Jesse Kelly Show

Medal Of Honor Monday featuring WW2 Marine Air Corps pilot Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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This is a podcast from W. O. R. It is the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday and insane Monday and it's so insane. We changed the schedule again. We're going to do Medal of Honor Monday now because we've got tutor Dixon coming on and Senator Tupperville coming on. And we still have so much to talk about about the shooting and what I think happened and what I suspect. What I don't know. We have so much we're going to get to all of it tonight, but you know what time it is. It doesn't change no matter what's in the news cycle every single Monday, start of the second hour almost not this hour. But anyway, every single Monday at the start of the second hour, we do Medal of Honor Monday. We take a Medal of Honor citation and we read it. Remember every single time a man earns one of these. They do a write up on it called a citation and there's nothing special about this about what I do that these are all free. Everyone has access to every one of these. You can print them off. You can do this with your family and you should make it a Sunday thing and every Sunday will print one will read it. Maybe it'll interest you or your kids in a battle. You can do this with your class. If you coach a team, if you you can do this, you can totally steal the whole freaking thing. I didn't earn any of these. I don't have any rights to any of this. This this stuff really does matter and it's not just about raw, raw military stuff. It's not it's not about that. This stuff matters culturally what we can't do and what a trap we can fall into. I know I'm guilty of this is we can just point out what's wrong. That's bad and he's bad and she's bad and he sucks and he sucks and okay. That's okay. That's fine. You have to you have to do that too. You have to point out evil. You have to point out wrong, but we also have to present good. Okay. Well, I'm not supposed to be like that. What am I supposed to be? It's not enough to just tell your kids what they're not supposed to do. What are they supposed to do? It's supposed to be someone like this if you can and this one actually has a special place in my heart. I don't even know if my mom actually even knows this. We're about to do the Medal of Honor citation for a Gregory Pappy Boyings and everyone knew him as Pappy. He was a fly guy for the Marines in World War II, a hero, obviously heroes were about to get to. But people asked me a lot why I joined the Marines and there are a lot of different reasons for that. I was a dirt ball. I wanted to grow up. I admired Marines and this and that. But one of probably the first book I take that back, probably the first book I ever got where I read about a Marine was a book. I don't even know the author, but I still remember it. I can still picture the book called Baba Black Sheep and what a sheep does. You know, like Democrats, Baba Black Sheep. It's a total of the book and that's because his squadron was the black sheep squadron and I read this book about this. Swashbuckling Marine who just wanted to go fight, that's all you wanted to do. And so without further ado, Chris is the Medal of Honor citation for a Pappy Boyings. Honoring those who went above and beyond, it's Medal of Honor Monday. For extraordinary heroism and valiant devotion to duty as commanding officer of Marine Fighting Squadron 214 in action against enemy Japanese forces in the central Solomon's area from the 12th of September 1943 to the 3rd of January 1944. Consistently outnumbered throughout successive hazardous flights over heavily defended hostile territory, Major Boyings in struck at enemy at the enemy with daring and courageous persistence leading his squadron into combat with devastating results to Japanese shipping, shore installations and aerial forces. Resolute in his efforts to inflict crippling damage on the enemy, Major Boyings and led a formation of 24 fighters over Kahili on the 17th of October and persistently circling the air drum where 60 hostile aircraft were grounded, boldly challenged the Japanese to send up planes. Under his brilliant command, our fighters shot down 20 enemy aircraft in the ensuing action without the loss of a single ship, a superb airman and determined fighter against overwhelming odds, Major Boyings and personally destroyed 26 of the many Japanese planes shot down by his squadron and by his forceful leadership, developed the combat readiness in his command, which was a distinctive factor in the allied area achievements in this vitally strategic area. That is a man right there. When you read about pilots in World War II and the things they did and how much they just wanted to go fight. And I mean, things like this, they just hovered around 60 planes and said, send them up. I dare you to send them up. These guys were just made of, I don't want to say different stuff, built differently, made of different stuff. We