Maximum Lawyer

Episode 35: Easy Publicity

Broadcast on:
21 Mar 2017

In this episode, Jim and Tyson will go through a list of 6 strategies to get good and relatively easy and cheap publicity.


  1. Reach out to reporters and develop a relationship before you need a story put out there.
  2. Support a cause. REALLY support it.
  3. Write a book.
  4. Start a podcast!
  5. Issue press releases.
  6. Do a CLE!

And there’s a BONUS!


KEEP HUSTLING. Keep doing things, keep meeting people, keep marketing, keep networking; KEEP DOING!


Hacking’s Hack: A podcast. Perpetual Traffic. Mostly devoted to social media strategies and advertising. Check it out:


Tyson’s Tip: An app. Lucidchart. Diagram things very easily. Easy to use.


The Maximum Lawyer Podcast. Partner up, and maximize your firm.
