Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Genesis - Part 2

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Genesis- Part 2. Continuing on through the book of Genesis. Make sure you watch the part 1 to this video for the full story!

(upbeat music) - Well, we come to video two of Genesis, the book of Genesis, we're doing two videos from each book and I wanna highlight a number of quick points to finish off this second video. And we did vision last week, number one, pruning, number two, and number three, how you can turn nothing to something. God made something out of nothing when you look at Genesis chapter one versus two and three. And sometimes we're going nowhere in our business, our church, our life, and God would make it something if we get attuned to Him. If we're spending time with Him, as Abraham did, even as Adam and Eve did, that God will speak. And it's a matter of whether we're listening. I've had business people say to me, I never hear from God, I said to you spending time with Him. They say, no, we don't have time. And I said, I don't know how you cannot find time. Even a few minutes to listen, speak, read a verse, think about it, just do some, or get some, when you're driving or you're on an airplane, there are many ways you can get input to challenge you. So God can turn nothing into something. Number four, keep sewing. There's tough seasons and people stop. They cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. And I had a young guy say to me during one of the recessions some time ago, I'm gonna get rid of staff and stop marketing. I said, how's your business? He said, I'm 31% up. I said, don't stop anything. You're listening to the wrong people. You need to think about your business and your marketing differently. But if you're growing, you wanna keep fueling that, which fortunately he started to do and kept growing. And so we gotta keep sewing. So in the tough seasons, learn to sew. In Genesis chapter eight, verse 22, it says, there'll be planting and harvest. But see, there's no instant success. You've got to actually plant, you've got a water, and eventually there will be success. But you've gotta be doing the right things and putting, as I said in the first video, those plants together. Not everything works, doesn't mean you're a failure. You know, we're always testing and measure. I'm a great fan these days of testing and measure. Even with digital media these days, you've gotta test and measure what's gonna work for you. What wording, who you're targeting. Number five, you need to be united. In your business, if you're not united, if the staff aren't working with you, if they're fighting against you, if partners are not working together in a family or in a church, everyone's at each other's neck, you're never gonna go anywhere. Now, anything is possible, and God showed that. And when you look to Genesis chapter 11, verse six, it talks about the Tower of Babel. And because all the people had one mind, they were able to build this huge tower. The problem was they left God out. And so God had to get that all dismantled because they were moving forward without him. And they were taking the glory and they were gonna end up worshiping this thing. And in the Ecclesiastes, which we'll get to in many months' time, it says a three-strain chord cannot be broken. And when you get you and your partner, you and your wife, the pastor and the other pastors in a church and you've got God, that's a three-strain chord. Very hard to break. Single-strain chord out on your own, easy to break. Number six, we are called to business. A lot of people just think it's make money, tread over people, just move on. It's all about sales or whatever. But if we're called to business, that's our ministry. We're not here to get buy and pay bills. We're here to succeed and be successful. And Abraham got called out from his secure. He was secure where he was. God called him out and it was in, you know, where he was going to go. But he became a great leader because he listened to God and he took the input. He made mistakes. He had to deal with obstacles and he had to deal issues and he had to deal with some quickly. But he was listening and God gave him solutions and strategies. Number seven, expansion is encouraged. We think that growing is evil. No, unless you're growing, you're going to be out of business in two or three years because loss of clients cost increases. You're not going to be able to cover those. So you need to be making money to pay the bills, to pay people, to do marketing, to grow and to be a blessing to other people. God wants to bless you. And he's not worried if you accumulate a lot of wealth, as long as that doesn't become your God and you're being generous. And he says in chapter 13 of Genesis, verse 17, go and walk throughout the land in every direction. For I'm giving it to you. He said, go and walk wherever you walk, I'm giving that to you. I mean, that's a pretty expansive promise by God. And then in point number eight, I want to share around chapter 15, verse five of Genesis. God says, look up to the sky and count the stars. That's how many descendants you'll have. Now I shared this in the first video, but we need to see ourselves. And that's why I'm repeating it. We need to see ourselves and your future, the way God sees you, not as other people see you, not as other people want to advise you, not as other people want to challenge you, or take you down to their thinking. How you get a small business, you give it to a small thinker 'cause I'll take a big business and shrink it back. And I saw in advertising where two agencies, advertising agencies merged. Within two years, they'd shrunk back to the original size of the one agency 'cause the thinking of the person running and the key people were at one agency level, not a double the size type level. So we need the right people and we need to start to get expansive thinking. Number nine, it comes out in Genesis where God had to say to Abraham is anything too hard for God. 'Cause I think at some stage Abraham started to doubt and God said, is there anything too hard for God? You've reached the wall. The pandemic has probably knocked you. Recessions have knocked you. Loss of client has knocked you. A key person has left. But God says to him, is anything too hard for the Lord? And no, it's not. He hasn't run out of money. He hasn't woken up and say, sorry, I've run out of plans and strategies and money today. God's not limited. He's not run by this economy. Keep remembering that in your business and your career and your life. You see, your job, your creativity, your efforts are not your source. God's your source, God's your confidence, God's your resource, God's your creativity. And these are unlimited. We're tapping into an unlimited bank of ideas and resources. One idea, one direction from God can forever change your course. Don't limit him in your thinking. So spend time with him and say, God speak to me about my business, about my life, my family, my faith, whatever it is. Number 10, faith tested. Your faith will be tested. Your business will be tested. Abraham's faith is tested in chapter 22. But as he sees God provide, he renames the place where he's at at that time, Yahweh. And Yahweh dash Yara, J-I-R-E-H. And it says means the Lord will provide in verse 14. So in chapter 22 verse 14, read that and it says he renamed the place. So he did a different focuses. We get a different vision that God's given us. And that's what we focus on, not on the negative things that are happening around us. You know, we waste our energy in our time. We verbalize negative things. And that's why I love Joel Osteen, Daily Devotionals. And he's setting one of them. Don't talk to God about how big your mountains are. Talk to God. Sorry, let me do that again. Don't talk to God about how big your mountains are, but talk to your mountains how big your God is. Do you believe it? And then finally, in number 11, I want to talk about customer service. And in Genesis 24, when Abraham was just about to die, God sent his senior servant to look for a wife or Isaac, his son. And on the journey, or as he got near the well, the senior servant said, "The first woman that comes out and I asked for a drink." And she says, "I'll get it for you and for your camels also. "I'll know she's the one." He gets to the well, Rebecca comes out, and he says, "Will you get me a drink?" Which was a custom in those days. And she said, "I'll get it for you "and for your camels also." Now, you may not understand, there were 10 camels. They each drink 170 to 180 liters of water each. She just created a half-day's job. See, Rebecca did what was required and then some. She didn't know she was going to be rewarded with jewelry, fine clothing, and become a leader in a nation. Her heart was to do what's required and then some. So in our business serving, our staff, serving our customers in church, ministering and serving people as they come, even in our family, do we do what's required? And we all have problems doing that. Do we do what's required and then some? Do we have a heart to do what's required and then some? If we get that in our business, man, our businesses will go to new levels just through customer service. And the example we set for those that work with us. So I hope you enjoyed these two videos from Genesis. And the next one, we'll move on to Exodus. Thank you. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]