw why the entitled mom and her daughters wanted to board with the girl. They were a part of the last boarding group all the way at the back of the plane. My flight went well and I had a good time at home with my family. I hope entitled mom and her family had a good trip too, even if she was an entitled jerk. Won't let me go home? Okay, can't make me work. The shipping company I used to work for would do crew changes in the US. The ships were online or out and would eventually make it back to the United States where crew members would swap out. However, I then got a new job where the ships weren't on linear service, so usually your relief would be flown out to wherever country you are in. It usually ended up being a nightmare with schedule changes, messed up flights, et cetera. One colleague was severely overdue. The company sent a relief out to take his place so he could be sent home. The company also has a policy that vacancies need to be filled before overdue reliefs. However, they were waving this for the engineer in question and sending him a relief first, then filling the vacancy later. The relief gets there and the guy does turnover, teaches them all the specifics, et cetera. The off-going engineer asks, okay, when is my flight? The chief engineer tells him, oh sorry, actually we're not letting you go. We need to wait for the company to send a second relief because I use that guy to fill your vacancy. You need to stay here. Needless to say, the third engineer was upset. I think he had already scheduled a vacation with his family, like Disneyland or something. Anyway, the ship got underway to sea and he was still there. Around 10 a.m. one day, I went to the officer's lounge to get a cup of coffee and chill for a few minutes. I saw that guy sitting in the lounge in his pajamas watching the news and the next day and the next day. Instead of working, he decided to just watch TV and nap all day. He said, yeah, my relief is here. As far as I'm concerned, my job is complete. They cannot get me a flight, but they can't make me work. After a few days of this, the chief engineer actually tried to give the third engineer a disciplinary. He called him into his office and berated him. The next day, the company called the chief engineer in the middle of the night, daytime in America, and basically said, what the heck are you doing? Let him go now. The disciplinary didn't go through. He got flown off in the next port and he continued to draw overdue relief pay and salary those days he was not working. Edit. Oh yeah, I also wanted to mention that third assistant engineer was already overdue for relief. I think he was already two months over when this occurred and that this was before lockdown. So he was already supposed to be home. Then he got a name and he was told, when your relief shows up, you're being flown back to your home of record. He told his wife and family that he was coming home, but then they pulled the rug out from under him at the last minute. That's not what I'm paid for? Okay then, I used to work for a chain of pubs who loved to have promotions tied up in red tape. At the point in this story, I was technically a server on minimum wage, but doing supervisor work. This had been going on for a while as the manager hadn't submitted the paperwork. In our country, if you're on minimum wage, your employer has to pay for any time you have to be available for work slash required to remain on the premises. Not just if you are actively working. Manager would frequently rotate me on awful split shifts, like 8.30 AM to 2 PM, then 5 PM to close, approximately midnight by the time the tils and cleaning were done. Because I was the only supervisor on shift, I was expected to remain available for those middle three hours in case I was needed for manager stuff. Now, initially, I didn't mind this so much because of the inconvenience of traveling back home to just come in again. I just chilled out with some free experiment from the kitchen and a good book in the corner of the bar. I did, however, change payroll if I was expected to jump back into action to add on, however long it was. Few weeks into me doing this, the manager noticed. Manager, why are you down for 14 hours on Thursday? I scheduled you for 12.5, me. It picked up at 3.30 and colleague was getting slammed. Manager, but why have you changed payroll? Me, because that's what I worked. But you weren't scheduled to work, you chose to. Me, because you told me to be available during those hours. I'm changing it back, you get paid for what's agreed. Me, what about tomorrow then? I'm on the same split shift. You'll be paid for when you're scheduled to work. Don't change it again without my approval. All right then, have it your way. The next day, 2 PM, I stepped off the bar, grabbed my stuff and walked a few doors down to the local cafe. The server and the chef had my number if they needed me, 'cause I felt guilty leaving them to it. But they agreed not to let on to the manager exactly where I was, just to say I'd left if he came downstairs from his flat. Server also said she would call him in the first instance if it was busy. I don't think she ever liked someone having to hang around unpaid on principle, but she was a minimum wage worker too. A warning text preempted his call, and his mood was as you could expect. I confirmed I wasn't in the building, he demanded I return. I threw the legislation in his face and reminded him I wasn't being paid for those three hours, so I wasn't obligated to be on site. He wanted to go back to what I had been doing, but I told him that was off the table. He wants me there for three extra hours a day, I'm getting paid for it, even if I've got my feet up. I told him his other option was to sign the promotion paperwork, and then the law wouldn't cover me in the same way. It was signed before I got back to the bar. Not long after, I applied for a transfer. Remove our admin permissions? We will wait for the grief to come pouring down from above. This happened about 20 years ago, as I was starting my IT career. The organization I was working for was an early adopter, and had just rolled out Windows 2000, and delegated control was still a good idea, a long way off being implemented. It was discussed making this happen by the SIS admins, but not implemented to allow the help desk to have granulated permissions, but this had not been worked out yet. I was still on the help desk and worked with Alec. Alec had been around since I think Noah was building the arc, and possibly handed him the hammer when needed, so