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BuzzWorthy Radio: Dan Gheesling!

Big Brother 10 winner, Dan Gheesling, will be making his first appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio!

Find out what the BB10 winner has been up to since he won the money from the BB House. What went on behind the scenes during the scenes, plus much more, as the hosts and callers get to pick his brain!

All that and more as BWR sits down with the big man on campus, Dan Gheesling!
Broadcast on:
11 Feb 2009
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Log told radio. So get you live in this Buzzworthy Radio, where you can get the latest Buzz. I'm all your favorite children's buzz. Buzzworthy is in charge now. Hi, this is Julie Vents from Dexter, and you're listening to Buzzworthy Radio. Hey everybody, good evening, and welcome to our second show today, of Buzzworthy Radio. I am your host, Devale Jaylee, coming to you live right now. It's 10 p.m. each time. Here on the east coast, 7 p.m. Pacific time here on Buzzworthy We are joined by big brother and winner. See how I'm dragging that out? I'm trying to drag it out, so it sounds really important, but I'm failing. So why don't I just say it? Dan, you're going to go on the phone with us right now. That's right. Dan is on the phone. How are you, sir? What's going on, Devale? Thanks for having me tonight. Anytime, man. Anytime. Like I said, I tried to emphasize the fact that you won big brother 10, but I failed miserably. I mean, can I sound really good? It's alright, you're going to A for effort, man. You know, 10 seasons. You would have thought less this long, but you know, props to CVS for keeping it going. I just -- I mean, I was just sitting there on the last night watching it, and I completely was flabbergasted by the fact that you won by a 7 to nothing vote. That blew me away, because I've never seen that before. Yeah, you and me both, you know. I was telling everyone, hey, they asked me, do you think you're at a 1? Do you think you're at a 7? I said, no chance, you know. When it got towards the end between Memphis and I, I thought it could go 4-3 either way, and then the way it went 7-0, you know, was very overwhelming, and no complaints out of me, so. I was, hey, you made it that far. That's probably what you would have said then, right? Even if you didn't mean anything. I got a little lucky along the way, so a little luck never hurts anyone. You're a little cunning along the way. Let's just put it that way. You're a little cunning. You have to watch what you said. I'm sure there's some students watching. So, cunning, maybe. I like to tell them that, you know, I had a chance to outthink some people and maybe study up on the game, and that's what I tell my students. So, hopefully they're taking note right now. Did you watch Big Brother before you were even on it? Oh, of course. I was a huge fan growing up. I'd seen the second season. And I was a big band survivor, and I watched Big Brother. And while I was watching Survivor, I'm like, there's no way I could win this. You know, it's out in the Amazon or whatever the case may be, then I saw Big Brother come on, and it's all about manipulating people and basically psychological warfare. I thought, hey, you know what? This game really comes down to smarts and how you maneuver within the game, and I thought maybe, you know, at the time I was 16 when I first watched it, you know, and I thought maybe when I turn of age and I get a chance again, maybe I could have a shot at winning this thing. And lo and behold, was it? Seven years later? No longer than that. Nine years later, I won the show. I mean, it's pretty crazy. But that's how it kind of went down. You never know unless you try to kind of feel it, right? Exactly, exactly. You can't be afraid to put yourself out there no matter what you're trying for, or the Big Brother, or running a blog talk radio show, which you do very successfully. So, you know, you can't be afraid to put yourself out. You can't be afraid to put yourself out. Unless people are telling you stories about this show, I might have to defend. Well, you know, I had a chance to check out a few episodes, and, you know, you guys are doing your thing on this radio, and, you know, you guys do some props, so keep doing what you're doing. Oh, well, thank you very much. Look at that dangies. Look at the listener of this show. I don't know what to say. That's kind of awesome right there. But I think there's someone else that might actually want to field in on the props. There is my co-host, Matthew Preston. How are you doing there, sir? I'm doing awesome. How are you guys doing out there? Excellent, excellent. Well, Dan, I have to say, I was one of the biggest Big Brother 10 fans. It was actually one of my favorite seasons. I watched your show religiously. I have, like, tons of questions for you. Tod the questions, no way. I know, right? Go figure, right? So in the beginning of the season, you totally kind of flew under the radar. How did you manage to do that? Well, I don't know if I'd consider it that. You know, right after the beginning, my car got shown and I was kind of on the radar. And then from that point forward, after I was exposed, I had to rethink what I was doing. And that's when I kind of had