The Buzz - BuzzWorthy Radio

OLTL's Ilene Kristen on BuzzWorthy Radio!

Ilene Kristen, Roxy on ABC's One Life to Live, will be making a return appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio!

Ilene is scheduled to sing on the popular comedy show "ACME Saturday Night" at ACME Comedy Theatre in Hollywood Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. Michael Steger from The CW's 90210 will be serving as host, and Kristen will perform three songs as the show's musical guest. "ACME Saturday Night" will also stream live at 8 p.m. PT on
Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2009
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No, I kept the phone away from my ear just in case. Oh, okay. Yeah, because I do. So I warn everybody, like, if they call it, I'm like, "Yeah, you're going to hear this thing." I think it's like really, really loud. I'm not going to bust your ear drums, but... No, that's fine. I actually had to do this rehearsal for this play tonight, where I have to, I have a little gun that I have to shoot off. And that was loud. That was dangerously loud. And very scary. This was tame compared to that. Oh, this is easy. Very, very tame. Very tame. Oh, thank you. Well, thank you. And thank you so much for coming back here for your third visit. My fellow Leo. Yes. Hello Leo. You are a Leo. I am. I am. Yes. Did you have a good birthday? I really, really did. I did. Yes. What did you do? Well, I did a gig at the triad, the night of my birthday, which was great. My mom was there and she had never really heard me do my original songs. Oh. So it was really, it was a trip. It was great. It was a pack house and it was really wonderful, I have to say. I wasn't expecting it to be what it was and it was really wonderful. So it was great, it was great. And you know I'm doing a gig out in L.A. Yes, I do, which is one of the reasons why you're here. You're going to be back doing the Acne Saturday night. Yes, I am. I am the musical guest. You're going to be doing three songs, I believe, right? Yes, I'm going to be doing three of my own songs, which should be interesting because I don't get to perform all that much in L.A. And so, you know, when people know me here as doing that, it'll just be interesting. I think it'll be great. I think it'll be very, very exciting. And I love working there. It's wonderful. It's really a great, great spot. And so I think I shamelessly should give the website because if people want to see it, they can buy the tickets online for $10. Otherwise at the door it's $15. That's correct. And if you can't make it, you can always stream the show on your computer so you'll be able to watch it from home. That's right. Which is what I advise a lot of people to do. Well, I need some, you know, bodies and booties in the seats, you know. You do, you do. But, you know, I try to commute to L.A. as much as I possibly can. And, you know, I definitely -- when I'm out there, I try to hit up all that good stuff. I just can't hit it up this time out, so next time, next time, you're out there doing it. And hopefully people who are out there will, I hope, because it's always great to have a live audience, you know, to have all the seats filled. And I was really -- very lucky the last time I was there, it was packed. Last time you did this, you were the host. Yes, I was. I don't have enough time. That was great. I don't have enough time this time. I knew that I was going to have work that week on the soap. I knew I wasn't going to really be able to get out there in time to do that. And hopefully I will host again. But I really -- you really have to -- I like to be out there. I like to be out there a couple of days before I have to start working on the stuff. And it's pretty intense when you're the host, because you have a lot of different sketches to do. Yeah, you do. You have a lot of your -- Very little rehearsal. Very, very little rehearsal. But this should be interesting. They didn't have musical guests the last time that I had done it. Really? I didn't know that. No, that was a feature that they didn't have. And so I thought it would be interesting to come out this time and do that. Because I'm also coming out to do the -- the pause event. The pause event. Yeah, I heard about that tonight too, that you're going to be out there for that. That's great. I love the pause event. I do. It's wonderful. It's really, really wonderful. That's one of the events that I actually tell a lot of people, that if you are able to make it, that is the one that you should go to, I think. Right. Well, there's a lot of celebrities show up to that. I don't know, actually, if I'm going to be singing at that, I may do a song. You know, I'm flying in that day. And I don't know if I'm going to get to rehearse with whoever they have is the keyboard player. But I'm going to try to -- I'm going to try to do one song, but maybe I'll do a cover that they know like. I do a very kind of swing and rendition of Money Can't Buy Me Love, which in this economic times is, you know, kind of cool. I kind of do it like it's "Moon Dance." And, you know, see, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. See, I got to agree with you. I should. I should. I should. