Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters up North - Prom Night!

1h 36m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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It's a perfect night, Mr. Ian Holland. The air itself is filled with monsters. Children of the night, what music they need. It's a night, it's a night! Well hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep dive factoid field episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. I am your mistress of ceremonies and I am joined as always by Dan from Blee to Marvelous. Say hello Dan. Hiya. Hiya. Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Bonjour. Bonjour. Bonjour. Oh thank you for joining us for another episode of Monsters of North. Today is going, today we're going to prom. No thanks. We're going to prom and you don't have any times I almost taped in porn night when trying to research this. Brilliant. Yeah massively, so before I get the disclaimer out, I do want to do a personal disclaimer and apology for last week's episode of me getting Star Wars facts wrong. You more certainly told me in the chat how much I was wrong. I even got a personal message to tell me how much I was wrong. So my apologies, I'm going to now stick to what I know. So in saying that, everything we discussed in today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone. If you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode, please come and join us on our Facebook pages, the discord or the comment section where we can have an open discussion. But what we want to have is anyone coming for us and telling us our opinions are wrong. We can all agree to disagree in fandom. So let's keep it fun, keep it kind and keep the toxic behaviour out of nerdism. Quite harsh and don't be a dick. Hang on, short and sweet, sewer prom night, the 1980 and 2008 slasher movie directed by Paul Lynch originally and then Nelson McCormick, star and Jimmy Lee Curtis and Leslie Nielsen shocked me. Then Brittany Murphy and Idris Elba, these are the girls of Hamilton High, tonight will be more beautiful than ever before in their lives because tonight is prom night and someone has come to the prom alone just to watch them dance, to see them fall in love, to see them die. Monsters of North brings you prom night. That is an actual tagline. I have told you this before in my intros, I include taglines. That was an actual tagline from the original prom night. I died of boredom during that tagline. That's had more problems. It was so long. Wow. Yes. Well, it was the first one was something, the second one was something and we're here. We're here, we're here to discuss it all and just to make a point though, which I didn't know until I started doing the research on this, same movie tag on him, two completely separate premises, so 2008 technically isn't a remake. I think they classified it as a reboot. It's the principle key of the idea is that it's based at prom and people die and that's about all they kept, so yes. Okay. We'll start as we always normally do with the original and then move into what is now the reboot. I watched the original a few years ago and it wasn't until on rewatch, I went, I don't think you're watching that at all. There's stuff that will stay with you after you've watched some questionable stuff as well. Yes. Like the opening scene for that, this whole thing was totally blown out of proportion by the way. Oh, 100%. This was a fever dream in a fever dream in inception, kind of a lot of early inception fever dream, bloody, prom like murder, serial killer nonsense. Yeah, it's totally blown out of proportion because the opening of the film starts with kids playing in what looked like my old primary school. Yeah. Tell me that does not look like a primary school you've seen, but they've got all in Victoria. I'm telling you now that place that like one of those abandoned places that ghost of ventures go and like walk around and you know what they're talking about that. It's like Began's walking around. There's certain things you don't understand, I'm just there, I was waiting for something to come out of the back, you know. Glass of wear and yeah, that's going to look like my primary school. It even had the date on the front of it, which I always remember mine did when it was obviously built. Yeah. And it said 1913 on it and I was like, it does look like my school. And they're playing a game called murderer, as you do, as you do with kids. And the, the, it's hide and seek basically. Oh yeah. And while they're playing, there's four kids playing and while they're playing, another three kids come up, continuity error or fucking mistake, I don't know. Okay. And I'll get into that in a minute. Three kids walk up, two are wearing identical claws. One is not. Yes. Well, the one who isn't says, oh, I've left my book, I got to go back and get my book. And the two of the kids, one's boy, one's girl, the girl is clearly feeling a little bit left out and there's like, right, I'm going to, I'm going to go on, I'm going to go and try and play while it ends up going tits up because they're getting too far into this game. And they're pretty much screaming in our face at one point to where she falls out of a window and dies. No, no, no, let's, let's, let's just go to this, this death here. Right? Come on them. They push her towards the window. She is perfectly fine. She even crouches on the wind sill. There's no physical push or anything like that. She's literally perched on the wind sill and then she like spread eagles herself out the window. Like she's been thrown with the force of a thousand darts. It's like, how did we get here? How, how, how, it wasn't just falling either. It wasn't how to just like hit into the window and put it away on it and falling out. It was a proper projectile. It's like, weeee. Yeah. You bang. That was like, well, that was a big sexy. It was, it was dramatic as fuck because when she hits it, she's totally like, she has this like beautiful pours of like, I've just fallen out of her window. And then when you go to the kids looking out the window and then go back to her, she's covered in blood. Yeah. It wasn't there before. No. Yeah. It was a bit dramatic, wasn't it? It was very, um, off the time of overacting, um, yeah, there was just something that was just like excessive about the whole thing and the way that they were all standing around. And like everybody was like, oh, we need to call the police. And they, they all just listened to that one kid that goes, no, we shall never talk of this again. And you're like, I'll be like, I'll be like, I'll be like, I'll be like, just, just, just, just. Exactly. You know, he was a kid. Like, how old are they supposed to be like 10 11 here? I think. Can't they? Yeah. The, the, the young, very young, um, but a, but according to the plot, which I had to go back and look at, someone was hiding in the shadows, then could see what was going on. Um, but this is where it gets totally blown out of proportion, by the way. So this girl gets flung out of a window or she, she's out the window. She's dead. Everyone automatically assumes she's being fucking brutally murdered, like instantly in the, the blaming and non pedal or doing it and it's like, how did you do it together? Well, they got sex. So they didn't do very well with that, you know, how are you guys counting? And why, why is Leslie Nielsen at the crime scene, when he's a teacher, the headmaster of the school. Yeah. But why is he there? Honestly, when it started, when, when I started with the crime scene, I was like, oh, right. We're naked gunning it now. Are we? Is this where we're going to go? He's going to start like from driving it already on the list. This is where we're going with this one. I don't, I have to say the only thing I've ever liked, Leslie Nielsen playing straight in is Creepshow. I did not like him in this. And it's not because I'm used to seeing him funny. It's nothing like that. This party just didn't get any screen time, really. Could have been anyone. Could have been anyone. And the type of screen time he did get, I don't think they wrote the, they didn't, they didn't write him very well. It was, it was such a peculiar thing. They were trying to show so much in the family dynamics throughout the film, but it was forced. It wasn't, it didn't feel very natural like, in the sense of the mum grieves, the dad grieves, the mum's always like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, because her daughter got killed. It's, it was very, yeah, just badly written. And also really shit detective work, like, you could clearly see from where she was lying to the smashed window above her, or maybe she fell out the window, nor she was brutally fucking murdered. No wonder the man's a basket kiss. No wonder if that's, if that's when she thinks her daughter died, my goodness. But when we, but this is, this is where I can't get over. We flash forward, yeah, into the now or what the now is. And we get Jamie Lee Curtis. And we get her brother and what was her brother called was Alex. Yeah, we got her brother Alex and we get her dad, Leslie Nielsen. Now that, that older girl is clearly Jamie Lee Curtis. So why are they acting like them two with the fraternal twins? I do not understand what the intent was with this whole family dynamic here. But man, I had six years, it says, goes by from Jamie didn't get them in six years to when these lot of 25 pretending they're 17, 18, and it's like, I did check on their ages. The youngest one was Jamie Lee at 21, everybody else, 25. So it's like, I was looking at it going, six years, my fucking ass. What is going on here? There is no way in any, any capacity, but from what I could gather, the two stripy tops, which was Robin, which was the girl that died Alex, they were twins. And then Kim, which