Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Demons and Deliverance

1h 58m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Glenn Bleakney leads a discussion on the theme of deliverance and its multifaceted nature in a Christian's journey towards freedom and wholeness, sharing his personal experiences and biblical insights. He also addressed questions regarding fallen angels, the authority of the church, and spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of prayer, fasting, and submission to Jesus Christ's lordship. The session concluded with a prayer preparation session focused on personal growth and spiritual development, and an introduction to the online ministry, Awake Nations.

(upbeat music) - Well, thank you so much, Roma. And man, that introduction was just way too nice. And I'm not sure if it's all true or not, but it's definitely such an honor to be with each and every one of you. And the amazing community that you have, the hard song prophetic, just so good. Just mind blowing actually to see how the Lord is using you, Roma this way. And I just want to say to each and every one of you that are on this Zoom meeting right now, just thank you for taking time out to join. And I really pray that tonight you will leave, encouraged, equipped, and really just empowered to do what God's called you to do and to be the person that he's created you to be. So one of the things that I would like to do tonight is just to start off by reading from John chapter eight. And it's a passage of scripture that Jesus had been preaching. And he'd been saying some very strong things. He told them, "Your father is the devil." That's strong. And he continued and he spoke to them in spite of the fact that he was preaching just with such conviction. It says in verse 30 of John eight that as he was saying these things, many believed in him. But it's interesting because so many people were being offended by what Jesus was saying. And so he was calling out the religious leaders in particular for the fact that they knew the word of God. You know, earlier in John's gospel, John chapter five, we see very clearly that Jesus said, "You diligently study the scriptures "and the scriptures testify of me, "but yet you refuse to come to me "that you might have life." And so there was no shortage of theological knowledge in terms of all the study they had done. And if you know about the Pharisees, many of the Pharisees had memorized the entire Tanakh, the whole Old Testament, and at least the Torah. And so they knew the word of God, but Jesus said something very profound to these people who were very religious and very impressive in terms of what they did and how well they knew the word of God. He said to those who believed in him, verse 30, "Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him." This is the next verse. "If you abide in my word, you're truly my disciples." Okay. And then he says in verse 32, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Now, that's a very familiar passage of scripture, I'm sure. And we all have, I'm sure, quoted that, especially verse 32, right? You'll know the truth, the truth will set you free. But notice first of all that it was written to people that had believed in him. And essentially what he says is, that's great that you've believed in me, but that's not where it ends. That's just the beginning of a journey and what Jesus referred to as being a disciple. So a disciple, obviously, is someone who follows him. And he says specifically that they abide in his word. The word abide in the New Testament language, is meno and meno actually means to stay connected. So remember in John 15 how Jesus spoke about the branch abiding in the vine and how that branch would, it did so it would produce fruit effortlessly. It's a very powerful principle. And I just wanna set us up to understand that deliverance is not about saying the right words, praying, powerful prayers, but it's more, it's experienced and realized in our life through an ongoing connection to Jesus. And basically the process of deliverance is all about removing those things that are preventing us from experiencing the freedom that is ours and Jesus. Some people focus and they have really an unhealthy interest in deliverance. And what I mean by that is we have to remember that the goal of deliverance is freedom. That's it, freedom that we would be free. Not that we would continue to wanna experience deliverance even though I know it is an ongoing process and we can definitely need to be prayed for or ministered to, but ultimately Jesus has a goal that we would all be free. He who in the sun sets free is free indeed. And he actually said that down in verse 36. So if the sun sets you free, you will be free indeed. So free indeed as God's will, his outcome, his what he wants for us that we would always be free. And of course, if we've experienced that freedom in Jesus, there's always the potential to become bound up again. And when I say that, what I'm talking about is not necessarily just that we do terrible things or that we experiment with the powers of darkness or we delve into those things, but that we open the door to the enemy in our lives. And remember, most of the New Testament, especially the epistles was clearly written to Paul's letters, to believers, to Christians, to disciples. And so in Ephesians four, when he actually speaks to them about the importance of not grieving the Holy Spirit, he was writing to Christians. So as believers, as followers, we can grieve the Holy Spirit. Another thing that Jesus said to us is that we should give no place to the devil, give no place to the devil. That's verse 27 of Ephesians four. And he specifically talks about things that open the door to the enemy in our life. He talks about unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, rage, et cetera. The list is, it's not exhaustive, but it's quite extensive. And the interesting thing about all of that is he's saying to us that we have to be careful that we give him no place. The word place is actually the Greek word tapas. And it literally is translated as a room. Remember when Jesus said, go and you'll find a room, it was like an upper room that was prepared to keep and celebrate the Passover? Same word, it was tapas. So give no place, give no room to the enemy. So some translations say it's a foothold, but don't allow him any type of inroads into your life. So we can authorize, give him legitimate access to our lives by doing certain things. And there's a balance here. We don't want to live in fear. Like, wow, I just got upset and got angry. And so, oh no, now I'm afraid that I've opened the door to the demonic. We're not talking about necessarily just doing something as a one-off. We're talking about more of a lifestyle where we open ourselves up to the enemy. And a person that is constantly delving into specific areas of darkness will eventually find that they have opened the door to the enemy. And we're gonna talk tonight specifically about the difference between what some people would say being possessed and being oppressed, for example. We're going to actually demystify that and debunk some real false teaching in that area or misunderstanding, maybe it's a better way to put it. We're going to look briefly at the origin of demon spirits because I think that's important. But most of our time tonight is going to focus on the ministry of Jesus and what he did to help people be free. And then what he taught us in terms of how we can experience freedom and maintain our deliverance, our freedom. And then lastly, we're going to go over some practical ways that we can really set ourselves up for deliverance because there is a process as Christians that we have to really partner with God in some certain areas, right? Remember Jesus talked about, you know, hey, go and send no more or less a worse thing come upon you, right? Submit yourself to God, resist the devil. He will flee from you. So there's a place like that verse in James 4, which I just said, submit yourself to God, resist the devil, he'll flee from you. That's so powerful because what he's saying there is that we have our responsibility and our responsibility first and foremost is to give God his rightful place in our lives. And rather than looking at, well, I've got to, you know, engage in warfare with the enemy, resist him and there's obviously that's true. Even in terms of his activity, the word resist means to literally contend. So he's saying you need to push back when the enemy comes against you, but ultimately, please understand this as well, that the greatest spiritual weapon that we have is our repentance and our surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke about himself near the end of his earthly ministry and he mentioned how the enemy, Satan would come against him, but he said he has nothing in me. In other words, because of Jesus' consecration, his yieldedness, his obedience, that he was completely submitted to his father, the enemy had no entry point into his life. And that's very, very important that we understand this. And it not only affects our own specific relationship with God, our own personal walk with God, but even how we ministered others. It's very important that we help people. And again, not to say that there is not a place for just taking authority, there is absolutely, but we're calling people not just from a life of experiencing freedom from the demonic, but also stepping into a place of experiencing the fullness of Jesus and his kingdom. And that's so important. So let's start off tonight by specifically mentioning what the Bible teaches regarding demon spirits. And I was privileged to do a session, I'm not sure how long ago it was Roman, maybe close to a year ago now. And we talked about more in the origin of demons, but I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on that tonight, but I'll just kind of go more of a high level view of that. One of the things that I would love for you to highlight as you're studying, as you're taking notes, et cetera, is Romans 1, 16, Romans chapter 1 verse 16, where Paul says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel. I'm not ashamed of the gospel. So that's great to say, hey, I'm not ashamed of the gospel, but Paul specifically says this, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and to the Greek. So he says it is the power of God, some other translations say unto salvation. So it's the dunamis of God unto salvation. Now salvation is the word soteria, soteria or soteria, some people say. And it is a very interesting word. It can be translated deliverance, preservation. And then there's another word that is actually derived from soteria and it's the word sozo. And many of us are familiar with sozo. We say, oh, sozo ministry, but sozo actually has a very profound and more comprehensive meaning than what I think most Christians understand. Okay, so sozo literally means to save, to deliver, to rescue, to heal, to make whole. Very powerful, but it's not a case of, it means one of those few definitions, but it