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody was talking to Eileen, Kristen, here, 6 or 6, 5, 9, 5, 4, 2, 2, 8, is the number to get in on the conversation. Let me ask you about Roxy. Let me ask you about Roxy for a minute. What's going on with her? What's happening here with Roxy and my view? Well, you know, it's been a little -- they had a storyline that they had, and then they had to kind of rethink the storyline. So I haven't been on a lot this summer, but I had a lot coming up and I think more over the next six months. But right now, you know, Roxy's involved in the gay storyline, which is really great because it, first of all, I think having this subject matter on television and on a soap is such a fantastic thing because I think it's about time that anybody who wants to get married can get married. I'm not for sure what people want to get married, but if they want to get married, they should be allowed to get married. And I'm very excited because I just did -- I don't know if you know about the No Hate campaign? Yes. Yes, you did. But I just did one of the No Hate, and that's NOH Hate campaign. This fabulous photographer, Adam Buska and Jeff Parsley, they've been shooting a lot of celebrities for this. It's really wonderful. I think we have to let the world know that, you know, it's okay for anybody to get married that wants to get married. I don't know why people should care, who gets married to who? Exactly. We want to care. It's like, what do you care what I do with my personal life? That's exactly the point. That's exactly the point. You know, I hear a lot of people, especially who I work around, you know, the first thing that they heard, and most of the people I work with are soap fans, and they watch one life to live, because it's on right after all my children, which is, I guess, is a great vehicle. Because they're huge all my children are fans, and they watch one life to live as well. So when the Kish storyline came out, which involved Fred Claywell and Scott Evans, wonderful, wonderful talented actors, by the way, we're very much so, yes. And if you have not checked it out, you can check it out. And when they first heard of that, the first reaction was ill, that's not realistic storytelling. And they actually saw them kiss on screen, and they were like, I want to see guys kissing. This is not real story, but they're telling them, like, it's true to life. And then they're like, it's not true to life. I'm like, it is true to life, because it is going on in the real world. Of course it is. You know, I think Roxie would say, maybe Eileen would say this to see, you know, I like men. So why shouldn't you think about it? I think that is something that Roxie would say. I mean, so why shouldn't you? I mean, Christianism too, I think. Well, Eileen's got a couple, you know, which I've kind of adopted and adapted into Roxie reasons, because Eileen, you know, my favorite slogan is never in style, never out of style. And I think I've thrown that in for Roxie also, because think about that. You know, if you're never in style, you never out of style. Oh, absolutely. Right. I mean, the most of them fans, have you seen this picture for the no hate? Rockin' picture, by the way. It is, isn't it? It's not up on their website yet. It's not up on their website quite yet, anybody who's my friend on Facebook, we've put it into my photo thing in Facebook, but it will be up very soon. And people should really check out the no hate campaign. It's, because there are a lot of celebrities on it, and the pictures are really amazing. And Adam is a brilliant photographer, and he shoots it literally in 15 minutes. You're done. You're in there and you're out. And the photos are amazing. Is that quick? He's that quick. I don't know how, I don't know how they do it. Jeff paints the no hate on your face or on another body part, and then they put a piece of gaffer's tape over your mouth. Yeah. Yeah. And shoot the thing, he's got this light ring around the camera, so it blasts you with light. And the pictures are really, they're very beautiful. They really are. They're very beautiful. They're very beautiful. It's not just loud. But I did it. It's not just stars that actually are also getting involved in this. They're actually been fans that have also been doing this, yes. He's trying to get as many people as possible, because I think people really need to know that with all the problems that we have in the world, and we have so many, why are we making this a problem? Really? People love each other, they want to get married. That's a very beautiful thing, and as I said, I'm married, I sometimes like to tell the guy to go home, "Yeah, I got to go home now, dear," so I thought, but I think marriage is a wonderful institution, especially if you want to do it. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Before I get to my next question, there's actually a collar on the line from Michigan. Uh-huh. Michigan, are you Michigan hung up? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Did I hung up? Didn't I believe in gay marriage, obviously? Oh, that's probably my hung up. Could be a firestorm tonight, I can tell. Oh, no, no, no, Michigan, you got to come back, and I'm on this conversation, and I'm telling you, man, this is great. Let me also ask you this, too. I want your opinion on this. I don't know if you also heard about this, as well. Very, very outspoken as you are, which we love on the show. Have you heard of the rumors that they're circulating about one month? Yes, I have, but I think they're rumors. I do believe that they're rumors. They might have things that, you know, they told us, you know, we're moving into all my children's studio, and I don't think they would make that move unless they were serious about the show being around. It's not that I don't want to deal with the rumors, it's just that I think we have a great show, and I also think, and this is what I really, truly believe, that I don't think they have an accurate way of knowing the ratings anymore. Oh, no, they don't. They really don't. They don't. I think that until they do, I don't know, I just don't want to even speculate. I was very upset when I heard some of the rumors and I saw them, very, very upset because we all love this job. We love this show. It's a very diverse cast. I think we tackle some great things. I think it's highly entertaining. And I also think soaps are, they're very entertaining to people. There's nothing that can really replace them. There's no reality show that I think can replace them, really. There's no game show that can replace me there. People want to follow me around for a couple of years. I don't know if that's actually a problem. I think that would be, hey, I'll be all bored. People would find it fascinating, actually, because I think I have an interesting life. But I think my show is very interesting and I think it's really one of the best ones on. And I think people like that kind of continuity of following people every day and I think the formula of a soap opera or soap opera type, like even the Sopranos was a soap opera, people couldn't wait to view it the next week. I just think that the ratings, I think the rating systems are so bereft of a modern approach to how people are actually watching the show and the fact that it's on at nine o'clock and at one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning and at six o'clock in the morning that on Soapnet that for some reason, and people are DVR-ing and T-vowing it, and I don't think there's really an accurate readout of what's really, really going on. Absolutely. Because when I walk down the street, people know who I am, and I don't think it's just from Ryan's hope from, you know, dinosaurs were roaming here at the, I mean they really, you know, so I just think that something's got to be changing and there's so many different mediums that, you know, I just got an iPhone today. Did you really? I think dragged into 2009, yeah, I just got one today because I've been using one smitzy little, my five-year-old T-Mobile phone which kind of died on me and I was holding on to and I couldn't decide on a blackberry or an iPhone and finally I decided on an iPhone. So I'm very excited, I don't understand any of it, but it's great. But I think people, people are watching on, they're watching my show in all kinds of formats I think. They're watching it online, they're going to certain sites, they're, it's just, ever the world is changing faster than we could imagine, and the ratings haven't changed. It's still the same people with a Nielsen box. I think there should be another way of doing advertising so that the advertising dollar is not lost when supposedly when ratings go down the advertisers think that, you know, they shouldn't be spending this money or that money or this money, boy I think there's a different way to advertise, you know, websites and stuff like that. But I think every item of clothing that we have on the show, you know, or the groovy clothes on the show, I think all of those should be on the website where they're bought, you know. I've never thought of that. I know, I know. Somebody steal it just so we can, you know, keep up and take it, take it off of here. Sure someone will take it, but you know, it's okay, I just think we have to think outside of the box, and I don't think there's any replacement for soaps. I think the way it connects with viewers is onto its own, and I agree, I agree. I couldn't imagine my life without them to be thought out with you, so watching it for like off and on for 20 years, you know, I mean, there's no, there's no way. I think there's a way to make them a little bit more addictive. Oh. Oh, yeah? Well, and I, it's just a theory I have. I just a theory. I, and