was all the one Jamie were all related. The bit that I get confused at is this would have been Robin's prom, yet Kim's at the prom. And she had hers if she was older. So is she the same age? But this is why you got confused and thinking that them two of the twins. Yeah, but they weren't, but the weren't, it was. And I was like, are you, fuck, you've made this way more complicated than what it needs to be. Not only were her death, but with a whole family dynamic as well. There is some bits of this film I do, like, by the way, so yeah, there's some, I'll say it now. My murder scenes shot, really, I really like the way the shot. It's very much of the time. And I, I actually quite like it. I am, I think the, the aesthetics were great because again, it's of the time. I can't say that I hated this film. I did not buy any stress, but there's a lot that you can pick at as in really, it's either poor writing or over, over eagerness. And that was one of the things I looked into because it's not a great deal of facts around this movie. But the director who was Paul Lynch, he was really gunning for a, I'm going to take on Halloween. Yeah. I've got Jamie Lee, I'm going to, I'm going to outdo Halloween and what he put to the studio though, they were like, no, that's too much. And this is what we got. So there's a lot of, it's, it's over eagerness. Not only take on Halloween, which they didn't manage to do anyway, because the film is scheduled, they filmed it in 24 days this year, and they filmed it up in Canada in Ontario, which is where the Vancouver or Ontario know everything's filmed. Cheap stage. Um, not to say Canada is cheap, but it's obviously film there. Film, film is, that is a known fact within film, it is cheap in a film. It is still to do. Did you film in Canada? They didn't manage to finish filming until September of '79, which then they couldn't make the deadline of taking on Halloween anyway had they managed to because they let me have September to the end of October obviously to get the movie out and done and edited and all that sort of thing. So they decided to take on Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th came out on May the 9th, 1980. It came out six days before I was born, Friday the 13th. And they came out with this on the, it was some point in July, in 1980. It was a sort of release, yeah. Yeah, and it was riding off the back of the high of the slasher that Friday the 13th did. And with Friday being a relatively low budget movie, the only way that they could get like notoriety for it was, we talked about this, but was like the TV adverts and the paper campaign where they didn't put anything about the film whatsoever, but they called it, the prom night falls under the same header as Friday the 13th. It's a morality slasher. Yeah. So it is that you get caught doing naughty things, you go and die. It's a life lesson in the year he's trying to flush down like quite a few times. Yeah. If you, if you do naughty things, you consequences. Yes. Well, actions have consequences and there's some, there is some great scenes in this and as I would go through, I will get them and where was that? Oh, yeah. So we've met, we've met all that we're going to meet all the people who were friends with Jamie Lee and find out that we're actually involved in the incident of the girl falling out the window. One in particular who I thought and loved during this, by the way, Wendy, thought it was great. Actually, like the sass of that girl is when you see the one that was going out with a guy in the van, the random stranger that picked up on the side of the road and suddenly they're the besties. Oh, no. No, that's not. But when is the one, she's the bitch? Oh, yes. Sorry. So the names did not stick with me in this film. They did not stick. So Wendy is, if I've got this right, Edie Benton. Right. Yeah. She's the one that was dating Steli O'Contos. Yeah. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. I swear to God, the first second I saw that guy, the song came into my brain and for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, it is from American Dad and it stands Bully Steli O'Contos. So Roger goes and gets his Bully to try and confront him so that Stan will feel better, but Steli O'Contos has his own thing tuned so every time he appeared it'd be Steli O'Contos. Steli O'Contos. So now, when you see this guy, he looks exactly like the cartoon Steli O'Contos. Oh, he's a Marvel, he really is. So I had to just Google her name there because she is credited as Edie Benton. She doesn't know. But us mere morals, she is Anne-Marie Martin. Now this woman, this woman is the reason you guys have fucking Twister. She caught raw Twister. She was married to Jurassic Parkman himself, Michael Christian, you can't say it's Durnian properly. Christian? Christian. Yeah, she is behind so many of your beloved films because she became a writer, but Twister was the one that really stuck out in my mind. And it threw us there when I saw her name in me, and I was like, I've been reading about her all day. I'm sure that's not what I saw earlier, that's why I had to Google it. But yeah, she is the reason she's a core writer of Twister. And she was the girl that told everybody, we don't call the police. Yeah, Chris's bitch. She's also, second time she's worked with Jamie Leat, well, this will be the first time. The second time is Halloween too. Yeah. She was in the hospital, she was a nurse, wasn't she? It was a nurse, yeah. Her face looked so familiar. The minute I clocked her, I was like, oh, but I liked her. And I thought she had some sats about her. And also, oh God, who was it Lisa? Was it Lisa? Oh, Kelly. Kelly? It's Kelly, the one with the lips that looks like Randy's little sister in screen. Oh, that honestly thought it was her. Oh, my God. Oh, God. I want to say it's. It's Kelly. Has to be Kelly. Yeah. Kelly. Yeah. I think it's Kelly. Kim. Wendy. And then, Casey is Nick and yeah, it has to be Kelly. It has to be. Yeah. I'm just going to say this. Yeah. She looked pathetic all the way through it. I don't know what was the one called who did get off with a guy in the van. The random, random situation that that was. I thought it was fun, though. Kind of showed us that she's like, she's just brilliant. With free living. I loved her hair. But you do get to meet all the main players in that. When I was researching this, and like I said, there's not a great deal that goes into like there wasn't, you know, there's not a lot of there's not a lot of prosthetics or, you know, practical effects that were needed. So I started having to look like I said, this is how I got onto Edie Benton and I looked at someone who's not who doesn't have a Wikipedia page and that was Casey Stevens. So Casey Stevens is Nick McBride in this. He is the love interest. He was part of the core four who were there the night that what's our face got flung out the window and I fell out the window. However, we want to look at it and he, this movie and another is his only credits. He has no Wikipedia page and some, but I went on a Reddit, a Reddit post of a guy who was like, I just, I was watching Friday the 13, I wasn't, I was watching prom night. I forgot what movie we were doing there. I was watching prom night and I was, as you do, you get an IMDB and have a look and nothing came up for Casey. And I was like, Oh, that, that's strange. Like what happened to him after prom night? He contacted his ex agent to find out what happened. And sadly, Casey died of an air-related illness in the early 90s. Yeah, pneumonia. So sad. Yeah, they don't, I don't know whether he was apparently about to launch his career. He'd nailed like a massive part as well, just before he got sick in a huge movie. But they never released what the movie was or they never said what part it was, but it was supposed to be like his major breakthrough part. And then he got, he got ill. So sad. So yeah, that was pretty sad when I saw that, but he, he in this movie was the police and son as well, wasn't he? Nick. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the other thing I never understood, Wendy stalking Nick continuously, like I'm not going to take no for an answer. She won the other foot. Love. That's a bit much. She was like trying to kiss, force kissing him and bloody all sorts. And it was just like, yeah, just stop, just stop, just take it, just take a sec, love. Look at Jimmy Lee. Took it in our stride though. Like she didn't give a shit. Like she was like, I know he's my man. How quickly did they say I love you to each other? Well, they've learned each other since they were little. So I suppose it was one of those truths, but like very quick turnaround. So it's leading up to prom and a few things scored down just before prom that started to freak people out like dodgy form calls. They were weird. They were weird. All three of the girls picked the phone up. Nick didn't. He was survived. Yeah, and they, they, it was something along the lines of, I can't even remember what they, the person at the other end of the phone said, do you want to go to a party? I was there. I was sitting there and you'd just go, all right, mate. See, like, I mean, gone are the times where you get weird phone calls anymore. Like when I was a kid growing up, there was one phone in the house, my balls weren't a thing. If you've got a dirty phone call or a weird phone call, it came to the main house. There was one phone and anyone was going to pick it up to be the recipient of whatever was on the other end of it, you know, there was no private lines to your bedrooms. And I know in these movies in America, most kids in the 80s have private lines, so they're bedrooms. And it was like, I was always jealous of all the kids because they had their own phones. It was like, yeah. I wanted a burger phone. I wanted to get rid