The System is Down with Dan Smotz

436: Julian Assange FREED! Are They Fighting Over the Libertarian Vote?

Today, Dan Smotz & Dave Casey watch the world burn, while laughing their way thru all the most important articles in the news… and a whole lot of unimportant ones as well. On the Docket:* Julian Assange walks FREE* Trump flirts Vivek?* Presidents fighting over the Libertan vote?* Chase & Cop* & moreQuestion everything. Stay uncomfortable.Lets get weird.Guest & Sponsor Links:Dave: Lone Star Injury Attorneys: https://lonestarinjuryatt...

2h 14m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Today, Dan Smotz & Dave Casey watch the world burn, while laughing their way thru all the most important articles in the news… and a whole lot of unimportant ones as well.

 On the Docket:

* Julian Assange walks FREE
* Trump flirts Vivek?
* Presidents fighting over the Libertan vote?
* Chase & Cop
* & more

Question everything. Stay uncomfortable.

Lets get weird.

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And I would hope that we would back away a little bit from the mindset that has been growing in recent years where the idea of running lots of candidates becomes the goal, getting lots of votes becomes the goal. And then we go, well, they run lots of candidates and to have status, we have to 50 state ballots, that is, 50 state ballots, that is a tactical goal. It is a step along one of many paths toward liberty and a path that probably isn't even the most to cost effective one. So while I'm certainly not urging that we not try to have ballot status, I hope we will maintain our perspective in realizing the grand scheme of things in the ongoing battle for liberty that attaining 50 state ballots status is not really a terribly high authority. I think the other things that I've outlined. Building our membership, reaching out via strong issue stands on the issues of the day and effectively using domestic communications media are all far more important than running lots of candidates and getting ballots that is at the right. Well, I ask is, if we have to give these bastards our lives, we give them hell before we do it. The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear, which we live in. I don't know what I said. I did not have sexual relations with everyone. I remember that we were not too long ago. We are still here! All right ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the least. Whatever. It's not the least careful show on the web anymore. It's getting real and comfortable out there, but we keep it real around here. Welcome to a special Tuesday at noon-ish episode, depending on where in the world you reside. But yeah, when stuff happens, we got to talk about it. And I say that like it was planned. It wasn't really planned. We were going to do an episode today, whether or not Assange was freed. But I didn't know exactly what we were going to talk about. But as of last night, the topic of main discussion seemed pretty clear. I am joined, as always, by the wonderful, beautiful, late, great Dave Casey. Dave, how are you doing, sir? What's up, bro? I'm feeling great, man. Reason to celebrate. It's good to be here with you. It is a reason to celebrate. And there's nobody I'd rather celebrate with than, well, not you. But the people in the chats, if you're in the chats, thank you for being here, first and foremost. But do not forget to fake Super Chat because YouTube hates you and me and everybody here. Just put fake Super Chat in all caps if you got something to say. And you want us to criticize your words, and we will try to get to them as we do. Also, if you would like to get more, or I'll just say, since we're not doing an afterparty again today, I'm sorry. But if you'd like to get more backlog and also just support the show, if you'd like to just be a decent human and make your life, you know, 10% more valuable, go on over to People like Sean Von Brin, something Carolina, trash man, Scott, JC, Justin, Joey, Bonnie, Adam, Andrew, Donald, Leah, Brake, Keith, SDG, level zero, Jack, Casey, Javari, John Odermat, Howie Snowden, Nathan, Sives, Mary Rome, John Barnhouse, many more. If you want to get your name on that list and have it read in correctly some day, go on over to Support the show and get more weird, more raw, more offensive, more content. I know, it's been like a week or two since we've been here, and I don't think we did an afterparty last time either. Sorry, maybe we did. I don't remember. It's been a while. There's been a lot going on. Summers are busy. I imagine your summers just as busy as ours is. So, cry. Cry if you don't like it, but go support the show anyway. Dave. Dave. Yeah. You've been working on some stuff, I saw. You want to tease that a little bit? Yeah, absolutely. Dude, for the second time, I was able to do some man on the street stuff at the convention in addition to my choices. Natural. Other men on the street. Total losers. It's actually only on the street one time. It was in a hotel for the rest of it, but I had a great time, and yeah, I just finished up editing that, sent it over to your department for approval, just maybe some pointers before I put it out there. But yeah, that'll probably drop tomorrow, so if you want to see that. That's the bridge version. He actually sent it to me to do the edit, and I was like, "I'll totally do this, bro." And then two weeks later, he was like, "Fuck you, I'm going to do it myself." And yeah, I watched half of it this morning, Dave, and I got to say, like where it's going. I noticed there's a couple editing tricks there that you did that seems like you picked up from somewhere. So listen, let's get that out of the way right now. I completely bit your entire branding and marketing style and took notes on other things that you did and went, "I'll do that exactly the same way." Thanks for the tips, bro. I really appreciate it. I'm learning a lot. Yeah, I'm going to finish watching it hopefully soon. I'll let you know my thoughts. But so far, I'm digging it and got some characters in there with some thoughts and some I like to just in the first interview that you had. I don't remember the guy's name, Elijah, I think. Right? Yep. Good dude. I've hung out with him a lot of pork fest, but yeah, just the before all the shit went down, people's thoughts on Chase Oliver was fun to hear. And now that we live in the future, it's fun to look back and remember how excited everybody was for the Chase Oliver campaign leading up to it. Right. So that's kind of one of the cooler parts about it is that it happens in real time through the weekend. So it starts on Friday, everybody's like, "Yeah." And then it starts to get a little worse. And then by the end, it's like, "Oh, damn." So you can ride the roller coaster with me. It's fun. Nice. Yes. And do you have a time that you're planning on putting that out or still TBD? Dude, as soon as you tell me that it's ready to go and I don't need to fix anything, I'll probably drop it tomorrow morning or tomorrow. Cool. I did have one easy adjustment that I'll let you know off here, but- Thank you. Appreciate this. Yes. Absolutely. We got a fake chate already from Hector Ruse's fake super chat. After LP convention, Dan is the better asshole than Dave, explain. I don't know what that means. I was going to say I need him to explain that because- Yeah. Though I am, you know, this is the softer side of me. I'm ready to stop fighting these people and just enjoy the show more. And maybe that is the truth, you know? It's because Chase broke Dave in a good way, like broke him for the better. He's like, "If I don't have to give a fuck, then I'm not going to give a fuck anymore." And, you know, chill. Chill in some weed, baby. That's it, man. You know that. Well, cool, man. I'm glad to have Chill Dave back. And clown world Dave is my favorite, but we have some news to discuss. And the most important news is what we're going to start with. We're not going to bury the lead today because it is big news. Men in the world are being- are being freed and we got to talk about it. So here that is. [Music] So for the audio listener, this is what happens when a man finally lets go of the pain he's been carrying and embraces his true power. And as far as I can tell, these are guys standing in their backyard, shouting, screaming, carrying each other around on top, but crowd surfing with about seven people, which is not- not- not culty feeling to me. But I don't know, what do you thoughts, Dave? Is this- is this what- is this manhood? So he did not just let Jesus Christ into his heart. That's not what they're doing. It looks like they're sacrificing him, actually. Okay. I don't know. There's some ritual activity going on here. Yeah. Sorry, bro. Yeah. Did you do this when you became a man, Dave? And let go of your- your pain? No, nothing like this. My- those dudes were not as supportive. They just called me gay, and uh, what about my fucking locker? Now, I actually- I like- there's been a couple videos like this of men finding their true selves, and it's just like a group of white dudes going, "Yeah!" and uh, being men, I guess, that's what that means. Um, and I've- I've- I've- I've made jokes about it in shit, and people have given me some pushback, surprisingly enough, and defended these guys, like, "No, this is- this is- this is legit, bro. This is a man who's been going through some stuff." Like, first off, you don't know this guy from Adam, and you don't know his situation. Like, maybe he stubbed his toe this morning, and that's his- his plight, but uh, yeah. I- If you're gonna defend this, then I would say that you also have to defend this. "Wow! Wow! Right now, I feel! What do you feel?" "The classics." "Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it!" At, you can find the lady of your- We need to pair these men up with these women. Clearly, they've both gone through some stuff, and they can have some, you know, some relating to do on the very, you know, impossible lives of- of white folk. But, um, Dave, first off, I gotta ask, is the audio coming through for you, uh, fine? Like, is it stettery, or does it sound good? "Yeah, everything sounds good." Okay, cool. It's just me. I'm the only person who doesn't get to enjoy my show, but that's typical stuttery den. That's right. Now, um, trash man, trash man with the fake super chat, fake super chat. Oh, men, I know, deal with pain the Midwest way of drinking excessively. Here, here, to the Midwest. "Do you know if you got 'em?" We know how to do it around here. Um, yeah. Who do you think- who do you think wore it better, Dave? The pissed off men in their backyard, or the screeching women in the woods. Honestly, all right, I already got my joke out of the way. So I'll just say that both of these groups of people are kind of doing the same thing. They are acting out in nature the fact that they are natural beings living in unnatural world, and it's driving them fucking nuts. So they have to go be with their tribe, somehow, and just be primal for a minute or whatever if you want to use that word. Um, both, you know, women seem a little bit angrier, but, you know, whatever. Shocking. Shocking. So, uh, but they're both dealing with it. They're both going through it, and I wish them all the best. Wow. This is New Day. I'm- a Newly- Wow. Wow. Crow clown world- clown world, Dave. I hope that they all are doing well next time we check in. Wow, Hector's onto something here. Um, Dave sees bitches screaming in the woods, and he's like, "Oh, I'm sorry, honey." Oh, everybody, you okay? Can I- can you do anything for anybody? You- girl is doing all right. You don't need to calm down. You need to keep spending $4,000 to scream in the woods. Now, um, I am actually not going to bury the lead today because it- it- it- the topic is the topic, and we gotta- we gotta go there. From WikiLeaks on X, Twitter. Julian Assange is free. Hold on. Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of the 24th of June, after having spent a hunt- 1,901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stanstid Airport during the afternoon where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grassroots organizers, press freedom campaigners, legislators, and leaders from across the political spectrum all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the U.S. Department of Justice leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalized. We will provide more information as soon as possible. After more than five years in a two by three meter cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his family- or with his wife, Stella Assange, and their children who have only known their father from behind bars. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption. So did he impregnate his wife while behind bars? And if so, was it during the 23 hours of isolation? Or does he have to fit it all into that one hour of daylight that he's led? Like, he gets to go outside for one hour a day and during that hour, his wife's like, "No, I need this, but honey, I'm dying." Anyway, it's been eight years. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles and for the people's right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian's freedom is our freedom. More details to follow. Nice. So... Score one for Joe Biden? Is that what we're doing here? That just happened. I mean, Trump could have done all these things last time. He had the chance and just because he said that he would free Ross doesn't mean, well, he didn't say anything about Assange, at least at the convention. I know he talked about it a bit with Tim Cast afterward, but I believe in that interview or beforehand or whatever. I believe in the interview that Tim did with Don, Don said that he would be... He was thinking about it or he was talking to people. He was in talks because, you know, this is all new. This is all new. He didn't know anything about Assange. He needs to get people's opinions and outside thoughts on it just to make sure that this is a good idea. Like nobody said, free Assange before the Libertarian National Convention and Donald Trump's just like, "Who is this guy?" I know he knows who Assange is. I know he knows plenty of the story there, but a little bit hesitant. Still, even at the Libertarian Convention, he was still a little bit hesitant, which doesn't fill me with a whole lot of confidence. But now we've got Joe Biden doing it instead, or at least Joe Biden's handlers doing it to some degree, not to the degree of pardoning him, but at least letting him out if he admits to a bunch of bullshit. I don't know. I could ramble, but Dave, go ahead. You got any thoughts on this small little news story? Well, I mean, obviously it's great news, and I don't care what the reasoning behind it is. I mean, we can talk about that and that's fun, but this is great and this is historic. And I'm so happy for him and his family and for our movement. But yeah, if you want to nerd out on the politics behind this, that's kind of fun. And I want to think that we're entering into an age where the president and the potential president have to know more like playing with the crown. If it pleases the crown, they literally have to start doing things for you, that they're like to move the needle. But a novel idea. Oh, my God. It's amazing that it took this long for people to be like, "Hey, wait a second, these guys aren't doing shit." And now they're like, "Damn it, we got to do shit." Right. And again, these are things that won't cost them any money. They won't have to implement any plans. It's just like concessions. It won't cost them any money, but think about the implications of Assange being freed. Well, he had to be guilty. So he still went before the crown and said, "I plead guilty before your mighty state." So, I'm sure he'll have to deal with some shit. But he's home with his family, with his kids for the first time ever. Yeah, I mean, dude, that's great. When I say implications, I mean like, do you think there was hesitation from these politicians to release him because he has potential dirt or could have potential dirt on them? Or could like, is he getting back to business? Is he going to be snooping around in places that politicians don't want him? Hmm. That's a good question. I imagine he's probably semi-retired after this. That's going to be my guess, is it? Yeah, I'll go into hiding forever, like Michael Jackson did. Exactly. So now I doubt that. But, and I think if he had some stuff, I'm sure WikiLeaks probably could have had access to that. They could have maybe, you know, done some reverse blackmail or something. Let our guy go or else. But I don't know, maybe. That could be true. But I love the idea. Sorry, I got it. Oh, you go ahead. You do it. Oh, no, I love the idea that maybe, just maybe Biden saw that, you know, that Trump was going to release our guy Ross and that that was very popular amongst, you know, the one, two, three percent wiggle room that you need to win. So that's, that's what I want to believe that we, when I say we, the dark capital w we had maybe like little role to play in that. But wouldn't that be, wouldn't that be cool, bro? I don't know. Either way, he's out and that's the thing that matters. Right, whether he's fighting for libertarian votes to steal those away from Donald Trump or fighting for Democrat votes to steal those away from whoever the never Bideners were going to vote for. Like, I know a lot of the left is for freeing Assange as well. So who cares? Who cares the reason, I suppose? But I can't stop the war in Gaza, but I can free your guy. How about the right one? Yeah, well, we'll take it no matter who does it. As much as I'm not voting for Donald Trump at this point, I'm also definitely never voting for Joe Biden ever. So, but thank you. Thank you for your service, Joe, or whoever's choice. This was when, when you do write, we'll let you know. And so far, I'm pretty sure this is the first one in the last four years, that the first time that we've praised Joe Biden. And it's not for a lack of being fair, it's for a lack of having a president, but we've got some fake super chats. Adam Choi says, "Fake super chat, that is a funny episode title. Let me know if anyone is taking it seriously and calling you dumb." I don't know what that means. What is a, what is a funny episode title? This one, this one here, that, that they're fighting over us? I don't, I don't know if they are fighting over us or not. I know that we're getting our way, whether they're fighting over us or not. And if they want to end the wars, because it's more, I don't know, it's more politically expedient to the left or something. I know that that's not a real thing, but, you know, I don't care the reason, I don't care who they're pandering to. I think it's worth at least taking note that a lot of things are happening that seem to be pushing in a libertarian direction. If we can push Democrats to be more libertarian, Republicans be more libertarian, and, you know, God willing, maybe even some libertarians to be more libertarian, I'm for it. And, yeah, now, are we going to get the, the real one? Like, which of the candidates is going to free Joe Exotic? Obviously, that is what, that's a question on everybody's lips. Only a matter of time, dude. At this point, it's just, you know, he's got the star power and this is becoming the thing. So, you know, that we should maybe talk to that dude who was on the show the one time, who's reppin' him. Let's see what we can do at this stage in the game to help you boy out. Amen. Yeah, I don't, I don't even, frankly, know for sure if I believe that Joe Exotic should be freed, or if he should, he's kind of a monster, but he's, he's fun to, he's fun to parody on the internet, but Angela McCartill, who notoriously smacked Joe Exotic down from being our candidate, thank you. Now, we, I mean, we could have had, if you were looking for a gay guy to be your candidate, we could have had one, could have had gay guy, celebrity, and guy in jail. We could have, like, had the trifecta of libertarianism, but here we are. She's lucky that she's been crushing it otherwise, because that would have, that's really. Which, she was on a Austin Peterson show this morning talking about, um, the Assange stuff, and chase stuff and other stuff, but yeah, on the Assange topic, he asked her if she thought that the libertarian said anything to do with it, and, you know, people can be skeptical that we can, sure, a lot of this is larping, and a lot of things are like, we can take credit for him without any evidence of, of credit, but if you look at the, you know, just the last month from convention, having Donald Trump go there and pander to us, to RFK, pandering to us. Now, you've got the vague Ramaswami, well, I mean, he's always been kind of pandering to us, but we've got, um, uh, yeah, now, kind of, we got Joe Biden pandering to us, he just hasn't said our name, but he's doing, he's playing the right tune for getting some people's attention, and, um, you know, when you're right, you're right, and, uh, so, the issue with this, though, is that, um, he wasn't pardoned, he was, he had to plead guilty still for a bunch of bullshit. Dave, um, back in the times of the WikiLeaks and Assange stuff, I wasn't paying that close attention. Um, do you have, what was, were you paying attention at the time? Do you know, do you know, like, what the vibes were around this guy and around WikiLeaks? I know there was a lot of skepticism as far as whether or not he was legit. Where did you land back then? I don't know if I was, like, you know, really on it in real time, but, um, but you put John Podesta in the card for this episode, so you must have at least a certain bit of understanding of what they were putting out in the WikiLeaks. I know that there's some Podesta stuff. Yeah, I couldn't remember, honestly, John Podesta's in there because he's in another thing to come, but, um, what was John Podesta's link? Was that the, uh, the spirit cooking shit or was that something else? So there's some like horrifying audio that you can find on the internet of the claim is that it's like child slaves and him doing awful things. So even if it's fake, it's, it's the worst thing you'll ever listen to. Yeah. Um, but he and his brother, uh, Tony Podesta ran, that was their, their link. They were like, you know how like married couples do like tandem criminal acts. These guys were bros. And Tony Podesta was the guy who ran the, uh, the lobbying firm. And, uh, John Podesta was the guy inside the White House. So he was Obama's chief of staff, Clinton, he was in the, in the White House in the, you know, so he's, uh, doesn't matter what, uh, administration, he's all up in there. But yeah, guilty of some of the worst, worst things connected to the Clinton stuff, all the hashtag pizza gate stuff that was real, you know. Um, so yeah, man, they were on top of that stuff, not like making any claims, but just like maybe pointing like some of the, you know, the, you know, hot dog stuff, pizza stuff, all these things. I think they were the ones who like uncovered that shit. Yeah. Um, sorry, God. No, you're good. Um, yeah, we dug into the pizza gate stuff and all that back in the day. Um, I don't, it's hard for me to remember who said what and who did what. But, uh, yeah, all, all of that fun stuff. Um, the reason why John Podesta is in the, um, is in the thumbnail is because, uh, here's this, this is veering off of the WikiLeaks a little bit. We'll come back to it in a minute. But, um, I thought that this was worth it mentioned because Arnold Schwarzenegger has some important things to say. And I'm not sure why, but he's being joined by his new right wing guy, um, Mr. John Podesta. We want to do the same thing here. We want to communicate the right way. I think this whole climate change dialogue is not going to work. I think this has been used for the last few decades. I think we should address it directly what it is, which is pollution. We want to terminate pollution. There is the message we should go and get out there. And I think that it doesn't matter if it's the Chinese or the Russians or whatever it is, we may be down agree with them, but we all have to bring them in and we all have to work together with them. Mm hmm. Bro, this is what I'm talking about the, if perhaps the quintessential global influencer of the, the last 50 years, half a century is Arnold Schwarzenegger, global, global audience. And that's like, they're now, they're cashing in on their guy who made all the movies that everybody across the whole world loves. Yeah, it was reading straight from the script of like 20 years ago, like we got it, we got it all come together to stop climate change, because the world is going to be an icicle or completely melted in underwater within the last 25 years, like the same predictions as we're being made when I was a child that any day now, revelation is going to happen. But yeah, I just thought I haven't dug that much into that. But apparently he's teamed up with the one and only John Podesta. Because who better to, of course, to check down with than, yeah, I think that's the, I don't know his new position, but Podesta has a position right now. It's somewhere in the global green initiative, like he has an official job in the Biden administration. And of course he does. So any position that John Podesta is allowed to, you know, just even be a part of like is not a valid position at all. Like if given his track record, if you're like, he's the guy for the job, then the job shouldn't exist. I don't know what it is. If it's climate czar, then get rid of it, because I'm not buying it to trust him. Yeah. Yeah, as a bad man. Yeah, anyway, so this was also posted from WikiLeaks. Imagine from over five years in a small cell in a maximum security prison, nearly 14 years detained in the UK to this for the privilege Julian Assange must pay over a half a million US dollars, US dollars. And you can go crowd fund it there at that link. Go crowd fund it. Go find this and crowd fund it if you are so willing, because does he need your money? Probably not, but could it, would it help? Yes, I'm sure it would help. So he had to plead guilty and instead of just walking free, do you think that this is a Biden play for votes? And if it is a Biden play for votes, then why? Why not just pardon the guy? I guess, you know, maybe to like you were saying earlier, to protect them legally, like, all right, if you go through this process, then you know, you won't be able to sue us later in the future for 1000 crimes. And I'm sure he's experienced, you know, probably that I have a theory on this video that was tagged in this WikiLeaks post. It's just a video of Assange chilling in a in an airplane and gazing out the window and then cuts to another angle. What's that? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Zooming in on the does this mean something Dave? Are we going there? Is that anything that he's he's got? Oh, my God, I'm so ready for it. If it is, it would be amazing. If this was just a little Easter egg, I know it's not most likely, but I want it to be just like, Oh, we're coming for you next moon. Yeah. Let's do it. Man. Well, listen, dude, listen, if I'm not saying that that's what that is, but there's a shelf. There's a shelf, there's a shelf light, a shelf life of bullshit. So like, maybe they had to get rid of him because like, not get rid of him. They had to release him because like that it was just too hot, too much stuff or there's something was going to happen to them. So like you, you got to cut your losses, right? Like they, they pulled out of Afghanistan like right before 20 years because I'm sure like the press on 20 years would be like too much for them to withstand. And again, they don't do stuff because they like us like visit us at convention or release our guys because they like us. They only do stuff because of like legit public pressure. So yeah, yeah, maybe they'll release the moon, should do that would be so cool. They don't do stuff to help us. They do stuff to help them. And sometimes helping themselves just happens to help us if we are loud enough. So that's about the most we can, we can ask for Hector who says fake super chat. Epstein client list gets released in one, two, three. Sure. Yeah, I bet that'll be more likely like a little be first sometime after the JFK and around the same time span as the JFK documents are released, which will be 50 years after. But trash man says fake super chat exotic could have given us a tiger VP instead of a cop VP. And one of these is more likely to kill your dog than the other. Just Dico Mitchell says, oh, go ahead. I'm pretty sure terminate the pollution is a limp biscuit lyric. Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you. Now moving on, not on back, but on to other parts of this. There there have been some opinions on the release of Julian Assange. The most important and the opinion that everybody was hoping to get was Mike Pence's. Mike Pence said on his Twitter account, Julian Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest. You know, this is really my Mike Pence that I don't think I've ever done before is very close to my hand kill. So I feel like it's pretty fitting and we should just go with it. Prosecutor to the fullest extent of the law. The Biden administration's plea deal with Assange is a miscarriage of justice and disorders the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the armed forces and their families. There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States ever. Nazi fag. Just give me a minute, Dave. Come on, geez. I don't need a soundboard anymore. Dave can just shout quotes that he's heard online. I like it. Now this I think it means the former vice president, very very well established and renowned Mike Pence is not pleased with the release of Julian Assange, which I don't know to me, anybody who anybody who's in a position of power right now who has an issue with Assange being freed probably has got some skeletons in their closet. I don't know. Maybe that's just me. Mike Pence seems like the guy. He's very squeaky clean. He's probably got bodies in his basement somewhere, but it still want to be even if even if he had a basement full of children's corpses, it still want to be as bad as you know, Trump University, but I digress. Right. Dave got any thoughts for former vice president and potential. Well, he was he ran for president this time too. He was one of the first ones out, which is quite laughable. He was like the Charles Ballet of the GOP. Or I was going to say the Jeb point to oh, but you got any words for this man? Well, yeah, you kind of alluded to like the way that he lives his lifestyle. Like the Mike Pence rule about going out to eat like he doesn't go out to eat with any if there's a woman there, his wife has to be there. Yeah, but that is probably because he has a relationship with Lindsey Graham or something like that. Most logical. Yeah, he doesn't he doesn't go out alone with women, but he does go out alone with men. That's perfectly fine. So, you know, you got to do what you got to do. Happy Pride month, y'all. Future vice presidential hopeful that they can almost want me said in contrast, it is great that Julian Assange would have finally be released. In what we want to get him on the show, don't we, bro? We do. We do. And he seems like a guy who is a good CEO. We must keep it. We must do the accident exactly like he does. This is this is my best to wake voice. He doesn't have any he doesn't have anything interesting about his tone. So I got to go with it. In what smells like a desperate Biden gambit for libertarian votes, but it's shameful that he had to spend years rotting in a foreign prison for during what other reporters do regularly while the government employee who locked who leaked to him, Chelsea Manning had her her I repeat her sentence commuted by Obama because she is a member of a favorite political class transgender. Julian Assange deserves a pardon and its long past overdue to restore one standard of law again in America. I'll take it. I'll take it. Sure. Yeah, I mean, compared to compared to this. Yeah, I'll take it. What are your thoughts on this, Dave? Do you think that Chelsea Manning had her sentence commuted only because she is transgender or do you think there was more to it? Hmm, that's a good question. No, I don't think that that's I could be wrong, but I know I would need more more evidence than that. Smart guy though. And if he gets the VP spot telling you what, you need to get that MAGA hat. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I would imagine that Chelsea Manning's transgenderism did have something to do with it for them to be. So I don't know. Again, I'm not the expert on all things WikiLeaks, but Chelsea Manning's sentence versus Julian Assange's sentence seems to tell a lot, especially if Chelsea Manning was the one who actually leaked the information to Julian Assange. It seems like that would be the more punishable offense. But yeah, you know what, let me take that back. And I can't remember the exact year that they let Chelsea Manning go, but maybe it was like 2015, 2016? I don't know. Something around there. So yeah, dude, that's when that shit was kind of like heat nups. So again, we've already established that these people are not doing things because they like us. They do it because of public pressure. And if they anticipated that that would be too much for the mission, then it's just easier to cut your losses. Yeah, get rid of who cares. Yeah, that's probably what it's about. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. All right. You got anything else on Assange or shall we move on to much less important stuff? No, yeah, let's go on to the to the frivolous crap. Okay, before we do that, let's just go on to this trade for the next hour and a half. Yeah. Now with the final thought on the Assange thing, do you think that like, does this not that it really fucking matters, but does this play at all into libertarian politics moving forward? Because Angela seems to think that we did have a lot to do with this. And Austin Peterson on this morning show asked her like, well, now that that Assange is freed, if Donald Trump frees Ross, then what or like, what if Joe Biden frees Ross, then what? And she's like, her answer was, well, then we move on to Snowden, and then we move on to Jay Sixers, then we move on to this, like, just keep pushing the fuck out of it. How big of a role do you think we're really playing in this? And how do you think it bodes for the libertarian party moving forward, even with a chase Oliver ticket? Yeah, there will never be, you know, no struggle. That's for sure. So don't worry about that. You know, like one dude at a time, like that's really cool, but I wouldn't worry about that. As far as us affecting the culture, like, yeah, I definitely want to believe that. And Julian Assange, like, you know, this isn't even a libertarian thing. Free speech is not a libertarian thing. That's just, that's human beings want to be able to speak freely. Yeah. So you have to be like heavily propagandized to think that there's anything wrong with, you know, a journalist delivering factual information about a powerful entity of any kind, corporate or government, right? You know, that's just crazy. But no, man, I think that this is great. And I think it's just a sign of maybe like, yeah, like, the world's getting a little smaller. And they know that things like this are picking up traction, and it's they already have enough heat. So maybe they just have to do this. Snowden, he's not, you know, like that guy, that would be harder because he is not like you can't free a guy who's already free. Yeah, he's, according to the state, you know, like he broke the law and, you know, at the espionage act, they've only like gotten a couple people on that. But yeah, that might be hard, harder to undo. But I'd like to see it. And yeah, we'll keep, we'll keep pushing for that stuff. Yeah. Now Sean Van Beaver, who is a new member of the Downers Club. So I should probably figure out how to pronounce his name so that I can properly pronounce it incorrectly when I read them at the beginning of the show. But he says, fake super chat, the kill switch may have been real. Why else release him? And that was my other question. Like, if not libertarian pandering, is there something else? And I would say, if the kill switch idea of, you know, document data dumps or whatever, if he's not released is real, then why, why did it take this long though? Yeah, I don't know the why not put that thread out there. Like, I mean, he's been, it's been like 15 years and like five years of like maximum, I believe, check my, my facts, but it's been a while. Why did why would he, if that is the case, which I would like to believe that it is because that makes the world more interesting. If that is the case, then why didn't he do that from the beginning? I don't know. But Joey Toucan says, you guys are just blown this shit up today. We've got stuff to talk about. Leave me alone. Fake super chat from Joey Toucan's. Are you going to tell chase one to tell chase one dude at a time to or are he biased? Right. Moving on to other things and less important things like celebrity opinions. Billy Eilish had some things to say about Donald Trump. And we all know and respect Billy Eilish's political opinions. So let's see what she has to say. Maybe she can, she can sway us away from the dark side. Donald Trump is destroying our country and everything we care about. We need leaders who will solve problems like climate change and COVID, not deny them leaders who will fight against systemic racism and inequality. And that starts by voting for someone who understands how much is at stake. Someone who's building a team that shares our values. It starts with voting against Donald Trump and for Joe Biden. Silence is not an option and we cannot sit this one out. We all have to vote like our lives and the world depend on it because they do. The only way to be certain of the future is to make it ourselves. The gaslighting is real, my friend. I mean, how bought and paid for it, you have to be to be like a 20 year old or 19 year old or something of great influence and be like, Donald Trump, he's just the end of democracy and our country depends on it. And we need to vote for somebody who's against racism, you know, like the crime bill and all the whatever. There's there's lots of, I don't know. I thought we had a clip of Joe Biden saying something racist. We do in the remembering Biden, but yeah, just I've seen a lot of this lately and we're going to look at a little bit of it, but like the I know that politics is politics and celebrities are going to say whatever they have to say to get that fat paycheck to make the endorsement, but to see somebody so young and like edgy pop star or whatever who's just like a free thinker be like, obviously the obvious choice is this barely senile old man. Obviously, that's the only way to save democracy or whatever the fuck we're pretending is at stake here. What do you think Dave? I think there's no such thing as a top 40 free thinker. And even if you are a free thinker, you don't get to be one on the top 40, right? Because you have, there's the script and then there's off script. You don't get to be on the view or to make records or to make Marvel movies. Yeah, you are off script. Yeah, that's what that's what it is. I was wondering though, is that is that new or is that a couple of years old? I thought it was new, but I could be wrong. It was posted recently. Either way, I think it was from the last go around. I think maybe it's possible. But yeah, either way, that doesn't really matter. But yeah, we also forgot to mention that Donald Trump or I don't know exactly where the rumor is coming from, but there's been some whispers about Donald Trump having decided on his VP nominee. And I haven't seen anything official, but the rumor has it that Vivek Rama Swami is the chosen one. And yeah, I'm sick of the gaslighting. I don't like Trump. I don't like so much about Trump and so many things that Trump does. And I said this on Twitter the other day, if there was one thing that can make me vote for Donald Trump, it's not anything to do with Donald Trump. It's the amount of fucking bullshit that people have been spewing about Donald Trump, like not just trying to lock him up, trying to impeach him for the last for most of our adult lives at this point. I guess not for Dave, because he's been alive longer than most of us. But with all of that, sorry, gaslighting, like just seeing like the young influencers, we'll get into it. We'll show you some Harry Sisson in a minute, but yeah, that's the thing that bugs the shit out of me more than anything for as much of a dick as Donald Trump is. And that annoys me and as much of a of a blow-veating asshole that Donald Trump is and how he speaks like a fifth grader at best. I don't like it, but then you lie to my face and tell me that Joe Biden has it all together and Donald Trump is incapacitated and unfit to run for office. It's just the amount of gaslighting is the one thing that combined with the fake Rama Swami is the one thing that could push me over to the edge of selling my soul to Donald Trump. Any thoughts, Dave? Sorry, I'm getting texts. No, yeah. So in my talk that I had with former LP chair, Nick Sarwark, that will be part of the Dave on the Street interviews dropping very soon, he told me that he definitely, he believes that one of the two major parties will fail and the Libertarian Party will take its place. So I immediately asked him, why do you want the Republican Party to fail first? Right. And I won't say too much, but spoiler alert, it's because Donald Trump and Donald Trump doesn't respect the rule of law. But if you know anything about the last four years, this guy just misses the mark on so much. If we're to take this, we're talking about the guy who said that you have to vote for the Libertarian nominee, even if it's Hitler, but then he also said that Donald Trump's literally Hitler and then kind of left the party, quasi-left the party, formed his own party is one foot in and out the door at all times. That Nick Sarwark is that we're talking about? Yeah, that's the guy. And I'll be honest with you, it helped to humanize the guy a little bit. Again, I don't want to, you know, I'm not trying to really fight with him or anybody else at this point. Sure. It was good to have, honestly, a talking person after all these years. Yeah. But still, that's so silly to make you a reason for hating Trump and the Republican party over the other is that that party and that guy doesn't respect the rule of law. Right. So you totally reject the entire premise of Russia gate, probably believes that, probably, you know, like that's just, that's too ignorant. The 25th amendment that they tried to pull like early on, like you're, if you're talking about lawlessness and the respect for the rule of law, and that's why that guy is a unique evil. It's like, I don't believe you. Yeah. Now the text that I received while talking was for my lovely producer slash wife, she said that Trump is supposed to be announcing his VP pick at the debate, which is on Thursday. And we should probably mention the debate is on Thursday. Against all odds, there's still apparently going to be a debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Of course, RFK was axed from it because can't have that. Can't have anybody with another opinion. I don't know. Do you think anything will come of this debate, Dave? I really hope so. I mean, yeah. Do you think cutting of the mics will ruin all the fun? Because I'm worried. I'm worried that it's just going to be a just one answer and then move on to the next answer and move on to the next answer. Right, right. I don't know, man. Trump and him will be in the same room. Something cool happened. Trump will make it interesting. If he doesn't, no, he blows it. But at least, yeah, that would be smart to like announce your VP. And if it's not Vivek, you're an idiot. If he goes with some Tim Scott or something like that, bro, you're an idiot. And that's already like, that would be a huge, I'm not saying it's a deal breaker, but like that, that's a really bad sign. If you can't see the writing on the wall, like what you need to do, like what would give you the energy you need and who would, I mean, shit, dude, you probably win me over with that. So yeah, even if you like Tim Scott, like, if you can't see why Vivek is better than I've got some some concerns. And with Vivek being the obvious choice that's just been hanging around being the only person who's like, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, and also having, you know, based views. It's like, it seems like a no brainer, but I'm not Donald Trump. Thank God. And I'm not a politician in any way. So I, my opinion doesn't really matter that much. However, people whose opinions do matter, we got to get back to those, the elites and celebrities of society, because Jack Black made his endorsement this week also. We're last. My manager called me and said George Clooney and Julia Roberts wanted me to help out the president and speak here tonight. And I said, I am in when and where you added the ominous tones, didn't you? No, well, I didn't post the video. I don't. This video is posted by Don Luka. I don't know who who added the tones. And then they said, Jack, we know how busy you are. You don't have time. Look at all the other events that are happening tonight. Do you already turn down? M. C. The legalman, Bot Mitzvah. The opening of the new Jack in the box in Oxnard. Judge at the second annual Imperial Valley Avocado Festival. You don't see them on Meryl Street's resume. I said, I know I turned them down, but my president needs me. Thank you. And then they hit me with the big one. They said, Jack, you can't go. You have nothing to wear. Your good suit is in the cleaners. Well, were they wrong? Because I had this to wear. My kick ass American flag overalls. Most patriotic outfit of all times. That shut them up. I wasn't much they could say after that. And when the president wins in November. