Kingdom Community TV Podcast

The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail

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02 Jul 2024
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In my new sermon "The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail," I aim to redefine the Church's role and authority in spiritual warfare. I emphasize that the Church is not merely a religious gathering, but a divine assembly [the Ekklesia] - a governing body commissioned by Heaven to advance God's Kingdom on earth.

I explore how believers are entrusted with the "keys of the kingdom," empowering us to bind, loose, forbid, and permit according to God's will. This authority calls us to take an offensive stance, actively confronting and reclaiming ground from the enemy rather than just defending passively.

Yes, and then, all right great to be here. Thank you guys. It's been a long time. Please grab a seat Thank you. It's been a long time since we've been in the promised land, but it's good to be back here Yeah, apparently in the north They need more people need Jesus. So that's probably true But it's great to be here this morning such an honor and privilege Hey, we're gonna turn in our Bibles to Matthew 16 While you're turning there, let me just say is there's times in our journey with God there We just need to be reminded of truths a lot of us You know if you're someone who's very studious. You love the word. We love fresh revelation, don't we? Let's get fresh revelation fresh revelation, but you know Peter actually said, hey, I want to stir up your Remembrance there's some things that we really just need to be reminded of things that we know It's it's not new information to us, but it's actually a truth that we just need to remind ourselves off Okay, so I want to share with you a message today that literally is a message I believe that will stir up your remembrance and of what God has promised to us as his people Are you ready the title of the message is this the gates of hell will not prevail The gates of hell will not prevail That's the truth in the Bible. Jesus himself said it in Matthew chapter 16 that the gates of hell or Hades would not prevail against his church and you know there may be times where we feel the enemy is Prevail we look around and we see you know the shaking that things that are happening Maybe even in our own personal lives it seems that he has the upper hand But I want to remind you that what appears to be the enemy in Surpassing what what God has said for us is actually not that that's not what it is It may look that way it may appear that way, but that's not what it is God ultimately works everything together for our good and no matter how difficult seasons may be no matter how We the trials we go through even how good things are in our lives, you know what ultimately There is a calling for us to actually see the kingdom of God advance and so obviously that's very apostolic I think you would expect me to preach a message. It's apostolic And but I think it's also a message. It's prophetic and so we're gonna jump right in here in Matthew 16 Starting at verse number 13 the words of Jesus Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi asked his disciples saying who to men say that I the son of man am so they said some say John the Baptist some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets and Then he said to them, but who do you say that I am? Simon Peter answered and said you are the Christ the son of the living God Jesus answered said to him blessed are you Simon bargeona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you But my father who is in heaven and I also say to you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades or hell Shall not prevail against it And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven and then verse 20. This is really Important verse and interestingly in the first service. I made that comment that I didn't even touch on it So so I hope the video is is gonna be this service. It'd be better. I'll go there verse 20 Listen this then he commanded his disciples that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ Father, thank you for your word Thank you for the truth of scripture Thank you for who Jesus is and Lord We thank you for what you're doing in this season We praise you Lord for your goodness in our lives and we honor you and we receive From you what it is that you want to impart in us Lord and do through us in Jesus name. Amen All right, so we're talking about the gates of hell or Hades not prevailing powerful promise from the Lord that we all need to be reminded of and the backdrop historically is Actually in a place in Israel today. It's in the northern part of Israel It's literally at the base of Mount Herman actually the spring or or the mouth of the river Jordan starts there And it's an interesting place because as as great as it is. It's beautiful I mean, it's lush. It's green. There's waterfalls as amazing as it is very few Jews devout Jews in particular would never visit there and the reason for that is it's an area that Historically is steeped in idolatry and paganism if you go back and Into history even from the Old Testament time It was known as bale Herman or bale Gad and it served as a high place for the worship of the Canaanite deity Bale, it was a fertility cult notorious for its depraved practices, which included ritual prostitution and even child Sacrifices it was a terrible evil place and the demonic principalities behind bale Actually held sway over the region in snaring an entire generation in a web of spiritual darkness so you fast forward go to the days of the Greeks and it became The place of worship of pan. It was known as pannies Pannies was a half man half goat God that was worshipped by the Greeks and again It was just a place of of immorality a hedonism Etc. It was a