The Buzz - BuzzWorthy Radio

BuzzWorthy Radio: Christel Khalil!

Christel Khalil, Lily from CBS Daytime's The Young and the Restless, will be making her first appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio by popular demand!

Hear her take calls from fans, and what is coming up for LANE (Lily and Cane, played by Daniel Goddard) you LANE fans, get ready! This show if for you!
1h 4m
Broadcast on:
29 Sep 2009
Audio Format:

This is Dr. Blochstein and you're listening to Buzzworthy Radio on Bloch- what? No I can't do it like he doesn't. I just can't. It is Buzzworthy Radio for you can get the latest Buzz and all your favorite shows inside Buzzworthy. God that hurts my voice. I had to pay homage to Blochstein on that one. I had to do it. Welcome everybody to Buzzworthy Radio. It's Monday 9.30 pm Eastern Standard time here on blog talk September 28, 2009 we're going to be joined by the lovely Crystal Clio on this broadcast today and before we get any further I got to introduce myself because I have been forgetting to do that lately. On the bell jayley, joining me on the line right now is Matthew Preston. How are you doing sir? Oh you're not unmuted. Now you're unmuted. Go ahead and see. I'm doing great you know I have to say that was such an amazing promo or Dr. Blochstein that's really cool and thank you for doing that. That was so cool. Well Dr. Blochstein, well Dr. Blochstein, well I have to say that before we even got our guest on the line the switch board is lighting up like profusely already so I'm going to have a lot of fun trying to figure out who's who. I should have planned that better I should have been like what are your code are you? So I'm like oh goodness oh goodness gracious. So let's try to find out exactly who, who, what, where, when and how. Alright let's let's go down here to 510 you're on the line how are you? 510. Hello. Hello. Oh my god I can believe like went through. Oh. Yeah. Well I just wanted to listen in that's it. Okay. Well I'll put a little bit as soon as we, if there's a get it on here alright. Okay thanks. Of course you can do that. I know who that one is but I'm not going to pick that one up so yeah this is this is, this is a lot of people that go through on this switch board uh 2-8-1 you're on the line. Hello. Hello. Hi. I'm just looking forward to the night show. Alright. Well we're looking forward to the night show too. Alright we'll get you back on alright and we'll put you back on all okay thanks. 9-0-1 let's keep going down the list here 9-0-1 you're on the line. Hey guys how are you? Hey guys who's this? Ah this is Eric from Memphis and I'm really excited about listening to Crystal. I'm a big fan of her is Lily I think she's amazing and um yeah that's about it. Alright. Alright. Alright. We'll definitely keep you on. Alright. Thank you. Thank you. Keep you on Eric from Tennessee. Alright. Let's try this one 8-0-4. I'm going through the list baby until I find her. It is you. It's no it's not oh sorry it's not Crystal it's Virginia it's Jennifer. Oh it's not like you said it's me I guess I'm so sorry I didn't need it. I'm so proud I do apologize you know what you know what I think I think I found her. I think I found her. I found her. I think I found her. Alright let's pick up the right person now I think since it is from a California area code I should I should have known better alright 818 speak now forever hold your peace. I'm speaking. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. Thanks for coming on. Of course. It was like it was like it it seemed like it was not going to happen and all of a sudden it finally did happen we got you here. I called in I made it. You did make it. I'm sorry that we made you think that it was yesterday. No no it was just like I just saw people talking about it and I was like oh my gosh did I miss it and I realized it was Sunday not Monday so. Crystal I do the same exact thing and it's my you know I'm like a co-host I do the same thing I'm like no but I need to show you like no you didn't I'm like okay good same thing I do. I don't know if any of our brains try to freak us out. Yeah. True. Before we before we start I want to say happy belated anniversary. Thank you. Yes yes yes for those of you who did not know she celebrated when the anniversary last Monday yep went by like lightning speed and it's where did you go where did you go. We ended up just going to Santa Barbara. Nice. Nice. How was that? Did you have the internet time? Yeah we have so much of the dogs with us and have little puppies and just basically just ate the entire time. It's an ate food and shopped and ate some more. That's what you do in vacation you know. Exactly. So Crystal for all of these all the fans out there who are not watching young the rest was first off she won you but you were on the number one rated daytime Emmy award winning soap opera. She's the host but your character and what she is currently going through. Oh goodness what is she not going through. Well my character Lily Ashby now no longer winters. Let's see she has cancer to shave your head. What else her best friend is dying. What else. Well basically like the you know the major event that's happened just going through drama right now no longer a happy and peaceful person. No longer happy and peaceful but you know we got we got a lot of the lane fans we got a lot of the lane fans here in this group right now that is listening to this show and I know they all want to know what what's happening with Lane what's going on what's going on. I don't know I mean I'm sure they'll keep us together for sure but I don't know how they're going to keep working out all this you know us being a couple with all this this drama so we'll see what they do I don't know they don't do anything when they do tell me stuff it ends up not happening so yeah like oh this is going to happen and you're going to go through this and then it ends up happening in a different way so we'll see I don't know well I mean I think they got you know obviously from the fan response they got a popular thing going I don't think they'll probably put into that yet I mean I know they tried and didn't work out so well but no I think yeah I think they might become the the problems that that's going on with really right now and like Daniel said you know that you might be making bold love I don't I don't know I don't know what he said that of course he said that what else would he say what else would he say exactly if it doesn't have anything to do with never really it's really fun we've had on pretty much your whole on screen family except for yeah except for I think Brighton we haven't had Brighton have we not yet no no Brighton we have we've had your your father you know the the guy who is your father we've had your mother who is still in the sea we missed her on the show definitely we've also had your husband they pretty much your aunt I mean yeah there's that you are definitely you know we were somebody