to slide under. And what I did was I started throwing challenges. I knew anyone who had seen the show or not seen the show. The game is based on how you're perceived in the house. So if you're perceived as weak and you don't have alliances, why would anyone be motivated to kick you out? And that was the anglers trying to play early on until I was forced to play. And I got lucky in the fact that there were a few bigger threats than me at the time and I survived the wave. So you got a little lucky. He definitely did, but I also know in your opinion, who do you think was the hardest housemate to vote out? Oh, that's a great question. You know, I've done a bunch of these interviews and that's never been asked. The hardest person to vote out, wow. I would definitely say Keisha. That was a really difficult vote, but you know what? I didn't actually make that vote, so I don't have to worry about that. The show is so long ago, I can't even remember if I voted out. I'd definitely say before that, I'd say probably Jerry. You know, although we went at it's 50 cups in the house. He's a tough competitor and you hate to end someone's dream because he went out third and you know, it's tough to end his dream of winning a show, but it had to happen. Now, what was it like trying out for Big Brother? What's behind the scenes and behind the scenes with Big Brother? Let's put it that way. You guys want to know the inside scoop? That's how you brought me on here. Okay, casting. I can't tell you too much because Robin casting her crew will get mad at me, but I'd been through it a few times. I don't know how many people know that, but initially I was scheduled, not scheduled. I was invited to go to the finals of season six and what they do basically is they fly you out to LA and they cut down somewhere between 50 and 80 people. I don't know the exact number. They fly you out to LA and track you in a hotel for at least 10 days. What the time they invited me out to LA to the finals and I had a scholarship vacation that I wanted to Italy. It was kind of a culture exchange type thing and at the time I was a young college student. I didn't want to give up the chance to go to Italy to have a maybe 150 shot of getting on the show, so I actually didn't go out to LA. And then from that point forward, I was always back and forth with casting year after year, going to Chicago and then finally they'll start the line for season 10 and went out to LA and got trapped in the hotel for 10 days or however long it was and talked about grueling interviews that bring you in front of a bunch of CBS executives. You sit down in front of the executive producer, Allison Gardner and her crew and you just got to be ready for all types of questions. And basically you have maybe somewhere between five and 20 minutes per interview and if you stumble or you don't give them what they want at that point, you can be cut at any time. So a lot of pressure during the casting and you don't have any clue how you do. They don't say "Oh, you're doing great. Keep doing what you're doing." They just leave you in the dark and that's kind of the psychological game that begins before you can get in the house. So was everyone watching Big Brother religiously before you got on the show? That helped you get where you were towards the end of the game. Oh, without a doubt, you know, I had an idea of what the challenges were going to be. I didn't know exactly, but I knew you could count on what an endurance challenge would pop up when the face morphing challenge would pop up. You had ideas because Big Brother does basically the same challenge as over and over again in different forms. So you know when you need to study the order of the house guests getting kicked out or when you need to study the memory wall to look at the faces because you know you're going to see those pictures again in another challenge. It was in the house as I kept going week by week by week, I think of the other seasons and what challenges they would have and when endurance challenges would pop up. And any time I had downtime I would think about what would be coming up and try to prepare myself mentally for that. There you go. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, man. What were you about to say? Oh, actually, I'll just do that. The interview was going back to the interview for Big Brother. What do you think was that one question you were just like, really? You're really going to ask me this? Is it a little bit personal? Oh man, you know the casting process was such a long time ago. I'd have to think about that. A tough question to ask me was probably what I would be willing to do for half million dollars. I think that was a tough one. They didn't stumble me on but you really have to come up with something creative at the time because you don't want to say there's nothing I wouldn't do for half million dollars because it's not that original. I don't remember what I said but I think that was one of the tougher questions I had. What was the response like when you got home after everything went down? We got back home. What was the initial response when you faced everybody? You know, that's the thing I have to laugh about. I had a couple of cases because when I got out of the house, the second I got out of the