Cryptid Creator Corner from Comic Book Yeti - A Comic Book Interview Podcast

Mark Verheiden and Aaron Douglas talk Borealis

What do you get when two old Battlestar Galactia alumni get together to make a comic book. Turns out, not at all what you might expect. I got a chance to catch up with Mark Verheiden and Aaron Douglas to hear all about their new Dark Horse Comics project, Borealis. I was initially drawn to it from the native and supernatural elements alone but this is a big story with lots of overlapping narratives. Pulling in the talented team of Cliff Richards to handle the art duties and colored deftly by Guy Major (both of which have names one might find in credits from Airwolf or something,) this is a book that comes off as surprisingly urban given its very remote setting in rural Alaska. I honestly have no idea how they are going to wrap the initial arc up in three issues but I'm sticking around to find out. Issue 2 is out in stores next week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Broadcast on:
12 Jan 2024

What do you get when two old Battlestar Galactia alumni get together to make a comic book. Turns out, not at all what you might expect. I got a chance to catch up with Mark Verheiden and Aaron Douglas to hear all about their new Dark Horse Comics project, Borealis. I was initially drawn to it from the native and supernatural elements alone but this is a big story with lots of overlapping narratives. Pulling in the talented team of Cliff Richards to handle the art duties and colored deftly by Guy Major (both of which have names one might find in credits from Airwolf or something,) this is a book that comes off as surprisingly urban given its very remote setting in rural Alaska. I honestly have no idea how they are going to wrap the initial arc up in three issues but I'm sticking around to find out. Issue 2 is out in stores next week.

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What do you get when two old Battlestar Galactia alumni get together to make a comic book. Turns out, not at all what you might expect. I got a chance to catch up with Mark Verheiden and Aaron Douglas to hear all about their new Dark Horse Comics project, Borealis. I was initially drawn to it from the native and supernatural elements alone but this is a big story with lots of overlapping narratives. Pulling in the talented team of Cliff Richards to handle the art duties and colored deftly by Guy Major (both of which have names one might find in credits from Airwolf or something,) this is a book that comes off as surprisingly urban given its very remote setting in rural Alaska. I honestly have no idea how they are going to wrap the initial arc up in three issues but I'm sticking around to find out. Issue 2 is out in stores next week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit