The System is Down with Dan Smotz

BONUS: 439 AfterParty: Biden’s “Big Boy” Conference - Live Reaction

The Party continues with Dan & Dave.This episode was streamed live for members of The Downers Club on Thursday during the Big Boy Presser. For more timely raucous content like this and to support the show, join the Club at the show

1h 53m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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The Party continues with Dan & Dave.
This episode was streamed live for members of The Downers Club on Thursday during the Big Boy Presser. For more timely raucous content like this and to support the show, join the Club at



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So welcome to the Joe Biden Big Boy Press Conference coverage of the Century, which is a sense that I should never have to utter, but here we are, as literally as Dave and I were saying, "Hey, I'm going to go pee, I'm going to go pee too." Joe Biden wrapped up his two-hour-long pee and decided to be the president for a second. I don't know what happened, but- You did it, Joe! You answered all the questions. You're a big boy with a big boy poopy. Yeah, I've got this timed up to where he comes in. I see him talking on my other screen that has the up-to-date version, but I have no idea what has transpired. If we start this and it's boring or he's like, add rolled up enough that he's coherent, then we might cut away and talk about some other things. But for the sake of the annals of history, I feel like it's worth digging into, in the moment, what is happening here. Dave, first off, how was your poopy? Did you have AIDS there to assist you in cleaning yourself up? Look, I think I startled some people just pooping on the side of the road like that, but listen, it's not San Francisco or India. Yeah, this is Joe Biden's new castle, so get used to it. Joe Biden country. This is Biden country poop outside. That's right. Yeah, I don't know what we're getting into here. We'll see where it goes, but this is, I don't typically like to do like debate coverage. I know a lot of people do debate coverages and stuff where they do live commentary. Even this is like, at this point, 10 minutes behind when Joe Biden came out. I didn't normally like to do this stuff because, you know, I would rather digest the entirety of the thing and then recap it, especially when everybody else is covering it. But here in the after party, you know, if we get something and it's good and it's fun live coverage, maybe we'll put it out in the public. I know it's been a while since you've gotten an after party at all, and I'm currently threatening to give it away for free, which doesn't really incentivize you to remain where you are. But if you enjoy this content and you want more of it, please keep supporting. Here is the president of the United States. I'm going to back it up a little bit because I want to hear their intro to him while everybody's standing around with their thumbs up their asses. The final appearance of Joseph Robinette Biden jumping ahead. Yes. Oh, they, okay, whatever. Let's go with it. Thank you, please. I see. Now, Dave, my audio, for some reason, my audio when it plays back is like choppy in my ear, even though the play is fine on the live. So if anything stands out to you, please stop me because I probably won't catch it noted. Well, good evening. We just concluded this year's NATO summit, and the consensus among the members was it was a great success. So especially momentous because it represented the 75th year, the most important military defense and alliance in the world, history of the world. We should never forget in the world's history of the world. It grew out of the wreckage of World War II, the most destructive war in history. The idea was to create an alliance of free and democratic nations that would commit themselves. A day before he watches, first off, he's starting infinitely stronger than he started out the debate, and there's a part of me that's like I was hoping for more for the for the sake of, you know, comedic value, but at the same time, I was hoping for less. I was hoping for debate quality for the sake of comedic value and easier commentary, but there's also part of me that's like keep going. Like there are so many people if he nails this landing, there are so many people that I hate that are going to be freaking out that this they need this to be a clear cut line in the sand. This guy is not fit to be president, otherwise their entire narrative goes out the window. And if all the people who were endorsing Joe Biden for the last 10 years flip to actually we need this beautiful and amazing president to step down, they can't flip it back nearly as easily. Like we all saw what happened at the debate and it's easy to flip to what you saw and we love you, Joe, step down. But once they once that genie is out of the bottle, they can't really put it back and be like, actually, he's doing good. So just the the problem for them of having to, you know, about face again, if he nails this is kind of more beautiful to me. What do you think, Dave? Yeah, I don't there's no coming back from saying, well, first of all, his own press secretary, like he could definitely fire her for saying, oh, you got a big boy press conference today by yourself. He won't, but he could. But no, I there's no coming back. You can't say like, oh, he had a good, whatever, NATO press conference. So everything's okay, no. And he is like slurring of it. It's not like disgraceful or anything yet, but he did clear his throat within the first sentence as is his usual. Yeah, sounds like it, you know, the dentures are a little bit loose. And but again, this is just kind of conical, not like a total train wreck yet. Packed of collective defense, standing together, they knew we'd all be safer. Attack on one would be treated as an attack on all. And it's worked. Because a would be aggressor knows, they attack one of us, they'll be attacked by all of us. Sending that message is the best way to deter aggression and prevent wars in the first place. For those who thought NATO's time had passed, they got a rude awakening when Putin invaded Ukraine, some of the oldest and deepest fears in Europe roared back to life. Because once again, a murderous madman was on the march. But this time, no one cowered in appeasement, especially the United States. I feel like nobody cares about this. It's kind of like the same thing as the debate where Donald Trump, his biggest mistake was debating him on policy and principle and all that. And when he should have just been like, look at him, look at me, look, look, like, are you kidding me? Like, if this is a press conference where everybody's supposed to be asking him questions, there's only one question that anybody wants to ask right now. And it's completely to do with, are you okay? Are you okay, sir? So yeah, we're going to start out talking about foreign policy and NATO and Israel and Ukraine and war. How much you want to bet that none of the questions have anything to do with any of that? And if they do, it's probably fake. Because who cares about the war? If the guy can't function, who cares what his stance is on the war? If he can't not shit his pants on a daily basis like what we go over? Yeah, first question. Where were you? Hey, are you okay? How are you feeling? The collective intelligence, the Russia was planning to invade Ukraine months before the invasion. I directed the intelligence community to be a significant amount. He's got a stutter. It's not age. It's just a stutter. We all know that. I started building an international coalition to oppose the invasion. Then in February, some of you remember, I warned the world that the invasion was imminent. I rallied the coalition of 50 nations from Europe to Asia to help Ukraine defend itself. My foreign policy I'm going to bubble up the speed so we can get to the questions because I don't care about his campaign speech. The capital of Ukraine, he thought it was a mother home of Russia. The capital would fall in less than a week. But the Ukrainian people, backed by a coalition to help build, stopped them. Today, Kyiv still stands. And NATO stands stronger than it has ever been. During the week of the summit, the United States stands stronger than it has ever been. The United States is strong. Oh, God. Like if the United States is strong, it's ever been you're the worst salesman to convince me that the United States is stronger than it's ever been because you're weaker than you have ever been. I've known you my entire life. You've been a politician my entire life and you're weaker than you've ever been. But I'm sure the United States is doing great with you at the helm. Mr. statements to thank the United States and to thank me personally for all that NATO has achieved. NATO is not only stronger. NATO is bigger, because we led the charge to bring in Finland and Sweden and the alliance and it makes a gigantic difference. Excuse me. Meanwhile, speaking it up, speaking it up makes him seem a little bit more coherent because he's talking in a normal cadence time. Like it sounds like what you should be speaking at, but also it it amplifies the amount of coughing a little bit more. But we all know that he was very tired. He flew to a thousand time zones and only had 250 naps over the last week. And he he's suffering from a cold. So don't don't judge him based on his inability to to get through a sentence without clearing his throat. Chester, he's made it clear. He has no commitment to NATO. He's made it clear that he would feel no obligation to honor article five. He's already told Putin, I quote, do whatever the hell you want. In fact, the day after Putin invaded Ukraine, here's what he said. It was genius. It was wonderful. Somebody forgot that, but that's exactly what he said. But I made it clear. A strong NATO is essential to American security. And I believe the obligation of article five is sacred. I remind all Americans article five is invoked only once and they just want. And that was the defend America after 9/11. I made it clear that I will not bow down to Putin. I will not walk away from Ukraine. I will keep NATO strong. That's exactly what we did and exactly what we'll continue to do. Now, the future of American policy is up to the American people. This is much more than the political question. It's more than that. It's a national security issue. Don't reduce this to the usual testament that people talk about issues of being a political campaign. It's far too important. It's about the world we live in for decades to come. Every American must ask herself or himself. Is the world safer with NATO? Are you safer? Is your family safer? I believe the American people know. The answer to all those questions is yes. And I believe the American people understand that America is stronger, stronger because of our alliances. I believe the American consensus from Truman to Reagan to me still holds today. America cannot retreat from the world. We must leave the world. We're our indispensable nation, as Matt Wright wrote. Now, let me turn to three other key issues. Just this morning, we had a great economic report showing inflation is down. Overall, prices fell last month. Core inflation is a low suspended three years. Precious are falling for cars, appliances and airfarers. Grossly prices have fallen since the