it, you know, when I did Ryan's Hope, that show was completely addictive to people. The scenes were longer and a little bit more involved, and I think in each of the shows, each day there should be one scene that takes you someplace so deep into somebody's psyche. And what their thoughts are with somebody, that they're not what we call driveby's, which are blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, out to the next scene. You have a lot of those, we have a lot of those, and sometimes I feel when I was watching Ryan's Hope, I watched a couple of episodes of Ryan's Hope, and I noticed that the scenes were totally engrossing, because you saw that character, that character was manipulating like deal, yeah, but you saw it, and you were, it was very intriguing, you know, the scenes could be like 10 pages. Now, I know the formats are very different now, but I always feel like whatever the main storyline of the day is, or the storyline that you kind of want to involve people in as a forecast of what's coming up, you should be a little bit longer, a little bit more. I agree, I agree, let's commercial time, yeah, yeah, and I think the ingredient of any great show is to get addicted to the character, that you want to see what that character is going to do next. And you know, sometimes, I think it's great that we have a lot of characters, I really do, but I think that you don't think like they'll overlap everybody else with them. Well, I think they should overlap a little bit more than they do, sometimes, you know, you have one storyline that's in one part of the forest, one storyline that's in another part of the forest, and, you know, I think there should be a greater overlap, sometimes. And I think, I'm not saying so much with my show, but I think the realer the story could be, and really take things from people's lives, I think the better it is, Ryan's hope is very, very real. And we did some very, you know, I think the gay storyline on our show is pretty real. But I sometimes, and I'm not saying my show, but sometimes these shows jump the shark a little bit. Yeah. I think they come up with stuff that, if you just keep it real, and like what real people do and real stuff, so I don't know, you know, that's if I rule the world, which I don't, you know, and not just trying to rule the world, but that knows, you know. One has all-- Because that B won't let ourselves. You know. That is true. Yeah. Let's see if I can, let's see if this one won't disappear on us, like Michigan did. Yeah. Love you, Michigan. But Texas. Texas. Alright. 5-1-2, you're on the line. How are you? Developed Brandon. How you doing? Brandon. What's going on, man? Hey. Joanne texted me and said that Eileen was on your show. I don't weigh a question. I'm just driving, and I wanted to listen to the show. Hi, Eileen. Hey, where you driving to? I'm driving back to Austin. I had to drive for work today and deliver some things, and I'm driving back home now. I have one city I want to go to, desperately. It's an amazing city. I've heard that. I want to go there, and I want to sing there. I want to go to a blues club and sing. Oh, you know, you could have your pick. I mean, there are literally hundreds of clubs in this city. It's amazing. No. I know that. My friend Michael Clay, you know Michael Clay, the country singer? It doesn't ring a bell. Yeah. I think that's his name. Anyway, he plays a lot of the clubs there, and I have a bunch of friends that go down to Austin and play, and I've just heard it's a great city with a great spirit. So maybe somebody, or maybe a viewer who has a club will invite me to play there. You have to put the word out. Yeah. I'm trailing for a gig. Listen, I'm appreciating to get you on my show, so I don't really have a question. I just wanted to listen to the show. Oh, Brandon, am I doing your show on Sunday? You know what? We're talking about it. We don't have a firm commitment yet, but we're talking about it. Well, I say yes. So, you know, there you go. I'm glad you're the same Brandon. So, you know, I'll save my question for you for that time. I just wanted to listen to you on your mind. And texted me and said, "I leaned on the show, turned it on." Great. Well, anyway, we will speak on Sunday. Fantastic. Fabulous. Good morning, Brandon. It's a very small planet, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Brandon's amazing. He has a great show, too. I heard he has a fabulous show. And we were just talking about Brett Claywell. He just actually had him on the show. That's what I heard. Tuesday. Yeah. Yeah. Brett Clay. What a great show that was. Oh, my God. Yeah, Brett. I don't brag about a lot of shows, but I brag about his in Japan, so. That's great. Well, they're great. You know, they're great. I mean, it's such an interesting time that we're living in, you know, that these shows, people just decide that they're going to do a blog talk radio and they just do it. I have no idea how you do this, but I know how to talk, so I know