Kingdom Community TV Podcast

God Cured Me of HIV Part 3

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06 Jul 2024
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In the next few weeks, we are going to discuss the "prescriptions" Jesus, The Great Physician, prescribed to Mr. Orlando that led to his complete healing of an incure virus, that applies to every incurable disease to mankind.

(upbeat music) So remember I said earlier that the only people in the Bible who healed anyone were either God himself, right, in the Old Testament, Jesus, New Testament, prophets in the Old Testament, apostles in the New Testament. And so only God himself or a man of God who was under the authority of God or under the anointing of God, I should say healed anyone. No physician heal anyone in the Bible, no one. That I know of, I didn't memorize the Bible, but I don't remember a doctor healing anyone or at least God sending somebody to a doctor to be healed, right, so remember Luke was a physician, he was a trained physician, he walked with Jesus for three and a half years during his ministry and not one patient was healed by Luke, okay. So when somebody came in to Jesus for healing, it's very interesting that we missed this, that Jesus in many situation and every time, he would say, your sins are forgiven, right. So people would go to Jesus and healed, but he didn't go to Luke and say, "Hey, Luke, you're a doctor, why don't you write a prescription for this patient?" He said, "Your sins are forgiven." We're gonna get into that. And Orlando's stories were telling in that his repenting of his sins is what healed him. It wasn't my prescription, I can't heal HIV, right, but God did, he died on the cross for that virus. So why do we not put our faith in that, right? - Hello everyone, it's Dr. Pamela Noel again. And it is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to introduce you to one of my precious patients with whom I consider a friend now, Mr. Orlando Colon, and I wanted him to have the opportunity to give you an idea of his life and where God has taken him over all the years that he has been walking with God. So Orlando, go ahead and take it away. - Yes, good morning to everyone. My name is Orlando Colon. I'm 64 years old, and I'm very proud of Dr. Noel who's given me the opportunity to express myself, to help others in the name of Jesus, amen. I just wanna make a little story about myself. The experience that I have with Dr. Noel is been amazing. I totally recommend everyone to hear my story because it's full of a lot of things that happen in my life when I was on the wrong way and path to hell. Now God put me on the right path for eight years, the last eight years, and I'm feeling much better than ever in my life. Thanks to the help of the To Noel and professionals, doctors, I'm under means that I am. I was a very promiscuous male, but the life showed me then, he wasn't about that, he was about loving my God because I've been loving him since I was a kid because that's what I learned at home. And at the age of 34 years, I had something in my tongue and I went to see a doctor, he told me that I needed a lapse, and the last they were about HIV, which I never thought that I'm gonna have it, but I did. I became positive for HIV, but then when I was 36. So all I asked God was like, please let me leave because I have a mom with Alzheimer disease and I wanna help her. So thanks to God, which listened to me as always, 'cause we always have the power to create that connection with God to know who we are. We're not alone, we have him. We have, he helped us to survive our crisis, no matter what. So thank you so much for the invitation of the scenario to introduce myself to you, to everyone here with all my respect and emotional feelings. I wanna show you a little bit about my story. Being HIV positive, positive, when I was young, it was really pressing, stressing, buzzing. The love that I have with God was more powerful that put everything away from me. I said, my love, my compassion for others, which I did, I helped a lot of other guys or the women with HIV positive, color AIDS, which there was nothing else to do just knowing that they were gonna die. So I have my story and I wanted, you know, who I am, what happened, how it happened. I was very young, I was very confused about this in my life, but my mom always gave me advices and those advices I carry them until today. Be respectful with your body, that's your temple. When we lose our respect for our body, we're not longer loving God anymore. We lust, we're giving Him the bad person, the devil, the power to guide our life. Let's stay away from it, 'cause He's there to hurt us and we're not allowed to accept that. We have to be strong, we have to be decent, we have to be respectful to others and our body is our temple. So when I was detected, they started giving me medications and I was very competitive about the anatomy, they gave it to me because I read and I always focus on what was going on with my body, how I get it, what I did, that I deserved it. No, so many things that I questioned myself, but at the end, I accepted and I said, "Well, this is the way it is." But you're never gonna talk to something else, just God. That was my power, fully, a stronger love that I had before my mom, my dad. He was the number one God lesson in my life. So today, after