mr redder

Karen Wasted my $150K Inheritance! | Reddit Stories

Karen Wasted my $150K Inheritance! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
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Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Hey there, Mr. Reddit here! Welcome back to another episode of R/Intitled People's Stories. Our first story will be reading today. My mom stole my $150,000 inheritance and kicked me out of the family when I asked her to pay it back. After that, am I the jerk for flexing my real-world success on my terrible former high school teacher? And after that, denied a raise and moved to overnight position and told, "Don't care how you do your job, just do it?" Okay, I will. Now for every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen does not get to go trick or treating. You will not stop me! So please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day. My mom stole my $150,000 inheritance and kicked me out of the family when I asked her to pay it back. My mother has me all kinds of messed up, and I'm not sure if I should just walk away. Backstory. I'm 27, female, and my mom, who's 53, has had a really hard life. She was in an accident at age 5 and lost her mother. She didn't have an active father, and no one on her mom's side wanted to take her in. So she went into foster care for a few years, not a good experience from what she told me. At age 8, she was adopted into a loving, wealthy family of two college professors, along with an adopted brother. She had a hard time adjusting, made a lot of bad decisions, and basically ran away in her late teens. This whole time, her adopted parents were doing everything they could to reach out to their daughter and help her get back on her feet, but mostly their efforts were wasted. She has a kid at age 18, then again a few years later. She lost them to foster care, and then had me with a different man. Eventually, she gets her two first kids back, my older half brothers, has me, marries twice again, and has two more kids, my younger brothers. In total, she has five kids, four boys with me, the middle girl. We grew up very, very poor, with our mother always gone, or bringing back strangers to party, leaving me to raise the youngest too. We would visit our grandparents, mom's adopted parents, for holidays and special occasions, but with my mother's strained relationship with them, we weren't able to visit as much as we kids would have liked to. My childhood was crappy to say the least. That being said, I loved my grandparents, especially my grandpa, dearly, and they loved us kids back, and as much as they struggled with my mom, they were nothing but loving towards her from what I understand. The thing about my grandparents is that education was very important to them. I remember the encouragement for college started very early on from them, and they made it very clear that I was expected to go to college. When I was allowed to visit them, they would take me to bookstores and let me lose. They'd say, "Okay, pick one," and I would come back with three or four unable to decide. They'd laugh and get me all the books, which I could not believe. I took pride in knowing my grandparents thought so highly of my future, and was determined to keep making them proud. Fast forward to 2005, I'm in fifth grade, and my grandma passed from long-term alcohol use. My mom has a wake-up call and gets sober, but is still absent from AA meetings and general disinterest. Then in seventh grade, my grandpa passed as well from the same illness. This crushed me. I wasn't able to articulate any of it at the time, but that's when the big time depression rolled in. From there on, school was very difficult for me, as well as my home life. I ended up falling pretty deep into my sorrow and stopped going to school around my junior year of high school. After a breakthrough, I decided that I had to get the heck away from that house, and ultimately moved out at age 17 to a bigger city about 45 minutes away. I barely finished high school with a 1.75 GPA, and somehow two teachers from the new school convinced me to sign up for the community college. They helped me fill out my FAFSA and everything. Side note, when I received my mom's financial info for that year for the FAFSA, I saw she claimed to make around $10,000 a year. That's how poor we were. After my first semester in college, I was hooked. Science was actually pretty cool. I realized I loved to learn and kept pushing through. I worked full-time, busted my tail, and after four years, I finally achieved an associate's degree. But that wasn't enough for me. I was able to transfer over to a university that I would have never been able to attend right out of high school due to grades and whatnot, and finish my BS and my favorite field of science. In total, it took me six years to get my BS degree, but I worked so hard, and I was so proud of what I was able to accomplish. Keep in mind, during my whole college career, my mother was characteristically absent and dismissive of what I was doing. When I was in my early 20s, still at community college, she packed up her and my baby brothers and moved five hours up north. I didn't have a car, and couldn't come see them hardly at all. I was upset by this of course, but that didn't matter to her. She eventually moved back a couple of years later. Anyway, I graduate college with $40,000 college debt. Not so bad compared to most I always thought. I knew that I would have to work hard and