Maximum Lawyer

Episode 71 ft. Chris Nicolaysen: Multi-practice Marketing: A Law Journey

Broadcast on:
14 Dec 2017

In this episode, Jim and Tyson have Chris Nicolaysen as a guest. He will tell us his amazing story becoming a lawyer and his journey going solo and building his firm. Also, they will go over the struggles and pros and cons of running a successful multi practice firm.  


The Firm:


About Chris:


Hacking’s Hack: A simple one. Post pictures of your happy clients, have them in your conference wall. A very powerful tool.


Chris’s Tip: A book. The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon


Tyson’s Tip: A reminder: get you holiday cards out now! Clients and referral partners will appreciate it!


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