Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Life of Victory

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28 Jun 2024
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In this episode of Jesus Can we explore the importance of living as an overcomer in 5 different spheres, Spiritually, mentally, economically, relationaly and Governmental sphere. If you need prayers or counseling, you can contact us through an email address or WhatsApp us on +27729110805. for further information check

(upbeat music) - Are you weary and heartbroken? Do you need healing and deliverance? Welcome to the program, Jesus Can with your host, Dr. Bongyu. Our mission is to help you step by step live a victorious life in Christ. Enjoy today's program. (upbeat music) We are reading from the book of 1 John chapter 5, verse 4. For whatsoever is born of God, overcome it the world. And this is the victory that overcome it the world even our faith. Heaven's Father, we thank you for the reading of your word. We thank you Lord, that you are God. You are God in all the spheres. Heaven's Father even now is we're going to share the word. We pray that Father God be God. Reveal yourself, be God. Lord, reveal yourself to your children. Touch them accordingly. We know that you don't fail. You are too faithful to fail us. Too faithful to forsake us. We give you praise, we give you honor in the mighty name of Jesus, amen. Today we are talking about the life of victory. Life of victory. We have just read that whatsoever is born of God, overcome it the world. So now this tells us that because we are born of God, we are overcome us. All the things that we meet in the world already, we overcame, not by our might, not by our strength, not by our power, but by his spirit, he make us overcome us. Maybe you may see that I don't feel like an over-comer. All the things don't suggest that I'm an over-comer. My finances don't suggest that I'm an over-comer. My relationship doesn't suggest that I'm an over-comer. My business, my workplace, my children, my spirit doesn't suggest that I'm an over-comer, but now I want to tell you that what is said by the way that we believe what the weight says is not what we see, not what we feel, not what we hear, not what we touch, but we believe what is in the weight. So the weight says if we are born of God, you are an over-comer, despite of what is happening in your life, but God says you are an over-comer. And when God speaks, that's serious because God is the Holy God and the true God. So what matters is that who says those weights, because who say those weights is the one who's a covenant-keeping God, is the one who stands in his weight. So now when he speaks something, it means it's dead and nothing else and nothing more. So now we can understand that God has placed us in a situation where we are over-comers. That's why in that John chapter two, verse one, he said, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper, be in health, even as thy soul prosper it." So now we get an idea that we have to prosper in all the spheres. We have to prosper general, we have to prosper in our health, we have to prosper even in our soul and our soul, include our minds, our wishes, our emotions, our desires. So that's where God in all these spheres where he wants us to prosper. So shortly I want us to dwell on aspects where we should prosper, because now the way of God tells us that we should prosper in general, not only financially, but he wants us to prosper spiritually, mentally, economically, relationally and governmentally. And so I'm going to talk about these five aspects that how can we be conquerors that God has made us to be? Because now it's something that we have. It's just that sometimes we don't notice that we have. It's just like someone who's looking maybe for a pen and who only to find that maybe the pen is just on the ear or is looking for a head and while he's wearing that head, but it doesn't recognize that the head is already on the head. So even ourselves, these things that I'm talking about are already within us, but it's just a matter of understanding, heaven understanding of what God has done for us and be able to live that victorious life that God wants it from us. I will start with spiritual like over karma. If like I may say that spiritually, if you have overcome spiritually, all these other aspects, actually it will be easier to conquer on them because now everything starts in the spirit. So if you have conquered in the spirit, you'll be able to conquer in the physical. Now spiritual, a prosperity or spiritual, to be a spiritual giant, to be an over karma in the spirit, there are things that you have to follow. You have to know about God. You have to have a revelation about God. You have to have consciousness about his presence. You also need to be consecrated in that way you will be able to walk like successfully the root of being a spiritual giant. Like a revelation of Christ knowing God as the Bible tells us that those who know they are God shall do greater exploits. So it tells us that if we know God, then we'll be overcome us because now we'll be able to do greater exploits. And now being conscious of his presence every time know that he's around us, he surrounds us as a shield. Wherever you are going, whatever you are facing, he is there even now. I don't know what are you facing today. I don't know what has challenged you today. I don't know which trials like are you going through? I don't know what broke your heart. I don't know that what is it that depresses you? What is it that worries you? What is it that stresses you today? But I want you to have the consciousness of knowing that you are surrounded. Of knowing that you are surrounded by favor, you are surrounded