accrue debt to get where I wanted in life, so this was a necessary burden, and I've accepted that. However, things have turned in recent events and my effort to get closer to my late grandparents. I reached out to their close personal friends, let's call them the Johnsons, to get a better idea of what my grandparents were like. They were so close that the Johnsons were actually the arbiter of my grandpa's will. In conversation, it came out that when my grandparents passed away, they left a $150,000 inheritance for their grandchildren's education. However, three years later, around 2010, my mother came to the Johnsons and confessed to them that she blew all of the education money. On what? I have no idea, but I do remember her buying a two-door sports car, our only car for a six-person family, after grandpa passed, so I'm sure the rest of her purchases were great investments. This was really upsetting to me for many reasons. I was the only grandchild that actually went to college, and that money could have easily covered my expenses. If I'd had that money, I wouldn't have had to spend every moment for six years busting my tail. I could have afforded to only have one job instead of three. I could have spent that time studying and getting better grades or doing an internship, which literally makes your breaks your career in my field. I wasn't able to do any of that and haven't been able to get a related job. Not the worst thing, but unfortunate. I have a fine job in tech that I wouldn't have been able to get without my degree. I'm plenty happy with my decision. My relationship with her was already strained, but this really crossed a line for me. I emailed her, telling her I knew what she did, and she needed to pay me back. That's probably not going to happen. She owns a small business in social media, and it doesn't do that great. I kind of want to just cut ties forever, but I'm so angry, I also want her to pay me back the money she stole. I'm so out of my debt, I don't know what to do. Am I the jerk for flexing my real-world success on my terrible former high school teacher? I'm 23, male, and my former high school encourages all parents to attend parent-teacher conferences, so my parents always go to my younger brother, who's 17, as conferences. He's a senior in high school, and has the same teacher I did back when I was his age. This guy was a terrible teacher. He was condescending and snarky, and he always started crap with me. I always got excellent grades since I was smart, but he never liked me. I didn't like him either. And at the end of the year, he told me I'd never make it in the real world. I think he picked me out because I was confident and outgoing, and it made him insecure. In reality, I was always going to make it in the real world, and he probably realized I would surpass him pretty quickly. Maybe he was jealous or something, I don't know, and I already have. I just graduated college a year ago and already have a nice job in finance that pays more than he'll ever dream of stuck in a classroom. So I decided to take my brother to conferences instead of my parents, so I could give him a nice life update and check in. He looked wary and surprised when he saw me. To paraphrase how the whole conversation went, he was like, "Hey, how have you been OP? I haven't seen you in a bit." And I was like, "Yeah, it's been a minute, Andy. I don't have much time to come around. I just graduated college with honors, and my new job in finance keeps me pretty busy. The pay makes it well worth it all." How about you? Did you get promoted to principal yet? I knew he hadn't, since my brother told me he had run for the open principal position and didn't win. He was like, "No, but that's okay." To save face. And I was like, "Yeah." And you always have this cute little classroom. Man, I forgot how small it is. Charming. And he was indignant, like, "Yes, I quite like it." He gave me my brother's report card when the conference was almost over. I knew his wife had a baby since my mom follows her on Facebook and is always telling me things like that. I said, as I got up to go, "Well, I'm sure your wife must be so pleased with you making it in the real world as a teacher. I'm sure you're bringing in so much dough for the family with this little gig. Maybe you'll even upgrade to a medium-sized classroom one day." By Andy and started walking out. I gave him the thumbs up sign and he gave me a sarcastic wave really aggressively. I could tell he was steaming. Am I the jerk for flexing on my crappy teacher and proving him wrong that I'm the one who couldn't make it in the real world? Bruh. Denied a raise and moved to overnight position and told, "Don't carry how you do your job. Just do it?" Okay, I will. I used to work in hotels in a ski town in Colorado. Very expensive, but the quality of life. Very common saying there. I had started at a new hotel and was making $10 an hour living with my brother in a two-bedroom place that was 700 square feet. Rent was half our income. When the slow-season approach, I was told I would have to move to night audit 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. or risk being let go. The problem was I lived 3 miles from the hotel and took the bus to get there since I couldn't afford a car. The bus did not run at night or early morning, so I would be walking 6 miles a day and several inches to a foot or more of snow. So I asked for a raise. They said they'd get back to me, but needed an answer and I needed the