terrible place in the days of Jesus It actually had changed even though it was still known as as a place where the Greeks would worship their idols It had changed and it became really the epicenter of emperor worship in fact Herod the Great had built a shrine there to honor Caesar Augustus and literally on on the grottos on the on the cliffs One of the etchings that was there literally said this Regarding Caesar king of kings and lord of lords Son of the most chai god or son of the living god Caesar Was referred to and venerated as deity goes back to the days of Julius Caesar It was a Incredibly dark place and the Jews would never go there because of how wicked and evil of a place it was But yet Jesus Intentionally goes out of his way to make the journey to this place Bringing his disciples with them and he speaks to them there at a place Where it was the epicenter of of idolatry and spiritual darkness and interestingly this place that had a dark Cavern system. I want to show you there's a picture here We're gonna put on the screen this cave itself, which is modern day times is actually known as the gate of Hades They're referred to it as the gate of Hades. They believed it was a passageway into the underworld So Jesus takes his disciples to a place and says hey I want to ask you a question literally at the face of this cave the gate of Hades. He asks his disciples a question Who do men? Say that I am well the popular You know response would have been well Jesus you're known as being a Great prophet you're you're known as being John the Baptist or Elijah or Jeremiah or one of the other prophets And then Jesus of course Recognizing that people had missed the significance of who he really was turns and he asked his disciples that question directly But who do you guys say I am? Who do you say I am? Peter being the spokesman for the group responds and he says you are the Christ the son of the living God you're the Christ the son of the living God really Significant that he recognized two things about Jesus number one the Jesus was a Christ He was the Christos the Messiah in other words. He was Yeshua Hamashiach He was the one who was the Messiah of Israel the one who would rule and reign and deliver Israel from their enemies But Peter had a revelation that went even beyond this. He said you are the son of the most high God You are the son of the living God and that really speaks of an Understanding that very very few people would have had in that day that Jesus was actually The son of God so Peter is is affirming his divine Sonship, he is the one from whom all things were created He is he is literally the king of kings and the Lord of lords, but he is the creator He is so much more than just another God another deity or a powerful ruler He's actually the one that created all things and the only one that is worthy of our honor and our praise and at this point What we recognize is that Jesus was affirming his deity. I am God. I've come down in the flesh I'm here in your midst now Caesar might think that he's the son of God But I'm the true son of God and he said and it's very significant that you understand who I am It's very important because it all starts with the revelation of who I am After Peter responded Jesus looks at him and he said blessed are you? Simon son of Jonah Simon bargeona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you But my father which is in heaven and then he says you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church my ecclesia and the gates of Hades will not prevail against my church There's so much here. Let's just unpack a few things He says Simon Peter you're blessed because you received this by revelation This isn't something that came to you. You know secondhand someone passed this information on to you But it was revealed to you by my father in heaven that I am the Christ I am the son of the living God and because of this Literally, he said you are going to be used by me to do something very significant If you said upon this rock, I will build my church or my ecclesia and the gates of Hades will not prevail Now and you look at this passage there's various interpretations the Catholics have an interpretation You know, this is where they point to say this is where the pope came from and then as even Jellicles and Christians Who who are Pentecostal we have a kind of our own interpretation as well And can I submit to us this morning that I really feel there's an interpretation that's not as commonly known But really is what Jesus was speaking about Because Jesus was saying upon this rock. I will build my church right your Peter You are Petros and literally says upon this rock the bigger rock right it's like the rock of Gibraltar I will build my church so everyone says well. He wasn't referring to Peter He was saying Peter. You're just to chip off the old block but upon this rock I would build my church and Yet interestingly if we look at this and we really study it that Arguably may not be what he was saying at all first of all There's a good chance that they were speaking in Aramaic and not Greek and if they were speaking in Aramaic There's not two different words for rock. There's only one cephas and so he's saying that you are Cephas and upon this rock. I would build my church now. What was he saying? The rock of the revelation of who he was Peter had received a direct revelation from heaven of who Jesus was and Jesus commends him for that He's saying Peter. That's so powerful. That's so critical because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy He wants us to understand that we all need a personal revelation of who he is and Out of that place of understanding who he is then we see the church raised up There is a place of building the ecclesia that we're called to partner with him in doing Think of it this way your Peter and Peter I'm calling you to partner with