Kingdom Community TV Podcast

God Cured Him of HIV - Part 2

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01 Jul 2024
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In the next few weeks, we are going to discuss the "prescriptions" Jesus, The Great Physician, prescribed to Mr. Orlando that led to his complete healing of an incurable virus.

(upbeat music) James 2, 14 to 26, actually, let's read 14 to 17. What good is it, your brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith, but don't show it by your actions and our actions, right, we showcase our faith in God by acting according to his will and doing what the word says, right? So if you're sick and the Bible says by his drives you heal and you believe that, right? But the Bible also says to confess your sins to one another that you may heal. So if you are saying that you have faith in God but you're not going to confess your sins, you're basically saying that that verse is a lie. I don't need to confess my sins to be healed, right? But by doing that, by confessing your sins and turning away and repenting of your sins, right? Jesus forgiving us of our sins is my healing. We're going to confess your sins, repent, turn around and live God's way, that is an act of faith. You can't say I have faith in God's, I believe, well demons believe, but they're not saved and we're not going to heaven, they're not blessed by God, right? So being a child of God in faith means you are going to obey the word of God. That is a demonstration of your faith. It's to actually live like you believe the word of God is truth by living according to it, right? So what good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions, can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who had no food or clothing and you say goodbye and have a good day, stay warm and eat well, but then you don't give that person any food or clothing, what good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't good enough unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. So the 10 year journey that I went with Orlando, he was, you know, he believed in God basically since our life, but it wasn't until recently that he really started to live according to God's word and that was one of his prescriptions, is to leave the old lifestyle behind and to live according to the world of God. That is what faith looks like. It's not just I have faith in God, I'm going to church every Sunday, but I'm gonna live my way. Having faith in you actually take God's word seriously enough to live according to it. So we said earlier that God's ways are higher than our ways, right, as high as the heavens are about the earth or God's ways, higher, right? But how does the world see God's ways in his wisdom, right? How does the world measure God's wisdom? So verse 18, the message of the cross is foolishness, right? So we just said that on the cross, right, Jesus forgave our sins, right? And I think it was Matthew that we found out that him, Jesus dying on the cross, he forgave us of our sins and our sicknesses were removed when he died on the cross. Now, if you say that to a regular person or a doctor, you're gonna look at you like you're crazy. Like how does a dead man on the cross take away sicknesses? That's not normal, well, we don't believe that. That doesn't make sense, right? So to the world, it's foolishness, right? God's wisdom is foolishness to man. But what God showed me is that most Christians have more faith in doctors who have no wisdom according to God's definition of wisdom, which is founded on fear of the Lord, right? So the book of Proverbs, the book of wisdom says that fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, understanding and wisdom comes from, if you don't fear God, you can't have wisdom by God's definition and his definition is only definition that matters, right? So medicine in this world is not founded on the fear of the Lord. So can we call the way we practice medicine wisdom, right? Why is medicine changing so often? Like one day coffee's bad for you, now it's good for you. Maybe it's bad again, we don't know, right? So the things that used to be good, like fluoride for your teeth, it's good one day it's bad now, we don't know, right? So if we had wisdom, why is medicine changing so often? Right, the things that used to be good, now are bad. And is it okay to drink wine? Is it good for your heart? It means red wine, we don't know, right? So science is always changing, but the truth can't change, if it's the truth now, it should be the truth, thousands of years from now, right? So if God is saying that Jesus' death on the cross is when my sickness was removed, why do I need a doctor to give me prescriptions for disease that was removed on the cross, right? So by putting our faith in a doctor, God showed me that that's not an act of faith. And most Christians would first go to a physician for a problem before they go to the God. And it's only when the doctor would have no answers, right? If you have an incurable disease that's life or death, and there's no cure, that's when Christians desperately go to God, right? But if you really believe that your sickness is when removed when Jesus died on the cross, would shout, was that was crazy? Yes, it sounds insane, but do you really believe that? And if you do, why do you need a doctor to write a prescription? That's the question, right? So the wisdom of God says the message of the cross, which we found out that's where our diseases were removed, that the message is foolish to those who are headed for destruction, but we who are being saved, it is the very power of God, right? As the scriptures say, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent. So where does that leave the philosophers, the scholars, the world's brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. Since God and his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe, right? I'm going to skip down to 26. And it says, remember your brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes, were powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considered foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things that despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God, right? So if I tell a patient or anybody really, whether you're a believer or not, most Christians will not understand what I'm talking about. You were here when Jesus died on the cross for your sins, that's where your diseases were removed. Even Christians don't want to believe that. That's why we go to doctors. That's why we need doctors because we don't believe what God says, right? So it's a very sobering thought to know that Christians don't have faith. That's hard to say, but it's the truth that God showed me. If these verses are true, no Christians should be at a doctor's office, right? So we're at church, yay, yay, I believe in Jesus, but Monday morning clinics all over the world are filled with Christians in the waiting. We're waiting for a human doctor that the Bible says their wisdom is foolishness, but we put our lives and our health in the hands of foolish men, right? Human wisdom is foolishness to God, right? 