Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Shine Your Light

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14 Jul 2024
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In this episode of "Jesus Can" we explore the importance of shining your light for the Glory of God. We explore the Biblical meaning of the light. If you need prayers or counseling, you can contact us through an email address or WhatsApp +27729110805 .for more information check www.houseofsalvation55 co

(upbeat music) - Are you weary and heartbroken? Do you need healing and deliverance? Welcome to the program, Jesus Can with your host, Dr. Bongyu. Our mission is to help you step by step live a victorious life in Christ. Enjoy today's program. (upbeat music) We are reading from the book of Matthew chapter five, verse 14 to 16. "Ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be heed. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candle stick and it give it light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see a good wax and glorify your father, which is in heaven." Heaven, Father, we thank you for the reading of your way. Heaven, Father, we pray that let your Holy Spirit be the one that in light hands, Father God, I bring each and everyone who's listening, Lord, we depend on you. Some trust in horses, some trust in chair roads, but we will call upon the name of Jesus. We are calling upon that name in the mighty name that is above all names, the name of Jesus, amen. Today we are talking about shining your light, shine your light. These were the first ways that we are taught by God because God is a God who's precise, who's organized and who understands priority. I have realized that on social media that even parents will be so eager that the first utterance should be, they are names. Now you will see the parents, the mummies, they will be baking, the baby that please say, "Mummy," say, "Mummy," even the dead on the other side will also persuade the baby to say, "Say, "Daddy," say, "Daddy," because for them it's important, the name that will be uttered first. So now also for us, it is very important to know what God, our God, uttered first, what is the priority so that we can understand his order so that we can understand his way. So now we read in Genesis one verse three that God said, "Let there be light." So when he said, "Let there be light," now remember that not even the sun was there, not even a dam was there, not even if was there, but he was saying, "Let there be light," before even human beings are found, but let there be light, before some Christians, some animals are found, but let there be light. The first thing, first thing, first, let there be light. So we see that even the sun that we saw believe that it's the one that gives us light, but now we see that the light actually came before the sun because the sun was created on the fourth day with the moon, but now the light already was commanded to be there. So it tells us that the light is a priority in everything, there should be light before anything can be done, there should be light because otherwise it's darkness. Remember, darkness has not been created, but the absence of lights make darkness. That's why darkness is an empty entity. You cannot measure darkness, but you can measure light, but you cannot measure a darkness because that is just the absence of light. Light is so important even in creatures, and these are needs light to move, to have a good mobility, eagles for them to sew well, they need the light, plants, they need the light for photosynthesis, so light is so important, but publicly, let's get to understand that what is the light, because some people when you say you are the light, they say no, it's Jesus who is the light. So it's important for us to understand that what is the light in biblical terms? Firstly, the light is the light, Psalms 119, verse 105 tells us that the world is like a lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path. So now we see that the weight is the light, even the entrance of the weight gives illumination in our hearts brings light in Psalms 119, there's one deity. So when the entrance of the weight reaches our spirit now, we get the spirit of understanding, and also the other seven spirits that are mentioned in the book of Isaiah, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of council, the spirit of might, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of fear of the Lord, the spirit of delight. Once you hear us saying the spirit, you should know that it's different, because now when I say wisdom and the spirit of wisdom, these two things are different. Because once there is a spirit of, it means that nothing is supernatural, whether is it the good one or the bad spirit, but it means it's not longer like a natural, there is something above natural, or like something that supersedes like what is natural. So now that's why it's a spirit of wisdom. So now the word of God, when it enters our spirits, it gives a spirit of wisdom, spirit of understanding, we just understand things, and we come to the wavelength of like, being just understanding when people like, maybe are waiting that you will be met, maybe add some news, or add some message that is given unto you, and you just like receive the news, like as if it's good news, you say, I understand, or maybe I understand that they are human, I understand that we are, well, I understand that to forgive is divine, but to aid human, and then now people, they just wonder, what kind of a person is this, but it's because there's an entrance of the way there is understanding you can come to the wavelength of people you stand with the way you understand, you come to their level, you come to their wavelength to understand, or that maybe this led to that, and now you get the spirit of understanding, you get the spirit of council, if you have the spirit of council, there is direction, you get the spirit of mind, which is strength, the power, because our gospel is not only in ways, but it's also in power. That's why the Bible says that science and wonder shall follow us, it doesn't say we will follow the science and wonders, but the science and wonders will follow us, knowledge, the spirit of knowledge, we'll need the spirit of knowledge, we will have also the spirit of fearing the Lord, not fearing the Lord as being a scary father, but honoring God, even when you are alone, when no one is watching, you just honor God, you just say, I love him so much, I honor him, that I want to honor him by being obedient to his weight. So that's the spirit it entered through the weight, the entrance of the weight, the entrance of the weight also brings delight, this delight comes, the joy that just comes in the mist of storms, not that the delight only comes because there are no problems, in the mist of problems, but there will be this delight, there will be just this peace in the mist of the storm, because of the entrance of the weight, so the weight is the light, when it comes, it illuminates, when it comes, it brings light. Secondly, the weight is Jesus. According to John 8, verse 12, the Bible tells us that we should follow the light and we will not be misled or lost, so now Jesus is the light, and we know that even John chapter one, verse four to five, said that the light was brought to the mankind, and the light shined in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it, so the darkness could not overcome the light, which is Jesus, so he is wealth to be followed, he is with that we should have a relationship with him, so that we can also be the light of the world. Thirdly, the light is the church, throughout the church is the bearer of light, because when we read in Revelation 1, verse 20, we read of the vision of John. John had a vision where he saw seven stars, and saw also seven candlesticks, or seven lampstands, so now the interpretation of that vision was that the stairs were the angels of the churches, and now the golden lampstands were the churches. So now the lampstand is the church, the candlestick is the church, so now in other words, when we say you are the light, because John five, verse 14 to 16, says you are the light of the world, so as you are the light of the world, you need the lampstand, the light needs a lampstand, a candle needs a lampstand alone, the candle cannot stand, even like the lantern lights, they will need each stand, they will need those bottles, they will need a holder, so now that holder is the church, so God created that the light should be attached somewhere, the light should be added somewhere on the candlestick, on the lampstand, for it to be positioned well, it has to be on the lampstand, because the Bible tells us that no one who lights the candle and then puts it like under the bushel, no one who lights the candle and put it under the basket, no one who lights the candle and put it under the power, so I will add and say, no one who lights the candle and put it under bed, and also put it under the table, because it has to be on the lampstand, the right position is the lampstand and the lampstand according to Revelation 1 verse 20, it's the church, the holder of the light is the church, because it's where now you will find your feet, it's where now you will find your crowning, that's why many people actually whom their lights are shining, even like the singers, great singers, when you ask them, how did you start, most of them will tell you that, I started singing in church, I started singing moments under school, or I started singing in church, and I started singing some solos, and now we find that now the light is shining, the talent grew, the gift grew, but it was groomed in the church, because now the church is the candlestick, it is a lampstand, it's where the light should shine, it's the holder of the light to shine, it's a safe place where the light can shine, and shine for the glory of God, not shine for shining, not shine for just a self-chloriput for the glory of God. So positioning of the light is very important, it has to be on the lampstand, and it doesn't have to be hidden, because now if the Bible says we are the city, that is on a hill, a city that is on a hill, you don't search for it, a city that is on a hill is just visible, even if you don't want to see it, you are driving through the hill, you will see it, even if you try to close your eyes, but you will know that there is a city there, there is a city that is on a hill. So now positioning is very important, every time I always liken Christians, light with Jesus light that we illuminate, like we reflect the light of Jesus. As we come to the mirror, which is the weight, now we get the light and the light, now shines through us and now people see the light to us, but being the light of Jesus that is within us. So I always liken it to the moon and the sun, because on a normal circumstance, since the moon is not supposed to shine, it doesn't shine, actually for it to give the light, it's because of the reflection of the sun. So alone, like the moon is just, nothing cannot like shine, cannot bring the light, but it only gets it through the reflection of the sun, depending that of the relationship, depending on the angle in which they are facing each other. That's why they are rotating like that, and that's why we even get things like eclipse, because eclipse happens when now you find that the moon actually is facing the earth, instead of facing the sun. So now you find that at that point there is darkness, like the cloud like looks dark, and now we call it an eclipse eclipse, so it happens almost around every 18 months, but because we don't see it, because it happens in different countries and places like that, I was just checking for South Africa, our next eclipse will be 2026, like February 2026. So now what am I saying? I'm trying to say that the eclipse when it's dark, it's because the sun is not there to bring the reflection of the light so that the moon can shine. So even