you were somebody we had to get on because just we just had to keep going down the winter's clan you know right right yeah the winter's clan someone someone actually had posed a question about that and it's and I'm glad you had just mentioned that because I know someone had wanted to ask this I believe this color on the line right now and before we pick him up I didn't want I did want to ask this first you know a lot and it's not just him but I know a lot of others have been asking this as well what what do you think about because a lot of people have been saying that we're not seeing enough of the winter's clan on this right now on the show right now it's like they're not having any story that's only person in a warehouse family that's having a story is you yourself your character do you think that they should be more involved in doing something of their own more involved with bullying cane or like like what do you think in your opinion in regards to that yeah I mean I definitely think that they should be on more I mean there are a lot of times where it'll be like a crisis where I'm in the hospital and just you know Neil is there and not Devon I'm always thinking like why isn't Devon here I mean like we always actually pose that question all the time I was like where's Devon why isn't Devon here so I do that you know it's like if there are times where I've been in the hospital or doing something that's really serious where your family would be there and you know they're not there or maybe one of them is there and the others aren't you know so I do think that you know there needs to be more of the winter family I mean I think that people love the winters and you know it's like I think that everyone should have you know their fair chance of of airtime and you know I'm just happy that I have like I'm so thankful for that that you know the writers write for me and I love it but you know I guess I'm from you know Kristoff and Brighton's perspective you know I'm sure like you know they want to be on more you know I mean who wouldn't so I think that it should be yeah because it's a lot that people were like speculating because like like you said you know where where's Devon where where this person out where where's Olivia you know there's like people in the family that's that's missing and they should be a part of something that that with what Lily's going through with the ovarian cancer that all her family should be there why is all her family not there and it's just it's just it's just seems like that big piece that big piece of missing and I believe this caller who did pose this question here on the line right now Brian I brought you on how are you hey how's it going hey how are you hey Brian hey how are you good how are you I'm pretty good thank you I'm a really big fan I think you're a great actress and I think you're doing really great work with a cancer storyline and stuff oh thank you you're welcome I was wondering like for future story for your character like what would you like to see happen oh good question um you know my brain hasn't really thought that far let's see what I like to be happy will obviously not have cancer anymore yeah my Iraq I'm so like a warring the stupid scars I can't even tell you it's so annoying you know I can't wait to start wearing wigs or something what else I think I think really really having like a professional career I think that would be something that would be interesting for people to see because it's kind of just been with Lily it's all about you know love stuff or getting you know screwed over and love you know right so it'd be nice to see her in like a in a position where she has authority and actually you know doing things and being able to play that that different side so we'll see well that happened probably not but it's a dream yeah that'd be awesome I'm hoping it does happen that'd be great yeah would you actually that'd be so cool if it could be Chloe versus Lily all over again you know the whole ingenue and you guys have a kind of like a rivalry going into the game but that'd be really cool if you both because I know that we had we've had live on you know twice already and she's she's definitely said she would love that the ingenue storyline so that would be really cool if the both of you I was using fifth return to the both the end so both of you guys can just you know fight it out and go for the power power of general a city yeah I completely agree I think it's fun to watch those catbites other people love like Drew and Phyllis or you know Phyllis fighting with anyone it's just fun but yeah that'd be so fun to be and I loved it when we had those things where we had to be mean to each other because we love each other in real life so every time we have a scene we'd like crack up laughing afterwards it was just funny but um but yeah that'd be fun so I'm tired of Lily being so sweet like come on no person is that much of a saint you know what I mean like no person takes that no person is that sick sweet I can outfit I'm out if you send back exactly it's like characters like Lily and Mac just don't exist I mean it just doesn't happen where we are like the saints of the show it was funny because we were talking about future storyline together Clementine and I was like oh that'd be cool we got in a fight and I'm like that would never happen because Lily and Mac are way too nice you know so we'll see hopefully all right Brad you got anything else or crystal I heard you were going to say something else oh yeah um I was just wondering um like what about like would you like some scenes of Eric Braden like um would you plan around with Victor a little bit I know he's obviously pretty big on the show but I'm sure and Lily what I want scenes with Eric Braden yeah does that give you an answer yeah I think it gives me an answer that is the answer right there good answer thank you thank you bye bye bye bye too funny too funny all right let's take this let's take this next color from K has Texas 281 you're on the line how are you hello hi hello hi my name is Veronica she's from Houston Texas hi you guys hi crystal how are you guys doing hi how are you are good how are you I'm good um I just want to say I'm a huge fan of the lincoln I'm looking forward to what's coming up of the lincoln I'm I'm looking for the lily being cancer free I'm looking forward to that very much me too and I'm looking for it and just you know pretty much looking you know I told I have a question um Lily you know about Lily's career it has really you know her degree you know she said that I think was one of the one of the episodes that Lily was trying to go for college or her degree did they ever did they ever show um to say that Lily's degree in like good academics I don't think so I don't even remember that I don't even remember that either yeah Lily going for a degree um I don't remember that all I all I think the only kind of thing was just the modeling and that was it