use these terms a lot because that stuff still exists today. If you're a young man listening to the sound of my voice right now, that might be you. You realize that it might be you. It's not as if that's gone at all. It's not. All right. Now, let's move on before we, before we talk to tutor Dixon here in a moment. I want to talk about my concerns of which I have many about this shooting. We already talked to Clay Martin in the first hour about the negligence we saw. If you miss any of that, go download, load a podcast podcast of it. I heard Spotify iTunes, but I'm worried. I'm very, very worried. And here's why. I'm suspicious. No, I don't know anything. I don't know anything. But there are a lot of things that simply are not adding up to me. And I'm not saying I know and I'm not saying I've come up with the conclusion. But 20 years old with no social media history. How many? Let me ask you honestly. How many 20 year olds do you know with no social media history? There's that. And then you combine it with this. I'm going to play something for you. It'll sound innocuous, but just stay with me. This is a Black Rock commercial, a Black Rock commercial. My name is Brian de Lalo. I teach AP and Honors Economics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Financial well-being to me is knowing that I can be free to do the things that I love to do. I hope when I retire someday, they say, you know, that guy made this place a special place to come. Sounds very innocuous, right? Pretty innocent? Oh, it is. But there's an extra in that commercial. An extra who happens to be the man who just tried to murder Donald Trump and did murder somebody in the crowd. Now, that's interesting, isn't it? There are a lot of things that make me suspicious and I hate that. And you know what I hate even more than that? I hate that we live in a country where the FBI, media, and every other entity we should be able to rely on to give us some semblance of the truth cannot be trusted at all. You realize right now, as we sit here, the FBI finally cracked the kid's phone and they're going through his phone. They can't find motive yet. That's the latest on that. But you understand that we're waiting for the truth. We're waiting for a report. We're waiting on what's real from the exact same people, the exact same organization that told Facebook to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story so Joe Biden could win the election. That's the group who's going to tell us the truth. The same FBI who edited the transcripts of the Orlando nightclub shooter where he referenced ISIS and Islam a bunch, the same FBI who edited that out of the transcripts. They're going to tell us the truth about what they find. How am I supposed to believe that? How in the world am I supposed to believe that? I don't believe any of these people. I don't trust any of these people. They're all lying at all times. And that leaves us, you and me, that leaves us kind of floating in the wind, doesn't it? Coming up with our own answers because there is no quote reliable source from the government you can bank on because these dirtballs have been lying to us about everything. They didn't wake up this morning and decide they're going to start telling you the truth. Trust me on that. All right. We're going to get to Tudor Dixon in a moment. I have a lot more. I want to say about that before we do any of this. Let's make sure we're putting our money where our morals are. Remember, when you when you're when you're looking to assign blame for the people who've brought us to this point as a nation, corporate America is as guilty as every single entity out there outside of the education system. Corporate America decided they were going to get involved. And if you have AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, they take the money, you send them every month and they use it to spit all over you. You don't have to have one of those companies. When you switch to Pure Talk, you're on the same 5G network. So you're not you're not getting worse service. You're not dropping calls. I have better coverage now than I had with T-Mobile. You'll pay half and you'll pay a company who actually likes you and shares your values. It takes 10 minutes on the phone. It's nothing. Pick up your phone. All you have to do dial pound 250 and then say Jesse Kelly. 