Kingdom Community TV Podcast

A New Season: Taking Back Your Promise Land

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25 Jun 2024
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The Lord gave me a vision of a large coin and asked a directive question: Which will you choose? Remain as the tail or Become the head? We are in a time of divine shift with a new season coming forth. Will you choose to become the head and take back your promise land? Desiring to grow more? Check out books, podcasts, and online courses on"

Are you ready to go higher in the Lord? Well hello and welcome to a new level of weight shoe. I am your host Lois for Welling. We all desire spiritual growth but do not always know where to begin. On a new level of weight shoe we provide steps to guide you into your divine assignment and reach greater levels of greatness in the Lord. New levels include receiving dreams and visions, more intimacy on a daily basis, deeper levels of understanding the word of God and His prophetic word and experiencing God encounters that will change your life. Get inspired by stories of those who have had life-changing encounters with the Lord and expect to receive and believe for everything God promised you. Using biblical strategies and revelation you will begin to soar above every obstacle so you reach new levels of anointing, authority, spiritual encounters and be able to enter into your specific divine assignment. You will grow in your faith and learn how to walk in greater freedom but most importantly a warrior spirit will arise within you as you step up in faith and determination to advance the kingdom of God. So get ready to go from glory to glory for new levels of weight. This seems to be a theme for the last couple of times I've spoken not necessarily here but number one there's fire dropping. It is fire and number two I see that the shells are being broken off. You cannot stay in your shell any longer. This is what the Lord is saying. I think to me too guys remember everything I say I take it personally. Whoa. There is something coming and it's coming strong. Yes Lord thank you Jesus. I thank you Lord that you're alive and you're full of power and you're full of might and you're full of strength Lord God and Lord God I see that the ground is changing. The ground is changing. It is you're spreading out, sprouting us up in ways Lord God that we never expected. We could no longer stay laying down as dry bones. We must come alive too so thank you Lord that by your spirit we come alive. We declare that today Lord God in your holy, holy precious name. We declare that we are alive in you. We will get up. We will speak. We will dance. We will have joy. We say Lord God we will flow out of the things that you have given us. Whoa we will not stay in the shell any longer. For you are alive therefore we will be alive as well. Whoa. Whoa. I'm in it. I've been in it for a few days now. Alright let me calm down now. I just have to thank the Lord. So many of us have been stuck. Stuck in apathy. Stuck in our own comfort. Stuck in places of fear that we don't dare to even move out. And I believe the Lord is calling us right now to move out in ways. At least he's calling me that I have to move out. And I want to take you guys along with me. Yeah. Revelation is flowing okay. So what I'm going to share with you today is actually something I shared some of that on a podcast. So if you listen to my podcast from last week you're going to get a little bit fuller version of it this morning because I felt like the Lord was saying it's time to take back our land. It's time that we do not and no longer settle for the less. That we start entering into that promised land. So we are in a crucial time. And if you recall several weeks ago I talked about where he called it for me in that crisscross. And we're in this place of decision. And once again the Lord has given me another vision and that requires an important decision for each one of us. So what I know is that as I talk to many people all over the place is that we're in a transitional time. We're in a transitional period. Many of us are being shifted out of various things that we were in. And then we're kind of lost in that. We're kind of like I don't know what to do next Lord. I don't know where am I supposed to go. Some people are moving. They're being shifted right out of their hometowns. Some people are moving and shifting out of ministries that they were in. I was one. And some of us are actually even making career changes. There's a lot going on in the spirit today. And so what the Lord has been showing me that we're going to be entering into a new season. And in this transitional time that we've been in this is soon going to close. The transitional time is soon going to close and we're going to be entering into this new season. So not only did he give me the crisscross vision but he also gave me another vision. And in this vision I saw a two-sided coin. At the beginning whoa the coin was spinning and I heard the Lord say which side will you join becoming the head or remaining as the tail. I saw many of us within our nation under the confusion of the spin because this coin was huge and it was over our nation. Many of us in this confusion are unable to decide because they're being pulled from one side to the other. They're pulled constantly of what the world is throwing out there and throwing at us. And then I noticed that when the coin had been tossed out by this evil entity it was forced really fast and it started to spin at a really strong strong pace and that increased the confusion that was over this nation. How many lining up with this word? Isn't that what's happening? Yes, it sure is. I've watched as that coin began to slow down and was ready to fall over the nation, over the states. And in this fall there was a determining the direction of each state and of the nation as a