me based on the revelation that you've received so that my church will be raised up I will build my church upon this rock upon this revelation and the gates of Hades will not prevail There is a revelation that Jesus wants his church to experience back then and today and I'm super excited to see what's happening in the church because even though we we look around and Maybe we see some things that are negative and and and we get disheartened and discouraged because of what's happening I want you to understand that there's so much good happening in the church There's so much good happening in the church because right now We are in a time where the church has really shifted to be holding Jesus to having a fresh revelation of who he is So our worship has gone vertical more than ever before and it's all about encountering him and knowing who he is And I want to tell you that what we're called to do in this hour is to see the kingdom of God advanced We are the ecclesia we are his people and we're called to see his kingdom Advanced and that will come out of the revelation of who he is that Jesus Christ is the hope of glory He's in us. He's in us and the Bible says that he's able to do exceedingly abundantly or immeasurably more than we could ask or think According to the power that works in us. What is that power? Jesus in us the Bible says in Colossians 3 verse 3 That our life is hidden with Christ in God Our life is hidden with Christ in God So out of that place of knowing him and being one with him that place of intimacy and oneness We actually see the life of God released on the earth and he said I'm gonna build my church I will build my ecclesia and the gates of hell will not prevail against it May I remind us of that promise again that no matter what we're going to no matter how things look like in our lives in our churches No matter what things look like in our world with wars and all of the destruction That the Bible says the gates of Hades the powers of the underworld will not prevail That Jesus Christ is literally seeing his kingdom is advancing on the earth today I want to share some good news with you. Do you know that more people are coming into the kingdom of God today than ever before in history In nations and places where we may not understand that typically have been closed nations It's happening some of the greatest outpourings and moves of God's spirit are in nations that historically have been closed to the gospel So the kingdom of God is advancing the kingdom of God is moving And though some of us in western nations that may seem that you know We're dealing with the nuns and the nuns you know the nuns are those that have no religious affiliation and the nuns are those You're like I'm done church. Nope. I don't want anything to do with religion I want to tell you something guys the fact is it's his church It's his bride and even though she may be flawed and even though she may have blemishes at play in places than at times It's still his church and he's building a glorious church And he's committed to see his church be raised up and released his church is a glorious church And his church is expanding and growing and God is doing something fresh Let's get our eyes off of the negative And you know and focus on what he's really doing. Yes, let's not be oblivious. We recognize there's a work There's a purging there's a cleansing work that he's doing in his church 1987 David minor prophesied about two winds two winds one wind would come into the church and it would be a cleansing wind And it would seem that everything that wasn't built on the far right foundation would be shaken and would collapse and would fall But he said but out of that he said you're going to see a raising up a resurrection wind That would bring life and advance the kingdom of God And I want to encourage you that no matter what it is that we go through that God is ultimately about building his church Now, let's look at the word for church church is in english is actually really doesn't do justice to the meaning of the word church in english comes from a German word kirken and kirken and literally But so i'm how i'm irish on one side scottish on the other. I am so keltic Like it's just i'm a warrior. I you know, so And literally okay understand this even the word kirk is scottish leads church Right church kirken german. So that's the idea but in the new test about it's a different word It's ecclesia And ecclesia is actually a different word than was used for synagogue It's it's a word that literally would have resonated with jesus disciples in a way that was unorthodox was unconventional The word literally ecclesia has several different historical contexts Let's look at the greek ecclesia In the greek context or culture an ecclesia referred to a legislative assembly of free citizens gathered to deliberate And make decisions on matters of civic importance It was a body and trusted with the authority to shape the course of the city state and acting policies And rendering judgments that affected every sphere of society well The romans so in the bible days literally in the new testament time The roman ecclesia for the romans and ecclesia was different But it represented an official assembly convened to carry out the decrees of the emperor It was an instrument of imperial power An extension of the rulers authority to every corner of the empire and so when the ecclesia spoke It was as if cesar hidden self had spoken well As if cesar himself had spoken so in the new testament jesus says the church his papal We are the ecclesia Very interesting. What does that mean to us? Well, in light of these cultural and political connotations Jesus choice of words were very significant and very intentional So what jesus is saying is that we're not just a religious gathering We're not just a religious gathering You know, there's a difference between a