yeah I really got great at college but right yeah I can't remember but you're doing a you're doing a great job crystal I'm a huge fan of your work you're doing a super super job keep doing what you're doing you're doing great I just love the lincoln you guys are doing great and looking forward to what's coming up on the lincoln and we love you and Daniel on the EST message Board of Sweet Temptations we love you and Daniel on the board very much yay thank you and you guys thank you so much again bye bye bye I love you too and this you know that's definitely is true that the fans they sometimes know more about the characters than the actors who play them they can tell you yeah I know right you know I can pretty much say they know more than I do and that's that's that's sad but that really it's that is sad but you know it's truth be told they do know more than I do but and as I was saying you know you have a strong fan support system that that's out there right now and I do imagine this and you don't have to comment this and you want definitely tell me no comment they definitely showed their support for you when you came out one of the one of the wonderful misses of Twitter is you know they came to your defense they came to your defense when the tweets are coming out in regards to a certain actress that was making assumptions towards you and you counteracted against that and they came back and they came back at you guns blazing showing their utmost support for you when you when you did see that and when that was happening what was your initial reaction if you want I mean I just I just don't understand people sometimes and you know like I was so happy when so many fans came to me and were like you know what we love you did it up and of course they were like one or two fans that were you know oh you're not the real lily and did it a and I just so I just think it's so funny that that the fans that are against certain people not the fans that love people but the fans that are against them how they think that they can just say like such a mean things to you you know what I mean like and they don't even know you you know and it's almost like would you do that to someone who was on the street you know so it's like I just don't get yeah I just don't get people that do that it's like I don't understand it whatsoever I mean I could never do that to anyone I don't care if someone you know is on TV or not I could never just come to me and just say something mean you know there was one lady on Twitter who said something you know awful and I was like my gosh people are just cruel but you know to the people that you know supported me I was like oh my gosh thank you so much but it's like I just don't understand it it's like what's the point you know it's so it's just so silly and I think it's so immature and childish and I just I'm just tired of it you know from you know that specific person that it's almost like it's like I don't even I don't even react to it anymore because of the drama I just I'm just like I just expected so and it's like you said they can do it on the computer but would they do it to your face right yeah you know that that's that's the way the ball rolls on this thing but I'm glad they came out to your defense so that that was but that was the main thing throughout the entire thing everybody came to your defense so that was really I was like oh people like me I was like they liked me they really like I was like yay you know there you go nice to have people that you know are behind you because it's like because it's like it's almost like if you stay silent then you seem guilty and then if you speak out then you're guilty you know what I mean like there really is no right way to go so it's just I was just like whatever I'm just you know anyways you got some more people that do love you we got another color from Virginia is this Jennifer it is it's me nothing much working hello hello we met before how are you I'm good really is just a I guess a quick question or a simple question I guess I'm not saying I can leave or anything but say if you were to pursue something outside of younger restless would you prefer comedy or would you prefer drama or have you ever thought about like a web series or something like that I mean I would do a web series never thought about it comedy or drama I don't know you know it's funny because people think that drama is harder than comedy but comedy is so much harder than drama just having comedic timing and being able to deliver like a joke well I didn't think that would be something that would be fun to do you know I've never really done much comedy before so probably a comedy that would be and plus you know it's like such an easy job and they pay well so that'd be nice yeah well I have my also my thought is I guess if you felt that maybe the material wasn't being produced for you would you ever consider producing something on your own you know I have thought about you know I don't know I've thought about it I mean I could I could never do like directing or anything like that I just don't have that kind of mind like I don't want to put you back kind of work into it I thought about being an executive producer where you just like put in the money and not have to you know really think of anything else but yeah I mean I would pursue something like that if I had the opportunity but is it all my mind right now no just maybe in the future yeah it's cool well I'm glad you like the cookies even though they were stale oh yeah I admit oatmeal chocolate chip that is awesome that you did not share with me I understand that's okay that's okay well I'm gonna come more because I can't have stale cookies on my reputation you can tell though that they were fresh they would have been like out of control because they were still amazing even though they were stale well there's a one is a better one you know what's funny is that she sent them to the studio but I see I wasn't working for like a week and a half so I think she I think she sent them there like on a Tuesday I didn't get there to like the following Thursday and so they were like in a box and I was like oh my cookies and they were really good though they still are really really good well I have a better I have a better I added some caramel and they are actually better because I gave them that was amazing so yeah me yeah but but thank you so much for taking time and I have to get back to work now oh thank you thanks no bye you later I you know what I'm gonna give her my address and you know maybe she sent some caramel cookies to you that sounds amazing wow yeah she's a serious baker she came to the set and brought she called them like blondies where they were like brownies mixed with like something else oh it was so good she is awesome she is a baker I remember Daniel asking her that that last time he was on here if her oven was fixed yet so I was like mmm yeah yeah but I don't want anything that still so I'm just