Maximum Lawyer

Starting Your Own Firm ft. Alycia Kinchloe ML084

Broadcast on:
14 Mar 2018

In this episode, Jim and Tyson interview Alycia Kinchloe, a business, family and disability lawyer.. Alycia started her practice 4 years ago after working on a mid-size disability firm her whole life. They will go over her process of going out on her own, her practice and her firm. Lessons learned, marketing, struggles and more!


“I had gained all the skills to be able to do that, I helped grow a law firm from 1 to a 140 employees, I helped create systems, I helped create budgets, I helped with the marketing, I went to court, I did all the things I needed to do and I had an executive MBA on top of that. I had the skills, I just had to have the faith to go out there and start it.


Her firm:


Alycia Kinchloe, is the founder of Kinchloe Law.  Alycia earned her law degree from Temple University's Beasley School of Law. In law school, Alycia was member of student government and was member of Temple's prestigious Trial Advocacy Program.  She also worked as teaching assistant for the Program. Alycia later attended St. Joseph's University Haub School of Business where she earned an Executive MBA and expanded her knowledge of business.  


Her podcast: The Growth Goal Podcast


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Hacking’s Hack:

Go in depth on particular and interesting topics the right way!


Alycia’s Tip:

You have to have resilience.

“If you were able to get through law school, if you were able to pass the BAR, and you were brave enough to be able to start on your own, you are resilient enough to be able to do it.”


Tyson’s Tip:

An app: OneNote!




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