gathering and an assembly A gathering is people in a room and assemblies people that are joined together Connected by the spirit and ultimately as it says in Ephesians 2 We are being built into a habitation of god by the spirit And was already mentioned that worded that we can see the kingdom of god advance on the earth So the ecclesia literally speaks of a governmental assembly Established by heavens king to manifest his rule on earth as it is in heaven That's who we're called to be Guys when we talk about church flip don't think about the building It's not a building. We know that But don't just think about a gathering Think about governing Think about that. We are a people called on mission And no matter what we think about the church The fact is jesus loves the church He gave his life for the church And he's so committed to the church that he said I will give you the ecclesia the keys of the kingdom of heaven So the the keys of the kingdom of heaven are literally entrusted to the church to the ecclesia Whoa, I think jesus puts some stock in the value And the significance and the weightiness of the church that he said I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will Will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven So jesus in his resurrection, of course conquered the grave and hell And I love this verse revelation 118 he said this I am he who lives and was dead But behold, I'm alive forever more And I have the keys of Hades and death I've been given the keys and keys speak of two things Authority and access authority and access the keys of the kingdom symbolize the authority given to us to execute heavens will on earth and access In the sense that we have access to all the resources of heaven Guys, isn't this amazing? Not only do we have a commission, but we have a storehouse We've been given everything that we need we we not only have a cry There's not only a war cry in the sense that we're to go to battle against the powers of darkness But literally all the weaponry everything that we need the arsenal is available to us Guys, it's so important So what I want us to to just drill down on a little bit more here Is the fact that there has been such a sacred trust that's been given to the church And the way we're going to see the kingdom of god advance The way we're going to see The things that the enemy has shut down and and is literally preventing us from from experiencing and accessing Be unlocked is through a place where we recognize number one who he is And we have a fresh revelation of who he really is Because the bible says in daniel 1132 those that know their god shall be strong Those that know they're god. We have to know our god. We have to know him We have to have a relationship with him where we understand who he is Yes, he is the messiah that he is the son of the living god There's no one that compares to him. There's no greater power. There's no superior ruler He is all and all And nothing else can stop what he wants to do in the state that gave some haties will not prevail See jesus promise Said the gates of haties will not prevail last time I checked. I've never seen someone go into battle with a gate So the gates are stationary gates are defensive The church Has been given access. We've been given keys. We've been given authority to literally plunder the gates of hell To plunder the gates of hell To see what it is that the enemy is doing to try to obstruct god's kingdom advancement removed See he's really clear. He's really clear. He says look i've given you keys And the new american standard puts it this way whatever you bind on her shall have been bound in heaven Whatever you loose on her shall have been loosed in heaven See to bind and loose speak of forbidding by an indisputable authority or permitting by an indisputable authority So the idea that the passive tense here is literally this that what we're called to bind to forbid What we're called to loose to permit must be what he's already forbidden and permitted in heaven Just like john 519 jesus operated from that paradigm the sun can do nothing on himself But whatsoever he sees the father doing so he does this gospel that we've been entrusted with Is literally a message Of seeing his power and his rule and his reign Increase throughout the earth Ultimately, do you know what his goal is the lord's goal In habaka, it says this that the earth would be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea Now it's not going to happen in this life completely When jesus returns the final enemy to be defeated his death all things will be put under his feet We recognize that but many times we use that as an excuse They say oh, you know what? Hey, the world in the world you have tribulation in the world there'll be difficulties Yeah, jesus said that but he said be of good cheer. I've overcome the world See there's a place where we recognize that we are called to overcome We've been given keys Keys to forbid things and keys to permit things And many times we sit back passively and we pray And and we ask god to do it when he said in Psalm 115 16 The heaven even the heavens are the lord's but the earth i've given to this children a man I've entrusted to you the keys of the kingdom You are my ecclesia. You're called to advance my kingdom You're called to legislate righteousness on the earth and to bring kingdom order It's all about bringing change and transformation again. I want to be clear I'm not speaking about a utopia that all the political You know systems and governmental things are overthrown And jesus. No, i'm not saying that i'm saying there is a work of god's spirit that literally brings transformation in people's lives And literally the more people become Submit themselves to the rule and reign of jesus christ and come under his lordship. Guess what will happen? businesses Guess what will happen The economy things will