ourselves, we are the light, not because of ourselves, but because of Jesus, who is the sun, and He is in any way the sun of righteousness, He is the sun of God, and also the sun of righteousness, the sun as you end of being the sun. So as we relate to that sun of as you end, we also get that sun like as a moon, like to shine bright and the glory be unto God for that. So now we pray that the spiritual eclipse shouldn't be there, it shouldn't be where the earth now is in between the sun and the moon because now the moon cannot shine well. So that's why even ourselves, it's the world that separates us from the reflection. But Paul says nothing can separate us from the love of God. He says no height, no depth. He says no challenges, no trials, no things to come, no things that are existing, not anything, no angels, not demons can separate us from the love of God. So we understand that actually the bond that we have with God is greater than what we think. So the thing of the light and of the moon and the sun is just an illustration, but when it comes to God and us, we should know that our spirits are intertwined. So we are the light because of that inter, like because of that relationship of being intertwined. So positioning is very important. Being a light will need to be in the right position. And now the light also brings distinction because you see God after he has created the light, after he said, let there be light. He said it was good and separated the light from darkness. So now light, when it comes, it separates things like that. It separates the chosen because we are chosen because like not of the works that we have done, but because of the love of God. When we say yes to him, then we are separated because the light now comes within us and now we are called. We have the authority. We have the right to be called the children of God because now we are instinct. Now we are chosen generation way and ordained generation because of Christ. Now with the light, I always say that the light doesn't fight with darkness. If it's in the room and you put the light, it's just light. The darkness doesn't fight to say now, I'm not going like I'm standing, but when you put light, the darkness just vanishes. So what am I saying? I'm saying that we have power to be light. We have power that when we come in, the darkness can just vanish without any wrestle because of what we carry, because of what we are clothed with, because remember, I said the weight is the light. So now if you have the entrance of the weight, you have Jesus, Jesus, who is the light? You have the church, the church is the light bearer, and the Bible tells us that it's built on the rock and the gates of hate shall not prevail. And now you, yourself, you are like a born of God, and now you are an overcomer. So being an overcomer, the darkness has no place. It doesn't matter what type of darkness it is. Oh, cultism, is it witchcraft, is it whatever type of darkness that you can think of, it has no chance when we come as believers coming in the name of Jesus and the weight being within us. Now we're talking about priority that God and stands priority that's why he created the light before anything else he created the light. So even ourselves, it's important that in everything that we do, as we endeavor, like to live our lives, Christ should be the center, he should be the light, he should be the one who comes before, let him be the priority, let him be like the only one in your life, not the one that you will resolve to when you have tried number one and number 15, and then now when you see that it doesn't work out and then you only make him like a second choice, but now he should be like your option. He should be when you have to come back, don't you have to go to God, oh, you are facing challenges or whatever, let him be the first, like portal, let him be the first in everything because he is the light. When is there the light, when the light shines, things happen, look at the lady who lost the coin, the one who had 10 coins and lost one coin in Luke chapter 15. This lady, the Bible tells her that he lit the candle and then now sweep the house to search for the coin. So now we see like the order, the sequence there, he lit the light so that they should be light because to just start and sweep, when there is no light, now it doesn't help much because you may miss the coin because of the darkness, but now put the light, when you put the light, it's when you can recover what is lost. So now when you put the light, now you have that power of restoration, you have that power of getting whatever the enemy has stolen from you as the light, as you put on the light, even the things that they have stolen, yes, back, the things are bound to come back because there is light. Now you have the spirit of understanding, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of concern, the spirit of might, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of delight in the fear of the Lord. So now things now are likely to work like for good because now God will be telling what is meant for evil and telling it for good. So now even the souls, like the lost souls as we put on the light, put on the weight and now we go and search for the lost souls and now it will be easier because the light will be shining so it wouldn't need to even like scream too much on our outreaches because the whole spirit will be the one that is doing the work. Ourselves, we just have to believe. We just have to be the light. As we shine, nothing we lose. That's why they always say that even if there's a candle that is dark, the candle that is not lit, when it comes to get the light from the lit candle, the lit candle doesn't lose anything because the lit candle, there's nothing that it has to sweat on, it's just to believe. So even ourselves, we should know that the only thing that we can do is just to be lit. Just go with the flow, just to listen to the Holy Spirit and the light will just shine because the Holy Spirit