start of the year. We're going to keep working to take down corporate green to bring those prices down further. Meanwhile, it's going for a 10% tariff in every American's body. What do you think? Oh, I muted. Sorry. I said, what were you laughing at there? I pulled a date. Oh, just his trip up. No, it wasn't important. So you probably didn't hear me when I said I'm bumping it up to two times speed because all of this is nonsense. I think that's when I started laughing is that yeah, I got a little ridiculous with speed. Yeah, I want to get to the questions. That's what I'm here for. I want to know if anybody asked him a good question and if he's given like a 20 minute speech, we're going at two times speed, get through it. If anything sticks out to you again, it's hard for me to hear, but here we go. Including food from overseas vegetables and other necessities. An economist tell us that that would cost the average American working family to another $2,500 a year. It's a tax of $2,500 a year. Second, our efforts to secure the borders, other borders working after Trump killed the black bars and effort to secure the border, right, but publics and Democrats have worked on because he thought what do you say? I'm just he's talking about the border right now, but it's just the speed alone. Yeah, it's only slightly faster than normal person talking speed for normal politician, but it is two times the speed of Joe Biden. Now, if we bring it back to one time speed, I'm curious how jarring it is to listen to Joe Biden at normal speed. To benefit me and make him a loser, Republicans walk away. So I took executive action last month. It sounds less fluent when he's at normal speed because you can hear the the fumbles more. His action to go border encounters have gone down over 50%. The current is lower today than when Trump left office. Third, for months, the United States has been working as a secure ceasefire in Gaza to bring the hostages home, to create a path for peace and stability in the Middle East. Six weeks ago, I laid out a detailed plan in writing was endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, the G7. That framework is now agreed on by both Israel and Hamas. So I sent my team to the region to hammer out the details. These are difficult complex issues. We're still gaps to close. We're making progress. We're trying this positive. I'm determined to get this deal done and bring an end to this war we should end now. Let me get a cool rub again. We're the United States of America. We are the indispensable nation. Our leadership matters. Our partnerships matter. This moment matters. We must rise to meet it. With that, I'll take your questions. I've been given a list of people calling here. All right, good information. Hold it. Hold it. Mr. President, I've been given a list. I've been given a list of people to call hosts. Yeah. Did he say that? Because that is difficult, but I feel like they made it very clear that this was going to be off the cuff. That's what the big boy press conference was. But if we have certain people that you're allowed to call upon, sir, it's not that big of a boy conference that we're doing here. You must rise to meet it. With that, I'll take your questions. I've been given a list of people to call on here. Also, there was one interview where somebody asked a question at a recent press conference where they asked how long is he going to go for? How much time does he have to be interviewed by these journalists who are pre-selected, much like George Stephanopoulos was, in the sit-down, completely unedited nightmare of a 20-minute interview. So here, once again, we have pre-screened questions. Not questions necessarily. I would imagine they probably are, but pre-screened people who are allowed to speak. I'm curious if, what's his name? Is it Peter? No, who is it? Who's the guy that I mentioned earlier who's a White House press, whatever journalist guy who asks decent questions? Yes, Ducey. I'm curious. If Mike Ducey is going to be, if his name is anywhere on that list, let's find out. Mr. President, your political future has hung over the NATO summit a little bit this week. Speaker Pelosi made a point of suggesting that your decision on whether to stand the race was still open. George Clooney and a handful of lawmakers have called on you to step aside. Reuters is reporting tonight that UAW leadership is concerned about your ability to win. Go ahead, W, and Justin Dorsey, but go ahead. But go ahead. Go ahead and re-ask that question you just asked me. Go ahead. My question for you is, how are you incorporating these developments into your decision to stay, and separately, what concerns do you have about Vice President Harris's ability to beat Donald Trump at the top of the ticket? We're coming out the gate, swinging. Wow. Yes, I don't know who this is, but good on them. So, what was the first question? Your ability to stay, and also Vice President Harris's ability to lead. So, how do these developments, you know, dementia, play into your decision to stay, and, you know, your entire party saying that you have dementia, how does that play into your decision to stay, and how does you've seen Kamala? What do you feel about her leading? Because we don't feel like she's any less demented. You ready Dave? Beat Donald Trump, if she were at the top of the ticket. Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, but I think she's not qualified. What? Dude! Dude! What? Donald Trump, if she were at the top. Did he say Vice President Trump? Is that what he said? Yes. Yes. Look, from the first black woman in America, Joseph Robinette Biden, he would not have picked Vice President Donald Trump to be his VP if he, if he, she were not qualified. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President to think she's not qualified to be president. First question! First question! First half of an answer, I would not have picked Donald Trump to be Vice President. Start there. We'll start there. The fact is that the consideration is that I think I'm the most qualified person to run for President. I beat him once, and I will beat him again. Secondly, who? You're Vice President Trump? You'll beat Vice President Trump again? Because you beat him once? The idea, I served and extended a long time. The idea that senators and congressmen, I'm running for office, worry about the ticket is not unusual. And I might add, there are at least five presidents running or incumbent presidents who had lower numbers than I have now. Yeah, and I set it down here so you know that you're a piece of shit for asking this question. Yeah, they have lower numbers than I have now. That means they really suck because I don't even remember the question that you asked me. Later in the campaign. So it's a long way to go in this campaign. And so I'm just going to keep moving, keep moving, and because I got more work to do, I got more work to finish. There's so much, we've made so much progress. Think about it. Think about it, Jack. You know, I've given Donald Trump a hard time, Donald Trump a hard time for having like five-year-old responses to everything, like, yeah, stupid, you're dumb, whatever. Just the way Trump talks. It's not that he's a jerk, it's that it's not intelligent, but this is like intelligent without any sort of charisma or unintelligent without any sort of charisma. It's just like, you know, you know the thing, Jack. We're good here. Notice how he didn't even mention Kamala Harris's name, or, you know, complete the answer to the question. We'll see if he gets there. We are economically relative to the rest of the world. Name me a world leader who wouldn't want to trade places with our economy. We've created over 800,000 manufacturing jobs, 1.5 million, I mean, so things are moving. We got more to go, working class people still have need help. Corporate greed is still at large. There are prices, corporate profits have doubled since the pandemic. They're coming down. And so I'm optimistic about where things are going. And Kamala? Yeah. Daddy Camp, AFP. And he's through. We're done here, moving along. And thanks. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to ask you- That's a face. Oh, we lost Dave. Oh, he muted himself and went away. Oh, now he's really loud. I think your mic switched too. We call that. Okay. We will continue on without Dave, but that's quite a face from our president. Question number two. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to ask you about your mixed up president's Zelensky and Putin earlier today. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave. What are you there? Question number two, which we didn't even catch. They're asking him, you mixed up Zelensky and Putin earlier today. So they're not holding back at all. They're going- These are not pre-screened questions, because these are current events that they're asking about as of today. So the gloves are off, and we're going for this. Are you here? Are you here and ready? Okay. Thanks. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to ask you about your- You mixed up President Zelensky and Putin earlier today. You now have your key allies, including the British Prime Minister, the President of France, and the German Chancellor having to step in and make excuses for you on that. Officials here are saying off the record that your decline has become noticeable. Hasn't this now, frankly, become damaging for America's standing in the world? Thank you. Did you see any damage or standing in my leading conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What was that? I think that's what the guy said. What was that? He didn't understand either. Yeah. I don't know if it's me or Joe at this point. Hasn't this now, frankly, become damaging for America's standing in the world? Thank you. Did you see any damage or standing in my leading conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think? And the- What do you think, Jack? Have you seen the other things that I did in the conference? What do you think? Is it me that's stupid or you, Jack? Who's stupid here? Look, did you see it? Look, that. That's where we're at. Like, that's where we resort to. Please, I was talking about Putin and I said, "And now at the very end." I said, "Here, I'm in Putin." I said, "No, I'm sorry. It's a Linsky." And then I added five other names. Look, guys. Much like you just called Donald Trump your vice president, your black woman vice president, Donald Trump, uh, not five minutes ago. The idea, anybody suggests that that we haven't had an incredibly successful conference. How many times did you- That's not what anybody suggested. They asked you if you are able to think because you clearly aren't. That is all that was asked. Look, you know, did you or did you- Sir, did you or did you not have a good time at the conference? Answer that. Look, look, fat, the United States of America and in hot dogs, you know, you know, the thing. In that conference, I don't know if it sounds too self-serving, but other leaders had the state in thanking me saying the reason we're together is because of Biden. Because Biden did the following Look, folks, this is- This is totally a Donald Trump tactic. Somebody called me on the phone earlier today and they said, "Biden, you're doing great. You're the best president. I know you asked me something completely different, but you're the best president