whole. Heads or tails. And I heard the Lord say heads or tails which will it be because you can no longer remain in the crossfire of the toss. Its destiny is being settled now. Both sides of the coin will cause a devastating crash upon the earth. But the choice we make determines whether the crash will destroy or rebuild our nation. The tale represented evil remaining under the control of evil intentions, immorality and a depth of hate for God that few fully really understand. I don't understand the hatred that's out there. I really truly and that's what the Lord is saying. There's few of us that really understand the hatred that is over this nation right now. It's one of the entities part of that entity that is old. It's a spirit of hatred and it's a spirit of deception and it's huge. It represented the tale represented destruction of life as we have known and would eventually evolve in total suppression living under the dominance of the giants of the land. The head signified freedom living under the divine leadership of our heavenly father were integrity, morality and upright living became the priority again especially within the body of Christ. We are in a transitional shift right now where many are making a choice. The choice of taking back their promised land. The land full of promises where Godly structure resides or living as slaves following the entity that would take control. And the Lord kept on saying which choice will you make remaining as the tale under the control of evil intentions or becoming the head. He's not just asking me this he's asking you. He's asking the body of Christ. This is what's going on in our land right now. There is a shaking going on throughout this nation, throughout the churches, throughout ministries and the Lord is asking us to define what is it what will you do? What choice will you make? And I was reminded of the story of Caleb and Joshua in Numbers 13 and 14. Here the Israelite people were in the wilderness of Peran and God came to Moses in this in this story and told him to send some men a leader from each tribe. He said I want you to go into Canaan to scout out the promised land. And it starts in verse 17. He says this to them. I want you to go through Najeev and then into the hill country. Look the land over. See what it is like. Assess the people. Are they strong or weak? Are there few or many? Observe the land. Is it pleasant or harsh? Describe the towns where they live. Are they open camps or fortified with walls? And the soil is it fertile or barren? Are there forest and try to bring back a sample of the produce that grows there for this is a season of the first ripe grapes. Now I'm going to stop there for a minute. As I thought about this I could not help but wonder is that what God is doing right now. Is he assessing his people? Is he observing the land? Is he checking to see if we're open to his ways? Not just some of his ways. All of his ways. Or do we have fortified high walls preventing his intervention into our lives? That's what the religious spirit does. Puts up fortified walls and says you can only do this, this, and this. And if you don't do this, this, and this then consequences result. But if we're open to the word of God and to his ways, we have open camps. The Israelites had open camps in that time. These directions, these things really spoke to me. How fertile is my soil? How much fruit do I bear? Am I strong? Or am I weak? These are some questions you need to ask yourself. This is what the Lord is doing. Are my walls high and stopping every good thing to come into my life? And what about my land? Is it pleasant? In my pleasant to be upon? When you enter into my space, is it pleasant for you to be around me or is it harsh? Today there's so much harshness out there. It just blows my mind away. Is there fruit or am I barren? Am I open or close to stepping out of my comfort zone and into the unknown of the promised land? God has given me lots of promises just like He has probably you as well. You know what? I've been isolating a lot lately and have been for a while. And in that isolation, that's my resting time, but in that isolation, I've just done some pondering, deep pondering about this. And I ask myself, why don't I want to step out? Why am I not braver? Why am I not? Why am I holding back what the Lord has inside of me? And I made the decision that I wasn't going to hold back any longer. And I'm going to step out. And it may be a wild ride for me. You may enter into my wildness if you want. And I'm not talking freaky or out of the out of the realm of the Lord. I'm just talking, be impassionate and excited about the things of the Lord. And then He highlighted that scripture for this is the season of ripe grapes. And I went back and I looked at that again and I read it again and I thought, what does that mean? Several years ago, I was out in a conference in Arizona. And in this conference, they brought forth on the stage grapes. Now, wasn't just a little thing of grapes. He went to every store that he could find. And I will tell you that the grapes, that place was, I know, from here to over here, long on a pole. The conference had probably three or five thousand people there. And he brought in these grapes. And in his message, he talked about, are you ready? Are you ready for those ripe grapes? The fruit? Or will you stay back in the wilderness? Get stuck way back there in that wilderness and not recognize what God wants to do in your life. This season, we're shifting. We're shifting. Whoa. And what we're shifting into ultimately can move us out of the wilderness into a land of lush and plenty. And it's going to be fruitful. I sense it was a choice we had to make to elect the which side of the coin we're going to we're going to choose the head. And if we choose the head, we're going to be standing with the Lord in a more powerful way. It means we lean on the Lord. We trust