Kingdom Community TV Podcast

The Word Creates Your Future - Part 1

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09 Jul 2024
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Join us this morning for a powerful message from Pastor Clive Pawson.

On behalf of Pastor's Clive and Sharon Portson, we welcome you to Christian Revival Church. We are so glad you have decided to join us today. Your future. The Word creates your future. You know, everything starts with words, everything. Everything, this whole universe is running with words. Everything is running with words. The way the universe is still expanding and the evolutionists are really stressed out now because the Hubble telescope is proving them absolutely wrong in every aspect. But you know, the other thing, everything starts with words. We know that old saints, sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never harm me. We know that's not true because you can recover from sticks and stones, but what people say really begins to work in your life. Often after they've gone. So words are important, right? Words. So the person sitting next to you, look, if it's, if it's, if it's not, if it's, if you sit next to a woman guy and it's not your wife, don't say anything. Say it yourself. But turn to the person next to you. All right. Or if it's a girlfriend, it's okay. Turn to the person next to you and say, say something good about that person next to you. Let you know. Say something good to them. When you do that, words, say something nice about them. Say something nice about them. Say, hey, I like your hairstyle, right? I like that what you're wearing. Like DJ. DJ, DJ shames me all the time because he walks at my wife, says, oh, Pastor Sharon, I see that's new. I mean, you like kind of shame me, right? Oh, he's pretty good, right? Something nice. You like something nice being told about them, right? Now, now turn to the same person and tell them something nice about yourself. Something good about yourself. Some of you will have no problem. It's pretty difficult, right? Say it again. Tell that person. Tell, tell each other something nice about yourself. Come on. You can do it. Yes, the point. Everything begins with words, right? Everything begins with words. Words have power. Isn't it amazing that we can speak good things over other people, but we're afraid to speak good things over our own lives. So some of you need to go stand in the mirror when you get a whole war in the morning and say, look in the mirror and say, you absolute hunk you, right? Amen? I'm very good. I'm well versed at this. I do this every morning. Amen? Listen, say something good about yourself, because sometimes we battle to say good things, but why I'm starting off like this, because I want you to know the power the words carry. When you hear something good, words carry power. But even to speak good about our own life, sometimes we're hesitant, because we pretty much down ourselves a lot of the time. But listen, God created the universe with his word. His word is critical, and I'm going to do some teaching, so words really have power, right? I mean, let's get it. Let's get it. Like the government announces something, bam, the words have power. You know those days when, like the other day, they would announce and say, okay, we found someone in Perth, we don't know who it is. We on the hunt for this guy, this guy escaped from quarantine. And the whole of the army and the police force is after this one guy. You know that guy whose name was never ever divulged? You know that guy? All right? So from tonight, six o'clock, you will all wear masks, lo and behold, without anyone saying anything, everybody wore masks on the power of somebody's word, right? You know those times coming into this church and you weren't wearing a mask, we know who you are. We have you, we have you on tape, we filmed you. We know that you were not wearing a mask, right? But you understand the power of words. Let's get it. Let's get real. Like if you walked into the place and you saw somebody, all of you, and you saw that odd person with Adam mask in this church, you all looked at him because words have power, right? Why? You saw somebody in the shopping center, I mean I was just talking about masks, I'm trying to tell you, share something with you how powerful words are. You saw somebody in the shopping center, he didn't have a mask. Somebody else had a mask, but you all stared at him thinking, I wish I was him. Words have power, it's amazing, right? Amen, amen. So like my mask had a very particular mask, it was very good, said on there, are you the Nazi? It did. Only some people got it. The only person who actually got that thought was the guy in the Harley shop, so up for the Harley guys, okay? All right. Anyway, the point of this, I'm joking, yeah, but the point of it is this. Is words have power. Somebody issues a decree in government or anywhere in the world, words carry power. Whether it's legitimate or not, but words carry power. People speak over your life, those words carry power. You speak over your own life, those words carry power. You speak over someone else's life, the word carries power with a good or bad. The Bible says death and life is in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. So your tongue carries power. You know why? Because God created us like that, because God operates like that. So let's look at this. The whole of creation started with words, Genesis chapter 1, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering, or some of you hovering, it's actually hovering is the right pronunciation. The spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "What did God say? What did God say? God uttered words." So God created everything with words. And I want to tell you right now, science proves