all, I've been going through, I had to say that I'm negative, I'd longer have HIV positive and not into any encounters with others and I've been avoiding to get into temptation with others, personally like the same, equal, personally like me. - Same gentleman. - Same gentleman. So, I'm sorry if I'm just confused with what I'm saying, but my English is not that good, but I try to do my best. That's what will help me. So, I want to let the doctor tell you a little bit about me 'cause she's being the angel in my life. She wouldn't be there for me, I wouldn't be here for you to send you this message, which is very important to listen in because it has a professional message for you. So, hear what she's gonna say about me. - Yeah, so what I have to add is just a reminder for people that it doesn't matter what the world says, there's no cure for HIV, there's no cure for AIDS. If you're HIV positive, you're gonna be medications for the rest of your life. And so what's important in Orlando's story is that he's my only patient who is off of any antiretroviral therapy, he's on no HIV medications and he's been HIV negative for over a year. December 2022, I think was the last time he had taken HIV medications. And so, what I remember about his story that's unique is that throughout the journey that we've known each other for about 10 years now, I met Orlando in 2014. And so he was just like any other patient where HIV positive, you're gonna be a medication for the rest of your life. He would come in like any other patient every three to four months. We do blood work for HIV undetectable, CD4 count, which is your immune status as an HIV patient was good on the medication. And then throughout our journey together as patient, doctor, which now we're friends, or brother and sister, I should say. - Yeah, same name. - He started to express his disgust with his lifestyle as a homosexual. And so, most of his adult life, Orlando, has been in relationships with men, but throughout the years that we've known each other, God started to tug at his heart. And he would express to me that he feels so much hurt. Like he's hurting God. Like he would come to my office in tears, basically saying how, oh, you know, I was with this man and I feel so bad about it, I know it's not God. So well, that was years ago. And so little by little, we start to pray together that God will remove that desire that he has for the opposite sex, even though he didn't wanna be with men, but that attraction, that temptation was there and he would fall into it from time to time. But the desires of his heart was to please God and to not live that lifestyle anymore. And so for people who say, if you're born gay or if you're homosexual, you're gonna be like that for the rest of your life, Orlando is a testimony that God has the power to overcome that temptation. And that was the grip that the devil had on him was the fact that he was attracted to men even though he didn't wanna be with them. And so we prayed for that and over the last few years, he has no desire to do with men. So then once that desire had been lifted, then we started to pray that God will deliver him from HIV also. So God delivered him from the lifestyle of homo-sexual, the stronghold of sexual sin and perversion, but then we started to pray that God will release him from that virus as well. And so we prayed for that. We met, I don't know, I think it was sometime 2022, we met outside of the clinic. And so we prayed and prayed and prayed and Orlando, you know, he felt free that same day. I don't know if you wanna tell that part of the story. But he felt really free, like something had lifted out of him. And so even though it was December 2022, it took, so December 2022 is when he took the last medication for HIV, but we prayed together months before that. So it took months for me to be convinced by God himself that we need to stop the medications. And so finally, December 2022 is when Orlando was officially off the medications. And since then, he just had blood work earlier this week. Today, we're in the middle of May in 2024. He had blood work May 2nd, I believe 2024. And since December 2022 and May 2024, HIV viral, we made undetectable off of HIV medications. And so God is faithful because he said in the word by his stripes, we are healed, but you have to make a commitment to follow his ways, to humble yourself before the Lord and to live according to his will, right? God said, if you wanna follow him, you pick up your cross and follow me. He's not gonna heal people who are living for the devil. If you wanna live for the devil, you're gonna stay sick 'cause that's what Satan does. But Jesus heals and you must make a commitment to follow the ways of the Lord, to give up on your own way and to follow him faithful. And so that's why God rewarded Orlando by healing him completely of HIV and God can do the same for every kind of sickness that exists, not just HIV, but any illness, any chronic illness that the world says there's no cure for, that's alive from the pit of hell. That is what Satan uses to keep God's people in bondage. But if you are committed to following the ways of the Lord, the chains will be broken and you will be set free from whatever sickness that the world says there's no cure for. So that's the message that we wanna bring to people, to know that Orlando is living