house, all the house guys came up to me and said, "Hey, you know, you did a great job ever and liked you this, this, and this." First off, I always tell people going to the house, I thought, "I'd be lucky if two people like me come out of the house, my mom and my sister." It turned out that I had a positive response from people in America. But coming over to my normal life as far as being a teacher and the administration and the kids, you know, they were all very excited to have me back and they were all kind of looking at me and all, especially in the football field, the first couple of days back at practice, and all staring at me. And it took me a while but I told the players, "What are you guys staring at?" "So Coach Giefling, so that your coach, nothing's changed, so we'll get to work." You know, after the first couple of days, it kind of wore off a little bit for the kids and the administration is very supportive. And the kids, because I'm back to teaching now and also doing some entertainment stuff on the side, but the kids always try to sneak in big brother questions in the middle of a lecture or something like that. And I rarely answer because once they get one question and they keep going and going and, you know, they're all conniving in their own way and they'll try to be little dans and sometimes they pull up some shenanigans that I couldn't even pull up back the other day. So it's a lot of fun teaching, but the back home has been great. And one of my favorite housemates that you actually went up against was the Don's, you know, and he's got wrennings. What was she? Would she really like thank you very much? Would she really like that in the house on camera? Is that really wrenning? Yeah. She's out of this world. The first couple of days, we didn't know how to take her. We thought she was joking, but I can actually think back to casting. There's a time when you saw people, but you weren't allowed to talk to them, and I saw Rennie walk by with some flapper outfit on, and I laughed myself because who wears those kind of outfits? And I thought, oh, she's just playing this up so she gets cast on the show, and lo and behold, that's her actual personality, and that's actually how she is, which is great because she is, and she's not afraid to be that, and, you know, she is crazy, but those first couple of days in the house, I guess they withheld, I want to say, medication from her, so I think that altered her behavior, but once Rennie became Rennie after the first week, you know, she just joyed to be around, and she's a great person. I was seriously surprised that she made it as far as she did, because I truly thought you guys even voted out first or something. I mean, she was nominated first by Jerry, of course, so I was just shocked that she really got far. Well, initially, she caused that fight with Jessie, or she was in a fight with Jessie. Yeah, she didn't cause it, but besides that, she really didn't do too much to ruffle feathers besides make fun of people, specifically Jerry, and she never really won too much until the end, so no one really had a reason to get rid of her. Plus, she was so well-liked and entertaining and always cooked for especially the guys in the house, so everyone liked her in the house and never really had a reason to get rid of her. Did any of that, I have to know this, I asked this with Sheila too, and I have to ask this now. Is there any embarrassing stories that went on in the house that you can tell? What we can't see is where we don't see them after dark. Oh, man, embarrassing stories. Let me get back to you on that one, I have to think of something in the meantime. Oh, I could sit here for hours and tell you embarrassing stories, but unfortunately, I can't think of a lot that I can tell or share that people won't get mad at me at this point, so give me a few minutes and let me see if something comes back to mind. [laughter] Besides the teaching thing, you're also motivational speaker, did I read that right? That's correct, we just started that up for 2009, I'm speaking at some schools and businesses across the country. I've had such a positive experience from this, and I've learned so much about it. I'd like to spread that to a lot of people and especially students, and if they can get something from my experience that's positive and maybe change their life for the better, that's what I'm trying to do, and I really enjoy doing it. And if you guys want to call in here, 646-595-4228 is the number to call in. We actually have a caller on the line from area code 571. If you really think I'm going to be looking for area codes and where they are, it's not happening. 