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a sweet shout out in his victory speech for what I gave up to be here. Because when democracy is in stake, Jack Black answers the call. Mr. President, you're welcome. That's not the president. That's not judges, a random dude. But I thought it would look better if I talked right to a guy. And if you lose, the devil gets your soul. The government totally sucks. You motherfucker. The government totally sucks. Yep. So sad. It's so sad, dude. It is such a. I don't know. Like, I've never cared about Jack Black's politics. Why? Why does? Why now? Why do we need? Why do we need this at all? I know that it has to just be bought and paid for, right? There's no chance that Jack Black, much like Billie Eilish is looking at this guy and saying he's the guy. He's our choice. And I'm here for democracy because I answered the call and you need to do it too. Like, it's his worst acting gig that I've seen in a very long time. And it just feels gross. And not just because it's the guy that I don't like or one of the guys that I don't like. It's gross because it feels so forced, feels so scripted more than any movie that Jack Black's been in. It's so gross. Bro, I'm a Jack Black fan. And I completely agree with you. It's absolutely disgusting. And by the way, Jack Black's mother, NASA scientist, of course, go down that rabbit hole if you feel like it. So yeah, again, I hate to sound like a broken record, but Monica Perez says you really have to hammer a points home. This is what it takes to be a guy that likes to sing and dance and act. If you want to do those things, you have to say the script that's it doesn't matter what he's into or like you just asked like, why now? The reason is because when you are called to do the thing, then if you want to stay right there, when they call you and like you said, they called and they said, Jack, you have to do this. You have to support the president. And I said, okay, like he got the call. And he didn't mention the fat paycheck that inevitably came with the call, but he definitely got the call. And not that this has any bearing on the president at all, in any way whatsoever, but in honor of Pride Month, I wanted to share with you just check in with Joe Biden's, you know, White House, see what they've been up to. Looks like Donald Trump Jr. Like who? Like Donald Trump Jr. Is it true that it's all your natural hair? Yes, I can confirm that this is not a way. Follow up question. Do you use your own products? I do use JV and Hershey explicitly for a year. Is it true? Caramo is your favorite member of the path. I'm curious what you suppose this day's, you know, qualifications to be speaking at the White House. Oh, I know this show. So I know what they're there for. But while watching that, my thought was, it reminded me of Dylan Mulvaney, like playing the role of like not a woman, but like a girl. And it's something weird, like where this behavior, there's no, there's no woman who would walk in the White House and act like that. Yeah. But for whatever reason, these men, like it passes to come in and act like this, it's like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know man. It's a little destructive. Feels like they got a little bit of a Chelsea Manning passes. I like to call it. But speaking of, I don't know, speaking of cringe, lest you think that we be Donald Trump supporters just yet. I got to play, got to play some from the man, the myth, the legend himself. Let's see what he's got. And I have the wounds all over my body. If I took this shirt off, you'd see a beautiful, beautiful person. But you'd see wounds all over, all over me. I've taken a lot of wounds, I can tell you. More than I suspect any president ever. I love it. More wounds than any president ever, I suspect. Do you remember that Dallas ride? I feel like those are deeper wounds. However, not here so much or here on this beautiful body. If I took off my shirt, you'd see this beautiful, beautiful physique and body. You'd see my wounds. Now, you know what this cringe reminds me of, Dave? What? I don't have it pulled up because I couldn't find it. It reminds me of a certain other candidate. What would you do in my position? Would you cut open my wounds? I'm here licking my wounds. And there's no liberty and presidential candidate who took more wounds than me, I suspect. Look, I didn't post that shit. Eat it. Well, you're going to bring back old Dave, real quick. Yep. Oh, bro. You're the one who wrote the song. It is what it is. What would you do in my position? Classic. Now, um, speaking of Trump and speaking of the debate, uh, yeah, leading up to the debate, Trump's, um, I think it's like his whatever press secretary spoke to CNN about the upcoming debate. And apparently the, what is it, the moderator? What's his name? What's the guy's name? Jake Tapper is who they're going with for the moderator and Trump's press secretary had some questions regarding Jake Tapper on CNN. Have you seen the stave? No. Well, here's what happened. It's to, it takes someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper. Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has consisted of three of you. If you're going to keep attacking my colleagues, ma'am, I'm going to stop you. If you continue to attack my colleagues, I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. Yes. If you are here to speak on his behalf, and I will have this conversation. I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. Now, we're going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much. From your time, you are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week. The masks coming off. No, shut up. Shut up. Now we're going to go back to the debate. Nope. The debates next week later. No, I don't know. It's kind of beautiful. They do not want anybody mentioning the fact that the debate moderator, Jake Tapper, has referred to Donald Trump as Hitler, or made very close comparisons. They don't even want that subject brought up, because we're here to discuss the debate, not the debate moderator. That's not the topic of the debate. We're here to talk about the debate, not the moderator, the debate. Keep it on Joe and Trump. Do not discuss this. But yeah, just imagine if the roles were reversed and it was, we were having, I don't know, like, let's say Joe Rogan, who has called Joe Biden a feeble old like corpse or whatever Joe Biden or Joe Rogan has said. I don't think that would be an unbiased debate moderator either. I don't know if you can find a completely unbiased moderator at this point, but Jake Tapper being a CNN head whose job for many years has been to call Donald Trump Hitler might not be the best choice for, you know, unbiasedly moderating this debate. Either way, they do not want you talking about Jake Tapper. So here's Jake Tapper talking about Donald Trump a couple years ago. The dehumanizing rhetoric of Adolf Hitler is once again alive and well on a national political stage. This time, of course, in the United States a couple times over the weekend referred to immigrants from South America, Africa, and Asia. You did not mention Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia as, quote, poisoning the blood of our country, which it's not hyperbole that does very directly echo Adolf Hitler's language before World War II to open up a copy of Hitler's mine comp you would find the Nazi leader describing the mixing of non Germans with George Germans as poisoning. There's really no other way to say it. Donald Trump's language mirrors this directly. So fair unbiased journalism moderator. Dave got any concerns of Jake Tapper having having negative opinions towards one candidate or the other. I think it's funny that people like even that have maybe a, you know, might look at CNN with a side eye like, Oh, that's that's fake news. But you know what Jake Tapper though, he's like their guy in the middle. He likes, you know, keeps it pretty pitches right straight straight down the down the line. And then you see shit like that. So no, this is this is amazing. It's funny that they're I mean, Trump knows exactly what CNN is and what their function is. And, you know, it's interesting to watch that. I don't know how old that is, but it's definitely before 10 seven. So I'm watching everything with a different lens after that. Right. So that's interesting. When everybody was Hitler, everybody on the right was Hitler back then. And then, you know, it Gaza happens. And suddenly everybody on the left is anti Israel, which it's a confusing time we live in, but it's fun. But yeah, I don't know. Yeah. Well, like that is interesting. I mean, like most registered most Jewish voters in the United States vote Democrat. But I'm pretty sure that the state of Israel and APAC wants Trump to win this election. So there's definitely now competing interests, you know, within, hey, like our party, right? 40% voted nota and the other 60% voted for the guy that we got. And that could be happening everywhere, I guess. For sure. And continuing with the gas lighting, let's hear from one of the leading, we're supposed to believe that this is one of the leading influencers on the left right now. And I can't, it's beyond me. But let's hear what Harry Sisson has to say. Just take a look at this. Well, Donald Trump is struggling to get through a speech again. Just take a look at this clip from just moments ago. Joe Biden is forming granting mass thinking he's going to formally grant. What Joe Biden is foaming granting mass think it. What is he talking about? We're just seeing this so incredibly often from Donald Trump. We're like, in the middle of a speech, he'll just have this major gaff and kind of like get confused. He's lost as to what he's saying. Now that's already bad enough. But what I know for a fact is that if Joe Biden did any of this stuff, Republicans would be freaking out. But since Donald Trump, they have no problems. They rush it off. They say he's perfectly fine. But Donald Trump is not perfectly fine. He's doing stuff like this. He's ranting about sharks, batteries, and boats sinking at rallies. This guy's not well. Wow. Hey, hey guys, do you want to see something that Joe Biden's never done? Check this out. Now, you know, if Joe Biden ever stuttered or stammer, then Republicans will be all over it. But but Donald Trump miss misread a word. Like, yeah, and then he went back and caught it like it. Great. I don't know. Like, I'm not saying Donald Trump isn't fucking genius here either. But would you show me stuff like that where it's just the most flagrant gaslighting ever? I just keep seeing this. I don't know. Like, none of it feels real. There's so many different people in my Twitter feed who are like, Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president. Like, they're just taking the entire, you know, the truth, the reality of the situation that Joe Biden is completely mentally unfit to be president and they're just inverting it. As Satanists did it do. And here's, here's what we've got. Donald Trump is just fumbling all over the place. I saw one of them was like, like somebody posted Donald Trump. Here's an image of Donald Trump needing to be helped off the stage. And if you watch, well, it's just a picture from behind Donald Trump and he's reaching down grabbing somebody's hand. If you watch the video clip, he's walking on his own. And Donald Trump, Jr. walks up next to him and he just grabs his hand for a second and like shakes it like, yeah, bro, and then let's it go and keeps walking. Like, it's such flagrantly deceptive to the extent that it's impressive what they think that they can get away with or what they are getting away with. I'm sure to a lot of dummies who aren't actually looking into this stuff. Like, I know that there's certainly some younger kids who are listening to Harry Sisson and they're like, wow, Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president. Meanwhile, Jack Black's wearing this shirt of Joe Biden with aviator sunglasses on and glowing red eyes. So, he's definitely fit to be present. We saw him on a bicycle once. Now, if you cut to the end of that video, he's not on the bicycle anymore. But that's not, let's not show that part. Like, everything is edited to make Donald Trump look worse and edited to make Joe Biden look better. And it's in such easily disprovable ways that it's it makes me, again, the gaslighting is the only thing that is going to make me go there. And I feel like that is the scottop to try and convince me they want me to vote for Donald Trump. And I'm fighting it with all I've got. But it's like, I don't know, it's like we're talking to women. Well, that Harry Sisson guy is close enough. But again, you know, another paid influencer, bro. Yeah, there's no, there's no such thing as real opinion. Like he's a paid literally paid guy to sell that. That was, yeah, gaslighting is definitely the term for that. Incredible man. Yeah, here's another one from Biden wins on Twitter, breaking in an alarming display of cognitive decline. Donald Trump forgets how to say the word rebuttal. Trump is cognitively faltering in front of our eyes, retweet. So every American sees this. Now, okay, so real quick, real quick. Yeah, I think I know what's going on, bro. We are the outliers, right? And when I say we again, Capital W we are looking when we watch the news, or we sift through the news, we're like looking for the truth. So we go wherever it takes us and we compare and contrast different sources and whatever. And we're skeptical of everything. Whereas most people have their specific silos of news and entertainment and don't go outside of that for anything. So I think that's, this stuff is probably incredibly successful. Effective, you know, I think you're giving them too much credit even. I think it's more deliberate. I think it's more intentional. Like they know that the narrative that the Republicans are going to win on is Joe Biden is mentally deficient and not fit to be president. And so they're like, well, to complain that game, because one thing left does well is attack. And the Republicans don't typically do that because I don't know why, because they're they're talking pussies. But when they finally