What a Great Punk

Episode 3: Get Me a Water! feat. Johann Ponniah from I Oh You Records

Johann Ponniah, the big boss dog at I Oh You Records joins us to discuss starting a rival podcast, pissing your pants in a violin lesson and why he doesn’t follow Todd back on Instagram.
Broadcast on:
11 May 2020

Johann Ponniah, the big boss dog at I Oh You Records joins us to discuss starting a rival podcast, pissing your pants in a violin lesson and why he doesn’t follow Todd back on Instagram.

Big shout out to Johann aka The Fair-Minded Rocketeer.

Johann / I Oh You: @iohyouforever

TNSW: @thesenewsouthwhaless
Jamie: @mossylovesyou
Todd: @mrtoddandrews

Johann Ponniah, the big boss dog at I Oh You Records joins us to discuss starting a rival podcast, pissing your pants in a violin lesson and why he doesn’t follow Todd back on Instagram.