Kingdom Community TV Podcast

A New Season Divine Reversal

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04 Jul 2024
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A divine reversal is taking place in the spiritual realm. Continuing with the previous message on the vision of the coin, your choice of becoming the head is a necessity for this season. What does it mean to become the head? Your divine reversal awaits you. Become discipled in the Lord. Go to for online courses and books that will help you remain as the head.

Are you ready to go higher in the Lord? Well hello and welcome to a new level of weight shoe. I am your host Lois for Welling. We all desire spiritual growth but do not always know where to begin. On a new level of weight shoe we provide steps to guide you into your divine assignment and reach greater levels of greatness in the Lord. New levels include receiving dreams and visions, more intimacy on a daily basis, deeper levels of understanding the word of God and his prophetic word and experiencing God encounters that will change your life. Get inspired by stories of those who have had life changing encounters with the Lord and expect to receive and believe for everything God promised you. Using biblical strategies and revelation you will begin to soar above every obstacle so you reach new levels of anointing, authority, spiritual encounters and be able to enter into your specific divine assignment. You will grow in your faith and learn how to walk in greater freedom but most importantly a warrior spirit will arise within you as you step up in faith and determination to advance the kingdom of God. So get ready to go from glory to glory for new levels of weight. And so this week I'm going to kind of carry on a little bit more from what the Lord was speaking to me. I'm going to be calling this a divine reversal and see we're entering into this time where we're giving Jesus our all is a necessity. We can't we got to walk out of the flesh we got to walk out of what we think is right and what we want and so forth. We have to enter we're entering into this time where where Jesus has got to be at all and all for us and I think he's calling us that way from all over from all over. So I'm going to go back to Deuteronomy 28 verses 12 to 13 the Lord will open to you his good treasure the heavens to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow and the Lord will make you the head and not the tail. You shall be above only and not be beneath. If you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today and are careful to observe them. So I'll just I'll just speak again of the vision that I saw very quickly. The vision that I saw was a large coin coin that was thrown out over the United States and this coin was just spinning really really fast and and the Lord kept on saying which will you join will you become the head or will you remain as the tail and I believe that in this when God is asking us I think he's speaking to the United States as a whole you know what are we going to do here what are we going to do you know are we going to just sit back and remain the tail as a body or are we actually going to become the head and and I felt a divine shift taking place that's that's why I've I played the song there this is a move because what we're seeing is that there is so many now that are rising up and starting to take charge again in Christ we're seeing people that are just coming to the Lord at a level that you wouldn't believe I mean there's just lots of things happening if you look all over the world all over the United States in the vision that I had in and God has been just kind of moving me through a lot of this I mentioned last week that the coin was going really really fast at first and then it started to slow down and as the coin was slowing down over the United States it appeared that the result of the of the toss or was contingent upon the response of the people so if we kind of lean towards you know being I mean the head like recognizing who we really truly are in Christ and not remaining as a tail then then the the coin is gonna fall and it will be favorable for us as a nation but I also saw this the Lord was looking down upon his people he was watching from a heavenly throne he's watching to see what we're going to be about and he also was watching to see who is crying out to him who's crying out and what is that what is the cry and he took me to Psalms 102 and in this Psalm in this Psalm that he took me to there is this is a prayer of the afflicted okay this is a cry that is being presented to the Lord and in this con excuse me in this Psalm that I saw when he was sitting up there on the throne there's some things that really spoke to me and I just I sense that a lot of people are really crying out right now do you sense that too do you sense that people are really just crying out and they have nowhere to turn and the only place that they are turning is to the Lord and I'm finding that with ages of all ages the young the old even children even children are reaching out and and going okay we don't know what to do any lot anymore so they're good they're God is touching hearts and minds everywhere and so in this scripture let's look at verses 18 through 22 it says well I'll start with the verse 17 he responds to the prayer of the poor and broken and will not despise the cry of the homeless write this all down for the coming generation so recreated people this is a passion version will read it and praise the Lord tell them tell them see he he's he's really asking us he's really saying come on now your next generation of people you know write this down of what God is doing you're gonna be seeing some things you're gonna be experiencing some things and he's saying write it down so the people that are not even born yet will praise God will praise God and then he looks down from his holy holy place and from heaven he just surveyed the whole land and it says here he listened to all the groanings of his people longing to be