literally is like it means all. So it means to save, it means to heal, to deliver or to rescue and it can also be used and translated to be made whole. Like remember the woman with the issue of blood and when Jesus spoke to her and he said, go in peace, your faith has made you whole. That's actually the word sozo, so your faith has sozo you. So, and it was speaking specifically, obviously about her being healed in that context, but it had probably a deeper meaning as well in terms of what had happened to her. So we're going to look at specifically biblical examples and some linguistic connections in order that we can gain a greater appreciation for the far reaching impact of Jesus' sacrificial work on the cross. I mean, Jesus, wow, what he did on the cross and the authority that we now have access to as those who are his children and who have been filled with his spirit. Wow, it's incredible. So we're going to look at the multifaceted aspects of salvation, including forgiveness of sin, deliverance from demon spirits. We could say demonic oppression. We're going to also look at psychological wholeness. Okay, that's obviously something that people look at today, like mental health is obviously more language we use today, but physical healing and even poverty. Do you know that poverty is demonic? Poverty is demonic and I'm going to show you that from the scripture tonight. Now, remember that it's rooted everything that we receive from God is rooted in his goodness, right? So understanding that he's a good father and he loves to give good gifts to his children. Jesus said that repeatedly. So we're going to look at some of these things and how as believers we can embrace the fullness of our salvation, of our soteria, so that we can walk in that place of freedom, confidently claiming the blessings that have been purchased for us through Jesus, tremendous sacrifice. So let's start off, first of all, Romans 10, 13. Says, "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." That's a powerful statement. Whoever calls upon the name of Jesus, Jesus is Lord, shall be what, healed, delivered, rescued, set free, made whole and even forgiven. And we'll see how forgiveness translates into this. So in Matthew one, I believe it's verse 23, when the angel appeared to Mary, you're saying, "Hey, you're going to have a child "and you will call his name Jesus." You're going to call his name Yeshua. And then it says this, "For he will save his people "from their sins." So he will sozo his people from their sins. So the first application of salvation or deliverance is deliverance from sin, notice on it. The angel announces that you will save, he will come and he will save people, God's people from their sins. That's very interesting because it basically deals with the primary cause of demonic things, of sickness, of disease, right? When Adam and Eve obviously transgressed, they sinned, that opened up the door. So the first thing that happens in terms of experiencing deliverance is we have to deal with this whole issue of sin. Sin was taken care of at the cross by Jesus, but there has to be a repentance of sin as well, where we turn from sin and we begin to walk in the fullness of Jesus' provision for our lives. All right, so let's understand that that's the first thing. And we are obviously as a result of our sins being forgiven, we're restored to relationship with the Father. We're reconciled and we become part of his family. It's so important, but Colossians actually tells us, I believe it's chapter one, verse 13, that when we turn to God, when we believe the gospel, something powerful takes place, we actually are translated from one domain into another domain. So when you turn to Jesus and you truly believe the gospel, you repent and you experience the gospel, you're translated, you're transferred, is another way to put it, from one domain to another domain. And this is what it says, Colossians 1, 13. He has delivered us, Jesus, from the domain of darkness, wow. And transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son. Isn't that powerful? He's delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son, which is obviously the kingdom of light. That's such a powerful, so the second example of Sodzo that I want to just point out is found in Luke chapter eight. Luke chapter eight, verse 36. It's a story of the Guderian demoniacs. You remember the guy that had the legion? Legion in the Roman military was 6,000 soldiers, 6,000. That's full on. And yeah, so this is what it says in Luke 8, 36. They also who had seen it told them by what means. He who had been demon possessed was healed. Now, this obviously is those who had witnessed the Guderian demoniac being delivered by Jesus. And it uses the word healed there. It says they also had seen it told them by what means. He who had been demon possessed was healed. The word healed in Luke 8, 36 is Sodzo. And it's speaking specifically of him being delivered. He was Sodzo. So the first instance, salvation from our sins, Sodzo from our sins. The second example is Sodzo from demonic spirits. Thirdly, let's jump. Yeah, okay, I'll stick to the script here, especially 'cause you have your notes, but psychological wholeness being healed in our minds, our emotions, et cetera. This is also included in redemption and what Jesus did at the cross. James 1, 21, the book of James chapter one verse 21. So James is writing to believers. Okay, these are most likely Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the Roman Greco world, the diaspora. And he tells them, he exhorts them. Remember he's talking to them earlier about like, hey, be swift to listen, slow to speak, slow to be angry and so on. And tied into that same theme in the same context, he's actually speaking to them about experiencing healing in their psyche, okay? So James 1, 21 says this, receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your souls. The implanted word is able to Sodzo, your souls. And the word souls here is the Greek word Sukkai. And Sukkai is the word from which we get psyche or psychological, et cetera. And it includes obviously our minds, our will, our emotions, our affections and so on. So the gospel message has the power to bring healing and restoration to our emotions, to our mental state and so on. It's very, very powerful. And even in terms of you think about people that have addiction, we can say, yeah, certainly it can be spiritual, it can be chemical, it can be all of those things. But a lot of times what happens, there's also a psychological level of addiction that takes place in all of that. And because we're a tri-part being, we have a spirit soul and body. A lot of what we do, it doesn't just affect one area. Like we can say, I have a physical addiction. It actually affects you in different ways. You could have obviously something that you open up to like a toxic relationship, a soul tie where someone is actually controlling you and manipulating you. And that can become not just emotional or psychological but it can become absolutely demonic where a person, like one time over in Perth, Australia several years ago, it's funny how everything was BC before COVID and BC before COVID. So I was speaking at a church and there was a young lady that came forward and I was teaching on deliverance and she started to get physically sick. And what it was is the spirits were beginning to manifest and she was starting to literally, without anyone praying for her or doing anything, she's starting to get deliverant. And what was happening is it was causing her to physically become ill. Like, so in that whole process, what we found out after praying with her and ministering to her and then needing to continue ministry to her was that she had been in this relationship with a woman, not like a romantic relationship or a sexual relationship to my knowledge but it was like this friendship. But the friendship was so toxic and controlling that it was really a soul tie. And this friend of hers had died from an overdose and literally, even though she was dead and had been dead for, I think two or three years, the soul tie was still very much happening. So she was literally still controlled by this relationship, yet she's dead, wow. And guys, it was very dark, it was very evil. What was happening, you know? And as we began to realize, this was a demonic reality for her, right? Because obviously physically she's no longer there emotionally but it's a spiritual thing now that's happening. And it was all along. So we began to realize that and as we began to, we met minister to her, we helped her to identify that and to renounce that, to break that off and to repent. So that kind of thing can happen as well. So it affects us in different ways. So the gospel, you can be sozled in your psyche as well. Lastly, and I mentioned to you, so there's really five areas that I'll look at. So the fourth area is this healing of sickness and disease. So Jesus came to salvation, includes healing of sickness and disease. So the prayer of faith, James 515, the prayer of faith shall sozo the sick. That's where it talks about anointing those who are sick, praying a prayer of faith and they will be sozo. The prayer of faith shall save the sick. Some translations say heal the sick. It's sozo, okay? It's the same word. This verse reveals that salvation includes physical healing as well. God's power can restore health and wholeness to our bodies. All right, lastly, are you ready for this one? Poverty, wow. Okay, let's look at Matthew 613. Matthew 613 is Jesus teaching us how to pray. Remember that our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name and so on. And he specifically says, you know, pray that his kingdom come and his will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. And then he says this, that we should pray, deliver us from evil. Some translations say deliver us from the evil one, okay? Now, when he says deliver us from evil, the Greek word there that is translated evil as panaras, which is derived from another Greek word, which is ponos. Ponos means pain, okay? And that word ponos is ultimately derived and connected to another Greek word, which is pinnace. And pinnace means poor, poor, okay? In fact, that word is used of people that were very poor. So look at the linguistic connection here, highlights the far reaching effects of evil, okay? Evil is connected to sin, sickness, and poverty. Sin, sickness, and poverty. Now, obviously, you can misuse your body, you can feed your body, all sorts of unhealthy things, and you can get sick. You can become sick from not exercising or moving around enough, et cetera. Well, likewise, if you have, if you're lazy or you're just in a place where you're not applying yourself, okay? And I'm just leaving it at that, then that will result in you experiencing poverty, right? The book of Proverbs mentions that if that, hey, and Paul even said, if a man will not work, neither shall he eat. So that's true. But there's often a connection to the demonic. And it's just like people who constantly struggle and everything just seems to go