of that fucking thing. Yeah. I fucking think I've been, being next to us, but I'm burger for one. I wanted a burger phone so badly. I wanted one of the C3 ones with all the cogs in it, like the pink and the blue and the yellow cogs and things like. Oh, absolutely. I remember we never had a phone growing up. We didn't get one until my sister got sick and we didn't have a phone. My mum had to go and fucking bang on the doors to get a phone. So we got one out. We got a landline put in after that. And this very big memory of ringing my grandparents at three o'clock in the morning. Amazing. Because I could. What'd you do? Isn't this magic? I can talk to you through a thing. I always remember that phone as well. It was a peach phone. It was like the ones where like it was just, you literally had to pick it up and the dial pad was like. I remember my grandparents phone as well was the, yeah, the turn, the numbers round. And if you, if you forgot a number, I used to have one memory all flat. I had a leopard print fake one, but you just had to press the buttons on it, but loved it. Don't even have a landline now. Oh, yeah. No, I unplug mine. I'm a lawyer with phone calls at three a.m. from India for some reason. I was, was it not me? It was Sam. It was Sam. Hello, you've won a holiday. Would you like to take it right now? No, actually. I would have been in an accident. Yeah. You will be mate if you were me at this time again. Um, no, I, I couldn't even tell. We never bothered when we moved in here. I couldn't. I was a landline these days. Well, me and where are we? So prom leading up to prom, had the phone calls, had the incident in the bathroom where the, where the glass gets broken. Yeah. There's a big bang and Jamie Lee and one of the other girls, I think it's, um, Kenny, having a conversation in the bathroom and they hear this big bang and they walk around and they see that the mirror's been smashed, but then they go to walk outside. Now this is the infamous shop, which Randy talks about in-screen. It's the first time Jamie Lee showed her boobs. Now she doesn't show her boobs. She shows her cleavage in a bra. The first time Jamie Lee showed her a bra, a, a boobs is in a movie called Love Letters in 1983, where she goes for everything out down to the waist because she does full-on sexings in that film. Oh, Jamie. Yeah. And at that point, she was 24 when she was doing those. So she was ready. She was comfortable. Ah, she, of course, she was comfy in that body man. It was fucking fantastic. The minute I saw her cleavage, I was like, yes, Jamie. But yeah, she was, she was, there was, there's no full on, like Jamie, uh, I say Jamie because his name's Jamie, Jamie Kennedy, Randy, and it took me the first time we see her boobs. I wouldn't call that boobs seeing, but I suppose in 1980, that was a gratuitous shot unless you're watching Southport. True. Emmanuel. Yeah, pretty much. Jogging down the beach naked with their braids, but yeah, that's where we are. Yeah. So problems about what happened and holy shit, that discourse scene, holy mother of God. I'd like to question their dress choices as well. What the fuck was Jamie Lee wearing, like a mum's quilt she'd fashioned into a dress. I didn't know, no, no, no, sorry, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, go away. Sorry, everyone. My cat is deciding he wants to climb over that down that way, down that way. No, I mean, laptop. That way. I know you're lovely and we see it before she goes to prom. We do see a mother and the effect that obviously the death of the sister has had on her because she's not awful to Jamie Lee by any standard she even, but she's very much not there. And that one's at home. Yeah. And you can see that in our eyes. Do you know, they could have done a bit more on the mum to like give the gravitas of, you know, why this is, they, how this is a fact, lookie, I'm going to knock you, how this is totally affected them. Yeah. And it's, it would have happened, but they didn't specify the end might have made a bit more sense. Yeah. I felt a bit differently or cohesive. It would have made the whole thing a bit more cohesive. All you knew at this point was Jamie Lee, her mum come in asking if Jamie had stolen a lipstick out of her handbag and she said, no, that's not my color. I didn't want to touch that. What do you reckon? Do I look pretty? And I'm just basically like, yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye. She does as she walking out, she just goes, you look, you look lovely, do you? So it wasn't like, she's not being mean. She's just, just not there. She's just not there at all. And like I say, if the elaborate on that a bit more, the ending might have made you feel a lot different than what it did when I watched it. Um, the, the discourse scene. The prom. I've written that in huge letters like this on my nose, disco scene. The prom, they did that whole entire scene with genuine disco music. That was of the time. And then they realized they don't have the money to cover the rights. So they had to write in two deers a whole soundtrack to go over the top of it. So what they are dancing to is not what they are listening to that they had to write something that matched the beat, didn't they? And it, it doesn't go. It doesn't go at all. They are dancing to a whole different beat of a drum. I, it's the whole solo is when they break out into the whole thing and look, wow. And they're going, Jamie Lee did it all by herself. She's a trained dancer. I was like, just give me a second here. Let me just digest what you just said. Oh, yeah. It said that Casey Stevens, who played Nick had so much trouble keeping up with Jamie Lee because she was a professionally trained dancer. Now I'm not going to take that away from her. I am not taking that away from Jamie. I'm sure she burst into some sort of interpretive dance or ballet or tap or something. She's fantastic. Everybody's trained in, but this, this was like a mime. It was like, they needed stripy tops, clamping and do the, the box thing and it was like, there was at one point this whole move where I thought she was going to start like, I know what they were trying to do. It felt like they were trying to rival Saturday night fever. The dance floor was pretty much on, on point for that. And they were going to do like some sort of, you know, big, like dancing, like Jack, that like John Travolta did in the movie and it, you know what I mean? It felt like that's what they were trying to do. Yeah. Because I think Saturday night fever or staying alive that both came out 78, 79 round there anyway, because it was after Greece was 77. So those two came after, I think. You also have the, you also have the, the dancing in Greece as well. We have freaking JT and yeah, and they, so I can't even see where they were coming from, but it was so random, like, let us show, let's show us what we can do. What? What? What am I watching? I actually sat up in mind what the fuck am I watching in? This is, this is part of the film that I just generally can't remember. It's a, this is a fever dream bit because like the, this is the most vlogged, the most reviewed, the most talked about scene in the entire movie, none of the kills. When you're trying to look into this film, all that comes up is disco scene, this disco scene that I was just like, really? Well, let's talk about the kills, because there's some interest in rich, you know what? This is the first time ever that I noticed a killer in a, in a slasher being vulnerable. It's really, really shit, it's been able to do anything, taken down so easily that you have to know who that is, strictly otherwise you've not been paying attention. No. Because the, the killer is actually shown, is already shown his cards in this movie before we start getting the kills. Yeah. I mean, the kills are pretty good. The last one. Yeah, they're all right. It's probably the best one, um, old Stelios Contos, but we'll get, but he still manages to fuck it up as well. But yeah, the, the guy, the killer, basically they, they make you believe it's the escaped conflict that killed Robin six years earlier, and he's coming to seek his revenge, bloody blah. Oh, the guy who works in the school, who's the janitor. Yeah, who has the glasses on and, you know, he's a little, you could come across as a little bit of an oddball, when an actual fact is probably a lovely guy. Yeah, the stereotypical, let's make the janitor weird role we're at, you know, in the 80s, which pretty much every movie ever. Um, yeah, uh, I think the first one is Kelly, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. After she denies her horrible boyfriend, the fruit, yeah, it was all like, yeah, we're going to go, we're going to do it tonight, tonight's the night, ooh, tonight's the night. And then he's like, you led me on, you tease and he storms out. And like she's sitting there crying in the changer room as well, I was thinking, man, if that's where you want to have your first time in a changer, one of them uncomfortable bench seats, because they were like slats, you know, the slats you've not thought this one through. Yeah. It's the hall. You'll be back here best. You'll be back. Oh, that's all that was missing, wasn't it, the big sort of like, oh, um, yeah, that line, that delivery, um, but I actually liked how this shot this kill. It was, I wasn't, I wasn't mad at it. I thought, Oh, they're actually using some technique here. Yeah. So they did it in kind of like a bit, slow moi, but you didn't see anything, but you heard it. Cause I don't ensure you, I get in that neck cut, um, but you heard it and you don't actually, it's so slow. You can't actually make out to her expression on her face properly, um, until she's like lying down on the bench today. Um, I actually, I, I didn't mind how that kill was shot. That was