begin to change the one heart at a time one life at a time one person at a time We begin to see transformation in our schools in our homes Hello, have you ever lived in a home where where there's unrest Where where there's division? And and it's just tension that's not fun But when someone comes to the lord and then things change well it makes all the difference And see the gospel of the kingdom is a ruling reigning gospel. It's about bringing change and transformation See jesus indicated that his eccosia was to be more than a religious gathering See we're a governmental assembly an embassy of heaven on earth We're called to bind and loose to forbid and to permit so in order to impact Every spear every area of life and I want to tell you there's times I went through a season where the enemy was just assaulting me every time I turned around something would happen Things would go wrong And one day as I was praying as for this had dragged on for several months Holy spirit spoke to me. He said why are you putting up with this? You need to shut this down And I was I'd been praying and I said lord. Why am I going through this? I was stressed out. I was having a hard time. I even shared that I ended up in the hospital. They said I had a stroke Later on they tested me and said we don't know what happened, but there's absolutely no evidence that you ever had a stroke I'll take that But I was diagnosed with one as having one and I can tell you my face was numb the whole deal My side was numb. So the symptoms were all there and as I was going through that, you know, holy spirit You're saying no, you don't need to put up with this And so I rose up and I I began to speak against this and I began to just say shut it down and say no Satan you're not having your will You're not having your way And I said in Jesus name. This is who I am in Jesus name This is his promise for me and I began to speak that and almost immediately things began to change Almost immediately within in a period of a few days in a few weeks Everything had turned around I had breakthroughs things turned around as I said even healing took place And I can tell you that we are called to be God's people. You know the promise of the lord to abraham in genesis 22 15 to 18 it says the angel of the lord called to abraham a second time out of heaven most likely this was A christophany. This was jesus appearing to him saying by myself I've sworn says the lord because you've done this thing and not withheld your son your only son He offered up Isaac listen to this. He says this He said by blessing I will bless you in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants listen to this And your descendants shall possess the gate on their enemies Your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. We're called to possess gates We're called to step into a place where we are on the offense where we're taking territory I've said this before Many times as churches as god's people we take up space But we're called to take territory We're called to advance his kingdom. Can I challenge you in every area of your life Where the enemy seems to have pulled up a roadblock where the enemy seems to have shot the door on you On god's will god's purpose you have case You've got keys you can unlock you can forbid What god it says no more and you can permit what god says yes, this is my will access denied access gate We can come into alignment with god's word and see this happen in verse 18 As I read this this morning. I really felt the lord said this is an important word for noma It says in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you've obeyed my voice And I just felt like the lord said Encourage my people that I know what i'm doing And I am going to use this church to be a blessing to the nations of the earth That no matter what the enemy wants to do No matter what it is that that he's trying to do all over the world God has a purpose and that purpose is to see his ecclesia Advance and on the revelation of who jesus is Guys what I feel so strongly and we're living in a time and we're living in a season Where god is actually calling us to a place of really understanding who he is Having a revelation and countering him afresh so that who he is Becomes who we know him as That will change everything in our lives if we see him Just as the god as the one who died on the cross to forgive our sins and it stops there If we we look to him as as the one who who you know assures us that we have eternal life when we die If that's all we see him as Then we're hindering what it is that he wants to do Say we can look at this and we can say my eyes pretty good I'm doing all right. But the question is are we experiencing the fullness of god's purpose and will for our lives They say well, nothing bad is happening right now in my life. Praise god Trust me it will You'll go through something you'll have a bad day, right? Just maybe a bad hair day. I don't know but you have it by day but ultimately this is what will happen we recognize who he is And we see that he's a good god and that he wants to bring us into so much more So much more of who he is an understanding who who jesus is so his church his church He said I will Build my church My ecclesia the gates of haties will not prevail And it's upon that rock that revelation of who jesus is And as we begin to live in that revelation of really knowing him Then we begin to see the church the true and proper ecclesia emerge Can I say to us that no matter what how great how glorious We may be experiencing god's presence that this is happening all over the world, but he's still building his church Not only in the sense that more people are coming into the church and more churches are being planted, but he's renovating the church That means he's he's expanding our capacity. He's teaching us more things about who he is He's preparing us to do