sideways, go pear-shaped for them. They try things. No, they can't get a breakthrough. And look, I understand there's a process where we end up at times being out of God's will, we're not in the place that we need to be. But ultimately, if this is something that's constantly happening in your life, just like people that constantly are falling down or having accidents, that can be demonic as well. That can be something very demonic that happens in your life. And so ultimately, you have to recognize it for what it is and then move an authority, walk in your authority, break that off prayerfully in order that you can experience freedom. So I did a message at our church just over a year ago called, he makes wars to cease. And you can find it, it's on YouTube, under Newman Church. He makes wars to cease. In that, I told about a season that I went through where I was literally just under constant attack from the enemy. It was like an ongoing uninterrupted season of full-on demonic attack. To the point that I was receiving phone calls, messages where people were threatening to kill me, where I would get emails with demonic symbols, different things. In fact, to the point that when that was happening was living in Perth, Australia, and literally someone flew over from North America to literally just cause trouble. And what ended up happening is, I realized this was the enemy and he showed me, the Lord showed me Psalm 46 where it says he makes wars to cease. You know, it says, be still and know that I'm gone, right? But it says he makes wars to cease. And he showed me that passage and he said basically that I had not been a challenged the enemy. I just was sitting back and I was taking it passively. And I would pray in that type of thing. He said, no, but you need to stand your ground. And so what ended up happening is I finally realized and I broke it off and I prayed. I'm not saying it was just a one-time prayer that changed everything. 'Cause sometimes you have to keep going and persevere, right? Like Elijah prayed seven times until he saw the cloud the size of a man's hand. So I continued to pray until I started to see, initially there were signs like, okay, this is getting better. Things aren't as intense and there's a reprieve here and so on. And I continue to pray. And as I did finally, it all stopped. It literally did. I think it was within 21 days, it all stopped. And the Lord showed me and said, look, you were not standing your ground. You know, I'm the God that makes wars to cease. I break the bow, I throw it into the fire. I want you to walk in peace. And there's obviously things that we do that open up the door to demonic attacks, but a lot of times, and even in response to one of the questions that just came up, absolutely, it can be passed down to our family members, 100%. There's things that can be passed down, but I want you to understand, please, that Jesus paid the price. And even if, and we'll talk about this because some people say, well, can a Christian actually be demon possessed? Well, we'll talk about that tonight. Because the answer, that's really the wrong question. And we'll look at it scripturally. But the point is, God has called us to freedom, guys. And so if we're living in a place where the enemy is constantly harassing us and haranguing us, then something's wrong. OK, and are you ready for the mic drop moment? OK, here we go. Do you want me to give you a definition? Yes, you do want me to. I'm not going to ask you that question. Of the word salvation that most people don't know, if you research this, you will find that this is true. The word salvation, soteria, means this. Freedom from the harassment of an enemy. Salvation means freedom from the harassment of the enemy. Now, let me show you something in Luke chapter one for a moment. One of the things that we hear people teaching, well-meaning people, is-- and I've done teaching on the kingdom for years. I've been almost like a pioneer in that space for many, many years. Soteria, S-O-T, yeah, so it's actually-- should be in your notes, is it not? No. It's S-O-T-E-R-I-A, that's how you transliterate it. OK, so back in the ancient days, before the Bible learned in the Greek culture, is specifically in Greek mythology. So, soteria was actually the goddess, or spirit, of safety and salvation, deliverance and preservation from harm, OK? So, if you're looking at what you're going to do, deliverance and preservation from harm, OK? So, the word actually was transferred and used in the context of the Christian faith, so it was redeemed. It was redeemed. And it was used not of looking to the gods to protect you, to keep you safe from harm, but now we look to Jesus, what he did in the cross, and we experience these things as those who benefit from his salvation. So, in Luke chapter 1, and going back to what I was saying about the kingdom, some people will say, "Well, there's the gospel of the kingdom, and then there's the gospel of salvation." And they will define, I think we need, yeah, if you could please mute. Thank you. The gospel of salvation, many well-meaning teachers will say, that refers to forgiveness of sins, that salvation. Well, we've just unpacked the truth that salvation was never used just referring to forgiveness of sin. It's used in every way, OK? So if we go over to Luke chapter 1, let's look at verse number 71, and we'll read through verse 75, OK? This is the father of John the Baptist. He's prophesying under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And he's speaking about the coming of Messiah, OK? So the coming of Jesus, when Jesus comes, actually it says in verse 69, He will raise up a horn of salvation for us, OK? As in the house of His servant David. So I want you to notice something, the house of His servant David represents kingdom. See, so 69 of Luke 1 says He will raise up a horn of salvation. Salvation happens in the kingdom. When you're in the kingdom, I've already mentioned, it's Luke 1, 69, yes, thank you. In the kingdom of God, that's where we experience salvation, OK? So as we learn to live in His kingdom, and every kingdom has these three elements. Number one, a king. Number two, a domain or territory, OK? And number three, dominion. So the kingdom of God is the realm, the territory, where our King Jesus rules and reigns. And when his kingdom comes and his will is done, OK? It actually drives out other kingdoms. So that's why it says in Matthew 12, 28, Jesus said, "If I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then surely the kingdom has come upon you." So they're saying, "Hey, what's going on?" He said, "When I cast out demons, it's evidence that the kingdom of God has come with power and authority." So our focus doesn't have to be on, are you ready, guys? This is the game changer, on trying to drive out the demons, but bringing the kingdom. When we bring the kingdom, demons can't handle it. They flee. Why is it that when Jesus walked into the synagogue in Mark chapter one, that demons cried out and screamed, "What do you want with those, Jesus, Son of David? Have you come here to torment us?" Right? Why? Because the kingdom came. That's what it was. The kingdom came. When literally the enemy hates that, he hates those who carry the kingdom, the presence, the power, the glory of the kingdom. Okay. So as it continues, we jump down to verse 71, 70 and 71. As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from a bold, now we already said that soteria salvation means freedom from the harassment of an enemy. Look at verse 71, "That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us." Okay. So salvation that Jesus brings is in his kingdom and it results and are being saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us. And then look at verse 74 and 75, those two verses, that we being delivered from the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear. Whoa. So fear goes when we're delivered from the hand of the enemy. Okay. It's that we being delivered from the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear for 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days, all the days of our life. That we might serve him without fear and holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. This is salvation guys. The enemy does not want you to believe. He does not want me to believe that God's will is that we can walk in a place of absolute freedom and be set free delivered from the hand of the enemy and from with no fear, no fear that we can serve God in true holiness and righteousness all the days of our life. All the days of our life that literally means all the days of our life. It's possible he who the sun sets free is free indeed continue in my words, your my disciples indeed and you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free. Now that translation that language literally means the more you walk in truth, the more freedom you will experience to the measure of truth that you walk in, okay, the more freedom you're going to experience in your life. And so if you're constantly filling yourself with truth, with revelation with the word, it's going to bring freedom. But if what you're doing is just trying to combat the enemy, okay, without using God's hands, okay, it'll never happen, okay, displacement will result in replacement. There's a layering process. So even as the Bible talks about how we change our thinking right through the renewing of our mind. And yeah, it's absolutely brings change, okay. So Jesus came to set us free completely. Now Soteria and Sozo reveal the all-encompassing nature of salvation, extending to the forgiveness of sin, deliverance from demonic oppression, include psychological wholeness, physical healing, and even freedom from poverty, okay. And as we grasp the depth and breadth of the salvation available to us through Christ, we can live victorious lives, experiencing the abundance and the wholeness that God intends for his children. All right, so I said I would just touch on the origin of demons. I'm going to just do this super quickly, okay. Now what a lot of people have taught is that demons are actually fallen angels. Now that's not what I believe the Bible teaches. Again, if you want to watch some other videos on this, Michael Heiser's teachings on YouTube, he just passed away unfortunately, but he's got some great teachings on all of that. So let's look at Genesis 6, Genesis 6, 1 through 4. That's the passage that speaks of when men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they married any of them they chose. And then the Lord said, my spirit will not contend with man forever for his mortal. His days will be 120 years. Okay, then it says in the next verse, you ready? The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children buy them. They were the heroes of all men of renown. So a couple of questions here, who are the sons of God? Well, repeatedly in the New Testament, I'm sorry, in the Old Testament, they're referred to as angels, Job 1 verse 6, Job 2 verse 1, Daniel 3 verse 25, Psalm 21 verse 9, angels are referred to as the sons of God. Okay, Jude