because somebody called me and told me it's- Well, anyway. We got our first anyway. Everybody drink. Let's go back in a second and see what led up to that anyway. I got to go back further to get past the breaking. I keep me saying the reason we're together is because of Biden. Because Biden did the following. Look, folks, this is a- Well, anyway. I thought- Look, folks, this is well, anyway. That's not the slam dunk that you think it is, Biden. I was going to say something really good there, but now I decided not to do it. Yeah, I'm holding back because I totally forgot what we're talking about here. Successful conference. I have attended a long time and find me a world leader who didn't think it was. Next one. Moving along. CBS. Thank you, Mr. President. You mentioned other instances in history where presidents have faced a challenge, but what makes this moment in history so unique is that it is not your enemies who are calling on you to reconsider your decision to stay in the race. It's your friends. I told you every single question is going to be like if they're being honest and they are every question. Are you sure? Same as George Stephanopoulos. Are you really sure? Really? Really? Joe? That's every question. People who think you've done a great job over the past four years. Have you spent time thinking about what it would mean for your legacy, which you've worked decades to build? What it would mean for your legacy if you die in office right now on live stream two hours late to your own press conference. If you stay in the race, despite the concerns that voters say they have, and you lose to someone who you yourself have argued is unfit to return to the Oval Office. Well, look, I'm not in this for my legacy. I'm in this to complete the job I started. As you recall, understandably, many of you and many economists thought my initial initiatives that I put forward can't do that. It's going to cause inflation. Things are going to skyrocket, but that's going to go up. What are you hearing now from mainstream economists? Getting back down. Getting back down here to let you know that I have a point, a salient point to make. What do you hear now from mainstream economists? Sixteen economic Nobel laureates said I've done a hell of a job 70 copy this morning and said, Joe Biden, you're doing a hell of a job. Best job I've ever seen from a president wasn't Mark Hamill. That really happens so far and what's going to happen in the future, if I if I've reelected, if these are going to get much better, our economy is growing. I was determined when I got elected to stop the trickle down economic theory, because the wealthy did very well every again. The question was, are you mentally cognizant? And he's just going back to points that are campaign points. As you know, I'm fit. And also, here's something that I read off my website that somebody else wrote for me earlier today. So, you know, we're good. They also do well. My dad was a well-read decent guy. I don't remember much trickling down on his kitchen table. Little class people and working class people need help. And so what happened is, I decided to implement was able to implement as president, but I believe when I was a senator. And that is that the way to build this economy is from the middle out in the bottom up. That way, we grow the economy and the wealthy still do very well. They do fine. And guess what? I mean, economy mainstream economists have said, we haven't done well. What have we not done working right now? This, what have you not done? Well, speaking, speaking coherent sentences. That's that's like that is that is the only thing of all the two hours of content while Joe Biden was taking a mid evening nap. All the things that we talked about were Joe Biden not being able to speak and Democrats being concerned about him not being able to speak. What are you guys concerned about? Is it the fact that I'm not answering this question right now? Or is it the fact that I'm not doing anything? Because I'm doing stuff. I'm doing stuff between between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. right before my mid afternoon nap and right before my bedtime. Come on, Jack. You got to finish the job. And by the way, I come from the corporate stage of the world. Delaware has more corporations and, you know, registering Delaware than every other state in the nation combined. I'm not anti corporate, but corporate corporate profits have double sense to pandemic double. It's time to get back in order a little bit. It's time. All we need is a a very clear concise. Yes, I'm mentally cognizant. Can we please stop asking these questions? Like, if we could get that, that would be the answer to the next 20 questions. I'm sure. Yes, I'm mentally cognizant. You can tell by the way I'm speaking, but I can't say that because you can't tell by the way you're speaking that he's mentally cognizant. So, I'm fine. Now, let's talk about policy. Let's talk about policy, bro. Example, if I'm reelected, we're going to make sure that rents are kept at 5% increase in corporate rents for keeping in mind we're three questions and are limited to 5%. We're going to make a lot of changes that I've been talking about because we're going to continue to grow this economy. And by the way, I know remember how I got so roundly criticized to be in soap for all union, not labor, union, union. Well, guess what? I've been the most pro-union labor president in history, not a joke. Guess what? We had the Treasury Department doing a joke. What was Joe Biden known for being a big, a big joker in the past? Big funny, funny guy, because since 2020, at least, this is go to. Not a joke. What I'm saying, I'm not lying. It's not a joke. I really mean it. I'm not lying to you. I know you think I'm going to be lying to you. I know you think I'm a big joker. I'm not lying. I mean it. That's the new. That's the new. I'm telling you the truth. Like you can't say that. So that's the new line. Yeah. And Joe or Donald Trump is a liar, but I'm not I'm not joking. I don't know why you keep assuming I'm joking. But even if you're not, I need to let you know. Not a joke. You better. Everybody does better. Everybody does better. And we talk about how, for example, when I went, remember when we talked about getting the computer chip industry back in the United States, used to be 40% of the industry. The press ship, 40% of the industries in the United States, and former president of society. My lovely wife did send me the tweet of Joe Biden calling Zelensky Putin. If you want to cut to that briefly. Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. He didn't just call him Putin. He introduced him as President Putin. The president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. Okay, this is not I fucked your wife. This is not an I fucked your wife moment or a wicker moment. This is the president of the United States is called the president of Ukraine, the president of his his adversary. Beautiful. The best way to do is find the cheapest labor in the world, send the product over there and import what the product was. And so what I do, I was told not to go over to Europe. I mean, to Asia, including Europe, but Asia. And I remember going to South Korea, convincing them to invest whatever the fuck he's talking about. Just remember that every question so far has been, are you mentally fit to be president? And he's telling old man stories about something that did or did not happen that he made up in his mind. The United States to build computer chip factories. And I asked why when they finally decided to do it. And the answer was because you have the safest economy in the world, and you're the best workers in the world. So the whole idea here is we invest over $50 billion in investment in computer chip manufacturing, just coming in a bean. None of you thought that would happen. None of you thought that would happen, but it's happened. None of us thought that this would happen. Like, we thought you would be dead before you got to this point at best. We did not think that we would watch the steady decline of your mental stability in real time and have to wait two hours for doing commentary on it on the podcast. Still hasn't answered the question. No, no, no need. It's just just, are you mentally fit to be president? Well, here's what I did. You tell me, watch me. Watch me, Jack. We're watching and we're not hearing an answer. It's happening. That's going to grow economies all through. And by the way, red states and blue states, as much as red states and blue states, I've made no distinction. So my generic point is that the idea that we can't continue to build and grow the economy, make it fairer. And like I said, from my standpoint, when the middle class does well, that's when the whole economy grows. It's like politicians scrabble or boggle. You shake it up. It's like, it doesn't matter what the question was. The answer is just politician. Your vice president, Kamala Harris, would be ready to serve on day one. Can you elaborate on that? Again. What is it about her attributes and her accomplishments over the last, what they say? Your vice president, Kamala Harris, would be ready to serve on day one. Can you elaborate on that? What is it about her attributes and her accomplishments over the last four years that make her ready to serve? Okay. So question number four, is your vice president fit to be president when you can't do it? And that's the second time we've had that question. But we're just moving right down the list. So the script has been updated and every single whatever press journalist for the White House is on the ticket, is on board with, we're just going to keep going until he gives us an answer or doesn't give us an answer. And once again, same as Jake Tapper. Same as him. When you're right, you're right. And I don't like that this is propaganda to get this guy out of office. But I also really love that you're asking him honest questions. And you're not just moving along to, what do you think about Ukraine? He's going to do that on his own because that's what he's used to. And that's what his politician brain goes back to. Are you fit to be a president? Is Kamala Harris fit to be a president when you're clearly not fit to be president? Well, he, you saw it in Ukraine, right? You saw that? You already thought, Steve? And I do like his little whisper. Yeah, you didn't see that coming. You know, you know what we did. You know, you saw it. Watch me. I want to see him answer a question, but I doubt he will. Yeah. Dave, do you have a point that you need to go? Because I know I've kept you for quite a while. Actually, I probably, yeah, I probably got a couple minutes, like literally a couple, and I got to help her. She can't lift that generator. Sure. Yeah, bounce whenever you need to. I will me and Joe Biden will hold this down with the five or six brain cells that we have left. But yeah, let me know we need to go and we'll give you a plug and get you out of here. But let's watch a little more. If necessary. First of all, the way she's handled the issue of freedom of women's bodies to have control of their bodies. Secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. This was a hell of a prosecutor. She was a first-rate person and in the Senate, she was really good. I wouldn't have picked her unless I thought she was qualified to be president. Right. I thought