Jesse Kelly Show

The evil nature of the communist became real for Americans on Saturday

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16 Jul 2024
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This is a podcast from W O R The Jesse Kelly show let's have some fun on a Monday and eventful Monday with some things to talk about. I think we'd all agree. There are one or two things on the agenda. After all, they did almost murder the Republican nominee for president of the United States. We have a VP Joe Biden still grabbing little girls. Everything's uncomfortable and awful right now. We're going to dive into all of that tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to begin. I want to begin right here, though. I just want to address the larger point of what we've all been digesting since the moment. And I don't have to elaborate what moment we're talking about. Either you watched it live or you your phone was blowing up right when it happened. I was sitting down. We didn't we were kidless. We were childless, which was wonderful for a couple of days. I was sitting down for a movie with my wife. It was date night. We were in a movie theater. I sit down and all of a sudden my phone is vibrating out of my pocket. And that's when I find out. Just same way you found out. And, you know, one of the reasons people seem so shocked and silent and disoriented when they get in a car wreck or something like that. One of the reasons that happens is even if you hear about car wrecks or you see car wrecks on television, it's not until you're in one that it really becomes real for you. That that is what this moment has been for so many people in America, not just on the right in the middle, some on the center left. Wait till I tell you about a text message I got from a commie for a lot of people in the United States of America. Watching Donald Trump get shot in the head only by the grace of God live, that was the moment it became real. Now, let's keep in mind. Dirty communists have been murdering people in this country for a very, very, very long time. And in recent years, they've been murdering people at a higher rate. But look at now it's real for everyone because it's Trump. He's the one we know. He's the former president. He's the Republican nominee. He's the one you've seen his face on television. It's now he's he's someone you feel like you know more. But communists have been murdering and hurting people on the right for years now. But when we watched it happen to Trump, when we watched it happen to the guy we know, it became real. And so the conversations we've all had, myself included afterwards, with family and friends. I've been hanging out with people for the last few days. You know, normal people, not political people, even though I'm at the convention now. If I sound different, that's that's why I'm at the convention. So just so you know, but we've all been having these conversations. Conversations that go something like this. I can't believe this happened. You said anything like that? You heard anything like that? I can't believe I can't believe this happened. I can't believe this is where we are. I was talking to it was me and three dudes. We were hanging out throwing horseshoes. It didn't matter. But one of them said, this is what he said. And that's what you think about this, because you probably said something similar. He said at one point, I can't believe we're at a point in time where politicians are getting assassinated or they're trying to assassinate them. That's what he said. And I'll tell you, it gave me a moment of pause and here's why. I feel the same way. And my emotional state, I feel the same way. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe we're here. But after I thought about it for a minute, I told him. I said, you know, that's how it's always been. Political leaders, cultural leaders, leaders of any kind being murdered by the opposite side. It has been something we are so blessed by God to be relatively free from here in America. I know not totally free from McKinley to JFK. I know it's happened here, but that has not been the norm here in America. And now a lot of people, you probably already knew this, but a lot of people are waking up and realizing, holy crap, that's us now. This is where we are. This is who we are now. And I don't know if this will help you process all this or hurt, you processing all this. But what's something we've talked about a bunch on the show? And I know I got all the emails. Jesse, you said this was common. You said this was common. That's not important. Why did why did I know that we're going to do something like this? Remember something. We live in a country where the government is evil. The people are not in the country is not, but the government is evil. We have evil people who run the country. And I'm not just talking about Democrats and I'm not just talking about elected politicians. Evil people run this country now. And when you're in a country like that, the people don't want to live under evil. You don't want to live under evil. I don't want to live under evil. Who wants that? Nobody wants that. So the people will eventually rise up. Several people, it won't just be Trump that when many more who come after him, they'll rise up a system disruptor who will take the evil system in place or the people will think he's going to take the evil system in place and attack it and stop it because people don't want to live under tyranny. And they don't want to live under a corrupt government. And they'll eventually look for some way to stop it, somebody to stop it. And what happens is when you're in these types of governments and these things happen to you, systems bite back, systems fight back and they fight back in various ways. But what