verses 6 and 7, as well as 2 Peter 2 and 4, speak of angels who left their proper domain. Okay, so what that's referring to, and it actually we'll see later on, but they were cast into, not into hell, but into a place called Tartarus in Greek. It's the only time that word is used in the New Testament. We'll break that down more in a second. So what we're saying here is that these giants or Nephilim is the Hebrew word, were the offspring, as we already saw in Genesis 6, 4, of angels that left their proper domain and transgressed and literally had sexual relationships with women back in that day. And these Nephilim were born. Okay, now their offspring is referred to in the Old Testament by various names, okay, Anakim's, Imim's, Raffaim, Avim's, Zamzumim's, okay, and these are biblical names. Okay, for example, Genesis, I'll give you scriptures, you can write this down. Genesis 14, verse 5, numbers 13, 33, Deuteronomy 2, 10 and 11, as well as chapter 3, verse 11 and 13 of Deuteronomy, and then Joshua 12, 4 and 5, okay, Genesis 14, 5, numbers 13, 33, Deuteronomy 2, verses 10 and 11, Deuteronomy 3, verses 11 and 13, and Joshua chapter 12, verses 4 and 5, okay, these giants were evil, okay, they were initially destroyed in the flood during Noah's day. However, the Bible records that giants rose again after the flood, okay, Genesis 6, 4, the Nephilim were on the earth and in those days and also afterward, okay, there were five giants remaining giants killed in David's day, hundreds of years after the flood, there's still giants, okay, Goliath, we know, was a Nephilim. There's another giant or Nephilim called Lambi, L-A-M-I, first chronicles 20, verse 5. There's another Nephilim or giant called Ish B-Bannab, and that's in 2 Samuel 21, 16, okay. There's another giant called Say for Saf, S-A-P-H, 2 Samuel 21, 18, and another giant or Nephilim called Gath, G-A-T-H in first chronicles 21, 6, all right. Now this is obviously, you can research this on your own time, but the thing we know about fallen angels is that they were put into prison after they transgressed and came down to the women of men, the daughters of men, because it says in 2 Peter, chapter 2, verse 4, I'll read it to you, this is a new living translation. It says, "For God did not spare even the angels who sinned. He threw them into hell, but it's not, you know, sometimes we think Hades or we think of the other word, Gahana, that's used for hell. Those are the two common terms with Hades being more about the grave, but can also refer to hell. It says they were thrown into, and it's a different Greek word, it's only used as one time in the Bible, Tartarus, T-A-R-T-A-R-U-S, and it says in gloomy pits of darkness where they're being held until the day of judgment. So this is a holding place, and it specifically mentions that these angels who transgressed, okay, now let's just go back to Jude 6 and 7 and we'll read more about this event. And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the Great Day. As Sodom and Gomorrah, and these cities around them in a similar manner to these, having, now notice this, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh and set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. So it's clearly referring to an act of sexual immorality which he calls strange flesh, okay? And it says they're being kept in captivity. Now another thing to keep in mind, just showing that demons are not fallen angels, as some say, they rebelled against Satan and one-third were cast down and those are demons. That's often what people say. Another thing to keep in mind is that the Bible teaches that angels, though spiritual, okay, Psalm 104 verse 4, Hebrews 114, they're spirits, they have the capability of taking on human form, like Hebrews 13, 2, Genesis 18. Now interestingly, demons, what are they looking for, a body? They're constantly looking for a body to inhabit because why they're disembodied spirits. That's why they're disembodied spirits of whom, the Nephilim, they are the disembodied spirits of Nephilim, mentioned in Genesis 6. The Nephilim were destroyed in the flood, yet their spirits endured and remained on the earth. I can tell you, and you can research this, I challenge you to do that, that this is the view that the Jewish people hold to. This is what they believe. It's the oldest belief among the Jewish people. It's a belief that the apostles also held to, okay? Now, I'm going to read from the book of Enoch for a second, all right? Now let me say the book of Enoch is not the Bible, okay? And I'll explain that more, but listen to what the book of Enoch says about these spirits. But now the giants, by the way, this is Enoch 15, 8 through 10, Enoch 15, 8 through 10. But now the giants who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth. So Enoch, or whoever the writer is, actually says that it's between this union of flesh and spirits, and they become the evil spirits because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. This is what it says in Enoch, because from the day that they were created from the sons of God, they became watchers. Their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. Wow. So Jude in verses 14 and 15 of his letter refers to the epistle of Enoch, okay? It says here, it was also about these at Enoch, the seventh from Adam prophesied saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with 10,000," and so on. So he actually refers to Enoch, okay? Interesting. So though Jude quoted Enoch, that does not establish the inspiration of the Book of Jude or any of its quotes, okay? Now, do you know that Paul quoted other people that were not inspired, okay? For example, he quoted several Greek writers, one, writer by the name of Erastus. In Acts 17, verse 28, Paul quotes Erastus, A-R-A-T-U-S. He also quotes another Greek writer by the name of Me-Nander, okay? Me-Nander, 1 Corinthians 15, 33, and he quotes Epimides in Titus 1, 12. But yet no one contends that the apostle Paul's use of these quotes endowed the original classic works with the A-R-A of divine inspiration. In other words, that's the technical way of saying that we're not saying that this is inspired scripture, okay? So fallen angels are much more powerful than demons. Do you know that? We're told by Jesus to cast out demons, yet Jude cautions us in our confrontations with fallen angels. He says in the very same way that these dreamers, slander, celestial beings, but even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said the Lord rebuke you. So obviously Satan was a fallen angel, right? Chairman. Okay, so fallen angels have their own celestial bodies. Therefore they have no need to inhabit bodies. Demons seek bodies desperately. And if need be, they will settle for the bodies of animals, right? We saw that in when Jesus cast the demons out and they went into the swine, right? The pigs. Okay, that's how desperately they want bodies. They hate it. If they're cast out of a person, Jesus said, what do they do? First thing they do is they come back and actually try to find a body, right? It's like, hey, we've been evicted. What are they interested in out in the dry arid places? People talk about, oh, there's spirits out here and there's spirits out there. There's spirits in the wilderness on the mountaintop and all these places. Spirits want bodies. They don't dwell in those places. If they do, they want to get into a person as quickly as they can. All right, that's their mission is to not be out in the desert or a wilderness place, but to come into a person, that's their mission. So that actually debunks some of the things that we are taught. And sometimes we're doing warfare against stuff when an actuality, the enemies in a person, and we're trying to deal with it and around, okay, and we're talking about demons. Now there are principalities, there's powers, et cetera. That's another teaching, okay. So interestingly, in the Old Testament, there's not a single reference to an unclean spirit or a demon before the flood, right? But what happens is during the days of Noah, the sons of God, the angels, have sexual relationships with the daughters of men, right? And then after that, we hear about demons. But before that, there's no reference to demons, only angels, okay? This is because demons were not in existence, okay? They're disembodied spirits, okay? Leviticus, 1931, Judges 9, 23, 1 Samuel, 16, 14 through 16, 23, 1 Kings, 22 verse 22. All right. So let's talk a little bit about principalities, powers, rulers of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness, darkness, okay? Healing lame. We know that passage right in Ephesians chapter six, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness. Okay, principalities, the word arcos, those who have held the highest seats of power since the ancient times, okay? Powers, exusia, those who received license to do what they're called to do. Powers of the darkness of this world, okay? It's cosmo-craterous. The Greek word actually refers to a boot camp, like a military boot camp or training center. And cosmos, of course, means ordered or arranged. So the idea is that these are organized, disciplined, and kratos is about raw power. So both together means raw power that is harnessed for strategic purpose. Power that is harnessed. Spiritual wickedness in high places means in the spiritual realm. So malevolent intent, they don't just want to hurt you, they want to destroy you. Spirits are trained for a specific purpose, okay? Diction, abuse, bondage, lying, stealing, violence, all of the different things, confusion, I have a mission, and ultimately, they want to get inside you and me, they want to. Now they attack us from the outside. There's times when, obviously, Jesus was, you know, approached, even by Satan directly the devil, but we see that ultimately, their goal is to try to get inside us, okay? And to control us, okay, now we'll look at this. Mission of Jesus, Acts 10, 38, and one John, three verse eight talks about this as well. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit with power, and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with him. Notice that all who were oppressed by the devil, he healed. God was with him. Matthew eight, I'm sorry, one John three eight, for this purpose, the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Okay. Matthew eight, 16 and 17, when evening came, they brought to him to Jesus, many who were demon possessed, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying he himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Very interesting. There's a powerful teaching just from those two verses there, but notice this, they brought to him many that were demonized. He cast out the spirits with a word, okay, and he healed all that were sick. And it's refers to that he would fulfill that it might be fulfilled what was written by Isaiah the prophet. Well, if you look at that passage, it's actually in Isaiah 53 verse four, okay. The writer is saying that by Jesus healing the sick and casting out demons, he's actually fulfilling a prophetic word that was spoken by Isaiah that specifically says that he took our infirmities and he bore our sicknesses. Now, when you look at the account in Isaiah, it words it a little differently, okay. It doesn't say sicknesses, okay, it doesn't say infirmities. It says surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, okay, he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, okay, yet we esteemed him, stricken, smit my God. Now, there's no contradiction here. Jesus actually came to bear our sicknesses and our infirmities or our diseases or weaknesses, but also to deal with our sorrows and our griefs. So the idea of these words, grief and sorrow, it literally has to do with anything that causes sorrow, pain, anything that affects us this way and it can include also physically, okay, not just emotionally or spiritually, but also physically. So it's very, very powerful, what he's saying. Alright, let's look at Matthew chapter 4 for a second and then we'll stop for some questions before we go into ministering to those who need deliverant, okay. Matthew 4, let's look at this guys, verses 23 through 24. Let's look at Jesus ministry here and I love these two verses because it gives us kind of a high level view of what Jesus did when he was on the earth, okay. Matthew chapter 4 verses 23 and also verse 24 and he went throughout all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching or proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. So his fame spread throughout all Syria and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures and paralytics and he healed them. I love that and he healed them like no big deal, right? And it's so powerful because the idea is actually here is that we see that Jesus went around, he was traveling, he was itinerant and what was he doing? He wasn't looking for a preaching gig, but he was going where people were, he was going to find people to help people, right? And what did he do? He was teaching and he preached the kingdom but he healed sickness and disease and he drove out demons from people. That was what his ministry was all about. And you can see that time after time, okay, he taught, he preached or proclaimed the kingdom, healed the sick and drove out demons, that's his ministry. And that literally is very interesting because when he tells us or his followers in Matthew 10, seven and eight, that we are to also do what he did. And he specifically instructs the 12 back in that day, proclaim as you go, saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons, you received without paying, give without pay. And that's the English standard version. So he's speaking specifically of that. So he's telling us, go and you proclaim the kingdom, proclaim the kingdom. So as we proclaim the kingdom, who does that today? Someone's the last time he saw someone in a church or on the street or wherever, say, hey, everyone, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, okay, we never see that. But Jesus did that everywhere he went. And it's interesting because this phrase or this is at hand is an idiomatic expression and it literally means to be present. So remember when Jesus said that my betrayer is at hand, okay. So the idea of that I said is referring to Judas was at the table, right? So my betrayer is at hand, all right. So meaning my betrayers here, he was at the table with them. So he's saying he was present right there. So when the kingdom is at hand, it means the kingdom is present. Of course, you have to receive it, you have to reach out, so to speak, to take it. But it's still there. So proclaiming the kingdom is powerful because what we're actually doing is we're announcing the authority of God's kingdom on the enemy hates that, it absolutely hates that. And there's something really powerful in doing that. When you are experiencing oppression or the enemies coming against you, proclaim the kingdom, say, hey, say, no, the kingdom is here, proclaim it, right? Jesus, according to Luke chapter eight, verse one, you'll see this in the New King James and the English standard version, which are more literal translations, actually says that he went around preaching and bringing the glad tidings or the good news of the kingdom, preaching and bringing. So Jesus preached it, but he also brought it. The old King James says preaching and chewing or showing, right? So demonstrated. So in other words, declaring and demonstrating the kingdom, but we also have to declare the kingdom. It's powerful guys. Hey, when you go to deliver someone or heal someone, try it. The kingdom is at hand, whoa, you know, the enemy, what that says to the enemy is like, Hey, I just serve you notice devil, you have no authority, Jesus is here, okay, it's powerful. We're doing that. We're announcing that now. It's not just words that has to come from those who are under the authority, right? If we want to have authority, we have to be under authority. And so being submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ, meaning knowing him as Lord and king, and we're submitted to him, then we operate from that place of authority. Okay. So let's stop for minutes. Maybe take three or four questions. If you could like keep them to, I'm just helping to, you know, keep things moving here. If you could keep your question to like 20 seconds and just ask the question directly, and I'll do my very best to answer it. Is it Alicia? Yeah, if you could unmute yourself, please. I've also got some questions you copied and pasted. Oh, you do. Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, Alicia. Hang on a second. I'll just let you know that Glenn. So once you've spoken to Alicia and Venetia, I'll copy and paste a couple for you. Okay. Fantastic teaching. Loving it. Go for it, Alicia. Thank you. Glenn, I love your teaching. It's amazing. So thank you so much. I just, I'm sorry, I'm not very well. So it's a bit funny. My question is, if an 100%, like the scripture says that deep, the fallen angels are held in Tartarus and bound up, but why is the enemy free to roam because he's a fallen angel? Right. Yeah, he has the purpose, you know, but his, we often always remember that, you know, he's serving obviously a purpose. And ultimately, we have to remember that he is, he's contained. There's only so much he can do. And that's another, that's a deep teaching. We don't have time to go into that tonight. Sorry. No, no, no, I'm just saying for me to expound on it longer. But ultimately, he has a purpose, obviously, and, and we know even Jesus said to Peter that Satan has come to sift you, right? So there's a sense, but he's on the earth and right now, because he's on the earth, he, he has freedom to do certain things, but we know one day, just like sin, sickness, everything else, actually will be dealt with and, and remove permanently. He'll be cast into the lake of fire. The scripture tells us that. And it's a terrible, a terrible thing, but that's specifically, you know, what will happen to him. And one day, sickness, disease, death, pain, sorrow, all the murder, all these things will be removed as well. But he's, yeah, he's still on the earth, ultimately, until this happens, but we have the authority to limit his activity in people's lives and on the earth, like in terms of obviously helping people to, to be delivered, to be set free, but then also even with the fact that as we teach people, because see, Jesus not only proclaimed the kingdom and delivered people, but he taught them, right? And why did he teach them? Because he was teaching them how to live within the kingdom so that they would know the truth and the truth would keep sending them free. So they wouldn't have to go back. So I think that's a big part of what our role and responsibility is as well, to help people stay free through the word. Okay. Okay. Bless you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So did he show you next? Is that all right, Cleans? Sure. Of course. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks so much. I'll try and just speak them out really quickly. So when you're casting out demons, who are you casting out the disembodied spirits or Satan and his minions who, or both? That's one of them. The other question is I often hear people say the Lord rebuke you, Satan went during deliverance sessions, and I'm not understanding why they're not taking their authority, according to Luke 10, 19, that we have all power and authority to trap on serpents and scorpions and serpents has always been used to be a reference to Satan. And when you talk about proclaiming the kingdom, can you help me to understand that? So I have faith in that. Those are three questions and they're like really lengthy questions for me. So how about we just stick with one question. Can we do that? Sure. Let me pick. Okay. So the first question, what were we casting out? Okay. So we're casting out disembodied spirits. Yeah. That's what we're casting out demons. They're also referred to as unclean spirits, you know, they have different ways they referred to, but that's what we're actually casting out. And look, there's scripture that says, you know, when you talk about, well, can Satan actually possess someone, live in someone? Well we know that when Judas betrayed Jesus, that says Satan entered him. So there would seem to be a sense in which we look at that and we go, okay, was that actually the Satan, which is, you know, the real meaning of the Satan, the adversary? It's not his proper name. It's the Satan in his, what he's referred to us. So some people will say that even though it's obviously a, we believe it's a literal person, you know, the devil took Jesus, put him on the top of the temple, et cetera. We see that, you know, there, there's a sense in which the enemy, the adversary is involved in all of that. Whether it's literally Satan or it's referring to him as, you know, his, the enemy or not, the bottom line is we don't have to know all of that. Like that concerns me when, when people try to think they have to know every single spirit, that's in a person. And sometimes we create things that are not the scripture even. Like Jesus didn't tell us to have lengthy conversations with spirits. In fact, he did the opposite, he shut, he shut them down and he said be quiet, come out. Okay. So that's, that's something that, that I think we've gotten into as a result of misinformation and teaching. But again, let's just stick with the way Jesus did it, the way we read in the New Testament. And yeah, just deal with that, but a person who, who walks in their authority, okay, doesn't have to spend a lot of time dealing with this. Now, I can tell you, I've seen people where it was full on, like I can tell you some crazy stories, especially out in the middle of the jungle and Asia and places where, you know, a woman literally was chained to the wall, we walked into a village and we found this woman chained to a wall. And when we, she didn't speak English and when we walked into the village, she literally snapped the chains in front of us and spoke in fluent English and was basically saying, you know, I know why you're here and all