Alec knew everyone and had interesting stories to tell. If Alec is on here, he can tell his own stories. The computer corporation that the organization had hired to manage second and third level escalations above help desk, decided that the lowly help desk peons, Alec and I, could not have domain administration permissions anymore, as we were doing the work and taking cases off them. That meant they could not justify as many man hours they were charging our organization. So on Wednesday night, our accounts were removed from the elevated permissions without notifying us. Possibly our managers were notified, but not what the implications were. Here comes the compliance. See, all we could do now was catch and dispatch. Nothing else. Simply take the call and log it into the help desk system, saying someone needed their account unlocked to be able to work. Someone else wanted to change their password. As they had forgotten their password, and another person needed access to a specific folder on the file servers. This is all run of the mill level one tasks that take seconds to complete. However, not this Thursday. I see the computer corporation that day needed to do their weekly team building meeting that I was not privy to, not working for them. However, I'm sure that they were told how much extra money they would be making doing all of these extra cases. Alec started after me, as he then had to later finish. So I explained our lack of access now, and that we would have to simply catch and dispatch calls now, with the computer corporation doing all the work. This is boring, and what gives help desk roles a really bad name. Alec wanted to go to our managers to get this changed immediately. I convinced him to comply with the corporation. We would allow the people directly affected by not being able to work, to complain to their managers. Then they would complain to ours. So we don't look like we're being difficult to the computer corporation's new stance. Boom, we had to get along with. Oh yes, they did complain. The manager for computer corporation got hauled out of their team meetings to fix things up. So we could do our work, and our colleagues could then do theirs. When their managers asked why we did not say these cases were backing up, we replied we could not change or unlock passwords, and they were busy in their meeting, and we were asked previously not to disturb them. Petty, I know, but we did get our admin rights back before lunchtime. Also, now things are massively changed, and domain admin rights are not handed out so fast. But this was early days of Windows 2000. Alec, you magnificent guy. Hope you're still kicking goals, and this brings back memories. I don't work there, Karen. After I retired, I took a part-time job at a tool store, mostly to get the employee discount. This store was right next door to a popular farm in Ranch Supply Store. There was a deep overhang in front of the stores, and the other store kept large bags of animal bedding and such beneath the overhang, but only on their side. One day after my shift ended, I was hanging out in front of the store before bicycling home, talking on the phone. Karen pulls up in a nice SUV with a trailer. Shoves a receipt in my face, and rudely demands I load a dozen bags of animal bedding for her. I tell her I do not work at the farm in Ranch Supply Store, but will gladly call them to ask for help for her. Now, to be fair, the tool store and the supply store both had blue shirts, but each had the store names prominently embroidered on the front. The supply store employees were almost uncomfortably clean-cut, and I had rather longish hair and a huge mustache. She starts screaming, she's in a hurry. She's almost out of gas. I'm wearing a blue shirt, yada, yada, yada. I politely point to the name on my shirt, and again say I do not work for the supply store, and it's not my job to load their products. Again, I offer to call them and ask for help for her. She storms off towards the front door to the supply store, yelling about how I should get a haircut, and she's going to get me fired. I said, good luck with that lady, which really, really upset her. Her SUV was idling rather roughly this whole time. Eventually, she comes back with one of the managers of the supply store and an employee who loads the bags of animal bedding. The manager is trying to explain to her that no, I do not work for them and should not be loading their products. About this time, you guessed it, her SUV stops for lack of gas. She goes back inside and I see her leave with a plastic gas can and start hoofing it to the gas station a couple of blocks away. Meantime, her SUV is still switched on and her dome light is getting dimmer and dimmer and dimmer. I guess someone could have shut the driver's door, but I sure didn't feel like doing it. Having nothing better to do, I stayed to watch the show I knew was about to unfold. After a good hour, she staggers back with a full five gallon can. I do not think I would have cared to carry it a couple blocks. It took her a while, but she finally figured out how to pour it into the SUV. As she was pouring it, she was screaming that this was all somehow my fault. Then she tries to start the SUV and of course it will not turn over. Some kindly old man stops and asks if she needs a jump and gets out his jumper cables. After a few minutes, the SUV turns over, but will not start. It seems it's one of those that needs a fuse removed and the engine cranked for a while to pressurize the fuel injection lines after running out of gas. I try to tell her this, but she starts screaming at me again and called me some rather uncomplimentary names. Fine, Karen, call AAA or a tow truck. I've used up my good deeds for the day. When a tow truck driver finally comes, the driver hooks up his jumper cables, removes the fuses and cranks the engine for a while. He replaces the fuse and starts it to the accompaniment of a huge clouds of smoke. He smells the gas can and it seems she had bought diesel fuel instead of gasoline. She tells her that he will need to tow the SUV and it will need the entire fuel system flushed. She screams that I should pay for it since it was still somehow my fault. With that, I headed for home on my bicycle, telling her have a nice day. Am I the jerk for having someone's car towed with no warning? I'm 30 male and my sister is 36 female. And three years ago, we had the opportunity to get our dad, who's 62, a house that was close to us after our mom passed. Before her passing, he used to be this funny, friendly and happy