you just wanted a black woman president. Your words, not mine. I could go find go back and find this. It'll make a good commercial for her, though. I mean, I wish that I was in Donald Trump's camp. I don't want to be in Donald Trump's camp. I wish that my brain was in Donald Trump's camp. And I had the ability to make Joe Biden's, or Donald Trump's campaign ads because Joe Biden is writing them. Like the last Donald Trump ad was just clips of Joe Biden in the debate. Right. This is like the easiest money. The easiest money for anybody who's running against this guy. From the very beginning, I made no bones about that. She is qualified to be president. That's why I picked her. That's it. She is. Yes, qualified to be president. That's why I picked her. The end, moving on to the next one. You'll enjoy it, trust me. Well, I'm certain that you are telling the truth because you said it. Financial times. Thank you, Mr. President. The presidency is the most straining job in the world. And it's 24/7. How can you say you'll be up for that next year, in two years, in four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today? Oh, let me take a quick nap. Let me take a nap. Question. Holy shit. Is this real? It's bad news, bad news. Oh, I pause. I can't even tell. I can't tell when I've paused it anymore because, Dave, I hear your your your background sounds and I thought it was still playing. Yeah. And the fact that I can't tell if it's Joe Biden taking a nap or Joe Biden on pause, is a is pretty good indication in four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today. The limits I've acknowledged I have. I didn't acknowledge any limits. You just saw them with your own eyes and your evening around eight. That's not true. Ukraine is kicking us with a good confidence. What I said was, instead of my every day starting at seven and going to bed at midnight, it'd be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. And I said, for example, the eight, seven, six stuff, instead of starting a fundraiser at nine o'clock, starting at eight, seven, six stuff. Is that what he said? I can't hear it that well. Yeah, that's what he said. I mean, we had a problem with the president of the United States going to bed at eight. Now it's eight, seven, six stuff. All right. And he's he claimed that he would wake up at seven in the morning and go to bed at midnight. That's what's his schedule for this. But now, you know what? Okay. I'm cutting it back to 10 to eight, seven, six, seven, six stuff. Instead of starting a fundraiser at nine o'clock, start at eight o'clock. People get to go home at 10 o'clock. That's what I'm talking about. Give me a little extra hour for me. And if you look at my schedule, since I've since I made that stupid mistake and the campaign and the debate, I mean, my schedule has been full bore. It wasn't a mistake in the debate. It was news that your your regime put out to all of us. I have it. I have it here. I can pull it up if we need to. So, so they put out this news that he's going to bed at eight. But now he's back pedaling on that too. He's not just back pedaling on I am unfit to be president. He's back pedaling on. I don't need to go to bed at eight. I'm doing great. Shut up. Listen, I can stay up. God bless you Joe Biden. Whatever I want. I'm a big boy. Listen, I can stay up till 10. I can handle a big boy press conference and then by golly, I can handle a big boy bedtime too. I can handle stand up all night. I didn't. I couldn't for a second there, but I'm better now. Please don't make me do it. Please don't ask me any more questions. I got to peace out. I wish I could watch this whole thing with you right now, but all good Dave. Where can people find you and any final thoughts? I can't believe this is another humiliation ritual that they set him up for just like the debate. This is like this is the media effort or whatever the effort to get him out and expedite it. And I'm fascinated by that. So I can't wait to watch more. Yeah, well, you can watch it. If you ever support the Downers Club at is down. Follow it. Send in five smackers tomorrow. But then again, in perpetuity, keep sending those. Sure. Thanks guys. Appreciate you. Thanks for being here Dave. And you can follow Dave at Dave versus Goliath one on Twitter or wherever Dave versus Goliath's are sold. Now we are going to get back this and keep going because this is it's still happening. I've got the live stream pulled up. This is going. It's still going and we are way behind because of our commentary and because of Joe Biden's lateness. It is frozen currently. I'm not sure what's happening. Perhaps they cut the live stream. We'll find out in a half an hour. Oh god. Okay. All right. Back to this. Let's get Dave out of here. How do I do that? There's his name and here goes Dave. All right. Continuing on. Kevin. I've done. Where's my worst trumpet? Riding round his golf cart. Feeling not his score card before he hits the ball. I mean, look. What are we talking about? In the campaign in the debate. I mean, my schedule has been full bore. I've done. Where's my worst trumpet? Riding round his golf cart. Feeling not his score card before he hits the ball. I mean, look, he's done virtually nothing. So Donald Trump has not been around or relevant. Joe Biden is the one who's working his ass off right now. And we're to believe that that explains why he can't do any of the things that he's done. I would rather have Donald Trump doing nothing well than Joe Biden doing something like this. How many don't hold me to roughly 20 major events? Someone with thousands of people showing up. And so I just think it's better. I always have an inclination whether I was playing sports or doing politics just to keep going, not style. I just got to just pace myself a little more, pace myself. In the next debate, I'm not going to be traveling in the 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that's what it was about. That's what it was about. And by the way, even with that, I love my staff. But they add things. They add things all the time. Very good. I'm catching hell for my wife. Anyway, I'm sorry. Zeke Miller, Associated Press. Thank you, Mr. President. Two questions for you first. On the NATO summit, President Zelensky, and you're meeting with him, he pressed you to lift your limitations on the Ukrainian use of American weapons, saying that, and this public remarks afterwards saying that Ukraine cannot win the war unless those limitations are lifted. Are you reconsidering your position on that? And then secondly, following up on Felicia's question there, leaders of your own party have said that they're not worried about that debate. They're worried about the next bad night and the bad night after that. How can you reassure the American people that you are up to the task and that there won't be more bad nights at a debate stage or somewhere else? I thought that we were going to get the first question that doesn't have to do with Joe Biden being mentally incapable of being president because they started with. So Zelensky said this and what are what are your thoughts on supporting Zelensky? But also, because I only have one question, the elephant in the room that we're all going to address apparently, sure, set that aside. Second question, part two. Are you okay? Are you okay, bro? Are you okay? First thing about Zelensky asking for the ability to strike deep into Russia. We've allowed Zelensky to use American weapons in the near term and the near abroad into Russia. Whether or not it has, we should be, we should be attacked, for example, should Zelensky, he's not. If he had the capacity to strike Moscow, strike the Kremlin, would that make sense? It wouldn't. The question is, what's the best use of the weaponry he has, the weaponry we're getting to him? I've gotten a more long range capacity as well as defensive capacity. And so our military is where I'm following the advice of my commander and chief, my chief of staff at the military, as well as the Secretary of Defense and our intelligence people. And we're making a day-to-day basis on what they should and how far they should go in. That's a logical thing to do. Second question related to bad nights, sir, how can you reassure the American people that you won't have more bad nights, whether they be on a debate stage or it's a no. Are you okay? Second question, are you okay? A foreign policy. Well, I tell you what, the best way to assure them is the way I assure myself. And that is, am I getting the job done? Am I getting the job? No, no, no, you're not even getting the job done of showing up and talking to people who generally agree with you. Can you name me somebody who's got more major piece of legislation passed in three and a half years? I got created 2000 jobs this last week. So if I slow down, I can't get the job done. That's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. If I say, if I slow down, I shouldn't, I can't get the job done. So that's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. That's a, that's not quite the, the, the vote of confidence in yourself that you think it is, sir. Go down. I can't get the job done. That's a sign that I shouldn't be doing it. But there's no indication of that yet. There's no indication that Joe Biden is slowing down. Kay. Um, next. We got here. Uh, Merrick, Pulaski Radio. Thank you, Mr. President. How are you? I'm well. I'm kind of dying. The elections in the U.S. have consequences around the world. You have pretty high standing in Europe. I just asked President Macron about you and he said we are happy to have him as the president of the United States. But there is a concern. Many people in Poland that across Europe are worried that the former president may win the election. And there's a lot of concern that Donald Trump may weaken NATO, stop supporting Ukraine or push Ukraine to give up territories to Russia. They're correct. And you're yourself with warning just two minutes ago about it. So my question is, um, do you think that Europe will be left on its own if Donald Trump wins the election? And what's your advice to European leaders to prepare for possible U.S. disengagement? Your opponent, this is the first question that hasn't included. Are you okay, sir? And it is, to my understanding, um, bad audio, sorry, um, to my understanding, it is, um, if your opponent gets reelected, it will be bad. What do you think about that? Do you think that it will be bad? I bet his answer is yes. It'll be a disaster, a disaster if Trump gets it. But it'll probably include a lot of stammering and stammering and, uh, waiting for him to remember what the question was. Well, look, I think, how can I say this without sounding too self-serving? I've not had any of my European allies come up and say, Joe, don't run. What I hear them say is, you've got to win. I can't let this guy come forward. He'd be a disaster. Somebody, somebody called me the other day and they said, Joe Biden, you're the best president I've ever heard. That other guy that is over there talking trash on you, he's trash, right? So that, that's my evidence that I'm going to be the better president than that trash guy over there. Because somebody called me and they told me that I'm great. I think he said in one of his rallies, don't hold me this recently where NATO, I just learned about NATO or something to that fact. Foreign policy has