by victory. The shield is around you because the whole spirit has promised that he will never leave you nor forsake you. So even today, no matter what you are feeling, he is still with you. You are still the overcomer despite of what you are feeling. But the word sees you are an overcomer and we believe what the word says and that settles it. And also spiritually, to be a giant, you will need consecration. God already has set us apart because he says in his word that we are in this world but we are not of this world. So already there is a segregation there, there is a separation that yes, when we are in this world, we are all like in this world but there is a remnant. There are people who are not of this world. So there is that separation, there is that setting apart. So we should leave it, know that you are chosen, know that you have been set apart, live and consecrated life. Now to like a manifest, this a concurring power, this overcoming power that is within you spiritually, you will need to obey the word. Firstly obey the word because when you obey the word, your mind is being renewed. So you can prosper in your soul as the word says that he wished that you may prosper also in your soul. So their mind can be renewed because the soul we said it will include your mind, it will include your wishes, your desires, your emotions. So now as you obey the word, as Romans 12 says that we should not conform but we should be transformers. So in that way as we are dwelling on the weight, our minds are being renewed. So as our minds are being renewed, it's where we become overcome us or it's where like we can walk the walk of victory that God has planned for us. Secondly, in James chapter one verse five, the Bible tells us that we have that right, we have that favor of asking for wisdom. So we can ask for wisdom. He says when you lack wisdom, if there's something you don't know what to do, how to go about it, you can simply ask wisdom from God. God will answer you because he's a God who answers, he's a God whose life is closer than you think, he is closer than your breath. He is closer than we seem like to just think of him as a God who's far above there in heaven but he is within you through the Holy Spirit. So he's so close. It's just for you to have that consciousness of knowing that he's with you, you can talk to him, you can ask him and he will give you that wisdom. Thirdly, the fear of the Lord. Proverbs nine verse 10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So now there are many beginnings of things but it's so crucial that the beginning should be on the wisdom side. And when the beginning is one being wise, it has to start with God. It has to start with the fear of God. Sometimes people will think that we can make it, maybe they are small victories that we have made when we haven't met Christ and then now we just believe that no, but it's doable without Christ but we don't understand that even what we think that is doable, it's only God, it's only his messy and grace but we need all of us to be born of God so that we can be true of our comers for us to be true of our comers, we need to be born of God because the true victory comes from God. Thirdly, we should study because the Bible tells us so second Timothy chapter two verse 15 that we should study so that we can like a, prove ourselves like acceptable and it's important that we can like have the knowledge. It's not nice that everything, yourself, we don't know. They ask this, you don't know. They ask that, you don't know. So global knowledge is so important. So studying is not only studying maybe your line of like occupation or whatever maybe a specializing with and then now dwelling only on that. We need to globally to know things because we should know that we are the light, we are the salt and now we also have to be relevant. We shouldn't be saying that no, we have God and then we don't need like to study. The Bible itself tells us that we should study for us to be relevant to people we should study. And now a fifthly, we have like to develop mental mind by meditation. So to develop our mental mind so that we can be mentally like overcomers, like so that in our minds we can overcome meditation. If we meditate on the weight as Joshua one verse eight is saying that let this weight not depart from your mouth. So but now you meditate and also you speak it, you declare it. So now I've talked about the spiritual power. I've talked about mental power and now I am talking about economical power. Because as much like we don't want to talk about the finances as much as maybe the finances like seem like controversial. Maybe when you are past an hour and you talk about finances maybe people think that you love money but it's not so. It's a principle of God. It's a way that also God wants us to talk about these things. I don't say now the whole year it should be about money, bring money given nobody a principle. It's a principle. So we have to also grasp and get that principle so that economically we can prosper. Because everything works with principles in the Bible, we have prophecies, we have promises and we also have principles and make no mistake. What is a principle is a principle? You cannot like change it for a prophecy. You cannot change it for a promise. So like economical finances, it's a principle like it has a covenant principle of silly, you reap just as you sow. That's why like if you sow sparingly, you reap sparingly. Bountifully, you also reap bountifully because it's a principle. So now economic power how to achieve economical power. That's why you will find people who don't believe, people who don't have like a who are not born of God but still prospering because they are using the principle although they are not attached