Yeshiva of Newark Podcast

Yeshiva of Newark Podcast
Copyright: Avramel Kivelevitz
2290 Indexed Broadcasts
27 Transcribed (1.1%)

Fundamentals of the Talmud-75-this Miracle goes for the JUG-ular

over 4 years ago

Fundamentals of the Talmud-74- Lighting on your inside table-Shmad or Just Sakanah

over 4 years ago

Fundamentals of the Talmud-73-Mehadrin Min Hamehadrin-Introducing the Bais HaLevi

over 4 years ago

Fundamentals of the Talmud-72-Chanukah as a Sukkos Do-Over

over 4 years ago

Rav Elyashiv on the Parsha-Vayishlach-Yaakov fought for all of us

over 4 years ago

Fine Tuned Halacha-44- Are Homeless persons exempt? -Optimum amount of oil needed -Women not doing Malacha as the candles burn- Did Chazal use Menorahs in Glass?- Why standing while lighting is crucial-defining the most mehudar oil

over 4 years ago

Fine Tuned Halacha 43-Chanukah parties- Explaining the minhag of Chanukah Gelt-Reading Maoz Tzur without a tune-The Steipler's Chazanus career-The Chazon Ish's musical appreciation-lighting outside in a tough French neighborhood

over 4 years ago

Fine Tuned Halacha-42-Pirsumei Nissa for Goyim-Lighting 2 candles on the third night-Where Rav Chaim Kanyevsky argued with the Mishna Brurah

over 4 years ago

Fine Tuned Halacha-41-Are dreidels Muktzeh? Lighting on an airplane-Menorah to the Mikvah -Your Chanukah oil might need an OU-Which apartment window gets the Menorah? Saying the wrong Al HaNissim-Using the Neros as a backdrop

over 4 years ago

Fine Tuned Halacha-Episode 40-Shabbas Chanukah is the Bar Mitzvah,can the Sefardi boy light for the family? Windy nights in Eretz Yisroel-How do you light outside? The age to police your children's Lashon Hara-Allowing your kids to complain about school-

over 4 years ago