571, I have no clue where that is. I'm going to count you guys to do a great job screening the call. [laughter] Now you're messing with me. I've never been on a radio show similar to this where we've taken live calls, so it should be interesting. It's a lot of fun. Alright, 571, you're on the line, how are you? Hey, I'm good. Good. Very, very, very low, I can barely hear you though, but... [inaudible] Oh, hello. You have a question for Dan? Yeah, I was just wondering if you still keep in touch with Keisha. What's your name? Brittany. Brittany? Yeah. How are you doing today, Brittany? Tonight, where's 571, by the way, I have no clue what that area code is. Virginia. Virginia, where about from Virginia? Oh, about half hour from DC. Half hour from DC, did you get caught up in all the Obama, hoopla, and inauguration and all that stuff? No, I didn't go up there. You didn't go up there as a man out there? You're in a part of history, why not? Oh, I don't know. Okay, I'm still on your question. Do I still keep in touch with Keisha? Yes, I definitely do. She's one of the few house guests that I do talk to. I still, obviously, keep in touch with them out this week, talk weekly at minimum. We always have some crazy things going on with the business or hanging out. And I talk to Keisha and Jerry regularly in terms of every few weeks or so. But other than that, I really haven't talked to too many people. It's surprising. But everyone went back to their normal everyday lives for the most part, and some people lost touch. Cool. Okay. Well, thank you so much for calling. Yeah, that's pretty cool for the business. I think radio has really taken a turn for the interesting. There were people who can just totally call and talk to you and ask wherever they want. It's pretty cool. That's a little afraid of. I can see some tough questions on the horizon, but hey, that's why I'm here. Yeah, one of the things that my co-host will tell you basically just thing away from the president election. Oh, I was saying very nonpartisan, just asking if she took part in the festivities. Because I think everyone watched on television. It was quite a sight to see regardless of whether you voted for the president or not. It was a part of history. Are you excited that he got in the house? I'm asking everybody because I am. Was I excited that Obama got in the White House? Yeah. I'm very nonpartisan. I don't endorse either McCain or Obama. Yeah, this is great. It's great to see a lot of young people involved in political processing, things like that. But guys, we need to come up with some code word where something now that everyone's going to find out our code word. But if there's a question that starts steering off or we get an interesting call, what's our code word? Pineapple? You've got to have a code word. Usually, you know what? You're totally going to feel a little bit, I guess, behind the scenes radio stuff with us. What we like to do is, like, we'll totally play good cop and bad cop. Usually, I'm always a bad cop, so I'm always the one who's like, "Hey, thanks for calling, and then I cut them off." And I feel a little bad if you guys do that. So, you know, and if I was usually the good guy about it, so he'll talk to them. But I'm like, okay, get your question in. So, hey, if you go on the show, good cop, bad cop over here. That's what we got going on. If you guys are the cops, what am I? Am I like criminal in the back seat? So, you guys are-- Oh, I don't know. I'm going to go wherever you drive this thing. Oh, basically, that's what you're talking about. Another question. That's the first time we've ever had that happen on this show is basically saying, if it steers off, what is a code word to you? I've never been half that before. That's new to me. I don't know if it becomes irrelevant now, since everyone's listening to it. So, this is somebody who probably should have handled prior to taking these calls. But it's awful, and I'm just empties in everyone. And hopefully-- Usually, the fans come over the best questions. They really do. They impress me more than I impress myself when I do these things. So, it's kind of shocking what they can come over, because it proves that they're actually smarter than those. Well, I actually have another question about, I guess, big brother, yet again, you're one housemate. I'm totally going to answer the hard questions here. I'm going to talk about Libra. Why do you think Libra was voted out of the house the way she was? Libra got voted out because she's awesome. I always told everyone, you can break the game down in two ways. Besides how you're perceived. One, that's in the backyard or in the competition. Two, how you're perceived in the house and how you get things done inside the house. Not in the backyard or in the competition's take place. Libra was extremely dominant inside of the house outside of competition. She could get things done. Libra could say one word and it would spread through the entire house and would be considered the truth. She just had a way with her word. She had a way to influence people and a way to keep fires going in terms of rumors or things that were true about people. She was very, very dominant as far as manipulating people, and that made her a very dangerous player. She called my cards out very early. She sniffed me out with America's player, and luckily for me, she brought me a board in her alliance. If she hadn't done that, I knew she probably would have came after me. I always say Libra was probably the most underrated player in season 10 just because she doesn't get a lot of credit because she didn't do well in the physical or the competitions. In the house, things you guys didn't see, things she could spread was phenomenal. I'll stand by that to say if Libra would ever get another shot at the game, she could have a shot at winning. If she could control her emotions in that fight, which I think she could do the second