that. Let there be light, and there was light, and God saw the light, and it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. So right throughout the whole of creation, it says, "Then God said." So God created everything by His word. He created everything by His word. Genesis 1, verse 11, it says, "Then God said, 'Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that heals seed, and the fruit that heals fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself on the earth, and it was so.'" So what is God saying? The passion translation says it pretty nice. It says, "Let the land burst forth with growth plants that bears seeds of the own kind, and every variety of fruit tree, each with power to multiply from its own seed." I love that. "Each with power, each with power to multiply from its own seed." Listen to me, the words that you speak have power to multiply from its own seed. The words that you speak are seed, whether death or life. Because God's word is exactly like that. So God spoke to the trees and it says, "Each tree has the power to multiply from its own seed." So in other words, when God spoke over the earth and over trees and over creation, He gave it the inherent power through His word to keep on reproducing. Amen? The earth is very sustainable. Why? Because God blessed the earth. In respect of political ideologies, God blessed the earth and each tree has the inherent power to actually multiply and replicate. So in your life, when God spoke over you, that seed is in you and that seed has the power to multiply and produce and become fruitful and to produce more seed that creates more fruit. It's what God did. Amen? That's why God said to Adam and Eve, "Be fruitful and multiply." He gave them power and dominion over the earth. You and I have the power of God in us as Christians. We have the word of God in us to reproduce the way God wants us to reproduce, if only we believe it. Because we struggle to even say good things about ourselves to someone else. Because we think there's nothing good in us. I want to let you know that there's something good inside of you. God recreated you. You are a brand new creation. If you are born again and you're a child of God, there's something good on the inside of you. God blessed you. God created something brand new. The Bible says you are a brand new creation. All things have passed away and all things have become new. Sure you may mess up. Sure you may sin, but you don't stay there. You keep on going back to put on the new creation. You go back to God's word which actually changes your life forever, amen. So here's an important thing. Creation is ongoing simply because of his word that carries creative power. So if creation is ongoing because of the creative power of God's word, then how much more in your life? How much more how about you speaking the word over your life and over your circumstance, over your family, over your body, over your health, over your future, over your finances, because the word carries creative power. The seed is in itself. It keeps on reproducing if you keep on sowing it. If you don't sow the seed, it doesn't reproduce. You and I got to sow the seed all the time as God speaks so you have to speak. Amen. Now we do find it very difficult, right? No. Amen. Let's look at this. In the beginning was the word John 1 and the word was with God and the word was God. So Jesus is the word and the word verse 14 became flesh and dwelt among us and we be held His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. So let me help you here. So Genesis 1, I've said this before that God created through the word. Now John chapter 1, New Testament, it says in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. So God was there. Now listen, it says, and the word verse 14 became flesh. Who became flesh? The word. Who is the word? Jesus is the word. The word became flesh, right? Because Jesus said, when Thomas said, show us the Father, he said, if you've seen me, you've seen the Father. The word became flesh and the word was God, God became flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. And so Jesus is full of grace and truth, full of grace and truth. You know, I taught this on Tuesday about transmutation, transmute, the Bible tells us in Galatians 1 that if we mix law with grace, we actually have a word, the English word is called perverted, but actually the Greek word is transmute. It becomes a totally different substance. So sometimes when we mix law with grace, we have a different gospel. It's a totally different substance. And that's why God rejects it all the time because it's not from Him. It's a different substance. And so the Bible says that Jesus was full of grace and truth. Now, let me go back to this. The Bible talks about the word. In the beginning was the word. The word there is logos, say logos, which means the written word, it's the moral precepts given by God. It's God's word. But yeah, it's an interesting thing that the Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." So faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. And so the word Jesus is the logos from the logos comes faith. But the faith only operates, listen, if you speak it, because the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. What word is that? Raima, the spoken word. And so faith, you may believe God, you may have everything going for you, and it's all great, and you believe the Word of God. But there comes a place where you've got to speak that Word, you've got to declare that Word and speak it over your life, and it changes your circumstances, it operates on a different level. Amen. Now John 1 verse 16, I'll come back to that in a moment, it says, "Of his fullness we have all received and grace for grace, for the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." Now