greater things He's building his church his ecclesia so that we will have greater influence And i'm so excited about the day that we're living in guys Let's be reminded to stand to our feet Let's be reminded The gates of hell Will not prevail against his church no matter what it is That you have gone through maybe you're going through a difficult trying time right now No matter what's happening in your life and people we all go through Seasons and sometimes it can be just terrible and devastating what we experience But I want you to know that as god's people As we come together as we rally together and we begin to cover one another We begin to step into that place where we begin to take authority Over what it is the enemy's doing and we begin to pray and release What it is that Jesus wants to do it's going to bring change in our families Change in our personal lives Change in our businesses Change in ministries and churches. It's going to bring transformation the gates of Hades The gates of Hades were called to storm The gates of Hades were called to take territory To see transformation take place on earth As it is in heaven So many people Are about to come into the kingdom I'm telling you this work That Jesus is doing in terms of him renovating and renewing Is a work that's preparing us for a greater outpouring A harvest And there's no condemnation None of us Should feel that we're exempt Or that we're superior God loves every one of his children And he's committed to doing a work in our lives Preparing us renewing us refining us restoring us I've been through the fire many times Throughout the years And I can tell you even there's times when Even recently I've just felt like wow i'm in the fire again You know malachi three says he will be like a refiner's fire Right a purifier of silver and gold Why? Says that they may offer once again an offering of righteousness to the Lord That out of that place of refining you see When they would test to see if the gold was refined they Literally what was the determining factor was this one They'd look into the pot where the gold had been liquid and what they would see The smelter would see his own reflection When he saw his own reflection clearly he knew that the refining process Had been accomplished He's not good Hey He's doing a work in all of our lives. Let's not run From what Jesus is wanting to do in us Let's submit Let's behold him Let's find out who he really is Let's tap into a deeper revelation Of who he really is guys If we would just truly get it Who he is right I said in the first service there's a scripture In Psalms it says magnify the lord Wow How do you make god any bigger like You know, I mean god How do you enlarge the lord? What's our perspective of him that needs to be enlarged Our experience of him that needs to be enlarged In Canada we have proper mountains I know Australia's got some hills We have proper mountains And When you're driving through the rocky mountains And you look from afar You see these mouth peaks And someone says hey that one there is like 3,000 meters higher than the rest But they all look the same But as you draw closer and you come near Then you go whoa That is massive That's massive And You look at it, you know, well, that's like 5,000 meters And and it's massive And it isn't until you draw near that you really understand How large those mouths are And the same is true with jesus It may seem that the enemies big It may seem your problems are big I know it's cliche and we say Stop talking to god about how big your problems And then start talking to your problems about how big your god is It's still true It's still true God wants us to to recognize who he is Guys, if we would just behold him for who he is How powerful he is It's no one like No one compares The enemy cannot stop the advancement of god's kingdom The gates of hell will not prevail We're living in the most exciting day Where we're going to see more and more people come into the kingdom We're going to see more churches planted More cities saved More political leaders come into the kingdom Do you see what's going on in El Salvador? I mean in a few weeks it went from one of the most deadliest places in the world To one of the safest places in the world And the president is a born against Spiritfield Christian Crazy Crazy They asked him How did this happen? Like 70,000 gang members were locked up in a few days They tried to kill all the soldiers In a few days How did this happen? And the president says God that's America There's no natural explanation for it. They prayed they fasted So much corruption tried to stop them Tried to shut it down But God prevailed Crazy What God can do What God can do if you're here this morning on a prayer meal You're here and you need a miracle You say it looks like the enemy's prevailed Maybe you give a sickness That's been debilitating you stomping it for a long time Maybe You have relationships in your family child. Maybe that's Young person that's turned away from the Lord addiction Maybe there's Something happening in your marriage. It's just really The enemies got in there and you're just concerned. I want I want to encourage you this morning. It's time for us To go after the joke. Can we do that? In the spirit In the spirit, let's go after Let's go after what God says is our inheritance is ours. We will possess the gates of the enemy We're going to call to possess the gates of the enemy. Your your future Is brought The promises of God are true Don't sit back And just resign yourself What is it that God says in his word? Hear from heaven Hear from heaven Speak forth his will for your life for your family for your business If your business is struggling this morning, I can tell you I've seen so many miracles in businesses If your business is struggling You're just like, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I've tried