evidence that Jesus is a cure and that the word of God is the truth. So I don't know if you wanna have any other comments to add. - Um, according to the doctor, everything to say, I fully agree. But she was the compassion, she was the person who really pushed me like in a good way, she pushed me through God and to think about what I was doing, what I did, what I don't do. Well, I was asking myself so many questions about it, but she was the God angels, he sent it to me to say, stop, stop. I stopped living the outside world. It was about God, myself, help my best doctor, 'cause I had a good doctor, but no one like Dr. Noel. One thing that I'm gonna say, God live in Dr. Noel's life, for sure. God sent me an angel. If no, I wouldn't be here right now. Send this message to everyone out there. All I ask, please, take care of yourself, have compassion for others, love others. And if you know someone is going down the hill, help them, don't ignore helping someone, because I know that Dr. Noel is very proud of myself doing what she had to do, because she do her job with the love and compassion for us. Please, never stop talking to God every day, every night, because he's the only powerful God that help us to survive this world today, because this is not easy way to live our life. We live in a sink every single day, but we can be distracted out of it. Without doing any contact with another person, no matter who is, no matter who are, stay away. Just leave for God, that's the best you can do, 'cause nobody else will help you. Nobody will be there for you when you have any health problems. The first thing he comes in my mind is God. And I pray, I cry, I do everything, but thinking that God will help me and protect me. Yes, so I'm sending this message for everyone out there to believe in God, the God never gonna lie, he never gonna make your mind thinking that it is true, it's not true, it is true. God is the living God and that God send messages to others to help us. Never, ever think that God is not there for you, no matter how hard it will be, you lie. If you're losing the house, if you're losing money, if you have nothing to eat, if you just pray to God and God will provide you everything, but pray from your heart, from here. Don't say God, no, don't say God, no. For it to speak about God's names, he's compassionate and he will provide you everything, especially health, which is the best thing we can have, health, be healthy. And I feel healthy, am I shabby? Negative now, why? Because I have to help from someone that has compassion for others that are loyal. And God, God guide her to help us. - So thank you again for listening to Orlando's story. And I pray that it encourages you to never give up to have faith only in what God says to put your heart and your mind in. And everything about your life. So we thank you again for joining us. And we're asking you to continue to end the faith, knowing that God is faithful to all who believe in him. In the name of Jesus. - Amen. - This is Orlando's. - Negative. - Negative. - Negative and I say negative. I'm being. - Yeah. - Living my life out of anything that you can imagine. All I do is talking to God every day and night, and that's a happy life. No one can live happy in this life if they don't have God in their heart. Well, you guys, you're blessed for the families out there. Take care of the children. They're in the future. - Hello. Thank you for watching this video. If you enjoy this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. So let's look at an example of somebody who went to a man of God who has the power to heal 'cause he's under the anointing of God. And what was the outcome? So a name man was a, I believe a commander of the army of King Aram, right? And it's, and he had leprosy, which had no cure. Why it was no cure for leprosy. And verse seven says, when the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes in this man, and said, "Am I a God? "Am I a God that I can give life and take it away? "Why is this man asking me to heal someone with leprosy?" It's very interesting. He said, he has leprosy. He said, "Am I a God? "Because God is the one who heals," right? And verse eight says, "But when Elisha, "the man of God heard that the king of Israel "had torn his clothes in this man, "he sent this message to him. "Why are you so upset? "Send name into me, and he will learn "that there is a true prophet here in Israel." So name and went with his horses and chariots and waited at the door of Elisha's house. But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message. Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River, then your skin will be restored and you will be healed of your leprosy, right? So as I said earlier, the message of God, the message of the cross, the gospels, it sounds foolish, right? God's ways are higher than always, right? But to the world, it sounds foolish. The ways of God sounds foolish. It makes no sense. Like, why would dipping yourself in the Jordan River heal leprosy? It doesn't make any sense, right? There's no cure for leprosy, right? So at that time, they had no doctor could heal leprosy. But the prophet, the man of God, his answer was your prescription for leprosy is to dip yourself seven times in the Jordan River. That is your prescription. Or are you gonna take the medicine or not? Even though it sounds foolish, or are you gonna do it, right? Do you have faith? And can you demonstrate your faith in doing what the world thinks is foolish? But you're gonna do it because you have faith in God. Can you do that, right? But name in verse 11 became angry and stalked away. He thought, "He will certainly come out to meet me." He said, "I expected him to wave his hand "over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord. "His God and heal me." On the rivers of Damascus and Abana in the far part, better than any of the rivers of Israel, why shouldn't I wash in them and be healed? So a name in turn and went away in a rage. But his officer tried to reason with him and said, "Sir, "if the prophet had told you to do something "very difficult, wouldn't you have done it?" So you should certainly obey him when he says simply go and wash and be cured. So a name in went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times as the man of God had instructed and his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child and he was healed, right? So his prescription for leprosy was obedience. It doesn't have to make sense because God said it or a man of God who's under the anointing of God said it, "I'm gonna have faith." And as I said, it's not enough to just take a prescription, you have to actually take it, which means you showcase your faith by doing what God said, even if it makes no sense, right? So there's no cure for leprosy, just like my patient Orlando, there's no cure for HIV, but are you gonna confess your sins? Are you gonna give up the wicked ways of living, right? Confess your sins into repent of them and live according to God's will and see and be healed. That's a cure for HIV, that doesn't make sense. That doesn't make sense, right? But because the word of God said it, it doesn't have to make sense. I'm going to act in faith. That's the equivalent of taking your prescriptions, right? So his prescription name in was to dip into the Jordan River seven times. That's makes no sense, 'cause no doctor in that time is gonna tell you, oh, you have leprosy, go dip yourself in the Jordan River seven times. Doctors are not saying that, so that sounds ignorant. That's foolishness, right? But he was healed, why? 'Cause he obeyed, finally. So I mentioned earlier that God showed me that medicine, doctors, philosophers, scientists, foolishness, foolishness, all of it. Labs, X-rays, MRI, all this other stuff that we're doing, trash, garbage. I still practice medicine, it's my job, but I know in my heart, it's ignorance, right? Wisdom, what is wisdom? Is it the number of years you spent in medical school, science, degrees, PhD, professor, this and that? What's wisdom? Let's read about that. Proverbs one, the book of wisdom, what is the definition of true wisdom? It says, these are the proverbs of Solomon, David's son, king of Israel. Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline to help them understand the insights of the wise. Their purpose is to teach people to live discipline and successful lives, to help them do what is right, just and fair. These proverbs will give insight to the simple, knowledge and discernment to the young. Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance by exploring the meaning in these proverbs and parables. The words of the wise and the riddles. Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge but fools the spies wisdom and discipline, right? So if the medical community is not founded on the fear of the Lord, can we call that wisdom, right? So when Christians come to my office, not just HIV, we treat all kinds of infections and some of them are incurable, some of them are coming in with infections I've never seen before. And I know it's probably demonic, which I'm not gonna get into right now, but a lot of times people come in suffering and I know my heart is a demonic problem and they're going to doctor after doctor, after doctor, after doctor, wasting money and time. I've met patients who have been with a condition for years and they can't find a doctor to fix them in their Christian and they continue to look for doctors going online and they think, I'm gonna have that magic cure, I don't. And I know it's sin and I know, but I can't say that as a doctor, oh yeah, you're probably sick as you're living in sin. We're gonna get into an example of that. When Jesus was talking to a man, we're gonna get into that later, but if you're a Christian and the lady with the issue of blood, she had 12 years of a condition that no doctor can sign a cure for, but what's interesting is that she kept looking for doctors. So the Bible says she was sick with a bleeding disorder, right? So she had uterine bleeding or whatever that disorder was. She was bleeding for 12 years and doctors could cure her and she read the story. It says that she suffered because of the doctors and she spent money for a disease they couldn't find a cure. And what's interesting is she kept going to doctors. She was suffering and she was wasting her money and she kept going to doctors. And I see this every day at my office almost, right? So why do people, why do Christians do that? Right? Because we think that doctors have the answer, right? And it says here that I think it's in verse five that let the wise listen to these problems and become wiser. Listening to problems is what gives us wisdom, the book of wisdom. And it says fear of the Lord is a foundation of true knowledge. So we in medicine have fake knowledge, it's fake. 