In this episode, Tyson and Jim talk about the advantages of internalizing concepts from other industries to make your own practice better.
When you see something in another industry, instead of having a closed mindset,look at it, play around with it and see how you can internalize it and make it something you can use in your own practice.
Learn from other industries, look for ideas to make you practice grow. There are many ways of doing it. Mastermind, Podcasts, Magazines.
Take advantage from actual technologies, social networks, events, webinars, seminars. Improvise, try new things. There’s just an unlimited list of ideas you can get from other industries, and all you have to do is think about how you can apply it to your practice area. If you can, use it. If you can’t, then don’t use it. Simple.
Add value to your practice.
Hacking’s Hack: A website: You can set up rules and things that happen after certain events. Automate.
Tyson’s Tip: The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers. Boost Your Sales. by Dan S. Kennedy (Adams Media; 3 edition (February 20, 2006)). Basics of how to write a sales letter. You can do it as an email and as an actual letter. Marketing.
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