everything guys But I tell you Jesus can turn around like God I was when an I were in Trinidad It's an island in the Caribbean And There's a young man That came forward And I was in response to a word of knowledge. I said someone to hear your business has been struggling. I feel all these spiritualness Your business has been struggling On the side God is going to do something supernatural this week He came forward and he told me you know what he said. It's very interesting that you said that because I prayed He said I turned away from the Lord. I was raised in a Christian home mom's Christian dad's another religion But I just came back to church tonight for the first time in years And he said and I put some money in the offering. He said get my faith He did he said I did it by faith And I said god, I'm sowing into the miracle of breakthrough. You know, sometimes we can say no now. No, that's not right. God No, he did it in a faith He did it to honor the Lord And guess what happened? He went To his business. I believe it was the next day And He came back at night and he said pastor Glenn. He said I want to tell you something happened today I said what happened. He said I made more money today than one day that I had done in six months Coincidence Okay It doesn't stop there. I don't know what it is about God, but he's into giving us double for our trouble It's in the scripture by the way um So the next day he goes back to his work and the next day he literally Doubles when he made the day before He didn't Do anything in higher and simple, you know, social media Person or whatever he didn't do anything marketing guru. No, he didn't do anything Who's gone? I'll tell you don't come turn things on. We're gonna pray over some stuff this morning. Are you good without? Are you good with that? Six people are good with that. That's great. Okay for the sake of everybody else Are you good with saying a miracle today? Come on. Do you need healing? Do you need salvation of a loved one? Do you need to see turnaround? Healing in a family? Come on, whatever it is Come on, we're gonna pray and we're gonna believe We're gonna believe and we're gonna come into agreement So if you're here and you just say I need a miracle I need a breakthrough that I am no longer going to allow the enemy to seemingly prevail I stand on the word the gates of hell will not prevail if that's you I want to invite you to come to the front We're gonna pray with you. We're gonna pray with you for a miracle We're gonna pray We're gonna come into agreement if you need america just come come come Quickly come quickly Come on. We're bringing back the supernatural God wants to restore the supernatural to his people again miracles supernatural breakthrough Yeah, he's a god of the miraculous He's a god of breakthrough He's a god of plenty Come on. They're just right now. Let's begin to turn your eyes upon Jesus first thing This is about him Who do you say he is this morning? If you're struggling, he's Jehovah gyro If you're sick, he's Jehovah rep. No matter what it is you have need of this morning Just begin to declare who he is If you feel lonely, he's Jehovah Shama. He's your peace He's a god that's present. He's with you. No matter what it is that you're going to he's with you He's with you today. He's with you guys. No matter what is happening No matter what is happening. Jesus said I will build my church You're part of that ecclesia You're part of that in the sense that we're called to not just be a people that gather But a people that govern a people that see miracles a people that experience breakthrough A people that see things turn around come on. Let's just begin to praise him Let's begin to worship him now begin to thank him just begin to thank him say thank you lord Thank him for the miracle. Thank him for the breakthrough Thank him for you deliverance. Whatever it is you have need of this morning. Thank him and jesus And coming into praying the spirit Begin to call it out begin to declare it Begin to declare it in jesus name I lose the blessing of god I lose favor upon your life I shut down the enemy And his fiery darts and his attacks. He's the one who makes wars to cease He's the one We stop. We we shut down. We say access denied The theme comes to steel kill and destroy but we say no more Jesus is calm. She might have live life more abundantly. Come on. We get to praise him Come on guys Really pressing do it right now. We didn't do it right now begin to praise him To get to praise him right now miracles miracles Miracles right now blood pressures being healed right now Blood pressures being healed right now in jesus night Supernatural things are happening right now receive your healing. We take authority overall sickness and disease We say in jesus name no more In jesus name be healed In jesus name be healed Receive that right now Bringing in the years right now is going It's going right now In jesus name It's going right now in jesus time People that are struggling to sleep at night Really, I mean this is a path In jesus name we speak peace jesus name we speak peace There's some of you who have been looking for a job and seemingly no door is opening for you On a declared jesus name. That's about to change That's about to change This week next week that's about to change We come into agreement. We come into agreement. We declare it in jesus name We find what the enemy is doing. We shut him down We bind his activity And we lose the favor of god We lose the blessing of god Let it come in like a flood Let it come in in jesus name In jesus name come on his presence is here his presence is here his glory is here this morning He's here jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus You're good lord You're good lord Break through Healy Restoration recovery in jesus name Thank you jesus yellow Thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]