never been his strong point. And he seems to have an affinity to people. Foreign policies, never been Donald Trump's strong point, but you just called Vladimir Zelensky or you called the Voldemort Zelensky. I don't remember his name. Putin called him Putin as he introduced him. But has there been Donald Trump's strong point talking about foreign affairs? We're authoritarian. That worries, as I tell you, Poland, that worries Europe, that worries Poland. And nobody, including the people of Poland, thinks that if he wins in Ukraine, he's going to stop in Ukraine. But that's going to be the end of it. And so what I can say is, I think I'm the best qualified person to do the job, to make sure that Ukraine is not full, that Ukraine succeeds, that the European alliance stays strong. You may recall, no one was talking about Finland joining NATO. I remember talking to Putin when, right after we got elected in Geneva, and he was talking about what we should do, we couldn't be in Eastern Europe, etc. And I said, you're looking for the finalization of Ukraine, as you're going to get the nativeization of Finland. And about four weeks later, I got called. That's not true. Probably five months later, when the president of Finland could he come and see me? In my office, I invited him to the Oval Office. We sat down and talked. He said, you want to join NATO? Could I help? And I did. It wasn't automatic. And then I got a call from the Swedes. I beg your pardon? Can you guys hear what's being heckled out there? I can't hear it at all in my audio, but perhaps you can. So far we have Ukraine is a little country. It's close to Russia, which is a big country. And Ukraine supports me because Russia is invading Ukraine. Very, very Kamal Harris answer there. And so Finland joined NATO, 800 mile border is a significant, and they're already allies, but they weren't part of NATO. And you heard, I think you heard, maybe I can't recall when you said a public fair in our closed meeting, but he wouldn't mind being repeated. He said, we decided in Finland, the people of Finland decided they had to be part of NATO with our interest because of the joint ability to be together, just to sway to the attack on Finland. And the same thing was with Sweden. It took a lot of selling to some folks, particularly in Turkey and other places to agree to the expansion, but they expanded and were held a lot stronger because of it, or more secure because of it. And by the way, in Russia's more pissed off because of it, but no need to worry about that. Everything's fine. We're going to get 50 other nations, 55-0, to support Ukraine, 50. We're able to bring about a coalition between Europe and Asia, Japan and South Korea. I just met with, we talked about August and we talked about the relationship between Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, the United States. We're making the world safer and stronger because we have to deal with the new arrangement that exists in the world. The cold war is over, the post-war era is over. What is going to replace it? And I respectfully suggest I have a pretty good idea what that should be. I could miss a lot of people who will follow it. We're just going to get stronger. David Sanger. Thank you, Mr. President. Be nice, David. Mr. President, the NATO declaration that was issued yesterday was very notable because it described China as a decisive enabler of the war in Ukraine for its provision of critical goods to the Russians. That's part of a broader partnership that seems to have cemented in place in the past two or three years. I think one that you were a little bit doubtful of when we asked you about it some time ago. So I'd be interested to know whether you have a strategy now of trying to interrupt the partnership between China and Russia and whether or not in a second term you would pursue that if you could describe that strategy to us. And along the way, could you also tell us whether you think, just to follow up on Felicia's question, that if you were in a room with Vladimir Putin again the way you were three years ago or with President Xi that a few years from now you will be able to go negotiate with them, handle them one on one. So once again, there's been one question so far. The last question is the only one that did not include the follow up question. Are you okay, sir? Are you okay? And will you be okay in a couple of years? Because we've seen the progression over the last year, at least based on the media, us, our opinion. Will you continue to be okay because it's not looking good so far? So Russia, Putin, Zelensky, but most importantly, a couple years from now, will you be able to debate these things? Will you be able to discuss these things with Putin, Zelensky, or will you be okay to do the job? The first part of the question is, we discussed and I raised in the NATO summit and others raised the future of China's involvement, what they're going to do. What they're doing with Russia in terms of accommodating, facilitating, they're getting access to additional, they're not supplying weapons themselves, they're supplying mechanisms for them to be able to get weapons. And China's position is basically, and I've spent more time with Xi Jinping than any world leader has over 90 hours since being vice president all the way through for real. And by the way, I hand it all my notes. But my point is that Xi believes that China... You hear the desk weeks? You hear them? They're there. They're still there. Xi believes that I'm a great president. Xi believes that China is a large enough market that they can entice any country, including European countries, to invest there and return for commitments from Europe to do ABC or D or not to do certain things. What's happened is we had a long discussion about what we cannot, we have to make clear China has to understand that if they are supplying Russia with information and capacity, along with working with North Korea and others to help Russia in armament, that they're not going to benefit economically as a consequence of that by getting the kind of investment they're looking for. And so, for example, we're in a situation where we've reestablished direct contact with China after that member of the balloon, quote unquote, going down, all of a sudden came to an end. Well, we set up a new mechanism. There's a direct line between Xi and me and our military has direct access to one another and they contact one another when we have problems. The issue is that we have to make sure that Xi understands there's a price to pay for undercutting both the Pacific Basin as well as Europe and relates to Russia and dealing with Ukraine. And so, for example, if you want to invest in China, as you know, you know this area really well, around the best in China, you have to have a 51% Chinese owner, you have to make sure that you do buy their rules and you can't you don't have the authority and you have to provide all access to all the information you have. There was a while there, as we call the last administration. And other administrations where the access to that market was enticing enough to get companies to come in because they had access to over a billion people in the market, not a billion but a lot of people in the market. And so, they were doing it. But that got curtailed when we started saying we're going to play by the same rules. For example, the idea they don't abide by the international rules related to subsidizing products by the government funding. So, guess what? They're not going to be able to export their electric vehicles to the United States without a significant tariff. Others are doing the same thing around the world. But it is a concern. It is a concern that you have both China, South Korea, North Korea, Russia, Iran, countries that are not necessarily coordinated in the past, looking to figure out how they can have impact. Impact? Yes, I do. But I'm not prepared to talk about the detailed question. Clearly coordinated in the past, looking to figure out how they can have impact. Impact? Yes, I do. But I'm not prepared to talk about the detail of it in public. I still don't know. Can you guys hear it? I'm not prepared to talk. Looking to figure out how they can have impact. Impact? Yes, I do. But I'm not prepared to talk about the detail of it in public. I think it was, do you have a specific song how you can interrupt that impact? Some of our European friends are going to be curtailing their investment in Russia. I mean, excuse me, in China. As long as China continues to have this indirect set help to Russia in terms of being able to help their economy as well as help them and as a consequence that their ability to fight in Ukraine. The other thing we talked a lot about is that, and I raised it, and I didn't hear any, I can't swear that everyone agreed because not everyone got to talk about it. But we haven't, we need a new industrial policy in the West. For example, we talked about how both the EU as well as NATO has to be able to begin to build their own munition capacity, has to be able to generate their own capacity to provide for weapons. I got to say you guys, he's holding in there. He's hanging in there enough. Enough. He's being around the bush enough. He's being politiciany enough that we might have, we might have another week with Biden here. This could have been the death blow. This could have been the death nail. This could have been the end. The last time we see a public appearance of Joe Biden ever, it could have been that. I don't think it's that bad. I don't think it's bad enough to warrant that which I think is in some ways good and at the very least entertaining. So boring as this episode may be, it could be because I can't entirely hear the audio. And I may have more to add to this next week when I re-watch this. But as boring as this may be, he's not collapsing yet. So good. Joe Biden 2024 or Joe Biden 2024 campaign, at the very least, I support nobody for president, but I do wholeheartedly and George and Doris Joe Biden to stay in the race for as long as his corpse is breathing. The ability to, I mean, it came as a surprise to some of us how we had fallen behind in the West in terms of the ability to stay good enough. Good enough is your level that we're going for. From vehicles to weapons systems. And so one of the things that came out of this was, we're going to be meeting again with a number of my colleagues, my European colleagues, is what do we do to increase the capacity of the West, particularly in Europe and Japan, to be able to generate kind of ability to produce their own weapon systems. Not just for themselves, but to be able to generate that. It's the same as what Russia is trying to figure out, that they went to China and they didn't get the weapons, but then they went to the North Korea. Speeding you back up. We're going to be in a position where the West is going to become the industrial base for it to be able the ability to have all the defensive weapons that we need. That was a discussion as well. To go deal with Putin and she. Another question, slow down for the questions at least. Are you okay, sir? Question number, I don't know, six at this point. Just wanted to butt in here, sir, to reiterate, are you okay? Wait, three years from now? Three years from now? This clearly senile old man is predicting that I'm not only fit to go now, but three years from now. So four