CyberWire Daily

CyberWire Daily
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Luminous Moth or Mustang Panda, it’s the same bad actor (probably). Updates on other cyberespionage and ransomware campaigns. Rewards for tips on cyberattacks.

over 3 years ago

Patch notes. What’s happening with REvil remains unclear, but it would be rash to count the gang out.

over 3 years ago

SolarWinds patches a zero-day. Trickbot is back. Bogus Twitter accounts, now suspended, were verified by the social medium. DarkSide hits Guess. Updates on REvil and Kaseya.

over 3 years ago

Kaseya and REvil--the state of recovery. President Biden calls President Putin to ask for action on ransomware. Cyber incident in Iran. Ukraine says its naval website was hacked. Tracking ransom.

over 3 years ago

Taree Reardon: A voice for women in cyber. [Threat Analyst] [Career Notes]

over 3 years ago

APTs transitioning to the cloud. [CyberWire-X]

over 3 years ago

Dealing illicit goods on encrypted chat apps. [Research Saturday]

over 3 years ago

Kaseya continues to work through its REvil days, as does the US Administration. In other news, there’s cyberespionage in Asia, the PrintNightmare fix, and Black Widow as phishbait.

over 3 years ago

Cyber conflict sputters in Ukraine? Kaseya delays VSA patch, offers assistance to REvil’s victims. US mulls retaliation for privateering. PrintNightmare patch. Another extradition run at Julian Assange.

over 3 years ago

Kaseya works on patching VSA as Washington mulls retaliation and Moscow says it has nothing to do with it. Microsoft patches PrintNightmare. The Lazarus Group is back.

over 3 years ago