CyberWire Daily

CyberWire Daily
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2994 Indexed Broadcasts
92 Transcribed (3.0%)

Diplomacy and cyber warnings in the Ukraine crisis. REvil may not actually be out of business. A warning about Iranian state-directed hacking. And Data Privacy Day is observed.

over 3 years ago

Updates on the hybrid war in Ukraine. Industrial espionage in Germany, conventional espionage in Western Asia. C2C markets, social engineering, and scamware.

over 3 years ago

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine remain high as NATO offers Ukraine cyber, diplomatic, and other support. DDoS in the DPRK. DazzleSpy in the watering hole. TrickBot ups its game.

over 3 years ago

Hacktivism as irregular operations-short-of-war. A banking Trojan aims at fraudulent wire transfers. DTPacker’s two-step delivery. REvil re-forms? Ransomware and insider threats. DDoS in Andorra.

over 3 years ago

Updates on the continuing hybrid war in Ukraine. Julian Assange will get another chance to avoid extradition. And Russian privateers find that they’re expendable.

over 3 years ago

Andrew Maloney: Never-ending thirst for knowledge. [COO] [Career Notes]

over 3 years ago

A collaboration stumbles upon threat actor Lyceum. [Research Saturday]

over 3 years ago

Ukrainian crisis continues, with attendant risk of hybrid warfare. MoonBounce malware in the wild. Pirate radio hacks a number station.

over 3 years ago

Looking toward tomorrow’s Russo-American talks about the Ukraine crisis. A memorandum gives NSA oversight authority for NSS. A look at the C2C markets.

over 3 years ago

Updates on what Ukraine is now calling “BleedingBear.” CISA advises organizations to prepare for Russian cyberattacks. Other cyberespionage campaigns, and a new ransomware strain.

over 3 years ago