10 minutes on the phone. You'll have a new cell phone company and you won't fund dirty commies anymore pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly show and joining me now, Senator from the great state of Alabama, Tommy Tuberville, although he doesn't want me to call him Senator after calling coach, which is again like the coolest freaking thing ever that he does. No, I'm coach forever. All right, coach. Obviously, everyone is talking about the same thing right now with the exception of the JD Vance news. Everyone's talking about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and somebody who did get murdered in that crowd. And there's a lot of talk about tone it down unity and peace and tone it down in unity and peace. But for me, coach, those are bumper stickers that doesn't if you can't say that and then continue to operate in the way you've operated. I understand everyone on the left likes the sound of that now, but I'm sorry. I don't. I just don't buy it. Maybe I'm a cynic. Am I wrong? Jesse, we've got to win. We have no other country to go to. Okay. We're the only country left that we'd even think about living in Europe's gone. They let mass immigration ruin Europe. Just just think about that. And so we're in this and we got to be in it to win. President Trump has talked to me. Call me about seven o'clock this morning. Talk about a few things nice and about. Hey, how was it? He said, well, you know, I lost part of my year. He goes, I said it blow out your ear drum. He goes, huh? That's how. So, but we, you know, good conversation. But, you know, he sounded a little bit different. But I think he just, he's just getting over the shock of what all happened. Can you imagine you have a bullet go by your head in a millimeter blowing your brains out? It's absolutely amazing. But, you know, we've got to win this. Whatever we've got to do, we've got to win. Do we have to, if we do win, and I hope we do, and I plan on it, obviously, I know you plan on it, if we do win more than just the White House, but if we get some more decent senators in there, if we take, if we have the House, we have the Senate, if we, if we do win, should we do things differently than we've done them before? Because it seems pretty obvious to me what we've done before hasn't worked. How do we do things differently? Well, it starts with leadership. And it starts in the White House. I've very quickly learned, hey, you know, you can have the Senate, you can have the House at that making difference. You've got to have somebody in the White House that's going to stand up for what they believe in and pass that down to us. Now, I was the first senator that come out and, and sort of President Trump when he decided to run. They very few got on the bandwagon. If you notice that now, very few now, they started to get on more and more. And then, of course, a couple weeks ago, he came up, had lunch, and I'm looking around to some of these people, boy, just hugging him and all that. And that's where the hell y'all been, you know? So we have got to get people in the Republican party on the same page as President Trump when he wins. We got to quit this all, you know, I just don't believe in that or this. This is about all of our country. This is about our kids or grandkids. And we got to quit this nonsense of allowing the Democrats just run right over top of us. How do we approach organizations that have previously been, honestly, revered by most of the right, because the right is the patriotic portion of the country. They are. And so when you talk about things, look, the FBI, when you were a kid, who didn't want an FBI jacket when they were a kid with the yellow letters and every red blooded American boy thought about that at one point in time. But today, you're sitting here, we're waiting for details about the shooter and the motive and all these other things. And who's going to be giving us those details, Coach, the FBI. And I'm not talking about specifically that, but we need an organization we can trust. And once that trust is lost and it has, how do we get it back? Because that is a huge problem. We don't trust the CDC. We don't trust the FBI. We don't trust the Secret Service. We don't trust our institution. The OJ. We don't trust them. All the three letter organizations. You know, I talked to some of my friends over the last year or so just picking their brain about what is it. What is it? You were in the FBI. What in the world has happened to our FBI? Coach, for years, if you're an FBI, you moved up and you were in the upper echelon had experience. Understand the workings of the FBI. When Obama came in, he took the top 40 or 50. He ran those people out and put in bureaucrats. That's where we're at. Same thing in the CIA, same thing in the DOJ. And we've got those problems. We have got to cut the head off the snake. We have got to take the people that are in leadership roles and all those areas. And, you know, we'll all have meetings with President Trump to see how far he needs to go with that. But same thing in our military. Now I held up those four stars and three stars for a year. Are you talking about people panicking rats jumping off the ship? And then I started having Republicans come after me. The problem that we have there is we have so many. You know, we had seven four star generals back during World War II. Now we have like 150. It's ridiculous. Yeah. And now they all ride around in the black SUVs and they got all their old captains and one stars and two stars. And it's time to revamp our military also. It's a point where we so woke we couldn't fight a war right now. How do we do that? Because you're 100% right. If we don't clear the rod out with the flag officers, we have no chance to save the military and patch it back up. How do we do that while also letting the Republican base, which is going to be a more patriotic base? No. Hey, we're not attacking the military. We have got to clean the garbage out at the top. That is what people don't get when I come on in rant about the flag officers. You get some of that of you must hate the troops or something like that. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's because I care for them. I don't want them led by scumbags. Yeah. We've got a Secretary of Defense that has turned our military into a DEI operative. It's all about equity and diversity. Hey, listen. Affirmative actions should need to be close to the military. It is about a building a machine that protects every person in this country and our allies. Right now, we're looking down a barrel of four wars, including Africa. People don't realize Africa is about to explode. We just took out 2,000 troops from Nigeria. When we were taking our materials out, Russia was landing and taking their materials in and taking over our multi-million dollar base. This administration has done so much damage for relation-wise, but go back to us. Don't worry about anybody else. We have got to start focusing on the people in this country and our defense. Coach, I almost called you Senator again. You would have come out of the chair. I almost called you Senator. Coach Tupperville, everybody, one of the great senators we have. I appreciate you very much. Thank you. Thank you, Jesse. Thanks for what you do too. I appreciate your debt. Look, we've got to have more like them. We've got to make these stands, especially when it comes to things like the military. We can't just take the same lines, we've always taken, we can't do the same things, we've always done. It doesn't work that way anymore, and it's got to happen clearly at the secret service level as well. All right, we're going to talk to Tudor Dickson next, and then we're going to get back to more of this shooting where we are as a country and everything else. Today was probably a bit more of a guest David than normal, probably should be back to normal programming tomorrow. Before we get to that, let's talk about Tunnel to Towers. You know, right now, there's a lot of people who are hurting in this country, and they heard in ways that we don't talk about every day. Catastrophically injured veterans and their families. You know, we moved on, the war's ended, right, Iraq's over, Afghanistan's over, but if you lost your legs over there every day when you're taking a shower, having dinner, you are reminded of it. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is the one who's been building smart homes specifically made for these veterans. That's where your $11 a month goes. Go to and give $11 a month to sign up to give it automatically, you'll never know it's gone., Tutor Dickson, next, it is the Jesse Kelly show reminding you you still get the great honor of emailing me this week. Jesse at and of course Jewish producer Chris is going to send me all those. If he's not napping or doing whatever it is, they're pretending to do while they're back in Houston, but joining me now is apparently my co-host for the night. I'm just kidding. She's just on for now. The host of the Tutor Dickson podcast, everyone who listens to this show knows her voice because when I'm gone, living the big celebrity life, Tutor will oftentimes speak for me. So, Tutor, look, I've had the floor for an hour and a half. My is all handed over to you. Everyone's upset. They're mad. They're sad. I can't believe this is where we are. I'm not surprised. This is where we are. This is always where we were going and this is what happens when things go bad. Sadly, I saw someone, and I can't remember who was wrote an article. It was like, why did this have to happen? Why did this assassination attempt have to happen? And I think in America right now, we have a media that is so obsessed with calling conservatives a threat by coming out and making conservatives so unpalatable that the young generation thinks that they have to get rid of us. And that was the next step, but this is the coming together now. After tragedy like that, look at when you go into this convention center, you see something that is powerful, that is filled with love, that is filled with excitement. And I think that this is that moment where you have a vice presidential pick, people are coming back together, Democrats are a mess, you know? What do they have? They don't have a bench. They don't have a bench, but here's the problem, Tutor. Unity on the right is fine. You know, I'm glad we have that, because you're right. I've seen more unity on the right than I've seen in a long, long time, and it is. You can feel it here. It's palatable, the unity. But as much as I hate communists, we can't have a country where half the people hate each other. And like you said, Democrats right now are a mess. They're a disaster, and that's no defense of how bad Republicans usually