have something to work with, the Democrats are just like the Democrats in that, or let's say the leftists, whoever, the influencer leftists that are chilling this shit. It feels like a deliberate, we're going to cut the legs out from under your argument, just just by just straight out lying and saying to your face that your guy is less mentally there than our guy. When it anybody who digs into it at all knows that that's not the case. And I would imagine that Harry Sisson, a, you know, a political commentator of some sort for better or worse, much, much, much worse. He knows, he knows he's lying. He's not just too so deep into his circle. Like, if he's so deep into this Biden circle, how are you not seeing the hours upon hours of Joe Biden literally falling down and like shitting himself? I don't buy it. It's very kind of you, Dave, to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I don't buy that any of this is anything other than just political diversion. We're going to take your game and throw it back at you so you got nothing left. And it's not, I mean, to their credit, it's a, it's a smart move, even if it is a morally deplorable move. But I'm sure it's working on a lot of people. Bro, it definitely is. And mostly kids, because kids are, kids are stupid. And that kid is what, 18, 19 years old? So yeah, I think it probably is. Their vote totals are still, you know, crazy high. And the youth still votes with them. Sorry. It is a two party system. They do hate Trump. So they must be having some success with this stuff. Bro, would you take if they were like, yo, smarts, we need, like, I'm just throwing out a ridiculous number. Here's, would you make Biden propaganda for $5 million between here and just like sell it? We want you to do like selfie videos like this. Oh my god. Oh my god, dude. Joe Biden is like so awesome. Did you guys see him today? You crushed it totally. Yeah. Would you like everybody with a soul? Of course. I'm saying no, especially on air on a recording here where I'm being recorded forever. I'm gonna say no. Now, much like everybody else here, I've not had a dump truck of money rolled up to my house where the offer was this dump truck of money, where you live comfortably for the rest of your life, you just sell your soul just a little bit, just a little bit of selling your soul. You just, you know, hit record on your phones, read the lines, go about your day. Yeah. Most of my friends won't see it. Who can't say that that wouldn't be tempting because at the end of the day, it who cares about Harry Sisson? But yeah, I'm for the record and forever. The answer is no. And also, Joe Biden, my email address is Now, moving on, or back to Donald Trump's latest giant major gaff. Let's see how far his mental decline has fallen since the last one. Refuttle. Refuttle or a refuttle. In my stupid people, when I wanted to refute it, they said, sir, don't dignify it with a refuttle. Refuttle or a refuttle. What the hell word would that be? Refuttle? Do I say he didn't know refuttle or refuttle? But they don't know either. Sure, it should not be dignified, sir. I said, well, I got to fight that. That's the worst thing you could probably say to me would be that. He said, sure. All right. So you notice any difference between Joe Biden's gaffs and Donald Trump's gaffs? He says a wrong word. He knows that it's not the right word. He's telling a story. And he said, refuttle, he obviously couldn't think of the word, and he was trying to think of the word. He's like, wait, that's not the right word. And so he elaborate or he embellished the story to be like, wait, did they say refuttle or refutal? Because he realized that he was wrong. Like he caught it on his own before the internet caught it. And then was like, nope, that's wrong. And he was still wrong. Sure. But you're telling me that that's just mental decline, because he said the wrong word. And they're like, yeah, that that's not right. What do you think, Dave? I love that he took two minutes to just have fun with that, right? You know, hold on. And he'll make up a bunch of bullshit to make it make sense. But at least he tries instead of saying, never mind. Oh, right. I mean, he's not. Wait, that was rectumult. Sorry. He's never. Well, only one of them is pooping themselves on stage. That's that's really a cure at that point. Yeah. And wandering off. No, that was intentional. His, you know, he says something silly and then plays with it for a couple minutes with the crowd that loves him. That's definitely not the same thing that Biden's doing. Yeah. Now, I think this is our last gaslighting clip here from the great Michael Moore. No, I love him. Everybody does. I used to think that this guy was as legit as it got. I enjoyed him for a short time, too. It wasn't long before we all figured out who Macamory is. But here's his latest. What is the crime? Because according to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel who have been persecuted, the Israelis, the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years. But for the last 2000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European centric Christians. That's been your enemy. No Palestinian helped to build Auschwitz. No Palestinian stood on the docks of New York City when both loads of Jewish refugees trying to escape the Holocaust came here to be protected by this country and were turned away at the docks in New York and sent back to Germany to die. No Palestinian did that. No Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition. Your enemy. Your enemy is not the Palestinian people. It is white Christian European people who have been slaughtering Jews for the last 2000 years. And let's just call it for what it is. But why are they in an open-air prison? Why are two million of them in an open-air prison? So Macamory is very upset with where the Democrats are going. It would seem. Y'all, you're focusing on the wrong enemy here. It's not them. It's not the Israelis. It's the white Christians. We all know that they're the most evil amongst us. Dave, is it me? Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think, or in the middle of the night, even, and I wonder how many Jews have I killed this week and then I go back to sleep. I know that that hyper-80s style leftist is loving going back to that basic footing of just kill whitey. It's just the easiest. Look, there's a lot of problems in this world, but let me, I don't have time to explain it. So let me just say hashtag. That's it. That's pretty pathetic and sad. And, you know, simply untrue, obviously. But yeah, fuck that guy. Yeah, all in all, just fuck that guy. But all of this that we've gone through with gas lighting, upon gas lighting, with Joe Biden's decline, with everything, with even all the way down to the potentiality of the vague being the nominee, it leaves me with one final thought on this topic here in particular, and it's this. [music] Just kidding. You're all, you're all fake and gay. Now, here's a word from our sponsor. Have you or loved one been injured by some fucknuggets reckless driving, a tumble at your shitty job, or some other form of dumb shit outside of your control? Well, fear not, because today's episode is sponsored by a lawyer. Lone Star Injury Attorneys is an award-winning personal injury law firm that achieves maximum results for its injured clients. Max The Axe is not just a lawyer, but a hardcore Mises caucus libertarian and also a big supporter of this show in all of our bullshit. Max is the best personal injury lawyer in Texas, but don't judge him by his occupation or location. Max is an avid defender of liberty and justice in whatever state you got fucked in. If you've been injured and you're ass needs saving, go with the pros at Lone Star Injury Attorneys. Visit LoneStar Injury or Google Max The Axe. Consultations are free and you don't pay a single dime unless you win. Once again, go to LoneStar Injury and get your ass covered. Now, with all this back and forth, there's a lot of different sides and different opinions. I was on Donald Trump's side for just a second there. It was touch and go for a minute, but let's hear from these fine folks, the best and brightest. What's up y'all. Jesus Twin Pointy folks. Mega, mega, mega. Here he is. Just like that, I'm a Biden supporter. Thank you guys for your input as well. It is interesting to see. I don't know what you would call that without being a racist. People of certain, I don't know, demographics in society. It used to just be the redneck hillbillies are the mega supporters. Now we've got bling, bling Donald Trump, literal gold chains with Donald Trump, mega hats on them. Yo, yo, yo, vote for a boy dt. It's interesting to see where this is going. I don't know how to feel about it, but we want from, I don't know, I'm going to say something to me. Just go ahead Dave. What are your thoughts? You see Dan, politics is downstream from culture. So I am all about it. These are the youth. We need to embrace these kids. How about that now? Catch me outside. That reminded me of that chick. There's nobody better at embracing kids than Joe Biden though. Well, we wanted to be able to vote. So yeah, everybody rappers used to love Donald Trump until he was racist, running from president. But always the bling and all the shit. Donald Trump still has a gold toilet. His whole bathroom. He invented that shit. Lifestyle is a rich and famous. Yeah, that was his whole thing. So I'm glad that they're kind of getting that getting the band back together there. But yeah, the culture is with him dude. The wind is at his back. He's got the wounds on his back and his beautiful body. Everybody you would see him, but I don't want to see him. Oh, they'll take your word for it Trump. I'll take your word. But speaking of bodies that I don't want to see. Let's talk about Michelle Obama for a second because she is back in the picture. She she is back in the picture with some words for embracing our children. I'm pretty sure. Still got it. Do you? Former first lady jump rope or jump rope extraordinaire. Plessy nutrition co-founder. So we're getting our kids back in shape again. Getting these old fatties fat shamed back up into good health. That was her thing back in the day. And for some reason she's back at it. At Plessy, we're on a mission to raise a healthier generation. So I'm challenging you to show us all the fun and unexpected ways you stay active. From hobby horsing to extreme pogo sticking, by participating in the Plessy absurdly good games. Use hashtag Plessy Games to tag us in a video of your most absurdly good skill. Yo Jimmy, I know you've got some moves. But are you up for the challenge? Now Michelle Obama has been putting out. It seems that I haven't followed her that closely, but it seems like she's been popped up at my feet a lot more lately. And there's also been speculation that there's more of a reason for this than just, I don't know, selling this nutrition drink slash app or whatever she's doing. But do you think there's are we past the point, Dave, there were rumors last week about Hillary Clinton jumping into the race. There's been rumors about Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama for at least the last year or two. Do you think there's any chance at this point that we're getting Joe Biden out of his spot? Sure. I don't foresee it. I wouldn't bet on it, but absolutely. Trump came to our convention. Anything is possible at this point. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, and then he is every, every couple weeks I go, oh my god, like it's definitely worse than it was a couple weeks ago. So like, always continuously impressed. Anything is possible. I didn't expect to go to bed last night finding out that Julian Assange was free. So who knows what tomorrow may bring, but it does. It's fun. It's fun. And I like clown pill Dave because that's really all the value that she can glean from any of these politics, in my opinion, gives us such gems as Donald Trump Jr. with this fun little clip. Do they is Michelle Obama, dude. Listen, I, you know, we're not, I'm not allowed to talk about these things because, right, you get called to conspiracy theories by the mainstream media. But I will say, have you ever seen a picture of her pregnant? Just kidding. That's it. I haven't, but you know, I'm sure she's, I'm sure she's lovely. He's, I bet you he's Trump's favorite. Well, clearly, you think it's Eric? Give me a break. Right. Get back in your hole, Eric. Listen, Eric, Trump Jr made a good point though. Like, I truly do not believe that, like, I know a lot of people think that Michelle Obama is born Michael and that's, you know, a biological man. That is not a biological man. That is a woman. And that whole big Mike conspiracy theory is a red herring to make you forget about the fact that Barack Obama is a gay drug addict who, you know, smoked crack and blue men in the back of limos. Just watch that episode of Tucker and that one dude can't remember his name, but this is all out there. And, you know, in the open, but to his point, he said, I've never seen any pictures of her pregnant. And that is because she didn't, she never has been pregnant. And those aren't their kids, just like, you know, Clinton kid isn't Bill's kid. And if that is true, then why do you deny so heavily the Joan Rivers theory of Michael Obama? Right. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if, yeah, I do deny that conspiracy theory. I haven't seen enough evidence for it. But exhibit a Michelle Obama posted on her Instagram account, just pictures of their feet in the sand and her between her and Barack Obama. I don't know who's the more manicured. I'm frankly not entirely sure which is which, but one's got a slightly larger arch, but I'm not saying it's a man's foot, but that's, that's a real big lady foot. Just saying, Dave, are you swayed yet? No, it's a huge bitch, but it's still a woman. All right, fine. We'll get you there. We'll get you to vote for Joe exotic and in Big Mike 2024 by the end of this election cycle. Now, what else do we got? Oh, June teeth, Dave, what did you and your family do to celebrate Juneteenth? What is that? I don't know. Let's find out from from Big Mike. Juneteenth is all about celebrating our collective freedom and fighting to protect it. Our power, our rights, and even our planet are on the ballot this year. So now is the time to think about how you're going to make your voice heard in this election. Head over to Get yourself registered to vote and then text three friends to do the same. Do not sit on the sidelines this year because this is a critical moment for all of us. Get ready to make your voice heard today. I don't know if that was enlightening at all, but it's apparently about equality and voting to end climate change. I'm pretty sure because, you know, whatever is used for whatever at any given point. But yeah, Juneteenth, the holiday that nobody heard of before like three years ago, when it came out of nowhere to let us all know that we're celebrating this now and y'all need to step in line. So I do know, I'm pretty sure it's to celebrate the emancipation, proclamation, freedom day. But I do know like Delaware, you know, dudes of progressive hellhole here. And I think that there's some of this like collective guilt that must like last like generations, because even when that happened, whatever the day was 1864 or 1865. Delaware was like one of the last two states to be like, no, we don't give a fuck. We're going to keep, keep having slaves. We're going to keep hanging people and doing all kinds. Yeah, they did that forever. They hung on to that shit. That's the land Biden, the dream. Not too far. Now, I don't care if you celebrate Juneteenth this holiday that came out of nowhere a couple years ago, and now we're all pretending like it's, you know, been a thing for a very long time. I don't care how you celebrate it or if you celebrate it or even if you know what it is. It doesn't matter. What does matter is it's when you're this bitch. Because this seems to be a little bit more of the mindset of people who do celebrate Juneteenth of any color. So she's a slave because she works and is paid probably well by a white man to go complain on the Internet. And she's very upset that she doesn't get paid double pay because of the color of her skin. Now we celebrate things like, I don't know, the 4th of July. And when we celebrate the 4th of July, we typically think of it as this is time where we were freed or we gained our independence or we got away from a thing. We don't celebrate. Fuck Great Britain Day or fuck England Day or anything like it's not about like that's the problem with the Juneteenth thing. If you're celebrating it as like, this was a great moment in our history. Great. If you're celebrating it as this is like we're she's celebrating Juneteenth and then complaining about being a slave. Like do you even know what what Juneteenth is? It's when literal slavery was ending. So for you to say that you're a slave to the white man because you have to work a minimum wage job at Starbucks is not the same thing. And that just kind of proves the point that it's like pride month. I don't care if you're gay. Sure. Go be your best self. But pretending like you're oppressed while you're dancing naked in the street and fondling each other is not is not I'm not buying it. I'm not sold. What do you think Dave? Are you applying the slippery slope theory to slavery? I see you start with start with the abolition of slavery and then what's next bitches at Starbucks bitch and bitch about being slaves. Come on. There was a guy who said I don't know if we should do this slippery slope. What's next? Black female vice president? Give me a break. Right. Oh man. Yeah. I feel I feel like this is probably the holiday to supplant the actual freedom day that we all get to celebrate. They'll probably just really like within 10 or 15 years be like look we got a couple national anthems now not just one. You know one of these things celebrates individualism and liberty and you know all those things but we have this other one. Yeah. That is more like kill whitey. Yeah. I don't know if that's even true. I don't know much about it but if that woman is a representative of it then we should I don't know start singing one national anthem again. I'm so mad at these days bro. We need to get back to one national anthem. You know who's not? Oh look at this motherfucker right here. Did you take that picture? It's my you got you took that for him didn't you? I wish I wish that I could take credit for this but before we get too deeply into this we got a we got a you know what time it is. You know what we chase chase chase chase chase chase chase chase chase that's right it is the many adventures of chase and cop as we follow along the libertarian campaign trail for the candidates that you know with everything going on in the world I'm I'm not sure too many people outside of our little bubble are talking about these guys. Am I wrong? Am I just too much in our bubble that I'm wrong Dave? Have you seen all the mass media bro? I heard I saw John Stassel sat down with Chase Oliver I might check that out but only to watch that was like right around that was right around the time of the the Timcast thing wasn't it? Maybe maybe I'm just behind but no I haven't seen a whole bro we're on the inside we're like as inside as it gets and we're not talking about it other than you know chasing cop segments but you're just too much fun to avoid it's like great you got on John Stassel you know who else got on John Stassel all of the libertarian candidates from the last going because he he you know hosted one of our debates or he moderated one of our debates and it's like it's not that big of a get I suppose I mean it is in fairness that's a big deal I would love to go on John Stassel certainly but he's not like I don't know he's not gonna be like that hard hitting of I would imagine I haven't watched it I'm gonna go watch it at some point as soon as I get done here I'm gonna go flock myself and watch it and apparently I am I've been hacked again because I I love me is in the chats but um she doesn't sound like you at all doesn't I've never said that anybody including my wife but um we're doing great now uh I don't remember what I was talking about I got distracted by my own love for myself um yeah there's not a lot of people talking about us outside of us and I think a lot of that has to do with like before it was the guy versus the other guy and then it was the guy versus the other guy versus us as the third one and still nobody gave a shit but those that came that that were slightly outside of bounds were like what's the third one all about that's how I got here but um now if it were me coming into stepping into politics right now and I'm like Joe Biden is dead and Donald Trump is an idiot what's next obviously it's not us it's Robert of Kennedy jr he's the third one and we're just over here being chase chase chase chase chase chase chase right and uh I don't know like uh as I mentioned there was this whole kerfuffle which is kind of old news now I did a rant about it actually in my hotel room last week and then I forgot to post it or I didn't have time to post it actually I didn't really forget it was much like the edit for Dave's videos um it's it's still just hanging out somewhere in the ether but there is an episode of me moderately drunk rambling in a hotel room somewhere about this thing with where chase chase Oliver was invited onto Tim cast and turn it down now I have a couple different minds of thought here because if if it was chase Oliver being invited onto Tim cast to talk to Tim who's not going to be like a great um he's not necessarily a friendly to the chase Oliver campaign I would respect it if he went on there for that him turning down um this one where it was Tim Timpool bringing on Jeremy Kaufman who is now a avowed Donald Trump supporter Jeremy Kaufman versus chase Oliver so a libertarian who sports Trump versus the libertarian presidential candidate and the libertarian Trump supporter isn't even running for office of any kind I kind of understand why chase wouldn't go on that show because why would you when you've got two people that are going to disagree with you one of them being a libertarian who will probably flatten you in debate whether whether you think that he's you know um right or not he's a good debater and uh yeah if I were chase I'm not sure that I would but at the same time I also hold it against chase a little bit for turning down any media opportunity on such a massive platform so I'm a little bit torn on it what do you think Dave you have to at least acknowledge the problem there that and I think chase would have to like dude do some self-examination if it was Dave Smith let's just go best case scenario right Dave Smith was invited on the leftiest leftist show but it was the number whatever two three five he was invited on the young Turks with chase Oliver as not a candidate to debate against him right of course he would go yeah of course he would go because he completely believes in his ideas and can articulate them well and fuck you if you don't believe it this is what I'm this is what I'm all about if you can't go into any room and go this is what I'm all about like what kind of messenger right right you know he should have chased you should have went on that show bro you know that's great that John Stassel and you can talk about you know your vision for the border when you become president awesome that's really great bro but uh you know maybe consider stepping into the gauntlet chase just likes that stash he's into it that's all stash who who wants mustache rides okay now uh let's get through a couple fake superchats we'll go back to chase and cop in just a second and we are gonna finish on chase and cop because we are going a little bit long winded here but uh pea nord says uh fake super chat beautiful indian accent apu is jealous thank you thank you thank you uh sean van we're gonna practice it each time so we get it we get it down sean van beaver definitely not german says uh fake super chat the kills oh wait we already read that one nevermind get out of here sean beaver out um joey two guns did we read this one uh are you going to tell chase fuck all right pea nord says it blew a fuse i don't know what you're talking about uh we're we're that was a long time ago trash man says fake super chat the biden coke must be what it felt like living through the end of the reagan years right sure true two guns says fake what what i was there i was there for the end of the by the uh reagan years do share no i just remember i was feeding at the time go ahead yeah yeah every he was lots of old man jokes and he was definitely the oldest president at the time i think yeah up and up until now um so yeah i remember some of that phil collins made a video remember that with the reagan puppet you know you know you're too young for that wait what was it called um oh man it was a great tune um it had uh yeah reagan puppets and all kinds of other i think i am familiar with it actually i have seen was so was it phil collins or genesis land of imagination land something of a land of confusion land of confusion thank you yeah we did it together look at this i i knew a reference that dave tried getting and yes i'm wiser than you dave that's the point i'm trying to make two guns says say what you want about michelle obama but when it comes to the kids health she's the man trash man says fake super chat is loving yourself gay or nay um well i'm sure there's a uh there's there's there's a word for that at this point because there's people marrying themselves and all that i do have a wife but it's definitely not me saying it's me my love in the chat but whatever uh john wind shower says fake super chat the fake remiswami would be too effective at getting rid of all the swamp monsters and that's why warmonger like little rubio will be vp if it's marco rubio marco rubio like that's that's a deal breaker that is a deal breaker and it's trump chain yeah yeah it's partially trumps fault because i don't know that much about marco rubia except for what he did in the debates i don't follow marco rubio but all i remember about marco rubio is donald trump bashing and bashing and bashing and calling him little marco over here is doing doing doing dumb little marco stuff like it's kind of like micky haley endorsing trump because she wants the vp spot it's like at the end of the day all these people want is the fucking power in the name recognition and the clout that is they don't care about you they don't care about serving you they don't care about being public servants they care about the name recognition in the clout and when the time comes bernie sanders falls in line to support joe biden or hillary clinton or whoever stole the election from him and micky haley falls in line behind whoever she claims stole the election from her and you know um did it uh what's her name hawaiian chick tollsy tollsy the only hawaiian chick that anybody knows so you know just by that description who i'm talking about uh didn't she endorsed joe biden too she definitely did like even the most like hey this could be a good choice because she's anti-war still falls in line at the end of the day and goes with the flow um so it makes me wonder like had nicky haley gotten the nomination would vivak have been like i'm actually going to drop my support for the uh the america first movement and support throw my hat in the ring throw my turban behind nicky haley i hope not i hope not bro i don't know like it's easy it it's easy to praise vivak for being like unabashedly like this is what i believe fuck you this is this is where i'm going but if the tables were slightly turned if the the winds were in a slightly different direction i got a wonder i can't help but wonder would he do the same thing as a tollsy gabbard because we thought the same thing about tollsy gabbard not that she was nearly as good on everything as vivakus but would she have done the same or would he have done the same i don't know yeah i don't know it's funny i think that apak was trying to get biden elected in 2020 and i think they're trying to get trump collected in 2024 and that seems where that's where tulsi's at so i wonder if there's any overlap there with interest she doesn't want to fight any stupid wars but she's down with smart ones yeah now i feel like we've spent too much time diverted away from the most important candidates of this presidential cycle which is um chasing cop here at pork fest there are dozens of us are there oh man this this reminds me of um at right after the last election cycle after jake pornberger was the miezus cockus nominee or yeah miezus cockus guy and then he spoke at pork fest the next year and there was about this many people on the at the main stage to hear jake pornberger speak it was like whoo like i felt like i was wrong during those days i was like against jake pornberger mostly because i was like this guy's boring as shit i can't listen to this guy he's just it doesn't grab me he's not a good politician he's not going to go anywhere and then he he fell off and then he showed up at pork fest and nobody showed up to to hear him it's like oh so you only care about him if he's a politician when he's actually a guy just speaking you won't show up from now we've got vice presidential nominee mike termot who has the same numbers as um failed presidential candidate of the last election cycle jake pornberger on the main stage possibly even less um jake pornberger at least at the time was talking about the jfk assassination and some interesting things and i was there to film it otherwise i wouldn't have been there but i was there to film it and um yeah it talked about some good stuff but very few people rallied around him in the aftermath and now in the math not the aftermath he's the guy he's the candidate he's at least well he's the number two guy he's the guy who seems to be showing up for stuff i don't know i don't follow chase that closely because why but um apparently nobody follows mike termot that closely either because there's about 12 to 24 people in this