good. Lisa showed something, like, look what we can do with the camera. It was the color as well. It was all filmed in like a bluey, yeah, bluey light, wasn't it, um, and she had a white dress on. So cause she was the version. So theory, she didn't cross that boundary. So in, in morality movie, she would have survived. But not this one. But not this one. Change rules on this one. Um, second one was, um, weird kid in the van, who likes to get stoned a lot with, I want to say her name, I can't, I don't, I generally can't remember what her name is. She hasn't even, she's not even on me, me and list. And I take that directly from Wikipedia. And she's not even there, Kelly is Kelly. I'm telling you that must, one of them's Kelly, one of them's Lisa. Are you Googling it? I'm trying. It might be Vicki Vicki. Oh, fuck now. That's a new name, put in the mix. Who's this? Yeah. It's Vicki, I think. Right. When I look at all the others, she's the only one that's not got a picture on IMDB. Got you. Right. So we're going to call her Vicki. Yeah. She is, she's a bit of fun. She met up, she met this random stranger who was just walking past her and he was invited to prom and he said he seemed like a barrel last to be honest. The pair of the really complimented each other for all that they were very new at like meeting each other and whatever it was they had, they very much did compliment each other, especially when they were out in the van on their own before the kill happened. It just, it seemed like a, like, they had chemistry as what I'm trying to see. But ladies and gentlemen, stranger danger, which actually got out. Oh, yeah. Stranger danger. Oh, yeah. Out. Like, don't get in random men's, I'm going to call them great fans because that's what they're traditionally known as what he had. It was a great fan. You know, that's the kind of guy that had puppies that he wanted to show you or a bag of sweets in the bag. But how about that? He had a bed. He had a bed. Which I'm still not sure how I feel about, but yeah, all right. And but yeah, you're right. They did have the chemistry. She was willing. He was willing to know about whatever you want to be. Yeah, exactly. But this, this was post-coitus and we're just sitting there counting down the minutes until it happens at that point because these two have a, have a moment and he goes off to take a leak because the gentlemanly thing to do. And as most men know, it's something that you need to do and then off the trundle, off he goes. She's laying in the van, he gets back in and then I can't remember. Does the killer just open the back doors and yeah, the back doors already open. Oh, she was talking to him, wasn't she? Yeah. So she's, so the, she, she's a very eager beaver when it comes to the sex department. She talks about it quite frequently that she's, she's not scared of her sexuality and this and the other. And she says, let's go and do it over on this beer. And then while they are getting frisky, he kind of goes, I think I need another joint. And she's like, I think you do. Let's go back to the van. Yeah. So they go back to the van and the van door is open and they're just chilling. Like, to be honest, it seems so fucking relaxed. I'm like, yeah, I'm feeling, I'm feeling this. And then all of a sudden, fucking, kaboom, she's gone through the, through the neck, gone. But this is a trope that you don't very rarely see. He could have gotten out of this quite easy, quite easy, but fuck he didn't. He fought back. And that guy, the person who the killer is was shit. He was awful at this bit, like terrible, so inexperienced. But that's what you could tell. You could tell this wasn't the guy that they'd already set up to be the killer. You know, this wasn't someone who was meticulous. This wasn't someone who'd, even though technically he's supposed to be meticulous and well-planned and all that sort of shit, this guy was not, I don't think he was fully intent on killing this guy. I've forgotten his bloody name, the man in van. What do you call it slick, slick, I said, I don't think there was any intention. I think he was just collateral damage, so because he hadn't planned for him, he didn't know how to handle the, oh, no, not at all, the death. So you have moments where they're rolling around, then you have moments where he's clinging on to the side of the van, while slick is doing donuts. And I'm just like, you were falling up there. Get on the main road. Exactly. Just drive. But it was such a good fight, like on slick side, but the killer finally catches up with them and pick out the van set on fire. Oh, bless you. He's, he's with your eyes open present for everyone. Oh, natural audio viewers, oh, they didn't say it. You're all good. In the world of audio, nobody ever saw that. I'd just describe it to them. Um, yes, slick, slick van set on fire. Oh, even though it didn't seem like he hit anything hard enough to do that. Yeah, that whole thing was just bizarre, but he was just like, oh, I always find explore car explosions at bizarre because they're not designed to be able to do that. I think that was off the cliff to be fair. Yeah. That's true. That's true. And I saw something, I don't know how true it was. Someone said that one of the stunt coordinators actually stole the van. Yeah. And I'm like, I read that. Did you imagine sitting there watching this movie in the cinema guy? I love that van. That van is just like my van. Hang on. Wait a minute. That is my van. Yep. Yeah. The stunt coordinator. Um, it's all the van. Do you know what one of the other facts, this is how bad it was for facts for this movie. One of them was Jimmy Lee Curtis in everyone's stunts. What stunts they were, I don't know because if it's pulling in yourself about going, don't do that. Get off him. That wheel. And she did when her brother got into a fight was, I thought, Jimmy Lee, who are you? Yeah. I was like, who are you? You joined. You don't wheel like that. She went on fucking ridiculous. I'll get into how fucking ridiculous she went on neutralcy and then then killer gets himself to prom and meet up with Wendy, hook me, did Wendy put up a good fight. Wendy put up a hell of a fight. I was proud of her and that dress she was wearing was banging. She looked amazing. Um, but he eventually gets windy. Yeah. Yeah. He gets, he gets windy and the one person who I wasn't expecting to get the chop got the chop. Yeah. Because he wasn't paying attention. He saw the crown on the head because what had happened was Celia Contos and his cronies had gotten rid of Nick who was supposed to be the prom king to do the walkout with Jamie Lee. But because Celia Contos loves Jamie Lee, he wanted to go out there with her. So he, they basically beat up Nick and pulled him off to one side and stole the crown. And so Celia Contos was about to walk out with a crown on and the killer didn't check who it was and just, it's a good kill. It's a clean cut brilliantly placed head in the middle of the stage where he still manages to fuck it up because he hits the, um, the lightning, but it's perfect because it distorts everything. So it takes a while for the whole crowd to realize what they're looking at. And then they go, I'll carry and start running out the fucking players where the, the teacher, the teacher, there's a teacher standing at the front of it going, it's okay, everyone. It's okay. It's fine. Just stay away. No, there's a head just rolled out onto the stage. I am not staying fucking one more second in this place. The thing was, because that teacher was supposed to take, um, the lead because Leslie Nielsen had disappeared so they were trying to guys it that Leslie Nielsen was the killer. Spoiler. Is that what they were trying to do? Yeah. Because I was trying to get the mum, they were, they were going to try and make it the mum. They tried like to frame it. I thought it was. I did it first and then I realized there was no chest. They're looking at the eyes. I thought it was. And it was a male body but the face looked female through your mouth. I've got a feeling they've, they've done a few ticks and not used one and you, because that was female eyes. 100% that was the mum under that battle clover for sure. Yeah. But it wasn't. No, it wasn't. It was in fact, spoilers. It was the brother. The twin brother of Robin, the younger brother of Jamie Lee. Oh, that's insane. So Nick and the killer, he's not, he's not, he's not, how did he have a glittery balaclava on? Wow. There was some proper like glitters, like wool used on that, that number. I am just coming off the back of doing legend last week. That was a lot of glitter. That's a lot of glitter. And I was like, whoa, like has glitter just taken over my eyes and like, am I seeing things? But no, he had a glittery balaclava. What got me is the ends, the end fight scene between Nick and Alex. That went on longer than it needed to when nothing was happening. They might as well have been going, it was the round on the floor and stage rages. And then it was just like, Jamie Lee could have quite easily gotten her foot in the middle of them and pushed one away, but she didn't. She stood around like a fanny holding that axe going, I'm going to get one of them, I'm going to, no, no, no, and then she bats them finally, when he gets pushed off, she can kill them. She kills her own brother, cautious among the bonds and he's gone. Oh, but he dies and Jamie Lee's arms after he's been, because she sees it in his eyes. She knows who it is before she takes a balaclava off and he dies in our arms and there's tears and they problem mascara tears. And then the film ends. Yep. That's it. That is it. That is where we are. Yeah. No, no, nothing, no dialogue. Just end. I mean, trying, it is a slasher, it is running off the back of, or in the world of slashers at that time when it all peaked. I think had this