time around. For sure, do you think she totally orchestrated the Jesse eviction? Did I think Libra orchestrated the Jesse eviction? I think she planted the seed, but the person who actually did all the legwork was Keisha. Keisha went and rallied all the votes to keep them up to sin, and I think Keisha was the brain behind it. Libra might have planted the seed, but Keisha did all the legwork. You know what? You could send that back to Libra getting the job done without getting her hands through you. A lot of people don't appreciate how well you play the game. The only thing Libra overlooked was controlling her emotions, which is not an easy thing to do. Especially when you're around, all those people that can beat you down profusely. You're in that setting for an entire summer. Emotions will run high. You just had the look on your face where it's just like you're here to win the game. You're here to play the game, and you don't care. Anytime people would say things or start rumors or call me names, I kind of laughed it off because I was focused on one thing. It was six digits of five and five zeros. That's what I was focused on every day in the house. So the petty stuff didn't really get to me. And if it did, I didn't show it. But at the same time, to defend Libra, Libra is on basically slop or that oatmeal thing for two weeks. So that'll drive some crazy in itself. So I think that pushed Libra over the edge as well. But I'll tell you what, if I had to give an underrated player award, it'd definitely go to Libra. Mad props to Libra. And a lot of people don't realize that because even on the after dark, you guys only see two or three hours. I don't know whatever the case may be. But things you would do every day is unbelievable. Anybody for anybody who has not eaten slop? I'm sorry. My question was totally like somebody's out driving right now and people are screaming on the streets. I don't know. Maybe it's because they don't dance on the radio. I don't know. But anybody who has never touched or slop in their life because unless you're on big weather, what is the description of slop? What does it taste like? What does it smell like? I really love. Yeah. Okay. So those people haven't seen the show. There's food challenges. And if you don't want the food challenge, you're stuck on the flop. What flop is an equivalent to is things they try to feed pigs and farm animals and things like that. It's based off oatmeal. They've put some other things into it. You can't do a whole lot with it. It's very grainy, very gritty. It has a sandpaper-type feel. And that's the only thing you can eat for however long you're on it, usually a week. Lucky for me, I think I was on it maybe a day or two at most, but it was miserable. I would not want to do that, and lucky for me, I didn't have to. There were some people in the house that had to go on it for three weeks. They ended up thinking someone had a total of 27 days on flop. No thanks. And I was unfortunate. The one thing I didn't throw in the house ever were food challenges because I knew food can affect people's moods, how they think. And I didn't want to have to deal with that. So luckily, I never threw a food challenge. We won pretty much all the ones that we were involved with as far as my team. I've always looked at what's... I mean, it always looked like oatmeal, but I was like, "Is it really mud, infested, intestines or something?" I mean, I was trying. But it's not something that you'd order a restaurant. It's not something you'd bring in your house and buy from the grocery store. If you ever had a chance to buy it, you would not buy it. You'd walk past it and you'd give it to your worst enemy. Is it terrible? No. Is it edible? No. But I'm just lucky for me. I didn't have to have a part of it. Well, another thing that we had to ask is sort of a life after big weather question. There's a popular show on the E network called The Soup. And of course, take a look at the pop culture. And your show was definitely on the pop culture list. One of which was Michelle, and I believe it was Chase. I mean, it was Chase's name. He didn't explain it to me, me, me, whatever. It was just on that. I'll tell you. Joel McHale is a host of that, correct? He talks about one hilarious dude. That guy's got a great gig. He gets to make fun of people every day. And he does a great job at it. But I know the clip you're talking about. I had seen that. And, you know, I don't know, he did a top 10 or something. Didn't that fall somewhere in his top 10? You can't make that stuff up. Some of the things CBS aired is great television and soup and Joel McHale. We're lucky to pick that up. You were actually there when it happened. I mean, what were you thinking? We were like, "Oh my gosh, Michelle, what are you doing?" Well, that's a good intro. Actually, we had a chance to talk to, because what the challenge was and what that clip on E centered around was the fact that they brought back old house guests. And what they didn't show on the show was that we could fire questions to the old house guests, even though we weren't supposed to. We could say things to them quickly before we got cut off. So, I actually yelled at Chase, "Hey, Chase, do you still make that weird noise?" And he did it. And then, for some reason, after