Shawnee's Prayer

Praying For Others

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Praise the Lord praise the Lord and welcome to Shawnees prayer podcast season two episode six please download subscribe like and share Shawnees prayer you can find Shawnees prayer wherever you find your favorite podcast whether it's on apple podcast samsung podcast or amazon music iheart radio or spotify you can find Shawnees prayer please tell someone else about Shawnees prayer don't keep it to yourself tell someone who needs to be encouraged someone who needs to be uplifted someone who needs to be strengthened tell someone else about Shawnees prayer and as always i start my prayer all from a very blood scripture coming from romance chapter five verse nine much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved for wrath through him let's go to the throne our grace father god and the mighty name of jesus i just want to say thank you thank you father god in the name of jesus for another day thank you for another hour father god in the name of jesus lord god father god thank you father god for allowing us to be able to stand in the gap to someone else father god lord god i want to pray for each and every person who's always interceding on behalf of someone else i want to uplift and pray for those father god who's always taking time to pray for someone else to pray for someone else to get healed to pray for someone else to get delivered to pray for someone else to get saved to pray that you will make a way for that person to pray that you will open doors for that person so father god for everyone father god who takes the time out to pray for people not just for themselves not just for their family not just for their friends father god but to pray for this world to pray for their stranger to pray for their neighbor father god lord god i come and ask your father god that you will bless that person right now in the name of jesus lord god pray that you will look down upon that person from the corner of their head to the soul of their feet father god because sometimes just because someone praying is father god doesn't mean that everything is okay with them father god sometimes someone is standing in need father god in the gap for someone else father god but they are standing in need for themselves father god they have a lot going on father god they need you to step in for themselves father god but yet they take the time out to pray for someone else yet they take the time out to fast for someone else yet they take this time out to intercede on someone else's behalf so i pray for each and every person father god for each and every person as a prayer warrior father god lord god for those who may not be prayer warrior but they have taken time out to uplift someone else father god before the throne of grace father god lord god i just pray and ask your father god that you will look down upon each and every person father god as we come to your father god whether we come to you on bended knee father god whether we come praying to you father god in the shower sometimes we're praying to you on the toilet sometimes we're praying to you in the car father god in the name of jesus oh god someone may be praying to in a closet father god someone may be praying to your father god boy there at work father god in the name of jesus oh god father god someone may be praying to your father god boy there at on lawn father god in a grocery store father god their prayer that you will allow their debit card to go through father god in the name of jesus lord god someone is praying that you will allow their check to be accepted father god in the name of jesus someone is praying that you don't allow their lights to get disconnected father god that you don't allow their water building their water to get shut off father god someone is praying that you don't allow their gas to get shut off father god in the name of jesus oh god lord god in the name of jesus father god someone is praying that you will allow their cards to last with the gas that you will stretch the gas in their car father god until they get paid on friday father god in the name of jesus someone is asking your father god to help them to find change in the house to help them to find some money in the house father god so they can get on the train tomorrow or so they can get on the bus tomorrow and go to work father god in the name of jesus oh goes to school father god and the name of jesus oh god someone is praying to your father god asking your father god that you will make a way father god for them to be able to feed their children father god someone is asking you to make a way for them to be able to feed themselves father god in the name of jesus oh god lord god someone is praying to ask your father god to touch their parent father god to touch them in their mind to touch them in their body someone is planning to ask you to touch their child father god maybe their child is stronger on drugs maybe their child is addicted to alcohol father god maybe their child is addicted to gambling father god maybe their child is in the street father god one of the streets oh god and the name of jesus oh god lord god somebody is praying that you will allow their child to come out of prison father god someone is praying that you will allow them to get a better relationship with their child to have a better relationship with their parents with their loved ones oh god and the name of jesus oh god someone is praying that you will help them to be able to forgive someone else father god someone is praying to ask your father god that you will forgive them father god and the name of jesus oh god they realize they have done a lot of dirty stuff father god they realize they have done people wrong father god they ask your father god to forgive them father god their ask you to allow the people they go apologize to father god to open their hearts father god that they'll be able to forgive them oh god and the name of jesus oh god so lord god just come and ask your father god whatever the need is father god whichever we're coming to you for father god by faith oh god and faith father god and with faith oh god i pray father god that you will see what we're going through father god i pray father god that you will step in father god i pray father god that you will make a way out of no way for the god i pray for the god that you will open up doors father god in the name of jesus oh god i pray father god right there that you will heal bodies father god from the inside lord god in the name of jesus lord god so heal every cell father god every blood vessel father god every nerve every artery every vein father god and a name of jesus father god lord god i pray in the name of jesus lord god that you will look down old god in the name of jesus each and every person mentally old god looked down upon each and every person emotionally spiritually father god physically and financially father god in the name of jesus oh god who are god in the name of jesus father god