been released when slashers were dying off or before slashers were a thing, it wouldn't have started the genre, you know, and it wouldn't have been remembered as much had it been on the, the outrun of slashers, because it was slap bang. Right in the middle. Friday the 13th, people are riding high on it. And I think that that's where, I think this gets, I would say, not too much love because either you love it or you hate it, and you can't hear this. You can't hear this. But I've done the one I've ripped it if this is the same, but I don't think it deserves to be up there with movies like Friday the 13th or Texas Chains or Masco. Jamie Lee is the reason why this film got made anyway, because they have a lot of low budget people because they couldn't, they couldn't afford it. It was a small company at the start that took it on. And they had like, it was just, I thought I'd written it down, but I hadn't. They had the concept there. They didn't know how to get it done. And they knew that they needed someone on board that was going to sell the movie. And so they went for Jamie. They offered Jamie 100k in today's money, which was 30, 30k back in 1980. She's got 100,000 pounds for, $100,000 for 24 days work at the age of 21. There's not a bad fucking paycheck. And to be honest, Jamie Lee is not the worst fucking part, there's some bits and it is very fucking questionable. Yeah. If you want me to dance and cry, I shall dance and cry. And we'll get off him, leave him alone. But they never, they never, they never tell you what happened to the weird peddle-o person, you know. No, there's no sense we've gone. Yeah, it's just, it just ends. It literally ends with Alex dying in her arms with that gop and I'm quite, it's one thing I'm actually quite grateful for. He already had close his eyes so they didn't do the eye-closing scene, but his mouth stayed closed. So that's all would happen. So you mouth would just, your mouth would stay open. I was grateful for that, um, this movie spawned three sequels. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you know the title, it actually came up when I was watching it, did you know the title of the second one? Mary Lou two or something, isn't it? Oh fuck, prom night, Mary Lou two. And it's about a ghost ever, ever. This is why I didn't go into two, three and four, because I just thought I can't. No, I can't. I can't deal with that. I can't do anything about Mary Lou and her ghost running off of the same school that all this happened in, right? The fourth one is about a priest who is a serial killer that is determined to kill all the kids of prom night for being bad, evil, immoral people. And I was like, I'm out, I'm out already, this is, I'm not, I don't know, not kids. Sorry, I'm just going to have to go off camera a second, because Mike has picked up something he shouldn't have, yep. Nope. Sorry, you'll get to see my lovely shorts. There we go. And for audio listeners, you don't get to see my shorts. Sorry. If you'd like to see such things, he shouldn't, no, he's just pulled something down off the table and he shouldn't have. Rox Simpson, who plays a young Nick, he is actually an awful of the prom night movies. And one of the lines, it's not who you come with, it's who takes your horn, appears in every single prom night movie. Oh, something really grim about that. Yeah, well, the budget for this one in old money in 1980 money was 1.5 million. Today's that goes into 14.8 million, the budget, right? You tell me what 14.8 is for you. Streamers. Studio time, streamers, and a dance floor and a sparkly, sparkly balaclava. Yeah, I can see where the money got spent, but it's 5.7 million in the box office. No, it did 14.8 million, sorry, in the box office, which equated to 56.4 million in today's considered a flop. And they considered it a team because it was paramount wanted to distribute it, but paramount only wanted to distribute it to 300 cinemas. And the the people that made the movie didn't, they wanted a bigger release than that. They thought Jamie deserved a bigger release. I thought the film was good enough for a bigger release. So they went with a smaller company called Embassy Pictures. They offered to release it in 1200 theaters, which they did do, then Paramount went on to release, because they'd already released Friday the 13th at that point. So they were running off the back of that thinking to themselves, right, we'll do this one. And you know, but these guys turned it down to get a bigger release of the movie, thinking that that would help it, but it didn't really. Obviously, Friday the 13th was the winner in that scenario. Oh, yeah, that was, that was winning all the trophies. Um, yeah, kill count. And I'll count six, I've got eight for this one, go on then. Um, no, it just, it just said eight because there's a couple of off screen. So technically there was six, but two were off screen. Oh, right. Okay. Who was the child? There was the nurse that was murdered in the hospital from the escaped convict. Oh, yeah. And then there was the dead, right, there was Robin, the dead nurse in the, in the abandoned place. Then there was the three girls that died, Stenio Contos, and then Alex, Alex, I'm not counting Alex. That's why I'm going wrong. I wasn't counting Alex and I totally forgot about the nurse. Um, going into two thousand years. Pay yourselves hold on to your bets, people could go to get a bumpy and what a fucking brilliant concept for a movie. You can do what the hell you want to do with this concept. It's set up for you. Everything's in place, a murderer at prom brilliant, but a brilliant, like it's, so the, the concept of the movie is that a high school teacher is getting obsessed with one of your students to the point where he has lost his fucking mind and anyone who gets near her. He is, so he kills her entire family. She then, she then they gets on with her life because she has to even though we'll go, we'll go into a bit more detail. I'm just trying to give you the concept of it. And he escapes prison later on on her prom night and goes to revisit her. Mm hmm. It is such a brilliant, honestly on paper, it sounds so much better. It says Donner who enjoys her last year of high school and is the senior prom expecting to be the most memorable night of her life, but a serious from her past haunts her and goes on a lethal rampage. That's the plot line of this movie. That is not how it's fucking executed. No, it's not. Oh god, what a mark to miss and then I don't know and I was thinking about this when I was watching it. Is it because of the time of it? Because this is a low moment in horror. 2008 was not a good time. No, it's there's such a little moment. We are just about to hit another peak coming up in a few years time when the Kundra and movie start because that is a game changer for horror. I'll die on a hill on that that that kind of changed the face of horror, you know, as we have seen through history, I will put that in there, but this is such a little period. There's nothing really going on and they had such an opportunity. They use in such a high profile neum because it's not the same movie. No, like we mentioned earlier, it is a reboot at best, at best and the cast that they have in this movie is fucking top tier. I mean, Britain and I was coming out of the back of her own TV series that she featured on. Britney, no, for those who don't know her, the best thing for modern movies, I can say that she's done will be pitch perfect, where she plays one of the greatest movies ever met. Where she's the ginger girl with the voice box change where she drops the register. That's pretty snow. If you're part of our age group and you understood hairspray, she was in the remake of hairspray. She was also in a little bit of X, which I thought she was fucking, I have a lot of time for Britney Snow and I thought she was fucking brilliant in X. To me, she's a comedy actress though. I see her more comedy than I do horror, not to say she can't play it straight, but that's how I shoot her. I don't know what the fuck she was playing it in this moment. Then of course you've got James Ransom, James Ransom, for those of you who lost my fucking mind when I saw his nearm on there. For those of you that don't know who James Ransom is, if you know the new modern movie, he played Eddie Spaghetti in the second one and he's also been in... Quite a few that we've done. What was it that he was in in the sequel, Sinister? Sinister. Yes, we believe it or not people, we've done a net of storage on Begu. Yes, and it's one of the ones we've done. No one liked it. So please go back and give it some love. Don't even have to watch it. Just put it on in the background. Just put it on this and we'll talk about Sinister. You've got Ming, I'm going to say her name right, Ming Nanwen. Mm-hmm. I'm saying that correct. Sorry if I'm not. Who is... Oh, come on, she's been in bloody all sorts. She's more than for fuck's sake. She's in Agents of Shield, she was fucking brilliant in Agents of Shield, and Street Fighter. It's Chun-fucker Lee. Yeah. Exactly. Um, Helen Lutz, isn't it? Yeah, more like. Excuse me. Oh yeah. The Ming guy himself, he's just fucking over. Now in itself, his name alone in 2008 should have carried this, because even in 2008 he was in the Shield, I think, around then, and the Shield was the biggest thing on TV. I've never seen the Shield. I've been told it was the biggest thing on TV around that time. Yeah. Like, you couldn't... Oh yeah. You couldn't make it to the Shield. I just shouted that to me now. (LAUGHS) You know? Yeah. (LAUGHS) Oh yes. And he'll always be Charles Minor to me. But people were shocked when they found out he was actually British, and I'm like, he's ours. You can't have him. You can't have him. Um, you're here to the Charles Minor episode to start with, and it's only