'Cause it doesn't make any sense that my sins were forgiven on the cross and that's why I shouldn't be sick today. No, I'm sick. I need a doctor to give you medication. That's wisdom and God calls that foolishness. It is foolishness to put your faith in a human who has no wisdom because medicine is not based on fear of those who have no wisdom in the medical community, but we would rather put our faith in the hands of foolish people who are practicing medicine outside of the wisdom of God and call that medicine. And the medicine only comes from God. He is the physician. (paper rustling) Let's move on to Ephesians 3. Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified, every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. Ephesians 3, verse 10 says God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom, right? And we found out just recently now that wisdom comes from the message of the cross, which sounds foolish to the world, right? So let's continue, it says God's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers enough for what is which we know are demonic principalities that govern this earth, right? Unseen wars and authorities, unseen meaning they're spiritual, they're not physical form, right? This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus. So the purpose of God is to display his wisdom, which is the message of the cross. So we know that on the cross, we already read, that on the cross, Jesus died and removed our sicknesses, he defeated the powers and authorities of the unseen world which are the demonic princes, the demonic spirits, right? And God's purpose is to use us, the body of Christ to demonstrate the wisdom of the cross to the demonic world, to demonic principalities, the powers. So if we really believe that Jesus died on the cross and my sin were forgiven, right? If I confess my sin and I repent of my sin that I heal, which looks foolish to the world but the demonic princes, it is very power, the very power and wisdom of God is that message, right? I'd use you as an example to showcase his wisdom, right? And his power by believing in something that makes no sense to the rest of the world, right? So the world says there's no cure for HIV. So it's foolish to think that HIV was conquered when Jesus died on the cross, he arose again on the third day, he defeated the demonic spirit of HIV including other diseases, right? So God is saying, I wanna use the church to display that wisdom. Can God use you and your store and your testimony to showcase Satan's defeat on the cross, right? So every other HIV positive Christian is taking medication for the rest of their life and you as a believer saying, God healed my HIV, why? Because he died on the cross, he forgave me of my sin and removed HIV when he died over 2,000 years ago. That is a message that makes no sense to the world, right? But God said I will use what the world considers foolish to shame those who think they're wise and we doctors think we're wise, but you don't have fear of God, you don't have wisdom, right? So we manage HIV with toxic medications that have side effects that can cause other problems, which I didn't get to, but any medication you give a patient there's potential for side effects, but God said I already healed you of this disease over 2,000 years ago when I removed that HIV on the cross when your sins were forgiven. That doesn't make any sense. That's exactly the point. It makes God makes no sense because his ways are higher way above the way we think as human beings and your job as a Christian is to demonstrate that to the demonic principalities that you were defeated when my sin was forgiven. That is a message that makes no sense, but that is the truth. First Corinthians three, 18 to 20. Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you're wise by this world's standards you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God as the scriptures say that he traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness. And again, the Lord knows the thoughts of the wine and he knows they are worthless, right? So doctors are highly esteemed as the experts in managing medical conditions, right? So when a person including Christians sick the first thought is I need to find a doctor. That's the first thought in most Christians mind is they need a doctor, a human person who has no wisdom according to God's definition of wisdom, right? But that is the first thought. When you have a mind going, the first thing is let me go into that cabinet and get talent all, right? So why do we do that, right? Why do we do that? So a person in a lab somewhere came up with talent all but we're gonna pray to confess our sins, rebuke that spirit, no, I'm gonna go to that cabinet and get my talent all. That was designed by human beings who has no wisdom according to God's definition, right? So scientists and philosophers and physicians, right? Or highly regarded as the wisest people when it comes to medical conditions, right? But God says, no, their thoughts, their ways or wisdom is worthless, it's trash, it's garbage, right? So it took years, over 20 years of studying medicine and practicing medicine, forgot to show me, everything you're doing is worthless, it's trash. So when I meet a Christian who has a faith in God who has faith in God, I have to tell him, like God kills you and very few Christians actually believe that, unfortunately. So we go to church, yeah, we have faith in Jesus but on Monday morning, you're at that office waiting for your prescription, waiting to see that doctor 'cause you're putting your faith in God's hands 'cause you're putting your faith in the doctor's hands over God, right? It's a very hard lesson to swallow, right? Because it's so natural, if I'm sick, I need to go to a doctor, right? But God is saying that their expertise is worthless. Let's take a pill. But God said, I healed you already, why take a pill, why? Let's go to Jeremiah 17. So what is the consequence of putting our faith in people over God? This is what the Lord says, cursed are those who put their trust in near humans who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness in an uninhabited, salty land. But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a river bank with roots that reach deep into the water, such trees are not bothered by the heat or worry about long months of drought. They're at least a green and they never stop producing fruit. The important part is to know that when