saying just just putting that word out there they're still you're welcome today you're not thinking so does I'll send the sale cookies to Matt I'll take a fresh one that's that's thanks thanks as well yes absolutely five one oh area code you're on the line how are you where you're going from five one zero you're on the line oh no don't play anything that's great we had five one I think we had five one zero on before and that part for they just wanted to listen to the show so I think that they're just listening to the show but hey thank you for being an avid listener and staying out a lot you know there are so many ways that you can listen to the show and being in calling you the number and she's listening through your phone if you don't computer it's definitely it's definitely effective so yeah all right let's take this one five one three you are on the line where you come from I'm calling along with Ohio hello hi Chris so how are you good how are you I'm doing well I just wanted to let you know I'm a long time fan of the young and restless I've been watching pretty much since I've been born from my mom and my grandmother watching it I'm a big fan of young and restless it's my favorite soap and I'm kind of around like the same age as you your character now so I'm really a big fan of the winners family because you don't really see that much diversity in daytime and I was I mean I was wondering how do you feel about the dynamic for the winner family because it seems like the like the whole winners family like just kind of died when you're still it went over the cliff in 2007 it's just like the family just like went to pieces in my opinion and it's like something's missing like you guys like even with you and Devon and Neil and you're out live being there it's kind of like they don't really play you guys as much as a family unit it's kind of embarrassing that why not like leading like the daytime so because there's other soaps that are doing a much better job of showcasing African American families like one life to live and it's it's kind of like a turn off to the show how do you feel about that um yeah I mean I I agree I mean I think that I think it's just you know a lot of the other families on the show they they go through a lot more stuff and they go through actual drama of not just with each other but with other people and I think that that's the problem that the winners family doesn't really interact with anyone else you know like I mean my character pretty much does I'm with Kane and so then maybe it might be with Jill or Chloe or Billy or something like that but I know that you know like Neil and Devon and you know and Olivia like they don't really interact with anyone else but I think that's why you know it's kind of just so you know block is most people most families and every actually everyone is so interacts with other people and our family just doesn't you know do that so I think that's probably the problem yeah I mean one of the good things they do do is your character Lily actually communicates with a lot of different people you know because she was involved with Jibo when she was like the fresh face of Jibo and all that stuff and like her and Kane and when she was dating Billy and and when she used to was married to Daniel and you know they're going through that thing like Phyllis and all that and and then Amber came along so like I feel like she she's the one who's still integrated with everyone pretty well even though it could be better but I you know I feel like they do a good job with your characters you know having you integrate it oh yeah I had a little camp I asked another question yeah go ahead okay um like on the book I know I don't know if you read the message boards but I know a lot of times it seems like with the Devon character I don't know what's going on how did you feel about them having him sleep with his aunt Tyra I thought I was discussing I mean even though she's not really his aunt supposedly it's still like if you grew up thinking that someone was your aunt your entire life it doesn't matter really not or not you know what I mean like you just wouldn't do that right that's that's what a lot of people in the messes were to say it and it's kind of like I feel like it's like they're ruining Devon's character but I have because like they even had him like a couple years ago I think they had him like have thoughts of like had feelings for you but they kind of just like dropped it thankfully because like they're like you I see him as an African American I'm like like if whether someone's adopted or not like once their family their family you know it's like kind of hard to believe that he would just start like wanting to sleep with his aunt or one of like half feelings for a sister you know right well that's why I think that you know that's what I mean by them not having you know integrating them with other characters because I think that it would have been nice to have Devon be with me be like Colleen you know or even a little thing you know I always go here something yeah I thought he had good chemistry with Elizabeth Hendrickson's Chloe like when she first came on and like he'd be there kind of like taking up for Lily and I thought that he like worked well yeah it would have been like a nice change the face because he's really not had a love interest besides the talking on Ali's character but she was here she was on like once every blue moon and you really didn't see the relationship but okay to you okay let's put talking about you know why did what why did you leave the show when you left like the first time and like I think it was like 2005 you left for like a short period of time oh well you know most of the people thought that I left to let go and do other stuff but that actually wasn't the case I left because part of it had a lot to do with drama with with Vicki and I think being so young being like because I was like 15 16 years old and having you know someone be the way that that you know that she was being toward me I just I couldn't handle it and I just I had to leave the show and and I did and and then you know I was gone for a year and I think you know having that year off and being able to kind of grow up a little more and and kind of see things from a different perspective I was like you know they asked me to come back and and I was ready at that time and so I said yeah so that was that was the main reason why I left the show okay exactly one more question then I'll be done speaking of Victoria Ryle like I'm a huge fan of all the Winter's family members and I like Victoria Ryle I like Lily I like Neil how did you guys have a strange working relationship because it seems like they're all there seems to be some kind of controversy between your you and her like in her interviews I know she's mentioned a couple of times about you know like well yeah it's definitely yeah I tried to say quite about it before because I didn't want to get in