that, Michelle made that weird noise, and it was just kind of one of those things like, "This just really happened, and is anyone else in the world going to see this?" Because after things in Big Brother, you don't know if it makes the show or whatever the case may be in. And that was one of the things CBS aired, and I think that's one of the funniest things from the show. So, that was totally one of the seeds planted by Dan, you know? But at the time, I didn't know it was going to be a hit, because you guys got to remember, I was a huge fan of the show, so when I saw all these people from the old season, I knew that Chase was funny because he made weird noises. You know, I knew that Boogie was the best player to play the game for the most part, you know, since he won all starts. Each one of those people, they were brought back to the house for a reason, because they were a memorable personality. So, we messed with all the old house guests, but you didn't see a lot of that banter back and forth between us, unfortunately. Maybe that's why you won. Who knows? If you were given an opportunity to do another reality show, would you do it? It depends on what it is. You know, there's a lot of reality shows on there that are centered around, I don't know the correct way to place it. If it's centered around winning something and winning money or having a point to it, I would do that. Would I be part of a show that's centered around something like, how do I say this appropriately? Would I go on a show like "Rock of Love" or something like that? Probably not. That's not really who I am. If I can go on a show where I can compete and beat people at something or, you know, do something crazy and have fun, I'd do that, definitely. But, you know, you're probably not going to see me on a, I don't know, what's the female version of "Rock of Love"? Is there one? I don't know. I don't watch a lot of those shows. I don't watch a lot of television. I don't really know what's going on. I don't file a reality television too much, especially now. Oh, everyone says they don't watch TV. Come on. Everyone says they don't watch TV. Every single person has been on the show because they don't watch TV. Come on. I really don't. I'll tell you, here's what I watch. And I haven't even watched yet. I usually watch "Lost." I'm a big fan of "Lost", but I haven't even had time to watch that. I'm going to have to go on mine and watch that even though it's not on CBS. Sorry, CBS. And I did catch, my sister was watching "The Odette Stop" by her house. She was watching "The Tool Academy." And that's pretty funny show. I have to admit that. I thought maybe ten minutes of that, I was laughing my tail off because they definitely had some tools on that show. But from my understanding, they're changing those tools so they're not tools. It's a positive show. I like to watch positive things like that. That's pretty cool. I've never seen it before, so it's new to me. You're teaching me something new there. You actually said something that actually was a great point. You said, "Do you like positive shows or do you like positive things that I've read on your biography?" You'd like to motivate young kids. That's why you're a motivational speaker. You'd like to basically get them up and out, basically. You know what I mean? I like to get the kids moving, focusing on positive things, doing good things from the cells and the community. A lot of the kids that I teach will come back and tell me stories about, "Oh, I saw this on TV or this on TV." I try to tell them, "Hey, if you're going to watch TV, watch them positive," or, "Better yet, go out and do some positive with your friends." A lot of these kids get beat down, whether emotionally or whatever the case may be, through things they see on television. I'm not here to preach, but a lot of these kids need to realize their potential and things they can do if they put their mind to it. I try to do that every day with my students that I teach, and when I go speak at these schools and even businesses, a lot of people can do a lot more than they ever thought. If I would have had a mindset that if I'm never going to be able to get on a reality television show because I'm 5, 9, 155 pounds, I wouldn't have won. I put myself out there and I try to encourage people to do the same thing. It's not an easy thing, but once you keep putting yourself out there and out there for various things. They're not just television, but running a blog talk radio show. You guys had to make a decision you wanted to do that. When people wake up and they go to college or whatever they want to do, they're going to be faced with decisions where they can put themselves out there to do something great if they choose to. Sometimes people need that little extra push, and that's what I'm trying to do with my motivational speaking. Did you grow up in an area where you saw kids that weren't pushing themselves, they were just sitting back being lazy? Yeah, definitely. And it took someone to tell me, "Hey, you're capable of doing these things too." In my case, the teacher that I had said, "Hey, you know, if you're capable of doing great things, you just have to try." And he said, "You may not succeed the first time, but you just keep trying. Keep trying new things and