are. We can't have a country where every registered Democrat hates every registered Republican. It won't work that way. But that's where we are. And I hate to be cynical. I don't see that reversing. No, I agree. I think that this is a very dangerous path that we're on. And it is a 24 hour news cycle path because there's not 24 hours of news. And so you have infotainment, and the infotainment becomes hate-tainment. It's these people that are crazed about the other side. And they have to keep ratcheting it up because if they don't, then they don't get the ratings. The ratings come with the radical hot take. The radical, this conspiracy, and that conspiracy. If Donald Trump gets elected, the country will never be the same. I mean, the founding fathers set this up so that can't happen. They don't believe in our system of government. And they're saying that we're going to ruin it. They don't believe in it because it actually cannot happen. He has four years if he gets elected, which he will. He has four years. And they're telling people that in four years he's going to fundamentally change how the country runs. It's impossible. It's set up so it actually can't happen. So at what point do the American people hold the media accountable? And how do you get to those people that allow the MSNBCs? I mean, they didn't even have Morning Joe on today because they knew they were going to say something that was so inappropriate. After an assassination attempt, they couldn't have a show on. What does that mean to you? Well, these people, none of them are sorry. No, no, no, no, not a single one of them are sorry. Not Morning Joe, not Corinne Diversity Hire, not Joe Biden. None of these people are sorry about any of the things they've said. They're sorry that now they look bad. They're sorry because those things they said resulted in something terrible. But if they don't have a change of heart, then, yeah, it's fine. Look, we're all unified right here. We're at the Republican National Commission. Everyone listening to the sound. We're all unified, right? We could all get together at Red Lobster tonight and maybe we should. But at the end, you know, in two days, three days from now, it's going to be right back to Nazi Hitler, Nazi threat to democracy. That doesn't, I don't see how the ban gets back together again. Am I wrong? No, but I can't accept that that's where we are. And so I believe that even though that won't happen with the mainstream media, I think you're right. I mean, the Jen Psaki's of the world left the White House to become a famous news person and tell, give her hot take every single day, right? She's not going to just give that up. Morning Joe, literally, they're not just not sorry by not going on the air today. They admitted that they couldn't even be nice about it. I mean, they're not, they're not even going to try. You know, they're not going to say we've done it such a damage. And I think that as somebody who ran for office, I can tell you the experience as a conservative running for office. Is not that you're even given a chance by the media. You are, they decide what you're going to be. The horrible threat that you will become. And they tell the people, this is how they define you before you get a chance to talk. That has got to stop. It has got to stop. And I think that it's a fight now for conservatives to come out and say, we're going to have voices like you out there talking. And it is so important that you continue talking and that we continue to bring voices into all the different states. And Michigan is one of them. We don't have a lot of conservative voices. Like we have like, I don't know, maybe one. You know, it's a problem. What's wrong with the Michigan GOP? Everywhere, every time I start digging into Michigan, it's such an important swing state. I get people from Michigan, activists from Michigan like you who said, not that you have said this. The GOP is a disaster there. It's in disarray there. And I don't understand how that happens. Did you see that? Because this is an important state. Look, everyone, everyone is assuming Trump's going to win this whole thing. We stopped the win Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and that's a tough road. Oh, I've talked to a lot of governors across the country who say that they've had the same things happen in their state. And so Michigan, I would say, is a similar situation where we've had our GOP that was led by some of the biggest donors in the state. And over time, it becomes kind of like the donors are managing it. And then the grassroots kind of rise up. And now we just went through one of those where the grassroots took it back from the donors. The donors fought the new chairman also has grassroots support. But he comes from that old regime of Republicans. It was what I would think the grassroots would say. And so there's still some fighting because they threw out the old chair. Now we have a new one. But ultimately, it doesn't matter who's in charge. It's the fact that because nobody's been in charge