Maximum Lawyer

Top 3 Interview Questions to Use with Tyson Mutrux

Broadcast on:
08 Jun 2024

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Are you a business owner looking for some insightful interview questions when hiring? In this insightful podcast episode, Tyson Mutrux unveils his top interview questions crucial for hiring at his law firm. 

Having a good hiring process is such an important aspect of a successful business. It is important to draft the right questions to ask candidates to ensure you are getting everything you need from them to make your decision. Tyson shares some of the questions he asks when hiring. One is related to how a client prioritizes their physical and mental health. In the legal field, attorneys are dealing with a lot of tough issues. It is not fair to hire an individual who is not taking care of themselves both physically and mentally. This will lead to a lot of problems for colleagues and clients alike.

Another question Tyson asks is around missing deadlines. This will give candidates the opportunity to admit their mistakes and how they dealt with them. For law firms to be successful, employees need to be able to deliver and admit when they are at fault. If not, firms are at risk of being sued and spending thousands of dollars fixing the mistake of an attorney. This helps build the trust of a potential employee.

Take a listen!

03:01 The significance of having a structured hiring process and the risks of not having one

06:32 The significance of candidates admitting to and explaining how they handled a situation where they missed a set deadline

09:04 Tyson explains the unique approach of asking candidates what their best friend would say they could improve on

Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here