give us the wisdom that we need father god to be able to be good stewards over our finances over oh god help us father gods to have wisdom father god for when you bless us abundantly father god will know how to be good stewards father god and the name of jesus oh god give us the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding that we need father god and the name of jesus father god help us father god in the name of jesus and being able to give back old god help us to give back to the church that we belong to old god and the name of jesus help us to be able to give back to those in need father god and the name of jesus oh god father god help us to hear from you once today father god help us to hear your voice on today father god help us father god to block out all of the noise father god help us to block out all of the chaos father god so that we can hear when you call our names father god so let me hear when you speak to us father god in the name of jesus oh god so we can hear father your god your direction clearly father god so we can hear your guidance clearly father god in the name of jesus father god i pray and ask your father god in the name of jesus oh god that you will lift us up on today father god in the name of jesus oh lord god i pray that you will cover us in the blood of jesus oh god protect that breathing father god in this mother father god in the name of jesus looked in upon our breathing father god looked in upon those who are suffering from asthma father god from migraines from sinuses from allergies father god from lupus father god from chaperca losis from copd from infasima father god congested heart failure father god in the name of jesus my upcaught guidance father god in the name of jesus oh god lord god i come and ask your father god to watch over each and every person father god who have that have been impacted by the god by that storm oh god in the name of jesus looked in upon houston texas father god in the name of jesus remember every state and every country father god in the name of jesus father god that have so much damage father god in the name of jesus because of barrow father god lord god i pray father god that you will give these people the strength that they need father god help them to be able to rebuild father god in the name of jesus oh god give them strength on today father god give them everything that they need from the god give them the resources that they need father god and the name of jesus father god a lot of father god to get power father god and the name of jesus a lot of them to have food oh god a lot of them to have clean water father god is hot father god and people don't have power father god so that means people don't have air conditioning father god they don't have central air father god they don't even have a fan oh god father god i pray that you will call them down father god i pray that you will say cool in air father god send a cool wind father god in the name of jesus oh god look god i pray the name of jesus or god that you will look down upon every state look down upon every country father god look down upon those as close to the equator father god and the name of jesus oh god but maybe every continent father god every hemisphere father god and the name of jesus of those that live off grid father god and of those that live in the jungle father god and the name of jesus oh god lord god i pray the name of jesus for those who are afraid to leave their homes oh god and the name of jesus i pray for those that don't live in really nice communities father god maybe their community father god is filled with violence father god maybe it's filled father god with drugs father god with gang activity father god lord god i pray that the blood of jesus will come into every community father god what is the suburbs oh god what is the rural area father god what is the urban area father god and the name of jesus oh god what is the city one god in the name of jesus what is the hills what a valley father god what is an amount is oh god in the name of jesus oh god lord god step in father god in the name of jesus come father god like a rushing mighty window god in the name of jesus oh god lord god in the name of jesus lord god i pray father god in the name of jesus for united states of america father god i pray father god that you will come in father god and that you will turn this place around father god that you will deliver this place from all our righteousness oh god and the name of jesus father god lord god i pray the name of jesus that you will have your way father god in your united states of america lord god in the name of jesus oh god i pray father god in the name of jesus lord god that we start doing the things that you have called us to do and help us in doing the way that you have called us to do it father god help us not to worry about the naysayers help us not to worry about the haters help us not to worry about those who don't understand the vision father god in the name of jesus father god it's not for them to understand because you didn't give them the vision father god in the name of jesus father god so help us to go forth anyway by faith oh god no one that you have our back father god in the name of jesus no one that you will never leave us nor forsake us father god and the mighty name of jesus i pray for every land lord every every tenant father god in the name of jesus i pray for every homeowner father god in the name of jesus lord god i pray father god in the name of jesus that people have smoked detectors in their homes father god in the name of jesus father god they have fire extinguishers father god i pray that they have carbon monoxide father god meters father god radar meters father god in the name of jesus father god i pray that you will protect every home oh god cover every home in the blood keep it from intruders keep it from trespasses keep it from the god from rapists father god burglaries theft robberies intruders father god keep it father god from carbon monoxide radar mold mildew asbestos oh god and the name of jesus oh god keep us with all types of fire father god in the name of jesus oh god watch out over us father god in the name of jesus oh god covers in the precious blood of jesus christ look god allow us to go to sleep with a praise in our mouth oh god allow us to wake up with a praise in our mouth oh god allow us to give you honor and give you a blurry father god but we know that you are doing it all father god you are do the honor you are do the glory you are do the praises oh god but there's nobody like you father god and i just want to say thank you lord god thank you father god thank you in a mighty name of jesus thank you lord god thank you father god thank you lord god thank you father god thank you for being a lifter of our soul father god and the name of jesus oh god i bless your holy name and the name of jesus christ of nazum if i pray you amen amen and amen god bless you god bless you and god bless you may god smell upon you is my prayer god bless you