long enough to actually put a ground game into place where we don't have the infrastructure to win. That at the end of the day, who cares if you have somebody, this person or that person running the party, if you have no infrastructure, you can't win. And so what the party now has to do is bring it back from a situation of having no infrastructure on the ground. And so when I ran, we had no ground game, nothing, nothing. In a state where they went from Colorado to Michigan and they said, we're going to use the Colorado model in Michigan. And the Democrats have a very strong ground game there, very strong. What do you order at Red Lobster when you go? You know, I always change up what I order, but I like, yeah. Oh, you're one of those key special things. Well, it is a special place. Yeah, well, and then they have some, like, when it's lobster fest, I like those little tails that are curved. Those are called lobster tails. But they're smaller ones, yeah. Yeah, but they still are, yes. They do. They do. Anyway, so that's a wonderful place. I'm glad we can share that together. It is. And I was afraid we were going to lose it. That's so good. That's all we do. I've been in a full of long panic for a couple weeks since that bakery season. Are you making fun of me right now? No. It's my favorite place in the world. Everyone knows it. The biscuits are delicious. They are amazing. Yes, they are. Yes. I actually just took Sarah and Kyle there a couple weeks ago because they've never been. Well, I think Kyle hadn't been in here. Sarah had never been there. And I forced them to go because I said, what if we don't have many restaurants in West Michigan? I'm like, we can't lose this. And you have to experience before it shuts down. You know, when I'm happy for them, that's as close as you can get up to heaven on this earth. They were happy too. Very happy. It's a good day. Tutor Dix, you know, the Tutor Dix in podcast. Thank you, Tutor. I appreciate you. Look, now I'm starving. All right. We have more than an hour left than I'm starving. And I don't want to be here. I want to go be at Red Lobster. I'm just kidding. I'm thrilled to be here. But I'm going to Red Lobster afterwards. We're going to talk a lot more about where we're at as a country. And one of the things you're seeing a lot of today from the left because what you're seeing a ton of is this of, well, it's both sides. Hey, hey, on both sides. And we're going to talk about that. And we're going to talk about how they're already shifting the blame. Oh, the right rhetoric is ramping this up. Before we do that, here's what I want you to do. I want you to make sure you're not wasting your life. And it's not that I'm not giving you a self-help ceremony. I'm talking about the third of your life you spend in bed. Every minute you spend in bed that's not with my pillow products is wasted. You've basically taken those precious minutes and you've thrown them in the toilet. My pillow's here for you. It's more than just pillows. It's sheets. It's sandals. It's towelsets. My pillow has everything you need. And they have so many things on sale right now. It's enough to make a man weep. My pillow's $25 extravaganza sale. I've never seen it before. I have no idea whether they'll ever do it again. But right now it's here. It's here among us. Embrace it. My Click on the radio list or special square. Use the promo code JESSIE. Or you can call them. They're wonderful on the phone. If you're more of a phone person, which I totally get, call them. 800-845-0544. Alright? Alright. So, there was this too today. I hope that at some point in this country we do have a conversation about what is happening. Because we can't just react when it is our side. What was this again? It was, you know, a 20-year-old lone wolf white whack job with easy access toy gun. Ah, there it is already. Let's have a chat about that unity some more, shall we? Next. The Jessie Kelly Show. This is the Jessie Kelly Show on Monday. Alright, now let's dig into what they're all doing right now. I'm looking at the headline right here. Listen to this doozy. This one's out of the Atlantic. The gunman and the would-be dictator. This is from David from Violence Stocks the President who has rejoiced in the violence of others. You've heard a ton of that in the news. Well, I mean, Trump does a lot too. You know, I remember like it was yesterday that legislation that they tried to pass. Do you happen to remember that legislation they tried to pass? If you don't remember, allow me to break it down for you. Democrats in the United States House of Representatives introduced legislation to strip Donald Trump of Secret Service Protection. You see, why did I tell you they were going to try to kill him? That I thought they were going to try to kill him. I've told you before. I think him losing him not winning a second term. I've long thought that it saved his life. Why? Well, this is what corrupt evil people do. Human life becomes small. Totally unimportant. When all that matters is power, when all