to the person who has given the principle but now they know how to follow the principle they know in their own way how to sow and also reap because there is universal law of prosperity. From the universal law of prosperity, we know that when there's a gift, when God has given you a gift, you can like a practice that gift and it can prosper you. And also if you market that gift that can also prosper you. And also let's say there is an inheritance maybe from your dad or your granddad that will also prosper you. Good investment can prosper you. And also if you can produce something, be able maybe to produce something God has given us natural things days, amarula days or live people are like producing many things cosmetics out of that they are producing some ointment out of it. So like it's like up to a person like to be able to give something so that they can gain something. So they sow so that they can rip but that's a universal prosperity law. So but we have kingdom like a prosperity laws pre-kingdom prosperity laws they like supersede their universal prosperity laws but it doesn't mean that the universal prosperity law doesn't work. It works but when you are like in the kingdom now you have an advantage of using their kingdom principles because their kingdom principles we first seek the kingdom. Matthew six, festity tree tells us that we should seek the kingdom we should face the priority there. It's more about the priority that our priority should be in the right place like we should seek the kingdom and then all these other things will now fall into place. Economically we'll be fine. A wisdom will be wise like even like in our spiritual and also like governmental and relational but that will take us to seek his kingdom fest. That's why if we have like sought his kingdom then for us it's just to depend on God because God make no mistake. He is so concerned about your victory. So God will be even the one who tells you things to say do this, do that. I remember the other time God told me to start a business. I didn't know what like to do like that because I was just like being used channel that I'm a doctor, I mean, I'm a scientist and that was it and for me that was enough but now when he told me to start a business it was a challenge for me because it wasn't a line that like we used to but I had to go back to him after actually he has even told me because I was busy asking people what business do you think I can start and people were saying we don't know what business can you do? It took God to tell me that why don't you ask me? And indeed I asked him and he gave me the business that I should start. So what am I saying? I'm saying kingdom prosperity is real and it needs us to tap on it. Secondly, in the kingdom, you will need to be impactful. You will need to have an impact. For you to prosper, there should be an impact that you are bringing because look at Jesus, the life of Jesus. Jesus, we read that there are women like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susan, they gave their substance. They didn't give their leftovers, they gave their substance. So they gave something of Velupa to look why did they support the ministry? They supported the minister of Jesus because they saw impact. Remember Mary Magdalene, the Bible tells us that Jesus cast some demons out of hair. So now she remembered that I was bound. I was once bound, but now I am free. So this Jesus is real. This Jesus need to be supported so that he can be able to even touch other lives. So now Jesus made an impact. So demons were cast out, spirit of infinity was cast out. So that's why these ladies saw it fit to support this minister of Jesus. So that's why we also need to be impactful. We need to be relevant to the society. Sadly, for us to prosper economically, we'll need to be faithful stewards. Fadeful stewards learn to account for every rent or every dollar, learn to account it. Even if it's not for God, but for yourself, learn to know that, okay, this was for leisure, this was in that way, it teaches you to know their principle that God wants of being able to know everything that how, the compartments, that way you have put in all what he has given unto you being a good steward. Because look at Jesus himself when he was feeding the multitudes. After they have finished eating, now he said, like, collect all the fragments. And listen here, he doesn't say collect all the loaves or collect all the fish that is there. No, he sees all the fragments. So in other words, if someone maybe was eating some loaf of bread and left some pieces, he says, bring back those left fragments. So yes, in this way, it shows us that he's a God of abundance, he's a God like who can over provide people who eat and even there will be what is left. But also there is accountability to see what is left has been collected. We are not told what did he do with the fragments, but they felt of saying their fragments, let them be collected, let them not be just lying and scattered, they let them be collected. So let's learn also to collect their fragments. Sometimes we feel as if when we collect their fragments, maybe we are too, maybe stingy or what, but it's okay. There is a difference between stingy and being a faithful steward. So now being a faithful steward, it's when you are accountable. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't have like a money to have fun, to have like a pleasure, no. You can have that, but learn to be disciplined, learn to know which money goes to what, which finances goes to what, especially for the things of God, just know that your tithe belongs to God. And the rest 90% is yours, but God is still concerned how you share that 90% that is yours, because that will help you to even prosper. Yes, even this one will help you because you are following the principle, but how you spend your 90% also is important to God. And because now if we are faithful in the little, we'll also be faithful also in much. You know, sometimes people will just say, maybe I'm getting little, I have only a $50 of, I have 50 rent, so I cannot take anything to give them. If only I had a larger amount, I will be able to take out, but I want to tell you that if you cannot take $5 from your $50, and how are you going to take $2,000 from your $20,000? If you're fit in this little, you haven't learned, like to do it while it was still like little, it's difficult, it takes faith for you to be able now to take a decision to say, I'm taking this huge amount of which 10% now, just imagine if it were to be vice versa, if 90% had to be God's and then 10%, it had to be like yours. But let me tell you, even if God made it 90% to be his and then 10% to be yours, you would still prosper because like what is born of God overcome at the world? So it's a matter of faith, actually even giving is a matter of faith, but I'm not there, I'm talking about like prospering, now I'm talking about prospering economically. So now moving to prospering in our relationships. prospering in our relationships, it will take us to learn to behave well. As the Bible tells that David behave well and the king was afraid him and the whole Israelites now submitted to David just because he behaved well. So there was good relation because of his behavior. Secondly, like relational, it will need us to have that children love for people. It shouldn't be like a way like an inauthentic or maybe where we have hypocrisy, but we should love people genuinely. We should be willing to be selfless and sacrifice any relationship. It doesn't matter what kind of a relationship, it can be marital, it can be at work, where place relationships can be in charge. But these like principles will apply that will need behavioral to behave well, we need children love, we need selflessness and sacrifices, we need integrity, we need to honor, learn to honor, honor like all people, honor those who are below you, honor those who are above you, honor the ones who are older, honor the ones who are young. And also the issue of humility. Because let me tell you, in any strife, you should know that there is an element of pride that was there because now there is no one who wants to see, I'm breaking down, I am sorry, but now it gives us in a struggle to say, okay, I go this way, you go that way because there is no one. Okay, I don't say that there shouldn't be, like sometimes it happens even in the Bible, we see lot in Abraham had to separate. Sometimes it happens that you have to separate. Sometimes it's even the plan of God that you should separate. But now I mean when it's not like a plan of God, I mean where like it is dispute like that and the dispute is never resolved. And we just like end up to say that now we are fighting, we're still fighting even after we have separated, but we are fighting, there is an element of pride there. We can still separate, but still be in good terms, but choosing to say, okay, we will go our separate ways. So humility in relationships is very important. That's why you should ask yourself that do I have any long-term relationship? There should be people whom we will say, these ones I knew them from childhood and we still like keeping well, there's still things that like we still have maybe that relationship. Yes, it doesn't mean that you want to have disagreements, but what I'm talking about is being able to sustain a relationship, relational, it will take us for us to prosper, it will take us to know some principles. And lastly, I want to talk about government power. I won't talk much, but all what I can say is that Jesus went to hell. After he has conquered like the grave, he went to hell like to take the keys from the devil. So now I believe that the devil was happy to say the enemy is here in my home ground. Now I have a home ground advantage, but unfortunately he didn't know that Jesus was there to grasp, to take the keys away, to show that he's defeated, to show that publicly he's been defeated. Like he makes spectacle of him like being defeated. Everyone saw that he has been defeated. And by taking those keys, he was taking the keys. The keys may belong to me and use that we can be overcome as we are saying that we are overcome as because if Jesus has the keys, we also have the keys, the key of David is with him. And also we also have that key. That's why in Revelation 3, the seven to eight, it says write these to the angel of the church of Philadelphia. The one who holds the keys of David, that this is what the one who is holy and true saying. He says when he opens the door, no one can shut it. And when he shuts the door, no one will open it. So now what's important here is that who says this way is the one who is true and holy. So the one who is true and holy keeps to his covenant. That's why he's a covenant, keeping God. So but in short, I just want to say that be away. Know that you are in overcome. Know that that is already within you. In all this years, God has made you to be an overcomeer, spiritually you are an overcomeer. Mentally you are an overcomeer. Economically you are an overcomeer. Relationally you are an overcomeer. Government-wise you are an overcomeer because the government is upon Jesus' shoulders. And when the government is upon Jesus' shoulders is also upon you because if Jesus can, you can amen. - Thank you for tuning in to Jesus Can with Dr. Bongi. We hope you've enjoyed the program. Please tune in again, same time, same place. Always remember that if Jesus can, you can, shalom. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)