job, so okay, I'll work night audit. I start the next week as an auditor and while I'm being trained, I learn that I'm also losing a day. The other auditor works 3 days and I'll be working 4 days, not 5. That's $320 a month hit to my income before taxes, so I'll need to be making $12.50 an hour to keep making the same with the cut hours, but I decide I'm going to ask for $14. I complete training and meet with my GM. He asks how I'm liking it and I start off with my concerns. I tell him I wasn't told I'd lose a day and with having to walk 6 miles a day in the snow, I was going to need a raise to $14 an hour. He let out an audible sigh and tells me he can easily hire someone for this position for $10 an hour and to take it or leave it. I knew it would be very hard to find a job in the winter when everything closes up, so I stayed. As I walked out of his office, he says, "I don't care how you do your job, just do it." Okay, I will. You see, this job was easy. It was 7 hours of me doing absolutely nothing and 1 hour of actual work, which gave me plenty of time to find shortcuts. The software we used allows us to import scripts that you downloaded from the developer site. One such script was a way to make my job literally one click. The problem was it was $500 a year license for it. Obviously, I wouldn't propose to my GM a way to eliminate my job, but there was a free trial on every script for 7 days. I remember at the time you get around paywalls on news websites by going into the web console and simply removing the paywall from the source code. I decided to see if this was something I could do with this script, and what do you know? I downloaded it and opened the script in a text editor, and the only thing making this script a trial was a line that said, license expires, and had the date set 7 days out from when I downloaded it. I changed the computer's date to 8 days from now and tried to run the script in our software and got a notification that said the free trial ended, so I changed it back and set the expiration date to 2050. This took my manual job of 1 hour and made it 3-5 minutes. All I had to do was specify a date range and check off what reports I wanted done and printed and click start. That was it. I always manually reviewed everything just in case, but that wasn't it. We had a kitchen where we made breakfast and dinner for the guests. Evening shift got free dinner and morning shift got free breakfast. I didn't get anything. They eventually decided to have the auditor set up breakfast so the kitchen crew didn't have to come in as early. I asked if we got free breakfast and was told no. Despite setting everything up to make their jobs easier, I should also note that we had to clean any dishes left from dinner that the kitchen didn't get to despite not even getting any dinner. But I had the kitchen all to myself for 6 hours, so I started making myself dinner around 1 am. Whatever I wanted, the only limits were the ingredients in the kitchen, and since I was responsible for dishes from other shifts, I never left any evidence behind. I no longer had to buy food to bring to work. I later realized that I could put dirty dishes back in the return bin since it was covered, and the breakfast crew'd never checked to see if any dirty dishes were in it, and the very few times they did check, they assumed dinner forgot to check before leaving. I always cleaned up the dishes I used to make myself food out of fairness though. So now my job no longer requires me to do dishes. I get free food, and all I have to do is remember the date and click a button to do my actual job. What am I to do with all this time? I watched so many shows. I played online games on my laptop. I started learning Spanish. The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job, just do it, and so I did. I did eventually decide to move away for a much better job far away and had to give up the comfy life. I trained my replacement the way I was doing things, including the script, and did not teach him the manual way. Before I left though, I decided to change the trial date to one week out. Two days after my last day, the front desk manager texts me and tells me that the other night auditor was just fired for making mean remarks to a guest, and that guest recorded him, so he was fired once the GM got in. He asked if I could come back until they got someone else and said they'd pay me $15 an hour. Unfortunately, I was leaving in two days, so there was no way. I got a call from the GM at about 5am the day of the expiration, and he asked about this free trial thing. And why wasn't the new guy trained how to do the audit properly, which was apparently working seven days a week since no one else knew the audit except the new guy, and of course me. I reminded him that he told me he didn't care how I did my job, just do it, so I did exactly that. I could tell he wanted to yell, but he held back. He then demanded I come back and fix it, or he'll have to take legal action. I told him I was already at my new place 2,000 miles away, but I would happily do it for airfare, a free room, free meals while I'm there, and $10,000. That was when he lost it and I hung up. He texted me after saying he was contacting the lawyers, and that I messed up, and to prepare to face the consequences. That was five years ago, and I haven't heard anything from him since. I did eventually go back to that town a few months ago to see my mom, and it ran into the front desk manager from that place, who's