that matters is the revolution, human life becomes small and unimportant. Why would these people? Why would these people introduce something to strip away his Secret Service Protection? Well, it's not necessarily that they wanted him dead. They just set up all the necessary circumstances if somebody was to want him dead. It's the same thing. It's the same way it works with the ballot drop boxes with a no-voter ID. And then they go out there and they claim, oh, we don't. Look, we don't want anyone cheating in an election. Look, you just shouldn't have to show an ID. And here's a ballot box in the middle of nowhere. No videotape, you might be able to just, oh, I don't know, randomly drop a bunch of things in there if it happens. It happens, but it's not what we want. Of course, this is what they want. They've been saying this stuff for ages. Maguery public and don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They're a threat to our very democracy. He is a threat to the rule of law in America. That's, to me, that's what this election is about. Not about policy differences. It's about what kind of country are we going to be? The rule of law in America will change in a way we haven't seen in our lifetime. Donald Trump and the Maguery. So I get this email and it says, hey, Jesse, you called it. You said the street communists would try to kill them. Well, it's not that it exactly took any kind of a genius to figure that out. Communists have been killing people since the inception of communism. That's how they look at the world. They look at everything as the revolution, every part of the system, every part of the current structure, no matter what it is, the family structure, the economic structure, the government structure. It all has to be torn down. It all has to be taken apart. And that is, of course, the greater good. And because that's the greater good, then, look, if you're not a unique God-breathed soul in my eyes, if instead you're just no different than an ant, you're no different than a deer, well, why wouldn't we just get rid of them? That's why they've committed so many genocides. That's why they do the things they do. And I'm here to tell you something else and you're not going to like hearing it. You know they've got to try again, right? Do you think? I want you to think about this. Let's just focus on one aspect of this, just one aspect of this. Think about if Donald Trump gets elected and is able to negotiate an end to the Russia-Ukraine war. What if he's able to do that? And he's pledged to do that. Whether or not he can pull that off, I don't know. Look, you're dependent on several different things. You're dependent on Putin. You're dependent on Zelensky. NATO's involved. But let's just say, let's just say he's able to do that. And that's part of what he's campaigning on. I want you to think about this for a moment. I want you to think about how many trillions with a T that means in losses for various entities, not only in America, but abroad as well. Trillions with a T in weapons, financing, real estate. The money flow through there is going to blow you away. Now, if I was to put you, what's the worst, pick a picketerrible neighborhood in your mind? A really, really rough neighborhood, a place where you don't want to be after dark. Flint, Michigan is a great example. Very, very dangerous place. One of the most dangerous cities in the country consistently. Flint, Michigan. If I was to drop you off tonight at 1 AM in Flint, Michigan, in the worst part of town, and I was to take a piece of scotch tape and tape a hundred dollar bill to your forehead and say, "Have a nice stroll. How long are you going to walk before you are assaulted or killed?" Not very long. This world is full of people who will happily kill you for a hundred dollars. How many people do you think would kill everyone for a billion or two? When you begin to challenge the status quo of an evil corrupt country, it is going to react violently, and it always has. And one of the points I was trying to make at the beginning, I haven't had a chance to really get into this yet, and we can finally start getting into this more now. We look at the system where we're at now, and we look at all this violence and all this terrible stuff going on. And we say to ourselves, "Man, I can't believe it's like that here. I can't believe this is happening. How could this be happening here?" But this is this terrible stuff, all the violence, the assassinations. This is not abnormal. Historically, this is how it goes. Historically, people kill for power. People die for power. And right now, the stakes are huge for the evil people who run the country. It's just the fact. They're violent people, and they're going to try to use your values against you and call for unity and peace now, because they know you're horrified, they know you're scared, they know you're... But we have to reject that outright. We can have unity, we can have peace after we achieve victory. Period. And the story. This has been a podcast from WOR.