I want to ask you something, are you living under the law, or are you living under Moses or under Jesus? Amen. A lot of Christians need a make of their minds. Are they living under the law of Moses or the law of Christ, which is grace and truth? Amen. And so it says that grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. So when you received forgiveness of sins, the Word of God came to you. When you got saved, you heard the Word, and you responded to that Word, and grace and truth came to you. The problem is that many Christians, as they serve God, they think they're going to have to add to this, and they add a bit of law, they add a bit of that, and they add this, and eventually they're so confused in their lives, they're no longer operating by faith, and they're no longer operating under law, under grace and truth, and they're operating under the law of Moses. Amen. And when you make up your own rules, it's kind of like the law of Moses. That's why we've got to stay in the Word of God. That's why we've got to be people who speak the Word of God. Are you with me this morning? Amen. And so let's go Hebrews chapter 1. It says, "And God, at various times, any various ways, spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh." Amen. God has spoken to us by His Son, the Word, right? Who me as appointed heir of all things, through whom He also made the world, who've been the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power. Listen. God holds everything together by the Word of His power, or the power of His Word. If you get to understand this, that my life is held together by the Word of His power, or by the power of His Word, listen to me, your life is held together because God spoke over you and said, "You are my Son. You are my child. You are my daughter. You are forgiven. You are a brand new creation. You are blessed of me. You are favored of me." Listen to me, that you are held together by the power of God's Word. Amen. Listen to me. You are held together. He holds everything together. The whole universe is held together by the Word of His power. The universe is expanding all the time. Why? Because God said it in motion. His Word is still in motion. His Word has not stopped working even today. Amen. So why do you think God has stopped working in your life? We have kind of put the Word aside and we begin to speak our own thoughts and our own lives. We curse our own lives. We curse what God has done in our lives, all we begin to change and say, "I am blessed of God. I am called of God. I am anointed of God. I am favored of God. I have a future. I have a destiny. I walk in the healing of God." We begin to speak the Word of God because the Word has created power. Amen. No, no, no, I do know that sometimes Christians expect a little like a Macca's drive-through. Right? So every Sunday morning, like I get you like six o'clock, but every Sunday morning I go to Macca's Woodville, they make pretty good coffee and I know what I get. A small, flat white with an extra shot, full cream milk. Amen. Right? That's a drive-thru. It's like, it's like two minutes, but, but, but woe bit tight, judgment is going to fall upon them if it's longer than three minutes. You know, that's how we are with our Christian walk because we speak the Word today and we don't see the immediate results and we think it doesn't work and we start to rehearse and curse us the same stuff again. We rehearse and lament all the stuff that has gone wrong. That's going wrong. We rehearse that. We curse ourselves because it didn't happen in a day. The Word has created power. So if you understand it, it has created power so that the seed begins to germinate and begins to grow, begins to grow. But because it's not growing fast enough for some people, they just kind of cut it down again. Amen. If you stick to the Word of God, if you begin to speak the Word of God and stay in the Word of God and declare the Word of God and believe the Word of God and don't back down, understand that Word has got creative power. Amen. You may be battling in your business, but if you stick to the Word of God that says, Lord, you, city, if I honor you with my finances and I tithe, that you will rebuke the devourer for my sake. You will open up the windows of heaven so that they will not be room enough to, to, to, for me to store all of the blessing. Oh, I tell you what, maybe it doesn't happen in the first day. Maybe not the second month, maybe not the third month, but suddenly that they created power, starting to work. The seed is beginning to grow and suddenly it's got leaves and suddenly one day it's got fruit, right? That's what actually happens, but we are wanting this thing to happen in a day. And if God, if I tithe today and God doesn't bless me tomorrow, then I think there's something wrong with this. No, there is not anything wrong with the Word of God. Amen. Maybe you come every single Sunday and you get prayed for healing and you stand on the Word of God. Don't you dare give up because God's Word is true. God's Word is true. God's Word has created power and it will begin to germinate and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow. And suddenly you're standing there once Sunday and you're thinking, you know what, I'm actually okay. I'm blessed. Oh my goodness me. I thought I had this thing, but it's gone. Why? Because the Word has created power in your life. It's the same with your business. It's the same with your family. Maybe it's not going that great, but you just stand on the Word of God. You're thinking God. Oh, why did you change my wife? And God says you better change, boy, and when we stand on the Word of God, God is true to His Word. Amen. Come on. Right. Amen. Yeah, God told me that once I didn't like it. You know, just newly married, Lord, change my