how to do it. That's really all there is to it. You've got to know how to talk and you're done. I know how to do that. Yeah. Sure. It's not for your own show, maybe. That's it. That's all you've got to do. Yeah. Yeah. We have another Texas caller too. Oh, good. Yeah. Texas is coming in here. All right. Hold on, right. Very good. With my area code. 936. You're on the line. I think. Hello? Oh, they hung up too. Oh, my God. They don't want you. They don't want you. They're all kicking out. They're all kicking out. They're all kicking out. It's time for me. That's it. I love it. I like it. I like it. Well, ask away. I got to know, doing all of this, how are you able to juggle all of this stuff? Are you doing acne Saturday night? You're doing pause. You're doing? I am in rehearsal right now for, I'm in rehearsal right now for a project called Asking for Trouble. And boy, am I asking for trouble. I just got the script two days ago. I have to learn 10 pages, it's like doing a 10 page monologue. And I have a gun in one hand and monologues in the other and I have to perform it tomorrow night. And I am scared, blankless. I am. Why? Why? Why? Because, you know, you can't yell cut. You know, you're doing a stage show and because I've had no time to rehearse. I've only rehearsed once with the person that I'm doing it with. I have a gun in one hand that I have to fire and I fired it today to experiment with it and I lost my hearing for like a good minute. So I'm a little nervous about it to say the least. And you know, when you're performing in front of a live audience, it's pretty crazy. For anybody in New York who's listening, that's going to be an ensemble studio theater, which is at 549 West 52nd Street in New York Ensemble's Studio Theater. And it's a project called Asking for Trouble and I'm so scared. I don't know, you know, I try to raise the bar myself and just try to do things that kind of shake me up and create tremendous adrenaline rushes. I don't do drugs. I just do adrenaline. No, no, I didn't even, I didn't even think that. No, well, no, well, I do take every once in a while, I'll take that red, red line seven hour, seven hour, whatever energy drink. Oh, okay. Because it's really great for concentration actually. Because it was really good, is that really a drug bill? Can we say that? No, it's not a drug itself in a health store. Yeah. No, I don't do drugs at all. No, that's good. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. And I haven't, you know, I did a triad show on my birthday and then I'm going to, I guess I'm going to wait until either November or December, I don't, I don't know. You know, I have to do one soon. You're too. Well, yeah. You know, sometimes once it starts getting cold, I hate to ask people to go where I don't like to go, which is out. So, but I understand that. Yeah. I know. It gets so crazy here in the winter, it's like, oh. Yeah. But it's not even going to be that, it's not going to be that bad this year. So. Well, where did you find that out? Oh, it was in the, it was in my paper. In the almanac? Yeah. It's set it in the local paper. It was like the, it's going to be a milder winter this year and I'm just like, I'm all for that. It is like it was like here. I'm killing the air in October, which I, last October, I didn't feel this chill that I'm feeling right now. So, you know, I'm a little, a little nervous about winter, but, but I'll be in LA so, and I, LA is a nice place to come in the winter and hopefully I'll be doing, maybe I'll decide in the coldest month of the year, which is usually February, that maybe I'll do, I'll do that hosting out at Acme, perhaps, or maybe I can do a gig out there. Once I can kind of assemble a band out there, then when I come back, I can have it kind of ready to go. Because it's really hard, you know, when you're doing a whole show, it's, it's 10 songs or 11 songs and it's a lot of rehearsing, a lot of rehearsing. I, I'm working with my brother-in-law, which is very exciting. My colleague, the great guitarist, and we've never really gotten to, you know, do that much work together, so, it'll be cool, it'll be very cool. I've got to get to one of these things. Yeah. It's like, that's my ultimate goal. Where do you live again? I'm in Jersey. I'm in Jersey. Where are you? I'm in Jersey. Where are you? I know. I know. Come on. All I got to do is take the train. Take the train. That's it. Yep. Yep. You got to do it. You got to do it. You got to do it. That's exactly it. Where in New Jersey are you? It's a town called Pinsgrove, and I am like two hours away from New York. Oh, you're, you're, yeah, I, I got you. That's a good job. Two hours left. Yeah. But still, I'll give you some notice and you, you'll have to come in and make a weekend. Let me, far enough notice so I can take off work, that way I can spend the whole day in New York. That's how it rolls. Right. How it rolls. I got to. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Make sure you, make sure you check Kylie and Kristen out. Not just someone like to live, but she's going to be in the Acme Saturday night at the Acme Comedy Theater October 17th, 2009 at 8 p.m. Their time, not our time, our time here on the east coast would be 11. And it screams also, as you, as you mentioned. So if you're going to stream it, you're going to have to watch it at 11. If anybody's out in the LA area, I would love it if you could come by. I'm very friendly. Yes. She is. Michael, I don't know how to tell you his last name, but Michael Stieger from the CW 9.0 is the host for that night. Yeah. He's a hottie. Don't do anything to him that Roxy would do to him. That's all. That's another Roxy line that I say is, and I change this because they, you know, they had written in the script, "Don't do anything that I wouldn't do," but I change it to, "Don't do anything that I would do." Don't do anything that I would do. Don't be on your own, you would do it, exactly. I'll be live streaming it. I'll be there in spirit, but I will be watching it on the computer. I advise you guys, too, as well, if you're not in the LA area, and if you are, make sure you stop by there. Make sure you also go to the positive as well, because I believe in the 15th. Yes. The positive end is going to be incredible. And that's going to be at Hwood. Hwood. It's on the 15th, isn't it? The 15th. That is the 15th. Yes. That's on Thursday, and the other thing is on Saturday. Yeah. Oh, okay. The 8th walk is on Sunday. And I'm going to try to appear there. I have to get -- well, I don't have to get back until Monday, so I haven't made my reservation back yet, but I have to work on Tuesday, so I have to get back. Mm-hmm. And then, of course, you're doing your nice little performance where you shoot again. I'm just scared of it. Oh, my God. That is this Thursday, that's tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday at Ensemble Studio Theatre, asking for trouble. Oh, man. That's good for trouble. Yep. And we -- before we go, we have a shout-out from Die, tell her to give Geo a hug from Die, and it always goes to the positive end in New York, and she wishes she could do it in her life. Is that Diane Kissau? Yep. Oh. Hey. Hi. Hi. There you are. There you go. Find out on Facebook. Find out on Facebook, as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And if you find me, say that you've listened to this, because when people write me little notes and everything, I usually -- I usually confirm them. They write something nice. Yes. You know, I'm a Leo. You know, you have to flatter me a little bit. You find that to be true. No. And, you know, I take it all ahead. But we're very fair about it, you know. We don't need too much, just, you know, because -- They say Leo's are egotistical. Is he? Are you egotistical? No. I think it's very valid that we rule. Yes. That is another reason why I love this one. We're natural rulers, so, you know, I don't think we're egotistical. I think we're just in the manner of born. We're just the best all around. That's all there is to it. And let me tell you guys, let me tell you this. We're very fair. We're very loyal. Not true. I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. And this is how I'm being fair. Make sure Sunday, soon as it gets confirmed, we will post about this. Brandon's buzz. I mean, we'll stop on over there as well. So, as soon as we get confirmation on that, we're going to post about it, we're going to go all out with it. Yeah. And make sure you check out his show. And I'm talking to him's buzz. He's one of the hottest posts out here, so I can throw into myself. He's one of the hottest posts we've got. Make sure you check them out. Oh, check them out. Great. So, fantastic. So, you can do this. Do that for me. Check out Eileen, too. One night to live, Antony Saturday night. Pause event, everything. Oh, my gosh. So much, so little time. Check them out. She's great. Love having you here. Love having you here. Thanks. And, you know, you've got to get your butt in from, you know, whatever little town that is. It's very small, trust me. Yeah. Are you near Trenton or something? I'm about, oh gosh, I was in Trenton not too long ago. I'm about like 40, 45 minutes away from Trenton, so. Yeah. New Jersey is, you know, they think it's really now. People say, "Oh, it's a little state. It's not that little." I do. But I go to Vineland sometimes, and I don't know where I am when I'm in Vineland. I feel like I'm on the other side of the planet, but you know where Vineland is? I've actually, for my job, I've actually had to travel to Vineland, so yeah. I hate it. Because I get lost, though, usually. Yeah. It's easy to get lost, and yeah, it's quite interesting. But I have a very, very wonderful friend there, Mark Malamud, who has the Gabriel Project that I do a lot of fundraising for, and the Gabriel Project, we raise money to bring kids in from Africa to get heart surgery and to get, you know, all kinds of surgery that they cannot get in Africa, so it's a