years. Another presidency. Probably not, but three years from now. Now, yes. Three years from now, yes. By the end of my presidency? Absolutely not. I'm going to be a crippled husk. Like I said, I'm dealing with she right now and direct contact with him. I have. Wait, didn't they ask about Putin? He's coming back to she? Two or three years from now? To go deal with Putin and she two or three years. Putin and she. I'm ready to deal with him now and three years from now. Look, like I said, I'm dealing with she right now and direct contact with him. I have no good reason to talk to Putin right now. There's not much- No good reason to talk to Putin at the moment. Nothing that could be possibly resolved there. I'm talking to Xi because we're not at war with Xi yet. When we go to war with Xi, I will not be talking to him either because there will be no good reason to talk to Xi at that point. Now that we're currently involved with a war in a war with the president of Ukraine, I don't have a reason to talk to him. He is prepared to do in terms of accommodating any change in his behavior. But there isn't any world leader I'm not prepared to deal with. But I understand the generic point is is Putin ready to talk. I'm not ready to talk. No, no, no. The generic point is not as Putin ready to talk. The generic point is are you okay? Are you a broken brain of a president? That's it. That is the question. Once again, for the sixth or seventh time, are you okay, sir? Is the only question that has been asked? There was one question so far. I'm pretty sure one question fact check me, bro. One question that did not involve are you okay? The generic point is is is Putin fit to be president? Nice try. Unless Putin's ready to change his behavior and the idea but Putin's got a problem. First of all, also there was a clip that came out recently of Putin being asked who he would prefer over Biden and Trump and he chose Biden. Biden, he said, would be the better presidential choice for Russia's prosperity or what have you. Meanwhile, people are pushing Russia again because Donald Trump is a Putin asset, but Putin chose Biden and Biden is concerned about Putin. Because they have won. And by the way, I think don't hold me the exact number but I think the Russia had 17.3% of Ukraine that they've conquered now at 17.4. I mean, in terms of percentage of territory, they've not been very successful. They've called horrible damage loss of life, but they've also lost over 350,000 troops, military killed or wounded. They've over a million people, particularly young people with technical capability, leaving Russia because they see no future. They've got a problem. And what they do have control of is they are very good at controlling and running the public outcry that relates to how they use mechanisms to communicate with people. They lie like hell through the constituencies. They lie like hell about what's going on. And so the idea that we're going to be able to fundamentally change Russia in the near term is not likely. But one thing for certain, if we allow Russia to succeed in Ukraine, they're not stopping Ukraine. I recommend. I know you know this because you've written about it. Read speech after they moved in, what it was all about in Kyiv. It wasn't about just anyway. Read what he's objective is. And anyway, so I think that I'm prepared to talk to any leader who wants to talk. Go back. Got off on the diatribe again. How did that diatribe end? Did it end with a anyway? Yeah, moving on. You've written about it. Read put speech after they moved in, what it was all about in Kyiv. It wasn't about just anyway. Read what he's objective. Read it. It's their clearest day. Read it. It wasn't about anyway. And anyway, but so I think I'm prepared to talk to any leader who wants to talk, including if Putin called me, he wanted to talk. Last time I talked to Putin was trying to get him to work on an armed control agreement relating to nuclear weapons in space. I didn't go very far. It didn't go very far because it's all fake and gay. But my point is I'm prepared to talk to anybody, but I don't see any inclination. There is an inclination on the part of the Chinese to keep in contact with me. Because they're not sure where this all goes. And look what's happened in Asia. We have strengthened the Asian Pacific area more than anybody else has. We just put together with today. I brought on, I asked our NATO allies that we bring on a group from the South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, Japan. Did he say South Pacific? I know there was a lot of stuttering instead of bringing, well, adjusting your collar. But South Pacific really caught me. What we put together was today, we had, I brought on, I asked our NATO allies that we bring on a group from the South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand. Might have been my audio. Fair enough. Australia. I already mentioned Australia. And I met twice. Oh, did he catch himself? Australia, New Zealand, Japan. Yep. Australia. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, shit. I already mentioned Australia. And I met twice now, I think with the... That's the level of cognizance we're working with here. If he corrects himself, which he hasn't done on Putin's Linsky, but if he corrects himself mid-sentence, that's... Good enough. That's what we've got. Team leaders of the Pacific island nations. And we've slowed down what's going on there. We've slowed down China's reach. But there's a lot of work to do. This is a moving target. This is United States of America. Come on, man. Assam from NPR. Next question. Let's go. Thank you, Mr. President. Assamah Khaled with NPR. I have two questions earlier you spoke about the ceasefire plan between Israel and Hamas. We're now looking at 10 months of war. And I'm curious if there's anything that you feel personally you wish you would have done differently over the course of the war. And then secondly, if I may, I wanted to ask you about your presidential campaign. I remember covering your campaign in 2020. And there was a moment where you refer to yourself as a "bridge candidacy," a transition to a younger generation of leaders. I want to understand what changed. Two things. Let's go back. What? And your candidacy was a bridge to a younger generation of leaders. What changed? I think you need to be more clear if that's what the question was. You would have done differently over the course of the war. And then secondly, if I may, I wanted to ask you about your presidential campaign. I remember covering your campaign in 2020. And there was a moment where you refer to yourself as a "bridge candidacy," a transition to a younger generation of leaders. I want to understand what changed. So what changed should not be the ending of that question. What changed in that you wanted a younger candidacy? And also, you are clearly way too old to be doing this and just grasping the ring with all of your Parkinson's hand ability left. What changed? What changed is this. It's that I can't move anymore. But my brain is still great. So again, one question so far has not included something one question has not included age to some degree, even here. NPR said this. Now you said that you want to do like it feels like every single question is a double question. There's a question that gets me pre-approved to ask a question. And then there's an addition to that. Are you okay, sir? Two things. Let's go back to when you talked about what I have changed, anything that's happening with Israel and the Palestinians and the Palestinian movement. The answer is as you recall, from the very beginning, I immediately went to Israel, but I also got a media contact with OCC in Egypt. I met with the King of Jordan. I met with most of the Arab leaders to try to get a consensus going as to what had to be done to deal with getting more aid and food and medicine into the Gaza Strip. And we pushed it really hard. And Israel occasionally was less than cooperative. Number one, the Israeli war cabinet. I've been dealing with Israel since golden mayor. Some of the reporters around here come here all the time and heard me say this. The last first time I met with golden mayor, I sat across from her desk and her assistant was Rabin sitting next to me. That's how far back I go. I know Israel is real well and I support Israel. But this war cabinet is one of the most conservative war cabinets in the history of Israel. And there's no ultimate answer to the two-state solution here. And so what was able to be done in terms of what the plan I put together was it would be a process for a true-state solution. And we get the Arab nations to, particularly from Egypt, all the way to Saudi Arabia, to be in a position where they would cooperate in the transition so that they could keep the peace in Gaza without Israeli force of staying in Gaza. The question is meant from the beginning. What's the day after in Gaza? And the day after in Gaza has to be, the end of the day after has to be no occupation by Israel and the Gaza Strip, as well as the ability for us to access, get in and out as rapidly as you can, all that's needed there. I've been disappointed that some of the things that I put forward have not succeeded as well, like the port reattached from Cyprus. I was hopeful that would be more successful. But that's why when I went to Israel immediately after the massacres that occurred was a hand-hand of a mosque, that I, the one thing I said to Israel, he's met with the war cabinet and with BB, don't make the same mistake America made after bin Laden. There's no need to occupy anywhere. Go after the people who did the job. You may recall, I still get criticized for it, but I was totally opposed to the occupation and trying to unite Afghanistan. Once we got bin Laden, we should have moved on because it was not, and no one's ever going to unite that country. I've been over every inch of that, not every inch of the entirety from the poppy fields all the way to the north. I said, don't make the same mistake we made. Don't think that's what you should be doing. It's doubling down. We'll help you find the bad guys, Symoron Company, and all the criticisms about it, I wouldn't provide, when the weapons are needed. I'm not providing 2,000 pound bombs. They cannot be used in Gaza or any popular area that's causing great human tragedy and damage. But remember what happened when you had the attack on Israel from with rockets and ballistic missiles? I was able to unite the Arab nations as well as Europe, and nothing happened. Nothing got hurt. It sent an incredible lesson to what was going on from the least. So there's a lot of things in retrospect. I wish I had been able to convince the Israelis to do, but the bottom line is we have a chance now. It's time to end this war. It doesn't mean walk away from going after Symoron Hamas. And if you notice, you know better than most, there is a growing dissatisfaction on the West Bank from the Palestinians, about Hamas. Hamas is not popular now. And so there's a lot of moving parts. I just have to keep moving to make sure that we get as much done as we can toward a ceasefire, a ceasefire, and get those. And by the way, look at the number. And in Israel, I mean, my numbers are better in Israel than they are here. But then again, there are a lot of other people here too. But anyway, Canada is the intent. When you refer in