this stuff. But yet everyone was like, what the heck? Like she doesn't speak English. Yeah. So I've seen that craziness and, you know, we ministered to this woman and it went on and on and on and it was just terrible. And there's times when it just seems like, no, we're not getting anywhere. But I've found that most of the time when I'm living in that place in my life, I'm in prayer, I'm in fasting at times and I'm really walking in a deep place to surrender with God that I've dealt with stuff that people have said, you know, they try to help this person. Nothing happened. And I've seen by God's grace that individuals were set free very quickly, like within a few minutes where, yeah, and so I believe I have a conviction about that. And so I feel like, you know, obviously Jesus talked about when the disciples said, why couldn't we cast him out, right? And he talked to them about that in the mustard seed. I've got a teaching on that. It's also on YouTube. It's called new devil's new levels. And rather than new levels, new devils, did you notice that I call that new devils new levels? Okay. On the reason being is when you go to, we say like, okay, if I'm going to, so we say kind of like this, all right, if we, if we're going to go to another level, then we're going to deal with the demo and my thing is, no, if we're going to deal with the devil, we have to go to another level. Amen. So that's kind of it. So is that hopefully answers your question a little bit? Yeah, that's great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a whole day with you tea. Thank you. Let's take two more questions and then we will go to pray. I just copied and pasted some here that I thought were very pertinent. Here is the first one, Glenn. It's, I'll just copy and paste it here. How do you recognize spiritual attacks and warfare? I always put things down to going through a rough patch or living in an imperfect world. Right. Yeah. Well, I think, you know, bottom line is the enemy goes around like he's looking seeking whom he made of our right. So I think spiritual attacks can be a lot more common than what we think. Sometimes as you said, you just put things down as going through a rough patch, right? And I understand that, but ultimately that can even be the enemy. Now, how we respond to that determines, you know, how, if that keeps happening, okay? Now clearly there's, we've got, when we talk about the discerning of spirits, for example, what are we trying to discern the spirit that's operating behind something, okay? So it could be like, is this God? Yeah, that's a valid question. Like, why is it that I'm constantly bumping against the wall here? I'm not seemingly going forward. Well, Paul had a time where he wanted to go into Asia Minor and it says the spirit of the Lord forbade him, right? So sometimes what we think is the enemy's resistance is actually God saying, no, this is not my will for you. And, but I think when it's the Lord, there's a level of peace and there's a level of, you know, where he calls us back to himself, you know, and we sense that he's calling us. Where's the enemy? It's just really to try to shut us down and stop us. And like Paul said, so we've got Paul saying, you know, the spirit of the Lord or Luke forbade us, but then we have Paul saying in one thessalonians, first thessalonians to that Satan hindered me. And he says, I think it's verse 14 or 18, he says, Satan hindered me. The word there is a cop tone Greek. It literally means to throw up a roadblock. It's like it can mean to in in the relations, you're running a good race who cut in on you. That's the same word. A cop tone. Running a rice as someone literally cuts in on you, knocks you down. Well, that's what Satan does. That's what the language is. So so it's really important that, you know, you just understand that. And sometimes it's our own decisions, right? Like we make, I knew I shouldn't have done that. That wasn't good. Um, you know, sometimes we open ourselves up to attacks, you know, we open a door, right? I mean, like perverseness, uh, sexual immorality, anything that's unclean attracts spirits, right? His Beelzebub, Lord of the flies. What do flies feed off of hello, right? Things that are unclean, obviously. So when we open up uncleanness, whether it's even things we watch, listen to, think, uh, our take up that can open the door and someone who has maybe an addiction, I'm just saying. And then they fall into something unclean. It actually attracts spirits, wow, attract spirits and they're, they're behind that too. So, and then ultimately is it the enemy? Is this gone? And we have discernment and we can know, but yeah, resist the enemy, submit yourself to God. So check. If you're not a resident area, I'm not okay. If you're out, if you're not submission, submit, okay, like, did you open the door? Did you do something? You should know. Okay. And then secondly, resist him, resist, start resisting, stand against him, say, no, no, get behind me, you know, and just say no, I take authority. So yeah, I think understanding, yeah, as you journey with God, you begin to discern his ways more too. Like, I've seen God do this to me before, you know, it's him and you're able to discern the difference between him trying to prevent you from something, you know, that the army or is not, it's not at least, is will at least, so hope that helps. Amazing. All right. Here's another question, which I thought was good. Someone said, when I've been with deliverance prayer warriors, we've agreed that to, like, send them to the pit, it gets a strong response. Is that the language you use? What's your thoughts around that? Yes. Thank you. I don't use that because I don't think we have the right to do that. My question is show me in the scripture where anyone did that. Now we know that the demons said, hey, you know, don't send us into the abyss, send us into the swine. Right? I get that. Yes. But ultimately, I don't see an example of where Jesus did that because I mean he did send him into the swine, right? So I don't see an example of that. The abyss, to my knowledge, is more like what we were talking about with Tartarus. So yeah, and I don't know all the answers. I don't know all the answers I'm still learning. But yeah, I just like just come out like Jesus just, you know, he said cast out demons. It's, it's the word acbalo, ancient Greek today. We would in modern Greek, it's acbalo. But it literally means to kick out, to force out, yeah, pass them out Jesus name. Bottom line is just cast them out of that person. Right? We're not at this stage ridding the earth of demons, okay, depopulating the earth of demons. God will do that one day. He'll deal with that. But what we are dealing with is we're destroying the works of the demo, just as Jesus did. And there's a difference. So we're destroying his works. And obviously when people learn how to walk in a place of surrender and, you know, the enemy can't, he has nothing. He can't get in them again, right? So it's very important that we teach people how to keep the door closed, etc. Right. Great. Oh my goodness. So many good questions here. We're not going to go through them all. But I think the thing that I love about what you just said, Janet, I'm going to answer it very simply. It says, what if we send them to the foot of the cross? Well, that's not, there's no evidence of that in a prayer either. Like, I love that Glenn is being, it's just simple, but we just cast them out. We cast you out in Jesus name. It's as simple as that. I think that's right. I'm out. Yeah. I just love that. I love that. It's just simple. We don't have to have there's no hidden trick, which I think happens a lot with the supernatural. People turn it into this thing that's like this, you have to ascend or something like you've got to be an extra special Christian with secret hidden powers, but the Bible is very clear. I can see that there's, I think we'll just answer this one more question, but I really want to get to, I really want to get to you guys receiving deliverance if you need it. And I want to make sure we have time for that, but Claire, I can see that you've posted this question twice. So I'm going to, I'm going to just present it to Glenn. And that is, how do you know you need deliverance and where can you go? What do you do if your church doesn't practice this? Right. Well, there's a lot of people that practice deliverance. So you need to, you know, search for that. Yeah, the fact is what I love about the Lord, about our father, is he will not withhold anything from us. He will go to whatever extent it takes for us to need, you know, to find our healing, our freedom, whatever we need. So I find that when people are really looking for something that they find it, like I can give you an example. There was a couple, this is a long time ago, but a fresh testimonies too, but this is a long time ago. And anyway, they came to a church where I was ministering Lynn and I, and then we met them, had lunch with them. So we came back to the church almost every year. We would go back. And one time when we were there, they came and, and he had actually messaged me and told me, said, Hey, look, I don't know what's going on. But my wife has this really unhealthy interest and, and he began to tell me what was going on in her life. And I was like, wow, that's really bizarre. And so when he talked to her about it, he's like, you just gotta stop, you know, you just get, and she's like, you don't get it. I feel like I try. And she cried. She wept. She felt condemned and, and she just couldn't get freedom. And so he tells me this about what happened was that night when they came, I think was in the evening, they came to where it was ministering. At the end, I gave an invite for people that needed ministry to come forward. And as she walked towards me, I immediately sensed the demonic presence. And I knew Holy Spirit spoke to me and said it, it's a demon cast it out. So I, I have an, you know, I'm in, I'm an apostolic person or an apostle, whatever term I'm also prophetic. And throughout as a result of that, I have over the years really developed, I think a pretty discerning spirit when it comes to what people need delivered or not. And I can usually tell, but this was very, very subtle, very subtle. And so I just went, oh, wow. And I said to the husband and I said, hey, we need to just take authority. This is demonic. And so I did. And we just took authority over her and she fell out under the power of God. And she was completely deemed like delivered. There was a shriek and she was set free and delivered. She totally changed, totally changed. The desire was gone and she was set free. We had a man literally show up. We're planning a church right now in the northern suburbs in Melbourne. And literally we have a man that showed up not too long ago and one of my friends from America was visiting and he ministered that day and he's very powerful and he prayed for this guy and he went out in the power of God and first time in his life it ever happened that he fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit. And