audience for the vp candidate in an election year on the main stage last year at borkfest i made fun of the fact that there weren't that many uh people at the like there was a libertarian debate panel for the presidential candidates there was chase all over lars maps dead uh who mike termot and one other who was the other i don't know it might have just been the three i don't know but um there were the presidential candidates for our party we're speaking or having this debate and there was like about the same amount of people in that little tent meanwhile the vaker almost won me is talking down the road and it's like packed out to the road like people can't even see the guy and they're still there to hear what he has to say um i don't know it should just tell you something about what we're doing right and wrong and it goes back to the the clip at the beginning of what's your name thank you i was going to mention that yes exactly like you can do the politics all day long but at the end of the day people want something for it people want to see something and you can dislike the chasin uh uh mike campaign but really at the end of the day especially in this election cycle it doesn't matter that much because there are so many things happening outside of this that are you know benefits to liberty and libertarianism um that have nothing to do with a libertarian party but the libertarian party has something to do with pushing those things and pushing the overton window and uh even to the extent of you know saying we should be specifically pushing chase all of her in democrat and blue states i don't know i've got i've got many thoughts and i'm kind of just talking down rabbit trails dave but uh this was mike termot at porkfest um actually sorry before i i give you the floor um this was mike termot at porkfest and this was his or this was the post from at cattle mutt underscore and h hand to god mike termot just referred to quote people outside people outside of this building who can't spell libertarian and i spit my drink out um the balls man the balls did i've heard him say that in speeches before but i think you got to retire that line bro you got to retire the line that says people outside of here don't know how to spell libertarian when you will immediately after receiving the nomination had liberty and for president candidate or vp kit i don't know liberty and you misspelled the word that you're saying other people don't know how to spell your gaslighting me now bro and uh we're calling you out dave all right any any any in all thoughts go ahead bro there's there's a lot of takeaways from this this one pick this one picture right um like we can make fun of these guys oh it's not my preference and you know you can you'll get caught oh you didn't get your way so like you can cry about it's like no i'm definitely enjoying the clown show i'm not gonna cry about it yeah but but to make a point like it should be so very clear like we the movement the party really needs to do some serious soul searching if at the libertarian event the libertarian event you can't pack a room with a couple hundred people oh and there there was no rfk this year there was no vivake there was no larry elder there was no distraction from this you were basically one of three names like right there was ron pauled skype call at breakfast there was spike co and there was mic termat and you still got 15 people out and and i'm gonna actually give these guys just a little bit of grace here they're awful the worst ticket but the to take it back to the nolan video in the beginning this is not this isn't all their fault it's just that they are the people that think it's about votes and and playing to run for president and that's where we fail every 100% of the time but we do do other stuff if you're not if it's not a vanity project and you just do stuff for the movement like people like mike heis and angela who do stuff behind the scenes and you'll never get credit for that you know who'll never get credit like spike everybody knows spike co and like what a gift to the movement and the party when he got elected and he he got that gig in 2020 before the mises caucus takeover the mises caucus didn't get their guy they didn't get their way that year but without that mises caucus energy in the room in 2020 you wouldn't have gotten spike kon yeah like building it the caucus will never get credit for that and i'm not saying they should but like there are people that have done things that have benefited everybody and you'll never see the credit you know go to them but it's it's it's politicians of course that want all the glory and all this spotlight and all that crap to you know to take the focus and this is obviously what we should not be focusing on we should be focusing on issues like julie and assang we're all soul-bricked and you know moving into needle that way joysotic let's make again let's get the trifecta bro yep i like how stoden was left out of the trifecta but um moving on uh the libertarian party of new hampshire so that there was the uh which one was it colorado who kept chase off the ballot or they they're pushing to keep chase off off the ballot um apparently i think this is number three i don't remember who the first or second one was but new hampshire has um which i'm surprised new hampshire wasn't the first quite frankly but new hampshire has made a similar statement uh they they posted at lpnh on twitter you know it's legit the libertarian party of new hampshire lpnh rejects the chase all over as the liberty rejects the chase all over as the libertarian party nominee the chase all over i don't know how many there are but this one uh lpnh believes that the only feasible path for libertarianism is one in which libertarians refuse to apologize for their beliefs and instead stand up and fight for them many of us believe this so strongly that we moved to new hampshire from other states as part of the free state movement we believe our strategy for concentrating libertarians in new hampshire to be the course most likely to achieve liberty in our lifetime and that given the uh present disposition of the nation a national strategy is wholly inadequate to that task the nominee has taken many actions which prove that we cannot ultimately endorse him whether he is foolish lacking in courage or intentionally subversive it is clear that he does not possess the necessary traits for libertarian victory while the nominee was having a masked and distanced thanksgiving dinner in 2020 free status in new hampshire hosted porkfest with thousands of attendees while the nominee defends the chemical castration of children and drag shows for kids we are teaching our children that values of reason freedom and teaching children the values of reason freedom and family well the nominee refuses to debate or engage with anyone who disagrees with his progressive ideology and instead just calls them racists or bigots new hampshire libertarians will engage with anyone anytime anywhere well the nominee cheers on critical race theory and other divisive ideologies libertarians in new hampshire have removed such topics from government schools and implemented the most radical school choice program in the country while the nominee supported restrictions on speech our party and our members have faced job losses harassment and de-platforming for advancing the values of liberty while the nominee states that the thousands of libertarians who go to porkfest are quote not his people his running mate mike tormont is eager to attend that is an interesting point i didn't know that there was that chase was invited from the sound of it i want to know if there was more to that story sounds like there was sounds like chase was invited and said that they were not his people mike tormont apparently didn't agree the nominee in to that i will remind you all the offer still stands i'm pretty sure i mentioned it maybe i mentioned it in my hotel rant i don't know but the offer stands that uh mike tormont and chase all of her seem you seem to have very differing views please come on my show and debate them and we'll get to the bottom of this together let's push that on twitter chase all over versus mike tormont debate and uh made the best ideas win like what is what is your campaign stand for if you guys disagree or just a discussion it doesn't have to be a debate i prefer debate but uh just a conversation about uh about uh about uh your your differences and leanings i want like now that it's coming out more and more that uh these people don't even see eye to eye much like i would have loved to see this in the spike coen and joe jorgensen in that order campaign um i would love to see any of these people who are running on the same ticket because libertarians don't choose like the libertarian presidential candidate doesn't choose the vp so if there is a disagreement there one of them just shuts the fuck up i guess like we're just going to be fake if we're the vp um i do i would love to see you know these people hushed out i would love to see now joe jorgensen and spike coen debate let's push for that too fuck it like it's clown world let's let's shake shit up and we can we can play our own little part but uh iron sharpens iron and if you're if you're scared of that then uh i don't know go on john's docile the nominee is not someone who would want who we would want as a neighbor and as such we cannot support him for president although new hamsher ballot laws do not allow party to prevent the nominee from appearing on the ballot indeed he received an entirely incidental benefit from being a being part of the same ballot access petition drive as our chosen and endorsed gubernatorial candidate we will offer him no formal support as a party nor will the vast majority of our members we would like to thank the nominee for one thing helping more libertarians wake up the to the reality that the battle for liberty nationally is utterly hopeless absent a great awakening among the electorate when you recognize that new hamsher is here for you live for your die i guess i mean well said uh yeah man and you look i just want to i'm reminded uh when we didn't get our way in 2020 and joe jorgensen got the nod i'm pretty sure like the first thing within within 20 minutes the mise's caucus sent her like 500 bucks yeah that that's that's what we did at the end of that we didn't um you know throw like a pity party or anything like that but i i do have a lot of sympathy for uh for these three three two or three parties that for this way i don't think we've talked about it a little bit i don't think my state has the stomach for it yeah but i totally understand and i i'm becoming not like for the rest of society but for the party i am kind of an accelerationist like we do need to we need to have the worst showing and the worst ticket ever i i don't think we got to try for that sure no yeah we don't we don't have to do anything that's what i'm saying we don't have to do anything but we have to maybe highlight that just a little bit and so that we can atone um for all the mistakes and all the fed infiltration and all the wokeness and all the pro warshit and all the mask mandate promotion just crap so we have to learn a word in fairness yeah sure no but listen these are the things that if you were a good libertarian up into like you know you could be a good Jacob Hornberger libertarian in 1998 and yeah all taxation is theft and all war is aggression and you know this is of course individual liberty for all this is all easy shit but it's just not that won't get you anywhere right now if you're triple boosted backstop yeah and promoting it yeah and i mean libertarian vote is a protest vote to begin with you're you're you're kind of throwing your vote away to some extent and i think we all know that deep down you're you're it's a protest vote now if your protest is for something that you don't agree with then what's the point of a fucking protest vote so vote for chase Oliver if you agree with him and actually it brings up a fun point um on thursday karlin borarsenko is going to be rejoining the show to discuss her support of chase Oliver and nick fauntez times are weird man and it's anybody who is willing to take such controversial takes all around i'm i'm down and i want to pick her brain a little bit on it but uh yeah she's been i mean she is making friends with grippers while endorsing i don't know if she's straight up endorsed but she's supporting to some extent chase Oliver and uh i don't know is it a grift or is she onto something dave do you want my opinion on that doubt it but go ahead all right listen i've tried i have tried to give her uh the benefit of the doubt i've tried i muted and then just we can't be friends i don't know this everything they will not be here for that dave will be in the closet you got i hope you guys have a great i hope you guys have a great chat and she totally sells you listen i'm not going to talk shit i just uh she's not my kind of person she's been in like five political no she's been a democrat and a republican and a libertarian she's been in lpnh she's been out of that she's been in the mises caucus she's been out of that and i haven't heard any one of these groups go yeah when she was here she did a lot of great work and we all appreciate it so that's that's my big critique on her but i hope you guys have a good talk i'll be over here licking the cats but you mean licking my correct in world's wounds all right now uh one more thing from presidential candidate for the liberty and party chase all of her um here's what he had to say on voting rights uh let's play my voice to or my message to all of the lgbtq voters uh in the district of which i you know i am an lgbtq member of this community is that if you elect me you will have a friend in the congress you will have a voice in the congress who will fight for you who will fight for your issues and who will not accept discrimination homophobia transphobia or ignorance from those who are also serving alongside of me i will tell you right now i will be the most pro lgbtq voice in the georgia delegation if i'm elected because i will be the only lgbtq voice in the georgia delegation if i'm elected we need to have that representation and i want to honor john lewis for all the amazing work he did for our community and i want to take that one step further and continue that that message of freedom and liberty for all chase or anything else that i did to ask you about that i haven't touched on no thank you very much for having me you know i really appreciate the chance to speak uh to your listeners and i hope everybody can check out my website or follow along on twitter or instagram at chaseforhouse and i'm chase all of her libertarian on facebook so please check out my social media please get out and vote early vote if you can and if not get out and vote on the 29th uh you know wear a mask socially distance but get out there and vote voting is your most sacred sacred right make sure you wear your all you gays out there i love you you know i love you i'm one of you as a gay man um get out there