free and he sat loose the sons of death to experience life oh there's something on that he's listened to the groans of all the people on the earth and it says in another version he opened the doors of their death cells now we're thinking maybe dying but that's not what he's taught he's not necessarily what he's talking about he's he's talking about people that are caught up in this whatever it is that's kept them captive but in a prison it's not there's in this particular instance in my what I saw was that there are no bars you're not in a prison God has already set you free but you have your you're in a in this place where you're captive held captive by lies and things inside of your head things that are that are pulling you and tugging you into the world that are not where you're not supposed to be going those kind of things and so when we can get out of it this is why the praise and the worship is so important because the only way I found that I can get out of my stuckness is to praise and really strongly worship the Lord and to pray in tongues and I pray in tongues I pray in tongues while I walked yesterday to to get myself out of this place where it's that doom and gloom because right now there is a high-level spirit of stuff that is coming across the earth and is causing to put everybody down because they know what's coming it is attacking families it is attacking individuals it is attacking even businesses so that they're closing their tack it's tacking everything it wants to shut everything down and it's yep it's really putting it low low low and so this is the major cry that I saw in my vision that was being sent you know to the Lord this is the cry of the afflicted and you know what I'm not going to get into politics but you know that half the stuff that's out there is false it is so not true people are hurting everywhere and you know you look around and you just see this and so this is why God is calling us to become the head I said last week that I would would focus a little bit more in this but I want to you know what does it mean to be the head it doesn't mean that we're in control it doesn't mean that we have to walk around and take control away from everybody else it doesn't mean it isn't about control because who is our true head yes yes and so when we have he's the true head he's the king the one king big king great I am and then where the little kings we have control of our own lives and so when we become ahead we need to understand what this coin thing was all about because in this particular time Israelites were coming out of Egypt do you remember that when he wrote this in Deuteronomy the Israelites were coming out of Egypt they were in a severe place of slavery and they carried what we call a slave mentality and even though God said I've set you free I've set you free now I want to I want you to understand they were free you have been set free the cross that you free so why do you still live under a slave mentality you see this and what's happening the Egyptian the Israelites carried a slave mentality even though God had set them free but their identity the way they saw themselves remained as a tale right they saw themselves on the bottom they saw themselves as beneath and when Moses told them you are the head he was speaking about their identity you're no longer slaves when we first accept Jesus Christ and become born again many of us still carry this slave mentality even though God has said to us I've done everything on the cross for you I've removed all that why are you remaining as a slave why don't you take this new beginning that I'm giving you and why don't you move forward as the head in Christ your identity is now what Christ says about you not what anybody out says about you people call us names we either can receive it or we can throw it to the ground and we can hang on to the name that God gave us where is precious ones we're redeemed where his children were kings and priests every single one of us and so we have to get beyond our past we get so bound by our past this is a strategy of the enemy and what it does he binds us up by past mistakes or he binds us up by hurts that we've had rejections even you know failures in securities fear maybe lack maybe it's our inability it's mindsets that keep us in a slavery mindset and so when we become the head and daughters of the most high God we receive a new identity and with that new identity comes a new position that a being the head but we have to make that choice and we have to accept the full truth I know there's false doctrines out there that keep us down oh you got to be you got to be so humble that you're nothing I'm nothing there's those doctrines out there they're demon doctrines or they're doctrines of man that keep us so low and that's not a God it is not a God and so we can become the head now this is this is what it means becoming the head means simply that God has placed us above so what's above what are we above well Isaiah 41 10 says you're above all your fears fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you so there's he puts us above all of our fears he puts us all above all of our fair failures Psalm 73 26 says my flash of my heart fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever wow so we're above our fears we're above our failures we're above our inabilities you always all know this right Philippians 4 13 I can do that all things through Christ who strengthens me yeah he's above all of our difficulties and challenges first John 4 4 says you are of God little children and you have overcome them because he was in you is greater than he is in the world these are some truths that we got to grab a whole of of who we are this is the head mentality in Ephesians 4 I'm gonna go there because I love Ephesians anyway but there's so much in here in Ephesians 4 and I'm just gonna hit on a few of these scriptures here and I believe I'm gonna start with first well let's see yeah let's go with I think it's 17 so with the wisdom given to me from the Lord I