who knows that how does your light shine, knows will guide you on how your light should shine. I remember the other time like I was with another lady at work and now this lady is in a nursing system and now we're just about to set an operation and the lady came closer to me to say, you know, doctor, I have a problem. Whenever I'm intimate with my husband, I get this urinary tract infection and every time it doesn't just stop like that every time, just once I'm intimate with him. And then now I know that I will suffer this banning lower abdominal pains. What do you recommend? Which medicine do you recommend? In my heart, I just knew that I know this story, this story sounds familiar. I know that this is not a medical case, this is a spiritual case, but now we didn't have time for me to explain to her and this is a private matter and we don't get to meet with the lady so much because of their shifts, they work like different shifts. So I knew that like there's a chance that I won't even be able like a to see hair, but at that time we didn't have time, we're pressed on time. So in my heart, I just said, now I'm just going to pray for this lady, very quick prayer that can ever happen. I remember that I just touched the tummy and said, go in Jesus name and then I just left the lady. I think she was also surprised to say, now what's going on? But now this lady actually, what I've noticed with her, after now she has told me and then I realized that actually she used to carry the soda water, the drink, the alkaline drink, like that it's like a soda bicarbonate like that, it's something that can buffer the acid. So because of the bending sensation that she feels on their blood now, she was trying to drink that to like a calm down the acid. So now I noticed now I linked it to to say, okay, that's why she's always carrying the soda drink. But now after I prayed for him, I noticed subsequent days again, she was still carrying the water. So in my heart I said, what happened? I have prayed for him. But again, I said, no, it's up to God to decide what he does. With us, it's just to follow the command. When the command says that pray lay their hands on the sick and they shall be healed, we just believe that and do that. Now the rest is up to God. So now I just left it at them. But now seeing her from a distance carrying that drink, then it was only one day when we were just like in a change room and it was the two of us. And then she hugged me and said, you know, I didn't know how to get hold of you. But I just wanted to thank you. You know the time you touched me and you prayed. I just had something say, boy. And after that, I'm no longer having any bending sensation intimate with my husband and nothing is happening to me. I said, really? Then he said, yes, she said, yes. So in my heart I said, but what about this soda water that she's still carrying? I said, no, I'm asking him. I said, but I noticed that we are still carrying this drink. The alkaline drink, like the soda water drink. They say, oh, you mean that drink? No, they drink. It's just that now I like it. I now just like enjoy the taste. But it's no longer about now treatment. Now it's just for fun. And now I just love, but just understanding that God works in mysterious ways. And God is just willing at any time if like we are his hands and feet, he's willing to show up. Even in the most awkward places, even in the places where you don't think that it had happened. Because it's not about us. It's not how you have prayed the length of the prayer or about it's about him. It's believing in his stripes and whatever you believe like that it's being done. So now what I'm trying to say is that let's just believe. When we just shine our light, God will do the rest. Because where there is the light, there is warmth, and where there is warmth, there is fire. And where there is fire, then things are being consumed. Because he's a consuming fire. So darkness has to be consumed as you are in over-camera, as you are born of God and are in over-camera. And you are also like on the hold of which is the candlestick, which is the church that is built on the rock. The rock where the gates of hate will not prevail. And the web is within you, which is the light. And Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, is within you. Then I don't see darkness like comprehend what you are, because you are the light. You are whom God says you are. And also, I just want to say that also we should remember that the light always needs an oil. The light, if you look even the candle, the wax goes and run, run, try. Because it only leads to when that wax, that oil part is still there. Even when it's a lantern, it will need that paraffin, or it will need that oil, depending on what kind of lamp it is. But what I'm trying to say is that you need that anointing. You need that contact with the light, because the source, now you cannot be depending on God. But while you are away from whom you are depending on, so you are depending on. So now that secret place, you will need to be intertwined. As you are intertwined in the spirit, so you will need time, you will need secret space. Because now the oil will cost you, remember the 10 pigeons, they had to, like the five unwise ones, they had to go and buy oil, because oil you have to buy. So even our cells oil will have to buy, we have to buy it in prayer, we have to buy it in reading the way, in meditation, in worship, in fasting, in praising, in evangelizing, we have to buy the anointing, so that our light can remain lit, so that it can shine and bring glory unto God. So this is the way that the Lord has placed in my heart to see we are the light of the world. And let's shine our light, let's not heat our light, the light has to be in the right position. Thank you, amen. Thank you for tuning in to Jesus Can with Dr. Bongi. We hope you've enjoyed the program. Please tune in again, same time, same place. Always remember that if Jesus can, you can. Shalom. (upbeat music)