What a Great Punk

Episode 371: The Toast Guy feat. Bryn Chapman Parish and Neil Sharma from Heartbreak High

Broadcast on:
12 May 2024

This week we’re joined by Heartbreak High star, Bryn Chapman Parish, and HBH director, Neil Sharma, and get the lowdown on what it's like at the heart of a TV series that’s curently a global sensation. We talk about shaving your eyebrows, getting recognized on the NYC subway, being gifted toast from someone from Spellbinder, what it was like behind-the-scenes of Season 2 vs. Season 1 Plus, we play a round of "pass the pumpkin," explore the intricacies of working on Hollywood sets, catch up on what Bryn’s band ‘Mac the Knife” is up to, and unravel what specifically about the creative writing process is just like “beckoning a puppy forth”.

Head to our Patreon to watch the video of this pod!

Shout outs @bryncp @almostart, and @younghenrys for getting behind the pod!

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Shout-outs to the Honorary Punks of the Pod:
Harry Walkom
Hugh Flassman
Arden Brims
Jimi Kendall
Edmund Smith
Angus Lillie
Lachy Tan
Scott Montgomerie
Reverse Cowgirl