Shawnee's Prayer

Beware Of Distractions

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Praise the Lord and welcome to Shawnees prayer podcast. You can find this podcast every Tuesday and Thursday on I heart radio Apple podcast and on spotify Please download Subscribe Comment like and tell someone else about Shawnees prayer Someone who needs to be encouraged someone who needs a prayer covering Someone that needs to be uplifted Don't keep it to yourself. Tell someone else who needs to be blessed And as always I start my prayer off of a blood scripture coming from Romans chapter 5 verse 9 Much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved for wrath through him Let's go to the throne of grace Father God in the mighty name of Jesus I come before your father god In the name of Jesus asking your father god to look down upon each and every person rights clear father god Lord god, you see all the many distractions father god that the devil throws our way father god and distractions come in many forms father god Sometimes it's our pets sometimes it's our children Sometimes maybe it's a spouse. Maybe it's our friend Maybe it's just things happening in our lives to cause us to get off course To cause us to stop running our race to cause us just to get distracted But help us to shift our focus on today Help us to shift our focus father god off of what we are going through Help us to shift our focus from our distractions and onto you father god That we may give you the glory that we may give you the honor That we may give you the praise for the god and the name of Jesus lord god I pray and ask your father god in the name of Jesus lord god That you will do a new thing in each of our lives father god I pray that you will revive us father god And the name of Jesus allow each of us to have our personal encounter with you Allow each of us father god to have a personal revival in our heart and our minds and our soul and our spirit father god And the name of Jesus lord god Help us to get that zeal back that we once had when we first got saved oh god And the name of Jesus lord god Help us to tell someone about your goodness father god Help us to tell someone about your grace Help us to tell someone about your mercy and about your love and about your strength father god Help us to tell someone that Jesus saves Help us to tell someone that Jesus delivers Help us to tell someone father god that Jesus heals father god And the name of Jesus help us to tell someone that Jesus can turn their situation around And a blink and a blink of our father god even our own self sometimes we have to minister to ourselves Sometimes we have to encourage our selves father god Sometimes we have to remind ourselves father god that many other afflictions of the righteous But my god shall deliver us from the moral father god Sometimes we have to remind ourselves father god that you said that you would do exceeding And abundantly above all that we think or ask According to the power that worketh and us and if your power is at work and us father god We can depend on you for the overflow We can depend on you for the increase of god and the name of Jesus father god Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we can do all things through Christ which strengthen us father god Father god, sometimes we have to remind ourselves father god that your grace is sufficient father god That because of what we are going through Because of what storm we may be in Because of how intense the storm may be father god that you're going to give us the grace that we need to handle every storm You want to give us the grace that we need to handle every situation father god We know that your mercy endured forever. Oh god and the name of Jesus So we think you want today Thank you for allowing us to know the word of god so that we can remind ourselves father god So that we can tell someone else father god Because sometimes there comes a time father god that we have no one else to depend on We have no one else to encourage us but you old god and the name of Jesus old god So help us to seek the first old god help us to seek your kingdom first father god And all is righteous as father god And allow us to remember then all things shall be added to us father god But you know our every need father god even before we speak it father god You know what we are going through You know what we are in lack of father god We you already know how we need you to step in and how we need you to make a way And how we need you to open up the right door father god And bring healing and bring deliverance father god You already know the ways that you need us to make You already know the car payments that are due You already know the light bill that is due You already know the rent payment that is due You already know the mortgage payment that is due You already know the work to build that is due You already know the insurance that is due father god Whatever we need whether it's groceries in our homes father god You already know about it father god Somebody need new tires on today Someone needs a oil check up father god or oil change father god Someone may need new brakes and rotors father god And the name of Jesus lord god Somebody may need foundation work at their house Somebody may need a new roof on their house father god And the name of Jesus lord god Someone may be suffering from a flood father god And now it's water in their basement father god And they need you to make a way father god Maybe their insurance is not going to pay for everything father god And they don't have the money for their deductible They don't have the money to pay the contractors father god But you know all about it father god Lord god you the same god that parted the red sea father god You're the same god that brought water from the rock father god You the same god that brought man from heaven oh god You the same god that brought quail from heaven oh god And the name of Jesus lord god You the same god father god That turned the rod into a snake father god And turned it back into a rod father god You the same god that caused the Jordan River to stop flowing father god And the name of Jesus lord god You the same god that raised Lazarus from the dead father god You the same god that raised Tabula from the dead father god You the same god that raised Jesus from the dead father god And if you can't raise somebody from the dead father god You can't do all things lord god So the things that we need from you on today are really little things And comparison father god to your mighty works To your mighty acts to your mighty miracles father god And the name of Jesus lord god I just pray and ask you right near father god So when it feels so all alone father god So when it feels like they have no one to confide in They have no one to talk to So much is going on in their lives So much is happening in their lives father god That is overwhelming father god That is too much for them to even think about So they can't discuss it with anyone else But lord god I pray and ask you father god That you will lighten that burning father god And the name of Jesus lord god Help that person to unload that burning father god And the name of Jesus oh god So many of us are building so many different issues All at the same time father god And yes it can be overwhelming Yes it can be frustrating for the god But help us to cast all our cares upon you father god For you care is much oh god And the name of Jesus lord god Help us to rely on you father god And the name of Jesus Help us to remember that you are our strong tower father god And the name of Jesus that you are our rock father god That you are our bubbler that you are our shield father god And the name of Jesus that you are our coverrer You are our protector You are our way maker father god You are our miracle worker father god And the name of Jesus lord god So we're going to depend on you and today father god We're going to stand on your word father god For you said the earth is the lord's father god And the fullness there of oh god And all those that grow there ain't father god Lord god we're going to stand on your word That you said we should be above and not beneath father god You said we should be the head and not the tail You said we should be the linderers And not the borrowers father god And we're going to rely on your word father god That you change in our situations around right now father god That you're sending checks to our doors You're sending cashier checks to our mailboxes You're sending money orders our way You're sending the positive father god Into our maker council right now father god And the name of Jesus That you turn our credit scores around father god And the name of Jesus That you're canceling student debt father god And the name of Jesus mother god Lord god looked at upon health care father god Someone needs health care on today Someone can't go to the doctor father god Because they can't afford the co-payment father god They can't afford the co-payment for their prescriptions father god Lord god i pray that you will enter seeing god I pray that you will make a way god I pray that you will open up doors god And the name of Jesus father god Do what only you can do father god Do what's impossible for us to do in the natural father god And the name of Jesus mother god Make a way for us father god Open up the right doors for us father god Heal deliberate and set free on today father god Save or today god Give somebody strength on today lord I also want to know that they are maybe loved on today lord I love someone to know that they can make it father god I also want to know that they are more than a conqueror oh god I love someone to know that they are an overcomer oh god They just have to stay the course oh god That if they stay the course father god They will see the light at the end of the total father god That they will just stay the course father god They will see the rainbow at the end of the storm father god And the name of Jesus lord god And they just stay the course father god They will receive their breakthrough father god And the mighty name of Jesus And lord I just thank you father god Lord god I just praise you father god I just honor you father god But you are so good unto us lord god You are so merciful unto us brother god And the name of Jesus lord god And lord I thank you god Lord I praise you father god Lord I honor you father god I glorify you father god In the name of Jesus Christ of love of our prayer Amen and Amen.