Israel, I mean, I mean, my numbers are better in Israel than they are here. But then again, they're better in life. Other people here too. But anyway, Canada Sea in 2020, you refer to yourself as being a bridge candidate for a younger fresher generation of Democratic leaders. And I want to know what changed. What changed was the gravity of the situation I inherited in terms of the economy. The gravity of the situation I inherited in terms of the economy, our foreign policy, and domestic division. I think I won't put words anybody's mouth. Most presidential historians can be credit for having accomplished more than most anti-president since Johnson and maybe before that to get major piece of legislation passed. And what I realized was, right? Thank you. Thank you, trash man, for letting me know that my mic was muted that entire time. Joe Biden is currently claiming that the reason why he can't speak to young voters is because he inherited bad policy from Donald Trump, nearing the end of not just his presidency, but his life. He is still maintaining that it's not because he can't speak. He can't talk to old people. He can't talk to young people. He can't answer questions all that fluently. We saw the debate. It's not that it's not that he's really, really, really old. It's that Donald Trump was president before me. Those four years are what really did me in. Well, I'm sorry, but part of being a president is that somebody was president before you, and they were president for at least four years before you. No matter what they did, if you can be president, you have four years to do it. And we've got four months left on your presidency. And you're still blaming Donald Trump that you can't speak to young voters with all the, the, I don't know, non binary trans influencers, TikTok, whatever's younger jet like Gen Z shit, like the meat and potatoes of Gen Z. With all that, you still, the reason why you can't speak to young millennial and Gen Z voters isn't because you are a, a corpse on stage currently. In fairness, he's doing okay. He's doing okay for a corpse. But the reason why I can't as an old, very elderly, white, great grandfather of a man can't speak to a younger generation. It's Donald Trump's fault. Obviously, it's Donald Trump's fault. Four years ago, he did a thing. And now, man, I'm a victim. Typical liberal strategy, I suppose, but, um, yeah, very, very Gen Z millennial, um, stance to have. It's not my fault. It's all my circumstances around me's fault that I can't maintain any sort of, you know, coherent thought or, or speak to anybody, any, any lack of success that I have. It's not me. It's a generation before me, even if they were younger than me, it's, it's their fault. I am the king of the United States, and Donald Trump's fault still. And it had equipped me to have the wisdom on how to deal with the Congress to get things done. We got more major legislation passed that no one thought would happen. And I want to finish it, to get that finished. If tomorrow, if you said, if we had a circumstance where there was a line up, and I didn't hadn't inherited what I did, and we just moved things along. Anyway, it's going to change. Last question. Uh, Haley Bull scripts, or no, Josh Wingrove. I'm sorry. What's the next one? I'll do two more questions. Two more questions. President, uh, many of your colleagues, Democrats in the Hill are watching tonight. Hold on, let me slow this down for the question. Uh, normal speed. All right. As they assess what they want to go back. No, Josh Wingrove. I'm sorry. What's the next one? I'll do two more questions. Thank you, Mr. President. Uh, many of your colleagues, Democrats in the Hill are watching tonight as they assess what they want to say about your candidacy. I'm wondering how you're thinking of this right now. It seems like your answer is clear. Uh, but they're watching how things go tonight tomorrow in Michigan next week in Texas and Nevada. Are you thinking that way about whether how the next week or two goes would inform your mind. Are you thinking that way about how the next two weeks go? Will that affect your decision? Or are you fully determined on running in November as the party's nominee? I'm determined on running. Are you okay, sir? Are you okay? I know that you have like two weeks more of speeches to give. Are you okay to give them? Is where we're at? One question so far has not included this, but I think it's important that I realize I lay fears by seeing let them see me out there. Let me see them out. You know, for the longest time it was, you know, Biden's not prepared to sit with us unscripted. Biden's not prepared to in any way. Clearly you're proving them wrong. Biden's not not okay to do unscripted, but we got the big boy conference and here we are. And so what I'm doing is what I've been doing. I think we've done over 20 major events from Wisconsin to North Carolina. Quantity of equality. To demonstrate that I'm going out in the areas where we think we can win, where we can persuade people to move our way, where people are already there. And look, the other thing is we have the most extensive campaign organization if anybody's had in a long, long time. We have well over a thousand volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls, making tens of thousands of phone calls. We have headquarters. I forget exactly how many I want to cite a number and then find out I'm off. I know how many headquarters we have or no. I know how many volunteers we have, but I don't know how many headquarters we have. And I don't want to say a number and get it wrong because I might say 11, 2012 or February 10th or what have you. I'm not going good on whoever is coaching Joe Biden at this point, probably Hunter Biden. Stop talking about numbers. You saw there, he wanted to talk about numbers. He was like, I shouldn't. I just really shouldn't. Somebody keeps telling me that I shouldn't talk about numbers because it never goes in my favor. Scores of headquarters and all the toss-up states were organized, were moving, and that's awful hard to replace. We're doing great. And so, and here's the other thing. So it's hard to replace. We're so deep into this. And this is a beautiful thing about Joe Biden's presidency, candidacy, Kamal Harris, Harris's candidacy. The beautiful thing is that it's getting down to the wire. There have been a lot of Democrats who have said this. It's getting down to the wire. Even Joe Biden is admitting, admitting, admitting it now. It's getting down to the wire and it's too late to replace him and it's a beautiful thing. I was in the Senate a long time. Very proud of what I've done in the Senate. I was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee for a long time and I was chairman of the Senate as the president of the United States. I'm going to be going down to the Johnson Library. I'm going to be going around making the case with things that I think we have to finish and how we can't afford to lose what we've done or backslide on civil rights, civil liberties, women's rights. There's that little button there. Control guns, not girls. I mean, the idea we're sitting around, this recovery is so good as well. We're sitting around more children. We're getting serious now. More children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death. Definitely not abortion because that's women's rights. More children killed by a bullet. Take away your guns but also abort your kids. The United States of America. What the hell are we doing? What are we doing? We got a candidate. It's like going into Sunday school and like the teacher asks you a question and you're like, Jesus, United States of America. If you see it, you see it angrily and passionately that they know that you mean what you say and you say what you mean and you are president of the United States of America. I'm going to say, don't worry. I'm not going to do anything. I'm not going to do anything. We got a Supreme Court that is what you might call the most conservative court in American history based. This is ridiculous. Is it so much we can do still and I'm determined to get it done? So many kids, we can kill still. So anti-gun also, these Supreme Court justices are too conservative. What are they doing that is against your anti-gun laws or anti-gun ideas? Really is up for debate currently with the Supreme Court justices. I think abortion more is there. How can we get anything done if these Supreme Court justices are trying to stop abortion? By the way, I'll end this. Well, I'm not going to do that daily as it has to come up to. I remember I made a speech on democracy in Philadelphia, an Independence Hall. Was that the soul of our democracy where he was shaking his fists with the red lights behind him looking very nazi-ish? I'm not being critical just to observe you. The bulk of the press, what tells you talking about that for? Democracy. You did. Democracy is not an issue. Democracy is not an issue. Except the polling data showed 60% of the people knew I was right, thought I was right. I'm not asking you a question. You don't have to answer, obviously. But do you think our democracy is under siege based on this court? Do you think democracy is under siege based on this court? No. I think our democracy is under siege based on whatever this is. Sea is based on Project 2025. Do you think he means that he says he's going to do away with civil service? Get in there. Department of Education. Make sure, I mean, we've never been here before. And that's the other reason why. We have never been here before. We've never been to the point where we have literal liberals saying, like we'll be Goldberg, if he was uncapable of tying his shoes or uncapable of string together a sentence, he would still be better than Donald Trump. We've never been there before because that is complete and utter lunacy. Lunacy to think, I don't know who's running the show currently. I don't know. I definitely don't know who's going to be running the show in four, three to four years, three, if Joe Biden's calculations are correct. In three years from now, while he's still fit to be president, I still don't know who's running the show. Um, lunacy, but Donald Trump, Donald Trump is, is trying to take what your rights. You say, hand off to another generation. I've got to finish this job. I've got to finish this job. That's, that's just sad. That's the first believable thing that I've heard from him. Just an old crippled man saying, I got to, I got to do it. I got to finish it. I got to do it. I know I'm not doing it. I know somebody else is going to do it, but I can't be a quitter. I can't quit right now. And even if he was coherent, even if he knew what was going on right now, that would be sad. But he is a decrepit old man with dementia and probably Parkinson's since based on his own completely fake, um, you know, visits from Parkinson's doctors and stuff like that. Um, it's sad. All of this is sad because he, he's like a TikTok influencer. They get sucked into a world and they get brainwashed into it. He got sucked into politics. He got brainwashed into it. He's not a good guy. I'm not trying to defend him in any way, but I can see how that grasp for power maintains through senility and beyond senility, which is where we are now. The only goal he's had since I've been alive is getting that ring of power and he got it. Whether it's Jill Biden or Hunter Biden