putting yourself out there. What's the worst that could happen?" I tell kids, kids come up to me all the time, "How do I get in a television show? How do I do this?" And ask someone for help. There's a lot of people, believe it or not, that are willing to help you just have to go out and ask people. That's kind of one of the themes that's centered in my talk, is that if you ask people for help, they're more than likely going to help you. It takes a lot of courage to ask someone for help, especially if someone you don't know. But if you can do that, there's a lot of people in this world that are willing to help you achieve whatever you want to achieve. The worst thing that could happen is that they'll say no, but you won't know unless you go out and try it. Everybody's afraid to try something new. Look at you. You went and dig big brother in the temp season and look how far you've come from that. You already do your thing. You already teacher. You already speaker even before that. This was just something that you wanted to get out. This is something that you wanted to do. You didn't look what you did. Lots of people look up to you. I can pretty much say you are a role model for others. They look up to you and go, "If this guy can do it, why the hell can I?" Exactly. I appreciate you saying that. There's no difference between me and someone else in the street or me and students that I meet. It's just a little bit of thinking, "Yes, you can do something. Yes, you can get this done." I appreciate the fact that you think I'm a role model. I hope some kids were able to watch the show and realize, "Hey, you can do these things. If you really want to, get after it. There's no reason why you can't do whatever you want." Those were definitely some very inspirational words. I can't believe I just flew by. But then, if you have listened to our show and you've done the research, then you know that we do like to have our guests, more for guests. We never get most for us. I would be honored to have you do them for us. You can say something like, "Hey, this is Dan, the winner of Big Brother Dan, and you are listening to Buzz Whitty Radio. You ready?" Yes, let's do this. You guys ready on your end? We're ready. I am. All right. This is Dan Giesling, winner of CBS's Big Brother 10, and I listen to Buzz Whitty Radio every single day, so you should too. Enjoy it. Sweet. We will totally use that. Nice. That just made me feel really good inside. It really did. That's awesome. I hope I didn't get too preachy with you guys. I really want to talk about motivating kids. I just get fired up. I was standing up, and as I was telling you guys, I get fired up when I talk about motivating kids, and hopefully I didn't have to preach. I don't like different than that. That's the point. We get you talking. That's what you're supposed to do. You're doing something right. You know what I mean? Don't apologize for it. We're doing the right thing. We're doing the right thing. So there you go. All right, guys, thanks for having me. Have a good one. All right. See you next time. Hopefully, you still have to come back. All right. Thank you. Bye-bye. All right. Bye-bye. Showing as well. When are we on next? All right. We are going to be available. Listen to me. Available. It looks like we are going to be available on Friday with Ms. Beth Jamblin who is going to be making her second appearance on this show. Pretty cool. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait We are going to be pushing it back a day so it will be Thursday now. Oh, Thursday. What time? At nine. I will be like in the middle of act two when you are doing the show. Come on. I want to talk to Beth Jamblin. I know. I know. You missed the first time. See if you can maybe push it to like 10.30? I don't know. Or maybe like six o'clock? Maybe two late. She's got kids, remember? It's a clock. Total hour time. She just says, "I'm just going to do it." We'll talk off the phone. But I want to thank everybody who called in today. Everybody who listened to flights today, you died hard but it was worth it. I definitely want to thank Dan from Big Weather Den. That was really cool talking to me here as motivational speaking. He definitely likes to be a preacher. He should be a preacher. Look out. I need to look out because he might have a preacher. I don't have a preacher right through his way. But I also want to thank my cohost, Devale Glee. Thank you for another successful show. Thank you. Check out That's his official website. You can check out his Choose to Win trailer, which is part of his motivational speaking thing. Make sure you check that out. There's a video on there about that. Check it out at That's Dan, G-H-E-E-S-L-I-N-G dot com. From all of you listeners out there, this is Matthew Preston in the Vell Glee. Signing off here at Buzzworthy Radio, making sure that you get the latest buzz with Buzzworthy. See you guys. Bigger.
Big Brother 10 winner, Dan Gheesling, will be making his first appearance on BuzzWorthy Radio!

Find out what the BB10 winner has been up to since he won the money from the BB House. What went on behind the scenes during the scenes, plus much more, as the hosts and callers get to pick his brain!

All that and more as BWR sits down with the big man on campus, Dan Gheesling!