'Cause if it's not founded on the fear of the Lord, it's not wisdom, right? And so what hurts my heart is when I see a patient wasting their life, looking for a doctor to cure a disease that's probably rare. And most of the time, God will show me it's a demonic thing. And I can't, we don't have a cure for demonic, you know, demonic attacks. It's submission, the Bible says, how many of you struggle for a little reason that dev went to flee from you? It's humility towards God. That it's a prescription for a demonic attacks, which we don't have time for that conversation. It's humility, if you have or under demonic attack, you're a prideful person, right? So the prescription for that person is humility, which I'm not gonna get into right now, right? So God gives us prescriptions for every condition, but because a Christian does not have fake things, that we're going to spend 10, 20, 30 years suffering at the hands of doctors, poking you labs and, you know, CAT scans and biopsies and all this other stuff. God says, I use you already. Right, go dip into the Jordan River for seven, seven times. Would you do that? Nemo's like, what? No, that's not what he's talking about. Christian sound like that. We have faith, but not really. Not really, right? So if you have faith in God, can you show case, your faith by actually acting in faith in what God says and says, this is my prescription. The word of God is my prescription. Can you say that? Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button, so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. So the Bible says, and everybody knows this verse, right? We have been given the keys of the kingdom, right? We have secret keys, right? So we have special knowledge that the world doesn't know. So if HIV is no cure, Orlando knows the secret of a cure for HIV, that's a secret. 'Cause the world doesn't know that he was healed because of his faith in God and his walk with God the last 10 years, right? So these are secrets that only some Christians have access to, right? So let's say, let's look at Matthew 13, 11 to 13. It says, you are permitted to understand the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but others are not, right? To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding, remember how we said earlier that Proverbs, right? That's how you get knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. It comes from God who is wisdom, right? The message of the cross is wisdom. Jesus is wisdom, the very power of God is Jesus who is the wisdom of God. It says, to those who listen to my teaching, it doesn't say those who go to medical school or have a PhD in biochemistry, no. It says, those who listen does that word again, right? So in Exodus 15, I believe, it says, if you listen to my instructions and do what I say and obey me, if you listen, I will not put these diseases upon you, I am the Lord who heals. Listening is a prescription from God. That is a prescription, okay? It says to those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge, right? So it's important to know that knowledge and wisdom and understanding comes from listening to God. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge, but for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use peribles. For they look and they don't really see, they hear, but they don't really listen or understand. So we'll stop there, right? So the keys of the heaven of God, the keys to the kingdom of God is to listen to Jesus' teachings and you'll have understanding and wisdom that nobody else will know, right? Nobody else will know that. Like I did a whole series of my son who has autism and just the journey that I went with him, which is a whole other topic, but there's no cure for autism, right? So the things that he's experiencing, the healing and the improvement in his behaviors and the way that he learns and he's able to talk now, which is very unusual, usually nonverbal children, autism stay nonverbal, right? And so the miraculous transformation in his life is another secret, right? I have the secret cure for autism and he's not 100% where he needs to be, but I know he will be, right? Little by little, he's getting better and better every day, but those are the secrets, right? So the people who listen to God, you'll have understanding and wisdom and knowledge that the world will never know. You will never go to, you know, an HIV doctor or an infectious disease physician and they're gonna tell you, "Repent of your sins, that's your prescription." Or my son's autism, fast, don't eat. That's his prescription as a parent. You need to fast regularly for your son. That's how he's gonna get cured. There's no medical book that's gonna tell you that. Like that's nowhere in the world. Is that gonna be a prescription from any physician unless they know God, right? Those are secrets of the kingdom, right? This kind comes out with prayer and fasting. No documents planned will tell you to fast for your children if they have autism, never will that happen, right? So secrets come from listening and understanding comes from hearing the word of God and actually obeying him. I'm not gonna go to this verse, but in 1 Samuel 8, in 1 Samuel 8, Israel was asking the prophet Samuel for a king. They wanted to have a king, why? 