wife, God, is you change. It's all He said to me, two words, you change. What? Who was that? Was that God? Right. Listen, if you build on His Word and don't give up. You know, forgiveness is the Word. If you forgive, you will be forgiven. If you bless, you will be blessed. Bless those who curse you. That's the Word. When you set the Word in operation, it changes things. Amen. That's the Word. God's Word is creative. It carries power to change. That's why Jesus says forgive those who persecute you. Bless those who persecute you. Amen. I kind of like it. Just okay, bless you, because He says by doing so, you keep calls of fire on the heads. Just bless people. They get mad. That's okay. Not your business. Just bless them. And maybe those calls of fire so work in their lives and eventually they change and they come back to Christ or they begin to serve God. Our goal is not revenge. Your goal is a Christian is not revenge. Your goal is a Christian is to see those people that are hurting you to be saved and changed and healed and delivered. That's our goal. Amen. Sometimes you just got to stand and grin but believe His Word. That His Word is true. That His Word does not come back void. Amen. And so it says that God has spoken us in these last days by His Son and that He upholds everything by the power of His Word. Matthew chapter 8, we know the Scripture very well. Well we should know it very well because this is really the crux of how the Word operates and how we should operate in the Word. Matthew chapter 8, it's a passage you should know very well or get to know very well because that's how faith works. Jesus says to this interior and He says I've not found such great faith not even in Israel. What is saying? He's saying this is actually how faith works. He has a human being who's not even a Jew who has no religious upbringing but he understands the principle of faith, how faith functions, how faith operates and here's what he says. The centurion said Matthew 8 verse 8 because he said come heal my servant and Jesus says I will come and here's what the centurion says. Now maybe he's a hot shot, he's a kind of top dog, he's got a lot of men under him and the centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but only speak a Word and my servant will be healed. Now if we get a revelation of this then we will start to pray very differently. Then when we pray we will start to issue commands. When you begin to pray for something and you begin to pray and then suddenly you go from this prayer to the place of authority and you begin to speak commands over the circumstance or situation that you are facing when your business needs to go to another level. Even if you are blessed when your business needs to go to another level you speak the word you begin to command the elements you speak life, that's why when we pray for rain you know you will notice I don't pray for I pray for rain I thank God but I speak to the heavens. Why? Because that's how faith operates. Hey man, come on, yeah that's what he says, he says I'm a man, he says for I am also a man under authority, having soldiers under me and I say to this one go and he goes and to another come and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it. So yeah the centurion says I understand this, I do this, I say to this one go come do this, do that. How does he do that? By a word, right? How does he command all of those men under him? Just simply by words. He doesn't come with a battering ram and like a machine gun mowing them down if you don't obey me. No he operates by words by authority. Our words have to carry authority when we pray, when we declare we have to have a revelation of the word of God, amen, come on somebody say amen. We need to start understanding the power of God's word in us, we need to get a lot more serious about God's word in us, we need to become students of God's word, we need to understand what God says about us, we need to understand what this is about so that when we speak the word of God we understand that we are under authority and because we are under authority we can command those things that are under our feet and the Bible tells me that everything is under the feet of the church, listen to me, right? So you never, you never ever command up what you command downwards and that's why the Bible says that we have been given authority over everything, right? But if we don't exercise our authority then who's going to take you seriously? If you don't exercise your authority and say I've had enough devil, I've had enough of this in my life, I've had enough of this in my family, I've had enough of this in my business or my finances or my health, I've had enough right now in the name of Jesus. You know why? Because Jesus has a name above every other name and the Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 1 that he's put everything under the feet, the feet of the church. So when we pray as a church we exercise authority, we exercise dominion authority but we have to understand the power of God's word. Well thank you for joining us today in this encouraging, amazing message. We as you were even hearing this word, this message being preached, you came to that point of realization that you don't have peace with God. Well if that's you, I've got good news for you. The arms of the Lord Jesus Christ are wide open waiting for you. I would love to lead you in a prayer. Lord Jesus, I give you my life. I surrender to you, forgive me of all my sin, wash me clean and fill me with your spirit. I thank you that from today I have a new beginning, a new life in Jesus' name. Family, if you prayed that prayer, we'd love to hear. Send us an email right to us on Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube. Please, we'd love to hear what God has done in your life. [Music]