just recently that they started growing on us, and they're like, "Charles Minor, hardly know her." (LAUGHS) Sorry. You've got to be enough as fan to get the joke. Um, yeah, it's just, oh, I saw this, the opening scenes, actually, I thought were really well done. Like, that was, that was horror-level, like, "Fucking shit your pants" moment. Yeah. And then you realise, "Oh, hang on a minute, it's a PG-13." Yeah. They did a thing, I don't know who it was, the studio, or it was the producers or whatever. They decided in their infinite wisdom to make this movie a PG-13, which as a horror movie is the death now. It is the man in the coffin, it is, "See you later, bye-bye." Because you're not going to appeal to your horror community who are there for the kills, they are there for the gore, they are there for the blood, they're there for the horror plot lines, the suspense, that all of that sort of stuff, that's what horror fans, therefore, regardless of what's their speciality. You put it a PG-13 in and what you get in. Shit. I mean, you get a fair bit for you, it's not, but it's not, it could have been so much gore. It could, it could, especially that opening scene, but what I liked is that I didn't see, she gets out of, at the beginning of the movie Britney Snow gets out of her car to go back into her house after having a night out, and she, she eludes to the fact that something's going on, that her family are concerned about, hence the reason she's not going to, to cheer in and try out. When she gets in, it's not, she puts her keys down, she walks to her bedroom, she tries to talk to her dad, the tele's on, but nobody's responded to her, but it's, you know that feeling, you don't, you don't really pay in attention until she does. I'm sorry, I'm just having to Google the killer himself, because I know this guy, not personally. Yeah, it's really a lot of stuff. Jonathan Shache. Oh, thank you for seeing his name. Thank you. I could not say that. If you don't know who he is, he is from a very lovely movie that's, I fucking adore it, I think you do, and he is the ex-husband of Christine Applegate, very famously married. You like to get married? It does, yeah. Done it a few times. But yeah, the opening scene was quite brutal, because you, when you see the fact that she's found her father, her father, her dad, where am I from, her dad, found her dad, and then she's found her brother, like shit, the fuck, but it's not over. He's still in the fucking house, and her mother is still a fucking live, and she is so smart to get under that bed, and stay there, and to watch, she watched her mother knew she was there, and lied that she wasn't in the house. I looked at square in the eyes while she got killed. I mean, she kind of looked away. I thought it was a bit selfish, but yeah. Yeah. That's, it was when she did that silent scream, I was like, oh, bitch, oh, yes, because she couldn't, what does she do? She can't allude to the fact that she's there, but she has to say something like fuck, I've just watched her mum being murdered. I love to be open and seen. It's just a fucking shame I went tits up from there. So it flashes forward, I don't know, we'll say six years again, three, three, oh, three, right? She's just for three years, and she's still got the friend that dropped her off from the night out. She's got a couple more friends, she's in therapy, she's talking it through, she's about to move on with her life. You find out she's living with her aunt and uncle, who are living in the same place, not in the same house, but in the same town, she doesn't move out of the town. She's got a boyfriend, she's adjusted, life is what they would be for a 17 year old girl and all her girls are supposed to be in this, 25 as all they are. And you see them, all the friends talking about like prom and you see that there's like issues between two of them because one's going to a different unit to the other one. Oh, are they ever going to see each other again and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, you're not, you're all going to die alone. You see, and it's all very contrived, what dress are you wearing? You know, I'm going to wear a champagne coloured dress and I'm going to wear a dipping plunge in neckline, which I want to get to that one in a minute. Yeah. And during that scene where they're having that conversation, the original Maya's house from Halloween, can actually be seen outside the window? Yeah, which I thought was pretty cool, because I mean, they were trying to tie it in and they did, unless you're someone who really pays attention, you're not going to see it. No, no, fuck no, if I didn't read it, I would never have known it was actually there. And yeah, she's got it, she's got a call group of friends and they're all getting excited for prom and then she goes to prom and it's so fucking basic that it's so straightforward. She gets ready for prom. She gets in the car for prom. She's at prom. Yeah, it's pretty much that. And then, yeah, the thing that annoys me about this, she stopped taking a medication because she said she wanted to feel because obviously they got her on anti-depressants and anti-depressants and they were obviously going to numb her and so she said she wanted to feel this, you know, night and enjoy herself. And the aunt gives her a scarf that was her mums. This is how meaningful things she gets giddy when he knocks on the door. I know that her boyfriend is George because he was in, I can't remember the name of the TV series, but it had, like give me a second, this is going to annoy me because I'm going to have to bring it up, but he, I know him was George. He was, I'm trying to think of a freaking name, she was in one tree hill. Yeah. Oh god, what's her name? Doesn't it all see, what's it? No. Oh, not the name. It's Scott Porter, his name is, he played Bobby, played her boyfriend and he was in, where is it? He was in Friday night lights, but that wasn't what I was alluding to. He was in, he's done loads of stuff, there's a lot of stuff in now. Lucifer? Well, this is Lucifer's well leader. The good one, he was like a boyfriend to the girl, oh there it is, heart of Dixie. Heart of Dixie. And I absolutely went through a phase of having to watch every single episode of that and I don't know why, but it had, he was George Tucker in that and that's how I know him. Right. And it was Rachel Wilson, that was it, Rachel Wilson. Oh yeah, she is from the RC. Yeah. And they all blend into one, those TV series. But yeah, and that's how I know him, George. So when I saw him, I was like, he's way older than her and when I googled it, he's actually seven years older than her in this movie. He's 25, 26 in this film and she's just turned 18, I think. So it's, I know that's not, you know, anything but it's, yeah. But the fact that I didn't do a great deal, like, PG-13, I think. It was very, very, very, yeah, yeah. But I am not joking when I say that this movie just goes bang, bang, bang, bang, finish. We are at the prom, which is of Eastwick have arranged, which is in a fancy, fancy hotel because daddy's got all the money apparently. And I'm telling you now, we had a school disco in the school hall. We didn't have, like, proms or limos or evening dresses. You went in jeans and a t-shirt and crinked your hair at my school. We had none of this business. We had none of this, none. But yeah, there was, they're all these, like, limos turn up and they all get the red carpet treatment into it. But what's the deal with that teacher and Lisa? Yeah, she was very obsessed. That was very bizarre. I was like, there was no need for that little bit of... But at the end, yeah, she like, she'd already given her a compliment. She didn't need to, like, pause, wait and go, "Oh, but Lisa, you're so pretty!" And that dress is so beautiful and you're going to be prom queen, no, no, no, no. Did she become prom queen? No, she didn't. It was... No, she did. Yeah, no, it was her. Yeah, it was her. Sorry about that. Yeah, it was one of those things because when you're watching it, you just think to yourself, "I don't understand the plot for that. We already know there's an obsessed teacher in the mix. That's the guy that's... Don't need another one. That was just a weird... It was a choice. Yeah, we just... I just want to put something out there. The reason I asked if she was prom queen is because I actually fell asleep in the middle of watching this. She's her and her quarterback boyfriend, their bucket spring. And I didn't feel it necessary to go back and watch what I'd missed because I felt like I didn't miss anything. No, you didn't. I mean, to be honest with you, from there, that you find out that the quarterback has a suite. Now, bear in mind, suites are very fricking expensive. Even for one night... They come from money. They have got to have money. I mean, they got to suite for six people, which would come from money. Three rooms at least. None of them have an overnight bag, by the way. They just... None of them. Room that they're going to go back to and do the walk of shame in the morning and their prom dresses and shirts and stuff. But they keep going up and back to them forward from this room. The girls are talking about what they want to do after prom and whatever. It then goes to the prom where they're all chatting, and the most neurotic girl who has the fights with a boyfriend all the time disappears conveniently. She's gone upstairs to the room, but this is when you find out that the escaped prisoner that was obsessed with Brittany Snow has just checked in with the stolen credit card and he's now staying on the floor three, because he overheard the mask work, the tickets for floor three. So he's now staying three doors down the walk. So just before all this happens, you get to see Idris Elbitt get receiving a telephone call to see it that he had escaped, but it was three days ago. So he's already been out for three days. He's not stupid. He's clearly, you know, Dunny's homework clearly looks like Charles Manson. With the head. Yeah, they look like Charlie Manson. They did say that they took a lot of, I hate to say that they used this word, but inspiration on the look and also the kill technique was Ted Bundy. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But it makes sense though, doesn't it, because there's all that sort of stuff, you know? This is where they could have made it so fucking interesting. It was very, one note with all the kills, in my opinion, they were all very similar. They were all very. It was frenzy attack. It's all he did. He was just a frenzy killer. He killed out of necessity and it wasn't a case of, it needed to be, you were there. You had to go. Yeah. That's the only reason he killed. And all of these attacks are frenzied. They're all just bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. There's no thought into it. You know, it's not, there's no torture in there. It's not, it's just a means to an end. Yeah. I need to get rid of you people. Yeah. But one of the, the, the maid first, because she had the master key and he needed to get into a room. So he wanted the master key, so he killed her. Yeah. Uh, kills the friend, the girlfriend first, I think she gets a throat cut or stabbed. I can't remember which one, but she wanders in the bathroom and she's sitting in the corner of the bathroom when he's washing the knife off, but you see how propped up in the corner, don't you? Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. You're right. So he's sitting in the bathroom. He's on the phone with, I can't remember. He's on the phone with, but she's sitting in the bathroom in the corner. Now, I am reading at the moment, I'm back to Dr. Shepherd again, I'm going to finish this fucking burger for kills us. And he's just been talking about a case where a man, he was a MI6 agent who died, who died through a fixation, however, he was found in a suitcase that was padlock from the outside. Yes. I've heard that case. Yeah. So he was a forensic pathologist on that and they concluded in the end that he actually got in there himself and locked it and apparently it's not, it's not not, you can't not not do it. You can't actually padlock yourself. You just, it's very difficult to get out. But, yeah, they concluded that that's how he died and how they determined that was when you're dead, when you're dead, when you've died, obviously, rigor mortis plays a huge part and the weight changes, your weight actually changes because there's a lot of things going on as your body is shutting down. It doesn't just cease to be a lot of things that haven't, and you actually weigh a lot more, so there was no, in one person, wouldn't have been able to get after they died into that suitcase to then fasten it up and there was no bruises or anything like that and that's how they determined it. So the reason I'm bringing this up for is because he is sitting in a bathroom with this dead body who's been dead for a bit, rigor mortis will start to be kicking in very shortly and he doesn't disappear and act like fucking Houdini with the body. That would have been fucking difficult. Yeah. She would have been sorry to get all literal, but I have literally just been reading that chapter before we came and recorded. That lad's name was Gareth, wasn't it, that was in the, I'm sure it was like Gareth something that was in the bag. Yes, it was, yes. And he was an MI5 agent or MI6, it was something like that. It was like, yeah, because they thought it was, the, under the impression it was payback. Yeah, they thought it was a Russian mafia at one point at a time and there was nothing about it being possibly a sex kink and then there was another thing about being something else. Oh, yeah, it was evil, they found a lot of designer clothes, women's clothes, women's shoes that were his size, the family trying to save fears, trying to pass it off that it was a sister's clothes, you can't have friends or the shoes, the shoes were designed for hair speed. Yeah, there was something going on there and it was my favorite, but that's what he was saying. Anyway, what Dr. Shepherd was saying is that the likelihood that he's probably done this a hundred times before, it's some form of, it's a thrill to be putting yourself in it. Yeah. You can be able to get out of the situation and he said the likelihood that he probably done it a hundred times before, but the keys were actually underneath them when they found them. So, yeah, we don't kink shame here or no, I mean, good luck to me. And if you're going to do that sort of thing, please have someone like a spotter or someone that they don't have to take part in it, they can go sit in another room, but you set yourself a limit of a couple of hours if they haven't heard from you within 30 minutes. Yeah, there has to be some form of safety net and that's what he was saying that he saw. That's what he saw. He saw a lot of fetish deaths and never once judged, that's the best thing about Dr. Shepherd, he doesn't judge anybody whatsoever, regardless of your crime or whatever he doesn't judge anyone. And he was just saying like, it's such a shame that people can't be so more open about it because maybe if there were, that stigma is gone, then they may have been able to have some help, but the reason I brought that up for it is because I literally have just finished the chapter on that and it was interesting that he mentioned the body weight. And then I was thinking of that scene and I was like, it would have been, even the tiny girl, you weight changes completely. Yeah, because at this point, he's killed the girl, the maid, then he goes on and kills the boyfriend of the girl, but he's just killed. Then he chases down Lisa, who's right, this is where I fall in the sleeve. Yeah. Now it yourself was running around like a mad man trying to find out what the hell's going on. They've just sussed that it was a stolen credit card, well done detectives. He found the guy that was dead in his car and the wallet was missing. So they checked for the someone who booked in under that name, surprise they had. So they're running around, running around, trying to find out what's going on. Lisa, the prom queen, is running around. She manages to escape him, fall down some stairs, survive, run around, but he finally catches up and kills her. I think the quarterback dies as well, but I can't remember. I don't remember seeing his death, but I'm pretty sure he dies. So they're at a point where unless he made it out, he might have actually made it outside because what happens is Idris or James Ranson pulls the fire thing so they get ushered outside. And at this point, she's forgotten her mum's scarf. So of course, Britney, so has to go back and get it. You don't want. No, but she had to. So she goes to the room, even though the rooms would be unlocked down, all the doors wouldn't be able to be opened unless you were inside trying to get out, you know what I mean, full on protocol. So she goes in the room, she goes to pick up the scarf, which conveniently is hanging in a cupboard or in a cupboard for some reason. I'm like, what was it with all these cupboards and the hangars everywhere? Yeah. Look, we're not doing Halloween. This isn't like killed Michael with bloody points. There was a lot of shots into a cupboard, into a wardrobe. Yeah, it was very odd. It was all used. It was used at least while I was awake three times. I think he comes out of the wardrobe at one point and kills one of them in one of the kills. I can't remember who it was. But then anyway, he uses his master key that he got and he gets into the apartment and he finds Britney Snow in there while she's in there and she starts freaking out. There's something, there's like a little tassel, like he's telling her how much he loves her and all this sort of stuff. She manages to get out the room and absolutely bomb it down the hall, get out and she's out and she's screaming, you know, he's in there, he's in there, he's in there. Idris Elvis realises that he's dressed as a security guard as he's walked out. So he's missed him as he's gone into the ether, the murder of a pet lover. And so they close the thing down. They then go to the aunt and uncle and tell them that she's obviously got to stay here on supervision. There's going to be people outside. The boyfriend's sitting with her in the room. And then they are watching the TV. She goes for a wee, she gets comes back, she starts talking to a boyfriend and he's had half of his throat slashed dead on the bed. This is where I woke up. Yeah. So literally she is crouched over him, pry in to where he then comes in. Oh, is this the one of the wardrobe scene? This is where he jumps out the wardrobe because she goes up to the wardrobe, looks in and he jumps out of it. They have a bit of a tassel and Idris Elvis comes in, talk swinging, but can shoot some dead. Idris Elba gives her a big cuddle and then what happens? Movie finishes. Yes. And so that was a waste of time, but it is, it didn't do too badly. No, it didn't because it wasn't there anymore. No, I mean, it had a budget of 20 million in 2008, which equates by today's standards at 29.1 million, right? So that's quite a lot of money for a budget, for a film that didn't really have much gore being a PG-13 and it is one of the only horror movies to have a PG-13 rating. The box office, it took 7.2 million in 2008, but that equates to 83.4 million in today's money. Oh. That took 83.4 million today. That is insane. I don't know what, we must have been bored in 2008. We really must have been lapping up whatever we could get because I, I don't understand why this, this film is a throwaway film, like you