pushing him into doing it or anybody pushing him into it doesn't matter. There is still a part of him that is like, uh, this was the goal and I have to complete the goal. I have to complete the mission because he was brainwashed much like many TikTok influencers are now being brainwashed into believing whatever and then they push that on to whomever else. This is politics. Politics is a husk of a man being propped up and in his brain, he's still doing the right thing. I kind of believe he's doing the right thing or in his brain. I think in his brain, he believes he's doing the right thing. He's a liar. He's been a liar since he was coherent. He's been a liar as long as I've been life. He's been a plagiarist all that long, but he was sucked into a thing. Politics. I started to get sucked into it too and I thank you Chase Oliver for allowing me to not be sucked into it further because now I get to be honest. Nobody is being honest. And Joe Biden is, he's a victim much like TikTok influencer white women. He is a victim of his own creation and now he has to own it until his dying breath. While everybody asks him, are you almost dead? Again, are you open to taking another physical or test before the election? Governor Whitmer, are you okay, sir? Can we prove the error? Okay, sir. That's a pretty decent sign that you're not okay if every single question aside from one has asked you if you're okay. Again, for instance, it wouldn't hurt to take a test. Well, look, two things. One, I've taken three significant intense neurological exams where neuros are neurologists. In each case, it's recent in February. And they say as recent as February, which was a while ago and we've seen a significant decline since then. Okay, although I do have a little problem with my left foot because it's not as sensitive because I broke my foot and didn't wear the boot, but but but I'm good cover. I'm tested every single day, but my neurological capacity to do decisions I make every day. He's tested every day by his neurological decisions. Talk to my staff, all of you talk to my staff. Sometimes my staff talks a lot. But the fact of the matter is, I don't think you have them telling you that all the major ideas we've undertaken haven't been in part initiated by me. I remember the staff, I said, I'm going to go to South Korea. We're going to get the chip. What are you doing? I'm going to get Japan and Korea back together again after now essentially having hostilities toward one another. We get her at this end of World War II. I'm going to move and see if we can expand it. You know, the only thing age does is help you create a little bit of wisdom, if you pay attention. And so the point I'm making is, I think it's important that if my if the neurologist tells me he thinks I need another exam, by the way, I've laid every bit of the record out. I haven't added anything. You don't ask Trump for his. No. Every bit of the record out. I haven't added anything. You don't ask Trump for his. I laid it all out. I'm sorry. I can't hear this. I have not had anything. Is that what he said? Every single day, I'm surrounded by good doc. I've laid every bit of the record out. I hadn't added anything. You don't ask Trump for his, okay? What? I laid it all out. Every single day, I'm surrounded by good docs. If they think there's a problem, I promise you. We're going to don't think it's a problem. I think I should have a neurological exam again. I'll do it. No one's suggesting that to me now. And I'll ask you another question. No matter what I did, no one's going to be satisfied. Did you have seven docs? Did you have two? What did you have? Did you do this? How many times do you? So I am not opposed that my doctors tell me I should have another neurological exam. I'm not opposed to my doctors telling me I should not have another neurological exam. The words of a clearly cogent beyond cogent, man. Do it. But that's right, I am. Hayley Bull scripts. Thank you, Mr. President. No. You said you're making decisions on a day-to-day basis when it comes to support for Ukraine. Does that mean you have not closed the door on further considering lifting restrictions for US-made weapons inside Russia? And if I may, your convention is coming up where your delegates are pledged to make you the official nominee. If they have second thoughts, are they free to vote their conscience? Are you okay, sir? This better be the last question because I'm done. We're going to speed through this because I'm very done with this. It's been the same thing over and over again. He's going to keep talking about pivoting to policy. Well, everybody in the press corps asks him, "Are you okay?" Obviously, they're free to do another moment. I get overwhelming support. Overwhelming support. I forget how many votes I've won in the primary. Overwhelming. And so tomorrow, if all of a sudden I show up at the convention, everybody says, "We want somebody else." That's a democratic process. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. Sure. Look, I'll end this with this. I served in the Senate a long time. I understand the impetus of candidate running for local office and whether they think the topic they can help them or not. In my state of Delaware, which was a very, at least a rep, it was a red state. Oh, God. We now talk red and blue. I don't recall most of the democratic presidents winning my state when I was a candidate. The truth of the matter is I understand the self-interest of a candidate. If they think that, you know, run over with Biden in the top, they're going to hurt him, then they're going to run away. I get it. But so far, go and look at the polling data in their states. Look at the in-depth. And by the way, it's real bad. I think you'd all acknowledge and you're all experts. I'm not being solicited about the president. You're experts on this stuff. They're all asking one question. I'm not going to say it again. Does anybody think the polls are these days? I can give you a series of polls where you have likely voters versus Trump, where I win all the time. When the unlikely voters vote, he wins sometimes. So bottom line is all the polling data right now, which I think is premature because the campaign really hasn't even started. I mean, it hasn't started in earnest yet. Most of the time, it starts until after September, after Labor Day. So a lot can happen. I think I'm the best, I know I believe I'm the best qualified to govern. And I think I'm the best qualified to win. But there are other people who could be Trump, too. But his office starts to start from scratch. And we talk about money raised. We're not too bad. We get about $220 million in the bank. There are other people who could actually beat Trump, but they are not as qualified as I am because I've made it this far. You will well. So with that, do you have any want to follow up on any of that and just ask me? You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back. Final question. Leave now. There's no way you can win. Me. No, I'm saying that. No polls. What? What? What? Come on. Hey, this is the sense tonight. No, unless they came back and said there's no way you can win. Me. No, I'm saying that. No poll says that. Nobody's saying that. No polls are saying that. This is the sense tonight. Up or. Thanks, everybody. This concludes respectfully earlier. You misspoke. They're acknowledging the real time fact checking him is vice president Trump taking your place. Listen to him. This concludes tonight's press conference. How do you come back to that? Listen to him. Listen tonight's press conference. Thank you, everybody. Thanks. Well, that concludes Joe Biden's press conference, his big boy press conference. Listen to him. Listen to him. I'm pretty. Is that what he said? Am I wrong? Is anybody still here? If I'm wrong, let me know. But listen to him. When asked, Donald Trump is calling you out for comments or answers in this current big boy press conference where you called Donald Trump, your vice presidential candidate, your responses, listen to him. Okay. So don't. Don't watch me. Watch me. I got this. We're beyond that. We're beyond watch me. Now we're to listen to Donald Trump, my opposing candidate, whatever. Yeah, there's apparently 15, 20 minutes of of layover. All right. Well, this has been fun. And we will not get any more this week. If you want more, if you want more of what we plan to do with freak of the week stuff, we can do some freaky shit. We can do a second episode every week. But you guys got to subscribe, like, share and subscribe, get the numbers up. Do your do your due diligence. I might put this out as next week's episode because I'm going to be out of town next week and won't have time to do an episode. So this might be next week's episode. I'm sorry that the afterparty is still being shared with the plebs among the public. But if you want more of this going over to you, the system is or forward slash the system is down and sign up for the downers club today, sport the show, and we will do more. This has been riveting. It has been exactly what I expected it would be, except for Joe Biden is a little bit above board. I think he's still hanging in there. I think I think he might have this, you guys. My candidate. My guy. My guy. Joseph Robinette Biden. There is nobody more fit to be president right now than him. And I would invite you to join me in helping him, encouraging him to stay in the race. Stay, stay with it, Joe. Even though one of the questions tonight did not have to do with, are you okay? We're doing great. How is it going to speak to Gen Z? I'm doing that right now. They're watching. They're watching CNN, right? They're watching this. They know. They know the thing. I've got, I've got a little trans people posting me on TikTok. I'm cool. I'm hip. Look, Joe, if you want to be hip, if you want to be a jive turkey, hit me up. I'll make your videos. That's it. End of quote. Hit me up. I will make your videos and I will make you look the best, the most jive turkey that you can in order to keep your corpse in the race because so many reasons. It's not, it's not because I want Donald Trump to be president. It's because I want, I want not you to be president. And also you are the most entertaining candidate. Donald Trump was funny. At one point, he still throws out a Chris Christie line every now and then that makes me chuckle. But there's nobody more entertaining and nobody more destructive to the systems of power than you insisting on being in the race. So thank you for not falling apart tonight. Thank you for being just cogent, beyond cogent, as this morning Joe would say. Thank you for being so cogent that everybody asked you, are you okay? God bless America. God bless you all in the chats tonight. You listening in the future, I might put this out as the episode next week because I don't have an episode but out next week because I'll be out of town. So if you're listening to this in the future, thank you for being here. If you want more of this sooner than a week after the news comes out, please sign up for the downer's club at and we will talk to you there. We'll see you there, join the family. God bless you all. Be bad, have fun, question everything, stay uncomfortable and hey, Jack, hey, hey, America, I'm the president. Fuck you. Fuck you, bro. That's, that's who's around the country now. Good night and good luck. Peace out. [Music] [Music]