a really nice guy. He told me the GM was caught hooking up with the head housekeeper in his office by his wife one day, later divorced him. The 19-year-old girl working the front desk in the mornings later filed harassment charges against him, and he resigned after that. The AGM jumped ship after that. The GM was also a coach for a baseball team and hit somebody with a bat, and got beat up by the dad. Not sure what happened to him after that. The front desk manager now runs the place as the GM, and he's made sure that he, the AGM, and the FDM are all trained to do the audit. Am I the jerk for telling my best friend she's not equal to my fiance? I'm 28, and engaged to a great man the same age as me. We've been dating since we were 16, and got engaged at 24, four years ago. I have a best friend, Angela, who's also 28. She's a woman as well as me. Angela has barely grown out of the high school mentality. She still acts like she did back then, clubbing every weekend, hooking up, always out with friends, new and old. She never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. She only has had situationships, so she doesn't know how commitment works. I don't judge her for that, since she seems fine with her life, and I'm happy that my friends are being themselves, and I get to be myself despite having different interests. Lately, I had my suspicions that Angela believes that she still comes before my fiance, just because we were each other's number one priority in high school. I tried to slip in multiple times without being confrontational, that my fiance and I are going to have a family soon, and how he's my priority and so on, just to get the message across without having some uncomfortable conversation. She didn't seem to get it though, and something dramatic ended up happening. Angela's birthday was two days ago, and she planned on having a celebration tomorrow night. The place she picked was a dance show club. I texted her and told her I wouldn't feel comfortable to attend, because clubs like that cross me and my fiance's boundaries. It's not because we don't trust each other, but we just don't feel comfortable with that in our relationship. Anyone who knows about this boundary has told us it's a normal boundary. Angela said that I would be stupid to imply that I'll skip her birthday. I said that we could hang out, the two of us, someday, and go for drinks, but I just don't feel comfortable attending a club like this. She said, "But I'm your best friend! You're not gonna skip your best friend's birthday, are you?" I said, sadly, I'll skip it, but I insisted on an alternative for another day. She got disappointed and said she didn't expect me to ever put a man's needs over our friendship. I reminded her he's my fiance. She argued that him being a fiance of mine doesn't mean he deserves special treatment over her. I told her that's exactly what she means, and I reminded her that she's not equal to my fiance anymore in such situations, because he's the person I'm going to marry and have a family with, and he's my number one priority. I probably shouldn't have said that, because she claims I'm the jerk, and I replaced her when I used to have her as my number one. I apologized for that phrasing and tried to explain what I meant, but she wasn't having it, and said I should go cry to my fiance, and she doesn't need my fake apology. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, and I just felt like she was pushing me, and I had a one-sided competition with my fiance, and I said that. Am I the jerk? Update. So I come here with an update, and the problem is totally behind us now. She was the one to call me, and apologized for lashing out at me, and she wanted to meet and talk, so we could resolve it and put it behind us. She said that she's scared she's gonna lose me, because we've been friends for almost two decades, and she doesn't want our friendship to stop existing. I told her there's no way that will happen, but as I respect her life choices, and I never intervene, she has to respect my choices as well. I listened to some comments who said I'm judgmental of her lifestyle, and I decided to ask her if she ever felt that way about me. She said she never felt like I'm judging her, and that I'm more accepting of her lifestyle than some of her friends who also have that lifestyle she has. She said I'm not obligated to agree with her lifestyle, and it's her fault she can't realize how different choices work in life, because she just never had to experience changing her priorities growing up. I told her it's nobody's fault here, and as long as she doesn't harm anyone directly, she can't apologize for making different choices about her own life. The bottom line is that she said she'll try to be more understanding of how priorities shift in people's lives, and she admitted that she was shady a few times just to uplift herself, but realized what she did was wrong and immature, and will try to communicate better. I also explained better to her that my fiance being my priority does not mean I love my friends any less, it just means that since I'm going to share my life with that person, sometimes their comfort will come first when it's about boundaries. Anyway, I explained in detail what I mean, and that boundaries don't mean I no longer love our respecter, but just like I respect she's chosen that life for herself, she has to respect that this is also the life I choose. As long as I don't actively go out of my way to either insult, her