drama but it's like it's not a secret I mean it wasn't just with me though many people had a strange relationship with her even people that she doesn't talk about also crew you know I'm not just cast but you know crew like wardrobe and you know hair and makeup and you know people had to go through a lot you know with her I mean I understand when people love her you know she's a great actress and you know she plays a really great character one of the best yeah she's really a great actress and I think she does a great job playing Drew so would you be okay saying back what would you be okay if she came back to the show like would you like I totally would that's why I didn't know where that whole rumor started I didn't want I mean I totally would I mean it would be storyline you know it's like I don't care what drama I have with anyone I mean if it's going to be storyline you know I'm going to work even more like then yeah you know come on back but like I said on Twitter it hasn't been to do with me or how I feel or any of the actors it all have to do with you know the people and you know like the you know the main people the people upstairs and you know the last time she left it's called a lot of drama and some people you know people are having a hard time so it's not the actors it's really you know the main people like the executives so thank you so much for calling thank you thank you thank you take care well who often we have on the phone yeah I know there's probably so many people out there listening we yeah we do and if they hit one I don't know if they want to talk to her or not we do have a caller from Canada that's calling in so call from Canada you're on the line hey how are you good how are you I'm doing good I wasn't going to call in but I'm sitting here staring at the Internet I said okay I'm going to call I'm going to call because the last time I tried to listen to when you had Kristoff on I couldn't hear much of the interview but it's coming in crystal clear over here and oh yes yes I remember you know how are you I'm doing well I'm doing well thank you good I call in and say hi to everybody from Canada and say hi to crystal and you guys are doing a wonderful job and I'm in the restless and I really hope that you guys can come down to maybe the Toronto area and visit and we can all meet with you and chat and you never get out do you crystal touring around never I mean to take me I know Daniel is here here he was about a half an hour away from you earlier this year and I didn't get an opportunity to go see him so be lovely if you guys get out yeah he's always going places without me are you kidding me all the time I'm like you've taken I'm like you've taken Kristoff with you you've taken Josh Morrow with you you've taken Billy you've taken the Liz you've taken as he doesn't want you've never taken the lot the spotlight taken from him because you're so beautiful and lovely you know oh why thank you anyway someone died I was like whatever I see how it is I'll say hi to your husband he's got some really good tunes out there I love it and I'll be threatened the word thank you welcome Kristoff have a good night you too I just remember Toronto by the way is like one of my favorite cities I visited for my birthday last year so that's often that you're calling from Toronto actually got to see Jersey boys so thank you for calling up with Toronto we appreciate it take care bye bye wow so that's anywhere in Canada Canada like the one place I want to go to so badly I do go to Toronto here's it is a beautiful city I'm telling you that's what I heard I want to go there I want to go to Montreal too I heard it's like a little Paris so nice nice we got a caller we got a caller from New York that's on 347 you're on the line how are you hi hi hello what's up what's that she wanna how you doing hi how are you I'm good how are you I'm good no I didn't call to talk to you call to dr. Crystal whoa you know we'll be sure it's been a while we we haven't heard for you in a while so how you do how have you been I'm good I'm good it's working and stuff I just wanted to tell Crystal thank you so much for showing us a good time in LA oh yay good yeah I was one of the girls on the set that day so thank you so much we had a really great time you're welcome yeah I just wanted to say I'm really loving the cancer stuff I know I a few people are liking it but we really enjoying it and loving the work that you're doing with it thank you and I think that the past you've seen with with best Caitlyn has been really powerful really enjoying that why not going there with the cancer storyline thanks yeah she's been doing such a great job yeah okay that's all I wanted to say all right it was awesome talking to you want it we'll see you later bye bye you know she wanted actually does bring up a really good point about the calling storyline um how do you feel like because this is Lily best spring yes we've had many afters his play calling but she's been a huge staple for Lily's life how do you feel about you know losing losing calling oh I'm really bummed about it because honestly like you know it's funny because calling and I never really had that many scenes together you know like with with Tam and Sir Sock which was really funny because when we did I always thought they were so you know good and I loved our chemistry that we had together and every time I'd watch our stuff later on I was like oh wow it really looks like you know like we're real best friends and you know I loved working with her she was so fun to work with and so when I heard they were killing her I was like what I was like this is crazy so you know it really bums me out but you know they do what they do so she's very talented and she's actually been normally she's been on while she's doing why not she's actually filming a movie and she's like she's gonna find you know so yeah she's she's amazing oh yeah I'm totally not worried about her working because she's been working even while she was on the show it's just going to be sad to lose her because you know I always have fun working with her so yeah actually you know what you were speaking a comedy before you were on that so Raven we were funny so you were you didn't call me quite well oh yeah that's yeah I was on the twice I know it's funny I remember I was like because I remember I actually um I went to network for this show when it back when it was called absolutely psychic that was before um and it was down to me and Raven to Mone actually this was right before I got onion in the rest list and I went to network and I had I had already been to like you know six callbacks it was so crazy then it got down to network and it was down to me and Raven and I remember I got into the room I totally messed up I totally cracked under pressure because when you go to network there's like about you know 20 to 30 people in the room and remember I did the scene and I actually was there for you know the main part