happened is this went from just you and me talking about it, reading books about it, the Roman Empire, the Japanese Imperial, from us just talking about it, it went from that to being, oh, my gosh, we're here. That's who we are. What, how do we deal with this going forward? And we're going to talk about that a ton tonight. I should let you know. Probably five minutes from now, five minutes from now I'm bringing somebody on now, not a political analyst or anything like that. We're going to do that all night long. We're going to talk about the shooting and the politics in the fallout and everything else. We'll do all that. But what I wanted on, what I really wanted, because my email was full of technical questions, questions that I have as well. How could this guy be allowed to have the rooftop? How could this happen? What did they miss? What did they miss here? So we're going to bring on our friend, friend of the show, you know him. Green Barrais sniper, Marine sniper, Clay Martin, he's going to be the one joining us. And I'm going to be asking Clay a lot of questions, a lot of questions that may be uncomfortable for you, maybe uncomfortable for me. But I will tell you that we're going to get to more of this after I'm done with Clay, I will tell you I have many, many, many questions. I don't have details. I don't have answers. And because we live in a corrupt system, because we live in a government where the media lies and the education system lies and the government lies, bureaucracies lie and everyone's been lying to us over and over and over and over and over again. Now we're in a situation where I want answers. You want answers and here's the pickle. All the people who've been lying to you about every single thing for the last God knows how long they're the ones who are going to tell you the answers. After, after they're done investigating everything, they're going to let you know what is true and what is false. So we sit here, we just watch the non Republican nominee and let's be honest, likely next president of the United States of America come within two inches from having his brain splattered all over a stage on high death TV. You would have witnessed it. Your kids would have seen it, even if you didn't want them to, on social media. And we're in this moment where we wake up and oh my gosh, what happened here? Well, we're going to have a long talk about that. What happened? And we're going to talk about this incident and we're going to talk about how I'm feeling and how you're feeling about all of it. And we're going to do all that after I asked Clay Martin, you know, Greenberry, Marines, Clay Martin after I asked him some very pointed questions about protection, secret service protection, laxes in communication, malice, negligence, what did we see? Because what we saw is more than just another outrageous 30, commie trying to kill one of us. What we saw was unacceptable for it to be two inches away from that unacceptable. I'm going to talk to Clay about it in a moment. Before we talk to Clay about it, I want to do this really quickly. We again, we're experiencing a reality that other people in the world experience regularly violence is becoming a way of life. Now, what do you think they go through in Israel all the time now? All the time, every day, imagine waking up every day, go into school, go into home, you're on your way to work. And oh, no, sorry. We have to divert to a bombshell because rockets are incoming. Oh, no, sorry, I have to go pull the kids out of school. There's a wildfire raging. We don't have firefighters who can respond to the whole thing. It's in a dangerous area. We have to fight a dozen. This isn't happening in some book or on some distant planet. This is happening right now in the world and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the IFCJ, what they've got is a pledge, a pledge that all they're asking is that we signed it. That's really all they're asking for a signature. And what they're going to do is they're going to take this pledge saying, hey, we're praying for you and they're going to go turn it in to Netanyahu over there and show them, hey, everybody is in some dirty commie on TV here in America. There are a lot of people who have you in our prayers. Go to support, and sign it. All right. Support, will be back. Is the Jesse Kelly show live from the Republican National Convention? Remember, if you want me, if you need to talk to me, you can't do that. But you can send me an email, Yes, Jewish producer Chris is getting me all the emails throughout the week. So there's that, but we're going to set all that stuff aside because we have a guest on. You already know him, Green Beret, Marine, sniper, Clay Martin, he's on here all the time, giving us some knowledge about various things. But he also knows a lot about this kind of stuff that I do not and that you probably do not. And I don't want to talk out of my rear end. I want to talk to Clay. OK, joining me now, author Clay Martin. I'll introduce you that way, Clay. But for our purposes, you're not an author today. You're a Green Beret and a sniper. Clay, how does some 20 year old goober will set aside the other things which we can get to come within two inches of taking the former president's head off before he stopped? Jesse, that's a really good question. And this, this has gotten worse just over the day as we actually look at these things. When we greeted talk about this yesterday, so many more details look about this. So bad, but it's amazing. One, it's amazing that somebody got that a kid, it's not like it was Jason Bourne. Got that close in the first place. But primarily what I was going to talk about with you, if you're all right, with it, is the stuff that we've seen from the sniper ankle on this, from the