really wonderful charity. And I'm also going to be doing some work with a wonderful woman from Haiti. Her name is Nancy, and, you know, in Haiti, the kids are starving there. There's been a lot of problems with the soil because of all the bad weather that they've had, and there's hardly any food being grown at the moment, and it's really a terrible, terrible situation. The malnutrition area is hideous. I'm going to be doing some work on that in the upcoming, I think we're going to be doing a benefit November 7th, but I'll have it posted. Absolutely. Thanks so much for telling me about that, and everybody else, about that. Keep us posted on that, absolutely. We'll do. We'll do. Thanks so much, my dear. Alrighty. We've got to do this again, obviously. Yes. Yes, sooner than later. Sooner, absolutely, sooner, sooner. Okay. Take care of my love. What do I do? Do I do something up? You! Can you hang up? You can hear me making outro. You can do whatever. If you want to hear me making outro, you can stay here. Well, I've got to go practice that gum thing. I have to... You didn't know. Actually, I have a fake gum that I'm practicing with, but I've got to look at my lines for tomorrow. Oh. Good luck with it. Oh, tomorrow. Thank you. Really? Really. You take care of it. Alright. You too. Take care. Love her. Love her. Every time she comes here, love her the pieces. And guys, we're out. We're out. We're probably not going to be back here for a while. I've got stuff that's going on here on my side that I need to take care of. I haven't updated the website in a while, and I need to do that, so I'm going to get that done. The computer's got to go in the shop in order for me to update the site to the fullest. So I may not be around for a few days, if not a week or so, so I won't be here to converse with you guys or do whatever on the Twitter and the Facebook and the website. So I've got to get that done. It's not a one you can take long, but I know exactly what is fully wrong with it, but it looks like stuff needs to get fixed in there because I can't get into the channel and I can't update my website unless all that stuff gets done. So that stuff takes time, that takes money, but it's been all in good spirits, but the website will get updated, I will keep you posted on everything as far as the comments and goings that have been happening as far as in the daytime set, with everything that's been going on within the past couple of weeks, and I will have it updated. I don't want to call it like a says report kind of deal because I don't want to steal from Nelson and Nelson is my friend, but I call it the subs for one report, and I'll be doing that for you guys, keep you updated on what I feel about what's been happening within the past couple of weeks, and we do have some interviews lined up in the work that we got going on, one which is Peter Wreckle from Days of Realize. He'll be suffered by him in the show to promote the Day of Days event, we'll be doing some more I believe from that show as well as well, and also our two year anniversary is coming up November 5th, it was our two year anniversary. So make sure you guys send us your favorite moments from the show. Make sure you guys email us your favorites, email us your favorite things, Twitter us your favorite things, Facebook us your favorite things, whatever have you to get at us, your favorite moments of the show within the past two years, let us know, we'll get some sound bites on the air, and I will definitely have some of my favorites, I will be posting. I got to think about this, two years, over 200 episodes, it's a lot to think about, have my favorite moments from that, but we'll see, we'll see, we'll find out which one I'll pick in due time, raise and tell me, but yeah absolutely keep in touch, keep us posted, and I will keep you guys posted on our next show. I believe we actually will have one on the 12th which had Rogers from the million dollar listing, it's on Bravo, and he will be joining us on Tuesday, so make sure you guys check us out for that. But for now, I'm stepping off, I'm going to head over to any and Burl show, but for now, I'm about to be setting off, make sure you get the latest buzz with the buzzwordy radio to get next time, thanks for calling out, thanks for calling out, thanks for checking out the show, follow us on Twitter @buzzwordyradio, make us a fan on Facebook. And whatever have you, keep us really in your thoughts, see you guys, take care, bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]
Ilene Kristen, Roxy on ABC's One Life to Live, will be making a return appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio!

Ilene is scheduled to sing on the popular comedy show "ACME Saturday Night" at ACME Comedy Theatre in Hollywood Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. Michael Steger from The CW's 90210 will be serving as host, and Kristen will perform three songs as the show's musical guest. "ACME Saturday Night" will also stream live at 8 p.m. PT on