immediately, immediately he changed and what happened was he felt like something leave him. He said, he totally changed. He had this particular problem that he struggled with for like 30 years and it totally stopped. Yeah, it was broken. So, so Glenn, even as a Christian, he's filled by the Holy Spirit, you can have demonic stuff going on. Yep, so there's different ways that can happen. One of the books that I would recommend that you read is Carlos Anaconda. He's from out of the Argentinian revival, great. He was the guy who had the tent set up and they did all the deliverances. He's still active, but he wrote a book called Listen to Me St. It's Available in Spanish and English, probably other languages too. Listen to me, Satan, Carlos Anaconda. And he talks about that, he says, hey, can Christians actually get demons? Yeah. So, the truth is, can a Christian be sick? Can a Christian sin? Uh huh. Can a Christian hate someone? Can? Oh, yes. So, absolutely, something can happen. It could be something that we carried over from our previous life. It could be something that happened as a result of, and when I say previous life, understand this, I've even seen little children demonized, which is sad, yeah. And very sad, very heartbreaking, and you got like, obviously, what did they do? Well, all the trauma, all the stuff they went through, the home they were raised in, sometimes a cult, the family's involved in the cult, different crazy things, and yeah, and they experience that as well. But then obviously, you can open the door to the enemy as a believer. You can open the door. Amazing. Yeah, so you have to do it. Yeah. Yep. That's amazing. This teaching has been so good. I would love you to pray. I don't think I've, I just love how many people get separate when you did this call last year. I don't know if I told you that, but we had so many reports from people who felt things leave. I had one lady who said she had to turn her camera off and lie down on the ground. She physically felt like something left her body and she got completely set free. And I just believe the same thing is going to happen tonight. So I can this over to you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. And I just want to say one thing before we pray. First of all, guys, when the Bible people talk about, can a person be a Christian, sorry, be demon possessed? Okay. Now, please understand something, the word demon possessed is not in the Bible. It's an, it's a word or phrase that we use in English. The word in the Bible is basically demonized. The Greek word is demonized. They were demonized. Okay. Now there are different levels or degrees of demonization. For example, the woman, the syrophoenician woman who had the daughter who was demonized. If you read it, it says she was severely demonized. So oppression and demonized are the same thing, the just different ways of saying it. So to say, oh, a Christian can be oppressed, but they can't be demon possessed. Nope. Doesn't even make sense. Because that's not the word demon possessed isn't biblical. It's an English word. Even the man. Listen to this. If a person was demon possessed, that means the devil or demons have complete control. Even the man that the Legion lived in him, 6000 lived in him. When he saw Jesus, he bowed down and worshiped. He still had the freedom to worship, even though he had 6000 demons. So even he was not demon possessed. He wasn't fully possessed. He was severely extremely demonized. And there are people that you can tell. Sometimes as I mentioned, the woman who mild, very mild, very hard to detect. And then there's people that obviously manifest in very ablate and wise. So very, very important. Okay. What we're going to do here is we're going to just go through a little process to help prepare us for prayer. Okay. The first thing is ask yourself this question, please. And this is between you and God right now. Is there a dict of behavior in your life? Let's holding you back. Are there entry points in your life that you need to address? In other words, that you need to deal with, okay? Does the enemy have access to your life because of a lifestyle I'm sinned? We all sin at times, but as a lifestyle, have you given place to the devil? Okay. If so, I want you to please identify that, but I want you to also confess and denounce that. Okay. So let's just take a moment and do that. It could be lack of true repentance. Maybe there's something that you need to confess, that you've not confessed to someone. One of the things that sometimes holds people back is if there was adultery in a relationship and they never confess that to their spouse, okay, that can also keep you bound. Failure to forgive others, you know, break ties with the occult, et cetera. There's so many ways. So different things. Let's deal with this right now. Let's just take a moment and if there's any area in your life before I pray with you and for you, I want you to just please lift that to Jesus and ask Him to just address that in your life. Guys, don't worry. Don't be afraid if there's something the Lord wants to deal with or if there's something He'll deal with that. It may not even necessarily happen tonight, okay, don't know. We're not trying to make anything happen. We're just bringing to bear the presence and the power of His kingdom on this situation, but we're also making sure that we're following the biblical directive to submit to God and then resist the devil. So just take a moment and just you for the next 30 seconds, just lift that to Jesus. If there's something specifically that you need to confess, you need to renounce and say, "Lord, forgive me," and I renounce that in Jesus name. You don't say, "Satan," I renounce that devil, I renounce this, I renounce it. So we confess it in Jesus' name. We confess anything, Lord, that we've not yet confessed, Lord, and we thank you, Lord, even where there's a need to make restitution and reconciliation and even as your word says to confess your faults one to another and pray for one another and you may be healed. We pray for that, Lord, to happen, Lord. But we also denounce, Lord, all the things, even from the past, things, Lord, that perhaps have not yet been denounced. We thank you, Lord, for freedom in Jesus' name. We thank you, Lord, that as we denounce the things, even from our past lives, and Lord, even if it's something recent or particularly something very recent, Lord, we thank you, and Lord, we say, give us a spirit of repentance, a spirit of repentance, Lord God, that we would be completely willing to walk away from these things. Give us a holy hatred, Lord, for sin and a love for righteousness, Lord, and we thank you, Lord Jesus, that you change our hearts, that you change us, Lord God, and deliver us, Lord God, from even mindset, Lord, as well as addiction, Lord, and even patterns and ways of thinking. There's some of you that it's literally become a mindset and a pattern of behavior in your life, and it's like you've so entrenched in this, and that it's literally become normal to you, but it's not righteous, it's not righteous, it's not right, it's not God's will, and so right now in Jesus' name, I just take authority and uproot anything that is planted in your life, that is planted in your soul, ways of thinking, toxic relationships on a healthy soul ties in Jesus' name, just denounce those things, and there's no man, you are bought at a price, you belong to God, no person has the right to control you or manipulate you, your only yes is to be to Jesus, what he wills for your life is the only yes you're to give in, to not be under bondage, not to become a servant or a slave of man, in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, we thank you, Lord, that your blood and your power is sufficient, and so right now in Jesus' name, I just thank you, Father, for your kingdom, the kingdom of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we thank you for the kingdom, and we say the kingdom of heaven has come, the kingdom of heaven is here, the kingdom of God is here repent, and receive the kingdom in Jesus' name, and we take authority right now over all powers of darkness, in Jesus' name, we come against demonic influence, oppression, demonization, bondage, control, attacks in Jesus' name, and we just come against that right now, and I speak freedom right now, I commend every unclean spirit that has attached itself, that has entered into the bodies of God's holy children, I say in Jesus' name right now, you have no authority, you have no authority right now, because we come into agreement with the truth of the word that he who the Son sets free is free indeed, and we thank you, Lord, that as we walk in and abide in your word, and your word abides in us, we will know the truth, and the truth will make us free, setting people free in Jesus' name, so I just take authority right now over addictions, I break off addictions, in Jesus' name, I break off tormenting thoughts, mindsets, that limit and hinder God's people from stepping out, and we come against all the things of the enemy that constantly limit your people from experiencing your fullness, and your good plans for their lives, we come against poverty in Jesus' name, we cancel the spirit that is tormenting, that is hindering, even as Paul said, Satan is hindered, he hinders at times, and so we say no more hindering, no more limitations, no more preventing God's people from stepping into the fullness of what is theirs by the blood of Jesus Christ, we break it off right now, and we say you have no authority, every demonic spirit, every unclean spirit, we cast you out in Jesus' name, we say come out, go right now in Jesus' name, just come out, take your hands off them, leave them, exit them right now in Jesus' name, we thank you Father, and we say in Jesus' name, every tormenting thought, anxiety and fear and depression and oppression, we say in Jesus' name be gone, and we release the freedom and the peace of Jesus Christ, the freedom and the peace of Jesus Christ right now, so that the very darkness that the enemy would endeavor to bring upon you, the Bible says in Isaiah 60 verse 2, for behold darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness to people, we break that off because as we arise and shine, the light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you right now, the glory of his kingdom and his power rises upon you right now, be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit right now, be filled with the glory of Jesus right now, we just take authority and we say be filled, now this is the time just to receive, this is the time to receive the fullness of his Spirit, yes, say yes Lord, just begin to pray, just begin to worship me, be praying the Spirit and just say yes Lord, thank you for filling me, thank you Lord for refreshing me, for renewing me Lord, restoring me, thank you for your joy, thank you for your peace Lord, thank you for the light of your presence filling me, so that Lord there is absolutely no darkness in me, the enemy just begin to tell him, renounce what he's