and vote but socially distance wear your mask get your he didn't say it i'm gonna embellish get your vax bend over and take it because voting is your most sacred right most sacred such a libertarian concept uh you know voting which isn't even a right it's a quite a it's a privilege it's it's a thing that we're allowed to do but it's not a right at all but it's your most sacred and it's very valuable because as we all know voting works bro in my interview with nick star work he told me that he doesn't know if if uh chase oliver would pull more votes from the left than the right and i just really don't know that i don't know it's hard to say i just there's no way to tell at this point we'll have to wait and see what the pollsters say i let me get on sure yeah living out here in the middle of a cornfield i'm sure uh joe blow down the road uh joe six peck joe six peck down the road in his mega hats like he's like man this trump guy's not getting a fair shake he's really getting screwed over and we need to vote for this guy to fix our country and and i'm standing with a chosen one and obviously it's Donald Donald Trump he's not a republican god damn it wait but this guy over here sir look at this man he's very very well groomed and very clean shaven also side note uh not not of any importance but uh great importance so great that he'll bring it up in every single interview he happens to be gay um and also um he he thinks that you should get out and vote as your your right your greatest right and duty but as you do make sure you socially distance and wear your mask and god damn it well in that case you need to speak in a lot of he's speaking a lot of sense like you tell you tell me i could get a pro gun christian lgbtq plus guy okay now we're talking now we're talking i mean trump's most of those things but trump ain't gay and i'm trying to be forward thinking now because uh my nephew's gay and i'm trying to really speak to his generation for something better and if this this little fairy likes guns then uh by golly i'm gonna vote for that little fairy right there like come on the sure he is anti-war and i will give him full credit for being arguably the most anti-war candidate not even arguably the most anti-war candidate that will be on most of the ballots most candidate yeah um the most anti-war but the problem like if you're if we're discussion whether or not he's pulling votes away from the right at all how many right wingers are anti-war even at this point how many right wingers aren't like yeah we need to be supporting israel no matter what like the anti-war message doesn't even work when we are crippled in debt over our foreign aid i mean it'd be great yes sure he is more anti-war and if there's left wingers still out there if there's one or two left that are still anti-war after you crane and uh all that like the pendulum is such a it's not even swinging back and forth at this point it's just like shaking in the middle like nobody knows what their party stands for or what they believe and uh chase oliver is there to to sway democrat support to like if we're talking whether or not he'll pull more from the democrats or more from the right i just i'm just i know a lot of right wingers i know a lot of right wingers and if chase oliver were the nominee for the republican party i still don't think they would vote for him just say bro um listen this ticket is hilarious the two the two of them together or i remember thinking joe jorgensen and spike co and look kind of funny together like i they look like a legitimate pair of like candid i'll use the word candidates that looks like a nice ticket yeah when compared with chase and cop um so i don't know if it's just like this beautiful accidental abomination that like we all get to like like a slow moving car accident that we get to be a part of or or it's an op like it's one or the other but either way like the result will be the same like it will either like destroy the credibility of the party forever or like force us to maybe like go back to nolan's way of not caring so much about votes because we just got 0.02 percent of the vote this year or something like that like maybe that would force you know an actual reset you know right reno reset wasn't so permanent but maybe a real reset might come out of this and again that would be the most ironic outcome and so cool yeah it's fun i'm here for it like i certainly i wish if chase Oliver was the nominee i still obviously would have preferred clint rustle to be his opposition there's something beautiful to um both of them like one of one of them is like left leaning bad and one of them is right leaning bad and so they kind of like they're their own worst enemies at this point like if it was clint rustle we'd be like fuck yeah clint's like out there spit in truth and chase Oliver you know we'll we'll support him to a certain extent because he's got chase Oliver on his ticket so yeah we can push clint like we would have been a little bit torn there but now it's like well fuck the fuck this like um like we've got cop just kind of just leave it there cop worked in government uh versus or not versus but kind of versus um gay dude politician real good politician um not not that gay is the determining factor but it's kind of the umbrella factor here of his entire gay attitude toward all the of the uh of the uh whatever the regime cultural narratives that he's gone along with you need to go out and vote because it is your right and your duty to save this country but while you do you better you better get your back son like it there's something beautiful to how bad it really is and it's not like it's not just like flagrantly bad there's like so many subtle undertones of their back and forth and things that mike tromont will do chase Oliver won't do mike tromont will say chase Oliver won't say and vice versa that um it's like all right you guys got got your thing here's your politicians let's go and yeah i feel like i worked on the jojorg i don't feel like this i did work on the jojorgson spikecone campaign primarily with spike but um in that spike had to kind of tailor his message a little bit to support his candidate which is kind of what the situation that mike's in right now the difference between spikecone and jojorgensen and mike tromont and chase Oliver is that i supported one of them back then there's something nice to be unlike well i don't have to play pretend at all i don't really support any of this because you guys aren't aren't good at your jobs that's really all comes down to you're bad at your jobs and in completely different ways that but heads with each other and um yeah yeah do you want to watch listen this is i guess we can talk about a little bit of the inside political crap now that it's over but i remember saying this to heist like working on the wreck and wall campaign i'm like oh man like you know it kind of sucks that best case scenario we get like wreck wins he's the guy but no matter what the libertarian party is going to have historic low turnout this year like no matter what yeah bobby kennedy's year to be the third box yep but i think so i i was thinking okay we get our guy in we're still going to have to deal with you know our naysayers using that oh look you ran your guy you got your way and you'd have the lowest totals ever but that chase and that wing is going to have to deal with that plus some like there is definitely an exodus there's layers from this oh man so again i'm glad that that falls on those guys i'm glad that if there is a rebuke on the party after that like the first thing people see will be cop and chase and go yeah of course what do you what do you guys expect change change it up next time um so yeah very cool time bro yeah it's fun ryan brown says fake super chat someone clearly is following cop why else would he be running in his promo oh huh yeah that video from last time um he was running because he has the freedom to do that and that's what liberty is all about the freedom to run or not or not you know strong messaging chris oh says fake super chat spinning image was the puppet show spoof where uh you were thinking of hilarious and worth revisiting they were used in a phil colons music video okay so the music video came was you know spun out of something else um cool joey tougan says fake super chat can we possibly get bobblehead joe joe to give her thoughts on the presidential debate thursday are we talking about joe jorgensen uh sitting down giving commentary on the presidential debate no please no don't let her speak if you offered for joe jorgensen to be the third party in the presidential debate i would say not that either and i don't i don't know that that woman is up to but uh i'm sure it's i'm sure it's advancing liberty i am very certain of that trash man says fake super chat is dave calling for an lp great reset hmm yes yes he is he absolutely is we must atone cleanse hmm so the takeover of the takeover the libertarian parties that were right now the takeover bro that was just an you know a fancy name for a a campaign essentially was a campaign but this we could actually be the takeovers the wrong word like a cleansing is the better word like a real reset a part no but that implies force like a reset is probably the best the best word let's just force it at this point joe to gun says big super chat is the Oliver mike charmont ticket just a spoof on the eighties buddy cop show um yes yes it is and with that i think we're going to wrap up everybody's favorite segment and we'll check back with the next time on it uh this has been chase and cop chase chase chase chase chase and just a reminder the offer still stands if you'd like to hire me chase and cop to make your your chase and cop videos for your campaign feel free to do so but otherwise continue ripping off my style um dave this has been fun and uh we are at like two hours and fifteen freaking minutes um we could have easily done an after party but everything was so you know just a good flow i feel like i felt like just keeping it all in the main now between between everything between um you know the the men and women screaming in the woods julene ason's being released john patesta teaming up with Arnold Schwartz nager all the celebrities bending over and taking it from joe biden um everybody insisting that donald trump is less mag uh mentally cognizant than joe biden is and gaslighting us um michelle slash big mic running or not running at least jump roping for president um and uh june tinth new hampshire chase and cop all this stuff do you have any final thoughts before we get out here man yeah next time somebody says to you oh it's everything a conspiracy theory just go yeah yes yes it is shut up absolutely it's absolutely all theater it's absolutely all fake you didn't know that what did you not do your own research yes seriously not looking into this give me a break look yeah that's my final thought oh that and go subscribe to my youtube channel so you can check out my dave on the street shit yeah yeah it's common it's coming any any day now just like all of his episodes do become oh these are way better than just a regular podcast one of these is worth like a hundred podcast episodes oh yeah oh yeah bro right next to my podcast sucks bro sure she's gonna do a hundred of these things just do it equal one it's like the raisin bran commercial right it would take over two hundred bowls yeah um now so much fun i could talk to eric breaky uh josh smith uh mosh hooray and nix star work and a couple guys named ben and uh and a few hours it was a good time yeah but wait too many guys for all the ben's uh yeah all the ben's were there you can follow me at tsi-d pod on twitter or dan at tsi-d pod is my email or the system is is the website wherever the system's downs are sold thank you guys for being here thank you guys for being in the chat thank you guys for supporting and for hanging out with us at a random time on a tuesday in the middle of your lunch break and extending into your your dinner break probably at this point but um we do have to end as we do uh with thoughts for steve so mentally prepare yourself let's get it all out there let's as the men and women do in the woods let's let's rage it out scream it out and get it all off our chest hey i'm checking in tell me what's going on actually steve i'm feeling pretty good today dude nothing really to report don't listen this guy steve like people are screaming in the woods and pretending like it's a good thing um julienne as such yes i think that's what he was gonna comment on but there's so much bad and we that's really what the focus is here in this very wholesome outro the focus is on the bad dave go ahead i think we should just be grateful that julienne nostalgia's home and that those ladies in the woods probably let out some demons that needed to come out they're all better wives they're all full of them anyway mothers yeah um everything is coming up aces for humanity right now so steve i just want to say thank you for all everything is coming up aces except for all of the controlled oppositions going on i feel like i'm supposed to vote for don't trump at this point i don't want to i don't want to they're gonna drag me kicking and screaming just by telling me that i shouldn't it's good to you so many times no shut up we're doing it again hey i'm checking in hey steve tell me what's going on well listen ever since i became magga dan's been acting really weird no bro you need to just warm up it feels good in here you're michael morning me uh they're going to vote for don't trump and it is going to feel good also uh michael more thinks that uh all white christians are the enemy um at this point so you know there's there's there's not trouble brewing we should all just focus very much on the happy thing julienne asage was released that is a very good thing but also the entire world's collapsing around us but i'm sure it's fine i'm sure it's there's nothing to worry about the vague rama swami former biotech billionaire current trump propagandists has our back so listen everything's coming up ace is right it's the most important election of our lifetime dave and who freed julienne asage it wasn't don't trump on the vague rama swami steve fuck you and to all you uh all you out there thank you guys again for watching thanks for hanging out we'll see you next time and um good luck we'll see you guys thursday thursday i think at two p.m. central standard time with carland borsenco to discuss why chase all of her is good and also nick fwentes deserves an ear strange times you live in i love our timeline and uh embrace the clown show and uh just hop on the wave and ride it out to uh our dark bleak beginning reset fiesta i'm scared dave everything's going to be great oh okay everything's going to be great dave said so clouded up and uh question everything stand comfortable be bad have fun we'll see you guys thursday peace out this is not what's supposed to play here but it works it's fine [gasping] the nose the nose just popping right over the shoulder is great all right thanks guys we'll see [BLANK_AUDIO]