and the best friend part and I totally messed up didn't get it so anyways they ended up having me come on on the very first episode and I played you know my name was Crystal on the show and then I auditioned for it again like a couple years later and when they realized I thought because I think they forgot that I'd already been on the show so when they realized I'd already been on the show they changed my character's name to Crystal again and because that's who I played before so it was a quite hysterical well very very nice very very nice that's uh oh goodness where did all these colors come from area code 301 from Maryland you're back on how are you hello I'm fine how are you good how are you fine hi Crystal how are you hi how are you I'm fine thank you I'm being at that I kind of kind of comment in a question I've been that I had a sister or sibling that actually went through cancer I just had to say you spot on with your act and I have to commend you on that but where how do you uh release or when you get home with all that emotion some of those things are really emotional and you know how to act you say what's your motivation where do you get it from and how do you know because that's kind I know that's got to be really emotionally trying sometimes all like crying and all that kind of stuff I know you're a professional actress but how do you deal with that um basically I mean you know sometimes it'll just you know come you know you know easily and other times I'll have to kind of prepare a little bit beforehand like before I even get on set kind of just you know get in that mode and and like I said not joke around and things like that um so that's usually what I'll do and yeah it is draining when every day because I remember there was like a couple weeks for every day I was there I was just crying you know I'm like oh I'm so sick of crying um so you know um but yeah that's that's pretty much what I do and and yeah I can't wait till Lily's happy again yeah I'm we're all waiting for that we'll be happy and that's I don't like the scar for you but you're kind of cute hit yeah I'm like man I'm like well I gotta get to wear some wigs like I'm like the number um when I met with Marie and she told me about the cancer storyline and she's like yeah and you're gonna wear like wigs and have fun with them and wear like funky ones and I was like oh that's so cool and I'm like what happened to like my funky bright hot pink wig you know everybody everybody can't wear a ball hit my sister had a cute hit when her G lost her ass so you got a cute head you could definitely rock a ball hit you really don't need a wig just come out there with your ball hit you know but thanks for taking my question Chris you're doing a backup job thank you all right bye bye thank you much for calling wow I think it's so cool oh my goodness you could have a storyline that actually touches other people to call them like that so that's so awesome well yeah I'm just I'm just loving the fact that she's actually loves the fact that she rocked a ball and I don't know how I'm supposed to go from that how do you go you go on to the next thing for that oh man 7 5 7 you're on the line how are you hi no valve this is scary how hi Chris go how are you doing bye good how are you I'm doing okay um what's the storyline gets under wine with uh for the cancer story how would you like to see Lily being played after that because I would love to see you know I think I spoke with you before and I said I would love to see her start to be mean a little bit like cancer kind of changed her and me for Edgyra I hope they go that direction oh I hope they would too but I highly doubt it um yeah I mean I just want to have Lily do something completely different you know just not be so nice all the time and I don't know what would you like to do what what what what career will because it's not actually graduate from school too what what would you like to see her do yeah someone else asked this question I was saying um basically you know having Lily really had really had like a career you know actually having a job somewhere I mean I don't even know how Lily makes money like like she's a foreigner she has a job you know so doing something like that or you know maybe working you know opposite Chloe and having like you know little cat fights and stuff just doing something fun and different you know so we'll see okay and how would you who would you like to see come back to play little mates if you you know there was an actor that was out there because I think that was kind of interesting to have me come back oh yeah um I don't know I don't even know um I have no idea I don't really know any actors really um I wouldn't even know who to say but yeah that would be nice to have him come back interesting yeah that would be interesting because that way you'll have both well you'll have four of them annoying you to death over being overprotective all right well I'm looking forward to hopefully um in a couple of years they do a really good storyline with you with in vitro and how that would work with having someone else carry will you tell I'm looking forward to that I think that would be interesting um yeah because I don't think um anyone has ever dealt on a storyline like after cancer and you no longer have a wound now you have these eggs how you go about choosing carefully someone to carry your baby so I thought I would be really interested in storyline yeah that would be interesting well you guys have a good night it's a pleasure talking to you have a good have a good night thanks for calling me okay thank you could totally I could totally see that like you and uh Liz Hendricks and um you guys play opposite each other and kind of like a restless style kind of thing you know somewhat and uh working working under fill if that would that would be interesting to do wasn't it uh would be interesting having all those three spitfires in there and like more more of the drunists would come out of lily in that kind of in that kind of fold I think yeah exactly I mean that's what people want to see you know but it's like they've made my character so nice nice notice how it just went like her voice just like like depressing when she said nice like it exactly we've actually had a lot of calls we've had tons of calls for the lame fans but you know Nana does this too my mom I say this from all the Y&R people she's that like the number one Y&R fan I swear to god she'll call me in the middle of the night but do you watch the show do you watch the show well she wanted to know she is a what a quote unquote laniel fan and she wants to know would you love to do another daniel story line and if so what would it be um daniel like the character daniel yeah daniel oh like being with him again or something yeah oh yeah yeah I think that would be really interesting um I would actually yeah I mean you know I think that'd be fun to do something else you know I mean I love Lillian Cane