said, the concept, the script, the, it's all there for them, the cast. Everything is right. Yeah. On the paper. Perfect. But what we got, I feel was just so lacklustre, yeah, it was lacklustre, it was like, there was something more needed, but we never got to it, we never got to that thing that we needed to get to. It was so, it was so like mapped out as in boom scene, boom scene, boom scene. That's it. It was all a series of moments and not a great deal of story there, like the most interesting part is the beginning bit, but then you are soft, you flash forward and it's already been three years. And in that three years, she's managed to get her fucking shit together. It took me three years to fucking get out of bed after that, like, she, either she's an incredibly strong person and if that's the case, I'm fucking sure it, sure how fucking strong she is. She's the Lulu, she's one of those Lulu people, she's like, everything's fine. She really was into the, but then she had, but then she had a moment of vulnerability in the prom where she was like, I'm scared, I'm scared to go to college, but she wouldn't say a why, fucking tell them why, but can say, I've just, I experienced one of the most traumatic things nobody should ever witness and fucking terrified, but no, brushes it under the carpet and even a boyfriend's like, well, you've got nothing more to be scared of. Now bitch, I've got everything to be fucking scared for. They, oh, it was such a waste. Do you want to know how much more of a waste it was? The fucking director, sorry, I swore so much, the director, I'm, I'm just going to read what my actual facts is. It did an extensive, extensive research into proms going as far back as where, when and where the first prom ever was held in American film history. So he wanted to make it so authentic. That's what you put your time into. Because your prom looked authentic as opposed to actually looking at your script and going, oh shit, the dialogue's not really good on this mind. No, no, but we've got to get that prom right, got to get the scene right, the setting right, the feel right, the aesthetic right. But not even looking to the fact that your story is, oh shit. There's no chemistry. There's no, it's so, there's no chemistry. I feel like the, the thing was, the guy that originally got the gig to direct it and his name is completely lost my mind, like left my mind, he, he was originally a TV, TV writer and a TV director. So he, his only experience was not movie. It was television. It's actually him. It's Neil McCorick. That's it. So Neil McCorick is the director of prom night. He has only ever made two movies, prom night and the stepfather, both really shit horror films of 2008 and 2009, however, his television credits, ER, prison break, 24, Southland, nit took, The West Wing, Criminal Minds, Daredevil, Lovecraft Country. And that's what we get for film. It's like, he just was like, I don't really care. I'll do it because I'm getting paid, but it's honestly, it's infuriating because like I say it on paper, this is, it sounds brilliant. I was actually well up for watching this, probably more than the original because I've seen the, I'm glad I rewatched the original because if I had to go off my memory, we wouldn't have been talking about the same movie. Yeah, but the, this was just, it was just such a great idea that was just wah, wah, when it came down, actually having it on, on screen. I have the body count. The numbers up there. It's 14. Same as me. Yeah. Yeah. Dad, brother, mother, maid, Michael, Bellhop, Lisa, guy in truck, Nashie, he killed Ranskin. Yeah, he did, he killed him in the car. More than fucker. Bobby, cop outside the house, killer, him, and inmate, inmate when he escaped, makes 14. Right. He killed, right, fucking dick, killed my Eddie. I was so excited when I saw his name in this, really, really, I was like, is he actually gonna be in this? Remember the, remember my midnight mask came out and I was so under the impression that James Ranskin was in that and it wasn't him at all. I was absolutely, absolutely convinced that was James Ranskin. And then I was like, fuck you, where's my Eddie? Um, I really wanted to love it, but I'm sorry, I can't, I feel like you've gotten a feel as to why. It's a one and a half out of five, at least, and that's really based on the cast, like the cast, just the cast, just the, just the cast, because nothing else was, nothing else is there. And it's such a shame because in my head, if you've got someone who has serial killer tendencies, because Baron of mine, he is just fucking an obsessed person to the point before he kills. Yeah. Oh, that is such a journey, and you fucking wasted it. Oh, you didn't, you didn't get any backstory, you just got the kills. Yeah. And you wasted her to completely wasted out, there's no, there's no survivor there. There's no, you know, do you know what I mean? There's no, like, they're giving you a fucking reason to be like, Oh shit, you got out of that alive. I mean, Scout Taylor Compton was supposed to, was also up for the part, but Britney. Oh, I feel like she would have done better for herself, like, but she still had to deal with that dialogue. Yeah. Well, that's true. I mean, she did. For those of you that don't know who she is, Scout Taylor Compton was Laurie Strode in Rob Zombie's versions of Panhelline. And she's, she's been in a lot of ice nine kills videos. She's a horror queen. She is, she's considered one of the newest green coins, for sure. Also, Emma Roberts was up for the part. Now I am very, very glad she is not in this movie. Emma Roberts is an abuser and she doesn't deserve screen time, in my opinion. But people keep giving her money, keep giving her time because she said, I'm sorry. And she is Julia Roberts niece, so. It's Eric Roberts daughter, so that makes everything disappear. You know, M.P. I'm sure. I'm sure M.P. feels like we as well. Yeah. But it's proven it happened. It's not allegedly the responsibility has been taken and the conversation has been had in the public forum. So it is a real thing. I don't have to say allegedly because it has taken. It happened. Yeah. It happened. It didn't just happen once. It happened twice. Yeah. Yeah. No, fuck her. Yeah. I hope to God we don't cover much on her. And if we do, I'll not be saying any of them. Yeah. Prom night, it happened for them, not for us, but for them. I have no more on prom night. I can't really angry in that one, I know, but it wasn't probably anger. It was probably more frustration. I was so frustrated with that last movie. Yeah. Um, but next week, next week, we're going, we're stepping away from the double feature that we've been doing just for a brief pause, just for because I have been loving the double features. It's been great fun. And God knows there's many, many to come because so many more remake films anymore. That seems to be standard. This is like, isn't it just like how, how horror is done? You get one there, you get one here, that one, that one. But next week, um, in honor of a certain big anniversary, I picked this one. I did. I picked this one. I did. I did. We are doing man behind the movies. Yeah. That's what I said. And we're doing Torby Hooper. I've finally said his name right. I've been calling him Tor Hooper for God knows how many long, how many long, how many four English feel me there? I think there is us 11 at night, so we are allowed to get all that wrong. Yeah. Um, and, and not put them in the right order at all. Um, yeah. I've been saying his name wrong for so long to where Dan had to get Google to prove that she's right and I'm wrong. I got it up. I'm going to pronounce it. She's very posh. Tor Hooper. Torby Hooper. So yes, we're doing man behind. So be on the lookout for stuff because it is, um, the 50th anniversary of Texas Chainsaw. Don't get it wrong. We're not going to be focusing a great deal on Texas Chainsaw because if you want to know more about that, you can go on and listen to our Leatherface episode that we did many moons ago. I watched Roll 11. She did. I suffered for that one. She did. Um, so you, I did not know for you, you're just to give us Sally feel by me. Oh, no, it's the omen. Yeah, it's all for you, Damien. Oh, I watched that the other day, the first omen. No, I would do not do it. I did it. I had no choice. There's a reason I did it. Can't tell you the reason just yet, but they're, well, I can tell you after we're finished. But, um, I can't tell anybody else the reason why you have to find out in July. Yeah. What's your eyes out with leech? It's fine. Uh, if I started, you'd get a bigger run than you've just had on, it's just, I am, I am such, the omen is one of my, like, it's embedded in my heart. And when you start fucking with the law, like just, just a few reasons. So yes, next week, um, Toby Cooper, if you don't know him, just a brief Texas chainsaw, all the guys going to be looking into, you know, everything about him, it's going to be fun. It's going to be interesting. And so for us, when we are on YouTube, every Monday at eight o'clock, the audio for this episode and every episode that is associated with nerdy of north is available on a Tuesday from anywhere you get your podcast from, please remember to like, share, subscribe. It's that notification bell so you never miss an episode, all the links for monsters up north, bleeding marvellous and nerdy up north are where Dan is pointing to right now with her beautiful orange nails. These are high vests. I can go direct track that way, that way, that way. Um, is that it? No star wars, rants, no getting information wrong, no, well, there's nothing else left out of there, say goodbye, Dan, bye, Dan, stay spooky, everyone, bye. Bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Bye., bye. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. (whooshing)