counter sniper ankle. Yes, please. OK. Well, also, I wanted to cover this. People were saying initially this kid missed because of the wind or the other, the divine winks a Trump. It's not that, that's not it at all. We, I ran it through the ballistic computer today. And even a worst case scenario statement is carrying a normal AR that shoots two, 23 rounds and like the cheapest ammo that you could feed it. 10 mile an hour window and makes a 2.3 inch difference at that range at 135 yards. So it was not the, it was not the wind that that saved them. Which is, is pretty wild. Now primarily looking at, especially the, the snipers on the roof that we saw, the video of, which now that we've done this for a while, I, I don't even think those two actually gauge. I don't know if they ever saw the guy or if they ever got a shot of it. It doesn't look like it. But people were asking what was going on with those guys. You see the one guy come up with a scope and then try to get back on it and then try to to bounce in and find a target. My spot as there is that likely this, we don't also don't know if that was super service or if it was a local cop, but either way. Odds are pretty good that he's never shot somebody before. So that's actually not that abnormal of reaction to come out of the glass. It's like a thing you can't train through. Just come out of the glass to confirm with, to realize you're even a rifle scope offers a kind of a mechanical, mechanical disconnection. So it's kind of like an impulsive reaction. Now, hold on, hold on. What's that mean? What's what's that mean, Clay, a mechanical disconnection? It means that even though it's just a piece of glass. It's just a magnifying piece of glass. You can start to feel like things are real in that scope. And it's kind of it's like a natural reaction to how you see people like pull their their night vision goggles up like they can see the better, the dark. It's kind of the same thing with the rifle. Some of the people are really surprised. They will come out of the scope because they just instinctively want to see with their natural eye. It sounds kind of dumb, but it is a thing that happens. More often than not, though, you see that happen after they shoot, not before. But it's not impossible then it happened before. So that was that was number one that kind of looked at it kind of looks weird. If you're just watching the video, but it's a it's at least a plausible explanation for it. The second thing that I don't think a lot of people have given a lot of value to. It's pretty funny. There's actually a roof very similarly slopes to the one where the the assassin was at 140 yards from my backyard. So very, very similar distance. It's it's very plausible also at that range. When we think about counter sniper guys, they were probably actually looking a lot further away than that 125 yards. That's like eyeball distance. That's like, you know, the guy's little ARs and stuff, we're supposed to cover that. So it's very plausible. They were actually looking a lot deeper. And when they had to try to get back on that target that's so much closer. A high powered object, a very narrow field of view. It actually gets worse the closer you are to an object. So something that's like a hundred yards, you've got about a six foot field of view. I think that's what took us to so long to try and get back on target up on that roof. OK, and then now let's pause on that for a second, Clay, because I'm trying to understand. I just want to understand from a sniper's perspective and counter sniping perspective. You say they're looking further. I understand that. But if you're looking further, doesn't that mean you have at least some assurance or assumption that closer has been secured? Right. Exactly right. That is exactly mostly because I mean, that's an absurd distance to be looking for somebody with your, you know, six or five creed, more than a twenty five power scope, do everything in your wildest dreams that somebody got to pop up their course. Like, it should be impossible. It's just not done. OK, and that brings me to maybe the most uncomfortable question. And I may end up having to cut you off here because we're going to go to break. But don't worry if I have to cut Clay off, which I'm sure I will. We're going to come back. I'm going to keep him on. So I want to hear from him. Clay, there's been a million theories and I don't I don't know what to believe. I don't know whether we're dealing with negligence and competence, malice. And I've ruled out nothing so far. I've ruled out absolutely nothing. Clay, how does anybody get a rooftop position, a hundred and forty eight yards from the former president of the United States of America and squeeze off what we think are five, five shots. How does that happen? Clay, it doesn't. OK, that's what I thought. Never my wildest dreams, but I think that we could be that close on a rooftop. Like that's different than like, you know, some sneaky guy stuff and you're moving shingles or something like that. This is a knucklehead laying on the roof, a hundred and twenty five yards away. I'm a little flabbergasted by that by stuff. It should be impossible. There is no way that should be able to happen. OK, so you undoubtedly have been involved in some protection details stuff. In fact, we're going to go. We're going to go. You know what? I'm going to pause here because I'm going to want Clay to elaborate further when we get back. But I'm sure Clay has done a bunch of protection work. Just guys, pipe hitters like that always end up doing that kind of stuff or at least advising on that kind of stuff. I'm going to I want to dig into it with him how that might happen, but what what possibly went wrong there or what are we dealing with? That's what a lot of