you put your faith in a human being, which God says whose wisdom is foolishness and worthless, you are under a curse, right? So we learned earlier on, I believe it was Exodus 15, I believe, where God says, I am the one who heals, but I heal people who hear me and obey. That is a prescription from God, the great physician whose expertise is above all human physicians, right? His wisdom is the highest, although it sounds foolish to the world, but it's the very power, the message of the cross is the very power, right? And wisdom of God. And the cross, Jesus, is the word of God. That is our prescription. That is our prescription. But when you put your faith in humans, right? It says, cursed are you, who puts your trust in mere humans, near, they're just humans, mere humans, right? Doctors, right? Medications made by human scientists, right? We'll rely on human strength and turn the horse away from the Lord, right? So it's important to know that we see it as a normal occurrence. I think I'm sick, I'm gonna go to a doctor, that's normal. But God doesn't see it that way. You're putting your faith and your life in the hands of mere humans, and that in and of itself is enough for some people to be under a curse, right? And so let's really dive into this and really understand how does God see the way we manage medical condition? Is it okay with God? 'Cause we think, oh, you know, I was gonna take a prescription, I'm gonna go to my doctor, I have this disease and that disease, I have all these prescriptions. Let's just find out, you know, does God say that that's okay, right? So millions of slaves, millions of people with slaves that God brought out of Egypt, right? And that one doctor was described, millions of people, 40 years. I don't remember seeing a physician healing anyone, right? That's important, right? To all these age categories of people walking in a wilderness for 40 years, and that one of them needed a doctor. He said, "I don't know who heals you. If you listen, if you listen to me and obey me, I don't know who heals. Is it possible that some Christians are sick as they don't listen to God?" That's heartbreaking, right? Some of you are gonna shut me down real quick and I understand that, but I don't mind that. When I don't listen to God, I don't do well. (laughs) When I don't listen to God, I can feel it. Like some things that okay with here, right? But when I obey, I repent, right? I take no prescription medications. Not that I'm a physician and I don't take prescription medications. That's very awkward to say 'cause all I do is prescribe medications, all data, other people. I don't take prescriptions. 'Cause when I'm sick, I know I need to repent for something before I rebuke that spirit. But it's God who heals. He is my physician. And I put my faith in nothing and no one else. Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. So now let's look at an example of a person who went to God for healing and someone who went to a doctor and what the results were. It's very interesting. The Bible is such an amazing book. I wish more people would read it, really. Christians who don't read the Bible, I can't say enough. So let's go to the second Chronicle 16 verse 12. I'm gonna go to first, let's see. I'm going to read verse eight. So King Asa was a man of God who had a lot of victory in battles because he trusted God, like David. David won every battle, why? Because he would go to God. And that's true for sicknesses, but we're talking about wars now. David went to God with every battle and it doesn't matter how huge the enemies were, he won every time, every battle. That's not normal, right? For somebody who, even when he had a small army, it doesn't matter what the size of his army or the size of the enemy's army, as long as God was on David's side, he had to win 'cause God can't lose, right? So King Asa had a similar experience with God. Let's read verse eight, Second Chronicle 16. It says, "Don't you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and the Libyans in their vast army with all of their chariots and chara tears? At that time, you relied on the Lord and he handed them over to you." Right? I'm gonna read nine also. It says, "The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." Right? And so Asa had a great experience with God in that God gave him victory whenever he relied on God. But for some reason, towards the end of his reign, he turned away from God. Right? And we're gonna look at that. What was the consequence? Right? So we saw, I think it was in Jeremiah 17 that said, "You are under a curse when you put your faith in mere humans." Just, they're just humans. Why are you putting your faith in them? Mere needs like that worth much, right? So he had been very successful in battles with God, but all of a sudden he's turning away from God. And then in verse 12, it says, "In the 39th year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease, yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord's help, but turned only to his physicians." So he died in the 41st year of his reign. Right? It says, "So, because of that." So powerful, baro kahaya. Interesting, right? So when Christians are sick and they run to doctors, is that God's will, right? So it says, "Because of his seeking only after his physicians not God, he died." Interesting, interesting, right? He developed a serious foot disease, yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord's help, but turned only to his physicians, so he died. Let it say it on that for a second. That's very interesting. So God is the same God because he's perfect. We can't change perfection because otherwise it's no longer perfect. Is it possible that some Christians died of diseases because they turned to their physicians only and not God? Think about that. When a Christian is sick, you think of God or I need to find a doctor. Think about that in your life. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Are you ready to step into your calling and destroy fear, worry, doubt, and anxiety? In our Victory God's Glory, author Pamela Noel describes the stop and do nothing else principle that was used by some of the most powerful people in scripture, including David, Moses, Peter, and Daniel. This You Can't Help Yourself book reveals that success in every area of your life lies in one name. Our Victory God's Glory was written to support Haiti's elite medical team, a Haitian American-owned not-for-profit organization that provides healthcare services to the poor in Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this book will help support our efforts. The ultimate goal is to build a hospital and provide much-needed medical care services, currently unavailable to those with limited access to quality healthcare. Available at Amazon, your local bookstore, or at