'Cause every other nation, every other pagan nation had a king over them and God wanted to be their king. He just like in the medical world, from a medical perspective, God wants to be our doctor, right? So Israel wanted a king just like the rest of the world and God is telling Samuel, let them have what they want, but it's not gonna be good for them. It's better for Israel if God is their king. And look at all the suffering that's going on in that nation, which I'm gonna do a whole teaching on Israel very soon. Look at all this stuff that went on in Israel and God warned them years ago, thousands, thousands and thousands of years ago, if you have a king like the rest of the world, it's not gonna be good for you at all. But that's what you want, we're gonna give you what you want, right? So God summoned Samuel to go and have a king, Saul was the first one, right? It's the same thing in medicine, right? Exodus 15, God is telling the children of God through Moses, go tell them, I am the one who heals. But Christians like, no, I'm gonna go to my human doctor, right? And the same thing that God said to Samuel, they want a king, like everybody else, give him what they want, but it's not gonna be good for them. It's the same thing with doctors. They want a human doctor, let them have it. Plenty of doctors all over the world, but it's not gonna be good for you. And the lady with the issue of blood, she learned that the hard way, 12 years, it took her to realize that Jesus is the one who's gonna heal me, it took 12 years. And I've had patients sicker, longer, and they're still looking for doctors, looking for that magic cure on Google. It's not gonna be good for them. 'Cause Jesus said, I healed you already. He took our diseases on his body. He removed it from your body and put it on his body. He became that curse, that most Christians are still under because we put our faith in mere human doctors, right? Let's go now to Psalms 107, verse 20. This is a verse I learned from the late, great pastor, Derek Prince is one of my, I guess I should say mentors, I don't know, but my understanding of spiritual things has really enhanced when I started listening to his sermons, when I started listening to his sermons maybe 2019, I believe, is when I was introduced to his teachings, powerful, man of God, powerful, powerful messages. You have any desire to see his, to listen to his teachings, I would highly recommend that, Derek Prince, and he has a lot of books on spiritual warfare and very great, great man of God. Psalms 107, verse 20. So Derek Prince was telling, he was speaking on, I think, I don't remember what the topic was, but he said he had some sort of skin disorder when he was in the British army. And I think he was stationed somewhere in Africa or Egypt somewhere in Africa, I don't remember exactly, but he had a condition that no doctor could heal him and he was in a hospital, I believe he said for a year from that mistaken. So he had a skin condition that nobody could cure and he decided after a whole year in a hospital that he's going to study the word of God. Like he's going to take the Bible and use it as his medication. So if medications are given, and he was a medical orderly apparently in the army, and he says, I give out medications three times a day, I'm going to study the Bible three times a day. And he did that for several months and he was completely healed of his skin disease. And one of the verses that he mentioned was Psalm 107 verse 20. And it says, they couldn't stand the thought of food and they were knocking at death's door. Lord help, they cried in their trouble and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them, smashing them from the door of death, right? So verse 19, it says he saved them from their distress. How did he do that, right? How did he save them? It says verse 20, he sent out his word and healed them, right? So the word of God heals, right? So as I said before, it sounds foolish that studying the word of God and doing it would cure any disease and their friends experienced that, I experienced that myself. So has Orlando, right? The Bible says the word of God, he saved them from their distress and how did he do that? How did he save them from their distress, right? So verse 19 says they couldn't stand the thought of food. So they were so sick they couldn't eat. They were knocking on death's door. So they were close to dying. So these are sick people were close to dying and God healed them by sending out his word, right? So it's interesting to know that God's word has healing power. That sounds foolish, right? But there are people who experienced that and I've experienced that in my own personal life. Like when I don't feel well, I speak the word of God and I get healed, I don't take medications. Not even Tylenol asks for nothing, nothing. I rely only on what God says, period, right? So let's go on to Joshua 1. So this is not technically about sickness, the next verse, but it's still very important to know the power that God has. So Joshua 1, 6 to 9. So God is going to lead the second generation of the Israelites, right? Joshua and Caleb from the first generation are leading them into the land of promise, which is inhabited by giants that are bigger, stronger, have armor. And what was God's instructions? Remember, God's