us want to know. And I want to know and we're going to talk to Clay and get what he says about it. Before we talk to Clay, I know what you're probably thinking right now. Oh, gosh, my back hurts. That's what you're thinking, isn't it? Like everyone goes through pain. People have daily pain. Don't don't think if you have it, that's abnormal and don't think if you have it, you have to live with it. That's a lie. That's a dirty lie. You do not have to live with pain every day. Relief factor is there. Relief factor is natural, drug free. And it's not just I'll just mask it a little bit. It helps support your body's natural response to pain. You don't need to live with it. You need to make a phone call. You take relief factor every day. After three weeks, watch that pain go bye bye. Three weeks. That's all I'm asking. Try it for three weeks. If it didn't work for you, dump it. Never call them again. One eight hundred, the number four relief. One eight hundred, the number four relief or relief The stuff works. It's friggin miraculous. Call them, OK? Clay Martin. Next, as the Kelly show on a Monday, reminding you about a half hour from now, we are going to do medal of honor Monday. Nothing changes just because we're live here at the RNC. Just being a celebrity. You know, that's all I know how to do. Joining me now, joining me now, my friend, Clay Martin. In case you're just now joining us. Green berry, marine sniper, asking Clay some technical questions about what we see and specifically didn't see at that Trump rally, the failures or maybe something worse. OK, Clay. So if you're protecting somebody like the Secret Service, whoever local protecting somebody, there is an advanced team that goes forward. Oh, I don't know more than five minutes before the event starts to identify vulnerable areas. Correct. I am correct about that. Well, you only bought like your security that didn't come from Walmart. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, no security. Yeah, no, that's part of the game. And honestly, one of the weirdest things about this venue that they're at, especially the direction the shooter was in, if you haven't gotten to walk the ground yet, in fact, we may go up there and actually look at the ground. But even if you pull up Google Earth, put it in 3D mode, you see that the area where Trump's stage was, all the stuff that we see is on a hilltop that's actually kind of flat. It's actually a little bit of a bowl up there as well. So realistically, there's only one direction that shots can come from like outside the venue, but when you zoom that out a little bit, it actually gets a lot worse than most of the graphics that we've seen of like a single rooftop. There are half dozen or more rooftops, that little complex that there's no way you could ignore that. In fact, I don't know if you've seen this, but there's they're pretty good, plausible reporting right now, that the shooter was actually on top of the building that the local SWAT team was staged in. What? OK. All right, so Clay, if there's only one direction where he should come from, ideally, what would you do? Would you have a counter sniper team trained at that rooftop? Would you flat out put a man or two men on the rooftop itself? What would be the normal thing to do that obviously wasn't done, but what would be the normal thing to do? If I had that complex set up, it would normally be at least three teams of two. There's a lot, I mean, a lot of roofs over there. Normally, at least three teams of two. Part of the reason you do that team is the two of this readily identified with the still-your-guys. That way, I don't see you to get like one guy is, you know, throat cut, another guy with a multi-cam stand there with a sniper rifle all of a sudden. But yeah, minimum like six dudes walking on the roofs in that area. I mean, the other crazy thing is if you're standing on the ground in that parking lot, you can't see the stage, the ground's in the way. So being up, the roof is the only place that they could go and have any type of effect. Literally could not be on the ground looking for things. It's ridiculous. And to be honest with you, Jesse, I've never seen failure like this. This is absurd. OK, now that's what I wanted to nail down on now. You know this world in ways that I certainly don't and ways nobody in the audience really does. There'll be a couple guys who will, but the Secret Service. I know everyone loves to be, you know, Pro Secret Service. And I love the Secret Service. I get all that. Let's get past all that and get to reality. Is this historically a very capable organization? Or is it one that we have built up into something that it's not? Help me understand if we're seeing a brand new degraded Secret Service. Or they've always just kind of sucked and we've gotten lucky. That is that's actually my thing. I think they've been very professional in the past. I've known several guys that were in Secret Service that were incredible dudes. And it was kind of like that was normal for the for the service. I think we've seen a degradation of the force over the last three to five years. And I've never again, I've never seen a failure like this. I've never seen anything like this. I would be terrified if I was a public figure, the Secret Service that we have today was tasked with protecting me. OK, so tell me, and you know, you can it's me, buddy, you can give it to me right between the eyes. Tell me why Trump shouldn't dismiss his Secret Service protection and go with exclusively private security. Honestly, at this point, Clay, I'm worried whether it's negligence, something worse. Tell me what is that crazy? Is that stupid? Is it the only way to go? Tell me what's telling. The only advantage he has, I would hire some private security to come