him in the journey. Oh, how do we trust? I say, Lord, you give me things. You show me things. Am I brave enough to get up there and say what I I know you want me to say. And I've been in a season where I've been really, really bold and you guys know that. You've heard me. You've seen me. And then I've been in a season where I kind of set back and kept it all in. And the Lord is saying to me, to me, will you allow the sway of the world, the fear of man, to dictate your course in your life. And we have to make that choice. Now as we go on in Chapter 14, I won't go in there and read it all. We noticed that 12 went out, 12 won from each tribe. Went out to scout the land. 10 returned seeing giants and themselves as grasshoppers, believing that they would be swallowed up. They'd be swallowed up by the by the overwhelming presence of the giants that they saw. This is a perspective of the tale. Listen to the tale perspective. Actually it's in Chapter 13. I think it starts around 27 if you want to read that. But says we went to the land to which you sent us and oh it does flow with milk and honey. Oh yeah, does have milk and honey there. But look at they say just look at just look at this fruit we brought back all these grapes and they says the only thing. Here we go. Here's the butts. The only thing the people who live there are fears. They're stronger than we are. These their cities are huge and well fortified. Worse yet we saw descendants of the giant anoch. Amalak are spread out in the Naji and he goes on to talk about all the giants in the land. And these people these 10 began to spread rumors throughout the people and among their friends they started to talk about all this. Yeah the land's going to swallow you right up whole. They're huge. We are nothing in their sight. Have you heard those words inside of your head? We are nothing. Our reputations will be destroyed. If I step out I've already been through it Lord. I don't want to go back through that again. My reputation will be destroyed because I'm free in you Lord. I'm alive. That our lives will be destroyed. The rumors the rumors and what did the people do? What did the people do? They began to complain and they wailed and they groaned all night long hearing the 10 tell their perspective of the promised land. They preferred to return to the wilderness. In fact they were willing to go back to Egypt. Take us back. At least we know what's there. We're under harsh, harsh, severe control. Cruel leadership back there. Critical atmosphere. Oh take us back there. At least we know what we've got. Tale mentality wants to stay in a slavery mindset. See our choices are important as we examine our own wilderness. The places we have settled into. Even those stations in life that view us as grasshoppers. Why do we remain anyway? But we do don't we? We remain anyway. Only two. Caleb and Joshua returned full of excitement and hope for what the land could offer. Caleb interrupted. Called for silence before Moses and said let's go up. Take the land. Now we can do it. But the others. They said we can attack those people. They're way stronger. They spread scary rumors among the people of Israel. They said we scouted out the land from one into the other. It's a land that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge. Why we even saw the niffle and giants. And they looked down on us. See Caleb and Joshua took the head. They made the choice to become a head not remain in the tail. They recognize the greatness of the Lord. They recognize that this God is over all things. In fact the head mentality looks upward. Tail mentality looks down. We're just following. We'll just follow along with our heads down. We'll just drudge along. The head puts her heads upward to the Lord. And I want you to notice this is what they they came back with. The land is very good. If God is pleased with us he will lead us into that land. A land that flows with milk and honey. He'll give it to us. So don't be afraid of those people. In fact in one version it says we'll have them for lunch. They have no protection and we have God on our side. Wow. We need this mentality don't we. So what do we choose? Heads or tails? Freedom or control? Wilderness or the promised land? In my vision of the coin I heard the Lord say it's time to stop being the tail. And he says when my people turn to me with excitement and hope for what the promised land offers. Recognize that I am the great I am over all things. Not fear what man says or thinks. And truly understands that I am on their side ready to fight from the heavenlies for him. Their promised land is waiting. Then he says I'm not removing you from fighting the Giants. He doesn't remove us from that. We're still going to have to fight. But I'm with you and I will fight for you. Become the head for the promised land is yours for the taking. And then he says go forth in my power and strength for the season of ripe grapes is now. We're in a crucial crucial crossroad. Yes. Ten leaders who chose to remain a tail. They never left the wilderness. God became angry with them. In verse four in that chapter 14 he becomes very upset with them and he makes a decision. That whole generation was destroyed. Every one of them. Only two who chose to become the head was able to come out of the wilderness. And God said this about Caleb. He has a different spirit. He follows me passionately. I'll bring him into the land that he scouted and his children will inherit it. None of the others their children did not inherit this because of choice. I would say less long for that passionate spirit, that different spirit. That's what I feel inside of me. One that's passionate about following Lord. One that trusts completely believes fully and is willing to go in the strength of the Lord for the very promises he has given us. This different spirit relies on not by might nor by power but what by my Holy Spirit. We