CyberWire Daily

CyberWire Daily
Copyright: © 2024 N2K Networks, Inc. 706761
2994 Indexed Broadcasts
92 Transcribed (3.0%)

An IoT educational exercise reveals a far-reaching vulnerability. [Research Saturday]

over 3 years ago

Patch that password manager. The hidden hand of the troll farm. Election meddling. Coin-mining’s costs, and a crackdown in China. If you really loved me, you’d speculate in Dogecoin....or something.

over 3 years ago

A CSO's 9/11 Story: CSO Perspectives Bonus.

over 3 years ago

Election-season cyber incidents in Germany. South Africa works to recover from a ransomware attack on government networks. Cryptojacking botnet moves to Windows targets. Ransomware notes.

over 3 years ago

No crackdown on ransomware from Moscow (at least so far). Cyber Partisans in Belarus. A long-running Chinese cyber campaign. Phishing and other cybercrime. Mercenaries.

over 3 years ago

NSO Group’s Pegasus was installed in a zero-click exploit: iOS users should patch. Vermillion Strike hits Linux systems. Enforcing the law against cybercrime.

over 3 years ago

The continuing problem of Meris and its bot-driven DDoS. Mustang Panda visits Indonesia. DPRK’s social media battlespace prep. Al Qaeda marks 9/11’s anniversary. And REvil seems to be back.

over 3 years ago

Joe Bradley: A bit of a winding road. [Chief Scientist] [Career Notes]

over 3 years ago

A Google Chrome update that just didn't feel right. [Research Saturday]

over 3 years ago

Investigations--the SEC looks into Solarigate, German prosecutors inquire into GhostWriter. The Meris botnet is responsible for recent DDoS attacks. Implausible deniability. The SINET 16 are announced.

over 3 years ago