with me. The only advantage the Secret Service has that a private security company is not is a force of law. So there are certain things the Secret Service can do because they have badges and things like that. I would want to keep them, at least a few of them, around to exercise those privileges. But I would be hard pressed to keep my detail of both of these Secret Service guys right now. It would be worth the money to have some pros. OK. And the Secret Service guys. OK. No doubt. OK, in local law enforcement, obviously, the Secret Service is going to be supplemented wherever it goes by local law enforcement, county sheriff, city police, things like that. Those guys are getting a bunch of crap, and maybe some of that is justified, but we're talking about a town of 13,000 people. I don't necessarily assume a cop in a town of that size is going to have the training that he would need, but maybe I'm just in a really generous mood. Clay, what say you? It's going to be very, very rare. Usually a town of that size is not going to have a dedicated SWAT team of its own. It's going to have a bunch of guys that have a secondary duty for. So yeah, I've also heard that the Pennsylvania State Police SWAT team was supposed to be there as well, but we're not. It's a level of competent. OK, yeah, we can move it on these guys, kind of fall back for especially a former president's security on, you know, I hate to be that guy. It's not like they're bad at their jobs. It's just that somebody that's not a full time SWAT dude is not going to have the same ability when it comes to personal protection that he was going to have. Do you have anything to say about the agents surrounding him? I've seen a lot of people blasting away. How did it take so long? Why did he not get up the stage earlier or and I've heard other people say, oh, it's understandable. They can't be right there on top of him. What says Clay Martin? I'm given I'm given that one a lot of slack just because those those are professional, you know, protection professionals, whereas monkeys like me, it's usually a secondary duty to we can do it, but it's not our primary gig. I think when the service guys can get doors, they need to do this. It's not their primary gig. Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to say that it took to really a rush and a little faster. But again, I'm not going to throw too much shade at them just because that's not my my primary duty. Okay. Clay Martin Clay. By the way, what is your latest book? I can't even keep track anymore now that you're a full bloom big shot Arthur. Author. I knew when just came out barbarian spirit barbarian spirit. How about that? Go pick up everything. The guy writes fiction and nonfiction clay. My man. I appreciate you as always. Thanks for coming on. Making us a little smarter. I appreciate it. Thank you. Appreciate brother. All right. Now we need to address something that has been all over the news. It's been all over the left. It's been all over the right calls for unity calls for peace. You can't go five seconds now without some goody two shoes on the left or goody two shoes on the right talking about well, this is why we need to change the rhetoric. This is why we need to tone things down things need things need to tone down. That's what you probably heard a ton of that. And of course, it couldn't possibly be more self serving than it is in the media. For anyone out there who has a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party, you are feeding into the danger. You are making it more likely there's retaliation. I'm incredibly scared and scared for journalists and scared for people who have public platforms of all party. I've scared for journalists. That's classic. That was Jen Psaki. I should know. And there's a quote before we before we go to break here, we're going to come back and we're going to talk about this and we'll get to middle of honor money. But there's a quote by the dude who wrote dune. It's this old quote his name is Frank Herbert, but I would just want you to brew on this during the break. We'll come back and read a chat about it. The quote is this. When I am weaker than you, I ask for freedom because that is according to your principles. When I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles. We're about to have a very uncomfortable conversation about unity, peace, toning down the rhetoric and other things before we get to that. You may need to chalk up for this one because this is going to be hard for people to hear a lot of people. It's going to be very hard for people to accept. So look, it's okay. If you're not quite there yet, all you need is a male vitality stack from chalk or a female vitality stack. You need to get those T levels up so you can handle hard trues like the ones we're about to say, trues that kind of make you wince a little bit. Chalk has an endless, endless selection of natural herbal supplements. They're also hardcore anti-communists. You won't hear anybody at chalk talking about unity today. Go see what they have. If you have questions, if you are not sure about this, what about that? They have so many different things. Call them. Text them. They'll help you. Five zero, C-H-O-Q, three thousand. That's five zero chalk, three thousand. You better chalk up before we get to it. It is the Jesse Kelly show and I need to announce already right now that there's been a slight change in plans and you're going to have to get used to this for about the next four days. Okay, for four days we're broadcasting from the RNC and I just need to explain. There's a convention center and then there's a separate building where they put all the huge important celebrities like me and we're here on this big radio row and there's all these TV and radio stations and