goes to her just to back my fiance, she has nothing to worry about. Her party is today, and she decided that we should go have drinks with all of the other girls earlier, and later whoever wants to follow to the club can go, but she made the plans that way so I could also be included in her birthday celebration somehow. Now we're good, and I'm glad it didn't take long before we could resolve it. Yes, for those who said I'm being judgmental of her lifestyle, FYI, I actually decided to show my friend the Reddit post and the comments, and she laughed at those who were upset about my high school mentality comment. She said, "But it's true, I'm still stuck in high school with my spirit. What do these people take it personally?" She also never took offense to me using that phrase. We've used it for years after we ended high school, and she never once felt offended. Believe me, if she did feel offended, she'd make sure I know, so you people can calm down with those accusations. Just because you've given that phrase a negative meaning, it doesn't mean my friend and I use it in a demeaning way. It's a lighthearted comment to us, and it's pointless for you to get offended on her behalf when she doesn't even feel offended. She gave me the side eye for writing on Reddit about it, but in a sarcastic and joking manner, she wasn't actually mad. She said she would do the same, and she even thought of posting her point of view here as well, unless our problem was sorted out, but now it's done and we're fine. Thank you for all the comments. "Teller, I'll take your spot at the club. I need a break from Reddit boy over here." One electronic item per tray? Sure, no problem. This happened yesterday, as I was returning home from a two-week trip to Germany. The final leg of the flight deported from Paris, where I had this lovely interaction with the agents whom, despite me knowing are not TSA, I still refer to as TSA in my mind. While going through security in the airport, I know the drill. Belts off, jackets off, take the laptop out of my bag. So I submitted the X-ray for trays, one with my carry-on, one with my laptop by itself, one with my belt, watch in jackets, and one with my personal items. Think of Fanny Pack. I'm randomly selected for further screening. I have a Lebanese last name and a beard. I'm always randomly selected for further screening, and the agent erates me for putting all my electronics together. I point out that I took my laptop out of the bag, as per standard procedure, and the agent says, screaming at me mind you, that that is not enough. I must take out every electronic device from my carry-on and put each of them in an individual tray, as I'm being sent to the back of the line to do so. Here comes the malicious compliance. There are two things this French TSA agent is unaware of. The first thing is that I'm a videographer by trade, and I was in Europe to cover an event. Spiel. With video footage and interviews, the second thing is that Air France changed my flight times, so my two hours layover became a 10 hours layover, which I'm not particularly happy about. So I'm being sent to the end of the line, and I have to submit each electronic item individually. Sure, no complaints from me. Two camera bodies, one drone, one GoPro, four lenses, nine batteries, and two lavalier microphones later, there is no more space in the treadmill. People behind me are complaining that they will miss their flight, because I'm taking so long. There's nothing I can do. I'm just following the orders I received, and at this point, I only unpacked my photography vest and fanny pack, that treadmill starts moving. Some space clears up to put additional trays, and that's when I open my carry-on bag. Again, I'm in Europe for work. I didn't bring any nice clothes or shoes or anything, all my personal effects are in the checked-in luggage. The carry-on is filled exclusively with electronics. I still have four microphones, two recorders, lights, additional lenses, battery chargers, video monitors, audio monitors, drone controllers. Once I open my carry-on, it's very clear for everyone with an eyesight that I'm not even one third of the way done. One electronic per tray? Sure thing. I'll just occupy this entire checkpoint by myself then. The people behind me in line are literally jumping and screaming about their missed flight to the point the security agents leave their post to control the line. Someone in a non-uniform suit appears and talks to the agent who sent me to the back of the line. That's when the unthinkable happened. The agent comes to me and says there would be no need for me to continue separating my electronics, and I could just submit my entire carry-on bag as a single item, and they had examined it further if it seemed necessary. "You sure?" I asked. "Because it's no bother at all. I can keep unpacking here all day long. They insist it's not necessary, but I still have over 20 trays at this point occupying the treadmill. I go through the metal detector, I spend some minutes recovering and repacking everything, and based on the amount of fuming passengers, I like to think I contributed to the airport reviewing their stance on X-raying individual electronics. Am I the jerk for kicking out my sister-in-law after her daughter ate my wife's pregnancy snacks? My wife is on her first and last pregnancy. She's in her early 20s, but has had holes in her uterus in the past and miscarried previously. This one is super high risk, and the doctor's visits