done, tell him to leave, to go in your life in Jesus' time and close every door, every door, keep it closed, in Jesus' name I pray for freedom right now, in Jesus' name I pray that you would learn to walk in the fullness of the Spirit, and the Bible says that if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill or gratify the desires of the flesh, so it's not about trying to just stop the gratifying the desires of the flesh but it's learning to walk in the Spirit, so walk in the Spirit in Jesus' name, I pray that revelation would come upon you right now in Jesus' name and you would begin to understand and identify those things that are potential open doors to the enemy and you begin to close those things, you begin to learn how to walk in freedom in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, thank you Lord for what you're doing, thank you for the process, Lord that has started in some people's lives, Lord that you're going to take them on a journey that's going to bring them Lord into a place where they absolutely, completely experience healing, spirit soul and body freedom, spirit soul and body wholeness, spirit soul and body deliverance, spirit soul and body in Jesus' name, thank you Lord for those that have experienced something tonight Father, they've experienced freedom and deliverance tonight Lord, thank you for bringing them into freedom, not just taking them out of bondage, but bringing them into freedom, the fullness of what you have, what you have, there's someone, I feel this, it's like you have a child and this is, I don't believe this is a young child, maybe an adult child but constantly speaking against you and saying things against you that really bring a lot of deep soul woundedness, like inner woundedness, just brought that into you and it's just like constant, it's constant and this is really over the years it's like you know if you keep getting hit it ultimately bruises and it's just like it's just built up this wound, this inner wound in your soul and I just want you to know right now in Jesus' name that you're called to take authority over that and to say stop, stop cease and desist in Jesus' name, cease and desist, yeah and yes people are saying there's multiple people that this is true, just begin to say no in Jesus' name is that scripture in Psalm 46 he makes wars to cease, so in Jesus' name the war must cease, in Jesus' name the battle must come to an end, in Jesus' name we break off those attacks and we say no more, be quiet in Jesus' name you cannot speak these words any longer in Jesus' name, in Jesus' name no more and we say in Jesus' name don't allow it to happen, if it happens again just come against it in Jesus' name say no in Jesus' name, address it in the spirit realm, address it in the spirit realm, address it in the spirit realm, there's someone tonight as well as it's like a bronchial condition that you have in your lungs and look this isn't just something that has happened in the past few days, this has been ongoing and lingering for a long time and this is something that you know there's a level of healing that you experience but the same thing keeps coming back, it comes back, it might be weeks, months but it comes back, okay if that's you is there someone that says that's me that really is who I am, okay all right okay so I'm gonna pray for you right now, in Jesus' name I command healing over sickness and disease every and if you're sick in any way just let's join our faith together chronic bronchitis yeah that's it, in Jesus' name I just say no more in Jesus' name, I command this bronchitis to leave your body and I speak healing and wholeness right now, no more in Jesus' name, no more in Jesus' name, I command healing right now, healing right now there's also someone else who's listening to this right now and you love the Lord but you keep delving into the darkness, there's things like horoscopes that you keep going back to and you keep picking this up you know and it's honestly the door is not closed and the enemy still has access to your life and you need to repent of that and address that but I just want to pray a prayer over your life right now that you would just submit yourself to God you pray and just say Lord I submit yourself myself to you and a repent of this, Lord help me to not reach out to the dark side, to the dark side, there's things that you're just kind of going back into the darkness every so often and I just break that off in Jesus' name right now I break it off and I command it in Jesus' name, I say every unclean spirit, every spirit of darkness that would try to draw you back into that I say no more in Jesus' name, close the door, submit to God but resist, you have to resist, resist in Jesus' name, resist in Jesus' name and you will experience the breakthrough, you'll experience the breakthrough, it will leave, it will leave, it will leave, it will leave, there's someone that was in a car accident and it's like I see the car actually spun around and it's affected your neck, it's affected your back and even your leg has been affected by this as well and it's kind of like this type of thing has happened to you and it's really shut you down, not only the physical limitations and debilitation but there's something that's just shut you down in the sense that you've even regressed spiritually, emotionally mental health issues as well, is there someone that that's you it's like you were like in a car accident or some sort on sensing it's like that it's like I see like a car that is spinning and and is there someone that's you okay if you're not on here there's someone okay all right yes okay there we go yes okay let's let's pray right now Lord I pray in Jesus' name right now Father that sometimes Lord when we get hit hard in life we experience trauma let's pray into trauma right now things that traumatize us in Jesus' name things that traumatize us Lord we know the enemy wants to use that but we just say right now in Jesus' name no more no more in Jesus' name we say healing healing right now from trauma the effects of these things that have caused trauma in Jesus' time we say no more and I say peace freedom and just a renewed passion a renewed zeal in Jesus' time a renewed zeal in Jesus' time that your hope would be restored that you would be you'd step back into what God has called you to do it's like I see there's like two people I'm not sure if this is a husband and wife it's also like I think it's not a husband and its wife it's like two sisters maybe that have been a calling and it's to do something together for the Lord and and there's been a sense in which there's been a disruption in that relationship that's caused you to not be able to fulfill what has happened what God wants to do sorry and and it's like the enemy has totally wants to bring healing and restoration to that situation and so a healing and a restoration of a relationship and I don't know if it's two literal sisters or two sisters in Christ but there was like something you were doing together it may not be ministry might be like a business but this is something that the enemies used to actually stop that stop what God's wanted and even directed you to do so right now I pray father for just a healing in this relationship and a restoration in this relationship I just pray Lord right now in Jesus name that you would see the fulfillment of what God has planned to do in you and through and so not to be confused with when God closes the door okay my daughter and I yes there you go that's it that's it I really feel that is it right there could be someone else too but I really feel that said in Jesus name I just thank you Lord for bringing healing healing of relationships family members and it's almost like does this have to do with food like I don't know something to do with food like a restaurant a business that has to do there's something there that's been disrupted as well in Jesus name I just say right now that you would experience the full the healing that is that is needed there the healing that God wants to bring and I pray that she would reach out to you I pray that there would be a willingness to walk through and work through these issues to bring healing to bring healing in Jesus name to bring healing in Jesus name someone your arm I'm just gonna this will be the last thing I believe that I pray for this someone it's like an an injury to your arm to your wrist I'm sensing and the Lord's bringing healing right now is there someone else that that's you you have an issue particularly like an issue with your hand your wrist um okay all right so even maybe not just one side as well could be both okay wow a lot of people um so right now in Jesus name I just command freedom I just command healing I just command extension and proper use right now in Jesus name just commanded to happen in Jesus name thank you father thank you Lord that you're loving God carpal tunnel in Jesus name carpal tunnel healing in Jesus name someone else too it's like you fell down and hurt your wrist and it's never been the same though in Jesus name I just speak healing completely over that restoration full use full use restoration right now in Jesus name thank you Lord in Jesus name thank you Lord let's just take 30 seconds and praise him and thank him thank him yeah just yeah that's great just begin to thank him guys and and understand that he's a good father and he wants to bring healing and just begin to be intentional to step into that and praise him for healing you and receive that ongoing ongoing ongoing Lord thank you victory to victory thank you Lord Jesus right now we just speak healing and just test check would you check if we prayed for something physical and you can tell if there's a difference um yeah just maybe put it in the chat just mention yeah if you can really sense there's a difference could be spiritually or physically or both tonight be great to have some testimonies in there as well um thank you yeah thank you Rome I'll turn it back to you and if just wanted to say um one thing Roma if you wouldn't mind in the beginning you mentioned about what we're doing online so our ministry is awake nations uh what websites awake we do a lot of training equipping like Roma does more in a different way but we also during covid launch something called kingdom community television and um it's actually got a lot of really awesome content on there Rome is on there and uh kingdom kingdom you can download apps and it's like free kingdom teaching training resources there's lots of cool stuff on that kingdom if you download the apps mobile apps it's on roku amazon fire apple tv but we've got mobile apps for android and apple let people know about it please that would be amazing um we have over a hundred 110 nations a month tuning in and from some places in the world where social media is not able to go in there but we are able to go in by god's grace and so people from countries where there's virtually no christianity or it's very restricted and limited or watching so thank you wow wow wow oh my goodness glenn that was - Chest. - Oh, trainable.