say you shall not live like the unbelievers around you who walk in their empty delusions their corrupted logic has been clouded because their heads are so far from God hmm they're blinded understanding and deep seated moral darkness keeps them from the true knowledge of God because of spiritual apathy they surrender their lives to lewdness impurity and sexual obsessions but this is not the way of life that Christ has unfolded within you if you have really experienced the anointed one and heard his truth it will be seen in your life for we know that the ultimate reality is embodied in Jesus goes on and says and he has taught you to let go of the lifestyle of the old man the old self-life which was corrupted by sinful and deceitful desires that spring from delusions now it's time to be made new by every revelation that has been given to you and to be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ within as your new life and live in union with him for God has recreated you all over again in his perfect righteousness and you now belong to him in the realm of true holiness this is what the head this is something that he's given us out of his true righteousness and holiness the head that God has already established for us on the cross he already did it says here if you've really experienced the anointed one and heard his truth it will be seen in your life for we know that the ultimate reality is Jesus Christ isn't that correct there needs to be a change I'm not saying you're going to be perfect I'm not perfect no one's going to be perfect but we need to be seeing and making changes if we're the head what's the difference between a head and a tail huh you can see where you're going but what is the head right well the head is the leader you're a leader over your life you're a leader over your situation you're a leader exactly where a tail is always just following whenever anybody says whatever anybody does you you're just following exactly right exactly right but what he's saying here is is that there if we truly have experienced him I'm not talking about anybody in particular I'm just talking about in the church as a whole the body of Christ the whole body of Christ we need to see some changes for this country for this world to change where truth prevails maybe I shouldn't say this but there's a stirring up going on and if and a shaking has taken place if you haven't noticed there's been a couple more falls in great big huge leadership and it's it's gonna it isn't stopping yet but all the ones that you thought we thought maybe we're you know there things are coming out and the enemy is doing it why the enemy some of it the enemy is exposing and some of it God is exposing you know why because he wants a pure church he yes we have to take our eyes off in people off in men women who are who are we think we have to take our eyes off in them and Christ has to come back and be our head that's why it started out with when we first accepted Jesus Christ we have to get back to that because if we're always looking at each other to take us where we should go or whatever you're not going to get there because somebody's gonna feel you they're gonna feel you we always have to be pointed toward Jesus Christ and then also in this scripture if we go down a little bit further it says the Holy Spirit of God has well let me see well I can back up if says don't give the slanderous accuser the devil an opportunity to manipulate you if any of one of you is stolen from someone else never do it again instead be industrious earning a honest living and then you'll have enough to bless those in need and never let ugly and hateful words come from your mouth but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage each other do this by speaking words of grace to help them so he gives us a little bit of things that that we need to get you know we can't let our emotions lead us our emotions will lead us into sin if we're not careful and we get so with things happen in our lives things happen in our lives and our first reactions our emotional motion gets tapped into and I know this from my own personal experiences and I want to react and I want to react but it's outside of what God says and it's harder to do what God says than what it is to do the other the others easy because that just come I don't want it's in the flesh it just comes natural we just want to go after it don't we but we can't it's really hard to present Christ but here's the other factor if we go on the Holy Spirit of God has sealed you in Jesus Christ until you experience your full salvation we are sealed in Christ Jesus it's so important that as the head we understand this I talked about the coin flipping from head to tail head to tail head to tail that's what we are as people will flip and at times will become the head and then other times we become the tail I think God is saying let's land this thing let's land this coin and let it stay on the head so when Jesus Christ died on the cross this is another thing that he did for seat he's he made us righteous he sealed us but he also gave us the authority and power over the enemy over the lies that keep at us all the time Luke 10 19 he said behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you I think that so much of this we're always looking at the serpents and the scorpions but we can't always just look at the scorpions and the serpents because so much of what the enemy doing is inside of our heads it's in our minds it's in our in the things that are causing us to become fearful in in a we feel like we're not able to do things we we work out the fears this is what he's doing depression all these emotional things that are coming at us and he says I'm giving you authority over that there are times when these things will hit us and we have to stand up and take the authority this is part of what Christ did for us says as believers in Christ we can rise above every obstacle every obstacle the enemy throws at us because Jesus is already done the work in overcoming overcome