have to be a people that walk by the Holy Spirit, that flow by the Holy Spirit, that moves out by the Holy Spirit. Stays when the Holy Spirit tells us to stay. And then he says, let me read a couple of passages in Isaiah 40 verse 26 and 28 says lift up your eyes on high and see who has created all things who brings out their hosts by number. He calls them by name by the greatness of his might and the strength of his power. Not one is missing. Have you not known? Have you not heard the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might, he increases strength. But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, for they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. This is ours. He is calling us to do this. Recognize who he is as the great I am. Stop becoming wishy-washy. I mean honestly, I think I've gone through days where I want to quit, quit, quit, quit everything. And then days when like whoo-hoo, let's go. I'm getting tired of it. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this back and forth. What the world says to me and what God is saying to me, I've got to make a choice. Either I'm going to stay in one side or the other, because the coin is going to fall here pretty soon. And then the Lord spoke to Moses in his numbers at 14 verse 11, and he says this, he said, "How long will these people reject me? How long will they not believe me with all the signs which I have performed among them?" The Lord is saying the same thing today. How long will I bear with this evil congregation who constantly complain about me and complain about everything in the that happens? "Not focusing on me," says the Lord, "but focusing on everything else around it." Whoa, that was from the Lord, not me. I feel that. That's not referred out to you. That's referred to me as well. When I say I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to go anymore. Somebody may do this or somebody may say that or I may be represented wrong. And the Lord said, "How long will you complain?" The coin is going to fall soon, and our choice is important. This is which will you choose becoming the head? And I want you to listen to this. Becoming the head, and I'll talk a little bit about that next time, next week. Becoming the head or, he says, remaining as the tail. What that says to me when he talks to me like that, means I'm already a tail. And it's time for me to become a head. Indifference is no longer a choice. The line is being defined. And like Kila, we need to take on this different spirit, one that is passionate and following the Lord. And my prayer this morning is that each of us will make the choice to enter into this next season, taking back our promised land. When we become the head as a priest and as a king, because Jesus Christ lives inside of us and we begin walking out in that. Guess what? Our life begins to change. But I can't stay down on this side and expect it to change. And to be honest with you, what I've realized in the last several months is that I can't go here and here, here and here, here and here. I am getting nowhere. We get nowhere. This is, this is what the enemy's been doing. He's coming after you. He's coming after your family. He's coming after you in such a way to destroy you so that you will not enter into the very things God has for you. What are you going to do? Because when you're on this side, the Lord isn't fighting for you. It's a woe with me. When you're on this side, the Lord is fighting with you and you've got the Lord going before you and behind you. And the fire is behind you. And you know why the fire is behind you? Because it's pushing you. It's pushing you forward. He's leading us. The light is leading us, but the fire is going, "Come on. Come on." That's why we sang, "Set a fire under my soul." We need the fire of God to start burning away in us in such a way that we become the very head and is every single one of us take this and make this choice to become the head. What do you think is going to happen to this nation? There is going to be change and the coin is going to start falling in that regard. So Lord God, we come right now to this crucial point. And you're asking every single one of us, "Lord, what will it be?" And so Lord God, I pray right now, Lord God, as we sit here, we contemplate Lord God, this whole vision and what you're saying that Lord God, you will speak right now, that you will pour out Lord God, a fire anointing upon them, a fire anointing Lord God that will push them forward, push us all forward, push us Lord God out of our comfort places, out of our seats, out of the old and into the new. A new season is coming, a new season is coming says the Lord, a new season is coming said the Lord, a new season is coming says the Lord and we are being shifted out into the promised land. Will you take it or will you remain? Which shall it be? And Lord, for me I say, let it come Lord God, let your fire fall on us, let it fall on us and let us go forward in you in the fullness of what you tell us Lord God. We praise your holy name, who we praise you Lord. I want to thank you for watching and joining me on this journey as we go higher. Expect to grow, speed your territory, and enter into new levels of intimacy with the Lord. Check out my website at for books, online courses, podcasts, and other resources to help you soar in the Lord. Are you interested in increasing your confidence, being able to speak assertively, subdue your fears, manage life situations effectively, and overcome rejection or betrayal so that you can tenaciously stand back up again? Then you must sign up for a free strategy session so we can design a plan specifically for you. I now offer one-on-one coaching sessions with group sessions coming soon. My heart is to equip and make disciples and advance them into living a life more abundantly. Yes, my website is Check it out and I hope to be talking to you soon.