guy who was always making jokes and was the sunshine of our lives. But with all due reasons, after my mom passed, he became sad and lonely. He cried almost every day and it hurt our hearts to see him like that. We lived in the next city for work and we begged him to please come with us. He refused at first because leaving the family home hurt him more than living in it. But after a while, he agreed. He chose a small house just for him and his pets. We didn't rent him an apartment because he's just not that kind of guy. He has a 2016 Avio that he doesn't drive that much right now. But from time to time, he likes to go back to our hometown and just spend a day in the places he and my mom used to go to. Problem with this is that he can last a month or so without moving the car. He uses it more during October through December because it was my mom's favorite time of the year. And thus, his neighbors, a 25ish married couple, use his driveway because the dude owns four cars and he doesn't have the space. My dad doesn't have that much of a problem since he leaves his car in the garage and told me that whenever he needs to get it out, he just calls the girl and she moves the other one until a few months ago when apparently the girl was nowhere to be found and the guy is home all day. He had asked him a few times to please move the car and the dude just says, "Yeah, sure." And takes an hour or two to do so and my dad can't drive it because it's already too dark for him to see. Yesterday I went to visit him and he wanted to take me to see some sports cars. I don't know, man. He's like a kid that he found next to a park like those public car shows. I'm not sure. He wanted to drive his car but the neighbor had his car and dad's driveway. So he went to ask him to please move it. He said yes, but after 30 minutes of not seeing him, my dad explained to me the above and I said no problem and got someone to tow it. The dude obviously freaked out when he saw what was happening and asked what the heck I was doing. Apparently the dude doesn't have the right documentation for the car and can't get it back because he doesn't have the money. He's calling me a jerk and while my dad doesn't agree with him, he doesn't agree with me too. But man, my dad was doing him a favor and he acted like an entitled jerk. However, if I was wrong in my actions, I'm willing to say sorry and get him his car back. Am I the jerk for going after my ex for 10 years of child support? My ex left me for someone else when my kids were young, five and two. He paid child support until he was medically released from the military in late 2011. Since then, he hasn't paid me a penny. Any time I've requested help, like $10 for school supplies, he tells me he has no money. He's always begged me not to file through the state and apologized for not paying. Of course, he always promises that he'll start paying at some point. He gets about $2,000 a month from the VA, but his work history has been spotty at best. His parents have helped with his bills. He's actually had a good job for the last two plus years now, but still can't help. I've given him all required visitation plus extra. I want my kids to be able to have a relationship with their dad. Recently, he had words with my husband and my ex said that he doesn't owe anything morally or legally. He said I should file through the state so they can tell me to my face he doesn't owe his words. I talked to my kids who are now 19 and 16 and got their go ahead and filed. The state will be pursuing about $70,000 in back support plus current support for the 16 year old. I know it's a lot of money, and between him and his current significant other, they have quite a few kids living with them. This will put a huge financial strain on them. So am I the jerk? Someone suggested I should add this comment as an edit, so here it is. Thank you to everyone for your feedback. To clarify a couple of things, the reason I didn't pursue support before was twofold. One, working sporadically, he didn't have much money. The second and most important reason was that if I had, my kids would have been drug into it. They would have been made to feel guilty for everything they had. My ex and his family would have told them that I was being greedy and didn't really need the money. And so now their dad and his household were doing without because of us. I didn't want my kids involved in that drama, so I just worked more to make it happen. My manager embarrassed me in front of my tables. I worked for a chain restaurant in the Northeast. It's a business casual restaurant that you'd all know. The most expensive dish is $35. I've been there five years, and I'm a good server. Admittedly, I'm really bad at opening wine, and I always have the bartender started for me. I know it's a no-no, but we are not serving any bottles over $25. We rarely sell whole bottles, and I'm not the only server who does this. I'd prefer having the bartender uncork it halfway, rather than risk breaking the cork table side. I always make a joke out of it, and no table has ever cared. Tonight, one of my managers saw the bartender start opening the wine, and she promptly came over and started scolding me, going on about how there's an art to presenting wine, and how a wine connoisseur would be livid. This would be fine, except A, it was a $20 bottle of wine at a chain restaurant, and B, she did this in front of all of my tables. Then I go to the table, explain that I had the bartender started because I miserable at opening wine, to which they laughed and crack a joke. As I'm pouring them their glasses, this same manager screams from across the room, "You only have to pour them a taste, not a whole glass." At this point, both my table and I are embarrassed. I understand that I was doing something wrong. I've been there five years. I know that I was breaking a rule, but she did not have to embarrass me in front of my entire section. It's not fine dining, and I'm over it. Ah, edit, thank you guys for such a huge response. I'm still incredibly frustrated, and I'm now in the process of looking for another restaurant. I realize that she's the fool in this situation, not me. Ironically, my dad used to own a wine store, and he offered to teach me the coveted art that my manager is so hooked on. Before I head to a new job, I'll be sure to learn how to open a bottle of wine. Support the channel by joining us at Member Today, and we'll give you a shout out in our next video. Or come watch this video next, you won't believe what Karen does in that one. [MUSIC PLAYING]