Satan Colossians 2 15 having disarmed the principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it when we understand and I'm not going to get into all of this because I want focus more on what Christ is than what I am what this Satan's doing but the higher level of the principalities and what they're doing over regions we recognize it but then we walk out what Christ says as the head remember be in the head and not the tail becoming being above and not believe beneath is part of our identity what is your identity what are you claiming to see we can't go flipping it's already done Christ did it for us where we are the head and when God gave me this vision he was telling me this coin toss is a shift in identity and in position the church has been the tail and he said there's going to be a shift in our identity when we come into the truth of what he's done for us and we become the head our choice to live as the head removes the slave mentality and it actually establishes a closer walk with the Lord our choice to remain as the tail will take us even into a deeper level of slavery this is why God kept on saying what do you want to do what's your choice are you going to stay remain remember I use the terms remain as the tail or are you going to become the head whether we enter into the truth of what Christ did on the cross is our choice so what does it mean for us what does it mean if we choose to be the head I sense in my spirit God's been speaking to me about a new season is coming it's already shift we're shifting into that new season there has been prophetic words spoken out there about the season shifting there is a shift that's going on where God I truly truly believe that the coin is going to land on the head and you're going to see a rising up of the body of Christ like you've never seen before a new season involves embracing our new identity that comes directly from the Lord it's not going to come from people it's not going to come from your position of where you work or your standing in a community it's not going to come from that our identity comes directly from the Lord Deuteronomy 28 is directed toward the nation of Israel his people we are his people too so it's also directed to us God tells his people that he will set us high above all nations of the earth with many blessings to follow what if we obey the voice of the Lord our God he's telling us some strong words I'm not here just to say you're oh you're the head you're great you're wonderful all this and that I'm telling you I'm giving you a directive if I'm going to be the head I got to make some choices about my life about what I do who I follow and and I've got to represent the Lord well this has been on my heart for so long says in verses 12 through 13 and the I started out with this scripture the Lord will open to you his good treasure I wrote a whole book on the treasures the treasures that are inside of us he says the Lord will open up to you his the heavens everything from heaven I've been to heaven guys I'm sorry I don't I mean I I've had these experiences and I and I see all the treasure chests in heaven that are just sitting there dormant because the body of Christ won't pick them up not by putting it out to you he told me pick them up pick some things up start walking out in it he says he'll give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand you shall lend to many nations you shall not borrow and the Lord will make you the head the Lord is going to make you the head not you that's right you just have to make some choices get back into following him at a deeper level and stop playing into your flesh that wants to take you everywhere else if we as a people make the choice to turn back wholeheartedly to the Lord he will open up the good treasures both to us and to this nation one by one each one of us making that choice to become the head under the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ see we shift the coin we shift the coin to fall toward our nation the Lord told me a divine reversal can occur and will occur for us individually and as a people there is a divine reversal taking place today all across all across I believe it's all across the world although what he gave me in that vision was just for the nation he's calling his people back yes back to represent him well not to get caught up and all of this other stuff that the the things that people want to target us about we have to stand firm in the truth our new identity includes transformed thinking you got to transform our minds I know I've been working hard at that hope and belief as overcomers I am fighting not to give in to what the enemy is throwing at me it also our new identity includes a new standard of living see hopelessness if we get into this hopelessness like a lot of the country is just getting into this hopelessness the wall was this and wall was that and hopelessness and getting angry about it what happens is that enforces a downward spiral it just takes us down exactly fortifying our God given identity what that does it solidifies our position as a head in the Lord says again will you become the head or are you gonna remain as the tale we have a choice to make but then the Lord kind of took me to Matthew 4 and he said you know what when I first began my ministry I read this scripture and he simply walked up to some fishermen and he just looked at him and he said follow me Peter Andrew James and John what did they do they immediately left their nets and they followed after him what happened to them their identity completely changed there no longer was just seen as fishermen they were seen as one of Jesus's disciples majorly their whole careers changed their whole positions changed there was a major shift that took place a divine reversal took place for every single one of them they entered in the most stimulating time of their lives I don't know about you but God called me when I was like 22 23 years old and I had a dramatic dramatic experience them when he touched my life in a very