have been frequent and stressful. After this, my wife will be getting sterilized and I'll be getting vasectomy. She's currently seven months pregnant, and all she's been craving is plain grilled ground beef soaked in garlic powder, red crushed pepper and sriracha, and peanut caramel marzipan. As the person who has had to smell it and kiss her, I prefer to spoil her with the marzipan, and it's much quicker for her to be able to eat. I'm doing my best to spoil her because this is her first and only full-term pregnancy she'll be able to experience. I bulk bought some marzipan candies for her and placed them in her cubby in the pantry, where she keeps her maternal vitamins, anti-nausea pills, and snacks. My wife's sister came to visit with her daughter for two weeks this Sunday, and we welcomed them to the pantry, but asked that they not touch anything in the cubby's because those are especially for us. I went out to run errands the other day and came home to my wife on the couch holding her stomach and crying. I assumed the worst and asked what was wrong, and she told me that niece had eaten up all of her marzipan, and there was no ground beef, and it's all she wanted and everything else smelled disgusting. I asked my sister-in-law about it, and she said it was just candy, and my wife shouldn't be eating so much sugar during her pregnancy anyways, and that she can't expect a kid not to want candy. I asked her to replace it, and she said no, and that I could buy it since it was so precious. I told her to leave the next morning, and she groaned and grunted around about how bad I'm treating family around the house till she left. My wife's family is calling me a jerk for kicking them out over something so silly, and that I could have just bought more. It all feels so silly, but I'm beginning to doubt myself here. Extra info. My wife does have a balanced pregnancy diet, approved by her OBGYN. We tried to adhere to, consisting of oatmeal, fruit, rice and beans, chicken, baked or grilled, vegetables, mineral water, and vitamins. The cravings are not all she eats. It's just what she eats when she's craving it. Please have a little more faith in me as a husband that I won't gorge my wife on sweets while she's in a high-risk pregnancy. Final edit. I received my verdict. However, when things calm down, I will be speaking to my sister-in-law and trying to make amends if she's willing to apologize. My niece is nowhere at fault because our mother should have parented her. My wife is fine now. She's eating a big bowl of ground beef as I type this. I showed her the comments from other pregnant women, and she really appreciated them. She doesn't feel so alone in her mommy madness anymore. Thank you all for your time. Karen tries to make me do yoga. Our family has Pancake Sundays, which is where our house gets together for a sit-down family breakfast with my mom's infamous pancakes. As you would expect, I'm always down for it. Love family time, love pancakes. My family is also very active and athletic, and usually does a workout or yoga in the mornings. However, I'm not a very athletic or active person, and because I hate being compared to the rest of my family, I hate feeling weak while they exercise. I usually don't work out with them. Last week, I did do yoga though, because my mom asked and it was Mother's Day. This week, my mom said I wasn't allowed pancakes unless I did yoga with them again. I said that was fine. I still wasn't going to do the yoga, but was a bit upset that she was trying to force me to do something I didn't want to do. In the morning, my sisters kept texting me for me to come to breakfast, but I didn't really want to, because watching everyone else enjoy pancakes while I didn't wasn't super appealing to me. Finally, I went up because I didn't really want to miss family breakfast, only to see that my mom made my favorite crepe pancakes that she only makes for birthdays, along with fruit and whipped cream. Take note that I had told mom that I missed her crepes a few times, but she waited until I couldn't eat them to make them. I really didn't want to watch everyone else enjoy the food while I couldn't and was getting upset that she tried to go out of her way to punish me for not working out with her, and I didn't want to be around my family when I was getting upset like that, so I went to go downstairs. My stepdad stopped me and in front of the whole family told me off for not wanting to spend time with my family, for not contributing to the family, for my mom always having to push me to do anything. I didn't really say anything, I've been taught not to talk back to my parents, but I can help but feel upset. I take walks with my mom and sister whenever she asks, it's only been a couple of times in the past year of lockdown that I said I didn't want to go. Whenever the law needs to be mowed or they need help, I'm always the one they ask. My other siblings comparatively don't help out as much, and yet I'm always the one who gets criticized. I feel ridiculous for getting so upset over something so stupid, and I don't want to face them right now, because I honestly can't tell if I'm in the right or not. Huge shout out to our newest official channel member, Ice Dragon. Thank you so much for supporting the channel, it really means the world to Reddit Boy and I. Support the channel by joining as a member today, and we'll give you a shout out in our next video. Or come watch this video next, you won't believe what Karen doesn't that one.