instructions make no sense in the natural world. And that's the whole point. It's to demonstrate the power and the glory of God, which sounds foolish to the world. But, and the Bible says, I think it was Ephesians 3 that we looked at that said that God is using the church to demonstrate and to display his power and wisdom to the unseen world. He's using what looks foolish to the world to shame the demonic kingdom of Satan, right? So we're doing things that make no sense to the world, but that's power and wisdom comes from what the world considers foolish, right? So Joshua and Caleb are about to lead millions of slaves or I should say the second generation really. It's not the first generation were all killed because of their disobedience and their lack of faith, right? Notice how lack of faith leads to death, by the way. So Joshua and Caleb were the only two in the first generation who had faith enough in God to say we are going to take the land and possess it because God is, God can do all things. But what was God's instruction? Like how are you going to take over a land that's already being inhabited by giants who can murder all of you, right? So this is not technically about sickness but it applies to it very well because Derek Prince said he was in a hospital with doctors who could not heal him because their wisdom failed him and he was studying scripture three times a day and that's what heals him. The word of God has that kind of power that doctors for one year can figure out, right? So we're going to look at a 69. Be strong and courageous, right? So you're going to need strength and courage to be able to possess a land that is inhabited by giants. So how do you get courage and strength? Be strong and courageous for you or the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors, I would give them. Be strong and courageous, be careful to obey. So how do you find strength and courage to possess a land with giants there? So God's prescription for Joshua, be strong and courageous, be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you, do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left, then you will be successful in everything you do. And I believe that includes healing, having success in seeing a sickness be healed, right? I think that's that's inclusive. Then you'll be successful in everything. Study this book of instruction, continually meditate on it day and night. So you'll be sure to obey everything written in it. So meditating on the word of God and obeying it, that's what's going to give Joshua and Caleb's success in leading millions of Israelites into a land that is already possessed by giants. That was God's prescription. Know the word of God, meditate on it day and night, and do it, right? And Derek Prince, if we don't believe that this that makes sense, Derek Prince experienced that and I experienced that myself, my son's autism is evidence that when you meditate on the word and you do it, you will be successful in everything that you do, right? So Derek Prince was successful in seeing healing over his skin disease, when he decided to leave the hospital of doctors who had no wisdom, right? And he submitted himself to the wisdom of God and be obedient and doing what God said and he was healed within a few months, right? And so that is the purpose of why we're here, is to demonstrate the Satan and the demonic principalities over this earth, that the wisdom of this, what I'm not going to subscribe to, every other Christian will go to the doctor, I'm going to stand on what I believe in and not go to doctors and demonstrate the foolishness of this world and allowing God to use my testimony to showcase the power and the wisdom of the cross. The message of the cross is foolishness to the world, but it is a very power and wisdom of God. Proverbs three, the book of wisdom, let's go to that now. Proverbs three, one and two, my child, never forget the things I have taught you, store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years and your life will be satisfying. Notice it says, it's story the commands of God in our hearts, right? Never forget the things I have taught you, store my commands in your heart. And if you do, you will live many years, right? We have medications to help people live longer, that's great. But God also has prescriptions to help us live longer and it's to obey his commands. That is God's prescription. He is the physician who heals. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Are you ready to step into your calling and destroy fear, worry, doubt and anxiety? In our victory, God's glory, author Pamela Noel describes the stop and do nothing else principle that was used by some of the most powerful people in scripture, including David, Moses, Peter and Daniel. This you can't help yourself book reveals that success in every area of your life lies in one name. - Our victory, God's glory, was written to support Haiti's elite medical team, a Haitian American owned, not-for-profit organization that provides healthcare services to the poor in Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this book will help support our efforts. The ultimate goal is to build a hospital and provide much needed medical care services, currently unavailable to those with limited access to quality healthcare. Available at Amazon, your local bookstore, or at