conservative church and I didn't understand in fact you'll laugh because I started shaking when he when I accepted Jesus as my Savior then my whole body shook electricity coming up and down me and nobody understood I haven't stopped shaking have you ever noticed that there's times when the anointing comes on me and I shake people say oh that's not of God let me tell you it is of God major shift in my life that's right yep but what I want you to know in that time when they decided they made that decision you're gonna make a decision I'm praying today that you're gonna go all after it because when they made that decision when he said are you gonna follow me and become the head you know what happened they witnessed healings they witnessed miracles they witnessed deliverances they had heard profound teaching they had this transformational renewal for their lives and what did they do they affected the nations around them various ones Peter hit on the Gentile nations didn't he because he entered in he just responded and and Jesus said will you follow me will you follow me whole free from thoughts of failure fear inadequacy and move you into a new season of blessing but there's a condition you have to give it all to Jesus you have to just give it to him all of that stuff give and then what do you take back you have to accept your true identity that he already has done for you on the cross yes a few weeks ago I was walking along the beach with a friend and I'll be honest with you you most of you know that I've been you know physically struggling with with health and all kinds of things and as I was walking along the beach the Lord said to me I heard him say it's time for you to give me everything he said all your past all your mistakes every form of rejection every misconception every false conclusion give me your health give me your finances give me your ministries give it all just give it all and in my spirit I knew I was supposed to reach down and pick up some dirt and I threw it I threw it and as I threw it into the ocean I was like okay here you go Lord here you go Lord here you go and I watched as that sand just kind of went out into the vastness of the ocean the wave came boom this is the way God is and this is what divine reversal requires we have to step back into the finished work of Jesus Christ what he did on the cross for us we have to make the choice to align with what God has already done for us God's truth remains whether you live as a tale or not he made us the head yes you can choose to stay and remain as a head of the tale he already he showed me that but we have this choice because he made us the head are we going to walk it out we're going to live in that and I just will finish with Psalms 37 3 through 5 this is a truth he says keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure fat feasting on his faithfulness make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life and he will provide for you what you desire the most give God the right to direct your life and as you trust him along the way you'll find he pulls it off perfectly love this he will appear as your righteousness as sure as the dawning of a new day he will manifest as your justice as sure and strong as the noon day what shall we do I'm praying that you've already made the decisions probably already made it last week when I started this whole message but confirm it confirm it in your heart that he's you're all in all stop wavering back and forth I've made that decision even though it will come and it will try to pull me this way I'm gonna I'm gonna align it up by speaking out the truth of what God says by praising him praying and receiving what he has for me and then I'll become the head this is how we do it it's not gonna happen like that it's a process that we go through and we can do it I believe it because I'm gonna pray for you and I'm praying that you'll be praying for me that we has as a body of Christ here and I know many are not here today but as we as a body of Christ we shall live fully for the Lord because that's what he's requiring from us isn't it yeah all right let's close in the word of prayer and as you know I'm always here if anybody does need prayer away so Lord God we give this to you and Lord God I declare as a church that we will pursue your headness your leadership your lordship we will choose Lord God to receive the truth of who you are what you've done for us on the cross that Lord God we choose to obey your voice listen to your voice walk out your commandments Lord God what you have us to do and to live our lives fully for you Lord God I thank you that right now you give us all the strength to do that and there's nothing impossible for you in fact Lord God we say we follow you and we come with great expectations for your miracles your signs your wonders your your healings Lord God in this place let it be so Lord I pray we pray for the United States Lord God we pray for the body of Christ throughout the United States Lord God I pray Lord God for turning back of of individuals leaders pastors all over the United States Lord God that will come under your Lord ship once again like that and I give this to you in your mighty mighty name we pray Amen I want to thank you for watching and joining me on this journey as we go higher expect to grow speed your territory and enter into new levels of intimacy with the Lord check out my website at for books online courses podcasts and other resources to help you soar in the Lord are you interested in increasing your confidence being able to speak assertively subdue your fears manage life situations effectively and overcome rejection or betrayal so that you can tenaciously stand back up again then you must sign up for a free strategy session so we can design a plan specifically for you I now offer one-on-one coaching sessions with group sessions coming soon my heart is to equip and make disciples and advance them into living a life more abundantly yes my website is check it out and I hope to be talking to you soon