together and I love that the fans love Lillian Cane you know I don't want it to get boring and stuff and the only way to have it not be boring is to throw someone else in the mix you know and I think having another guy would be in it because it's like all of the time it's always two girls and a guy you know it's always two girls body over guy I'm like so sick of that like you know it's maybe throwing someone else in the mix and you know maybe yeah daniel or something that would be fun very nice there you go well that's your answer I'd like to grab the day and uh crystal uh working together they have some chemistry so we did see those two upset again never know yeah yeah it was fun it was fun and seven oh seven you're on the line what part of california you're coming from northern california's line country okay nice like my kind of country yeah hi crystal hi how are you oh pretty good I just love you and I'm a big lane fan I love you and daniel and thank you little uh Lillian Cane had the best wedding ever on banner oh thank I took that day off from work and I had uh champagne and cake and your honor and everything and it was fun to watch with some friends oh my gosh wow awesome yeah yeah and um you're doing a wonderful job with the storyline it's pretty close to me and some days I'm in tears watching you and you're just doing an excellent job in that oh thank you yeah and uh I wanted to ask a question like um say for instance you're in a scene but you're not necessarily on the camera but you're in the background and like it says the whole cast is in the background and we can see that you're talking what is sometimes what are you guys are talking about about in the background oh my gosh you do not want to know I thought so you don't have to know okay so I mean you know I won't talk about stupid stuff but whenever I have to be around all the guys I have to be around Daniel and Chris off and Josh and uh oh my gosh they're just they're crazy they just go off talking about nonsense and it's really funny but it's like sometimes you're like oh my gosh stop but yeah it can be random it could be just about you know what's like what's going on or you know um just joking or stuff it's just random stuff so just you know just chit chat uh I thought so because I've always wondered about that I bet they're saying crazy stuff or what good movie they saw or where they went out to dinner or in that type of thing oh yeah all kinds of stuff just random stuff just stuff to pass the time and you know try and make the day go faster so oh and also one last question were you in a movie when your little girl called Matilda yes I was and I saw that about a month ago and I walked past the television and I went that's crystal yeah yeah I was in that I was I remember I had a I had a missing suit a missing front too yeah yeah um yeah I thought that was actually it was a very fun job to do I remember it very well it was a cute movie yeah it was cute okay I'm a go but um glad I had the opportunity to talk to you and keep up the great work okay thank you okay bye bye bye see you later have a glass of wine you know in our honor please it's awesome I had no idea that you were in that movie I learned something else tonight yeah I was like I felt like I think I was like six or something I was very young I don't know I'm gonna have to have to rewatch that movie because I remember watching that movie I didn't know now that you know I'm in it now you'll you'll notice like I have like you know I will yeah and then you'll see me like because I was in Miss Honey's class I was like a like a like a like a like an extra basically and you know you would just see me like in the background like saying stuff and it's really funny so oh man I'm not that's now gonna be like my that's my homework assignment after this show is over the show Illinois call we got some time Illinois you're on the phone how are you eight four seven hello how are you oh hi I wasn't expecting to get through hi Crystal hi how are you I'm good a big fan I think that you're great thank you I see a lot of people are in the chat room nobody wants to ask but Dan you keep tweeting about this ball of so I don't want to know when this is happening and what do you like they all need to learn how I keep it next to that this stuff people will probably see it next month actually yeah to be honest we're we're taping it tomorrow so oh yeah it's been caved yeah it should be very very interesting this bald love well cool very cool well you do your fans really proud we're so proud of you and you just do a great job both in your personal life and on screen so we really love you and keep up the good work thank you you're welcome bye you later bald love I can't believe ball wall yeah yeah ball ball wall um one of the things I wanted to ask before we take this last caller for the night um when Maria Bell had approached you with the cancer storyline how much how much research did you do on that storyline just before you got in depth doing it um well uh my uncle he had he had lung cancer and he had to go through chemo and all that so I basically like I kind of talked to him about the things that he went through and stuff like that so basically um most of what I did and then other than that just you know playing how I would actually feel if this actually happened to me so but for research that was the only research I did okay very good very good this last caller that we're taking is another California caller from area code 209 you're on the line how are you hello hello yes you are um sorry I'm a little sick right now so bear with me the target in the standing um first I want to say I think it's been a very wonderful job with this very delicate storyline you know I have to admit I was a little scared because I've seen someone the stories Maria did like Sharon's uh you know sleeping around with three different guys now I was scared what they would do with Lily um but I think she's turned out very well so far but I would like her to wear maybe brighter colors you know not so dark I mean because when my great and cancer she didn't wear black all the time kind of depressing you know but my question to you is I really um enjoyed these few things they've had between Billy and Lily and Lily and Lily and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're still here are you here me yeah we can hear you my phone cut out it it failed so I called my back and I thought I was on hold and I'm sorry hi how are you here though so like wonder why I got solid there for a minute I was like oh she's going on and I you know what that oh my gosh I was like oh no they're gonna think that I'm like mean or something but all I want you to wear brighter colors well they're bad colors yeah but also okay I thought I did something angry you were something I was like oh my god did I pick her off oh no you're like you're on hold and you can hear what's being said but you can't say anything yeah yeah that was