everyone's broadcasting from here. And then there's all these people running around and occasionally there are going to be people who I like who walk by and producers are going to snatch them up and they're going to be on the show. This is a long way of me saying Medal of Honor Monday is not coming ten minutes from now. It's probably going to come about a half hour after that because we're going to be having Senator Tuberville on, wanted to get his take on it. He's someone I know, someone I like, so we're going to talk to him and then we'll get back to Medal of Honor Monday. I will not miss it. I give you my word, Scout's Honor, even though I wasn't a Scout that would never let me in. Scout's Honor, I will not miss it, all right, now, did you marinate on that quote during the break? Here it is again for those who missed it. It's an old quote from Frank Herbert, he's the dude who wrote the dune books, which actually I've never read, but I hear they're good. When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles. When I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles. You've seen many people all over the left, a couple on the right, all over the left calling for unity now. Hey, peace, they calm down. Hey, let's calm down. Let's do peace. Hey, word, let's not make this, let's, let's not make this political. I'm not going to politicize this moment. We are not going to politicize this moment. It is wrong to politicize this moment. Why is she saying that? That's the most important question. Why is she saying that? These are people who love to politicize everything, everything. These are the exact same people. If some nut job walks into an elementary school and massacres 30 kindergartners, these people will silently cheer and then run to the cameras five minutes later to grab for guns and politicize it and blame Republicans, and that's how they operate every single minute of every single day. But now, hey, we're not going to make it political. I'm not going to politicize this moment. We are not going to politicize. Why? Well, let me explain why one unity piece. Those are great things. Don't get me wrong. But the way they're being used by everyone right now, it's just a bumper sticker. It's just a slogan. I reject everybody left and right, calling for unity or peace or any of these things unless you attach to that a plan to achieve said unity or peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is trying to quiet things down. Quiet and peace are not the same thing. They never have been. They never will be. If my youngest son walks into his older brother's room and grabs one of his favorite toy guns and runs out of the house and runs out back and snaps the toy gun into and my oldest son goes after him and we walk out and we catch him wrestling and fighting and arguing in the backyard over the stolen toy gun. I will probably want to know what happened. But my wife guaranteed she would be she would she would have the instinct to do what? Hey, stop fighting, guys. Quiet down. Hey, no more yelling. Hey, don't hit him. Hey, no. That's not solving the problem. There is a problem, a problem. Somebody was done wrong and now there must be a reckoning for what was done wrong. So they can stop screaming. They can stop punching. They can stop kicking. They can stop yelling, but that in no way has brought peace. It brought quiet. It brought quiet temporarily, but that ain't peace. But you dare be dumb enough to listen to this and think a single one of these people desire unity or peace with you. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings of all of the country and maybe there will be. People need to start taking to the streets. This is a dictator. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. Enemies of the state. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless, they go low. We can. How do you resist the temptation to run up and bring her next biggest terror threat? The same people you just heard and I could have let that play for minutes are now out there today, pretending to want unity or peace. Why? And I'll tell you why because yet another scumbag dirty street commie in this country operated off the orders that he thinks he was given or impossibly even was by the elite commies in this country. And now they look bad. They look terrible. Now they all look awful for all the rhetoric they use all the time. Trump's a Nazi maggot maggots are Nazi threat to democracy, threat to the foundation of democracy, domestic terrorists over and over and over and over and over again. And they pushed another one of their little vile demons over the edge. And he acted on the words that he was told over and over and over and over and over again. I need to point out. The angry public and don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They're a threat to our very democracy. He is a threat to the rule of law in America. That's to me. That's what this election. The evil elite communists did what they've always done. They repeated ad nauseam that you are a threat. You are a danger. Trump is a Nazi. Trump is Hitler. And some young nut job decided to act on that. And the only reason any of them are calling for peace right now is they want you to back off. They're on their heels. They look bad. And right now they're running to the cameras and they can't call for unity and peace fast enough. But if the shoe was on the other foot, not a single one of these people would have the tiniest desire for any unity or peace with you at all. These people would toss you a brick if you were drowning in the deep end. You better believe it. So no, no to unity, no to peace until you tell me why. Why should I desire unity with you murdering pieces of trash? I reject it. I reject all peace offerings, period and the story.