happening and that's why I was like let me just try and I was like hello okay but my real question aside from the whole you know looking like you're in mourning every day I really did enjoy the dynamics between you Billy Miller and Daniel Goddard you three seem to work very well together so I was wondering are they going to re-establish a friendship between Lily and Billy because it aside from Tracy they seem to be the two people closest to Colleen I remember the whole Daniel Lily stuff there were times when they were each other's only family right um yeah you know I mean I think that they kind of have rekindled it through uh through you know Colleen's death and things like that or you know what's happening to her um but uh yeah I would like to see them have you know more because I you know I like working with Billy you know he's great um so we'll see yeah but because I know there was one scene where Colleen said Lily would have children but they didn't necessarily say Cain was father so I mean are we going to see like Billy donating had a certain bake in the future and then miraculously and once later here comes the baby oh you know I don't know I doubt it but um but you know you never know it is so cooperate so we'll see yeah and I have a very interesting I had to have a little angry when they made Lily you know the only African-American female Baron they pretty much like killed off the winter's family right there yeah that wasn't cool yeah I know you know I I guess it's kind of a bummer that Lily lost her uterus and everything you know maybe it's a lot so it's like an ovary or something or maybe just lots of locian crazy I've like got the whole thing I mean couldn't give you give him Cain testicular cancer I mean why is it the women always have to suffer because I'm a girl and you know what I'm sick of seeing that on TV I mean come on yeah I guess the men never cry on the show only the women do they're like scared all the women it's like why are the women dependent on a guy why are any more women I don't know the show you know what I mean it obsessed me because of females in charge and under Bill Bell a man we had women like Crickets names and Laura she may have been a bitch but hey she have her own stores she wrote her own to go into town and then now every woman is whiny and needy I mean Sharon's off sleeping with three guys and then instead of going to a mental illness story line I guess she's having Nick cure her and then Ashley I mean doesn't even start on her and it's really absurd the way the winters and the habits seem to have been destroyed the most out of all the other families these two have been really crapped on so to speak yeah it is unfortunate you know so we'll see I mean I'm hoping that they'll start changing it you know for the women because yeah it's true it's like the women do it kind of it's like they're not really respected you know yeah kind of like you're either a slut or you're a saint like me or you're a bit so those are your three points if you're a woman or you think you're pregnant when you're not because you're not because you're not because I lose your behavior exactly well callers thank you so much for calling in thank you so much good night thanks so much all right oh my goodness well yeah that was I guess that was the last caller for the night um great thank you guys we have any more calls you know I heard that um well it's actually it's actually a perfect timing because I suppose you get my my cousin right now yeah it did work out well but uh yeah thanks to everybody that tuned in tonight I'm sorry the chat's not working there's been some issues with the chats going on tonight so we couldn't get the chat room up and run into you guys are looking for that it's a lot that happened but thanks to everybody who called in and especially thanks to chrysall hail for coming on long time yes thank you for having me absolutely hopefully we have the like two more seconds of your time but it is kind of like tradition on the show to have our guests record a really quick promo um Daniel dinner I think Kristoff did it would you like to do one real quick yeah sure all right no no no why don't you explain all right you just have to include your name and buzzworthy radio in the statement somewhere and whenever you're ready before yours just say whatever I want this is Krista kalil and you're listening to buzzworthy radio okay hey this is Krista kalil and you're listening to buzzworthy radio oh my god that was awesome thank you so much for coming on all right thanks guys see you later bye jincy no jincy all right oh yeah I forgot follow her on twitter follow her on twitter everybody crystal ad banana c h r i s t e l a d n a n a well we're on twitter so make sure you guys do that follow us on twitter at buzzworthy and follow us on twitter and that wraps up our show for tonight i want to thank everybody who called in what i think what i think Kristoff was coming out to the show i want to thank matt for coming out here hey thanks for having me it was a very big show tonight and i'm very very pleased with it we're going to tomorrow at the same time that we worked tonight at 930 with naya revere who's on the wonderfully hit socks show glee wait wait who is this my my house never bear love it naya i gotta say that i'll tell them no listen totally listen but yeah and also guys if you want to um make sure you go to go to our website and email nabel or email me your favorite top five moments or your top moment is that it says our two year anniversary of the world yeah our two year anniversary is coming up so we want to know your favorite moment this past year not the last year that past year you can even go back to our first year that we did not do that ever your favorite moment email us email us twitter at us facebook our um favorite moment some of your favorite moments we've been getting some comments already already with uh daniel garter asking chris about make love to his thought of the way that tamed us i'm like oh god can we put that on air i know right uh but it was already said live though it won't matter so yeah but that's a little that's a little sampling of what we've been it what we got hit with more we want to hear more from you so help send us in the emails in the tweets our way and from all this here at plus ready we're signing off making sure you guys give us a plus with buzzword radio and we're going to leave you where you can find out more on upcoming guest news and features right now see you guys next time take care bye sorry can't get enough of buzzwordy radio not gone now to www. 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Christel Khalil, Lily from CBS Daytime's The Young and the Restless, will be making her first appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio by popular demand!

Hear her take calls from fans, and what is coming up for LANE (Lily and Cane, played by Daniel Goddard) you LANE fans, get ready! This show if for you!